Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 26, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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The International Sunday School l.csson For January I Is "I'ctor
Bronchos at IV'lltccost" —Acts 2:11, 22-11, 32-12
Religiously, there is something l
new or? the horizon for Niheteen
Twenty. Practically all of the tie
nominations of the United States
and Canada have united in a con
certed enterprise, more comprehen
sive and radical than anything they
have heretofore undertaken, called
the Itrterchurch World Movement.
It enters the new year with an au- j
daeious program, a huge organize-;
lion and practically unlimited
money. All Christians should wish
it well; some even dare hope that it!
may be tho solution for the present!
problem of social crisis and re- j
ligious decadence.
At the beginning of a momentous ;
year, as we take up a course of Surr-j
day school studies that face thej
fundamentals of faith, it is well
deal frankly with ourselves and with !
conditions. Let us admit freely the j
temptation to do spiritual work by j
material methods. And, to prevent ,
later disillusionment, let us, also, in j
perfect candor remind ourselves that I
the Church is not going to meet sue- 1
cessfully the present emergency in;
the world by means of money or
machinery or methods of modernity. I
The Church may take on all tlioi
business resourcefulness .of thej
Standard Oil Company, all the pub-j
licity devlc.es of the circus, all the!
many-sided adaptability of a polit-!
ical party and all the propaganda!
ingenuity of the German govern-,
merit, and still leave her great task ;
fairly untouched. Scientific effieien-I
ey on the part of the Church is not j
enough to save our distraught times. •
However useful a subordinate place!
all these modern appliances may fill. '
the truth needs to lie driven straight i
home that they are merely inci- |
dental. Nothing that worldly wis
dom can devise is able to deliver ourf
enmeshed and imperiled world.
Rack to Peter's Way
A message proclaimed is more po
tent than organizations constituted
or institutions erected. One fisher
man. afire with the eloquence of the!
George A. Gorgas, Druggist.
the little oneifcee
from skin trouble
At the first sijfn of skin irritation
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Resinol Ointment is safe and harm
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"Cure Your
Rupture Like
i Cured Mine"
bid Sea Captain Cored His 0w
Rapture After Doctors Said
" Operate or Death."
. His Remedy and Book Sent Free.
V Captain Codings sailed the seas for
tnany years; then he sustained a bad
double rupture that soon forced him to
not only remain ashore, but kept him
bedridden for years. He tried doctor
after doctor and truss after truss. No
results! Finally, he was assured that
tie must cither submit to a dangerous
and abhorrent operation or die. He did
•eitherl He cured himself instead.
•Fellow Men and Women, You Don't Here
To Bo Cut Up, end You Don't Have
To Be Tortured By Truuei."
► Captain rollings made a study ot
tilmself. of ids condition —and at last he
was rewarded by the finding of the
method that so quickly made him a well,
•trong, vigorous and happy man.
! Anyone can use the same method;
It's simple, easy, safe and Inexpensive.
Everv ruptured person In the world
ahould have the Captain Cokings book, 1
telling all about liow he cured himself
and how anyone may follow the sunt 1
treatment In their own home without I
any trouble. The book and medicine are ;
FKBFI. They will be sent prepaid to ■
any rupture sufferer who will fill out j
the below coupon. But send It right
away— BOW before you put down thli
Capt. W. A. Collings (Inc.)
Box 91-D, Watortown, N. Y.
Please send mo your FREE Rup- j
ture Remedy and Hook without
any obligation on my purt what
Kama '
;t eyewitness, proved mightier titan the
i! Roman Senate and than Caesar and
j liis legions. We cannot improve '
; upon Peter at Pentecost. The first
1 1 and last obligation of Christianity;
to the world is a Word of witness.
i. Preaehing, according to apostolic
' specifications, is going to save hu- 1
; inanity. The good news is the only!
hope of hud times.
"Accept no substitutes." A mo- !
i tion picture can never supplant the.
: message of a man who has had per-!
; sonal traffic with God. An open!
1 forum is u poor makeshift for an j
! Opet? Rook; it may draw the;
I crowds, but it is likelier to make j
Bolsheviks than Christians. The!
; Peter fashion at Pentecost set the j
! gait that tlie Church was meant to:
I follow; she has strayed from it only!
, at her own peril and at mankind's !
| loss. j
! As a layman, and as a proponent j
j of Christian publicity, and as a for- j
! ward-looking progressive, I, never- !
j theless. declare it as a deep con vie- ;
I tion-, horn of experience, observation !
j and study of the New Testament, i
j that the world's great need to-day j
is for more God-aflame preachers!
|of the gospel of a Crucified und |
! Risen Christ. Hack of these is the I
! worst weakness of the Church, i
I Prophets in Peter's mold—men
• with a clear, unmistakable message |
| about God and the way out for the j
I world—men who search the hearts j
.of their fellows, and set them to '
crying in contrition —these are more ;
; to be desired to-day than any new j
movements or organizations or i
j campaigns. The many-tongued;
I world will witness new Pcnlecosts, ;
i which will cleanse as by .fire the cor- )
j ruptiona of our time, only when it;
j hears the witnessses to the power of
| the Redeemer.
In a Polyglot World
Within five years we have moved I
into a new, great world, embracing j
ail races aivd countless strange i
tongues. We know ourselves cos- |
mopolites and responsible for the ;
■ settling of questions undreamed of ■
a short time ago. At no previous j
j study of the Pentecost story have.
we so clearly understood the reality l
j of the catalog of nationalities who j
heard I'eter's sermon; he might al- j
most have been preaching at the :
I Paris Peace Conference, or on thej
| Fast Side of New York. As we i
think of it all BOW, we understand j
anew that its meaning must apply j
not only to I.ttke's list, ranging I
from Partitions to Arabians, but also j
to vast groups of mankind unknown i
in i'eter's time. The Message of |
Pentecost to-day has a wider scope
than the New Testament world.
One of our modern poets, Richard
Burton, has voiced the universality
of the cull of Christ;
"It is said the Bedouins cry, on the
Syrian Irlls, a clear
I Loud summons to war, and the
tribes far distant hearken and
So wondrous rare is the air, so crys
tal the atmosphere.
Ther call is to arms; but One, in
the centuries long ago,
1 Spake, there for Peace, in tones that
marvelous sweet and ]
' And the ages they hear Him yet,
ai?d His voice do the nations I
As Pentecost pictured, the Word j
is to all the world. Since the arm is- j
j tice, many Americans have sunk into
a new sense of selfish provincialism
and isolation. They are a sort of
western Sinn Feiners, for "them
selves alone." But it cannot be
dorce. Even if the commingled blood
shed in France did not cement us;
indissolubly to the whole world, the!
blood shed on Calvary would do so. j
' We cannot accept the ties of Christ
1 without being tied to all his friends.
The Mcdes and Mesopotamians (at
present, afresh, peoples in a crisis)
have the same need for the Pente
cost tidings as the Canadians and
A Great Sermon
Better than a theological semi
nary was it for Peter, the fisherman,
to have been keeping company with
Jesus, the carpenter. There are
signs that the churches are revising
their sense of values in training for
, the ministry; marry an anointed
i young man is removed far from his
I fellows and emasculated and devital-
I ized by modern theological curricu
! la. Reeking with reality, himself a
pardoned penitent. Peter s{ood up
amid a mixed and critical congre
i gation and poured hot from his
; heart his deepest convictions,
1 which were the life-transforming
Gospel of Christ. Here are the por
tions of his sermon: assigned for to
day's study, as translated by Wey
■ mouth:
"Peter, however, together with
the Eleven, stood up and ad
dressed them in a loud voice.
" 'Men of Judea, and all you
iniiabitants of Jerusalem,' he
said, 'be in no uncertainty about
this matter but pay attention to
! what I say.' * •
" 'Listen, Israelites, to what I
say. Jesus, the Nazarene, a man
accredited to you from God by
miracles and marvels ami signs
which God did among you
through Him, as you yourselves
know Him delivered up
through God's settled purpose
i and forcknowldege—you by the
hands of Gentiles have nailed to
a cross and have put to death.
But God has raised Him to life,
having terminated the throes ot
death, for in fact it was not pos
sible for Him to be held fast by \,
death.' * * *
"This Jesus. God has raised to
life—a fact to which all of us
j testify.
" 'Being therefore lifted high
by the mighty hand of God,
He has received from the
Father the promised Holy Spirit
and lias poured out this which
j you see and hear. • •
" 'Therefore let the whole
House of Israel know beyond all
doubt that God has made Him
both Eord ami Christ—this
Jesus whom you crucified.'
"Stung to the heart by these
words, they said to Peter and
the rest of the Apostles;
" 'Brethren, what are we to
" 'Repent,' replied Peter, 'and
be baptized, every one of you, in
| the name of Jesus Christ, with
a view to the remission of your
sins, and you shall receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit. For, to
you belongs the promise, and to
your children, and to all who
are far off, whoever the Lord
our God may call.'
"And with many more appeals
lie solemnly warned ami en
treated them, saying:
" Escape from this crooked
gene ration.'
"Those, therefore, who ,loy
fully welcomed his Message
were baptised, and on that day
about li.uoa persons were added !
to them, and they were con- I
! * ' , ' (
i mßmi ■Thousands of garments are now selling at lower prices than the same quali- ll
Smb' jl ** es anc * st y les can b e bought for at wholesale. f||fl Ijj
fll j|B| f[l | The United States Department of Justice is endeavoring to reduce ff J-
| ffl Wgj hi 1 the cost of necessities. It has asked the manufacturers and retailers fl-fr ill I li]
I|j j[Sjr ' flijto *° co '°l }era^e * n this fight against high prices. ,$?? j mJ| * [2
['l Kaufman's has never been in the business of profiteering; Kaufman's has I|Xf|\i fej
! been'a public spirited institution, one that has given our Government a sincere %y\ Hi"-
SjfiSPf co-operation in all things pertaining to the welfare of our citizens, and we want j\V\ S
(u rJ to help solve the present problem of high prices. —-Nj H[
j I A Sale of Coats, Suits and Dresses That Has No Equal In Any Other Store | '
I Women's and Misses' Suits If You Are Interested in Women's and Misses' Coats
1 That were formerly $ JT HX. Lower Prices YOU Will In sizes 16 to 46. % H J 1
fS marked up to $29.00. H 1 w H Sm •lei m
ii! Choice of the lot I AttCIlQ Choice of the lot . . II m
J4JI A mopt astonishing assortment of odHLo Better values at this low price G,
ii K? exceptional values, including pretty are absolutely out of the question. tjlij
1 fill cheviots, serges, poplins and jer- 1 "My si her tones, velours and jer- IJJ
fllj seys, in black, navy, taupe and heathse mixtures. Sizes range from /fSv fTf 1 ln k the mf >st favored colorings shown this season. Belted and js||
Women's and ■■ i|p Women's and Misses' Coats 1
SSL'SS IQ. 75 JH In 16 ' *$ 1 *7.75 I
Choice of the lot I |MH Choice of the lot .. H M
pealTrom^i R stTle e p'oim'^nd'wear- ifrllSlffl MM /ill Handsome silvertones, velours dBL ZW m
ing qualities that are exceptional. li'ißfliH ; j 1.1 an<l meltons; beautiful models for
Pretty poplins and serges in navy and black only, and in sizes from hi JMSIfIB . |; \\ ''' n<l misses. In belted and
Ki to 44. j | ( swagger-back styles.'lncluded will be found the best colors in demand. |jy
Women's and Misses' Suits fwlWomen's and Misses' Coats 1
That were formerly A 75 -L ' In sj jg t46 $ /X nr
marked up to $39.50. v WI ■ * ,u nu . . y •I O
choice of the 10t... Zj'+ Handsome T ricotine, a t J' === I
You can choose from trieotines, ' Stunning kerseys, pompons and rl)l
l[U poplins and beautiful mixtures, L j* f>. VIUMIIH in navy, taupe, brown, ox- |[S
from colors of navy and handsome I 110|*|TI pi 10 fk £>(? ..i ~,. „,| Pel . : beautiful Si
mixtures, also black. The sizes are 16 to 46, all beautiful appealing kjlilill styles that are selling elsewhere at far higher prices; exceptional values
|U styles that will satisfy. for a few days only. |jg
Georgette Dresses ill
|l Women's and Misses' Suits worth Regularly $32.50, $35, Women's and Misses' Coats ®
1 2s k , 3*. fc ssa: c) 0.75 a .75 1
ffl Choice of the lot /ft* -fi Wp l Choice at S
1 jusswis 2H| | M §"% mm A I
S2 and beautiful styles. There are JA M cloths, kersey if. etc., in navy, black,
iSj blacks, navy, taupe, morocco, brown and reindeer to choose from, in burgundy, K and
iIU sizes 16 to 42 4 v, i m • • oxford, in a wide range of handsome styles for women and misses. UjJ
|| : Beautiful Tricotme Dresses ' | |'j
_ come in navy and' in sizes 16 to 44. XT_A 1., ?_ iL „ $ nS
I Sl'/m- After Christmas Charmeuse add Satin Dresses Not Only .1. the A?L W
[m reductions are in That come in the fashionable shades of Cloak and Suit \W4m\ IMttk\ *1
N SSL order and at the of r 7andsom P e e, tylea' for B wome n n a b nd C mls a sea ° re „4I nn „ 4 wWI \ GP
I IfflkßaJ Kaufman store this Georgette Crepe Dresses
,S Ullllßllg SI Many of tliesc elaborately beaded, have Jap. tIIPCIP 111(F pt'Hll■ W,/J+ m M|] si!slffi!i MKSK {} O
II "T ' 1 Silk foundations and in colors ot navy, taupe. U, B Vuu \! L Pf IKWeßaWri /
||y | (/ meanS Digger vat" I'ekln, brown, copen and black, sizes for f k . I u|
ij MffltJ .i Lt J ues than one can BECAUSE OF THI.: rfmarkabff mw Oltiy events ta 6 idk || L m
IP nar aI y expect. VS TO MAKE TIO: FOBIAIWINO RUBES F iatc ) uu 1 all PWHHDI,
M WHHr \ I Come, "WALK None will lie sent on approval. through the IU H
i THRU" and profit.
N'one will be reserved on part payment. spacious store. ♦ <i>
BiBBBaBBaaagiBBBBBBB mmmammmmmmmmimimmfmmimmimim'mmjmzßimmnM.
* s
stunt in listening to (ht |
ing of the Apostles and tir their
attendar.-ce at tlio Uoiniiuiniyn,
lliiit Is, tlie Breaking' of IJreial,
and at prayer."
Telling tlie Best We Know
Books by the hundreds have been ;
! written about I'eter's model sermon.
I It was largely a telling of what he
1 knew- a testimony to reality, j
1 Also it was steeped in beripture. 1 1J
j had for driving power'the twin en-j
gines, ,consciousness of the Christ
•••Hi ednseiousiioss of the crowd.
Filled and thrilled by this sense of
remedy and need, Peter preached
straight at bis heareis, with tlie aim
of eb:,lining' their life allegiance. |
jNo beitut'ful essayist he; l\e was
J after voles for his Master, lie did
j not hesitate to call Ills hearers mur
derers, lior did lie tone down the
great spiritual integrities and sub
limities of bin sermon, lie talked
to h's tlti es, assuredly; but concern
ing the sternal verities.
! Four tin', lis eoncerr/.ng Christ
DECEMBER 26, 1919.
| the four pillars upon which thej
|.Church ctanils were strongly put j
l>> Peter. One was tlie Messiahship I
jot' Jesus. The other was His cruel-|
j ilxioii and death. The third was Ills
! resurrection. The lourtli was the
j kingship of Christ, his right to rule.
Tic! day. wita Its 3.000 converts.
, la" .in i new soc'nl unit til the world. I
j a' fellowship which has increased 'o'
| tills day and is still increasing,
i Some of the persons present wero
• limited into wildernesses and caves
by the Roman government, but their
cause .overturned and outlived. To
day that cause and its Christ are the
one sure hope of our perplexed and
l suffering world.