Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 26, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Old Ideals and Ideas Are
Disappearing in the
The Hague, Dec. 26. —The ideals
and ideas of Dutch women, for cen
turies confined to children, kitchen
and church,. have undergone a
change and the daughters of the
land of windmills and canals are
making a strong fight • for their
Several great organizations have
been formed for improvement of the
conditione of women. "With the re
vision of the Dutch constitution last
year, women obtained full suffrage
and the result is that now there are
women in nearly every town coun-j
Realizing, however, that the po - j
session of ,the vote alone does not j
decide the lot of women, the pro-,
moters of the movemen . 8 , n 1
seeking to bring about cha "?
the laws and regulations whlch^
criminate against the I
ically and socially. .
Demand More „
S ald A Mrs rd W g iJnandte e Fjanckemone,
as- sxAtt-rS ,
S. iy .bout .b.oduooUb" ,' r S:
about such things, but th V' x
the father may eas > which the
know of several case k a child
father deliberajeiy too'k
away and hid it from nhl . , 0 do
without the being the
anything father,
law was on the Biae u . f the
■•Another thorn in the flesh
averse to rule and order iney
want to be the equals of thur
tends, not their housekeepers
nothlnu "bort ° ppoltßlll
'ZT oT the r..t o'™
or their ... hop. In . •.
ceed in conquering this pr
American Sailors,
111 in Manila, Are
Being Brought Home
bv the Insular Collector of Cus
toms. all American ships le *\ ll }* t
the Pacific Coast being compeUed to
d ®To prevent Manila from becoming
the dumping ground for discharged
American seamen, says the Bulletin,
requests will be made of the consu
lates at Hongkong, Shanghai, sl"®a
nore and other far eastern ports that
they send their destitute sailors
home direct.
Says Success of the
League of Nations
Depends on Women
London. Dec. success of
tbe League of Nations idea, is de
pendent upon the Intelligent co-°P e ["
atton of the women, says Miss A.
Helen Ward in an article in the
League, a periodical.
The writer suggests the organiza
tion of a Woman's P.ureau of the
League of Nations and that the
women should be appointed for their
general fitness for the purpose of
the League, rather than merely as
experts in what are known as wo
men's interests."
German Prisoners Say
Iron Crosses Were Taken
From Them by Entente
Berlin, Dec. 26. —'Many -eturnod
German prisoners are applying to
the military department tor new Iron
Crosses, saying the originals were
taken from them by Hie Entente.
Not a single prisoner so fur as is
known has adm < ted that lie often
and g'.udly )o!d Ujs lrcn CroU to ibo
American soldiers or took a bag of
tobacco for it <vMh enthusiasm.
The German government demands
Tioof that Crosses were actually
$10,000,000 in Silver
Dollars Being Melted
Into Bars at Mint
Philadelphia, Dec. 26. —Ten mil
lions of dollars, all in silver, are
oeing melted Into silver bars at the
United States mint here. Later the
onrs are turned into dimes, quarters
tnd half dollars. The Government
inds it cheaper to melt the dollars
!han to go into the market and buy
illver, now selling at the highest
price in many years.
Says Budget Would
Sav.e Two Billions
Wellesloy Hills, Mass., Dec. 26.
The use of a budget system In regu
attng the expenditures of the Unltdti
States Government would save the
people 63.000,000.000 in 1920, ac
tording to Roger W. B&baon, statis-
Ical expert. He bases that figure
n the Secretary of the Treasury's
istlmate of an expenditure of 66,-
Mr. Babson declared thut a budget
ystem would not only do uway with
he uncertainty ns to how the Gov
•rnment's finances come out every
eur, but would save the time thai
§ now spent by our lawmakers In
„ .iscusalng an endless string of ap
r<>cuteUuu bills.
Coat Valued at
$85,000 Is Made of
Ninety-three Skins
By Associated Press
New York, Dec. 26.—An American i
"The Live Store" "Always Reliable" f
y "Be Sure of Your Store" I
January Clothing Reductions Begin Tomorrow I
On All Suits and Overcoats I
Not in many months has there been an occasion that will
bring more gratifying news to the men, young men and boys than the good
news announcing Doutrichs Genuine reductions. Very few people need be told the second
time that all merchandise is on the upward trend and indeed there are poor prospects in
sight of prices "coming down" for some time to come, and our low prices will be welcome
II news to clothes buyers, especially when the wholesale prices in many cases are higher than
prices we are going right through with our regular method of |
doing business, giving consideration whenever possible to our customers
in savings on dependable merchandise. We have had a most .wonderful iIIWVM -
year, every day of 1919 has shown a remarkable increase over the pre
vious year and now we are getting ready for the season's "clean up" and
you can save money on all men's and boys' Suits and Overcoats. E
Hart Schaffner & Marx I
I reserve nothing, so when you come to buy clothes at this j
strings, ifs or ands or hidden mysteries to contend with, you can > :,SSH SI
our stocks 1
would wear you are told "Oh, no, I'm sorry that's not reduced," \
just this lot, which in most cases are a bunch of undesirables that JraMH JB H
That's never the case at Doutrichs, that's I
interested customers who know they can buy our very best high I
looking for a good opportunity to get big returns for your money
this is the right time and you should take advantage of it. 3BjTOtt6 JFB ~ I
All $35.00 Suits and Overcoats . .' $29.50 All $50.00 Suits and Overcoats $42.50 I
All $40.00 Suite and Overcoats $33.50 All $55.00 Suits and Overcoats $47.50 I
All $45.00 Suits and Overcoats $38.50 All $60.00 Suits and Overcoats $51.50 I
The assortments are wonderful, the fabrics are all guaranteed
with the DOUTRICH guarantee, which means that we will replace any garment that
All Boys' < *. oes not come up to y° ur expectations. We ask no questions, you are the judge whether you get en- A//
tire satisfaction. Our prices will move these High Grade Clothes out rapidly to the eager customers who
are glad to get Doutrichs greater values.—Tomorrow —The first day.
Overcoats & . if Boys'
Reduced Street Penna. Reduced | 11 1
| | Always {
woman, the wife, sister, mother, or
daughter of a post-war Croesus (her
identity is the secret of a big Brook
lyn furrier.) received on Christmas
morning an 685,000 Russian sable
coat. It was a kind of dolman, a
! garment of rare loveliness consisting
I of 93 skins from animals trapped in
' the interior of the Burgosln region
' of wild Siberia.
This extraordinary price, paid for
i a luxury weighing a little tnore than
i five pounds, was atjthe rate of 61,-
062 an ounce. The coat was valued
approximately at 52 times its weight
in gold. And yet, this Brooklyn
firm, which has trading posts in
Alaska, Russia and other cold and
forbidding regions of the world. Bays
that sables this year are "not the
most expensive furs." An advance
of 50 to 75 per cent has been made
in these gifts for the rich Bince last
Efforts to Raise Ban
on Motor Cars Fail
Hamilton, Bermuda, Dec. 26. —A
vigorous effort to raise the ban on
motor cars has failed. The House of
Assembly voted 17 to 15 against it.
DECEMBER 26, 1919.
For at least another year Bermu
dlans and visiting tourists will con
tinue to walk, ride a bicycle or drive
a horse as of yore.
Since little Nantucket capitulated
to the forces of progress tnls colony
has held an almost unique position
.n its opposition to the use of auto
/ '
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