Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 24, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
'HFU^TMA^E^'E^A" STORE CLOSED THIS lIRLL IflOl —23.",g I'MTED If AItIMSBURG. WEI>\F.SDA V, DECEMBER 21, 1(110. ~ — — '" -—— —___ _ * founded tart tP g e gi nn j n g pyirfay Morning ~~ All Suits at Hali-Price J Woo ' Serges in many chic Hand chofcc. ' ' This niea s that the entire Suit Department is open for selection of suits at one-halt" the usual price, with the one exception tailored t t nmmed and A number of serviceable models of Wool Jerseys. The Bowman label in a garment is assurance of careful selection as to style, quality of materials and dependable and° brown. °Full 'range of' si^ plain 1 tai 1 orec^ r ov^ °r a °*l an* 1 TtvleT; workmanship. No matter whether you select the plain or more elaborate models in Serge, Velour, Tweed, Silvertone, Broadcloth, Sale Price,'sl9.7s. lined throughout. Reduced to Chevrona, Peachbloom, Gold Tip or any of the other materials, one-half off is indeed a remarkable value. Suits for dress, semi- Misses and Ladies' tailored ij $29.50. dress, street or sports wear-One-Half Off Usual Price. ' and bur-trimmed Velours, em ' Street. Motor and Sports Coats, | T c /Tl line fur trimmed models. Silver- 1 BOWMAN'S— Third or. sse es ,n all th ? ) vanted str< T et and tone. Velour," Broadcloth and afternoon models navy brown, Tweed. Reduced to $45.00. t aup f a " tT , ! ° 44 ' . , . . , .. ji | === . ■ -- —. ■ - - and stouts, Sale Price, $29.50. A large assortment 01 attract,re . Satin, Crepe dc Chine, Serges ur Collared Coats smartly mm- ' f f|AA T T and Tricotine. Many stylish \\i i ea, .us ra ian pos- f .p p If If 1 I I A/, models to select from; braid,but um and Nutna;; belted, sen,,- OI JL IfttS ton and embroidered trimmings in SP ' sizes 16 to 44. Sale Price, $39.50. Keduced to Sod.uO. —. *r, x? 1 • ; In This Sale $3.75 11 I taupe, brown and black Georgette, I , , V . 7 ." : Satin, Crepe de Chine, Tricotine via, handsomelv trimmed with . ' J A . . . . , .. Seal, Beaver, Nutria and Austra- These represent nearly our entire stock of Velvet and Fur Hats. Included in this lot are Hats of brocade, silk tunic models Sizes lfiTn 44 anH Han Opossum also some leather velvets , fur and fm . trimmed , gold and silver cloth< " outs Sale Pi ice $44.75 and tweed motor coats. Reduced ' , Our entire line of higher priced Best choice to those who come early---$3.75 j !i All Party Dresses, One-| J coats greatly reduced. I,ourth ° ff ' BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. 11 1 1 I! • BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. /,| , J special Sale of "1 Reductions All { TK] T7 C* , Cnildren s Coats Blouses fur Croats SpOKt Coats and Sweatees 4 Marmot Coats; 30 inches; $145.00. j 1 Sealine Coat; 30 inches; $195.00. t.,. n; o* , r? Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe Blouses, in flesh, white, 1 Sealine Coat; 36 inches; $239.00. 31X-----0/X tO rOUrtCCII dark suit shades. These are selected front our regular stock. Em- 1 Hudson Seal, 30 inches': $285,00. ' ! sTzes luectai $5 C TO S assortment of styles ... all , Hudson Seal; large collar and cuffs of Squirrel; 1,1 this Clearance Sale of Children's Coats in sizes 2to 6, you ' Smocks in Linen Crash. All white and white with colored cuffs S*.oo. J™' C * ,O ' CC of . Broadcloths, Silvertones, Corduroy and Velvet. With j and collars; smocking and pleats, belted styles. Special, $2.96. * Lest Quality Hudson Seal; shawl collar and collars and fui trimmings. Styles in yoke with flare bottoms, Cotton Waists forsl.oo in white and colored Madras and Voiles bell shape cuff of finest squirrel, full flare model; impire, stiaight line and belted. Colots are Copen, tan, light blue, tailored, lace trimmings and pleatings; SI.OO. $450.00. rose, green and brown—2s% less in price. Crepe de Chine Waists in tailored models in white and flesh; ? Taune Nutria • W-inrh morale. m , high or low necks; tucks and lace trimmings; $2.98. 7 u i c • n .' , ' ' • hi 6to 14 sizes; Coats arc here in Velour, Bolivia, Silvertone, AC*\ One dozen Wool Jersey 1 Handsome Squirrel Coat; 30 mches; $495.00. Corduroy and Velvet. With fur collars and trimmings of fur for VjfiSport Coats in green, rose : 7 fabrics. Styles are full'backs, raglan sleeves, Empire and belted and maize. Well tailored, ✓"~ > v "l —\ f y styles, 25% less in price, be 1 tednd sleeve 1 ess coats. j Jp |f J j o o a 1 ■ r. 1 s * i and | ° w Children's Furs and Velvet/ Tailored and trim- BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. !| At Prices That Will Interest You BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. • - - v ; -_- . BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. j— —. . - ' t WEDNESDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 24, 1919, 7