Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 24, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
WILLIAFISPORT BIG FIVE WILL BE HOLIDAY CAGE ATTRACTION-JACK BRITTON SIGNS OREGON TEAM IS WORKING HARD Stiff Scrimmage Is in Order —! Seat Sale Starts Today Pnnadrna, Cal., Dec. 24.—Stiff i scrimmage work occupied the time j to-day of the University of Oregon football team, who are to battle ■ rgainst Harvard here 0.1 New Year's Day. . j Coach Huntington fltnr.ed to have \ the second string nirn, using Harvard plays go against the regulars. The men are in excellent condition al-, ready, he said, and can stand almost any amount of hard work. : Huntington has "Brick" Mitchell, assistant coach at Stanford, and Bart Spellman. who played for Oregon, against Pennsylvania in 191 1. helping him in the coaching. He also expects Lieutenants John Beckett and Kilmer | Hall, of Mare Island, to take a hand ; in developing what he says will oe . the winning team. Practice Drop Kicks Steers, quarterback, and Manerud. j substitute quarter, displayed their toe ( work at the opening practice. Forty and forty-five-yard drop kicks for goals seemed easy for them. An indication of the interest which t the forthcoming game has aroused is furnished by long lines of men and women waiting for the opening seat sale. Some of them declared to-daj thev had held their places themselves, or bv substitutes for more than for:v . hours in ordrr to have flrrt chance at, tickets. All tickets so fur sold na\o gone to members of the of roses assoclntion. each of ,ol | Is permitted to buy eight tickets.] Public sale began to-day. Collegiate Boxing May Be on Year's Schedule By Associated Press Now York. Dot*. 2-1. When the National Collegiate Athletic Asso-, ciation holds its annual meeting here | on December 30, one of the subjects to be discussed will he a proposal I to intrbduce boxing as an intercobe- j giate minor sport. College proposal | directors said to-day that boxing, probably more than any other sport received a 'tremendous impetus dur- ; ing the war. and that there is a gen- j eral demand among students for the , adoption of "manly art." | Dr. R. Tait McKenzic, head of the j department of physical education at j the University of Pennsylvania, is, iiniong the leaders in the movement. , The adoption of boxing as an in- 1 tercollegiate sport will be urged by j University of Pennsylvania athletic j authorities at the meeting of the j National Collegiate Athletic Asso- j enation in New York next week. In j making this announcement to-day j Major M. J. Pickering, graduate j manager of athletics at Pennsylvania | said he favored three-round bouts . with two minutes to each round. I This, he added, would be long, enough for the average college box- j cr. Major Pickering said there should 1 be two judges and a referee for three bouts, the right of decision to | be reserved. ' ■ Christmas Greetings ■ I uish you "A Merry Christmas /" not be cause it's the custom, 6nt because my heart prompts it. "pj]B United Hat Stores, Inc. MARKET AND THIRD STS. i" i: W ARTHUR G. BLYLY, Mgr. * ~ LEARN A TRADER construction, automobile mechanism, n wire It . y radio teieprmne. Write lot particulars. 4IJTO A Af-IIIOIM.ANE HECIIAMt AL SCHOOL Bell 41131 Dinl 3040 Office: 25 N. Cameron St., Harrtsbiirg, I'n. Training Quarter* and F IJlim F'loldi It has been a difficult matter to supply King Oscar Cigars in quantities sufficient to meet the ever increasing demands. Sustained quality and increased quantity insure your steady sup ply at the old Seven Cent Price J. C. Herman & Co. I Harrisburg, Pa. WEDNESDAY EVENING, WILLIAMSPORT HOLIDAY BILL Famous "Big Five" Play Inde- I pendents Tomorrow Night Veteran Team ! With virtually the same line-up as jthat of two .y;asons apo. when an extra period was required for the /'lndies" to defeat it, "Stump" Ear .nest's squad of Williamsport basket ■ hall tossers. on its visit here to morrow, Christmas night, will doubt lessly be able to present local fans wltl\ an idea as to the extent the j Harrisburg: combination has im proved since 1917. I Reports concerning: the Rilltov*ners are to the effect that they are able to put up a much more able performance | this year than they were during the early part of the 1917 season, when ithey appeared here. This, of course. | will have to he decided in to morrow's grame, but there is reason to | believe the tales are correct, for all lof the players are young and have had the advantage of the addition of experience. Veteran Team 1 The WilUamsporl "Rig Five. as the proposed attraction is termed, has been together in almost its en tiretv for five or six years. The ma jority its members began working ! together while students in the \\ il | liamsport High School. Karnest. the leader of the delegation now. haying been captain of the school boys there during the 1913-1911 and the 1911- 1191 5 seasons. During the 1916 and 1917 seasons the players were together under the , name of the "Big Five." hut last year iihe combination did not get together, ! all the players having been in the i service. Karnest served in France for about a half year. — Brooklyn Marathon to Be on New Sport Bill By Associated Press j Now York. Dec. 24.—The Brooklyn i Sea Gate Majjathon race, discontinued [ daring the war. will be run in 1920 lon Monday. February 23. under the auspices of the Fifth Company. 1 Thirteenth Regiment, New York State ■ Guard, it was announced last night af | ter a meeting of present and turner ' members of the company. The run iners this yea.' must cove* 21 nnies. 1 the same distance selactel for the Olympic games at Antwerp an 1 it is | expected that the wi m'or will be ! ehot.er. as one of the rumors to r'l i tcsenf the. United States in the Olym ! pic Marathon. Runners from all purls | of the country will compete. NAVY ELECTS CAPTAIN By Associated. Press ! Annapolis, Md.. Dec. 24-.—The mem ! hers of the Naval Academy football ! team, who played against the Military j Academy in the last game, have se • lected F.dward C. Ewen, captain of ! the team during the season just j passed, to lead them another year. Only one instance of a football eap tain serving two seasons is remember | ed in the history of the Naval Aca i demy. ' SNOODLES -:- By Huntjerford BRIHON AGREES TO FIGHT GILL Signet! Contracts Here For New Year Day Battle; Other Probabilities On New Year's day at Steelton, Johnny Gill will meet Jaek Britton, : welterweight champion in a ten round bout at Steelton. Signed con ' traets for this bout were received to-dny. Both fighters must weigh | in at noon and show 150 pounds. The fight will be the wlndup feature | of a big New Year's day bill. I! This match was made because of i tlie many assertions thnt Johnny Gill ■ wits afraid to meet first raters. It : is said that Gill is obliged to go out i of his class in order to get tights, and that Jack Britton also gets into the heavier class in order to keep ! busy. Dan Morgan, manager for Britton, has agreed to post S2OO that his boy ■ will make the necessary weight and Manager Joe Barrett will do like wise. The contracts were made out by Frank A Steese, Justice of the j Peace, at Steelton cnd copies have been sent to local newspapers. Britton High Priced Britton is a high price boy and : for this reason it became necessary .; to seek a larger hall. Manager Bur- I ' rett lias leased the Roberts garage ■ 'at Front and Swatara streets for the big show which will start at 3 p. m. > The seating capacity will be 2.500. Seats will he on sale In Harrisburg and Sleelton beginning Friday. As a semiwindup. Billy Angelo will meet either Joe Carson, of Bun caster, or Cyclone Smith. This will jbo scheduled for ten rounds. It is , also probable that Young Fulton and Kid Richmond will be on the bill. Bill Runk, Sport Booster, Has Strong Cage Team "Bill" Runk is a busy man these J | days. In addition to looking after! his duties at the Pennsylvania rail- ! road shops, he is one big sport boost- I , er. There is nothing that railroad ' employes car.* do in the way of sports that Manager Runk does not lead them to it. He can furnish a team for any game in any sport. Just now "Bill" is looking after a i basketball team. It is made up of j j former scholastic stars. Improve- J ments are being made to the floor | at the Motive Power Athletic rooms, and until the changes are completed ( all games for the Pennsylvania Rail- j | road Shop team will be played out I | of the city. The following players have been ; appointed for poistions on the team: | ; Ellis and Win, forwards; Mutza- ' I baugh, center; Hoover and Sparver,! guards. All contests are desired on for-1 eign floors at the present time, ow ing to improvements being made to J the Machine Shop floor. Teams de- j j siring games W. R. j Runk, Manager, Master Mechanic's! ; Office, Harrisburg. EXHALT TO PLAY BLTRXHAM ! Enhuut cag.v boys will go to Burnr- : ; ham for two games to-morrow. | Their opponents will be the Biirn- j ham Y. M. C. A. aggregation, a i bunch of fast tossers. Enhaut will s them a hard run. The lutters' j lineup will include E. Bartels, T. ' Bat tels, M. Miller, Albright, Zcck, ! Tienica, Carnegie Tech star. , EX-SENATOR IL\S 23 COROTS | ! New York. —William A. Clark J j formerly Senator from Montana, has! i purchased his twenty-third painting ; by Corot, it was announced yester- 1 'day. The new acquisition, which lie 1 obtained from the John Levy Art 'Galleries, 559 Fifth avenue, is re-1 garded by Mr. Clark as the masie.*-| piece of his Corot collection. The > ' title of the work is "La Danse sous les Arbres au Ilord du Lac" ("Dance i '(Under the Trees at the Side of the j (Lake.") Long regarded as one ofj 'Corofs most important works it was I formerly a part of the Rousset col i lection of Paris, at the dispersal of I which it became the properly of | Arnold and Tripp, the experts. In quality and subject the painting ' is considered to be as fine as any of the Corots that are in the Louvre. ! The work belongs to the last and best | period of Corot, when he painted in | the broadest tones and produced I works that are misty and myster ious. Under a great tree he depicts ;a group of women in classical eos : tumes. Beyond them is a lake which | fades away in mist and at the side lis a hill on which stands a castle in I the distance. Tt has the soft and j feathery qualities that are best liked in Corot's pictures. | While the price which Senator 1 Clark paid for the picture was not ' made public, it is said to have been more than SIOO,OOO. The highest j auction price for a Corot is $150,000. ANY CHANGE FOR THE BETTER! "I don't Imagine thnt there is any-I thing in the world worse than a sa-1 voro case of sensickness. It will un man even a doughboy." recently de clared Novelist Sydnor Harrison. " Iremcmber one doughboy on the same ship that took me across, who was (erribly sick. His corporal, hoping to rouse him to n supreme ef fort and get liini on deck into the| fresh a'r. rushed into liis cabin one; dov. crying: "Get Pp. M'ke: the shin's boen to'-nehned and 's going down." " 'Thank hen'-en. something is fro down instead of up.' e"rgler' tlx* doughhov. add'ng. 'nr<l Corp sen if "ou rnn hurry it up a bit." —Buffalo Commercial. . HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH English Promoter Here to Offer $300,000 For | Dempsey-Carpentier Bout GEORGE Mac DONALD j Bidding goes on merrily for the j Dempsey-Carpentier fight. When: ; George MaeDonald left England, j <250,000 sounded rather big. When . jhe landed here the ante had been j j raised, but a British syndicate, headed by C. B. Cochran, which Mac- j | Donald is supposed to represent, had J cabled him authorizing him to go j higher. This syndicate is said to be J willing to offer a purse of <300,000 | or go even higher. MYSTERY OF "NEXT YEAR'S"' FLIES j No matter how long the winte-- i lasts, the chrysalis of the fly i 3 sale. | j When the warm spring weather | comes, the fly inside the chrysalis j | goes on growing again. At the right l j moment it bursts open its brown j j horny case, and comes out like a | chicken from its shell. All that it! I has to do is to dry its wings; then 1 i it can fly away full grown, j Flies reach their full size before ] coming out of their shell-like cover | ing. When you see small flies and j big flies together, you must not think I that the little ones are young and the big ones old. They are a dif j ferent sort of flies, but full grown (They reach full size before they are released from the cradle in which! j they have passed the winter. It is j because most of the old ones are j dead, and the young ones still in j their eggs, that we seldom see flies I in winter. ; The common housefly when it | wakes in the spring lavs over a I [hundred eggs, which hatch in a dav 'or two as maggots. These grow 1 j rapidly, become pupae, and within! j two weeks from the eggs are full' I grown flies, ready to lay eggs them-' selves. You can see how many bii-! j lion flies there would be if none were I destroyed and all the eggs hatched j land grew into flies. The housefly | | usually lays its eggs in filth, and ! 'f <| we keep our premises clean, we shall have fewer flies.—Seattle Post-In-! i telligencer. Canada Puts Time Limit Applications For Training Canada is advising her disabled sol- ! | diers to apply for vocational training | before February 1. After that time i only men who are still in hospitals may apply and they are given onfy tlirco months after their discharge to ! file application for retraining. The Canadian Government goes on • the theory that more thnn a year lias passed sinee the last man was wound- [ ed or disabled In war, and that, if! there is any man needing retraining and who desires it. he should make his wants known immediately. The United States Government has not acted so hastily. The Federal I Board for Vocational Education has! given, and is giving nationwide pub- I liclty to the retraining of our disabled I service men. Not satisfied with that. | the GovernmSnt is doing all in its; power to persuade every disabled j man tp take retraining whether he I desires it or not. I Canada announces 8,000 already trained and 10,000 atlll in training. | The Federal Board for Vocational Ed- I ucatlon announces more than 21.000 men now in training, anil before the, opportunity to apply for this training : is closed, at least 25,000 more appli- | I cations arc expected. | TRACTOR HAS RIGID CHAIN j An endless-tread chain for trae-1 tors, so rigid that it supports the machine without any Idler wheels between the front and rear sprockets, j is illustrated and described in thoj January Popular Mechanics Maga-1 ! zine. j The rha'n is so designed that its heavy links interlock, with all pros- I I sure and pivot surfnees exreptionallv | j large and with Hexing movement I . pnss'hle onlv within Hie Units need- J ■: od for encircling the wheels. The L whole weight of th" tractor is easily p [ supported bv the free intermediate 1 portion of the chain. I ROWLING ; ACADEMY DUCK PIN LEAGUE II RAVES ' Ehling 11l 94 149 254 j Sible 107 123 112 — 342! Toney 115 108 74 297: [Andrews .... 110 117 96 323 I Sol 131 131 13— 393 ' Total 574 573 562—1709 RED SOX , Robb 119 171 103 — 395 Smith 116 118 104— 3SB ' Hoffman .... 104 104 104— 312 Gosnell 107 111 S9 — 307 Worley 103 138 121— 362 I Total 599 642 523 —1764 ' ATHLETICS [Denny 136 99 105— 340 [Howe 87 87 68 — 242 i G. Martin 110 110 110— 330 I Banks 100 139 89— 4128 [ Gordon 127 143 133 405 ! < Total 560 578 507—1645 PIRATES ! Earley 157 132 109- 398 Johnson 117 103 111— 33 1 Julius 113 136 100— 349 Semples 127 127 127 — 381 Rogers 90 131 123 344 Total .. # ... 604 629 570 —1803 [ HICK-A-THRIFT LEAGUE BETHANY CHAPEL S. Lego 132 152 138— 442 j | Brenizer .... 151 131 127 409 I I Waltz 123 123 Cleland 133 HO 116— 359 O. Lego 75 130 150— 355 N. Lego 157 15G— 313 Total 614 680 707—1991 HICK-A-THRIFT Irwin 187 146 174 507! Rlcliwine .... 127 145. 137 419 Brlckley .... 123 IG7 146 426 : Hall 158 12S 1 45 431 [Springer 118 97 134 — 34 1 j Total ..... 708 673 736—2117 I STANDING OF THE TEAMS W. L. Pet. Hick-A-Thrift .......14 1 .933 [Bethany Chapel 13 2 .866! i Division St. Chapel ... 4 8 .533 i ! Boyd 7 8 .466 j [ MeCormick 3 9 .250 1 [Officers and Teachers 1 14 .066 j Y. M. C. A. LEAGUE TANKS Gumpert 153 159 135 447! I Smith 118 169 133 420 I Schloinberg ... 139 151 114— 404 i Price 133 129 186— 148. Grimely 139 151 146 439 j I Total S2 762 714—2153] REGULARS Urlch IB 131 129 401 [Arnold 130 154 13 1— 41 [ Iweidenmyer ... 113 96 I(9 388, Taylor 112 108 141) — II Murray 107 ... # ... — IJ>J •Becker 100 9<— 197 ; Total 603 589 688—1SS0 STANDING OF THE TEAMS 1 Tramps J J -J"-! 1 Jinx * 2 •] Tknks ■■ ■ Regular.s - 4 -gw] • Rustlers - 4 •?22 ' Outlaws 15 183 j MISCELLANEOUS At Progress MARRIED MEN B. Brinton 152 168 190 — nlo| H. Wtx 140 1(2 98— 410 W Strino 22b 12a 141 — 492 R. Gumpher .... 18? 142 120- 451 R. Reidell 14c 106— 370 j Tntnl 852 726 655—2233, SINGLE MEN j Hoak 182 132 120— 434, In. Mummert ... 101 11? 118 36-> j [R. Brinton 128 14.. 125 JBi B. Parthemore . 171 143 129 443 j W. Parthemore . 213 161 ln7— 1 Total 795 727 619—2171] NEBKASKAN FOUND DEAD 'Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 24—Found [ dead on the floor of his room, In the [ i third floor of the residence of J. M. I Haverstick, in Orange street, an aged man, whose only identification j is a card found In his pocket, bear- j | Ing the name of "Len" Heisler, ' [ Farnum street, Omaha, Nebraska, is believed by the police to be without relatives. The body was found yes terday by Haverstick, who went to | the room to see If the man had arisen. , ROSEWOOD AT ELIZA IJETHTOWN | The Rosewood basketball team will meet the Eltzabethtown Big Five on | the Elizabethtown floor Christmas ! afternoon. The following men will i be in the Rosewood lineup: Wils bach, Garret, Eurl KUlinger, Glenu, Killtnger, of the State College var j sity live, and Ben Kline. OBERLIN DOWNS HECKLEY'S Putting up a spectacular game of I basketball in the closing minutes of pluy, the Oberlln High School quln ! tet last night gained a victory over [ Berkley's Business College, score 34 1 to 33, on the Oberlln floor. Berkley OBerlin i Erb F Jnnson I Duke.- F Xeirj Basliore C Brehrn ! ine.c.i.er G Hago [ j Furnsler ' G. .. . liummcrala ; | Field goals—Erb. 9; Kuker, 2; i j Bashore, 3; Jnnson, 5;; Kelm, 3; i | Brehm, 1; Hv.ger, 2; Hammersla, 2;' Louis—Farnsler, 4; Erb, 1; Hager, j i 7. Referee —Weiss. Scorer—Smith, j [PICTURE PRINTER FOR THE FIELD | i| Machines for making positive i | prints from negutlve/motion-plcture [ j films are usually rather complicated, j i' but, according to the January Popu- [ liar Mechanics Magazine, where mo] •device Is illustrated, a new printer l [has been icrently brought out which | we'gha but eight pounds, and meas-1 • ures fourteen by eleven by six Inches, ! making it so portable that It can be • ] used readily In the field and operated j Iby hand. J STEELTON PLAYS | ALUM TEAM ' j Annual School Contest Takes ; ! Place Friday Night at i St eel ton The Steelton High School basket- j ball quintet will moot the Alumni team | on Folton hall door Friday evening, | December 2C. This is an annual con- , test. High school will probably be represented by C. Dailey, center; Sel lers and Buccieri, forwards! and Krout and Roth, guards. The Alumni team j will incdude C. Krout, Dayhoff. Mor rett, P. Wucschinski uiid William Wueschinski. Expect Fust Game i The game promises to be a good one. The alumni team has some star players on it. but high school will bo ; ready for theni if one can judge from the licking Myerstown H'gh School ' received from them last week Ac cording to the town talk the 110 t ■ will be crowded •villi basketball en thusiasts at this game. British Golf Stars to Invade United States By Associated Press New A'ork, Dec. 24. —The expected invasion of tlio United States by British golfers next summer may cause the United States Golf Associa tion to move the national open cham pionship further down on the calen dar than tho position occupied last spring. The association holds its an nual meeting here on January 9 to j select the courses and dates for the j golf fixtures. Local golfers, interested in reports ■ ! that Harry Vardon, J. 11. Taylor, A be ; Mitchell, James Bruld and other Brit- I ish experts would come to America. j | said to-day that the National open [ [ championship might be held in the fall in order to allow the Britishers I a ehunce to participate. | Walter Hagen, Tom McNara and other Americans plan to invade Eng- ! | land next April and try for British ! honors and the reciprocal visit 3 are j looked upon with high favor by golf- j i ing enthusiasts '.o re. Court Grants Order to Have Baseball inquiry By Associated Press New York, Dec. 24.—Supreme Jus- I ! tk-c Vernon M. Davis granted the ap- j plication of the New Y'ork American League baseball club for an order dl-| rectlng that an open commission | go to Cleveland, and take, on oral in- j terrogatory, the testimony of James C Dunn, president of the Cleveland I American League Club; Walter Mo- . Nichols, secretary of the club, and L. j S Barnard, business manager. J The object of the interrogatory is j to question the Cleveland officials on j Hit amount of stock which Ban John- . son," president of the American League, is alleged to own in the ; Cleveland club. Justice Davis gave | the commission the right to question i without limit and dismissed the re- | quest of Marvin W. Wynne, Mr. Jolin-i son's New York attorney, that it be < limited to a set of written questions. I VAI.GAK WINS OVER lIRITT By Associated Press Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 24. Benny Vulgar had a slight advantage over Fiankie Britt in a tO-rouiul boxing bout here to aiglu. ' JOHN HAY cisaßs Isb: Do not require U; constant puffing f'Yytfal and pulling. It | 8' would take all Sh the enjoyment i jjtg -v-v" out of a good They burn freely to u firm, straight [wit's all in the M| TOKO LY. (>S A mild, moderate K'-v smoke, that is j Kv' the most parttcu- ] |v' • lar smokers. Ask for JOHN ; Rv' '"I AY 11 1 the next In 4 Sizes | W IOCs UP| Smith & Keffer Co., Inc. i •137 Strawberry Street, HAIIRISBURG, PA. j I DECEMBER 24, 1919. |New Boy Term s Wonder Wine Fame in Big Match lly Associated Press New York, Dec. 2 4.—New York ; boasts of n new school boy tennis I wonder in the person of Charles Ai. j Wood, Jr., 14 years old of tiio De- J Witt Clinton High school. Playing | in the semifinals of the .uiii'or in j door national championship.) lore (yesterday, the youth c.is ; ly eon his I match and displayed such powerful j r.ei vice and spool at volleying that i experts among the spectators were ; fuil ly dazzled. Wood will meet Valentin? Gross 1 or' Poddie Institute, Highstown, X. j J., foe the title on Friday. CLERGYMAN DIES Mount Joy, Pa., Dec. 24. Rev. i Thomas R. Roberts, pastor of the Mount Joy M. E. church, died Mon day afternoon at the parsonage, after a lingering illness of cancer, in , 'Y K , o Stlr year. He was a native of .\\ ales, but came to this country many years ago wt .scVr:■ ......■. I A MERRY CHRISTMAS" I ' and the most prosperous sort of a New Year to jlr M every one of our many friends is the wish of jj# : £ -i * 'g: Heagy's Sporting Goods Store jf 12G0 N. Third St. Corner Cumberland. f| And So— j| As Tiny Tim Observed, jl "God Bless Us Every One" ? I THE HUB I | Wishes You All if A Merry Christmas I M .1 | 1 Square Deal Auto Supply Co. I £s| . ANNOUNCES * KJ ; t rvi their readiness to serve tlie public with strictly first i l first quality and up-to-the-minute UpS j| Automobile Accessories 1 in their new home, $ 23 HIS & 1120 NORTH THIRD STREET Since 1012, we, as pioneers in the automobile equipment business in the West End, have been servo if- you with the best quality niereliandisc and the very latest npplitiures pertainhin to the auto- |=: mobile and at tlie lowest'possible prices consistent witli quality. In tlie remodeling and stocking' of our new quarters, which is only a l'ew doors above our old loention, we have exerted every effort to maintain ~ and even surpass our previous iveords for cour teous service. Our stocks include every automo bile requirement.. You can always get "it" here. We wish to take tills opportunity to thank our ninny friends and patrons who have helped in a material way to make our business the most successful of its kind in the'city and to assure i'hent that we are "Johnny on tlie Spot" at all = times. S May we also wish you E S A Merry Christmas t sj| ! ||® A Prosperous New Year | 3 Square Deal Auto Supply Co. | I || 1418-20 NORTH THIRD STREET. § j I; rec Air—Gasoline—Motor Oils—Accessories i 15 Boston Sells Players to American Association By Associated Press Boston, Doc. 24.—Del Gainer and Paul Smith were sold by the Boston i Americans to the Milwauke club, of American Association, it was an nounced to-night. Gainer came to the lied Sox on a vftiiver from Detroit : in 1914 and. although a first baseman, was used principally as a utilltv man. Smith is an outfielder and came to the Boston club from Montreal in 1917, but was soon called into military ser vice. "CV SLOCI M IS DEAD By Associated Press 1 Jiov York, Dec. 24. —Leo Jerome ! Slocum, better known as "Cy" turfman and well ftnowh race liorse owner,, died suddenly at his home here to night of heart disease. Slocum, who was G3 years old, was born at Sara toga. X. Y. He followed the turf for many years and owned many good horses. One of his horses. Star Class,', won fhc Liberty Bond Handicap at J the Empire City track last year.