Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 24, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 BLIND GIRL IS CURED BY HICKSON [Continued from First Page.] count of her experiences, she up- | peared in St. John's Episcopal Church. DandaßM removed from her eyes and "was able to tell the time from her grandfather's watch. The little girl. a victim of infantile paralysis, her head always bowed and ! eyes covered with a protecting shield, unable to walk without as sistance. has been a familiar and pa thetic figure to the parishioners of St. John's, and her appearance 111 church on Sunday night. walking un-j assisted to the chancel, her eyes un covered and exposed to the glare of the electric light, caused n sensation. Her grandfather accompanied her to the front of the church and told the story of her marvelous recovery. Through the assistance of tli" rector of St. John's, the Rev. George Israel Brown. Sebelinst and his granddaughter went to Harrisluirg and after attending a preparat • y service were taken before .Mr. Hick son. who prayed for the child. She I was then turned over to a Red Cross nurse, who removed the bandages. ! and for the first time since her illness the child was able to bear the light striking her sensitive eyes without j suffering unbearable pain. SHIOLA METHODISTS TO IIOI.D SlOR\ ICE The Enola Methodist Episcopal j Church will give a Christmas enter tainment this evening at 7.15 o'clock , •n charge of Mrs. \V. I- Brubaker and. Yliss Esther Heigle. The program ! will consist of recitations, songs, pan-j omime and a drill. i A man at sixty or a success. BEKCIIAM'S PILLS have been made for sixty ! years and have the largest sale of any medicine in the world! Sold >TtrrwUft. b __, , , ,*1 | No Ice Sold | I on Christmas I | United ice & Coal Co. | 1 g JS A MERRY XMAS 1 | L HAPPY NEW YEAR BL Thai Will Br rah- All V •ff ■lk. Records For Prosperity :1 I M "BOB" BOYER J „ sh . op THE BARBER jL liigh-griMic Service <3 ft Twenty-four South Dewberry Street jgj: Our wish for you is--- | s tmas 8 Nwffiliav- M. A. Hoff J. Frank Boush May this be the very hap piest and the most pleasant one that you have*ever spent, and may the coming year be your most prosperous one. The Hoff Store NEW CUMBERLAND A. P. Fortenbaugh George Hagerman WEDNESDAY EVENING, TAKE LEADING PARTS IN BIG CHRIST MAS PAGE ANT THE THREE WISE MEN' William S. Essiek, t!. f\ Die'*' l,lßoll anil William IX. Pati'ick DlSCl'ss (iCIIM.W ATTITUDE Ity Associated Press I'nris. Dec. 24.—The subject of Germany's attitude oil the question of signing the protocol to the Peace Treaty came up in the Supreme Council at this morning's session, presided over liy Premier Clemen ceau. The count;! 1 heard the ex planation given by Paul Dutasta, general secretary of the conference of the two visits paid liini yesterday by Union Kurt Von I.ersner, the head of the German mission. SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS Miss Geraldine Powell FINAL TOUCHES PUT TO PROGRAM [Continued l'i<mi First I'BjfCi] Tlio stoiied sheep of the first morn also will be in the picture, guarded by the ten shepherds who have grown famous in the countless reci tals of the well-known story. Vuietidc Spirit Pre ;iiling over the spectacle will he the Spirit of Christmas, who will set the elaborate affair In motion with a wave of her wand. This part is being played by little .Miss Gerald ine Powell, who after two weeks' search by Mrs. Florence Aekle.v l.ey. director of the pageant, displayed the face designated us the most suit able for the exalted part she will play. The lights are being installed to day end will receive a preliminary tryout this evening. Fair weather is predicted for to-morrow, and those in charge of the pageant con fidently predict that nothing will in terfere with its success when it he gins at To'< lock to-morrow evening. To llrirg Message An impressive feat tut* <f the pa geant will tie the sudden appearance over the choruses and manger of in angel, whose appearance will he accompanied by a flare from the trumpets, and who will re ite the words made famous in the Bible story: "Fear not- for behold, I bring to von good tidings of great joy, which 3he'l be to all people: "For unto you is born this day in t! e City of iJavid a S viour, which is Christ iho ford: "And this shall lie a sign unto you: von shall rind ilim in swaddling clothes, lying in a ntangcr." Tilts Important part will be por trayed by Mis-; Klbelyn MnoCloskey, "Lstxssfive Bromo Qms*me Tsss>!@ts j (o-*fc$ t /rc r vey tmmmmmmammmmmmammm ' * Turkeys and Poultry FOR SALE Carload of Virg.nia and nearby birds. All weights. Also fancy dressed poultry. H. M. STEES i IS I SOUTH CAMERON. ST CITY [ L J HXRRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH i '■ MARY Miss Eva Irving ' who will lie arranged in accounter- | • ments similar t ( o those which distin- ; gtiished the angels represented in | ; various paintings of this phase of the j ■ Nativity. Tlic Cast The east of characters follows: ] "Spirit of Christmas," Miss Geral- : dine Powell; "Mary." Miss Eva Erv-' ing: "Joseph," Elmer H. I.ey: "Three i Wise .Men," William S. Essiclt, B. F. j Dickinson and William 11. Patrick;! "Ten Shepherds," Wirt S. Mosser, j John W. German, Jr., W. L). llott- j genhaeh. E. laimey, Allison Skin ner. T. W Smedley, William Pat- j rick, Jr.. Harry Kochenour, 11. W. i Llngcnfcltor and William T. Dint- i niick. The following are the organiza- | tVons co-operating In the presenta- [ tion of the pageant: Rotary and Ki- ] wanis Clubs. Civic Club, Knights of : Columbus. Y. M. C. A.. Y. W. C. A... Ministerial Association. Harrlsburg j . Diocese of the Roman Catholic 1 Church, Central Labor Union, Red Gross. Daughters of the American j Revolution, the Wednesday Club and the Boy and Girl Scouts. TOYS ENOUGH TO FILL ALL WANTS fContinued front First Page.] were everywhere. Miss Margaret : llingland and Miss Katharine Kel- | , Iter emerged occasionally from the | file to take breath or catch a bite to | • at. All the re t of the time they j were struggling to sort and tic and 1 mark the ever-increasing inundation j ■ rf toys. toys. toys, which were car- | ricd In, mailed In, sent in and all ' hut thrown into the .rooms of the ; ! Toy Mission. Mis. William Jennings, chairman 1 of the Home Rcrvic * Ruction, said j to-da\ tin t she has never been so! i ptensed with anvtliing in her life as I •be I as been pleased with the Toy I Mi -ion. "The heart of l-larrisburg is eor- j 'ninlv in thi right place." said Mrs. | Jennings, "and Hie peonle have been I more than generous. The work has ■ eroniplisljed far more than most of' the gives imagine It has been 1 v/ondci fill." Work Ovc'timc Chart. W. Bur'.nett and Frank ! I*ags u' -titnii'd for th*- reindeer I and sleigh w'th huge motor trucks which worked overtime getting tlte "*"s f'eilvered. Fvc-yone turned to with u wi't end helned out in this and the whole-hear'cd co-oneration we- invaluable •" t'ie mission. When you wake itn to-morrow morning and think of the hundreds of little youngsters—they might have hem your youngsters, you know wbo will bo deliriously happy because Santa, bas called at the Toy Mission and brought them n little I plaything for their Christmas, won't von whisper a nraye- then, that the ! work of the Toy Mission may he . continued, and that each Christmas vl'l find the Tov .\Psnlon bringing •"ore and mo-e lianninesa into little hearts which would he dull and dis appointed on the day nf all days j were it not for tlte Toy Mission? ItOt COASTER HI RT Coast lag under the subway at Front bnd Mulberrv streets last evening, i little Tonv Margie, 12 years old, of 21.2 South River street, was hit by a motor ovrte mail carrier, ridden by ' Wayne Bite. Tonv was taken to the [Harrlsburg Hospital, where It was snid this morning that a fractured | ! ekull is feared. (Use McNeil's Fein Exterminator-—Ad i I[NEWSY JOTTINGS OF THEATER AND SCREEN I on i**n hum , jThurjuiay. Friday and Saturday, matl-i i Fhrlßtmaa Day and Saturday—• | Thurston. the famous maßician, > j with a bigger and better per-. I forxnance than ever before, direct I from a two-month stand on Broad way. Next Tuesday night—Riith Chatter ton in •'Moonlight and Honey - suckle." MAJBSTJC High grade vaudeville —Hill and I Aekerman, comedy gymnasts; "The i Cat." a dramatic, sketch: Ilex's! Comedy Circus; Fox and Ingraliam, I singing and dancing team, and] I .eon Varvarn. in a piano person ality; also another episode of "Tile' Fatal Fortune." To-morrow—New sltow, featuring an] all star bill; three shows Christmas! night; regular matinee in the, afternoon. COLONIAL To-day and all this week—Hex i Beach's greatest novel success, "The Clirl front Outside," adapted from The Wag Lady." is enter-1 taining thousands daily at this' t heater. All next week, starting Monday—] Nazimova in "The Brat." greater than anything site ever produced. ] VICTORIA To-day—Last showings of Florence Reed in "Her dame." Thursday. Friday and Saturday—Tom Mix in "The Feud." the successor to "The Speed Maniac." All next week, starting Monday—, Richard Harding Davis' titanic; novel and stage success, "Soldiers of Fortune." REGENT To -da y—The Paramount-Artcraft [ Special. "The 'Woman Thou Gavest] Me." by Hall Calne. Christmas Day. Friday and Saturday] —Wallace Reid in "The lottery Man." I MISS CHATTERTON'S I,HADING -M AN James Ilennie is Ruth Chattertons, new leading man in "Moonlight am' | Honeysuckle." the comedy in which! the popular star will appear at H' Orpheum Theater on next Tuesday night. Mr. Ronnie appears as an. Arizona ranchman, who. however, has been serving with the American ] a rinv in France as an aviator and just been mustered out. it is an oil'U| coincidence that in real Hip Mi. Nic tills part of this description. H is a Canadian by birth, but an Ameri can .*l2Oll and at the outbreak of; Ihe war joined the Royal I'llJnK Corps and for distinguished | at the front, dying over the einemy i lines in the face of great ''anger, was promoted to a captaincy. On |J si age M". Ronnie promises to take the place left vacant by Jack Rarrymoie. who lias gone in for very scrious drama, and Douglas l airbanks. in th . pictures, as a popular young siagt favorite. '•IIER GAMFTHNDS TODAY To-day is the last opportunity■ Har risburgers have of ' la,n ; | Florence Reed in her latest succes.. "Her Game," the story of a 'one night who loses her l>! ls ';amh I which is playing at the Y ictoria The ater for the last times to-day. Tom Mix starts a three-day run in his latest picture at this that Christmas morning. Mix "in shown in "The Feud." a Pf'. r to ie even better than his | Hiding* Romance or Ine p Maniac." W lI ' I " A HKC.KVT" CHHHTR.W "11.1. A special Christmas Day "'Ofiam at the Regent Theater has been an noli need which providesforsonie ex C lient organ mils c and for the P pearance of Wallace '• ri 1 P. newest paramount-Artcraft picture, • The Lottery Man. bonic wai r member the great furore this play created on the stage some yearswgo. It is said that the screen version is even a brighter comedy. W n Hall Oaine s novel. The \v oman Thou Gavest Me." is being shown on !|hc screen at the Regent Theater to dav. It is a return engagement of a J notable Paramount-Artcraft t-pecial. ORPHEUM ; a Days Coin. M a f c XMAS Christmas WlttlS SAT. ; Seats Now y „"S i Direct From thlw?™ New Vork \ WM \ GREAT MAGIC W/ rnvt&y \K i. ' | \l/fj RIOTOUS m; MORE HOhcHTS Mi\^W HAS SIVE OF WEIRD MYSTERY. AMAZING l b ; IHFRESSIVE I SENSATIONS THAN EVER I DO THE SPIRITS RETURN? ■ Nights £ XmaS Saturday Mat. i I 25c. so£ 75c 25 °' r,O( '' SI.OO, 81.50 I *I.OO REGENT ! ————— -TODAY ONLY llall Calno's Greatest Novel I 'THE WOMAN THOU GAVEST ME' I A Return Engagement of the Paramount-Artcruft Sixi'ial Special Holiday Program | CHRISTMAS DAY FRIDAY—SATURDAY i WALLACE REID , : ||, ids new I'ai'ainiMint-Ai'ternl't picture THE LOTTERY MAN More than 200.000 women—all shapes, ages, sixes and colors took a fchance for 81 to marry the Lottery Man.- A picture that roars with laughter. A specially arranged program of Yuletlde music will lie ren dered l>y Miss Marlon Merchant and Mrs. Hesse tinkle. Hear these excellent organ recitals. 1 XO AAVASCE IX ADMIS.SIOX 10c and 200 i L-— I THURSTON, THR MAGICIAN | Thurston. the famous magician | with the same company and program I that he presented for two months at the Globe Theater. New York, will appear at the Orpheum Theater for three days, starting Christmas Day matinee. He will close his engage ment with a matinee and night per formance Saturday. To-day Thurston stands more flrm ily entrenched in the affection and, esteem of the American public than j ever before, because not satisfied' with his conquests of the past, he is] marching onward and upward to I grander heights and greater achieve-! Imentst It is claimed his expenditures I [for this season eclipse all other years. I ihis new and startling mysteries qndl j the greatly enlarged company com- 1 bine to make it the greatest show' lever presented by Thurston and the; , magic surprise of all time. ; There are few forms of entertain j ment which appeal more potently to] ]tbe general public than magic, and to] ] Thurston is due the credit of bringing' it to its highest expression, since; , Kellar retired he had dropped intoi i liis place in the affection of theater-: i goers who enjoy the thrill of the, mysterious, the fascination of the itn-' ] possible, made easy before your eyes.; iHe is a student of the occult. Ilisi j performance is weird and at the! j same time instructive, and especially i attractive in thaj it appeals to th" ladies and children as well as the seasoned male theatergoers. There is i something about his entertainment Which makes you leave the theater with a feeling that you are goir.g I back to see him again and again, tin-' til you have solved lite secret of his ! mysteries. Then you think of some! of the things he does and von realize,! ; smilingly, that it's a hopeless tusk. ; The majority of Thurston's new! | features for this year deal with life 1 i in the afterworld such as the mani-j I testations of spirits and the material ization of ghosts, then there is an: elaborate Chinese spectacle tailed "The Mystery of the Fountains," pre-, |sented with p wealth of beautiful 1 j scenery, lighting effects and costumes , symbolic of the Orient. i "THE Gtltl, FROM OUTRIDE" I "The Girl from Outside" has been drawing enormous crowds at the C - ionial Theater this week where it is I playing a full week's engagement, j This picture is adapted from Rex (Beach's celebrated novel success.! "The Wag Lady." which enjoyed such popularity among book lovers, i The photoplay contains everything! that is related in the hook. Tlic Co-I lonial management announced to-duv VICTORIA THEATER TODAY LAST SHOWING XMAS—FRIDAY—SATURDAY FLORENCE REED IssiT*? A GRIPPING r in her sensational success STORY "HER GAME" TOM MIX The story of the bride of one night who lost ix ( her husband I "THE FEUD" The Highest Priced Picture ever booked in Harrisburgjoyed unparalleled success on the stage RICHARD HARDINC MS' greatest novel success—which has enjoyed unparalelled success on the stage "SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE" Remember how you were thrilled and held spellbound, page after page, as you read this book —That same spirit pervades this photoplay I Remember the playing dates ALL NEXT WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY B^HF^M T OUTSIDE I WB REX "beach I AT THE COLONIAL THEATER j DECEMBER 24, 1919. i that Nazimova will be offered all ( next week in "The Brat." her great est production. CIBCl'l Tlllt 11.1.S KIDDIES Rex's Comedy Circus with Its 1 trained ponies, big shepherd dog. cats I and bulky mule has been the source! of much amusement to the kiddles i who have attended the Majestic The-} later this week. This attraction will j I be shown liore for the last times to- 1 j day. To-morrow a new show starts' with rive headliner Keith acts es- i perlully billed for the holidays. The. | i mana /ement announces there, will be i three shows Christmas night, the Hirst one starting at 6:30 o'clock. '/ \ ; Winterdale Dances I 1 BACH'S SOCIETY ORCHESTRA of Heading CHRISTM AS E YEN INO Admission 50 and 75 Cents ' ■ BURD'B ORCHESTRA I Tuesday and Saturday Evenings ' I, * ./I r ——-——— —— Sensational Child Pianist of France MAGDELEINE BRARD Special Representative of French Government, who created furore here as soloist with New York Symphony Orchestra, Assisted bv i FREDERICK GUNSTER AMERICAN TENOR TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL Friday, Dec. 26, at 8.15 O'clock Tickets now on sale, C. M. Sitflor, Inc., 30 North Second Street, ilarrishurK. P;u Direction—Salome Sanders. I 111.1)1 III) lltTi.S TO lIM.II SCIIOOI, \\ |) >ll SU' ST| IM-i.Vi'S if tickets are purchased before Friday night 1 V- / !| MAJESTIC SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK ! REX'S I COMEDY CIRCUS FCX I'OR ALL Seven Clever Animals in a Bedlam of mirth ! 4—Other Keith Acts—4 | EVERY ONE HEAD LINERS I NEW SHOW XMAS j 5 —KEITH ACTS—S I Booked especially for Xmas week attractions j 3 SHOWS XMAS NIGHT First Show at 0.30 1 —______