Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 24, 1919, Image 1

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LXXXVIII No. 301 18 PAGES D ' l, J, I S:.r& E oK'S.X clu ' HARRISBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBE 24, 1919. '&?** B,^ 0 E S :i HOME EDITION
Might Result From Contro
versy Between Admiral
Sims and Daniels
Senate Gets List From Secre
tary of Navy; House to
Ask For It
liy Associated Press
Washington. Dec. 24.—Congres
sional investigation, it was Indicated
to-day. might result from the con
troversy between Admiral Sims and
Secretary Daniels over the awards
of Distinguished Service Medals in
the Navy.
The report of the awards of the
decorations has been transmitted to
the Senate Naval Committee by Sec
retary Daniels at the request of
Chairman Page. Representative
Lufkin, Republican, Massachusetts,
member of the House Naval Com
mittee, said he would ask the House
to call for a similar report.
The issue which had been smoul
dering in inner naval circles, came
out Into the open with the publica
tion of a letter written by Admiral
Sims to Secretary Daniels, in which
he declined to accept his Distin
guished Service Medal unless the list
of awards were revised to include
those recommended by him to re
ceive the second highest naval dec
Six of Nineteen
In his letter, Admiral Sims said I
that of the nineteen officers recom
mended by him for the Distinguish
ed Service Medal only six received
it. He declared that a commanding
officer present was more qualified to
judge the relative merits of officers
entitled to reward, that a board's
award system could not be fair and
that officers in important adminis
trative posts on shore occupied rel
atively more responsible positions ;
than those serving at sea.
Daniel's Decision
Secretary Daniels in his report to ;
the committee said the entire con- I
troversy revolved around the ques
tion of which class of service—
shore or sea —was more important.
He expressed the opinion that only
shore duty of the highest Impor
tance should be recognized equally
with positions of grave danger In
the active war zone. He declared
that under the law and by author
ity of the President it was the Sec
retary of the Navy's duty to make
the final decision.
Tn response to Admiral Sims'
statement that the commanding of
ficers of ships sunk by enemy sub
marine should not receive decora
tions. Secretary Daniels said that in
his opinion the Distinguished Serv
ice Medal should be awarded to
those officers in command of ships
of the Navy which were sunk by
submarine attack and whose con
duct was meritorious.
Dr. Rhoads, Noted
Physician, Found Dead
by His Grandson
/;.i/ Associated Press
Boycrtowii, Pa., Dec. 24.—Dr.
Thomas J. B. Rhoades, for many
years a leading physician of this sec
tion. was found dead in lied to-day
by his grandson, Collier Rhoads, a.
University of Pennsylvania'student
who had returned home for the hol
l)r. Rhoads, who was eighty-two
years old. was the father of Colonel'
Thomas 1-. Rhoads. who was chief
surgeon of the first army of the |
American forces in France and is j
now chief surgeon at Camp Dix. N. J. j
Norfolk, Dec. 24.—Efforts of a
fleet of tugs to float the stranded I
' >ld Dominion liner Madison proving j
unsuccessful, the passengers were
taken off the ship to-day and |
brought to Norfolk. The Madison j
went aground on Craney Island last i
l ight during n dense fog and is cm-!
bedded In five feet of mud.
l,ondnn, Dec. 24.—The Boisheviki
captured fifteen guns, one thousand
horses and 300 men after defeating
the forces of General Mamontoff and
General ChelnokofC in the regiton of
Staroniensk, according to wireless
dispatch received from Moscow to
day. The dispatch adds: '"Over a
thousand Cossacks were killed, in
cluding General Chelnokoff."
In observance of a long-estab- j
lished custom every city newsboy j
who sells the Telegrapn will be.
furnished his copies free of charge >
Tour favorite boy who has stuck
to his corner rain or slime
throughout the year, will be wait- '
ing.for you to-day. The regular
street-sale price of the Telegraph
is 2* cents, but to-day—that's up
to you.
- -' -'' - - .5 - .'S - - : -
Cast of 750 to Give Wonderful ;
Presentation of the Christ
mas Story on Capitol Plaza;'
Many Civic Bodies Join in j
Yuletide Event
The stage is being set, the partict- j
pants are ready, details and arrange- :
ments are completed, for Harris- S
burg's elaborate Christmas Day ob
servance, the presentation of the I
Pageant of the Nativity by a cast, j
750 persons.
V. Grant Forrer, assistant, super- I
intendent of parks, is completing i
mechanical arrangements, includ- j
ins the setting up of the stage, the ]
manger, and the runway for the
I shepherds and wise men. Frank E. j
j Hoffman. State electrician, is putting !
j the finishing touches to the electrical !
i illumination which will enhance the i
j program. Final dress rehearsals of j
the main participants were held last I
evening, and everything is reported '
satisfactory and in shipshape at i
the Community Service Bureau of |
the Harrisbtirg Chamber of Com- |
merce, which is in charge of the !
j event.
Scheduled Eur 7 O'clock
Indications are that the Christmas j
Pageant will be as much a part of j
this year's observance of Christinas j
, as Santa Claus, Christmas trees, tur-
I key dinners anil presents usually!
j are. Thousands are preparing to I
i throng to the plaza of the Capitol j
i to witness the event, which lias at- j
j traded widespread attention,
i The pageant will begin promptly
at 7 o'clock, and will be a fitting cul-
I initiation for "the day of days." It I
! will bear out the real significance I
and religious meaning of the great
holiday, and will carry a message "of,
great joy" at a time when the Christ- !
■ nuts Day is just drawing to a close. |
Numerous civic bodies and wel
fare organizations have responded to j
tile Chamber's request for co-opera
tion, and it is to this co-operation '
that a large measure of the success!
of the Christmas pageant arrange-!
j ments is attributed by the Cham- 1
ber officials.
Elaborate Program
The program is elaborate, includ- !
ing both instrumental and vocal mu- i
sic, for the accompaniment of the j
pageant. Which will depict the com- '
ing of the King. As of old, the Three '
Wise Men will follow the beckoning
beams of the Star of Bethlehem to •'
the lowly manger, and there make]
obeisance to the new-born Saviour, j
[Continued on Page I I.]
At the regular Suniluy afternoon j
men's meeting at the Y. M. C\ A. on '
December 28 the Rev. Dr. Robert!
Bagnell, pastor of Grace Methodist I
Church, will speak on "The Annual j
Alibi." Robert C. Smith, baritone j
soloist of Zton Lutheran Church, w;ll j
Program For Pageant to Be
Given in Open
Religious march, by the Municipal Band, which volunteered its serv
ices for the pageant.
"Adeste Fidelis," trombone quartet. Two verses of same by a chorus.
"Good King Wenceslas," by the Girl Scouts' Chorus, under the direc
tion of Mrs. Charles C. Stroh; accompanied by Miss Mildred
"it Came Upon the Midnight Clear," by tlie City Choir of 150 voices
led by Mr. Ley.
"Under tlie Stars," chorus of 150 voices front the Camp Curtin
school, led by Miss Mildred Conklin.
J "O Holy Night," by Ilie City Choir and Wednesday Club, with Mrs.
Roy G. Cox as soloist.
Entrance of Mary and Joseph to the manger, haloed by a floodlight.
"Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem:" "Hark, the Herald Angels Sir.-g"
and "Away In the Manger,' by the combined choruses.
! Entrance of the Three Wise Men of the East.
"We Three Kings of the Orient Are," by the choruses,
j "Silent Night," by the choruses.
Religious march, by the Municipal Band.
. —————————
Not One Youngster Will Be
Forgotten by Helpers of
Santa Clans
With the dawn of to-morrow—
| Christmas Day, J9l9—there will be
nearly two thousand youngsters of
| Harrlsburg who wilt give a good
; ileal of thanks to the Santa Clnus of
the Marrisburg Chapter, American
i lied Cross; the Home Service Sec-
J tion. For the Toy Mission has been
. founded and bids fair to become an
[ annual institution.
Through the medium of the mail,
names of little fellows who would
; spend a disappointed Christmas Day J
i if some one didn't help out, were I
listed by Mrs. H. E. Lucas, of the I
1 Home Service Station. There were
about 1,800 in ail. And then came j
the appeal for toyH.
Nothing Is Missing
At 119 South Front street, the j
headquarters of the Red Cross has >
closely resembled a toy store for I
the past two weeks. Dolls, big, lit- |
tie and medltimf express wagons, '
books, air Tides, more books, more I
dolls, toys beggaring description, !
{Continued on I'ogc ll.] j
j Victim of Infantile Paralysis
Causes Sensation as She
Walks Alone
I.nnenster. Pa.. Dee. 21.—1.11 tie Ag
,nea Serloek, after having her eyes
, | bandaged for years because she was
unable to bear the pain ot uglit. pru--
, ticully blind und lielpless, is aide to
, see, her sight having been restored
through the agency of the Jumes
I Moore Hickson healing mission in St.
■ Stephen s Church, Harriaburg.
I Accompanied by her grandfather,
j George who gave an at -
[Continued on I'uge I I.]
Ottawa. Dec. 24.—Seven carloads
of newsprint papet' consigned to
} American publishers from the mills
j of the Fort Frances Pulp and Paper
| Company were stopped in transit by
order of Robert A. Pringle, paper
j controller. Mr. Pringle, explained
j that all export shipments from the i
j company would be stopped until It I
i had complied with his orders to fur- j
! nish paper to Western Canada pub- |
| Ushers, who, he has been told, will j
j be forced to suspend publication un
■ less a supply is forthcoming before
the end of the week.
! $2,703,095 IN
Total of 18,'5 Permits Were
Issued This Year, the
Reports Show
Big Increases Are Shown in
J enth, Thirteenth and
First Wards
Building operations in Harrisburg
during 19lit reached a new high
mark, permits being issued this year
! 'or the construction of new proper
ties and remodeling work costing
! $2,703,095.
I Two years ago building work,
passed the $2,000,000 mark by a
small margin and about eight years 1
ago it went over that figure, but
more than half a million less thai*
the total for this year.
During the twelve months 483 per-]
mits were issued, the majority of l
these for the erection of dwellings, j
A remarkable feature of the 1919;
building record for the year is the'
fact that permits were issued for the;
construction of about 300 dwellings. ]
practically all of which have been!
built or are now under construction. ]
Most of this work was done in tliej
outlying districts of the city with j
the result that valuations have beer.-
considerably increased In the Tenth, ;
Thirteenth and First. Wards. The i
increased assessment of properties!
improved or built during 1919 was!
about $670,000, while next year all :
buildings not yet completed will be i
added to the assessment lists.
In view of the fact that in 1918 i
building was practically at a stand- I
still in Harrisburg, contractors and I
really men arc expressing favorable !
comments on the reaction which j
placed the city in a class with the |
leading municipalities of the coun-1
] try for a sharp! recovery and re-,
; sumption of construction activity af- j
j ter the lapse during the war when !
! only essential structures were j
j erected.
October Biggest Month
The it-umber of permits issued each j
I month this year and the estimated]
I cost of the building work follows |
(January 13 $32,0001
February 25 14,530 i
March 29 186,190|
April 04 136,870 j
May 02 173,2751
June 41 450.850 ]
July 56 4 28,035 |
August 00 186,9151
September 43 276,150
October 07 488,400 j
November 32 172,200 j
I December (to date) 16 97,680 j
| Totals 483 $2,703,0951
Retail Price of Coal
Bosted to Make Up
For Wage Increase :
lly Associated Press
Chicago, Dec. 24. —Coal coaaum- ;
! era to-day were tn receipt of an- j
| nouncements from several fuel com- !
: panics notifying them of an increase j
! in the retail price of between thirty ]
l to thirty-five cents -a ton on all coal
j mined since settlement of the recent i
bituminous miners' strike to make (
up for the fourteen per cent, wage :
! increase the workers gained.
"This does not mean no coal will j
j be sold tit tlie government price," |
] one dealer said, "but the Garfield I
i order is not retroactive on contracts I
! executed before it was issued and all j
contracts contain a clause providing j
j for the passing along of any in- >
I crease in mining cost. Those wlto ]
| have no contracts for coal will get ]
i it at the government price. j
"However, most operators have 1
I their entire output sold under con- ,
i tract, so that price increase will be '
] pretty general."
Returned Soldier Kills
j Sweetheart. Then Commits
Suicide, Alter Quarrel
Up Associated Press
Frcdoidn, X. Y., Dec. "4.—Joseph •
j Huels, II recently returned soldier. |
: to-dny shot and killed Miss Eleanor j
I Carroll. 10 years old. und committed j
I suicide. Ilnels and Miss Carroll liud r
| been sweethearts for several year! I
They had a quarrel two weeks ago j
and efforts of friends had failed to j
bring about, a reconciliation.
This morning Ilnels went to Miss!
Carroll's house, shot hpr while she j
sat at the breakfast table, and im- I
mediately afterward turned the |
weapon upon himself.
No Telegraph Tomorrow
The Telegraph will not be Issued
to-morrow, t'hrlstmns Day, hv long
established precedent being observed !
as a holiday that the men nnd women i
who make the paper may hnve opper- |
tiinlty to properly celebrate the an
Holiday Fowls High in Price
Turkeys dressed, 85 eents Ducks dressed, (ill to <:.*>
a pound. cents a pound.
Turkeys live. 48 to 65 eents Dueks, live, 50 to 55 eeuts
a pound. a pound.
Geese dressed 55 to 115 Potatoes, 20 eeuts quarter
eeuts a pound. peek.
Geese live. 10 to 50 cents Potatoes, sweet. 10 anil 12
a iHtuitd. ' eents a box.
Chickens dressed, sft and Cranberries, 20 cents a
55 cents a pound. quart.
Chickens live, 35 to 15 la-ttuee, 8 to 15 cents a
cents a pound. head.
Guineas dressed. 30 to 35 Celery, 5 to 10 cents a
cents a.pound. buucli.
Average Between 80 and 90 Cents a Found; Many Marked
Up Above if'2o Each; Geese Are High
Tons of poultry, other Christians t
| food necessities in abundance and !
j buyers by the thousands, featured i
| the locul markets to-day. With the i
| largest supply on hand in the his- j
J tory of Harrisburg, there will be j
j many dinners to-morrow without I
! turkey or other poultry. At prices
; quoted this morning it will cost a
; large sum to have an old-time
j Christmas dinner.
At Chestnut street market turkey -
j buyers puid as high as ninety-four
' cents a pound if they bought
I without paying by the pound. The |
I average price for dressed turkeys at,
j market was eighty-five cents a'
j pound.
At the Broad street market prices
I were about the same as I hose asked i
j downtown, but its was the case 011
j the day before Thanksgiving, many
I buyers refused to pay the figures j
I quoted. Sopie buyers found a j
j chance to save in buying poultry by j
j live weight.
Afnny Buy Boasts
Butchers reported a harvest. They
| expected the H. O. J<. would again ;
Ihe in evidence and lowered the j
I prices of meats from two to five
j cents it pound. They went home j
I happy as there will be many dinners
I to-morrow with roust pork and roust i
1 beef. Other Christmas dinner es- [
I sentiais were plentiful and renson
! aide in price. Fruits. with the ex
j ceptions of grapes, were in demand, i
I Grapes sold for fifty cents it pound. |
j the highest price asked this year
;in the local markets.
I Pinned on one turkey at Chest- j
j nut street market was a piece of
i paper on which the price marked 1
j was $23.30. There were many fur- ;
| Vevs marked S2O. and many from !
| $lO tip. It was a small turkey]
that could lie Pad for $0 to $3. !
■ Chickens were slightly higher than I
; for Thanksgiving, and ducks and i
( geee showed a slight. increase, j
I Guineas again were the cheapest :
I fowls.
Down to 75 Cents
There were the usual interesting
! incidents at the markets. At Broad
| street some buyers kioked about, the !
] prices in emphatic terms. One care- i
I fill observer watched for fluctuations j
1 in prices. Tie found one woman who '
| purchnscd several fowls from a
! neighbor and then boosted the !
j prices fifty cents.
I From the opening of the markets t
i'l> (o 9 o'clock there were few
changes in prices not'eeable. At 9 !
o'clock at Chestnut street market j
some turkeys dropped to seventy-;
five cents a pound; and chickens to;
forty-five and fifty cents a pound. ]
From fifty to seventy-five cents was j
out from the prices of ducks and '
geese. Indications wore that there j
would be a still further drop before
the close of market or about noon
However, buyers are few near the 1
Christmas Day will be fair ac
cording to the weather forecast
made at the government weather
bureau in this city to-day. Mr. ■
Demain promised real Christmas
Weuther. Fair and colder weather
will follow the snow to-night. j
with the lowest temperature 15
degrees above zero.
Ilnrrlsburg nntl Ylelnityi Fair nn<l I '
colder to-night with Innml
temperature about 15 degrees.
Thursday fair, continued co'd.
Bnstcrn Pennsylvania! I.lghi anoiv j j
(his afternoon nnd to-night, 1
colder to-night. Thuraday fair. 1 .
colder In east portion. Strong : \
northwest winds. 1 j
Iliveri The Snaquchanna river and 1 "
all Its branches will fall slowly j •
or remain olatlonary without j
much change In lee conditions. i 1
At HnrriNburg the river will re- j 1
main frozen and probably ata- I •
tlonnry at a stage of about lit
7.8 feet. ( k ,j
close of market and It is said to be
difficult to sell out at any price.
The local markets never presented
it more attractive appearance than
to-day. Tlie Christmas greens, stalls
ladened with fruits and other tilings
good to eat, gave many buyers a
satisfactory feeling, as it was pos
sible to ciit on Christmas day even
if turkey and other fowls are elim
By Associated Press
Rome, Tuesday, Dec. 2 3.—General
Bndoglio, Italian chief of staff, ar
rived here this morning from Filmic
and talked with Premier Nittl and
King Victor Emmanuel. Later the
Premier had a long interview with
the King and then called a meeting
of the council of ministers, which
for three hours discussed the Fiume
situation and also international
questions in connection with the ap
proaching _ visit of Signor Nitti to
Paris. Tt is believed ihe Flume and
Adriatic questions will reach a defi
nite solution at I lie Paris confer
1 ?
# MENT. 'ft
II Winnipeg, Man. R. B. Russell, charged with se- S
: tious conspiracy in connection with the general strike *
:ff n Winnipeg last May, to-day was found guilty by a S
V /en counts in the indictment returned A
HARRlSßUßG—Lieutenant Benjamin WoUson, X
y together with several other officexs, at the New Cum- i
fberland Army Reserve Depot, are reported to have bee®
arrested to-day in connection with the alleged misappro ,
jjjj: iui army supplies from the Depot. jP
1 I
i I
Jor Grller and Jrnnotte Kmnntt, llnrrlsbura: Charles C. Rmu-l '3
W lllluniKnort, unit Sara 11. I\iw IT. Sunbnry) Mnrrr 1,, Felffrr ■■lilr
Kiln Henahnw. Hnrrlabur K i Thlllp 11. Anderson nnd I.llllnn M. Dlcf •
llnriinhurKl l.nuls H. Miiohnmrt- nnd l.nnrn It. Itoedlaarr. Wlronlaooi*
t hnrlen Wilbelm. Northumberland. and < hnrlottr F. March, Hunhury <*?<
Harry O. Iliegrl nnd l.aurn A. liauii. Sunburyi William Gentrr and#
I'.niina lvlllliiu. 1> rones Juhn (i. Shrrli. IV ■■ I, rook, nnd Carrie |.' A
Itousli. I'erry county) Clair IS. Wltcbey and Mary F. Hall. Han-la'.'*
burnt l.cltov K. Itebrcr anil Bertha M. Butts. HlddK-totvn; (irorrr H 'M'
I ottrlic.-r -and Mary A. Hrrnm. llm rlslMiru; Wl llnm H. Nelson, Mid-#
land, and \lb<-rtn (. Crosby, llarrlaburK; William O. Dressier
rlsbarß. and Frances H. Kurt*. 1,1 veriwoli Fmmrtt V. Cumbler anrirfft
Christmas Season
Welcomed With
New Fervor
Years and years ago in a little
manger in the peaceful town of
j Bethlehem in far off Judea. there
was horn a jChild, come to earth
I from Heaven that He might later
i give I lis life as a sacrifice to save a
• lost people.
To-morrow the Christian world
{will once more observe the anniver
sary of the birth of Christ with pray-
I er, song and rejoicing.
I No story ever told has the same
{ appeal, the same message of love
i as that of the coming of the Christ
Child to earth. Over and over,
again and again, it has been told
through the ages .from generation
I to generation, and it has never grown
; old.
Three Wise Men First
| Shepherds of the East, and three
wise men were the litst to know and
■the first to worship Him after His
! birth. Eater Twelve Apostles spread
! His mission on earth broadcast until
! to-day .more than nineteen centuries
; later, it is known in every land.
No king hns ever had the horn
| age paid to him such as is to-day
[ given to the Christ. Everywhere
temples have been built to which
millions of persons go to praise and
i worship Him. Voices everywhere
I sing the hymn of praise, "Joy to the
1 world, the t-ord is come."
To-morrow mothers will gather to
I them their children to tell the won
derful story; ministers will speak in
; thousands of churches proclaiming
| Him King of Kings and Eord of
j Lords; great choirs and organs will
i sound in sweet toned harmonies the
| countless work of music conceived
; and written to speak of His glory.
, This will be the Christmas of to
! day.
I Dinner will be furnished to a num
i [Continued on l'age I".]