Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 23, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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Johnny QUI, without putting forth
any great efforts, last night placed
the "Kayo" sign on Cyclone Scott, of
l'hiladelphla-Boaton-Butto, Mont.,
fame. This boy under Joe Conroy,
went down In the fourth round for
the count. QUI could have finished
him in the first If he so desired. Fight
fans who filled the Olympla A. C., hall
at Steelton, wondered how Scott ever
won any records. Someone shouted
"Joe Conroy gave him all the records
htt ever had," and a generai opinion
prevailed that it was a good answer.
It has often been said that Johnny
Gill will not meet any boy in his
class. Since he has become a Steelton
fixture Gill has been trying to get
fighters to meet him In the ring, but J
they all back out. However. Just to]
prove that Gill is honest in his state- |
roents, announcement was made last j
night that Jack Britton, the cham
pion would meet Gill at Steelton on j
New Years Dry.
Few Blows Struck
There were few blows struck in the ]
wind-up battle, last night. Gill ae- i
knowledged that Scott was an un- ]
known fighter, and the local boy play- |
cd his opponent until he solved some i
Of his tactics. When Gill landed a |
blow it was a hard one. Scott was j
nlmost perfect on clinches. It was in j
the third round that Gill got busy I
and the bell prevented a finish '
then. Everybody knew it would come J
In the fourth period. A body blow |
made Scott drop his guard and an up- i
per cut to the jaw sent the alleged ]
three-city hero to the floor for the I
count of ten.
An interesting mixup, and the only j
bout to go the limit was the six-round ]
battle between Joe Carson, of I.an- j
caster and Paddy Sylvester of Phila- (
drlphia. After Carson had forced thai
fighting for three rounds Sylvester i
Judge Landis Is Willing
to Head Baseball Court;
Knows Game Thoroughly
Chicago, l>ec. 23.—Club owners in
the National and American leagues
do not have to look any farther than
i 'hit-ago if they desire a capable man
to supplant Garry Herrmann as
chairman of the commission. There
is a man here who saved baseball
from going to the rocks, knows
the game from A to /. tvho is hon .
est and fearless and who has follow - ;
ed the sport ever since he was knee
high to a grasshopper. is a man
who is probably more familiar with
the workings of baseball Hj an ; !
other man not affiliated with a c u
or league, and one who probably!
would be pleased to accept the P"®'" I
tion as chairman of the commission
if he thought it would save the garnr (
from future troubles and from los- ,
ing the prestige it now possesses.
The man referred to is Judge Ken
osaw Mountain Landis. who deelar- .
ed, when told that he was one of the I
men selected by the committei up
pointed to find capable indlviduals
from whom the. leagues are to
choose, that in view of the mam ]
vears he had followed the sport
from the bleachers and elsewhere .
around the park, he could not sa
"no" if properly approached an |
conditions were suitable. '
men do net need any more than
to assure them if they desire a 1 i
of Landis's 1 ational reputation and |
renown for honesty and .aimes-, ,
hasten on the Federal I
bench a long time and may welcm.cs I
p. change.
Mrs. Lebaudy Consents
to Divide Estate of
Husband With Sister
Mineoln. N. Y.. Tiee. 23.—Mrs. Mar- \
guertfe A. Lebaudy. who killed hoi ,
husband. Jacques Lebaudy, 'Em-]
neror of the Sahara," at their Long,
Island country home a year ago. bus,
consented to divide his millions with >
his sister. Countess Marie Theresa;
Jeanne Lebaudy De Sels of P ris - !
t'nder an agreement filed in court
Mrs. Lebaudy and her daughter.,
Jacqueline will have half the estate
and tile Countess the other hair. Mis.
lebaudy agreed to resign as adminis
tratrix in favor of two adminis
* i
Specials For This I
Week in Hose
Only a few dozen left. Pure j
Thread Silk Monito Hose, j
Regular $l.OO 7 £ ■
value I
One lot of 50c Silk OC J.
Lisle Hose .... |
One lot of $1.50 Neckwear, j
Splendid as- "1 fTO
sortment.... J) * 1
One lot of regular $l.OO Neck- j
wear. A - fine 7C n
assortment • C*
1117 N. Third St.
The Big Uptown Men's Gift i
construction, automobile mechanism, wireless ieoffrapby ami radio
Hell 41KI1 |)lnl Htitin |
OfTicc: 25 A. tarnri'oii St.. Ila*iisl>iiru l*u.
• ratiiiiiij; QUARTERN unit I I.MIIU Meld:
llticrlMliiarM Aerodrome, Murte etli uml aijrcumwr© Stw.
i. took up stalling, and lie was a gen-
I ! eial in this work. He would go to
: j the floor on the least provocation,
, I taking the count of nine each time.
, I The bell saved him a knockout
• i through this kind of work.
Carson Hn<l Punch
■ j Carson had force back of his
] punches and Sylvester found this out
'j in the battle. There was nothing to
| it but Carson, and in the last round
1 j Sylvester, anxious to go the limit,
j dropped on his knees several times.
| The big crowd hissed him.
} The preliminaries were lively, but
iof short order. Willie Longford al
] most punched the life out of Joe Mur
! ray. of Lancaster, who kept his feet
| for two rounds and part of the third.
I Langford's left had Murray groggy in
i the first round Young Lehmer, of
! Harrisburg, in a scheduled six-round
| bout with Frank Billmun. of Lancas
i tor, thought hi was up against a cy
! clone in the first round when Billman t
| waded into the Harrisburg boy. Leh- I
' mer, however, showed some science 1
j and made his blows count. The ref- j
eiee stopped the battle in the second |
| round as Billman was all in.
I Ivory Eshlenian, of Steelton had hisi
| left hook working right in the bat- j
i lie with Happy Smith, of Lancaster, j
! Smith was anything but happy after |
I Eshleman started to use his punch, I
I and the Lancaster lad was counted
i out one minute after the battle start-]
j ed. Harry Hildebrandt injured hiS|
i hand in the first round with Joe Stres- j
| scr. of Lancaster, and the fight was j
I stopped. It was a lively battle, with
I the Steelton boy leading all the time.
It was announced that Johnny Gill
; would meet Knockout Loughlin at
I York on December 30. and that in all
] piobability Billy Angelo would meet |
1 Joe Carson on the New Years Day j
1 bill.
Williamsport: Promoter
Takes in Steelton Show;
Wants to Book Gill
Among the out-of-town \Ysitors j
last night who took in the boxing |
show at Steelton was Joe Mertz, of
Williamsport. He is now a promo- |
ter and having been in the game I
for sometime knows what fight fans
: want. He is arranging a series
j bouts that will make Williamsport
! patrons sit up and take notice. He
; wunts to have Gill meet Frankie Ma
guirc. The lattek boy is scheduled j
to meet Knockout Loughlin during)
I the holidays.
j Promoter Mertz said he wanted!
only good boys and that Williams-j
■ port patrons were ready to boost all
| real fighters no matter who won or
| lost. Williamsport lights always in
elude music by a band or orchestra
|and are held in one of the play
houses of that city.
Commonwealth Travelers
Win in One-Sided Game
j The Commonwealth Travelers de
i Jetted the Harrisburg Scholastic
j basketball team at the Armory last
j night by a 31 to 8 score. The
Commonwealth Travelers are still
I in the field for games and the man
j agor of any team desiring to arrange
a contest is requested to communi
| rate with H. W. Matchett, 2137
| I* ourth street.
Gerdes, f. Lingle, f.
| Gough, f. Fields, f.
| N. 1" rank, c. Taylor.-e.
! o r Coleman, g.
] Smithi. g. T.Taylor, g.
| I-ield goals, Oerdes, 4; Gough. 4;
I Frank, 3 . gtewnrt j . g mith ,
Fields i; Taylor. 2: Coleman/ I.
i Goals from foul, Gerdes, 3.
University of Chicago to
Take Ball Team to Japan
By Associated Press
bv Th?rn nec '. 2S Invasion of Japan
tI Jr Si,y ° f Fh'cngo baseball
to-day W a s discussed on the
ft bHlt?eg. 8 °The° pbfy e rs"wlfi 6^^
I June playing along the route"to°the
Pacific coast, spend the autumn in
! twice 6 before] 0 7o
I through Japan. Chink, tie
j and Hawaii was repeated In 1915
, It was understood that the trln de
pended upon a financially successful
j football season. Revenue from thi
|^LrfaT ,eBetaicco ' dat ™h.r. ■
H. Martin ... 157 141 136 434!
1 Rice 153 117 177 447
Shields 120 114 117— 351
jWarfel 112 124 1 14— 350
F °* 102 89 128— 319
I Totals .... 64 4 585 672—1901
j Harmon ..... 117 106 115— 341
] Kerson 146 132 136 414
Pry 113 93 126 332 I
] Taylor 155 125 95 375
] Dciseroth .... 11 4 85 87 286 J
] Totals .... 644 54 1 562—1748
j Schedule for Tuesday. December
| 23 —Red Sox vs. Braves; Athletics vs.
1 Pirates.
SNOODLES Bp Hurxgerford
Jf f JASPER!! f not stNce i j ~ ] [ | |
' YOU raLO OUR. OLDEST f Vk r a I
v-rfgS-K. r—ju ■ fa. gf
jlf Some Were Adopted It
Would Be Necessary to
Hire Bookkeeper
Xew York, Dec. 2 3.—A1l kinds of
j wild suggestions come with the post
j mortem of season sports,
j When baseball died some inspired
| with the well known desire to ele
vate the "grand old Rational pas
lime" insisted that trick pitching lie
Hardly had the air been out of the
last football when the good angels
j of the gridiron saw a chance to rem
j edy the "good old college game."
Reformers want, a touchdown
: from straight football to fcount for
more than one from a recovered
] fumble, an intercepted forward pass
] or a blocked kick.
The rules committee hardly will
consider that for a minute. A bit of
legislation of tliat kind could be
made ridiculous.
Would Need Bookkeeper,
j Suppose a player on the defense in-
I tercopted a forward pass and made
. his way through the entire opposi
i lion until it was a cinch to cross the
j line. Instead of going over the goal
line and scoring a smaller number
of points he could ground the pig
skin on the 14-inch line and have it
"blown up" across by straight foot- j
ball for more points on the next!
There is a suggestion for a tabul
ated zone system of scoring goals
from the field. A goal from the 50-
yard line would count more than one ]
boosted.over from the 40-yard lne
and so on.
| That would require a set of book- j
keepers and a staff of engineers to
calculate down ton fraction from
just what part of terra flrma the '
ball was kicked.
Several big teams lost games last :
season by the failure to kick a goal
from touchdown. Now they want
that play abolished on the claim that
it gives an unfair advantage to a
team with a kicker.
Hick-A-Thrift Class
Holds Annual Election
At the monthly meeting of the
Hick-A-Thrift class and class club
in the Boyd Memorial building last
evening, elections were held and it
was decided to purchase a trophy
case. Among the trophies to be
placed will be the Kipona cup, won
in the decorated boat parade last i
summer by Russell L. Ellis, Donald i
Anderson, Edgar Miller and William I
Dwyer The elections follow: Presi
dent, Murray Washburn, succeeding i
W. Donald Sweger, who had served
the past term, and finished the term
started by Oscar W. Crisswell when i
the latter enlisted in 1917; vice- 1
president, D-niel W. Burkholder, !
succeeding John Beck; secretary
William Fenstermacher, succeeding i
Murry Washburn, who has been sec- j
retary for three years; assistant sec
retary, Earl Malseed, who succeeds
Lester Sutton, who has served two I
years; treasurer, William Ilolbert, ]
who succeeds Clarence Brickley, !
who has served for two years; as
slstant treasurer, Noble Frank sue-j
reeding his brother. Calvin Frank" '
chorister, Stanley Neidhamer, the i
only officer to succeed himself, and I
nianist. Frank Miller, who succeeds j
Ralph H. Sweger. who had served I
for two years.
The Advertising Club of Harris- 1
burg will hold its next meeting on :
Monday at the Penn-Hnrris" at 6
o'clock. The chairman of the pro- I
gram committee, Herman Tausig •
announces the following speakers I
for that date: John E. Fox. "Ad
vertising a Bank:" William Strouso !
"The Clothing Situation;" John R
Guyer, "Advertising a Profession."
Examinations for the position of
railway mail clerk will be held here |
January 17, according to a recent!
announcement of the United States
Civil Service Commission. Applies- i
tion forms may be secured from the
board of examiners, Room 205, Fed
eral building.
The Associated Aid Societies are
warning Harrisburg against the beg
gar who is taking advantage of the
Christmas season. All reasonable re
onest* may be transmitted through
the office of the charitable organi
John A. Gelger has passed the $B,-
000 mark in the sale of War Savings
Stamp which the letter carriers are
carrying on. His nearest rival is E.
R. Gault with $5,026 worth of
stamps to his credit.
Mary E. Kelly, eight years
old, of 238 Cranberry street, was
operated on at the Harrisburg Hos
pital yesterday when the metal part !
of a top was imbedded in her hand ;
while she was playing.
The Progress Church of God will
hold u Christmas entertainment on
Christmas evening at 7.30 o'clock.
Harrisburg girls arc distinguishing
thoniselvcs In Mount Holyoke Col
lege at South Hadley, Mass., in
athletics and other branches.
Miss Eleanor May of the class of
1920, is a member of the volley ball
j team for her class. Miss Virginia
j Downes is playing tennis on the
; freshman squad where she is mak
ing a very credible showing. Miss
Charlotte Ferguson easily made the
| freshman hockey team. This team
j although defeated by the team of
1921, contains very promising ma
terial. The girls show excellent
team work and when they have
; played longer together will undoubt
; edly present a formidable aggrega-
I lion.
Both Miss Downes and Miss Fer
: guson tried Out for the choir. Miss
i Downes succeeded ih making the
j first choir and Miss Ferguson the
reserve, with strong possibilities of
j being promoted to the regular choir
! soon.
In the above pictures Miss Vir
i ginia Downes is a daughter of F. E.
I Downes, City Superintendent of
I Schools. She is on the left in the
I lower picture. In the top picture
i reading from right to left the
i hockey girls are, in top row: -
Joannabelle Sully, Glen Falls, N.
Y.; Jessie Cline, Winchester, Mass.;
Edith R. Linhart, Astoria, N. Y.;
Dorothea Collins, Newton Center,
Mass.; Ruth W. Lewis, Hyde Park,
I Mass.; Elinor S. Pedley, assistant
| captain, Malbashi, Japan; Dorothy
|M. Brown, Worchester, Mass.; J.
| Clark, Westfield, N. J.; Charlotte E.
I Fergueson, Harrisburg, Pa.; Dorcas
j Weston, Pawtucket, It. I.
j Lower row: Margaret D. Rlggs,
Wallingford, Conn.; M. Fran.cus
: David, Germantown, Pa.; Jean L.
j Naisch, captain, Brooklyn, N. Y.; E.
j Madeline Pettengill, Stoneham,
; Mass.; Mary M. Doyle, Nantucket,
I Mass.; Helen 1.. Mac Donald, Roslin
j dale, Mass.; Mary Du B. Taylor,
Freehold, N. J.
Dartmouth Schedule;
New Opponents on List
Hanover, N. H., Dec. 23. —The i
[ Dartmouth Colege football schedule |
i for next year, announced by Gradu
| ate Manager H. G. Pender, contains i
! eight games, with one date still j
| open. Of this year's opponents, Col- j
I gate and the Massachusets Agrlcul
-1 tural College will not play against !
! Dartmouth ne.xt year. Newcomers
on the schedule are Holy Cross, '
| Syracuse and Tufts. The game with I
i Brown will be played at Boston on j
j November 20. The schedule fol- ■
I lows:
I September 25, open; October 2. !
I Norwich University at Hanover: 9, I
| Penn State, at State College; 16, |
i-Holy Cross at Hanover: 23, Syracuse j
at Hanover; Tufts at Hanover; No
vember 6, Cornell at New York; 13, l
University of Pennsylvania at Phila
delphia; 20, Brown at Boston.
Tower City Five Wins
Fourth Straight Victory
Tower City. Dec. 23.—Tower Citv
won Its fourth straight game bv do-1
feating the Buck Run live, in one of!
the fastest games ever played on the 1
local floor. The score at the end of i
the first half was 28-11. Maley and
Updegrave starred.
On Chiistmas afternoon and night
the Tower City five will have as their
opponents the Tarsus School of Gym
nastics of Harrisburg. Tower City is'
looking forward to those games and
expect to take both. The lineup and j
summary: j
I Miller, f. Curran. f.
Updogrove. f. Wagner, f.
Achepbach, c. Pchenk, e.
Llns. g. Maley, g. ;
Seesholtz, g. Rowers, g.
Field goals. Miller, 6: Updegrove. 7;
Achenhach. 2: Lins, 4; Shadle. 2: Lins,
1; Pchenk. 4: Maley. 6; Bowers. 3. Foul
goals. Miller. 3; Lins. 1; Seesholtsi. t:
Schenk. 2: Bowers. 4. Fouls. Tower
City. 14: Buck Run, 13. Referee Trout
inont; scorer, Erdman.
i Atlanta, Gn.. D°c. 23.—Benny I
| Leonnrd. lightweight champion of i
the world, gained a newspaper de
cision last night over .Take AbeD, lo
ral welterweight. In ten rounds of
fast boxing. Leonnrd gave an ex
hibition of speed and cleverness that,
outdid anything Abels had to offer.
j *
People who look upon ring battles
as brutal sport should read uncient
I history. Boxing sport of the present
'day is a regular love feast compared
! with the fistic fights during the an
j cient Greek Olympics. The follow
] ing is from the Kansas City Times:
i "Jack Dempsey, who is deploring ;
I the lack of worthy opponents, should j
I have lived in the ancient days of the ]
j Greek Olympics and he would have
1 had at least one foenian fit to face
j him.
Theagenes of Thasos would have
I given Jack the battle of his life,
j "Many of you probably have never
i heard of Theagones. You will be
j surprised to know that Theagenes
I was the greatest fighter that ever
I lived!
lie was the most famous boxer of]
I antiquity—the greatest champion
j produced by the ancients in all the
j four hundred years of the Olympi
| ads. He was the idol of his day, and
j when he died his statue was placed
1 in the altis at Olympia among those
of kingp.
Crowned Willi Wreaths
"Theagenes was crowned with the
! the wreath of victory fourteen hun
|dred times. Think of it! And ro-
I member, too, that in those days of
old the boxers were the cestus in
stead of gloves. The cestus was a
boxing glove made of iron and lead
strapped on with leather thongs
1 which extended to the elbow. Boxers
, fought to a finish and dealt out oucli I
: horrible punishment with these 1
! bloodj weapons that frequently the ;
vanquished lost his life as well as
' the buttle. Yet the mighty Thca- !
Schedule Complete; i
Cut Out One Big Battle
Pittsburgh, Dec. 23.—The com- !
j plcto foothiill schedule for the Uni- j
I veraity of Pittsburgh, announced last ;
' night, contains eight games, one less [
I than last season. The schedule fol- |
j lows:
| October 2, Geneva College at Pitts-
I burgh: October !), We> Virginia
University at Pittsburgh; October
18, Syracuse University ut Syracuse;
October 23, Georgia Tech at Pitts
burgh: October 30, Dafayctte at
genea survived and triumphed in
! fourteen hundred battles and his
bloody bend was unbowed in the
tournaments of nine Nemaen games,
ten Isthmian games, three Pythian
games and two Olympiads.
The pancratium was a horrible
! contest. It was a right to death
j without weapons. The contestants
! —absolutely naked fought each
other with animal-like ferocity with
every means In their power. There |
were no rules, as nothing was bar
red. They could bite, scratch, .
gouge, strike and strangle—anything
to worst and weary their opponent
until death awarded victory.
Soil tif a Priest
"Theagenes was the son of a
1 priest. He first attracted attention
j as an athlete at the age of 9. and
. first competed in the seventy-fifth
1 Olympiad, held about 460 B. C. Al
] though he was victor in both boxing
: and the pancratium on this occasion
I ho was punished with a fine for In
sulting one of his adversaries, and
as he failed to pay this fine for a
number of years, he was. barred
from competition at Olympia, which
accounts for his participation in the
other games of the time such as the
Pythian, Nemaean and Isthmian.
Theagenes was dangerous, even
after death. Even his statue killed
an opponent. There Is an account
of how a Jealous boxer so violently I
hated Theagenes that he would go !
I before his statue und lash it with a ]
i whip until one day the statue was j
■ upset and fell on the Jealous rival, ,
killing him.
I A very tough baby, indeed!
Pittsburgh: November 6, University
|of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia;
Vovember 13, Washington and Jef
j ferson at Pittsburgh, and Penn
| State at Pittsburgh, November 26.
By Associated Press
| London, Dec. -23.—Charles Ledoux,
i bantamweight champion pugilist of I
Europe, is suffering from an attack
of bronchitis and will be unable to
meet Pal Moore, the American
boxer, Friday night. Eugene
Criqul, a French bantam, lias been
engaged to take Dedoux's place
against Moor*.
DECEMBER 23, 1919.
Hands Sergeant Jack Burke
Severe Jolt in First
By Associated Press
NewaUk, N. J.. Dec. 23.—Frank
Moran, the Pittsburgh heavyweight,
knocked out Berg-nut Jack Burke,
of Chicago, in the first round of an
eight-round match here last night.
Moran weighed 193 pounds und
Burke 188.
Burke tried to rush his opponent
j as the contest opened and was sent
I to the floor for a count of eight aft-
I cr receiving three hard rights to tlie
! head. He arose groggy. Moran
] scored another right to the head and
] followed it with a right swing which
j landed behind Burke's ear. Burke
went down and although conscious
I was unable to get up before the
count of ten.
Other Good Battles
Micky Donley, of Newark, 136
pounds, outfought Joe Benjamin, of
j San Francisco, 134. in every round.
of an eight-round bout. The west
] erner was unable to evade Donley's
left jab in the first six rounds.
Joev Fox. the English feather
! weight, and Joe Lynch, of New
j York, fought eight rounds at a fast
I pace. In the final round Fox sent
] -1 short right to the Jaw that floored
Lvnch, but he was up immediately
1 ""he men were signed un at the con
] elusion of 1110 contort to meet again
t hrce weeks hence. Lynch was tlie
Jack Sharkey, of New York, who
recently outfought Jimmy Wilde,
the English fivweight champion,
easily outpointed Patsy Johnson, of
Trenton, in the last eight-round
bout. Sharkey weighed 116 pounds,
one less than Johnson.
Mcdford. Mass., Dec. 23.—Dart
mouth and Boston College have been
substituted for Harvard and Yale
on the Tufts College football sched
-1 ttle for 1,92 0. it was announced.
! Ilowdoine. formerly Tufts chief
; gridiron rival, has been returned to
j the list after a lapse of five years.
* By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Dec. 23.—Harry
Greb, Pittsburgh, middleweight, hail
the edge on Clay Turner, New York,
j in a slow six-round bout here last
j night. Greb was the aggressor
throughout the fight.
§ : One Thousand and One Quality 2
g: Gifts For Men
yj::r\„ t P r ' ces no higher than you pay A
w Neckwear Sweaters •
y Shirts* Raincoats Jr
m momfiK Gloves Overcoats 'jjß
; ( '. i f ■',(Era Velour Hats Handkerchiefs ft
|V mflufr. - 'M"Kj ur Caps Silk Hosiery : 5
H n& Bath Robes Wool Hosiery A
£ fWMi v&lj. i BjJ Knitted Vests Canes
yIPI || M &2 Fine Leather Umbrellas *f*
. I>| |Wh ' ffW Novelties Evening Dress .ft
T[ Iff -1 •BW Jewelry Accessories $
JE! hi I Bra P. S. —silk miul Wool Hoolory for Women ;W
M fcj |' '' | "*y Open livening*
It lias been a difficult matter
to supply
j King Oscar Cigars
in quantities sufficient to meet
the ever increasing demands.
Sustained quality and increased
quantity insure your steady sup
ply at the old
Seven Cent Price
J. C. Herman & Co.
Ilarrisburg, Pa.
Steelton High School
Basketball Schedule
Wednesday, January 7, Alumni
; Friday, Jan. 9, Steelton at York
Friday, Jan. 18, Lebanon at Steel
' j ton
Friday, Jan. 23, Open
Friday, Jan. 30, Heading at Steel
, ton
| Friday. Feb. 6, York at Steelton.
Friday, Feb. 13, Steelton at Read
Saturday, Feb. 14, Steelton at Al
Friday, Fob. 20, Open
Friday, Feb. 27, Allentown at
Friday, Mar. 5, Steelton at Leb
j Friday, Mar. 12, Steelton at Tech
; Friday, Mar. 19, Open
| Friday, Mar. 26, Tech at Steel
i ,
- ——
Carnegie Tech Announces
Athlete Policy Change;
Yale on Grid Schedule
Pittsburgh, Dec. 23.—Important
changes in the athletic policy have
been decided on by the Carnegie In
j stitute of Technology. A graduate
j manager and a director of physical
! education are to be appointed, and
the entire policy, in regard to sports,
I will be more vigorously pursued.
| The graduate manager will have
! charge of all branches of inter-eol
i legiate sports, and will likely be se
j leeted from a list of men, prominent
j in Tech affairs, who are now under
I consideration.
j The foot-ball schedule for 1920 is
i being rapidly made up. Yale's ot
j fer of a game has uccn accepted, and
| it will be played at New Haven on
. | the 2nd of next October. Other
i' teams that will be on the schedule
11 are the University of Cincinnati, Ste
. j veils, Allegheny, Lehigh, and Wash
, i ington and Jefferson.
i Pasadena, Gal., Dec. 23.—Two hard
I training periods a day, one in the
I morning and the other in the after
; noon, were begun to-day by the foot
; ball squad of the University of Ore
j gon in preparation for the game here
! New Y r ear's day with the team of
j Harvard University. The Harvard
squad will arrive here Friday, ac
' cording to the present schedule.