4 WOMEN PLAN TO ECONOMIZE Will Not Let Husbands Make Joke of Their Acttviiies in New Year Phllailrlphln. Dec. 22.—Dark days are ahead in the coming three months! for ill-advised husbands of any of the 400.000 women in Pennsylvania! affiliated with the National Federa-1 tion of Women's Clubs, who attempt i to make any time-honored jokes! about the extravagance of their bet ter halves. I The organized women of America I and Pennsylvania have pledged them-j selves to a gigantic rirst-of-the-vear I economy resolution with a 100 peri cent "kick" to It. and the effects of the resolution are guaranteed not to wear off before the last of March. Here is the program which the Federation, co-operating with the I Savings Division of the United States! Treasury Department, is calling upon! every woman to perform: During January—Every woman is to keep a systematic account of her' daily expenses, grouping them under such items as rent, food, clothing ! household service, amusements and! Incidentals. During February—Every woman will analyze her January expense ac-j counts and make an effort through' the information gleaned therebv to! save a fixed amount through con servation without hardship. During March—Every woman will calculate how much was saved on liv- ' Sng expenses in February over an < equal number of days in January. The 1 SKIN ERUPTIONS DISAPPEAR BUSS NATIVE HERB TABLETS REMOVE PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS Face eruptions are caused by blood impurities. which in turn re sult from poor digestion, sluggisfi liver and nervous debility. If your skin shows blotches, pimples or eruptions of any sort, do not neg lect it, but take Bliss Native Herb Tablets and the result will be a clear complexion, a healthy skin, bright eyes and general good health. This condition is brought about by the action of the tablets on the blood, liver and kidneys. The blood is purified, the liver becomes ac tive. the kidneys are cleansed of all impurities, your appetite im proves. your digestive organs per form their functions easily and effectively and general good health is yours. "I have used Bliss Native Herb Tablets for a bad condition of the blood. When ,1 commenced using them I suffered from boils. Now I am free from boils and feel better than I have for a long time." In The Reliable Shop For PURE Christmas Candies ROSE'S Second at Walnut St. Page & Shaw Whitman's Sampler Maillard's Foss Quality Fancy Packages Assorted Hard Candies Salted Almonds Salted Pecans Fruit Cake and Other Assorted Christmas Cakes j[ NEW YORK READING jl HARRISBURG LANCASTER ntbr <&[om Ctfiu] t . ' Smartejt ~il|jEV2V HARRIS HOTEL BUILDING |II Pre-Christmas Reduction of [ 20% on All Waists Just before Christmas, in time for Gift giving are these clean-cut reductions of 20 per cent, on every one of the many dainty and distinctive Waists and Blouses. What more charming gift could one sug gest than one of these smart creations, done in any one of the more popular tints and tones of Georgette. Crepe de Chine or Net? Some of them arc silk-embroidered; some head trimmed; others, lace and self-trimmed. Trulv, the Gift Distinctive! 20% Off These Prices j $9 to $37.50 "Exclusive, But Not Expensive" MONDAY EVENING amounts saved ore then to he Invest ed In Government savings stamps, paying 4.27 per cent interest. Women will not be asked to di vulge the amounts they have saved, but they will report, at the end of the third period, to State and city chair men. Uncle Sam to Sell Surplus Army Shoes Washington. Dec. 22.—The War Department has a surplus of 1,900,- 000 pairs of new army shoes. Ar rangements are being made to dis tribute them to the 25 quartermaster retail stores throughout the country for sale over the counter or by parcel post order, it was announced by the director of sales. One million pairs will bp included in the first distribu tion to the retail stores. Sales are to begin as soon its possible and the dates will be published locally by the retail store superintendents. The stock Includes the chocolate colored inarching shoes to be sold at $8.25 a pair, and a heavyweight me tallic fastened shoe manufactured for field use at $7.50. The shoes range in size from 5 to 15 and in width from A to EE. but sizes smaller than 7'a are limited. RETIRED BUSINESSMAN DIES Marietta, Pa., Doc. 22.—William H. Schutte, of Mount Joy township. Lancaster county, 76 years old. died yesterday from complication of dis eases. He was a retired coachmaker and builder, having places of business at Marietta and Mount Joy. He was a member of the Church of God. His widow, several children and a brother and a sister survive. making this statement, Morris Long, Freedom, Ohio, reiterates ttie siinumy of thousands of others, who have been greatly benefited by Bliss Native Herb Tablets. For over thirty years they have been acknowledged as the only standard herb remedy. They con tain nothing of a harmful nature, are used by old and young, and have proved their value as a blood remedy week in and week out dur ing all that time. If you suffer from constipation, heartburn, sick headache, bilious ness, foul breath, or rheumatism, be sure to use Bliss Nuttve Hero Tablets. They never disappoint. They are put up in a-yellow box of 2ho tablets, on the cover of which is the protrait of Alonzo O. Bliss. Every tablet is ~>y stamped with our trade >Qfj mark. Price $1 per box Ba z/ sure and get the genuine. Look for our money-back guarantee on every box. Sold by leading drug gists and local agents everywhere. RADICALS HOLD DEMONSTRATION [Continued front First Page. ] by a second "ark" load of "reds." according to the best information obtainable to-day. It was stated that a second batch of deportees probably would be em barked sometime this week as the Government's second drastic step against aliens who have sought