Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 20, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Founded 1831
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Hoice'er it be, it seems to me t
'Tis only noble to be good:
Kind hearts are more than coronets,
And simple frith than Xorman
bIood. — TENNYSON.
THE Harrisburg Council, Boy
Scouts of America, will start
the year under extremely fa
vorable circumstances. It was for
tunate in having J. William Bow
man as president and William H.
German as Scout Commissioner, and
it is to be congratulated upon the
selection of Arthur D. Bacon as
president and John S. Musser as
commissioner for the succeeding
twelve months.
Three years ago, nearly, the Ro
tary Club led the movement to place
the Boy Scout movement in Harris
burg on a permanent basis, since
which time the Scouts have earned
their right to a place among the
civic institutions of the city deserv
ing the hearty support of the pub
lic. A glance at the makeup of the
council chosen last evening will as
sure friends of the Scout organiza
tion it is in good hands and that its
Interests will be effectively safe
guarded and promoted during the
Harrisburg has been given ample
reason to admire the Scouts and to
wish them well. We would not
know how to get on without them.
They will come before the people for
support next spring, and there will
be no question that they will get
what they ask.
ELECTION of Prof. Charles s. j
Davis to be superintendent of
Steelton public schools, filling
the place made vacant by the death
of Prof. L. E. McGinnes, will meet
with the hearty approval, not only
of educators familiar with his abil
ity, but with the people as well.
As principal of the Steelton High
School Professor Davis has made a
reputation for himself throughout
the State. Not only is he an able
executive and teacher, but he is a
man of affairs as wetl. As a leader
of civic activities Professor Davis
has done much for Steelton and as
a lover of clean sport he has been
one of those who put high school
athletics on a high plane in Penn
sylvania. He goes to his new work
thoroughly equipped and with the
support of the public.
MR. FARMER tells us that the
coal strike has ended in a vic
tory for the Government.
The miners went back when they
pleased after they had been granted
a big raise in wages and were given
the promise of a satisfactory read
justment of their other differences.
If that was a Government victory,
why certainly the Government is to
be congratulated, but the popular
conception of the outcome of the
bituminous trouble does not corre
spond to the view taken by Mr.
Mr. Palmer is a strong talker, but
not a very great doer.
Take, for example, his suit against
the big packers. We read that it
has been "compromised" by the
packers unscrambling their various
industries, which will leave them as
powerful as the Standard Oil re
mained after the famous dissolution
decree against it. The form differs,
that is all. This is another of the
Palmer "triumphs," of which the At
torney General is boa&ting so loudly.
And now we are told that to cut
the high cost of living little more
will bo necessary than to have the
retailer mark his gpods with the
wholesaler's price. All very good so
far as it goes, but why doesn't Mr.
Palmor go back to the producer?
Why not have the producer's price,
the wholesaler's price, the Jobber's
price, as well as the retailer's and
the wholesaler's, and what is to pre
vent the wholesaler from letting his
'goods pass through the hands of a
.personally controlled agency, buying
I from the wholesaler and letting them
j slip through this third party so
j priced as to give the public the idea
! that but a small profit is being
| realized, whereas big profits aro
I being taken? Then, too, would it
not be helpful and enlightening to
have the overhead costs of the vari
ous firms set out in the proposed
price tables, so that net profits could
be more clearly shown? Mr. Pal
mer's plan may have the germ of a
good idea in it, but it needs a lot
of revision before it can be made
helpfully applicable to the present
I The trouble with the Attorney
! General is that he has been talking
too much and thinking not enough.
SECRETARY LANE is a polite
and kindly man. He is .going to
resign, he admits, oh, yes, but
j not because of any disagreement
j with the President and he won't quit
; until the President is on his feet
i again. But he will get out of the
Cabinet, of that he leaves no doubt.
The truth is, that the Wilson ad
ministration is "all shot to pieces."
The Cabinet members are at odds
with each other or out of harmony
with the President and how long
present conditions can continue no
body knows. A break would have
come sooner no doubt if Mr. Wilson
had not lost his health.
Serious friction has arisen over both
the Mexican and coal situations
which have been to the fore of late,
and, not only has Administrator Gar
field resigned on account of the bar
gain made with the miners, but Sec
retary Lansing' is reported to have
nearly taken the same step on ac
count of the setback received by him
at the hands of the President in re
fusing to bring about a show-dqwn
with Carranza.
Secretary Lansing and Ambassador
Fletcher fully approved of the reso
lution introduced by Senator Fall, of
New Mexico, it is understood, which
provided that recognition of the Car
ranza government should be immeoi
ately withdrawn by the United
States and that diplomatic relations
with Mexico should be severed. Com
ing so close upon his lisagreement
with the President upon the subject
of the Shantung award, the Presi
dent's repudiation of the attitude of
his Secretary of State, who really de
sires to pursue an aggressive and dig
nified policy toward the Mexican
government, it is believed that Lans
ing will merely bide his time until
the whole matter has subsided and
then resign.
COMPARISON of the relative
strength of the Y. M. C. A. or
ganization in Pennsylvania and
other large states in the east makes
an admirable showing in leadership
lor this State. Pennsylvania is far
ahead of New York in every way,
notwithstanding the Empire State
has more large cities and popula
tion centers.
There are practically 100,000
members of the "Y" in Pennsylvania,
which is considerably above the high
water mark in 1917 and 22,000
higher than last year's figures. It is
an encouraging fact that this State
has over 8,000 members more than
any other state. This represents fifty
years of growth and the organiza
tion is advancing in every useful
Just now the Y. M. C. A. is con
ducting a nation-wide extension
movement whose aim is the reach
ing in some way of every man and
boy of "Y" age in the Nation.
IF THE manufacturers of clothing
in the United States, who are to
hold a meeting at Washington
soon to discuss ways and means of
reducing the cost of clothing to the
consumer, can produce a uniform,
standard cloth from which a suit
can be made to sell at a reasonable
figure to the wearer a big step will
have been taken to cut this particu
lar item of the high cost of living.
Profiteering aside, and there has
been and is entirely too much of it,
the people themselves have been very
largely responsible for high costs of
garments and shoes. They have de
manded all manner of fancy weaves
and patterns. Oddity has been at a
premium. Everything has been sac
rificed for elegance of appearance.
The more "exclusive" the cloth, the
leather or the design the better the
wearer has been pleased, regardless
of price.
The manufacturers propose a uni
form cloth and possibly a uniform
design, or series of them, and if thoy
can induce the people to wear these;
if they can make such garments
"fashionable," the prices will drop
Styles are handed down by the
"smart set," the so-called "carefut
dressers," and if these can be induced
to lead off, there can be no doubt
of the beneficial results. It is most
devoutly to be wished that the manu
facturers will make the movement a
A TRUSTED employe of the Har
risburg post office was arrested
yesterday charged with the
theft of money from letters.
He was a man of family und had
been in the postal service sixteen
years. So far as known he had no
bad habits. The amounts he took
were small.
"Serves him right," you may say,
"he ought to have known he would
be caught; all such are."
There can be no question of his
error. "He might havo known he
would be caught." surely, for few
men can steal from Uncle Sam and
escape. But we would like to know
the inside of this man's story—the
causes leading up to this first
breach of trust in sixteen years. '
Honesty becomes habitual, and some
dire need must have prompted tho
honest clerk of years standing sud
denly to become a thief.
Perhaps, if the truth were known,
some of Mr. Burleson's boasted sur- I
plus post office earnings, if given in |
tho way of decent salaries to the ;
men who earned it, might have been
instrumental in keeping this clerk
straight. Putting poorly-paid men j
into positions of financial trust is a i
poor way of promoting honesty.
T>oOKco fa
By the Ex -Committeeman
Polks around the Democratic
State windmill do not appear to be
very much disturbed by the reports
that back of the candidacy of Judge
Eugene C. Bonniwell, of Philadel
phia, is a well developed boom for
William G. McAdoo for President.
From what they say, they look for
Mr. Palmer to get all of the Key
stone State delegation on a favorite
son plea and they .are in a fair way,
from present indications, to realize
that hope. The Bonniwell candi
dacy is not considered in the really
dangerous class, but more in the
manner of a floating mine. The
boom for National committeeman
that is being closely observed from
every listening post until tho Sterl
ing-Guffey differences on the same
Question are settled is that of Arthur
G. Dewalt, of Allentown.
Dewalt has a faculty of coming
back, as the men who sent him to the
political guillotine when the Penn
sylvania Democracy was reorganized
in 1911 now realize, and they would
just as soon live at peace with him
as in war. They are not quite sure
whether Dewalt is really running for
National committeeman or whether
he lias not something under way in
his district, in which event they
would like to know where he will
throw the strength he has in the
State. Dewalt is regarded by some
of the men around the Windmill to
be more likely to Jiave McAdoo be
hind him than Bonniwell. He has
managed to get elected to Congress
three times and with two Berks
county men in the field for the Dem
ocratic nomination this year, he may
bo able to effect some compromises
which would take him out of the
State-wide fight.
—One of the most interesting of
the bits of Democratic presidential
gossip that is going the rounds is
that William Jennings Bryan is being
groomed by some of the men who
were against him a few years ago.
The Philadelphia Public Ledger
prints a story that the Nebraskan,
who has homes in North Carolina
and Florida as well, was the guest of
honor at a rather select Democratic
dinner. The Philadelphia Press,
which generally reflects the Palmer
viewpoint in Washington dispatches,
says that Palmer will wait until the
President is formally not a candidate
before announcing any ambitions of
his own. It adds that Secretary Joe
Tumulty is backing Palmer. Thus far
Palmer does not appear to have
gathered up many delegate signs
outside of Pennsylvania, but once the
President decides that he will not be
a candidate he may be looked for to
be a pretty busy individual.
—The Philadelphia Press says edi
torially regarding Democratic affairs
in this State: "It has been made
evident that the faction of the Dem
ocratic party in this State which At
torney General Palmer does not have
011 his preferred list intends to throw
its support to ex-Secretary McAdoo
for President, and get as many dele
gates as it can for him. Ever since
Judge Bonniwell shattered the Pal
mer slate at the Democratic pri
maries last year a fight has been in
prospect. It is to be made for an
anti-Palmer National committeeman
not only, but on Palmer's Presiden
tial boom as well. We shall have
merry times for nothing, as it isn't a
matter of much consequence whether
Palmer or McAdoo can carry the
Pennsylvania delegation; neither can
carry the State election."
—W. Harry Baker, secretary of
the Republican State Committee, has
made reservations so that Pennsyl
vania's delegation to the next Re
publican National convention will
have the same headquarters that it
had during the convention of 1916.
Mr. Baker was in charge of the ar
rangements for the convention three
and a half years ago and is disposed
to take time by the forelock and get
things well in haad.
—Signs of the approach of the
presidential delegate campaign are
already to be seen about the State
Capitol. Numerous inquiries have
been coming to the new bureau of
elections in the department of the
Secretary of the Commonwealth as
to the time when the blank petition
will be available and apparently
there is going to be no lack of candi
dates among the Democrats. The
State organization Democrats have
already looked up the law and are
now engaged in industriously pre
paring to boost candidates for dele
gate in the interest of Attorney Gen
eral A. Mitchell Palmer. The scouts
who were out to see if any men were
apt to run for delegate who would
not be for Palmer have to start all
over again because of the National
committee place row. Present inJ
dications are that the Palmer men
will have more trouble with those
who want to be delegate at large
than with anything else.
Counterfeit Savings Stamp
[From Greater New York.]
Attention is called to a counterfeit
of the 1919 War Savings Stamp in
a circular letter sent out by Air.
Benjamin Strong, Governot of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
as follows:
"We are informed by the Treasure
Department. Wani-.ington, that coun
terteit War Savings Stamps of "he
1.110 issue have been discovered
among dealers in the East pasted on
genuine certificates; that the coun
terfeit is a photographic production
in good color blue ink, but that the
fine lines behind the portrait In the
genuine appear in solid color in the
counterfeit and that the perfora
tions of the genuine stamps appear
photographed on the counterfeit.
Secret Service agents have been in
structed to notify postmasters, sub
stations, banks and dealers request
ing the immediate arrest of any
body presenting certificates bearing
any of these counterfeits.
"The Secret Service of the New
York district has under date of Oct.
8, 1919, requested us to nsk that any
person presenting a certificate bear
ing any of these counterfeits should
be detained and turned over to the
nearest Secret Service agent or po
lice officer and this (the Secret Ser
vice) office notified by wire—-tele
grams to be sent Government rate,
collect, addressed 'Secikt Service,
Custom House. New York."
"The Post Office Department has
also taken appropriate steps in the
premises and wide publicity has
been given the subject in the iiews
t papers."
"TME.se CLues- rut. trv ) ///AA I! IIMIIII llllmmM
/ __ I /A. BPASSie FOR You - \'\J6 ) '"//// 'Hill 111111 IIIB&MPH
/ He 5 had THAT I X Alo £XT RA Ball POO / 7/ fl
/ L L Y i CAM TAKt- HOWS THE hat/ J I ' Mmlß
> x V6ARS-
1 ' Cifrriilrt W - "" *
Challenge to Democrats
The Republican Publicity Asso
ciation through its President,
Jonathan Bourne, Jr., to-day gave
out the following statement from its
Washington Headquarters:
"We should like to have Demo- ;
cratic editors make a list of in-1
stances in which President Wilson |
has proven to be a wise adviser or
leader of the American people. We
challenge them to name one in
stance in which time has proven
the wisdom of the President's advice.
We will go further than that and
issue the challenge not merely to
Democratic editors but to Demo
crats in general. And, just to re
fresh their memories, we will cite
a few instances of important sub
jects upon which the President has
advised the American people.
"He advised and secured repeal
of the law which gave free tolls
to American coast-wise shipping
through the Panama Canal —thus
discouraging American shipping by
"He advised and secured the en
actment of a tariff-for-revenue-only
law which opened our markets/ to
foreign producers, closed mills and (
threw millions of men out of em- (
ployment, before the war created ab
normal industrial activity.
"During the early years of the
war and until public opinion would
hear it no longer, he advised against
preparedness, declaring that advo
cates of preparedness were 'nerv
ous and excited.'
"After the sinking of the Lusi
tania, he declared that America
was 'too proud to fight.'
"He advised and secured enact
ment of the infamous Adamson law,
which was the beginning of our in
dustrial troubles.
"He advised against a literary test
in the immigration laws, and vetoed
a bill establishing such a test.
"He advised executive clemency
for Mooney lest enforcement of the
law displease the Bolshevists of Rus
"He advised clemency for Hill
strom, the convicted I. W. W. mur
derer in Utah and expressed regret
that he was unable to persuade the
Governor to grant his request.
"He advised interweaving the
League of Nations covenant in the
Peace Treaty, thus delaying peace
and creating international ill-feeling.
"He advised departure from Wash
ington's policy of noninterference
in European affairs.
"He advised that the United States
join in a League of Nations in which
Great Britain would have six votes
to our one.
"He advised making the Monroe
Doctrine subject) to interpretation
by a League of Nations council or
"He advised making what he
called the 'supreme sacrifice' of
American nationalism to the League
of Nations..
"He advised subordination of
American industry to an interna
tional labor conference provided for
by the Treaty of Peace.
"In which of these instances will
our Democratic neighbors undertake
to defend the Wilson Administration
through the campaign of 1920?"
Favorite Books "Out of Print"
[From Christian Science Monitor.]
It was indeed a serious state of
things which was unfolded to the
Library Association in England re
cently, by L. Stanley Jast, of the
Manchester public libraries. It ap
pears that many famous children's
books are actually out of print and
that the libraries are experiencing
great difficulty in completing their
shelves. Much of Harrison Ains
worth and the whole of Jules Verne
—imagine it!—the sea stories of W.
11. G. Kingston, several tales by
Captain Marryatt and Ballantyne
are practically unprocurable, save
through the second-hand dealer. And
so Mr. Jast proposes that the coun
cil of the Library Association shall
negotiate with publishers for the re
print of these books, guaranteeing
such publisher as may undertake
the work a large enough sale to the
public libraries to pay the expenses
end provide the necessary profit. It
is certainly a scheme worthy of nil
consideration, for something must
be done about it. Captain Marryat
out of print! and Jules Verne!
No Salesmanship Required
[From the Louisville Courier-
"You no longer indulge in the pcr
fervid style of oratory you used to
"Naw." yawned the real estate
man, "I simply tell 'em I've got a
house for sale. They don't ask any
Alaska's Reindeer
Multiply Rapidly.
Carl J. Loman in the National Geographic Magazine.
THE Alaskan reindeer is not j
highly prolific. The female |
deer usually gives birth to but j
one fawn a year, and if there are!
twins, one (or both) of the young!
is liable to die.
The rapid increase of reindeer, in |
Alaska is due to two facts: One j
is the remarkable hardihood of the j
fawns, which only a few hours after i
birth are strong and fleet of foot, j
The contrast between the self re-1
liant fawn and the weak, knobby I
kneed colt or calf is striking and j
has much to do with the tendency !
of reindeer herds to increase rap- j
idly in spite of a low birth rate. As ,
the social worker would say, the
infant mortality is slight.
The other factor in the rapid in
crease, and an illustration of the
fact that early fecundity is not en
tirely a tropical trait, is the remark
able fact that yearling reindeer fre
quently reproduce.
Extreme cold rarely kills off the
very young. The rigors of the Arc- I
tic and the forcing processes of trop
ical heat both serve to protect from
extermination the fauna of :he re
spective zones of each.
The reindeer has been aptly named.
Of all ungulate, ruminant and gre
garious animals it is one of the most
particular in the selection of its
food. It pastures during the sum
mer on tender mosses, lichens,
mushrooms, algae and grasses. Its j
typical home is Lapland. In the '
Lapp tongue the word "reino" j
means pasturage, so that the word I
"reindeer" means an animal that |
pastures. During the long winter I
Palmer Boom Strikes a Snag
[From Philadelphia Inquirer.]
Friends of Attorney General Pal
mer who had hoped that he might
be the unopposed choice of the
Pennsylvania delegation for the
Democratic nomination for President
have had an unexpected jolt. They
have learned that Mr. Palrier will
not only be opposed, but that he will
have to fight for his leadership of
the State. The enterprising Judge
Bonniwell has cast his hat in the
ring. This shy and shrinking young
man does not aspire to the presi
dency although Excelsior is his
watchword —but his ambition is to
attend the political funeral of A.
Mitchell Palmer.
Judge Bonniwell announces his
candidacy for membership in the
Democratic National Committee from
Pennsylvania and "fully expects to
be elected." With great amiability
ho calls attention to the "increasing
distrust of the traitorous Palmer
leadership," and predicts his own
election over the Palmer slated candi
date. He assures his friends and
the Democrats of the State "that not
more than 28 of the 78 National
delegates will be friendly to Mr. Pal
mer for the Presidential nomina
It is not necessary to regard Judge
Bonniwell us a great politician or an
unerring forecaster of political
events in order to understand that
we are going to have an old-fash
ioned Democratic rumpus in the
Keystone State. Bonniwell starts
with the advantage of achievement
upon his side.. He won the Demo
crate nomination for the governor
ship against Palmer and the united
administration forces, and although
he never had the ghost of a chance
of election he demonstrated that
there was a deep-seated resentment
against the Attorney General on the
part of the rank and file of the party
in this State. Bonniwell claims that
Palmer and his friends liolted the
ticket after it had been fairly nomi
nated. The defeYise of the Palmer
ites—and a mighty feeble one it is—
is that Bonniwell was nominated by
a fluke and did not represent the real
sentiment of the party in Pennsyl
What they meant by this was that
they were caught napping. Evi
dently they will not be unprepared
in the present contest. The Federal
officeholders will bo with them to a
man and we may rest assured that
political postmasters throughout the
State will not confine their activities
to an eight-hour day for the next
few months.
The Oasis
[From the ltochester Post-Express.]
The railway administration is
likely to provoke revolution if it cur
tails Wain service to St. Louis.
: the deer subsist entirely upon moss,
j which abounds on the vast tundras
| and hills of Alaska, so that the
I deerman has almost unlimited
' grazing land for his herds.
| The reindeer constitutes the genus
j rangifer, differing from that of or
dinary deer in the important par-
I ticular that both sexes have antlers.
! which are shed annually.
| A study of the physical character
| istics and the habits of this unique
j brand of live stock forms a fascin-
I ating subject for the deerman, only.
I some of which can be mentioned
j here. He has observed that the
: antlers of the female remain much
j later in the spring than do those
,of the male, thus affording the
mother a weapon with which to
drive away the stronger male from
good feeding places for her young;
that the large antlers and brow
tines of the deer are not used, as
Stated by many writers, to scrape
away the snow and uncover the
moss, but that the deer use their
hoofs to break the crust and paw
' their way to their feed; that while in
motion a herd produces a peculiar
sound, similar to that of an ap
proaching hail storm, a crackling
sound, which some have claimed
arises from the striking together of
the horny toes, but which in fact
is due to the peculiar anatomy of
the animal at the fetlocks, and is
produced by some sinew at that
point when the foot is in action.
■ Unlike most nnimals, the reindeer
prefers to travel against the wind,
j Heavy hair about the head and
I shoulders and a growth of long,
I whitish hair under the neck are spe-
I cial protections against cold.
America's Opportunity
[From the Mnnufa ?turers Record.]
What promiscuous riches Lenine
and Trotzky are promising from the
shambles they create America was
offering to men of all the earth a
hundred years ago, and has been of
fering ever since. Hero the national
wealth has never been walled in. Op
portunity has walked naked through
the streets of the towns and down
the country lanes. Who wanted
her could take her.
There is no factory in America so
great that the workingmen laboring
in it cannot acquiie it. Under our
system of government the way is
open to them. They have but to
win, by brain and energy, the money
to purchase it. Is the method dif
ficult? Some tens of thousands of
men now living have used It suc
cessfully. What there is of wealth
in the United States —wealth in the
form of property, wealth in the form
of position at the bar, wealth at the
surgeon's table, wealth in the forum,
wealth in science, wealth anywhere,
in any and every form —belongs to
no class but to 1.11 classo3. The
Who's Who of America is a list of
nobodies who became somebodies.
Pick up a history of the leather
business, or the textile industry or
the steel citadels, of any or every
industry and business, and there is
found the romance of acquisition as
provided for under American Gov
The proletariat! Why, America is
the proletariat.
Not the proletariat of stupidity
or the proletariat of sloth, but the
proletariat on the march, the pro
letariat from which each day are
emerging the men and women of
ability who have proved their right
to load, who have, won the right to
ride on horseback.
What, then, is it that the emissar
ies of revolution want? Short cuts?
Even they might be excusable in
a status of society such as that in
France before the Revolution. No,
short cuts is not the sole answer.
They do not want to play the game
according to the rules.
Three generations from shirt
sleeves to shljt sleeves! Why, Amer
ica built up a system long ago that
negntlved what revolutionists mean
when they cry "Capitalism."
Americanizing Porto Rico
[From the Columbus Dispatch.]
We see by government report that
in the 20 years that Potto Rico has
been following Uncle Sam's le&ding
strings she has accumulated a debt
of $10,000,000, and we guess she Is
acquiring the American way all
DECEMBER 20, 1919.
Things to Forget
To the Editor of the Telegraph;
Mr. Editor of the Telegraph I am
sending in this note a piece that
might do some of the critics some
little good if they would take time
enough from tending to other peo
ples business to read this truthful
article, and as your Telegraph is the
bestes paper that is printed in this
section of Woodrows Wilsons coun
try I send it in to you, with the hopes
that you kin give it space in your
If you see a tall fellow ahead of a
A leader of men, marching fearless
and proud,
And you know of a tale whose mere
telling aloud
Would cause his proud head to in
anguish be bowed,
If you know of a skeleton hidden
In a closet, and guarded, and kept
from the day
In the dark, and whose showing,
whose sudden display
Would cause grief and sorrow and
lifelong dismay.
If you know of a thing that will
darken the joy
Of a man or a woman, a girl or a
That will wipe out a smile, or the
least way annoy
A fellow, or cause any gladness to
Now if youens can find space for
this piece of junk I will send you
some more some time in the newyear
as I honestly think that if some of
the readers of your most valuable
sheet would cast aside their mental
laziness and permit some good dope
similar to the nbovo (hey sure
would wake up to the fact that being
a critic pays little or no celary.
Here is a quotation I read in an
nlmanic some years ago and it hit
me as being pretty good so I'll pass it
on to the editor:
Advise is usually worth what
people charge for it, hense the
liberal amount some people are so
ready to dispense for NOTHING
is worth just that much and no
more. If this, my first work as an
author, appears, then I'll send in
some more, but if you consign this
to the waste basket or pass it over
to the print shop devil—well, that's
a Q that my attempt failed to meet
with your approval.
Respectfully vonrs,
Oxford Degrees For Women
[From the Manchester Guardian.]
It is officially announced that in
Hilary term a statute will be pro
mulgated providing that women may
be matriculated and admitted to de
grees in the university.
It will be proposed that the gen
eral control of the women students
will be invested in a delegacy con
sisting of the vice chancellor and
proctors, the controller of lodging
houses, nine men being members of
Convocation, the principal of the So
ciety of Oxford Home Students, and
eight other women. Women mem
bers of the delegacy, whether mem
bers of Convocation or not, shall en
joy all the powers and privileges of
It will be proposed that a woman
member of the university may sup
plicate for the degrees of bachelor
of arts, bachelor of music, bachelor
of letters, bachelor of science, bach
elor of medicine, bachelor of civil
laws, master of arts, doctor of mu
sic, doctor of letters, doctor of
science and doctor of philosophy.
Pershing's Inspiring Note
[Prom the Philadelphia Ledger.]
Above nil, the broad conclusions of
General Pershing, when he comefc to
lay down the reasons for oir suc
cess, are of the most inspiring char
acter. For in his general "apprecia
tion" decided, after mentioning the
"splendid ability, loyalty and effi
ciency that characterized the 'serv
ice of both combatant and noncom
batant individuals and organiza
tions," in pointing out that thc"most
striking quality of both officers and
men was the resourcefulness, energy
and common sense employed under
all circumstances in handling their
problems." Approbation from Sir
Hubert is praise indeed.
lEawttng dipt
Counties which were closed to
deer hunting by the State Game
Commission for five years and which
the State aided in restocking have
afforded some of the first deer hunt
ing in decades and there is promise
of more next year, according to re
ports which have reached the office
of the Commission in this city. The
movement to close counties to hunt
ing of various kinds was launched
several years ago and about half of
the State was put on the list while
scores of deer were bought in other
states and shipped to the State's
game preserves and then liberated,
in addition, private enterprise
brought in a number of animals.
Among the counties which have re
ported 301110 deer shot for the first
time in several years is Wa.rren,
where 52 were forest, Lacka
wanna, Clarion and Butler. There
were numerous deer shot in the
ountics where there are game pre
erves. The hear kill also ran righ,
although it will not run as far as the
kill the deer, which is estimated at
1 bout 3,000 bucks. The State reports
ire very favorable as regards the
vild turkey season.
Of almost 5,800 licenses issued by
lie State for the sale of oleomargar
ne, and that figure establishes a rec
rd, only two were issued to hotels
•nd six to restaurants. Last year
here were 5,477 licenses for the sale
if the butter substitute, which has
igured so much in legislation, is
ued in the State afld all records
ere broken. Thus far in 1919 there
nve been 5,781 licenses issued, the
avenue of the State from this source
his year being over half a million
lollars. There have been issued so
ar almost 5.600 retail licenses and
9 for wholesale sales. In the list
f licensees are 157 boarding houses.
The severely cold weather of the
,ist week has been reflected at the
State Capitol by a remarkable in
rease in the number of fire reports.
Under the law creating the State Ru
eau of Fire Prevention every fire
must be reported to the State gov
ernment and If any suspicious cir
•umslances are connected with it an
investigation is made. That cold
weather, especially a drop to zero
temperature, brings more fires is
being well established again on the
State records.
Perry county has put Dauphin
county to shame as regards its kill of
deer during the season which ended
this week and the report of only two
shot by the hunters of the capital
county in the face of more than a
score of bucks liberated looks pale
beside the story from the hooppolo
county. There have been 37 bucks
of legal size shot this year in Perry
county. A year ago there were 21
and the year before that 17. Seth
E. Gordon, acting secretary of the
State Game Commission, who gives
the figures, says that they are offi
cial. However, the reports also show
that there were eight illegal deer
shot in Perry county, seven of them
dots and one a baby buck. The lat
ter kills are often the result of in
experience and excitement, but often
of pure cussedness. And the law can
net make any distinction.
In regard to game, if the plans of
Mr. Gordon are carried out, it is
probable that Dauphin county will
get one of the colonies of beaver
which the State is buying In various
sections, especally Canada, to revive
the beaver in this State. Colonies
have been established in several coun
ties and have thrived. The beaver
will be placed in the Haldeman
game preserve in the Lykens valley
next year and turned loose to mako
themselves at home. This game pre
serve, of which not many Harrisburg
people know, is one of the best east
of the Susquehanna, It is in a State
forest reserve and is closed at all
times. It is well filled with various
kinds of game, including some saucy
wild turkeys and a number of deer
who appear to know that they are
The State of Pennsylvania is now
the best buyer of dirt in Harrisburg.
To be sure, the State is buying only
clean dirt, but it is buying neverthe
less and hundreds of cubic yards a
week are being taken. The dirt is
for the filling in of the State Capitol
Park extension and immense quanti
ties are being spread about, rain or
shine. The indications are that the
State will take all the dirt from
cellar and other excavations for
many months to come, to say noth
ing of quantities of slag and cinder.
The operation is the largest of the
kind ever known in the city, as it
means the filling in of something like
thirty ordinary city squares. And
some time there will be flowers and
trees growing on top of it all.
—IT. A. Schmoll, the new health
committee chairman for Luzerne
county, was formerly president of
the Hazleton Chamber of Commerce.
—Robert Wetherill, of Chester,
prominent in water company affairs,
says that the senatorial criticisms of
the Government aid to the Spring
field consolidated Water Company
are groundless.
—General E. F. Glenn, who com
manded at Camp Sherman and is
well known to many Pennsylvanians,
has retired.
—Governor William C. Sproul is
in Pittsburgh to-day.
—George Connell, who may be the
next president of Philadelphia coun
cil, is well known in this city.
—Col. M. D. Brown, who com
mands the First Infantry, is planning
to get his companies all organized
next month.
—The Rev. Dr. W. M. Auld, of
Philadelphia, will accept a pastorate
at Toronto.
—Thatx Ilarrtsburg manufac
tures thousands of dollars worth
of leather goods every month?
—Troops were brought to this city
by the river and train during the
Civil War.
What is the world to thee and me,
my own?
Just our love's childhood, very soon
What are these present, passing
hours, dear heart?
Only chance friends from "whom wt
soon must part.
And what Is Death, beloved, to thet
and me?
But one dark day In Life's eternity
And what is Love when all time'l
ways are trod?
Ah, Love la all of Life and all ol
\ —Joseph Upper In Contemporaxtl