Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 20, 1919, Automobile Section, Page 13, Image 13

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    Christmas Dinner to
Be Served Orphans
A big dinner, an automobile ride,
a theater party, Christmas presents
"n'everything" are on the program
for the children of the Industrial
Home, Sylvan Heights Orphanage
and Nursery Home next Wednesday
afternoon when the Kiwanis, no
tary and Motor Clubs of Harris
burg, with the Chamber of Com
merce, will bring the joy of Christ
mas to the little shut-ins.
After the big dinner, which will
be served In each home with a chef
As Essential as
The sturdy and powerful OVERLAND 4,
which performed the phenomenal feat of
climbing the steep Capitol steps, is insured
in one of our strongest Companies. As a
matter of fact, the OVERLAND HARRIS
BURG COMPANY does not gamble, but
0 provides for financial
loss by getting insur
at,ce here.
Don't gamble—
Insure to-day.
Next Week Is Christmas—
Why Not a Briscoe as a Gift?
The time is getting short for you to decide on a Christ
mas gift. Why not a BRISCOE? Think what an ideal gift
it will make Our plan for confidential, convenient credit
makes it easy for you to own one, too.
Better call around and see the BRISCOE to-day. We
will deliver it to your door Christinas morning and then
think of the wonderful time you will have that day, and
many other days to come.
There are both five-passenger and roadster models here
for your inspection.
Third and Hamilton Sts. Harrisburg, Pa.
Bell 4945 Dial 4441
Sporting Loafing
Range Ranoe
jr name implies" o
The New Peerless Sedan
Always Open Keystone Motor Car Co. Bell
24-Hour C. H. Barner, Manager D?al
57 S. Cameron St. 4454
representing the clubs in attend
ance, the youngsters will be whirled
to the Majestic in machines, there
to watch the afternoon perform
ance, and later to receive their
gifts from the hands of Santa Claus
Charles Snyder, a salesman of the
Holmes Seed Company, was arrested
yesterday by rinkerton detectives,
charged with stealing various
amounts from receipts from sales to
customers. When taken to the po
lice station coins are said to have
fallen from his shoes and clothing.
Christmas carols wore a feature of
the program given during assembly
on Friday afternoon.
In the old English story carol,
"Good King Wenceslas," Harold Smed
ley, as king, sang with dignity, and
, Stewart Lytle pictured the dutiful
. page with clear plaintive singing.
■ Using the gallery as a choir loft,
Miss Datoman's Latin class sang un-
I accompanied and in unison, "Adeste
i Fidelcs." The sections that sang the
selection with Miss Mildred Conkling
| directing were 98-1, 98-2, 98-3 and
| 98-7.
Samuel Krebs, 98-10, in playing
! "Orientalc." a beautiful cello number
i revealed that he is Inherently an in
• terpreter.
Horace G. Geisel announced to the
' delight of the audience that two bas
ketball game swere scheduled for the
; evening, the Camp Curtin faculty
i team to play the boys' team. The
games have been the subject of much
enthusiastic discussion. During the
past week, and crowded gymnasium
galleries are assured.
The hobfjy clubs met on" Thursday
afternoon, and many students ex
pressed pleasure and appreciation
concerning the new organizations.
Edward Everett Hale's famous
story of irresistible patriotic appeal,
"The Man Without a Country," was
presented by Melvin Lyter to the
members of his group, 88-2.
In the brief introduction to his ear
nest talk, Melvin emphasized the fact
that Hale had desired to win the read
ers of his story to an unswerving na
tional loyalty.
In the discussion of present disturb
ances. the students concluded that the
story is especially appropriate reading
at this time.
Two assemblies will be held next
j Tuesday, preciding the Christmas sea
| son.
I The program for the afternoon. Mr.
I Brehen announced will be kept secret.
! It is surprising how few of the 1200
students know what is being planned
| for their pleasure.
There is a general wish that
I "Adeste Fideles" will J)C sung again.
Harvard Grid Stars Plan
Exercise on Trip West
By Associated Press
j Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 20.—Har-I
| vard gridiron warriors carried with
! them the confidence of all New Eng
land to-day when they started the
| transcontinental trip to meet the
University of Oregon football ma
chine at Pasadena, Cal., on New
I Year's day. Each of the 23 mem
bers of the Crimson squad was pro
| nounced fit.
i Fearing that the six days of Pull
| man-car riding and numerous ele
j ration shifts and climatic changes
might soften the players, Trainer
Pooch Donovan outlined a program
i of special exercises for the journey.
| Besides the indoor exercises, 19 stops
I will be available for brief outdoor
| runs. Harvard graduates and
I friends along the route will turn
j out in numbers to greet the players.
; Tiie question of officials for the
I contest remained unsettled early to
| day. but it was believed that two
with Pacific coast experience and two
| familiar with eastern and middle
west playing methods could easily be
i found.
Deaths and Funerals
Funeral services for Samuel A.
Hoffman, 83 years old, who died
Thursday at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. B. J. Rice. 2317 North Fifth
street, were held this afternoon at
his late residence at 12.30 o'clock.
The body was then taken to Port
Royal, where further services were
held at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Howard Koons, at 3.30 o'clock.
Burial was made in the Church Hill
cemetery. Mr. Hoffman is survived
by five sons and six daughters.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Eliza
beth Frank was held this afternoon
at 2 o'clock, from her late residence,
751 Dunkle street, with the Rev. J.
H. Lyter, pastor of the Derry Street
United Brethren Church, officiating.
Burial was made in the Paxtang
Cemetery. Mrs. Frank, who died
Wednesday afternoon at her home,
was the wife of Robert B. Frank.
Charles Malseed was buried this
morning in the Duncannon ceme
tery, following services held last
evening at his home, 442 South Sec
ond street, this city, at 7.30 o'clock.
Mr. Malseed died on Wednesday.
After being ill only six days with
pneumonia, Arthur Elsey, aged 42
years, of 609 Cumberland street, died
last night in the Harrisburg hospital.
Funeral services have not yet been
arranged. Mr. Elsey was for some
years an employe of the Pennsylva
nia railroad.
Magdeleine Brard to Appear Before v
Harrisburg Audience Again on Dec. 26
Mile. Alagdeleine Brard who creat
ed such a furore in this city as solo
ist with the New York Symphony
Orchestra, also made a profound
impression on conservative Boston,
being the sensation of the season.
She was soloist with the Boston
Symphony Orchestra. The account
from the The Boston Globe is here
Magdeleine Brard's performance
of Sainf-Saens' Pianoforte Concert
No. 2 in G minor at yesterday's pen
sion fund concert of the Boston
Symphony Orchestra created a very
unusual sensation. Air. Monteux and
the orchestra joined enthusiastically
in the violent and prolonged ap
plause. She was recalled no less than
six times at the end.
"There were murmurs of surprise
in the audience when she first came
on the stage. She is actually 16 but
looks considerably younger. The solo
passage at the beginning of the first
movement, however, showed at once
that she was not the 'lnfant prodigy'
her childish appearance betokened,
but a player of mature strength, I
Poise and skill, fairly comparable!
with men like Hofmann and Rach- i
"Her playing has a breadth, force '
and dignity very rare in the per
formance of feminine pianists. Her i
Predicts Other Suits
Against Government
by the Distillers
Chicago. Dec. 20.—Action of "in
surance companies in cancelling
policies on whisky and othef intoxi
cating liquor, as announced by the
Louisville, Ky., branch office of the
Connecticut Fire Insurance Com
pany in or out of bond will "prove
a final responsibility of the govern
ment" and suit to recover from the
government the value of liquors
prohibited from sale will be filed in
the Court of Claims at Washington
next week, Levy Mayer, counsel for
the National Distillers' Committee,
Mr. Mayer said the Rhode Island
suit to contest constitutional prohi
bition before the Supreme Court
would be the controlling litigation
in opposing prohibition.
Col. Saunders Calls
Detzer a Good Officer
New York, Dec. 20.—Called as a
character witness late yesterday at
the court martial of Captain Karl
VV. Detzer, charged with brutality to
American soldiers of the overseas
forces in Le Mans, Lieutenant Colo
nel E. O. Saunders, formerly chief
of the Department of Criminal In
j vestigation of the A. E. F., testi-,
tied that the accused officer's repu
tation was 'excellent" and that un
der the same circumstances he
would reappoint him to the service.
! Lieutenant Colonel Saunders now is
j assistant Judge advocate, Central De
; partment, U. S. A., stationed at Chi
j cago.
| The witness named several high
! officers in the D. C. I. who, he said,
! frequently had discussed Captain
i Detzer during gatherings at head
! quarters in Chauinont and they
always "spoke of him most favor
Deny That Prisoner
Negotiations Are Off
By Associated Press
London, Dec. 20.—The negotia
between James O'Grady, repre
: senttng Great Britain, and Maxim
Litvinoff, on behalf of Soviet Rus
sia, which have been going on at
Coyenhagen with a view to bringing
about repatriation of prisoners,
have not been definitely broken off,
according to official announcement.
The negotiations, the announce
j ment says, were merely postponed
! to permit the two representatives to
returh to their respective countries
and confer with their governments.
The Rev. A. J. Greene, pastor of
Second Baptist Church, will address
the mass meeting of the colored
men's branch, Y. M. C. A., Sunday
! afternoon at 4 o'clock, rtf the aaso-
I elation room, 802 Cowden street. Dr.
Green is a forceful speaker, and a
large crowd is expected to greet him
on this occasion. Spirited gospel
hymns, led by A. H. Duffan, will
be sung.
Ex-gobs can now get their victory
discharge buttons of the United
States Navy, according to information
from the Navy Recruiting Office ut
221 Market street. Men on the In
active-duty list will apply to the
commandant of their district: all
others will come to the local Re
cruiting Station with their honorable
- massive chords and brilliant passage
i work are like those of the best
' | male performers, rather than tho
work of a talented girl.
"She has the crisp phrasing, the
|, firm yet delicate touch and the beau
: tiful singing tone needed for an
11 ideal performance. Best of all she
does not sentimentalize, and yet is
~ never academic. As a pupil of Cor
i tot and a winner of a 'first prize' at
! the Paris Conservatory she has, of
L i course, been admirably trained. But
.; only phenomenal ability could make
! it possible for a mere chilli to play
. i as she does.
I "She is to be ranked with the
youthful Hofmann and with Heifetz
as an example of a young player
i j whose performance is never imma
j ture. Her future appearance in Bos
i ton will be eagerly awaited by every
t! one who was lucky enough to hear
her yesterday."
Mile. Brard is to be heard in this
city December 26 at Technical High
school. She will be assisted by Fred
rick Gunster, American tenor, whoso
I work in the field of concert and ora
j torio is familiar to all musicians. He
j is known from coast to coast as an
1 artist of most exceptional ability. |
Tickets are now on sale at Sigler's
i Music House.
Democrats Postpone
Meeting to Elect
a Minority Leader
Washington, Dec. 20.—A confer
ence of Democratic Senators called
for to-day to consider election of a
minority leader, was postponed un
til January 15.
Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska,
acting Democratic leader since the
death of Senator Martin, of Vir
ginia, canceled the call after an
agreement with Senator Underwood,
of Alabama, his opponent, for the
Democratic leadership in the Sen
ate, who advocated postponement
because of the absence of many-
Senators and also in order that Sec
retary Glass might take" his seat
under appointment to fill out Sen
ator Martin's term.
Former Army Chaplain Is
Called to Highspire
The Rev. Raymond L. Markley, of
Chambersburg, chaplain of the
Three Hundred and Twentieth Field
Artillery, Eighty-second division
Field i" ? n aplllln ? f tho Thirteenth
hield Artillery, lourth Division
has been called to the pulpit of St.
Peter s Lutheran Church, at High
uary'l. W,U aSSUme charge Jan
' Chaplain Markley is a graduate
of Gettysburg College and the Lu
theran Theological Seminary. He
was a pastor at Fayettevlllc for two
years and a half. With the Tl.ir
teenth Meld Artillery he won't
through the attack on the Vesle
and later participated In the St'
\Vr 3 !>V Meuse-Argonne pushes.
wiilnn f ? \'; rkley is a graduate of
Wi son Col ege and president of the
Wilson College Club, of Franklin
county. ""
Salvation Army to
Give Holiday Baskets
Service in France has certainly
not diminished the cheer-giving
proclivities of the Salvation Army
Vv' n yea i the p . oor people of the
city will again receive baskets. It has
been an annual custom to collect
money for these baskets, and this
year will be no exception.
On Market street, In front of
various prominent business houses
the Salvation Army representative Is
Standing with her tripod and bowl,
attracting the attention of the pass
erby with her bell. Many have been
seen to pass by, but with a picture
of the doughnut-dispensing workers
evidently forming In their minds, re
turn to drop some coin in the bowl
The poor will call for their baskets
before Ohristmns, and those who are
unable to do so will have them de
livered to their homes.
Architects of the city have hcen
naked to submit bids on the new
*20.000 school building which the
borough of Cnmn Hill will erect next
year. This hullding will be an ad
dition to thi present structure and
with Its completion Camp Hill will
have school buildings unequalod by
the best In the city.
By Associated Press
Wasliliictoii, Dec. 20.—The ur
gent deficiency appropriation bill
providing $23,000,000 for mtscel
laneoua subjects, Including $30,-
000,000 for increased war risk in-1
surunce allowances was passed last
night by the Senate.
I During the special activity period
yesterday the first divtsion of the Edi
son Community assembled In the au
ditorium. President Truman Thomp
son presided over the meeting, and
Aliss Raynard performed the duties
o' secretary. Miss Genevieve Llsgle
of section 987 made a motion that the |
citizens of Edison Community assem
ble in their various home rooms next
Monday and Tuesday any and such
toys as they may have that would be
suitable to give to the Toy Mission
foi gifts to unfortunute children of;
the city. That citizens suitably wrap j
tie and label for girls or for boys, I
these toys Tuesday afternoon, and i
that these citizens who can procure i
the use of automlbles do so and see ]
that such toys as are contributed are !
taken to the rooms of the Toy Mis- i
slon for distribution. It was further •
moved that a collection be lifted as !
the citizens leave the auditorium af
ter the Christmas exercises next Tues- I
day afternoon and the proceeds be j
contributed to the Toy Mission for I
the use of securing toys for th e poor |
unfortunate children. That these j
gifts be a personal freewill offering. I
and that no one be asked to assist us j
in this matter. Albert Shuller, sec- |
Hon S)B-3 seconded this motion and it'
was unanimously carried.
Aliss Helen Forsythe, 98-9, moved I
that a committee be appointed by the '
principal to determine a design for a !
school pin or ring which will enrry i
the numerals og the class to which ;
tliu owner belongs. Laurence Hess,
of section 98-5 seconded this motion ;
and the assembly passed it unani- ;
The school was favored by Aliss j
Adeline Emerick with a piano solo, i
This number was followed by a vocal
solo by Mrs. Lee Izer. The Commun- 1
ity appreciated both these numbers
very much.
Section 98-7 recently elected Mar
garetta Wohlfarth watch your speech
critic, and Herman Keiter as a mem
ber of Edison Patrol. The offices were
vacant because of resignations. Eve
lyn Hall was elected to manage the
section girls' basketball team and
i Elizabeth Toomer was elected to be
j captain of the same team.
Gustie Blumenstine was elected
manager of the boys' basketball team
ot section 98-1.
The boys' basketball team of Edison
took advantage of the fact that the
girls will not start to practice until
after the holidays and have thus suc
ceeded in getting the gymnasium to
hold practices each evening since or
ganiSing. They have held two good
workouts this week. Coach Aliller is
well pleased with the prospects for
a good team at the school.
Anton K. Hanson, of Winton, Pa.,
reported to Harrisburg police that
he had been robbed of $l2O by two
strangers. One man met him at a
•station and after checking his grips,
the two started out and were met
by a friend of the first stranger.
They started to match for coins when
it was suggested that money of
larger denominations be used. The
two strangers wanted to be convinc
ed that Hanson had what they term
ed "real money." and when he pro-i
I duced $l2O they grabbed it.
By Associated Pi est
London, Deec. 20. Bolstnaia,
southwest of Tomak. has been cap
tured. with 2,500 prisoners, by Bol
shevik!, according to an official
statement issued at Soviet head
quarters at Moscow and received
here. The statement says that on
the western front a very fierce en
gagement is being fought, fourteen I
miles southwest of Narva, south of
the gulf of Finland.
It's All in the Springs
|j To-day at noon an OVERLAND FOUR climbed the Capitol H
H steps. Starting at Third and State Streets, it went up flight after H '
flight without a hitch.
This test gives added proof of the superiority of Overland
Four "Triplex Spring Suspension," the only real improvement
in riding comfort since the introduction of pneumatic tires.
All the World Loves a Winner
| The Overland-Harrisburg Co. j
York Harriaburg Newport
mm iiiiii ul
DECEMBER 20, 1919.
Free Treatment For
Any Former Service
Man in Need o! It
Washington, I)cc. 20. The War
Department's service and informa
tion bureau has undertaken a cam
paign to inform former service men
that all in need of medical or sur
gical treatment, because of illness
or injury contracted in the Army or
Navy, can enter an Army or public
heaith service hospital or local civ
ilian sanitarium with all expenses
paid by the government.
Discharged service men should
Keep Out the •
Snow and Cold
Hood Covers Made to Order
For Any Make of Car
We make Hood Covers that will lit snugly on any radi
ator or hood for any make of car. We positively use the
best grade of materials and guarantee satisfaction. Qet
our price for your car.
Side Cartains and Top Repairing
If your side curtains need new glass or repairing of any
kind, br:r.*g them in now. We can fix them up in short
order—make them any way you want. We also repair tops.
Get Your Car Painted Now
This is the time of tho year to have your car painted.
If you have stored it for the winter, why not let us have it
now; then you won't lose any time in the Spring.
. A. rAiK 1137 Mulberry Sts.
Hundreds of owners everywhere have found
that a
Fills the Bill
in every instance, no matter how hard the
going may be.
Is Your Truck a Kelly-Springfield?
\ l / 2 to 5-ton Models. Worm or Chain Drive.
Atlantic Motor Truck Co.
J. E. DARE, Mgr.
1 7th and Chestnut Sts. Harrisburg, Pa.
apply to the nearest army hospital
or local representative of the publlo
health service for examination,
consult Ited Cross representatives or
state and municipal health officers.
By Associattd Prtst
Pittsburgh, Dec. 20. Henry R.
Uea, well known in industrial and
financial circles in Pittsburgh, died
at his home in Now York last night,
according to word received here to
day. Mr. Rea suffered an attack of
apoplexy last Tuesday and later de
veloped pneumonia, which resulted
in his death. He was 56 years of