Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 20, 1919, Automobile Section, Page 12, Image 12
12 PLOT AGAINST LIFE OF FRENCH WELL PLANNED Assassins Pushed Cart Across Road to Stop His Party By ,4ssociuted Press Dublin, Dec. 20. —Tliut the attack '.yesterday 011 tlie life of Viscount "French, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, was carefully planned became more "evident to police to-day when bits ,©f evidence began (o dovetail. It £las become known that his assailants tplayed handball at a public house ,ncar the scene of the shooting while 'awaiting the viceroy's arrival. Fur ther evidence of this is conveyed by lihe fact that the assassins carefully 1 flung a cart across the road at the •(Scene of the ambuscade, which stop From le j in 30 Minutes That's what an owner of a RFO "SPKKDWAtiOX" could do if his I truck was geared to run (i.IMIO miles an hour. Hut it isn't. I The KKO "SI'KKDWAtiON" is geared to give the maximum II amount of speed and power that is consistent with extra good I service. The 111-it) reputation hears tlint out. Thousands of I owners front coast to coast attest to that fact. Order your "SPFI:i\YAt.'OV today. You will only realize what I efficiency in delivery means after you have put it to work. Harrisburg Auto Co. Geo. G. McFarland, Pres. Fourth and Kelker Sts. Harrisburg | TO THE MOTORIST THIS IS WEED CHAIN WEATHER We Have Them For Every Make of Car ALEXANDER & SCOTT WIIOIOKHIO nml Kctnil \ utomoliilc V4 ' MMOr^eM nml Mipplic* JOSEPH mi \v\mr. ltli 2780-Wi Dial :*so3 v / jg Inside Facts |||f Inferior insulation wears out before the 3£m plates do, and reinsulation is necessary. yB jffl Threaded Rubber Insulation eliminates the i jg! need of reinsulation, makes a battery last much M I ■■ longer under equal conditions, and reduces \§B ■ the liability to any other kind of repairs. It's the one biggest battery improvement in ten years—demonstrated now by four years of You can't afford not to know about it, for some day you'll need a new battery. Call and let us tell you all about it, M MOTOR ELECTRIC SALES CO, RDG. I SATURDAY EVENING, ped the vice-regal procession of four cars. After the attack a case of Alills bombs, similar to those used ill the war, was found in the thoroughfare. Thirty Men Kmployed Late last night the police said that there might have been thirty men engaged in the attack, deployed at intervals of more than two hundred yards. The viceroy had with him only four armed policemen. These 111011 had orders not to leave the viceroy, no matter what happened. Accord ingly, they were unable to pursue the miscreants. Police and soldiers last night raid ed the premises of a grocer named Kirk in South Strand, Dublin, where Savage was employed, and seized some documents. Hold I'p Postmistress At Hie hour of .he attack on Mis count French the postmistress of a branch office in Dublin was held up by bandits with revolvers and her safe rifled. All attempt was made yesterday to derail a train near Corolla, I'ollll - Flare. Stones were piled on the track and the engine and cars of 'lu train were damaged, but the pasu-'ngers woie not injured. XO PLEBISCITE HELD IX FII'ME * By Associated Press Finnic, Dec. 20. —The plebi scite, by which it was intended to determine whether Uabrlele D'Annunzio's forces should leave Flume, was not held yesterday. Persistent objections by various i factions and insistence by the Kxtroniists that the present gar j rison remain in the city made a postponement of the vote nec essary until more uuiet condi tions prevail. The voting prob ably will take place to-morrow. TO MAKE NEW OBJECTION TO | SEATING BERGER Dullinger Says Hp Will Take | Action When the Latter Presents Himself \\ 11 mliimston. Dee. 20.—N0 move to I dispute for Die second time the right j"f Victor D. Bergcr. re-elected to the II louse of ltepresentntlves, to a seat is ,i\pected until he presents himself to <be sworn in as a member, Repre jsi'ntative Dullinger. Massachusetts, chairman of the Flection Committee, j declares. i "I shall then objeet as I did the Iprevious time," Mr. Dullinger said, j The house may take action on a [ resolution to deny nerger a seat without formality of referring .he 'matter to the Flections Committee or Ire-opening hearings on the ease again. Mr. Dullinger explained. ! "The facts in the ease," he said, "are exactly the same as they were (before and .will ever be. Merger, the I committee decided, 'gave aid and [comfort to the enemy.' and anyone so (judged is barred from membership in 'the House under provisions of the Constitution, His ineligibility is just jas great as when lie lirst presented j himself. The House by a decisive j vote supported the resolution of the j committee denying him a seat and action will tie taken the second time." ] The resolution denying Merger a 1 seat passed the House on November 1 111 by a vote of "11 to 1, Rcpresenta 11iVe Voigt. Republican, AViseonstn, voting in the negative. CAST SELECTED FOR CHRISTMAS [Continued from First Pago.] jllsr & f? ELMER 11. LEY a fitting representative of tlie Jo seph of old. These two characters in the man ger will occupy a prominent place on tlie stage when the "Spirit of Christmas," portrayed by'little Miss Geraldlno Powell, 325 I'effer street, sets tlie pageant in motion witli .a wave of her magic wand. There they will receive tho three Wise Men of the East, portrayed in this case by prominent llarrisburgers, who will be guided to tlie lowly manger by the Star of Bethlehem, shining overhead. These Wise Men, bearing frank in cense and myrrh, will make obeis ance and do.homage to the New-born King, as in the story of the long ago Christmas morning, n tlie. distance, the ten shepherds with their sheep will add tlie fitting climax of reality to tlie picture. In this case the shepherds will be well-known llar risburgers, and the sheep will be products of Dauphin county also, having been secured from the Bon nymead farms. Two other factors wliieh will en ter largely into the success of the tableaux will he the musical num bers find accompaniment, and tlie electrical effects. These electrical effects will culminate in a display in which the words "Joy to the World" will blaze forth from an electric sign while the enrol by tlie same name is rendered liy the Municipal Band and tlie several choruses. Besides tlie instrumental music by tlie Municipal Band, which has vol unteered its services for tlie oc casion, there will be vocal numbers by a chorus from the Wednesday i'liib. Girl Scouts, a juvenile chorus secured by tlie Department of Spe cial Activities of the School Board, anil the City Choir of 150 voices. The City Park Department also is co-operating in all the arrangements, while a number of civic organizations are behind tlie movement. The pageant is designed to dem onstrate the real slgnilicance ol Christmas, at the same time fur nishing a pleasant means for a com munity observance of the religious holiday that will appeal lo specta tors and participants alike. TO 111. SURE "Sir, I hear you calling m'e a po litical nonentity." "1 did not, I merely said you couldn't lie elected dog catcher." "Isn't that tlie same thing?" "Not at. all. A man might he de feated for dog catcher nml still have enough friends lo make him a person uf some importance in his voting pre cinct." —Birmingham Agc-1 Icrald. YANKEE GUARD KILLED IN FIGHT By Associated Press El Paso, Tex., Dec. 20.—An American provost guard and a Mexican civilian were killed dur ing a pitched battle last night between American soldiers and* police and Mexican smugglers at the International boundary line near here. HARRISBUftG TELEGRAPH Will Be Sponsor When Submarine Is Launched ... J£_i anaonMEb MRS. AliCIlI I'.AT.D McXEI IJ Mrs. Archibald McNeil, of Bridge port, Conn., who was Miss Ann Orr. has bun chosen by Secretary of the Navy Joseph ur Daniels as sponsor for the. subinarine s-lti, which will bo launched at the Bake plant at Bridge port. December "•!. The new sub mersible, one of the largest, will he able to cross the Atlantic and return without refueling. AN KXI'KJtT WITNESS "Tou swear that this matt is no chicken stealer," demanded' the judge. "Vesstir," replied Rnstus Rashley. "Da's what Ah said, suit." "What do you know about the facts of this ease?" "Ah isn' s'posed to know nuffin' bout de facks in de ease, sttli. Ah is an expert witness foh de defense." —New York Kvening I'ost. J I Personal-Social Holiday Family Reunion at the Miller Home Herman P. Miller, Jr., of Wash ington, IJ. C., who is in government service; Air. and Mrs. Lawrence C. I Phipps, of Pittsburgh, the latter j formerly Aliss Hillinn Miller, and j Kvnn .1. Alillcr, recently of Austin, I Minnesota and l,os Angeles, t'al., i M ill all be guests of their parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Herman P. Miller, j Cottage Hidge, during the holidays. I Evan Miller, who did such ex- ] oellent photographic work during I the war in a hospital in France; I is leaving the middle of January for i Cuba, as cameraman for Hubert C. Bruce, of the Educational Film i Company, a noted traveler and lec- | turcr, whose work takes him all I over the world. Miss Bailey Is Hostess at Engagement Dinner Miss Alartlia Bailey, daughter of ' Air. and Airs. Edward Bailey,'is giv ing a dinner this evening at her homo, 3 517 North Front street, in honor of Miss Mary Creighton, J whose engagement to Albert 11. I Staekpole was recently announced. Holly, laurel and poinsettias will form the table decorations, and the guests will include Aliss Creighton, Air. Staekpole, Air. and Alts. Henry Ar. Gross. Alt. and Mrs. John C. Herman, Ehrman 15. Alitehell, Arch Knisely, Air. and Airs* Edward Bailey. Spencer C. Gilbert Is Dining "Forty-Niners" Spencer C, Gilbert, whoso name rhymes with "Ilarrisburg," is cele brating his seventieth birthday to day and receiving congratulations and good wishes from a host of friends. This evening Mr. Gilbert lis giving n dinner to some old friends, ail of whom lie claims were horn in '49. and who seriously ob ject to their names being used in | connection witli such a venerable I gentleman's birthday parly. ! MAURIFH IX I'AKSOWGE ! The marriage of Miss Bowie Kath larine Alexander 1o James Herman Emerick, look place last evening in tlie parsonage of the Fourth Reform ed Church, with tile Rev. Horner S. May officiating. They will be ''at homo" at H>4o Thompson street. Air, Emerick. wlio servrd for over a year as a soldier in France, is now em ployed by tlie Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Mrs. William E. Smith, of South Phiinfiehl. X. J.. will arrive Monday for a holiday V'slt with her sister, Mrs. Ellen A*. Illshop. lii.lt North I Second street. j [Other Social News on Page I.] A BETHLEHEM FOLK SONG 1 i. Come, men of the world, Be cleansed of your sin; A Saviour awaits you With Mary within. Refrain Sing sweetly, sing gladly, , <> nations of earth; Unite in rejoicing dear Savior's Birth. 11. Speak softly, tread lightly Across tlie hare floor; And. seeing tlie Saviour, Kneel down and adore. Refrain. HI. o Star brightly shining, O Saviour divine; The nations are coming To bow at Thy shrine.—Refrain. JOHN \V. PI-HEMPS. The above words have been set !o I music in carol form by Professor j John \Y. Phillips and will In- sung | by the choir at to-morrow morning's sen ice at Stevens Memorial AX, E.J Church. - ■; INSURANCE GOES UP AS N. V. BURGLARIES SHOW 810 INCREASE New York, Dee. -'o*.—Oil the ground of increased rink due to the "high mivo of burglary." the Burglary Insttrunce I'nderwrit- j tors' Association, here, voted for nil increase of -0 per j cent on nil policies under $-.000, j The increase affects immediately New Jersey, Westchester anil Rockland counties, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and four townships in Connecticut. It will he extended eventually, it was stated, to cover all cities ! with more than 1110,000 popula- j tion, excepting a few cases where the higher rate already prevails. DRIVES AUTO IP j CAPITOL STEPS Ovcrliiiul Takes Five Passcn-. iters Over Bumpy Bond lo Tost Springs At noon to-day a new Model 1 overland accomplished a demon- j I stralion that is new to Harritthurg-j i cis. With live passengers iti the car,; driven hy Carl Hanson, president of j |the Overland-I larrisbnrg Company, | j it climbed tiie front steps leading to j the main entrance of the Capitol from Bt.ite street. | Making a flying start, the car was driven up over the curb and on up ; I the steps, reaching I lie top without a stop or a mishap anil .due to the I new "Triplex Spring" suspension that is an exclusive Overland tea- ; j ture, with very little jar. j This new spring suspension, known as the three point spring suspension, [ is claimed to give greater riding comfort over exceedingly rough; roads, negotiating bumps and ruts 'that are considered almost impossi ! hie. it was for tlie purpose of testing out the springs that the demon-, | stralion of climbing the Capitol steps [was staged to-day. These steps are | long and steep and the curh at (he | State street entrance is of the ordi ) nary height. With the snow on the ground, the Overland started out I without u slip and went right at the steps and on up without a skid. The steps had not been cleaned of the I snow that fell on litem all day yes terday which made the trip ever ! harder. [ Other demostrations have been | made front time to time with the , new Overland to tost out the new . Triplex Springs and each time they I have conic through successfully. CUT RATE PRICES ON AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES Alcohol Red Seal " Gloves and s7 ' oo Now • • S 6OO HffilSSlSl I|i| 1 $5.00 Now .. 94.00 yy C Ever Ready $4.00 Now .. *3.14 MFTRRS 37C m MUCti °" METERS . J on all M List Price RedllCtlOllS Oils and IVIOIOF SIO.OO Greases T% 1 f- so Goodrich Kobes $5.00 r , UOQdyear ' Wool and Mohair Our Price (J S. Cord A $8.50, Now $6.80 |£™ andFaiic f X AC Tireß m RIB-SKID \ Plug s24 "°- Now s '° 2s A* TIRESVA 2£SL Bottles MB i iD- eiqqn 3 !*%i' and Muffler List S List Price $19.9U For Fords SIO.OO W s^Lss Q _ Xb, Our Price $7.79 .Qllc mz mQQ List SI.OO List SI.OO Kiaxon Electric Horn FORD HOOD COVERS TAPLEX FOOT WARMER ' ° ur Price .., D . j*ir Price $7.75, $15.50, $27.25 fro m " $0 1A Our Price Hi > I M $5.00 § /£L $5.74, $12.49, $19.98 ■ * Taplex Radiator Heaters. List Price, Taplex Hand Warmers, List Price, Electric Steer Worms. List Price, $3.75 <fQ f\£\ SI.OO. Our Our Price 3>$.UU Price : OUC Price tP^sUU MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KEYSTONE SALES CO. 108 MARKET STREET Open Evenings Until 8 O'Clock. HARRISBURG SCHOOL BONDS I BRING PREMIUM Seven Bids Are Received For ' $200,000; Bring $1:572 j 1 Above Face Value i < City school district homls sold again |j at a high figure the board of directors j at a regular session yesterday accept-j ing the hid of Frazier and Company. Philadelphia, to buy $200,000 worthy of i bonds and pay a premium of $4.372.00.. making the sale price* about SIO.IS. Seven bids were received from Phila delphia and New York corporations. J The bidders and the amounts of tin* | premiums offered follow: Kiddie and] Henry. Philadelphia. $2,7 10; Freeman! and Company. Philadelphia. $2,660; (Ira- | ham. Parsons and Company. $2,820 : Montgomery and Company. $3,180; j Holmes. KuJkloy and W'urdrop, $730; j < iuprunty Trust Company. New York. | $2,430; Fra/der and Company. $4,372.90. i The bond issue was authorized to! provide funds to pay for the purchase | ;of the Hoffman's woods site and for ] ; the equipment of the Junior Iligh; Schools. The bonds will pay 4 1 ■> per ; rent, interest beginning to mature an- i anally at the end of Ave years, the-' j last ones beipg redcolfctd thirty years j trom date. The directors decided to accept the ! • eity's terms for the purchase* of the j Fager building, now used for oftlees for l the police and health bureaus. The 'city will pay slo,oon next month and! ; SIO,OOO with interest at ti per cent, in I January. 1921. An offer of S4O a front foot for the i vacant ground at fifteenth and Vernon j j streets, owned by the district was re- j i fused. A majority of the directors fa- j vorcd offering it for sale at $75 a foot \ front, while Director A. Carson Slutrun /opposed any sale, urging the hoard to! j keep the ground and use it for play ground purposes. It was voted hy the directors to hold j session of the hoard in the evening in t stead of the afternoon. Secretary D. I). liummelhaugh will arrange a number : of schedules for sessions and sunmit . them to the board for consideration. President Robert A. Knders and Pi- I rectors Howard M. Kingairtan and Franklin J. Itolh were named as a com i niittec to investigate the need for ad ditional rooms in the uptown district and report an the advisability of con structing an addition to the Steele I building. Berger Wins Over Bodenstab by 4,806 j Milwaukee. Wis., pec. 20. Victor i)* I turgor. Socialist, yesterday was ir-oiected to Congress from the Fifth j Wisconsin district, having deiYalt d • Henry 11. Kodenstab, Republican, 'running as a fusion candidate. Iy 4,806 votes. liei'geFs total vote was 2 4,367 and DECEMBER 20, 1919. ! Bodeii.lub's 19,(161. The return* in dicate that upproxi mat*ly 9,000 vlra' did not mo to the polls. The total registration in the district was about' r.:J.(Mo votes. Should the House again r< fuse to seat Berber the Kifth Wisconsin dis-j triot will not he represented in Con-; press until after the regular election in 1920. Governor 10. I* Philip an-: nouneed to-night. "I do not believe in spending anyj more, of the people's money In that way," he declared. j Merger's vote in 1918 was 17,822.1 and his opponents' combined vote was I I 22.5r>4. His plurality over Joseph l\ | Carney. Democrat, was a.fio?. Carjiey I polled 12,31"> and William 11. Stafford, i |He publican. received 10.080. Now Uncle Sam Wakes Up; May Save Paper Himself i Washington, Dee. 20.—-A movo-j | ment was started in Congress look- j j ing to a reduction in the amount of j news print pit pet* used by Govern-I I ment departments. Chairman Steon I. ====== REPUBLIC I | TRUCKS^ The Right Truck For Your Business That „is the important problem for you to decide. Don't buy a one-ton truck for a five-ton job or a three-ton truck when a two-ton will meet all requirements. We can help you in making the right se lection and you may be sure our advice will be unprejudiced, because REPUBLIC TRUCKS are furnished in practically every size. We build nothing but motor trucks and are specialists in all problems that deal i! with the transportation of anything by mo tor truck. Our knowledge is at your serv ice. REPUBLIC FOR SERVICE 'j SWAIN-HICKMAN CO. nisTitmi/Tous Derry at 17th St., Harrisburg " - ] erson, of the House Post Office Com mittee. introduced a- resolution call j ing on the departments to report immediately the amount of print ! paper used by them and whether a | ten per rent, reduction could be made. The departments also would i be asked to say whether or not the j large amount of printed matter fur i nished to newspapers which do not ! require it could be discontinued. TItIKVKK lvll.fi FIREMEN By Associated Press Wooliawken, X. J., Dec. 20. t Thieves are believed to have killed | Grant Baker, a Ilrcntan employed by | the West Shore railroad whoso body I was found in a boiler room on tho j railroad company's dock here early J to-day. linker, who lived in Brook ! lyn, w.-ts' the only person employed j in the boiler room during the night, i He apparently was killed by a blow lon the head, llis money and watch i-are missing.