Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 19, 1919, Page 28, Image 28

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Chicago Professor Says Many
Radical Conclusions Must
Be Accepted
Chicago, Dec. 19- ls - A - A " '
Michelson. of the University of Chi- |
cago, says that anyone holding the j
new Einstein theory of "relativity" j
must also accept the following con- j
"A yardstick is shorter when it is
pointing east and west than when it
Is pointing north and south.
"A clock will run slower when it
is being moved than when it is stand
-1,1 "A mass of matter is greater when
it is in motion than when it is at (
rC Dr. Michelson was winnerofthe :
$40,000 Noble prize for P h >^ 8 " |
1917. His investigations in the a
tion of light brought on the discus
sion leading up to the Einstein teste
and hypothesis which haNe aroused
so much comment in the scie
world. _ ..
Theory Is Radical
Dr Michelson stated that the con- ,
sequences of the Einstein theory are ]
radical and then he told the effect
it would have on the yardstick, clock
und body. But he added that we
need not get excited about it, e\en
Einstein is right.
"The movement of the earth is
small when compared to the velocity
of light and for all practical _ pur
poses might be disregarded, lie
said. "The subject of relativity be- ,
longs to the realm of higher physics, j
"but nevertheless, is an important j
matter and the Einstein theory is to .
be seriously reckoned with.
Professor Michelson, however,
does not as yet accept the theory as ,
it is taught by the great Swiss ma
thematician, because it does away
with the idea of light traveling by
means of the vibrations in ether '
which is supposed to fill all space.
"Einstein thinks that there is no
such thing as ether," declared the ,
Chicago professor. "He does not
attempt to account for the trans
mission of light, but be holds that | ,
ether should be thrown overboard. .
Kther gives us some reference point i
for motion, but according to the Ein- j .
stein theory all motion is relative, j ,
However, I believe it is possible, with
certain modifications of this hypo-j ,
thesis, to square it with the ether j
theorv and the necessity of some
medium for the transmission of light. (
Then my main objection would be <
Gassing Influenza Germ
to Combat Disease
I .oiulon. —Jhe progress of the in
fluenza wave continues, but the num
ber of cases remains small by com
parison with last year's epidemic.
The pneumonias too, which follow
the influenza in some cases are of a
milder character than was encoun
tered formerly, though there con
tinue to he a number of deaths.
It is an interesting speculation
whether this represents a weakening
of the potency of the germ, an in
crease of the resistance of the com
munity, or merely a mild first wave
of an 'epidemic destined, as observed
last year, to increase in severity.
Unhappily, with our present knowl
edge no answer can be given, be
cause we do not yet know to what
extent one attack of influenza pro
tects against other attacks occurring
after an interval of time.
Some progress, meantime, is being
made in the method of prevention
and treatment, which was discussed
in these columns six months ago. _ It
was found during an epidemic of
corebro-spinal fever that if the popu
lation of a camp was passed daily
through an inhaling room where the
air was kept charged with droplets
of a solution of zinc sulphate the in
cidence of the disease was checked.
Following on that observation Doctor
Gregor noted that certain industrial
employes who worked in an at
mosphere charged with a small
amount either of nitrous oxide or
sulphur dioxide gas exhibited what
the British Medical Journal calls "a
relative immunity" to influenza at a
time when fellow-employes who were
not working beside these gases were
heavily attacked. Doctor Gregor
found that the air in the rooms
where the gases were distinctly
bactericidal, yet quite satisfactory
for breathing.
The medical research committee
has taken the matter up and provid
ed Doctor Gregor with assistance. Tt
is evident that if gas could be ad
mitted to the atmosphere of work
rooms during epidemics of influenza
or other infectious conditions of the
nose, throat and bronchial tubes, and
if thereby the spread of these dis
eases was checked, an important ad
vance in preventive medicine would
have been made.
Dean of Smith College
Denies U. S. Charges
A'ortlinmpton, Mass., Dec. 19.—Com
plete denial of the charges against
v.-omen's colleges brought forward In
the recent publication of a bulletin
from the Fodertil Bureau of Educa
tion, in which Dr. Mabel Louise Rob
inson attacks the' curriculum of the
women's college on the ground that
lr. docs not prepare women for their
after life, was made in a state nent
issued here to-day by Dr. Ada L.
Comstock, dean of Smith College.
The Government Bulletin, which
purports to be an expert study of
"live typical women's colleges." failed
to take (the curriculum of Smith
College into account, and is open to
further question, she said, on the
ground that the survey from which
the bulletin was written was quite
abviously made some years ago.
To Keep Skin Healthy,
Youthful, Wrinkleless
Now that the social season is here,
be especially careful to keep your
skin in line condition. You know how
conspicuous complexion defects ap
pear under the bright light of the
drawing or ball room. Also how very
evident are some makeups when sim
ilarly illuminated. You can discard
cosmetics entirely, using a process
which gives far better results, and
which leaves no trace on the skin.
At night smear on a thin coat of or
dinary mercolized wax, washing it
off next morning. This gradually
absorbs the devitalized particles of
surface- skin; just as gradually the
more yputhful skin beneath comes
forth, providing a complexion as
clear, smooth and delicately tinted
us a young girl's. Get an ounce of
mercolized wax at your druggist's
und try this remarkable treatment.
UemembcT, too. that wrinkles, even
the liner lines, are not easily con
cealed in a brilliantly lighted room.
You can quickly obliterate these
hateful marks by bathing your face
in a solution of powdered saxolite,
one ounce, dissolved in witch hazel,
one-half pint. And your face won't
look sticky, as after using poatau.
Lingerie Waists
For Gifts
Our Christmas Waist
Section is humming with
business —women select
ing waists to give friends
and for themselves. Va
rieties are invitingly com
plete and moderately
Voile Waists with convert
ible collar and trimmed with
organdie, embroidery an d
lace insertion; ten styles to
choose from,
$3.95 to ?5.00
Sheer Voile Waists in
square neck with roll collar;
trimmed with tucking and
pearl buttons; lace edge trims
collar; fifteen stvles to choose
from ....93.95 to 910.00
Better grades in sheer
voile and fine batiste with
trimming of hand-embroid
ery hand-made lace and hand
drawn work,
913.50 to 932.50
Middy Blouses ... 91.95
Middy Blouses in white or
with colored collar and cuffs,
92.95 to 9^.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Second Floor.
Women's Fine Quality Gift Hosiery
Complete Stocks in Desirable Colors
Women's Thread Silk Stockings with fashioned feet and lisle
tops; in white, colors and black. Pair $2.25
Thread Silk Stockings in cordovan and black, with lisle tops
and fashioned feet. Pair $2.50
Lace Stripe Fashioned Feet Hose of fine quality thread silk.
Pair $3.00
Fancy Clocked Thread Silk Hose with fashioned feet; black
with white or white with black clox. Pair ... .$3.25 and $3.50
Thread Silk Hose with high spliced heels. Pair $5.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Intimate Gift Finery of Fine Satin,
Crepe de Chine, Nainsook, Cambric
Camisoles, Corset Covers, Gowns, Chemise and other delight
ful gift things for women are to be found in pleasing style assort
ments in the Lingerie Section, on the second floor.
Crepe de Cliine Camisoles with lave yoke and regulation shoulder, or
slip over style, with ribbon shoulder strap $1.50
Better Grades in Crepe de Cldne and Satin with trimmings of laee,
Broking, hemstitelling, rose buds or embroidered motifs,
$1.95, $2.50, $2.95 to $5.95
Nainsook Corset Covers with embroidery medallions, laee insertion or
laee edge 75c to $3.95
Nainsook Corset Covers with embroidery,< beading, ribbon and edge
trimming $1.95
Nainsook Envelope Chemise in tailored or laee trimmed styles,
$1.25 to $5.00
Nainsook Gowns in slip over style; sleeveless or with kimono sleeve,
$1.95 to $2.95
Cambric Gowns in high or V-neck; yoke trimmed with tucks and em
broidery insertion $1.95 to $3.95
live Styles of Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise, in 10m pi re style or
with laee Insertion trimmed yoke ' $3.9.-,
Six Styles of Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise, iinislied with em
broidered Georgette $5.00
Carefully tailored styles or trimmed with Georgette, laee and embroid
er $7.95 to $17.50
Crepe de Cliine Gowns in Empire style; trimmed with laee medallion
and finished with kimono sleeves. Including tax $13.75
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Christmas .Nuts, Fruits, Groceries
Fancy Golden Dates, 1b.,27c can 31c
Prepared Cranberry Jelly (no Juicy Oranges, doz. ... 29c
sugar required), can, 35c; Pichard & Robinson's Plum
' Pudding, 2 lbs 65c
o cans 95c w i. i? , r
R N TD II A V 1 IR bruit Cake, 5 lbs.,
Golden Pulled I'igs, box, 15c $5 49
Minerva Fruit Cake, 2 lbs., Sunshine Oxford Fruit Cake,
$1.25 5 lbs $3.25 \
Cleaned Currants, lb. ..29c Pure Maple Sugar, lb. .. 49c
Cream Nuts lb 33c Soft Shell Pecans, lb. ... 49c
English Walnuts, lb. ... 45c Paper Shell Almonds, lb., 45c
Royal Scarlet Mince Meat, California Almonds lb. ..39c
package Glace Fruit, assorted, box,
Heinz Prepared Mince Meat, $1.25
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
Women's&Misses'Winter Coats
Uncommon Values
A Sale of Great Gift Importance
You have only to examine the materials and note the excel
lence of the linings to appreciate the unusualness of this pre-
Christmas selling. Many of the styles arc made with handsome
fur collars, while others depend upon large, enveloping collars
of self material for a part of their attractiveness.
Wool Velour Silvertone Chameleon Cord Bolivia
Regular $55 Coats Regular $67.50 Coats Regular $75 Coats
$47.50 $55.00 $59.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Meri sU nderwear
For Near-Zero Days
Men's medium weight Egyptian
Cotton Bibbed Union Suits, $2.00
Heavy- Natural Wool Union
Suits . $4.50
Heavy Cotton Fleece Dined Uif
ion Suits $2.25
Heavy Lamb's Down Fleece
I.lned Union Suits $2.75
Heavy Cotton Fleece Lined
Shirts and Drawers, each, $1.25
Heavy Egyptian Cotton Bibbed
Shirts and Drawers, fleece lined,
each $1.25
Dives, fomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Infants Stockings
For Winter Time
Infants' Fine Ribbed ,White
Cotton Stockings, sizes 4 to G%.
Pair 2<-
Infants' White Silk and Wool
Seamless Stockings 89c
Infants' Silk Seamless Stock
ings. in white and pink,..51.25
Infants' White Cashmere Seam
less Stockings; sizes 4 to 6I.
Pair Mo
White Mercerized Seamless
Stockings, in white and black, 39c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
These Rich Scarfs, Doilies & Cloths
Suggest a Dainty Holiday Luncheon
And the woman who happens to be fortunate enough to receive such lovely
luncheon pieces will proudly bring them into use whenever she has occasion to be
A gift of more attractiveness could scarcely be imagined.
I.ace Trimmed Scarfs, in attractive patterns FILET SCARFS
of insertion centers and lace edges, sizes Ovals with plain centers and lilet edge.
18x3fi', 1'8x45 and 18x54 inches. Kach, 10xl4-inch 81.00
tl . la 13x18-inch 81.80
• *'- 5 ' Sl..t to $!...> 22x40-lnch 81.00
All J.inen Scarfs, trimmed with lace, li-in-ch Filet Doilies 29c uiul 89c
82.25 to $5.00 12-inch Filet Doilies 0c and 75c
ChVNY DOII IP'S 20-inch Filet Doilies $2.50
„. " , „ 24-inch Filet Doilies 83.00
20-inch a linen $3.00 and 81.00 FILET ROUND CLOTHS
24-:neh all linen $8.75 and $1.50 3f.-ir.ch ..V $0.50
28-inch all linen $5.50 4 5-inch $9.00
36-inch Sfl.OO to SB.OO 20x36-incli $3.50
45-inch SIO.OO to $13.50 20x45-inch $4.50
54-iirch $15.00 to $25.00 20x54-inch $5.00
18x36-inch, all linen $3.00 to $7.00 AVI linen damas k cloths, hemstitched,
18x45-inch, all linen $3.50 to $7 50 ~ ... v. , , ~. an<l 'L2S
... ' *'.° u Hemstitched damask cloths, mercerized.
18xu4-inch, all linen .-. .$7.50 to SB.OO 59c aiul 75c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Have You Provided Enough
Toys For Santa's Pack?
Hurry up, mothers and fathers, Uncles and aunts! Our won
derful stock is still complete, and you will find most satisfactory
choosing from the best of all kinds at prices more reasonable
than you'll find anywhere else. Toys of all descriptions, from the
"just funny" and dear ones to the more instructive kind. And
prices that will suit everybody's purse. Don't put it off another
single day. Come tomorrow!
98c to $1.59
Made of bright, clean wood, with
painted eyes, mouths, buttons, etc.
Each figure can be twisted into
many funny forms. All children
love them.
Anchor Building Blocks, set,
75c and $5.50
Movie Active Blocks. Special
at 50c
Mechanical Train Sets,
$1.25 to $5.98
Destroyers, Motorboats and
Scout Cruisers $2.98
Airplanes 98c
Meccano, the Famous Steel Con
struction Toy SI.OO to $15.00
What every boy wan-ts. The joy
of building is given full sway.
Guider Sleds—The sled that
steers, are unusually strong. Great
for coasting $1.25 to $2.59
Star Coasters .... $ 1.59 to $7.50
Itoller bearing wheels and a good
brake make them safe for any
A Noteworthy Selling of Gift Furs
Coatees Capes Coats Scarfs Muffs
From every point of view the giving of a
piece of fur at Christmas time indicates more
Y than a desire to follow the gift giving custom, for
furs, like precious stones, stand for the highest
M ' ( ' ca ' iat can ke reached
/fff&k- In our complete fur displays, on the second
floor, are to be found every kind of fur imagin
al>le- —providing you are looking for genuineness
/ > JKF Q ualit y general richness of peltries.
Prominent in the showing now, and most
favored, are:
Foxes Hudson Seal Dyed Muskrat Skunk Kolinsky
Beaver Nutria Opossum Wolf
Neck Furs are moderately priced at $39.50 to $250
Fur Coats, Coatees and Capes range in price from $250 to $750
Children's Fur Sets of Coney, raccoon and squirrel $7.50 to $20.00
Children's Raincoats and Rain Capes, guaranteed $4.50 to $4.95
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Ideal Gifts For the Home
Handsomely Fashioned Tapestries and Draperies
Utility boxes of-oak and mahogany; heavy tapestry curtains, tapestry,
table runners and pillows are in great demand, where gifts of the practi
cal kind are sought and exchanged.
Table Runners of tapestry, plain or Medium and Light Weight Curtains,
trimmed edge—some luive inserts of heavily mercerized, all favored colors.
velour $.50 to $7.00 Pair SB.OO und $9.00
Heavy Couch Covers, in floral and Ori- Net, Scrim, Madras and Marquisette
ental patterns; rich, dark colorings, Curtains, plain and fancy; some lace
$5.50 to SIO.OO trimmed. Pair $1.50 to $ll.OO
Table Covers in square and round Self-toned and Colored Figured Scotch
styles for the dining table, some have Madras. Yard 05c and 75c
fringe .. $5,00 and So.on Heavy Velour for upholstery purposes
Matting Covered Utility Boxes, some anil pillows—blue, rose, brown t and
have oak or mahogany edge, green, 50 inches wide. Yard .... $1.50
$1.50 to $12.00 Tapestry for pillows and table run-
Heavy Tapestry Curtains for door- ners, 50 inches. Yard . . $2.50 to $(1.50
ways—other styles include silk mixtures ("Sold Braid for lamp shades and tnblo
and chenille. Pair .... SIO.OO to $28.00 runners. Yard 2!>c mil 15c
Dives, Popteroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
child. The box part can be re
moved with a single twist and
makes the wagon into a platform
Ted'dy Bears 75c to $1.50
Tinker Pins, the Game of the
Year $1.50
Army and Dump Trucks,
50c and SI.OO
Balls of Rubber, Kid and Cork,
5c to SI.OO
Rocking Chairs $5.75
The Famous Madame Hendren
Dolls $1.50 to $15.50
Dear little infant Dolls that you
want to cuddle because they look
Infant Character Dolls,
50c. 75c and $1.50
Dressed Dolls with Rattle, $2.98
Liberty Blocks 50c
Educational and umusirrg. Create
the American flag and many other
Tinkertoy 75c
The Thousand Wonder Builder
in every land. Hundreds of dif
ferent objects can be built.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Third Floor.
If in Doubl—
Give Slippers
Tan Kidskin Fausts, with
hand-turned soles . ..$5.00
Tan Kidskin Romeos,
$2.75 to $4.50
Black and Brown Kidskin
Romeos $2.00
Brown Kidskin Everett Cut
Slippers ....$2.00 to $4.00
Felt Comfy Slippers with soft
leather soles, $2.00 to $3.50
Felt Conifv Slippers in all
colors; soft padded soles,
$1.50 to $3.50
Indian Moccasins,
$2.00 to $3.50
Oxford Grey Juliets, ribbon
or fur trimmed $2.00
Children's Felt Comfy Slip
pers $1.25 to $2.00
Children's Indian Moccasins,
$1.25 to $2.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Hear.
Fur and Satin Turbans Among the
Newcomers in Winter Millinery
Just in time for the Holidays has come this large group of latest mid-Winter
Hats —new styles in satin and satin and fur.
Stitched Satin- Hats, soft brims and crowns, Small "Black Satin Turban, trimmed with
large, medium and small shapes, $12.00 and sl4 silk braid and steel beads $15.00
Chin Chin shape, -stitched black satin hats, Small Navy Chin Chin appliqued In silk
faced with blue $12.00 brald and finished With tassel $15.00
Black Satin Turbans, tucked brim, edged Small Chin Chin Shapes and Turbans, in vel
with gold thread $15.00 yet> blu6i black and red $7 -50
Chin Chin Hat of black satin, faced with r P ,,,. K „.. . .
silver lacc, trimmed with ostrich and fancy Soft Satln Turbans - ln black, brown and
jet pin $ll.OO navy $0.50 and $7.50
Large Taupe Satin Hat, trimmed with Satin and Pur Turbans $0.50
monkey fur $15.00 Gold Stitched Satin Turbans $0.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Gifts That a Woman Will Welcome
For Her Dresser
Toilet Pieces in dainty white ivory. You will
iind, too, that most women have one or more pieces of
this description so that such a gift will prove a wel
come addition to the collection on her boudoir dresser.
Hair Brushes . .$2.98 to $6.98 Soap Boxes 59c and 98c
Hand Mirrors, $3.98 to SIO.OO Salve Boxes 59c and 98c
Dressing Combs, Toilet Sets, Comb, Brush and
SI.OO, $1.25 to $1.98 Mirror,
Nail Polishers. .$1.25 to $2.98 $5.98, $6.98 to $20.00
Bonnet Brushes, $1.25 to $2.50 Manicure Sets,
Perfume Bottles, 59c to $3.50 $6.98, $8.98 to $12.00
Picture Frames, f~l fTIUI I * "OS'UKi
$1.25 to $2.98 |
$1.25, $1.50 to $5.98 ;
Fancy Clocks . .$2.98 to $6.50 , ft . , ' f J
Nail Files, Shoe Hooks, Shoe |jf
Horns and Cuticle Knives,
50c to $1.25
Dlv.es, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
ls iv rvj x 3 p IV, IVIV.
Gift Shop Suggestions: Third Floor \
Candle Sticks with shade, holder and candle, complete 59c -j
Solid Mahogany Candle Sticks SI.OO :
Stippled Candle Sticks $2.50 and $3.50 i
Mahogany Spool Holders $2.25 A
Mahogany Flower Vases $2.50
Silk Candle Shades 59c to $7.50
Incense Burrvers 59c to $2.50 -j
Doll Fin Cushions 50c to $7.50 ;
Japanese Candy Boxes $2.75 jj
Pin Trays 25c and 50c A
Sweet Grass Baskets .'. 50c to $2.50
Painted Work Baskets $1.25 to $1.50 jj
Sanitary Luncheon Sets of 6 to 13 pieces $1.75 and $2.00 J
Library Scarfs, stenciled on linen and rep 85c to $2.00
Tapestry a.id Velour Library Scarfs $3.25 to $9.00 jj
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
Gift Jewelry
For Men
Solid Gold Cult Links,
$3.50 to SB.OO
Solid Gold Scarf Pins,
$2.50 to $7.00
Solid Gold Rings, set with dif
ferent stones $8.98 to $12.00
Gold Filled Waldemar Chains,
$1.25, $1.98 to $3.50
Gold Filled Pocket Knives,
$1.25 to $2.50
Gold Filled Waldemar Chain
and Knife in case, $1.25 to SO.OO
Silver Plated Cigaret cases,
Sterling Silver Belt Buckles,
Elgin Watches, 20 year case,
seven jewels $18.50
Elgin Watches, 20 year cases,
15 jewels $27.50
Rogers 1847 Flat Ware in the
Heraldic, Louvaln, Cromwell and
Old C-oiony designs.
Tea Spoons, '/j dozen..s4.oo
Table' Spoons, Ys dozen. . SB.OO
Dessert Spoons, Yi dozen, $7.50
Coffee Spoors, % dozen..s4.oo
Orange Spoons, Yi dozen, $5.50
Salad Forks, V 2 dozen, ..SB.OO
Butter Spreaders, % dozen,
Gravy Ladles, each $2.75
Soup Ladles, each $0.25
Berry Spoons, each ...... $3.00
Cold Meat Forks $2.00
Tomato Servers, each... .$3.75
Butter Knife and Sugar Shell,
each $1.25
Flat Handle Knives and Forks,
% dozen, each SO.OO
Hollow Handle Knives and Flat
Forks, '/s dozen-, each ....$20.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.