Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 18, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' New Industrial
Construction Becomes
Big Steel Trade Factor
New York, Dec. 18.—New indus
trial construction is more and more
i factor in the demand upon iron
We Have Grouped for Hours m Excellence I Pretty Gift
f 01 • j
Friday—A Day of 112 Silk Camisoles ~ ,$1.19 I ||j
I/jt v/ 1 kJllll lo Alt exira gwe.d quality- tuik in yoloa;- ail are neatly
ft Lot No. 1, at $4.89 Dl 7 'P'PI? D IT AT¥T ¥? O y
n nCi I 1 rv |\ Vl\Yj Ulu 88 Crepe de Chine Chemises M
VJ/A worth up to $6.98, boxed. Am JL JLs qq Kj9
m Bc.utif?r M.dr.s shirts'in ve'ry d.mty'coi- This store's prices are a moral protest in unmistakable terms against the high TiTJSTa 1 W
Jra ariiy^se*rlit^much^hi^ier' prices; **.* l sizes; cost of necessities. We always invite comparisons of value and prices. We are """"" y3
'%!. £°" Xt o „„ „„ stocked completely and disregard the present wholesale cost. WE BUY FOR 600 Women's Choice Under Eg
S Lot No. 3, at $1.79 LESS AND SELL THE SAME WAY. 1 so 03
Pretty Percale and Madras Shirts in all iTIUoIIIIo, p±of Ia A
wanted sizes and in the most desirable color- .. . . . pyj
amyu . . .. • r. 1 T.yi You can choose from fine white gowns, chemises, petti-. |/M
wfll ines and patterns shown this season; very . ... „ .... . . , ~ .. . ' law
Wjfrjg -\ coats, etc., ail prettily trimmed with dainty laces and em- W|
jWiV. Special. . __ __ _ # rwr% ■• t* broidery; this lot inoludes garments worth up to SB.OO. Iftir
m I A Very Rare Event Just in Time for 1
Sf 700 Fine Blouses $2.85 Xmas Gift Giving H
JUS Late Winter and new Spring models consisting of very ~ IVAI IN LA* Ho AINU KAIIN lAJAIc*
IvP fine Voiles and fine Jap Silk. A large assortment of * 9Sn
Ly/i . . . , . • i r ..-1 . ■ . ... . . . Thome will make an iqeal Sift tpF fchi'- Utile girl and uau NaC
gr/4 choice styles to pick from, prettily trimmed with dainty that Will be appreciated, MAIN came in pfvy, red and f 1
t£ji laces, all individually packed in holiday boxes. j ,\jf A 00 " ***' * n<l "'* e " #l ° ** l¥ M
1, r' v ' f tiffin $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 and $4.75 OK
lit Vf M~ J r'hino Kurchiafc mi f* "i ' f . jY JBB ' T i" Very Bervloenble and have hats to match. They come in tan .
1115 u! m vnine ivertnieib. . est/V. \,. J AaayryrSfm. I I m unil navy blue, and In miaea for girla up to 18 years. Special at, 1 V
Women's Kerchiefs 25c m j^hf I II W° men ' 9 Fham- jo r
Hemstitched linen kerchiefs of very fine quality; lint- •< J m ~z%*m 11jilt vm oisette Gloves.. <P*£o ' L / Slk\i
Children's Boxed Kerchiefs, 39c
jpyj TTV fyflC Bt'r^p'wrist of
WBSS^ $1 ' 98
S S U P "'^ >ro ''^'' in grey lir brown; very ap- |j
m / L.-: VWB . Jk M . Jfi double aoles
I P'tlH fnshlned silk lisle hose, witli double soles nnd heels B^^
A special purchase Io us Just iu time for Christmas | jgffi ' jjff It '' an< ' Rar '^ r ' ops; t * onles ' n black > brown and while.
whi^oid'iafge^urkeyb'i^sisal's inchL. K,,apo ' TOlf - baßt,n ** h ./ • < ' . 128 Women s Long Flannelette Kimono
rldfty Biz ........... sl_9H | JN* They come in neat floral patterns; a full cut anil full length
- Is* sC garment; a very durable gift; one that will be appreciated; spe- \Jyyr.
Oven Glassware for Baking /£ j §fm m * ' 'IK 162 Infants Bathrobes $1.38
Pie Plates . . -48 c 'f | ' i Heavy flannelette bathrobes with hoods; neatly made; has
TA Round Casseroles 98r, $1.69 and $1.98 ! A 1 J ':M igj'K |SB 150 Women's Bathrobes .$3.88 W/ 1
Oval Casseroles 98<? to !■ m /4m ■ m [KKj |n| Kxcellent garments in heavy durkbie and most desirable ma-
IBt"<i <snnore Cake niches K JSW H w!WIII® 2t* teriais; all the newest color combinations and in the very pret- AAj
|WW ' " oOC r ■
Li Nickel-Plated Casseroles $1.69 JB [fl M7 9liß M
ilg'k These have white or brown fillers; special. K W3& SS IB m colors and full sizes; very special. ■
Card Tables $1.98 HMI > fl | flf 350 White Tea Aprons 39c
fy''A Good strong card tables with leathcrelto tops; an extra- v "'-; 's-j fiitesHKet Another ciioice lot; made of pretty lawns and line organdies
ordinary value; special. '%J|| In 1' pA ''\*4%'s !^ e 1 , * in. Mirious styles: all neatly trimmed with lace and embroidery; kcJm
-STW at 1 r^ r V' 1 iSIraBHI fHt EfafilSxßg • / a'most acceptable Christmas gift; special.
mlhmSSK' J W* ISO Pairsof Women's Silk Hose.. .$1.95 NJ
iftw >.. 1,.. ill 1. „ a nn 1m 1 i,<, \," : BBMk i v jffSHff ' \'"v®i>l// A full-fashione'd thread silk hose with reinforced soles and P.;
&>/) ITtlDji lilanKetS 9oC <1 ll CI $1.39 &W l-\ WBMp a-' t?} 'W heels: silk lisle garter lops; comes in black, navy anil brown; |/j
Pink and blue baby blankets in pretty patterns; special. MB /- V ||
P , K § £s*-*>**. .. i
g Misses' $35 to S4O Coats v == m. y
hA 'Km EHr?H",£ Er £sk ALL WOOL SILVERTONE COATS TURED—Colors are given and materials stated; I '<uhic is..iio r < .. si.is ami si.::. wA
Vy shlai.? nreVi' t,,:inK . I 'm' J, c whl, " h , ~ th is tells the complete story with exception that we c/fe-fil w'imiMn- I^ k.-iVi : "" St " s ,/A
'hritmas mom. Full lined with high Lustre Venetian, have large are very fortunate in securing this wonderful assort- #-§ \ si.is ami si.o • flf
: IT uoxl " "'AIT AN- Scaline liu collars in colois of biown reindeer, navy ment of pretty coats and we believe that our custom- • |L\ suurc pan s,u! S|!L!"
s£ tIV taupe and cope "' and in sizes 16 t0 4(i; actual! >' crs Will appreciate the rare values and buy at this ". STB "*>&&&?
|S ' worth $35.00 to $40.00. opportunity to save considerable. COME EARLY
and steel works, according to the j
I Iron Age to-day. Metal-working
manufacturers are beginning a pro
gram of expansion which promises I
Ito equal the remarkable develop
i ment of the automotive industries
this year. A locomotive company
has appropriated several million
dollars for additions and new equip
ment, and an electric company has
i bought one new plant and is build
ing another. These are hut.exam
| pies of the new work that is going
ion or being planned for in many
I lines. Orders for machine tools
running into hundreds of thousands'
of dollars have not been infrequent, i
anil one company is now in the mar- |
ket. for about 200 machines,
The demand upon the machinery
trade has been so great that the i
fear felt early in the year, of the :
resales of machine tools used in war j
work, lias quite .disappeared. And j
this week Washington reports the
sale to France of $25,000,000 worth
of tools from the Government sur- |
plus in this country, payment being
in 10-year bonds of the French ]
French to Purchase
Marine Engines Here
| Chicago, Dec. 18.—American speed |
! evidenced during the war has proved j
contagious in France, in respect to i
: both land and water, and the slow j
; methods of pre-war days have gone |
I forever. I
Kinmanuel Pironneau, an eminent
| consulting engineer of France, has
! oomo to this country to represent
| large interests in the purchase of
j supplies, qnd has Just visited Clii
! cugo to negotiate the purchase of
j large quantities of oil-burning ma
' rine engines, to be used on fishing
I boats along the coast of France,
DECEMBER 18, 1919. "
and for pleasure craft. The flshtug
boats before the war were almost
all sailing vessels, with an occasional
But when the swarm of American
destioyers and the little "wasps -of
the sea" got Into action they taught
the French fishermen a great lesson
at the same time they were teaching
a more severe lesson to the Huns.
Get the
and Avoid
lEvery Cak*