Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 18, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
BELL 1901—2356 UNITED Friday Bargains Dress Goods 36-inch serges and ba tiste; light and dark col ors; Friday Bargains, yard, 69c 40-inch plaid or check suitings or skirtings; Friday Bargains, yard, $1.35 40-inch satin surface with wool back cloths, also silk and wool ben galines; Friday Bar gains, yard, $2.75 1 3-4 yards long fur scarf lengths; Friday Bargains, each, $2.65 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Gift Slippers The daintiness and style of these slippers are sure to please every one who chances to see them. They arc appealing to the feminine taste and the man also will welcome a pair for the evenings when he is reclining comfortably at home in his lounging coat. Those who have been elsewhere commend us on having as fine assortment as has ever been shown in Harrisburg. For Women —high For Men —felt slip grade felt slippers pers, soft or leather with soft or leather soles and heels; $2.00 soles and heels; $2.25 | to $3.50. to $3.00. For Children-—felt Felt Juliets; 52.50 : comfy .slippers; $1.65 to $3.00. I Samples of Daniel Satin Boudoir Slip- j Green's felt comfy pers with or without j slippers in sizes 4, 4j/i heels; $2.50 to $6.00. ! and 5: $1.35. BOWMAN'S—Main Fleer. A Two-Day Sale of Beautiful Blouses Fine Suit Blouses at 20% Reductions At this price you may choose from the entire line of the finer georgette suit blouses that are regularly priced from $13.95 to $33.95. They include beautiful beaded effects in all the desirable shades, such as bisque, navy, black, brown, coral, psach and gray. Also one lot of blouses in flesh, white and dainty shades, with hand embroidered real lace trimming. Some of these blouses are embroidered in wool. Cossack and peplum models are included in this lot. See the regular price mark on each garment and take TWENTY PER CENT. OFF—(one-fifth). THURSDAY EVENING, Shop Early And Early In The Day Wash Goods 36-inch linen finish suitings; tan and rose only; -Friday Bargains, yard, 25c 32-inch finest grades ginghams, plaids, checks and stripes; Fri day Bargains, yard, 45c and 59c 36-inch self checked or figured silk mull: big range of colors; Friday Bargains, yard, 69c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Velonr Plush 36-inch Velour Plush for dress, suit or coat; six colorings; Friday Bargains, yard, $1.69 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor hast live shopping days before Christmas we offer this unusual opportunity to seeure Gift Blouses at a decided saving. Every good current style in every size, reasonable fabric and color scheme. A splendid grouping of different price blouses, so conveniently arranged that vou niav choose quickly, as your shopping time is limited so near Christmas. All who have been here know that there is 110 finer or larger assortment of Blouses in this section of the State than Bowman's. You may rest assured; therefore, that here are hundreds of beauti- I ul blouses selected from our regular stocks that will be unexcelled for values. APPROVE ? Baby Pants Rubberized and silk; Solvos and Ostermoor; in a number of makes , and sizes; Friday Bar gains, 39c Can field's stockinet diapers; Friday Bar gains, 69c and 89c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Pretty Voiles at $2.98 and $3.95 Splendid quality in white voile, some em broidered, others with lace trimming' and clus ter of tucks; square neck, round and collarless styles; sale price, $2.98. Pretty v.hit| voile waists, trimmed with hand embroidery and lace: smartest of cuffs and collars; sale price, $3.95. Serge Middies, $4.95 Navy serge middies of the regulation style with white braid trimmings in all sizes; sale price, $4.95. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JSjytvmarti HARRIS BURG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1910 Men's Bathrobes One-Fourth Off Select a nice warm blanket bathrobe for father, husband, brother or sweetheart. All our new blanket bathrobes of the newer jacquard and all over designs in beautiful color combina tions; full sizes. One-fourth less than the regu lar price. Do not overlook this opportunitv; $8.75 to $15.98 reduced to ONE-FOURTH OFF. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Georgette & Crepe de Chine Blouses $5.00 • Georgette and crepe de chine also fine net blouses and dark suit shades, flesh, white, etc. Variety of styles in all the new collar and ruff effects; sale price, $5.00. ■BOWMAN'S—Third Floor, Laces Another lot of odd laces and insertions; Friday Bargains, 10c BOWMAN'S —Main Floor Stockings Women's pure thread silk stockings of extra fine quality with lisle tops and feet in black and colors; Friday Bar gains, pair, $1.19 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Kimonos Round collars, ribbon or cord trimmed ki monos in pink and blue; sizes 36 to 44; Friday Bargains. $3.75 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor Draperies Cretonnes in good quality of many im ported patterns; among them are beautiful col orings ; Friday Bar gains, yard, 69c 50-inch Marquisette of very line.quality; Fri day Bargains, yard, 69c Comfort sateen in light and dark colorings, Friday Bargains, yard, 39c Filet net curtains in white and ecru; neat ef fects; 2/? yards long; Friday Bargains, pair, $2.75 BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor A Remarkable Lot_ of Georgette Blouses To Sell at $9.49 Best quality georgette blouses in the dainty shades of flesh, white, bisque and shades of blue. Hand embroidered, Val. and fine laces and smart tucking effects. Round collars, square necks, flat and roll collars; nicely packed in Christmas boxes, sale price, $9.49. Sweaters, $3.95 A special sale of the regular coat styles; belted effects, flat and roll collars; can be worn high at neck; the shades arc navy, Copen, brown, black, and rose; sale price, $3.95. Fiber silk sweaters; belt and sash effects, turn back cuffs, in colors of blue, rose, salmon and buff ; sale price. $5.95. How about a Warm Wool Scarf in Angora, with fringed finish, all colors;sl.7s up. DECEMBER 18, 1919. Shop Early And Early In The Day Friday Bargains Table Cloths Hemstitched damask table cloth; size 66x54; and y> dozen hem stitched napkins to match; Friday Bargains, per set, $3.00 Hemstitched and scal .loped damask table cloths; Friday Bargains, each, $1.25 BOWMAN"S—SecOmi Floor. Union Suits Women's fine quality cotton ribbed union suits; fleece lined, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; Friday Bargains, suits, $1.49 Children's fleece lined union suits in gray; all sizes: Friday Bargains, $1.29 BOWMAN'S-Main Floor Sale of ' -A 560 Pieces Neckwear Salesman's samples from one of New York's largest neckwear manufacturers. We get this line of samples every season. They comprise the very newest and up-to-date styles in collars, sets, vestees and points. Materials are lace, georgette, organdie atidf pique. For Friday selling we are selling them for one-halt* price. Friday Bargains, each, 50c to $3.50 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Silk Remnants At 20 Per Cent. Reductions Remnants and short ends from our most active stocks in lengths enough for waist, skirt, dress or suit, also many short ends for trimmings, vestings or millinery purposes in such weaves as satins, taf fetas, crepes, foulards, fancy silks, poplins and silk tricolette. All remnants marked at a low figure, in addition we will deduct 20% on each sale, causing a second reduction. Rubberized Aprons —' ui Rubberized kitchen aprons in different pat terns. Just such a gift that mother would like, especially when she is preparing her Christ mas dinner. Friday Bargains, 79c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor , 3 FOUNDED lWf