Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 18, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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London Daily Mail Reveals
Discovery by Professor at
Sheffield University
Iximlon, Dec. IS. —The invention
ot a new steel, far in advance of
any high speed steel hitherto made,
is ascribed by the Daily Mail to-day
to John Oliver Arnold, professor of
metallurgy at Sheffield University.
The newspapers say that the Ameri
can government is aware of Pro
fessor Arnold's invention and is in
vestigating it and that American
metallurgists also arc working along
lines similar to those of Professor
The Daily Mail indicates that Pro
fessor Arnold uses molyodenum in
stead of tungsten and says:
"If large quantities of molybde
num (a hard, silver-white, metallic
element) can be found and the. price
reduced, tungsten will take a back
seat, because six per cent molybde
num wilj achieve more than 18 i/r
cent tungsten."
Patents in America, Too
Professor Arnold, says tne news
paper, is prevented under the De
fense of the Ttealm Act from utiliz
ing his invention industrially. He is
patenting his invention Ip England
and America, and will be allowed to
proceed with his American patent on
condition that he publishes nothing
concerning it.
The Daily Mail says the govern
ment has asked Professor Arnold
whether he is willing to hand over
his invention to the state and on
what terms b.ut that Arnold does
not intend to comply with the gov
ernment's desire to secure it. A rep
resentative of the American govern
ment, the newspaper continues,
made a special journey to Sheffield
to investigate Professor Arnold's
discovery ,and agents of the United
States are prospecting in America
and Europe for deposits of molybde
num, which previously has been
found chiefly in Canada.
The Daily Mail, which asserts that
Professor Arnold is "shackled" by
government restrictions, expresses
the fear that the United States will
get ahead of Great Britain, on wTTat
it terms an important discovery.
Maynard's Letter Is
Open to Public, Says
Anti-Saloon League Head
Vow York, Dec. 18.—William 11.
Anderson, state superintendent of
tlie Antisaloon Dengue, replied lafet
night to Dieutenant- Maynard's
charge that his original statement in
regard to the use of alcoholic li
quors by Army aviators. was
"juggled" by the league. M. An
derson's statement follows:
"The Antisaloon I.eague refuses to
be made the goat by Dieutenant May
nard. The only reply that we care
to make to his accusation that the
league 'juggled" his statement is the
fact that we still have in our pos
session, subject to inspection by any
reporter or any other person who
has any valid interest in the matter,
the original, typewritten statement
covered and identified by letter
signed by Dieutenant Maynard and
sent by him to use in response to our
request for a statement for publicity
Thos. Mott Osborne
Has No Intention of
Cleaning Up Prisons
Portsmouth, X. 11., Dee. 18.—Dieit
tenant Commander Thomas Mott
Hsborne, in charge of the United
States naval prison here, in a. state
ment last night disclaimed knowl
edge of plans for a nation-wide drive
for prison reform. He characterized
as "false and silly" a report accred
iting such plans to him. .
"I am still in the naval service,"
Commander Osborne said in his
statement, "and am attending strict
ly to my duties at the naval prison.
Moreover, 1 should never consider
it my business to reform prisons all
over the country. As a citizen of
New York I have quite enough in
that line at home."
Allies Are Holding
Machine Guns Germans
Had Sent to Mexico
Coblcnz. Dec. 18. —Two shipments
of machine guns and machine gun
accessories being sent to Mexico
from Germany and discovered in
transit across Holland, have been
held up by the Allied military
authorities, according to informatibn
reaching the American officials here.
The exportation of war material by
Germany is a violation of the armis
tice and Peace Treaty. The German
government has been, asked to ex
plain the shipments and notified not
to attempt any similar exportation of
such arms.
Report Much Timber
in Northwest Suitable
For Newsprint Paper
By Associated Press
San Francisco, Dec. IS.—At the
local offices of the United States
forest service it was said yesterday
there were large areas of red fir,
white fir and hemlock timber in
California, Oregon and Washington,
and possibly some in Montana and
Idaho, suitable for manufacture of
newsprint paper.
Wiener, Who Tried
Suicide, Arrested For
Carrying Firearms
New York. Dec. 18.—Captain
Clarence Wiener, of Philadelphia,
the former British and American
war veteran who attempted suicide
by shooting himself on Monday
night, was arrested last night in hos
pital on a charge of violating the
law against carrying firearms. Cap
tain Wiener, who was once a fntl
lionaire, is recovering from his self
inflicted wcund, it was stated at th£
Six Steel Ships, of
5,500 Tons, Completed
Newark. X. J., Dec. 18.—The
Submarine Boat Corporation has an
nounced that within the next five
days six fabricated steel ships, each
having a tonnage of 5,500 tons, will
be* launched from the yards at Port
No we rk. v .
"The Live Store" . "Always Reliable"
" Open Every Night Until "
Friday & Saturday Big Days for
"Old Santa'"' At Doutrichs
( % •
! Undoubtedly it will be the biggest day
/ / ever recoi *ded in the history of the store and you can
I expect to see DOUTRICHS filled to capacity from morning un
j J* (I M till we close at 10 o'clock Saturday night. The ever-increasing
# § f|f mpopularity of this wonderful organization is bringing hun-
I to m jjf jry 4&k dreds of new customers every week who express a desire to be
.> u , identified witH this square-dealing, "Always Reliable" Store.
| ft Those who trade with us come here because
If Ju r # we have an enviable reputation for handling Dependable Mer
giving better service and greater values The Doutrich Label is
f. f ■ absolute certainty that you are getting known quality, standardized goods, that are
:f fguaranteed to give complete and lasting satisfaction. Most men prefer this "Live
Store," and when you Are selecting men's gifts, "Be Sure of Your Store." If you are
anxious to have him enjoy a Merry Christmas and appreciate your gift, The Dout
rich Label is your assurance.
Try This Dependable Doutrich Service
About •
f .|| 9i- Jy||• Perhaps you have made preparations to buy Him
M i I Ij Ml | '-'1 a new Suit or Overcoat, you couldn't spend money to a better advant
ifmiMJl W '' 'I age than to invest it in Clothing. Our large assortment of
; ; Hart Schaffner & Marx
jt Kuppenheimer &
|! Society Brand Clothes
-wt iff represent the best in the land and these all wool
clothes will serve you better than ordinary clothes. You can't make
\ quite so much profit on the standard makes of clothes we sell, but we do make more
llw l- friends and more thoroughly pleased patrons—That's why we are having such a mar
ff || I velous success; our merchandise gives 100 Per Cent, satisfaction. Anytime you don't
' Copyright uw Mart Schafincr & Manr /|f JS think so, you can get your money back.
Make This a Sweater Christmas
Judging from the many sweaters we are selling, it surely
is going to be a sweater Christmas for Men and Boys-They are the most com
fortable garments for out-door wear, yet not bulky or cumbersome. Here in all colors and
Men's Sweaters, $5.00 to $16.50
Boys' Sweaters ,s2.9B to $10.50
DECEMBER 18, 1919.