8 ADMITS KILLING AGED RECLUSE York Man Pleads Guilty to Second-Degree Murder; Gels Life Sentence Worcester, Mass., Dec. 17.—Harry "Sneaks" Baker, of York. Pa., to day faces life imprisonment, after having pleaded guilty yesterday af ternoon of second degree murder of Dwight P. Chapman, aged Westboro recluse. He has already been sen tenced. Eleanor "Baby Doll' Baker, also of York, pleaded' guilty to being ac -11 I——I—BHIMI i "Laxative Bronte Quinine Tablets IGive a I Grafonola or Sonora! I Pianos and Player-Pianos 1 £: We have a large selection of high-grade instruments at m x special prices. These were .1 ; I creases which were caused : L you at prices which mean g[ very substantial savings. : | Columbia Records Aec G e gf' e | | i Spangler's Music House I [ 2112 NORTH SIXTH STREET 5 CUT YOUR FLOUR BILLS! Let us prove that it is not true that people are but, perhaps, ignorance, habit or lack of oppor reckless in personal expenditure and have no ideals tunity. of thrift or social responsibility in this period of extravagant spending. This company will, in a few days, provide an Thrift is commonsense spending. Unwise opportunity for the consumers of flour in and spending may not always indicate lack of thrift, about Harrisburg, to purchase Selected Wheat Flour at Moderate Cost By the end of the week we will have placed in most of the stores hereabouts In Cotton Sacks Liberty Bond Brand Flour In Cotton Sacks which may be bought at retail at prices around Per 121b CG.I per 24 lb. M. til. cotton sack sJjJ JL• Sj cotton sack ——————I_r——____. This soft Winter wheat flour is excellent for Liberty Bond Brand Flour is of the best quality bread and unsurpassed for pastry. Its use will —all pure wheat—and should not be confused with relieve the demand now being made upon the hard the "substitute" flours which were in use during Spring wheats, which crop nature reduced this the war period. Watch for our announcement in year by 150,000,000 bushels, while increasing the next Monday's Telegraph. It will tell you where Winter wheat crop by about the same amount. you can Buy Liberty Bond Brand Flour THE WITMAN--SCHWARZ CORPORATION * Harrisburg, Pa. WEDNESDAY EVENING, ccssory after the fact, and was Riven one year in the house of correction. Baker pleaded guilty on advice of his counsel, George S. Taft, former district attorney, and District Attor ncw Kdwnrd T. Esty permitted the i charge to bo changed from tirst de [ glee to second degree murder. The end of the trial was sensational. , | Worcester people had expected a I I long drawn-out trial with scores of j I witnesses being heard telling thestory of the Bakers from the time they left York up to the murder of Chap man and the sensational chase of the couple through New England, ending with their capture in Maine and an attempt on the part of "Baby Doll" to commit suicide. The fact that the trial lasted loss than one day's actual time surprised every one. The murder of Chapman was com mitted with a clawhammer. Chap i man had his bead beaten in and ! was disemboweled. Baker confess j ed to the crime but said that it had • been done after Chapman had made i indecent proposals to "Baby Doll." i A juror taken ill during the open ; ing of the case by Assistant District j Attorney Stobbs recovered in the 'early afternoon and the trial was ! resumed. It, was during the recess ! caused by the juror's fainting that j Baker and his counsel agreed to plead guilty to the second degree i charge. Juror Faints Actual trial of the cases with the nr. Howard always recommended Oxidaze for Coughs Colds, Br. Asthma tears of study and observation eon i vlneed him it would safely, quickly ami surely stop a bad cough ami ! give instant relief in llronehlal Asthniu. Money huek If it falls. ' Guaranteed linrinless. At all drug gists. t•. A. UorgnH can supply you. tirst degree began this morning in ! the Superior Court. Assistant Dis trict Attorney George B. Stobbs de scribed the beating Chapman must have received, the three blows 011 the head by a blunt instrument, one over the right eye. one on the left side of the bead and one over the bridge of the nose. In addition Mr. Stobbs said, Chapman had been bit on the right hand, two fingers hav ing been broken. "In all," he stated, "this man was probably struck twelve or thirteen times with this instrument." During his summary describing what is first degree murder, one of the jurors, Charles I. Frye, fainted and one of the jurors next to hint called the at tention of Mr. Stobbs to the fact. "Your Honor, one of the jurors is faint," said Mr. Stobbs. Judge James Sisk excused the jurors and court of ficers took Frye in their arms and | carried him to the jury room. Mrs. Baker and Harry had been ! watching the jury intently. As Frye \ being carried out Mrs. Baker 1 with her right hand shading her face j looked into her husband's face. The ' two conferred earnestly for a min -1 ute and then Interested themselves '■ in looking about tlie courtroom. 4,000,000 Women to Enter Fight Against High Cost of Living By Associated Press I Washington, Dec. 17.—An army j of 4,000,000 women, representing ten j national organizations, has been or j ganized by the savings division of | the Treasury Department to enter ! the fight against the high cost of i living. Beginning January 1 and extend- I ing to April 1 a great thrift cam paign will be conducted in an ef fort to induce women to keep strict accounts of their daily expen ditures in order by study of them to eliminate unnecessary items. Ac cording to the plan, amounts saved by this means would be Invested in government securities. And the Gulf Coast Mecca of the Tourist Have you visited this city with its novel customs and cosmopolitan life ? You'll be fascinated with its quaint architecture, reminiscent of its Spanish and French origin, its famous markets, picturesque old streets and world-renowned restaurants fasci nated alike with the old and the new. New Orleans and the Gulf Coast Resorts afford all Sports and Pastimes. Winter Racing, Duck Shoot ing, Hunting, Golf, Yachting, Fishing, Motoring. You should include a sojourn at Mobile, Pensacola or one of the other noted Gulf Coast resorts, each with its special attractions. Attractive Winter Excursion Fares to Resorts In the South arc offered by the United States Railroad Administration. For Fares, # Schedules, Service, Maps or Booklet,"Florida and Southern Winter Resorts," apply to or write nearest Consolidated Ticket Office or •UNITED -STATES RAILRCWD -ADMINLSTRAIKN' Travel Bureau Travel Bureau Travel Bureau 646 Transportation Building 143 Liberty Street 602 Healey Building Chicago New York Atlanta HARRISBURG %?&&& TELEGRAPH LIVE SPORTING NEWS' PARIS PROMOTER WILL PAY PRICE Makes Bonafide Offer For the Dempsey-Carpcntier Bat tle : Kearns Is Willing 11 ij Associated Press Paris, Dec. 17. —Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars is the amount Jack 'Dempsey wants to come to France to fight Carpentier. 51. De coin, manager of the Wonderland Sporting Club of Paris, announces that he will pay the price. ' A cablegram from Jack Kearns, Denipsey's manager, was received by I M. Decoin yesterday afternoon ask j ing for this amount. Kearns says he has received a bonatide offer of \ a $350,000 purse for a battle be tween Carpentier and Dempsey in America. Kearns also asks for the option of a percentage. Ready to Talk Business M. Decoin wired Kearns that he was ready to guarantee him a quar ter of a million dollars, and wished to know what percentage was de sired. If he receives a satisfactory answer he will leave for Los. Ange les immediately to close the con tract. M. Deeoin's declaration of his wil lingness to pay $250,000 to have Jack Dempsey box Georges Carpen tier in France does not clinch the deal, unless he also agrees to the condition that Dempsey shall have the privilege of taking a percentage of the profits, said Dempsey's man ager, Jack Kearns last night. WASHINGTON TO TIIAIN AT TAMPA By Associated Press Tampn, Fla., Dec. 17.—The City of Tampa has closed a deal with the Washington American baseball club whereby the club will use Plant Athletic field here for spring train ing purposes. Joe Barrett Working on New Year Day Program; ; j Strong Card Monday Night Having completed nis big bill for i Monday night at the Olympia A. A.. ! Sleelton Manager Joe Barrett is now ! at work on plans for his New Year Day offering. Indications point to the greatest light card ever offered in this ' vicinity. There will be three 10- ; round bouts, according to reports. Knockout Brennen and Johnny Gnl will close the show. Gill meets Cyclone Scott on Mon i day night. The semi-wind-up will be bi twoon Joe Carson and Johnny Her- I man. Willie Langford boxes A 1 Ma j son, of Lancaster, and the two Hilde i braiult boys will be in I lie preliminar- > I ien. Chris will box Billy Zimmerman, i ! and Harry will meet Joe Strosser; j Young Lehmer, of Harrisburg, is on ; j tIH bill for six rounds with Eddie j ; Billman. of Lancaster. Plan Basketball League For P. R. R. Y. M. C. A.; i i ! Harrisburg is to have a basketball ] League. Norman Ford the popular I j physical director at the P. R. It. Y. ! it. C. A., is back of the movement. On ] i Friday night at the P. R. R.Y. M. C. I I A., there will be a meeting of can- | didates for six teams After each j team has been elected the League will , be planned. The new organization will be known , a'l the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Basketball j League. The winning team will get j a silver trophy and the members on i the victorius five will each receive a j trophy. Games will be played in As- I sociation Gymnasium, two and three j eacii week. | Earl Caddock Is Ready For ! Struggle With Englishman Chicago, Dec. 17. Earl Caddock, champion heavyweight wrestler, fln j ished his training to-day for his match here to-morrow night with Sam Clappam. British champion. It will be Caddock's first contest since he was discharged from the army. The match, according to Caddock, resulted from a promise he made Clappam in France when a contest there wns called off because of Cad- : dock's illness. BAN JOHNSON GETS BUSY By Associated Press New York, Dec. 17.—An official bulletin from Ban Johnson, presi dent of the American League, an nouncing that resolutions adopted by the old hoard of directors of the league last Wednesday morning had been descinded by the newly-elected hoard Wednesday evening, was re t ceived to-day by the New York i I American League club. The resolutions which were adopt- ; ed by the majority members of the old board, asked for an investiga- i tion of Johnson's conduct as presi- I of the lea- 1 gue, the nature of his contract with the league, and also awarded third place money to New York in the i league pennant race. CORNELL TAKES VP POLO By Associated Press Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 17.—Cornell is to adopt polo as an intercollegiate i sport, Graduate Athletic Manager I Romeyn Derry announced to-day. j Several intercollegiate contests will j be arranged for next spring and it is | understood that Yalo and West Point j will form teams. NEW YORK GETS McQUADE By Associated Press | ! New Y'oi'k, Dee. 17. The New York Nationals announced that the I club has signed Pitcher James Mc- Quade, a right bander, who was four years on the Fordham Univer j sity team. He is a relative of Judge Francis McQuade, treasurer of the New York Club. NEW ORLEANS GETS CLEVELAND By Associated Press Clevrtnd, Ohio. Dec. 17.—The Cleve lad baseball club- of the American snrin l i° iV'w tr^i na ! New Orlpans next spring, it was definitely announced bv i Business Manager E. S. Barnard. j (Other Sports News on I'age 1.) ! Fight Over Treaty May Cause Senatorial Split in Democratic Party ! Washington, Dec. 17.—The striv ! ! f o1 - , t^le Senate Democrats to bring about a compromise on the Peace Treaty and the insistence of the President that there are to be !no concessions threatened v a break I in the Democratic ranks, which had | a distinct bearing on the light for ( the minority leadership in the Sen- I ate. Senator Underwood, conceded to j be among the wisest men on the Democratic side of the chamber, de clared that it. is impossible to put through the Treaty without a com | promise. He believed, however, that the President was prepared to ac j cept any proposal upon which a | two-thirds majority of the Senate would agree. I So confident is the Senator from Alabama that he would be able to ! bring this about that he is at work j upon conciliatory measures, apd if all such compromises fail Senator I Underwood was ready to concede j that many of the Democrats would even be willing to agree to a partial j ratification, leaving the League out i of the question for the present. It was apparent that if Under- I wood should negotiate the agree j ment upon his own initiative, he will 1 swing the support of the minority | into bis selection as the party leader | nnd Senator Hitchcock will be left ! in the cold. The Republicans, as the situation stands to-day, have the Democrats in I a pocket from which they will only j be able to extricate themselves with I the greatest difficulty. Should they ! be able to effect a compromise on j the Treaty, the President will np- I pear as having been repudiated by members of his own party and forced to give up the leadership which he has assumed from the first j of his administration. On the other hand, if- the President rejects any i proposals to which the Democrats j of the Senate agree, the split In the 1 ranks wilf be even more pronounced. Avers Ra' Salctv Laws Are Evaded Washington, Dec. 17.—Evasion of i laws fo promote the safety of pas ! sengers and employes was charged I to the railroads of the United States ! hy W. P. Borland, chief of the bu | reau of safety of the Interstate Com | merce Commission, In his annual re j port. ON WAY HOME 1\ By Associated Press Paris. Dec. 17.—Vlttorio Scialoia, the Italian Foreign Minister; left Paris for Rome this morning. House Passes the Senate's Sugar Bill By Associated Press WtiNhlviKton, Poc. 17. By a vote of !2.>6 to 31 the HOIIMO late; yesterday passed the Senate bill continuing* the . Penalization Board through Amendments retaining in force the war-time powers of the Govern ment for controlling prices and move ments of sugar were approved, ne Nothing Quite Approaches a Piano as a Christmas Gift What better symbolizes Christmas than music? and what better musical gift than a superb Steinway Piano or other high grade instrument, A piano is a gift that the whole family may enjoy from one Christmas to another through the coming years. Immediate se lection for Christmas is advised. Choose from these celebrated makes: i Steinway Uprights ... $750 Up Steinway Grands SI2OO Up TheChristman ...... $450 up The Sigler Player, a t • Di eeen # $675 and S7OO Ar.emif. Player $550 Jhe Washburn . . .., . .S4OO The Sigler $425 Schirmer Player $550 ■ Oh What Fun and Enjoyment When a Victrola Comes Into the Home at Christmas Imagine the hours of merriment and profound joy this world-famed entertainer will afford. Christmas, as well as every other day, will be far brighter and happier for the presence of a Victrola in your home. There is a great shortage of Victrolas this season, and for that reason we urge you to make your selection now from our present stock and avoid the disappointment of not having a Victrola for Christmas. We are in full readiness for Holiday shoppers as never before—with our unequaled stock of Victrolas. All Styles and Finishes of Victrolas Gifts may be bought now for later delivery Pianos and Victrolas Sold on reasonable terms Open Evenings Till Christmas C. M. SIGLER, Inc. DECEMBER 17, T7T9. cessitating the sending of the meas ure to conference committee of ihe two houses. The • House Interstate Commerce Committee began bearings yesterday on the proposal to place nn embargo on sugar, but deferred final action until Friday. Several members of Congress appeared before the com mittee to urge favorable action. W ANTS FRENCH TO RETURN By Associated Press Paris, Dec. 17. (i lavas I—The1 —The lieud of the French Military Mission in Berlin Ims called • upon French war prisoners remaining voluntarily in Germany to return to France, ac cording to advices from the German capital. HEADS llKlXil.W SENATE Brussels, Dec. 17. (llavas) —M. De Favereau, of the Catholic party, has been elected president of the Senate.
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