6 Plan Benefit Social at Cathedral Hall, Dec. 30 A committee of women represent ing- the K. of C. Home Association are arranging for the second in a series of card and dance socials to be held in Cathedral Hall, Tuesday eve ning, December 30. It has been urged that all persons interested in the welfare of Council 869, Knights of Columbus, give their assistance in making the event suc cessful. TEMPER A NCE UNION The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet tomorrow, at 2 o'clock in the Fourth Street Church of God. Miss Mabel Stites will be the speaker, and her subject will be "Christmas greetings—Peace, good will to men. J - Dr. George Schantz I'hllndelnhin Eyesight Specialist Will personally be- at 310 Market Street, from Ilec. 17th Until Saturday, Dee. 20th, Inclusive. HOURSs f) A. M. to S P. M. I will personally examine the eyes by my modern system and fit you with Guaranteed Glasses, all complete, as low as 52.00 Shell Frames and Prescription Lenses at very low prices during this Sale. Do not miss this opportunity to have your eyes examined by a graduate >of many years experi ence. Dr. George Schantz 310 MARKET STREET tSecond Floor) Over Win. Stroiiso Store, Hurrishurg. I'a. Philadelphia Oilier: S S. 00th St. Also Ninth and I'enn St*.. Heading. I'n. Sid Hamilton St., Altentown, Pa. L '* A ADY ELIZABETH SHOP A E xc lu s ive Iy GirlvS jSklrlvS CosuU Iff [ EIO6—6UtW N. 2nd. SL One of the Specials In Our ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE Christmas (lull Checks Cashed Shelltex Frames w* Tlnse frames fitted with ff the magazines, you f=A, I will know immediate- Vsy, I ■v'T; Jy that you may get fiJ if'A that article at this i \ SJ-ST Optical Store. This is ? "•=£ the Home of Nation- 5 ire* ally Advertised Optical '*■r • Goods. I X J. S. Bels'nger H IVnn-llerri* Itlilic. ! ygf H! X. Third St. f'c The i-- <; yfCSCToX -Mark f l- i fvjt Superior ; / r Door. T p | Xmas Flowers ] Laurel Wreaths : 30c 'i [ Boxwood Wreaths $3.00 up j ; Magnolia Wreaths $2.00 up : Baskets of flowering plants and ferns, jj $3.00 up .1 Poinsettias $6.00 per doz. up i ; Roses —the finest $2.50 per doz. up j i Narcissus $1.50 per doz. j Keeney's 814 N. 3rd St. i MEETING TONIGHT ! ! OF WOMAN'S CLUB Draft of Constitution to Be! Read at the Civic Club House i The committee on constitution tor i tlie new club for women that Is be ing organized here, held its final \ meeting last evening, nt the home of Dr. Dorothy Child, 123 Pino street, i when a draft of the constitution was . ' drawn up. This draft will be pre- I . Rented to all persons interested at . i the second organization meeting of. i the club to be held this evening at i 1 S o'clock in the Civic Club assembly I I hall, Front street entrance, j At the preliminary meeting held !at the Penn-Harris in Not ember, | the members present voted "to form \ a club, the membership of which i shall be open to all women and girls ! over IB years of age. This means ! that the club's membership will not | be limited to just business and pro | fesslonal women, but will include all : women. A club that is nonsectarian, ! self-governing and self-supporting— j its aim will be to promote demo i cracy and co-operation among wo-j i men. Jts program will be one of re- | | creation and education. ! Miss Louise Palmer Evans, organ i izing secretary for the National | i League of Women Workers, New j | York city, is in the city to complete I the organization of the club. It is hoped that every one inter ' ested in the movement will be pres- | ent this evening, including those j i who attended the November meet- j ! ing. Important business will be j : transacted, including the reading j and adoption of the constitution. Miss Bailey Entertains at Luncheon Today Miss Martha Bailey entertained at a luncheon to-day at her home, 1517 North Front street, in compliment to Miss Margaret McCreath, of Berwick on thc-Tweed, Scotland. The table was decorated with an effective ar rangement of fruit and bitter sweet berries and the guests were Mrs. Les ley, McCreath, Mrs. liobert McCreath, Mrs. John Grcdler, Mrs. V. Hummel Bcrghaus, Jr., Mrs. Samuel W. Flem ing, Jr., Mrs. Henry M. Gross, Miss Mary Reily, Miss Susanna Fleming, Miss Emily Bailey and Miss Jean Cameron. ENTERTAIN FOR GIESTS Miss Murtha Scott, of Pelham Man or, N. Y., will arrive Friday. Decem ber 26, to be the guest of Miss Nelle Payne, 1901 North Front street. On Friday afternoon Miss Payne will give a tea in honor of Miss Scott, and Saturday rv. ning Mrs. Payne will en tertain at the Civic Club preceding the dance which Dr. and Mrs. William E. Wright will give in compliment to Miss Mary Haldeman Armstrong, of New York. MRS. GiI.BERT ENTERTAINS Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert will enter tain at luncheon Thursday, at her heme, 203 North Front street. In com pliment to her guests, Mrs. Alexander Cameron, and Miss Helen Cameron, of East Bourne, England. DANSAXT AT CIVIC CLI B Mrs. Walter P. Maguire and Miss Susanna Maguire have issued cards for a dunsant, Monday afternoon, De cember 22, at the Civic Cluh House. JOSEPH C. PAINTER announces the opening of a Studio for Piano Instruction at 106 South Street, Harrisburg. Special atten tion given to children. The Virgil Clavier System of Technics taught. Consultation may tje arranged by calling Bell Phone 537-J. Candles For Christmas i So many pretty legends j I associate thcmselvesf with | candles, particularly about i Christmas, that they have found decided favor for both decorations and use. Tills shop shows a most comprehen sive display of can dles, from the plain colored ones to the large catheil r a I si/. es, gorgeously decorated. I When matched with a j pain of candlesticks, these j i make a wonderful gift. Candlesticks in mahog- ' | any, bronze and pottery — j in both polychrome and | 1 plain and natural finishes. B a ybcrrjr C a nil 1e s Art & Gift Shop M. Emma Kmikcl 105 N. SECOND ST. DECEMBER 17, 1919. JUST a week before Christmas anil you haven't gotten her Cbrlatmaa gift yet! Ar.-d that is not the worst of it —you simply don't knot* what to choose. She has about everything she needs. Ah, yes, per* haps! Out does she have everything that she wants? There's such a big difference, you know. For instance, does she own a lovely neckpiece o* muff, made by I.ouis, the Ladies' Tailor? Every woman covets one for her own. So why not visit I.ouis' shop, on Third near State street, where he is disposing of the beautiful ones now or? hand at a saving of from sl< to $25, compared with prices elsewhere. I BELIEVE I can truthfully say say that in the last forty-eight hours at least twenty people have asked me where to find gifts that ore reasonably priced without being cheap. And invariably I have suggested Saltzgivcr's Art and An tique Store as the best place in which to search. Mr. Saltzgiver has placed a great number of small, framed pictures in his store, rang ing in price from $3.50 to $5.00. When l I tell you they are copies of works by Reynolds, Corot and other great masters you will realize what excellent gifts they would make. Or, if you desire something more expensive, just notice the carved Italian elqetric candlesticks in the upper window of the store. Very tall, with draft shades, they are most effective. ISN'T it strange how some tilings happen? I was visiting in Lancastei one evening last week among people who knew nothing of my interest tr.' Harrisburg shops. In the course of the conversation an attractive young girl, whom I had particularly noticed lor her taste in dress, sud denly exclaimed, "Oh, tell me, have you ever been in the Cloos Shop? - It seemed a foolish question but I merely replied in the affirmative, won dering why she had asked. She soon enlightened me by stating that the very frock which she wore had been purchased there, adding that she had never seen a more attractive display of modish gowns in any of the large* cities. HAVE you seen that ever-artistic center of attraction the Roshon display case within the past few days? No? Well, take a few minutes from the mad Christmas rush to steal a long glance at the lovely, tinted, photographs exhibited there. I'm not going to even attempt to describe them, for I can't do them justice. But I ant going to urge you to inspect them for yourself. Perhaps you will feel like the nian who, after gazir.-g so long at the lovely display that he missed a Hummelstown oar, remarked, "I've been catching cars every day of my life, but I've never before seen anything to equal these most beautiful portraitures." A Gift that y I reflects the donor's KB M Personality j _ Few things add more to —'it****' the setting of a well-appoint- | Q SO ed room than the proper ® lamp or the use of the proper lighting fixtures in the decorative scheme. In making your Christmas Shopping List add a lamp for those "newlyweds" to whom you want to give something that will reflect your own good taste. Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co. JOHN S. MUSSER, PRESIDENT 436 Market Street. f Must a Thing Be Costly f 0 Because It's Beautiful? 0 • 0 On the east side of Fifth Ave., a few 0 Q blocks south of the Metropolitan Art • a Museum is one of the most expensive " • houses in New York. Built for a United 0 " States Senator, it is an architectural mon• (j 0 strosity. Had the owner had less money ! n to spend he tvould have indulged in less 1 ornament and perhaps have achieved a J V creditable structure. Many a house cost- f 0 j 'ng a few thousand dollars is a thing of 0 Q beauty. After all it's taste: not money ! a that counts. The same applies to women's clothing. # v Merely because the dresses and suits on my 0 0 racks are so stylish does not mean they ft ft are costly. I have suits for less than sixty * • dollars which look far more expensive • V because of the taste displayed in their ® 0 design. And I've pretty frocks for as low 0 0 as $37.50, which look as though they Q ft cost very much more. a • Don't think that you have to pay large • . sums for style. It's all a matter of taste. ™ 0 And taste is inexpensive. 0 This Store Will Be Closed Every Evening 0' 1 | • Have you thought of a Gift Bond? 5 fl It's so sensible. Tlio recipient tlien selects her I • liesrt's desire and you're credited wltli a kindly sentl- Q nient plus common sense; not always synonymous. PERHAPS you have never cone sidered an electrical store as% exactly the proper place in which to do your Christmas shop* ping. But let me tell you, there if not another shop in town in which a greater number of practical giti selections is shown than at the Dam phin Electrical Supplies Co., 434 Market street. I can think of notl ins more acceptable to the average woman than an electric cleaner ot perhaps an electric washing mm chine. Then, too t another novel gift would bo a vibrator or a safe, handy, electric curling iron. And—4 I almost forgot—there are electrie lamps of all kinds to add to the list. FOR the woman who wishes ta give her husband or that grown-up boy a gift sure to please, the Army and Navy Shoe Store, Court street, ofTers many val uable suggestions. Indeed, you would be surprised to see the num erous things not to be found, as a rule, in the average shoe store. Ot course, there is a complete line of hosiery of all sorts including lisle, silk and woolen socks, which is more or less to be expected. Then, too, there are slippers galore. But in addition, a large variety of warm, heavy gloves is shown of the very best quality and cozily lined, noth ing could be more suitable for the average man. •