Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 17, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    HELL 1001—2358 I'MTED
Yes, shop early, and
bring the children along
SLIOD t-ADIY when l )OSsiblc - You
>■/-' know how anxious they
are to see le P rett y
things in the store, and
especially the Toy De
partment in basement.
/ And, of course, they
f ///V must tell Santa their
' wishes. You will find
Santa's Castle on Sec
ond Floor. Front.
Children's Coats
In Broadcloth, Velour, Silvertone and Chin
chilla. Two to six years of age, in colors of tan,
light blue, rose, Copenhagen, green and brown.
Yoke models, plain tailored and flare backs; fur
and fur fabric trimmed, $10.50, $11.95, $13.50,
$16.50, $18.50 to $35.00.
Girls' Coats of Velours,, Silvertone, Bolivia,
Velvet and Chinchilla in gray, blue, Burgundy,
beaver and reindeer, trimmed with plush, fur and
fur fabric; 6 to 14 years; $10.95, $11.50, $12.50,
$14.50 to $47.50.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
Slippers or Pumps
An acceptable and appropriate gift for women
and girls who will welcome new evening footwear for
holiday dances and parties. The most attractive of
the new styles are here at prices ranging from $8.50
to $14.00.
Beautiful designs in rhinestone, cut steel and
beaded: $3.00 to $12.00.
Black Satin Pumps; $8.50.
Black Kidskin; $9.00.
Patent Coltskin; $8.50 to $14.00.
Silver Cloth; $9.00 and $14.00.
All with hand turned soles and Louis XV heels.
Gift Slippers
Women's Slippers; $1.25 and $6.00.
.Men's Slippers; $2.00 to $3.50.
Children's Slippers; $1.65 to $2.75.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Bath Mats
$1.75, $2.00 to $3.00 Each
Bath Mats make useful and desirable gifts.
We have them in pink, blue, lavender and Ori
ental colors in very attractive designs; $1.75,
$2.00. $2.50. $2.75 and $3.00 each.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor
Assortment of Bknises
Specially Priced at $4.95
Included in this lot arc the Georgette Crepe in white, flesh and bisque, also
dark flowered effects; Crepe de Chine in flesh and white daintily trimmed in
embroidery, some with tucks and braiding. Blouses that usually sell for a great
deal more, but there is no reason why we should not give you the advantage of
these right when you appreciate the values most as gifts. Very special at $4.95.
Warm Wool Scarfs in all lengths with black draw string at waist line
and widths with fringe finish. All and elbow in buff, blue, rose and black
shades of heather, buff, browns and $/.90.
oxfords. 1 Also one lot of Serge Middies of the
.. _ regulation style in navy serge, with
Ripple Sweater tor gitts at $/.9 a. white braid trimming; women's and
Flaring sleeves, round collarless neck misses' sizes; $4.95.
BOWMAN'S-Third Floor.
Shop Early And Early In The Day
It's a Delight For a Man to Visit This
ijl IMtfiRV
Jjj (MtillsTMS
~-Wtth a Wife Who Shops Early and Never at Night
Silk Garters
You, no doubt, are now doing- your last bit of
Christmas shopping, but have you made your se
lection of fancy garters, yet? Do not fail to give
them consideration, for they are beautiful. They
make a handsome gift, and one which every
young girl would be glad to receive; $1.39 to
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Domestic Cooker
Domestic Science Fire
less Cookers are useful,
practical and economical.
Sold on the Bowman Club
plan. One dollar delivers
one to your home.
BOWMAN'S —Fifth Floor.
A Gift For Mother
a Hair Switch
Mother surely would be happy if she were to
receive one for a gift. Bowman's hair shop is known
for its dependable merchandise, also shades that will
match the oddest texture, including gray,
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
A Napanee Kitchenet
For Christmas
There are various sizes and styles awaiting your
inspection. One Dollar delivers one to your home;
Bowman's Club Plan takes care of the balance.
BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor.
Sale of All
Fur Scarfs and Muffs
At 20% Off Regular Prices
and Choice of All
Fur Coats at 10% Off
Children's Furs at Prices That
Will Interest You.
BOWMAN S—Third Floor.
Our Holiday Special in
Silk Stockings
We are featuring a fine quality thread silk;
medium weight, full fashioned, hops of flexible
lisle and lisle feet. A good assortment of colors;
black, white, navy, cordovan and gray; "Holiday
Special," $2.49 pair.
BOWMAN'S—Main floor.
and Velveteens
Whets are very much
I in demand th> season.
Our color line is still
complete and offers
good selection.
35-inch Vel uti na,
"The Velvet of Velvets."
I 12 colors, also black;
$4.95 yard.
44-inch English Vel
veteen in black. $5.50
j yard.
27-inch Velu tin a
Cords for suits; 8 colors
and black; $3.00 yard.
36-inch Chiffon Vel
vets: brown, taupe and
black; $6.75 yard.
40-inch All-Silk Du
vetyn; ,$12.50 yard.
50-inch Silk Plush;
$12.50 yard.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Framed Pictures
Great variety of sub
jects and sizes with gilt,
mahogany, walnut and
mission finish frames;
25c, 59c, 50c to $6.00.
BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor.
! Carpet Sweepers
j make an ideal gift. Kis
sel's Sweepers; $4.25 to
| $6.50.
Torrington Sweepers:
| $4.25 to $6.00.
Kissel's Vacuum; $9.
: to $17,00.
Torrington Vacuum;
j S7XX) to $9.75.
Torrington Electric
Cleaners; $49.75.
; BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor.
Vacuum Electric
Let us show you the
operation of this machine.
; It washes the clothes pcr
, tcctly clean without in
jury to the most delicate
j fabrics. No dragging.
rubbing or jerking over
j cleated or corrugated sur
BOWMAN'S —Fit til Floor.
Special Sale of French Kid
Gloves at $2.55
Mostly all the famous Centemeri Gloves, known to every woman who
knows what is best in kid gloves. The Centemeri Gloves are among the finest
made and this store has built up the largest glove department in this section of the
State largely through featuring the Centemeri brand.
This particular lot of gloves were purchased months ago and this special
price is practically as low as these gloves would cost wholesale today.
First quality skins. White, tan, brown, mastic and gray. Two-clasp, five- -
row embroidered and Paris point backs. Overseam stitching and perfect fitting.
Where else can you find the equal at ,$2.55 pair?
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
DECEMBER 17, 1919.
Shop Early And Early In The Day
The Famous Van_ Raalte
Chemises and Bloomers
In Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Satin
Dainty undernmslin that appeals to every
woman who appreciates the unusual in fine
workmanship and quality of material.
Envelope ( hemise in Crepe de Chine, Georg
ette and Satin, plain tailored and prettily trim
med with tucks, \ al. lace and organdie insets,
flowered and double face ribbon effects. Plain
tailored as well- as the more elaborate models.
Colors are flesh, beige, orchid, peach and sky
blue. Very specially priced at $7.98 and $9.98.
Satin Bloomers, reinforced and cut very full.
Trimmed with three rows of hemstitching and
blue flowered ribbon, colors are orchid and flesh.
Very special at $7.98.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
Blankets For Christmas
( otton Bed Blankets in single and double bed
size in white, gray, tans and plaids; $2.75, $3.39.
$3.89, $4.00, $4.25 and $54)0 pair.
Woolnap Blankets; warm and fleecy in gray*
white and plaids; $4.98, $5.00, $6.25 and $6.75 pair.
Part Wool Blankets in white with blue and pink
borders; some ribbon bound; $9.50, SIO.OO, $11.98 to
$15.00 pair.
All Wool Blankets in a large selection of patterns
in grays, plaids and different shades; also white with
colored borders; $14.00 to $27.50 pair.
Baby and Crib Blankets
In making- our selection we did not forget the
children. We have a large selection in single and
double, blankets in cotton, part wool and all wool.
Single Blankets in pink and blue, floral and ani
mal designs. Each in a box; $1.19, $1.69 and $2.19
Double (.a il) Blankets in white; assorted colored
borders; each in a box; $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 to
$4.98 pair.
HOWMAN'S —Second Floor.
Sleeping Garments
of the Soft Fleecy Kind For Children
t hese make very practical and useful gifts.
We are showing an exceptional value in well
made sleeping garments at 95c, $1.15 and $1.49.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.