Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 16, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Christmas Afternoon to Bring
Together Residents of 'Cross
River Town
The people of Camp Hill will not
need to seek diversion Christmas
afternoon for the men of the town
have invited everybody to a Camp
Hill community event, to be held in
the auditorium of the High school.
The hall will be elaborately decorated
in keeping with the Christmas sea
son and an interesting program is
being arranged for the entertain
ment of the women and children
who will be the guests.
Since Christmas Day is a time of
particular joy for the kiddies, a spe
cial feature has been planned for
their pleasure. From 2 to 3 o clock
there will be moving pictures espe
cially for them, followed by dan
cing and a general social time from i
3to 6 o'clock for the older folk. |
The Updegrove full orchestra has
been engaged to play and many plans
are under way which will not be dis
closed until the guests arrive at the
hall that day. Needless to say, no
one in Camp Jllll will flnd time drag
ging Christmas afternoon as has
often occurred in years gone bv. In
deed the hours will be so crammed
full of pleasant things that no
thought will be given to seeking
something to do.
The committee, which comprises
C K. Deen, George Cook and Charles
Goodman, is not only planning to
make this Christmas commvnity
party an unqualified success, but is
already plotting to stage a similar
event 'each Christmas day.
Plants, Greens, Trees Jgj
■ and no end of line gift I
The Berryhill
Hi Locust Street at Second
I fur hat sale I
| Purchased by Us at About |
| One-Half Their Regular Price \
x Will be Placed on Sale Tomorrow
111 . t-
As these prices are about half the regular value and no
more can be had at these prices. We advise those interested in
securing an unusual Bargain not to wait till these few are sold.
J This list comprises the total purchase at these extraor
dinary prices.
6 Sealene Round Tarns at .. . . $ 7.98 I
6 Molene Round Tarns at .. . . $ 7.98 I
ill] 6 Sealene Turban Tarns at .. . . $' 7.98 I
v 6 Molene Turban Tarns at. .. . $ 7.98 II
6 Black French Coney Caps at .. . $ 4.98 |
| 4 Nutria Tam at $10.98 jj
6 Molene Chinchin Turbans at ''ffilQ 98 j
6 Sealene Chinchin Turbans at . . . $10.98
2 Nutria Chinchin Seal crown at . . . 11.98
2 Opossum Fur Caps at $12.98
••• If you want to know the real value of these Hats, price them
!'! elsewhere and you'll appreciate these values.
| In connection with this purchase we offer FUR TRIM
MING and FUR BALLS at these remarkable price conces
| sions:
II . ... iif
2-inch Nutria Trimming, a yard . . . $2.49
1-inch Sealene Trimming 75c I
2-inch Sealene Trimming $ 1.49 1
I Nutria Fur Balls . 2 C Sealene Fur Balls .. . g
| Large Piece Badger Fur Balls 98c I
Large Black Belgian Hare Balls 49c | j
Large Gray Kit Coney Balls 4<9c
| Beaver Fur Ball* 49c |
Girls' Indoor Picnic
Enjoyed by Fourteen
"Just because the weather ts blus
tery is no reason why one shouldn't
have a picnic," said pretty Miss
Esther Hartman a few days ago, and
forthwith invited a number of her
friends to an indoor party at her
Green street home. There were sev
eral "athletic stunts" joined in by
the guests and an old-fashioned
game of parlor croquet created lots
of fun.
Supper was served in baskets con
taining enough for two, and the
young men chose their partners by
gay Christmas ribbons attached to
cards on the basket handles.
Those present were Miss Alma
Walters, Miss Pearl Wright, Miss
Ora May Robinson. Miss Ellen Fuck
ler. Miss Bertha Metzger, Miss Irene
Wright, Miss Hartman, Karl
Thomas. Lloyd Houser. James Henry
Young, Merle Kichurds, Paul Owens,
David Long and William Powers.
Influential Local Men
Address the Civic Club
At the December meeting of the
Civic Club of llarrlsburg held yes
terday afternoon in the club house,
William M. Hargest, a deputy to the
Attorney General, gave an intensely
interesting address on "The Present
Postmaster Frank C. Sites spoke
on "Thrift." urging his hearers to
avoid waste even in the smallest
Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley, com
munity song leader in charge of the
music for the Christmas pageant,
asks for men sinners for the
choruses. They will rehearse Thurs.
day evening at 7.30 at the Y. W. C.
A. All the old, familiar carols will
| be sung, so that the vast audience
may join in.
Sidney E. Friedman, a student of
the Dickinson Law School. Carlisle,
is spending the Christmas holidays
with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Sam
uel E. Friedman, 217 Peffer street.
Miss Jean Chamberlin. a student
of the University of Wisconsin, is
a holiday "guest of her mother, Mrs. j
James I. Chamberlin, 323 North
Front street.
Dr. C. J. B. Flowers has resumed
practice, with temporary offices in I
the Esthorton Apartments, Riverside
Drive. Bell. —Adv.
! First Event to lie Candlc-
Liglit Program
At a meeting of the students of the
i Seiler School held late yesterday
| ternoon, plans wore completed for the
j holiday activities of the school,
j The first event of interest will bo
i thi annual candle-light program of
i Christmas carols to be given Friday
j afternoon, at 4.30 o'clock, by the sen
| ior junior, and primary chorus classes
j under the direction of Mrs. Wilbur F.
I Harris, with Miss Alice Uraydon at
j the piano. Assisting will be Miss
• Margaretta Kennedy, 'cellist; Miss
! Aida Kennedy, and Miss Mary B. Rob-
I ir.son, pianists.
Miss Alice Virginia Cooper is chair
' man of an informal danee to be held
I in the school parlors Friday evening
j from 5.30 to 12 o'clock. Working
I with her are the following subcom
mittees: Decorations, Ruth Dowdell,
t chairman; Elizabeth P. Harris and
j Mary Cooper; refreshments, Winifred
(Meyers, chairman; Virginia Hishop.
[ Saturday afternoon the seniors will
entertain the Junior, primary and
kindergarten grades at a party from
I 2 to 4 o'clock. Miss Elizabeth P. Har
| ris is chairman of the committee and
the. subcommittee heads are as fol-
I lows: Entertainment for primary and
j kindergarten children. Miss Mary
I Cooper, chairman; Miss Winifred Mey
j ers, Miss Harriot Gilbert. Miss Kath-
I erine Meredith; for the junior girls,
j Miss Mary Duncan, chairman; Miss
I Bessie Brlcker and Miss Betty Oens
| iager; refreshments. Miss ,Lucy Ord
I Kemper, chairman; Miss Trema Stray
i er, Miss Ruth Swope, and Miss Avis
I Ann Hickok.
| On Monday morning a committee of
t students from the school will go with
1 gifts to the kindergarten at Sible
| town, later reporting their visit to the
| other members of the school.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Specr
i went home to Baltimore this njorn
| ing after a week's stay with Mr. and
j Mrs. Elliott M. Jackson, of Green
1 street.
Miss Celeste Walters, of Troy, N.
Y„ is in the city for a holiday visit
with her relatives, Mr. and Sirs. Earl
H. Walters, of Market street.
Miss Esther H. Packard, of Pitts
burgh, is stopping for a while with
' her sister, Mrs. Henry D. Stewart,
of North Third street.
Class of St. Michael'? Lu
theran Church Giving Bene
fit Tomorrow Evening
•■ ■ ■ ■
"The Depot launch Counter," a
I clever little farce will be presented
i to-morrow evening in Fahnestock
j Hall at 8.15 o'clock by members of
i class No. 4, of St. Michael's Lutheran
! Sunday school. In the cast are: Miss
I Katharine Hutta, Conrad Frank,
, Reinhold Schmidt, Joseph Eutzy,
Jack Williamson, Harry Piack, Peter
: Spier, Adam Hutta, Walter Sperl,
j Karl Schmidt. Mrs. M. F. Williams,
j and Edward Blumenstine.
Other numbers on the program
are vocal numbers by Mrs. Charles
Shaffner, readings by Miss Wil-
I lielmina Wohlfarth and Spanish
dances by Miss Katharine Hutta and
Karl Schmidt.
This will be a benefit entertain
ment. the funds going td the class
fund for special uses.
Christmas Carol Service
Tomorrow at Silk Mill
There will be some Interesting
music to-morrow at the noontime
meeting at the silk mill with Mrs.
Ley, community singer leader, di
recting the Christmas carols. Miss •
Helen Elizabeth Miller, soprano, will '
sing a group of Victor Herbert's
songs from light opera and several
other features will make up this
holiday meeting.
Mrs. Charles Hartman and chil
dren, Elizabeth and Carolyn Hart
man, of San Antonio, Texas, are in '
the city to remain a month with Mr. |
and Mrs. Ellis F. Deane.
Daniel H. Martin, of Pittsburgh, is
here to remain during- the holidays '
at the home of his son, Paul K.
Martin of Penn street. i
Miss Pearl Bender went home to
Washington to-day after a week's j
stay with old friends in the West
Special prices. 4% lbs. of Choice
Mixed Nuts, special for $2.00. Real
Jumbo Peanuts, 25c per pound.
IMPERIAL TEA CO., 205 Chestnut
We have Just displayed a large
number of new pictures, all Ameri
can as there are no new pictures
coming from abroad. The largest I
assortment in the city and our many I
years of experience and thorough
knowledge of pictures are a guaran
tee of satisfaction not equalled any
place In the city. Our framing de
partment is fully stocked and the
work is unequalled in Central Pa.
We will guarantee to finish all or
ders up to Christmas. If you have
never had a picture framed here try
Just one and wo will accept your
verdict. —Advertisement.
Victor Records
For Christmas
A gift that goes straight to
the heart of every music
lover who has a Victrola.
Stop in and hear the De
cember Records. We'll
gladly play them for you.
P. M. Oyler
Music Store
14 S. Fourth St.
Store open evenings until
Little Girl Celebrates
Birthday With Party
Little Miss Winifred Miller, of
New Cumberland, celebrated her
sixth blrthy anniversary with a
party when the following little girls
enjoyed games and refreshments:
Garnet McCord, Elva Winters,
Ruth Cookson, Lillian Whitakep,
Miriam Noll, Winifred Miller, Miss
Mildred Miller, Jean Miller. The
older guests were Miss Margaret
Poffenberger, Mrs. Smith and Mrs.
Shrug, of this city; Mrs. H. K. Mil
ler, Miss Mary Schudt and Mrs.
Thomas Charles.
Cards Out Tomorrow
For a Christmas Tea
Invitations will be Issued to-mor
row for a Christmas ten to be held
in the Civic Club house Thursday
afternoon. Decentber 25, from 4 to
6.20 o'clock. The Ibach orchestra,
of Reading, will play and Mrs. Ross
Anderson Hiekok will preside over
the tea cups. #
Richard Robinson and Albert H.
Stackpole are on the committee oi'
arrangements, and among the
guests will be many of the college
girls and young men who will be
home for the Christmas holidays.
Christmas Service cn
! Sunday at the Y. W. C. A.
The vesper service at the Y. W. C.
A. next Sunday will be one of Inter
est. Mrs. Fred Kelkcr will give her
second talk :>n "A Bunch of Keys and
a Book." Christmas music will be
furnished by girls from Pine street
Presbyterian Church. Mrs. White
man, girls' worker for that church,
will have charge of the social hour,
which follows the gospel service.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Britten, of
1522 Wallace street, announce the
marriage of their daughter, Miss
Linda Britten, to Stewart H. Kern,
j Tuesday, December 9, at the Mes
i siah Lutheran Church, with ttfe liev.
Henry W. A. Hanson, officiating.
I They will be at home to their friends
• at 1221 Swatara street.
! Miss Gladys L. McGregor, of
j Swatara Station, and Theodore It.
j Boycr, of Union Deposit, were
i united in marriage at the United
I Brethren parsonage, Swatara Sta-
I tion, Saturday evening, December
I 13, the Rev. J. R. Mas Donald per
| forming the ceremony.
I Miss Nellie Chenoweth was honor
I guest at a birthday party given by
her parents at their home. 553 Show -
j ers street, when one of the main
| features of the evening was a real
I Santa Claus who presented a favor to
I each guest. Games were enjoyed and
a supper served.
' Mrs. Edward F. Dunlap, of North
■ Third street. Is spending the week
' among relatives in Richmond, Va.
New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 1C. —
Martha Belle Martin, fifteen months
old, died yesterday at New Cumber
land, slightly more than a year fol
lowing the death of her parents
from influenza. Her parents were
Mr. and Mrs. David Martin.
By Associated Press
Paris, Dec. 16. —Initial measures
of relief for Austria were taken by
the Supreme Council to-day, after
that body had heard a lengthy pre
sentation of his nation's difficulties
presented by Dr. Karl Renner, the
Austrian chancellor, t was decided
that as a first step in relieving the
Austrian food shortage 30,000 tons
of food should be dispatched to
Triest to be shipped thence into
Austrian territory.
By Associated Press
Madrid. Monday, Dec. 15. The
lockout in the building and construc
tion trades, called for to-day, is
complete. Not a single workman
in these trades labored to-day. No
disorders were reported.
John A. Geiger, of the llill post
office, continues to lead the War
Savings Stamp contest with a total
of $7,963.73.
Furs and Mystery
By Fred Is. Harry
When you buy furs, it. is well to
invest in them, rather than to spec
ulate. There's a marked difference
between the two.
Whenever a fur piece is greatly
underpriced, there is a reason for it,
and do not permit the dealer fo tell
you that it's because the weather is
warm or because you're a favored
customer, or any such tomfoolery.
Find out why!
Take fox skins, for example. A
legitimate fur dealer may show you
a fine large muff and throw, made
from fine peltries of unusual size,
and quote you a very fair price on
Before you purchase, you remem
ber that So-and-So, around the cor
ner are having a heavily advertised
Sale. You decide, as is your priv
ilege, to go and see what they are
offering. Fine!
But they are all ready for you
and show you a set at a lower price j
and apparently identically the same j
as you were looking at in the legiti- |
mate store, but which is really ;
worth only half as much.
"Sour grapes?" Not so—here is I
the little darkie In the woodpile. j
An unscrupulous furrier can take |
a very small fox skin, or most any |
other kind of peltrie, and expand it
to about twice its size, but its in- :
trinsic value does not expand ac- |
The skin is laid face downward |
and slit many, many times down the |
wider part by cuts about half an
inch apart and running parallel to |
each other. Common sheep skin j
strins are then cut and inserted in
these slits and sewed along each j
edge, making the back look like a |
Mrd'e-eye view of a freight yard, al- i
though the deception cannot be de
tected on the fur side owing to the
great density of the fur.
When such a piece is made into !
a muff or throw, the padding and j
the lining prevent one from feeling |
the many seams Inside the skin, but j
If you will press the piece hard be- 1
tween the two hands and rub slow- I
ly, you will have the sensation of i
passing your Angers over a silken !
covered wnsh board.
So. after all. you And that the :
genuine article In the honest man's ,
store represented true value, while
•be "special reduction" was no re- '
Auction at all —but decidedly an In- !
Use rare to shun the nntmal that '
"grows" to twice its size after it is I
killed, and—
Beware of the Wolf in Sheep's i
(Copyright, 1919
Miss Flo Eslienowcr Will Bo
Assisting Soloist at the
Phillips Studio
A song recital will be given at the
I Phillips Studio, 121 State street, on
Thursday evening. December 18. by
.1. R. Horn, basso cantante. assisted by
i Miss Flo Eshenower, lyric soprano.
Mr. Horn is bass soloist and choir di
rector of the Central Presbyterian
j Church. Chambersburg. Miss Kshen
iower, who recently appeared as Be
jlinda in the operetta "Cinderella" is
lone of the leading sopranos of Stev
len's Memorial M. E. choir.
| The program for Thursday evening
• will be: Group 1, "Requiem." Homer;
i"War," Rogers; "Invlctus," Huhn. Mr.
Horn. Group 2. "Dutch Serenade." De
jLange: "Constancy." W. G. Smith;
I "The Fairy Pipers," A. H. Brewer.
• Miss Eshenower; reeitative. "From the
| Itage of the Tempest;" aria. "11-ar
Me, Ye Winds and Waves," Handel,
j Mr. llarn; air. "What Though I
Trace." (Solomon). Handel. Miss Esh
enower. Group r>, "Duma," McGill;
"To-da.v, To-morrow and Forever."
Puli: "Slave Song," Del Riego, Mr.
Horn. Group fi, "Like the Rosebud."
La Forge: "All For You." Brown: "A
Spirit Flower." Campbell-Tipton, Miss
Eshenower. Group 7. "All Erin is
Calling." O'Hara: "Where My Caravan
Has Rested." Lohr: "The Kilties'
March." Murchison. Mr. Horn. Mrs.
Phillips will play the accompani
f.4n announcement under the heading
must be accompanied by name to assure
accuracy. J
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Miller, of
Bethlehem, announce the birth of a
daughter, Dorothy Jean Miller, Sun
day, December 7, 1919. Mrs. Miller
is remembered here as Miss Ella
Delbo, of North Front street.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Rankin,
of Pittsburgh, former Ilarrisburgers,
announce the birth of a son, Robert
Gaines Rankin, Saturday, December
13, 1919.
& loel^irvoe^
i.r I i. Cj
/OK 6 xft givirvo
-./ love .silk.
107 A yiK 2nd St.
e— ————————
Golden Roast
Blend Coffee
comes to you with all
of its full, rich flavor
Golden Roast isn't a "loose"
coffee. No lost. flavor, be
cause as soon as Golden Roast
is blended and roasted it is 1
packed in inter-lined paper
packages. The retention of
flavor is thus assured even
though the package is not one
of the expensive cadis so fre
quently used.
Order a pound from
your grocer to-day.
Golden Roast will tell
its own story to you
better than anything
else can tell it.
R. H. Lyon I
Coffee Purveyor to the I'enn-
H arris
Harrisburg, Pa.
DECEMBER 16, 1919.
Entertains Today
Honoring Miss Fleming
Mitis Emily Bailey entertained at
la small bridge and tea this after- •
| noon in compliment to Miss Susanna
; Fleming whoso engagement to AVil-.'
nam Emory, Jr., of Philadelphia,!
has been announced. Miss Bailey's
j other guests were Mrs. Robert Mc
t reath, Mrs. Henry M. Gross, Mrs.
AA niter Hruco t'uldwell, of Sharon;'
I airs. John Herman, Mrs. John M. '
Ulugotin. Mtss Mary Crolghton, Miss
Jean Chamberlain, Miss Margaret
Met reath, of Herw ick-on-the-Tweed '
Scotland, und Miss Martha Bailey, j
Every Woman Wants to Know
AVhere she can get Hats Made to
her individual order. Remodeling
and Retrimming at moderate prices
Society Maid lint store, 1 X. (Hi St.
pp mmmmmm
II Compare- A
IP |
your eyes with /fa
\ 'it/' "".v other price- /,//.
///, less possession. //A
i VA T'tcn ask your- YM,
self the question; 'Y///
, yA " Vnt I willing to V/Y.
<W, chance their W cl- WY,
Zy fare with any hut '///,
y/i the host Optome- wZ
//A trist?" • za
! V' IP
|| J. S. Belsinger. p
IVnn-lltirrla Hotel llldg
j :!! North Third Street
: SEALS I', M.
Witmer, Bair and Witmer
Walnut, Near Second
In Our Opinion the More Practical the
Oift, the Greater the Appreciation
Special Blouse Values For
Xmas Shoppers
20 Navy Georgette | Cotton Top Pctti-
Blnuses, beaded or | coats, taffeta flounce,
plain; values tosß.ao. ~ .
1 osV 1 a '' colors,
bpecial 50.50 i „
\ _ _ I $1.95 to $2.49
Tailored Blouse in
colors or all white; Heavy Satin Pet
plain or lace trim- ticoats in all colors
med, $1.95, 82.95 n ,i •„ C o o - I II
and $3.50. atl(1 s,zes i $-95 val-
lies $6.95
Novelty Blouses
in lace, printed geor- i Novelty Petticoats
gette and imported j i" all silk Jersey,
voiles, ! Floriswah and satin,
$7.95 to $25.00 i $7.95 to $14.95
Evening Gowns make an acceptable Xmas
present $42.50 to $75.00
Afternoon and Street Dresses,
Fur Coats, Fur Scarfs and Muffs—ldeal
Xmas Presents.
33'/3% I
An actual saving from 33 1-3 to 50%
j as all Sample Suits arc included—s2B.7s
to $155.00,
Now $19.25 to $102.50
Witmer, Bair and Witmer
| Amas Flowers |
!f> Laurel Wreaths . . 30c
I Boxwood Wreaths $3.00 up &
Magnolia Wreaths $2.00 up ¥
Baskets of flowering plants and ferns, ¥
$3.00 up fft
Poinsettias $6.00 per doz. up M :
Roses—the finest $2.50 per doz. up
Narcissus $1.50 per doz.
Keeney's 814 N. 3rd St. 3
Discount for Cash, or Easy Monthly
The copper Apex w!U last a lifetime and
Its cost is $15.00 leßs than any other copper
Telephone Itell 4.VW at Once for Details or
Cnll at Our Salesrooms.
Deft Devices Co., Inc.
28 South Fourth Street
Open Monday unl Saturday Erenlnn
At Mulberry Street Bridge Approach
announces the opening of a Studio
lor Piano Instruction at 106 South
Street Hurrishurg. Special atten
tion given to children. The Virgil
Clavier System of Technics taught
Consultation may be nrranged bv
calling Bell Phone 537-J.
i J chilly days I
! " n * cven " :
Keep a basket of |
luscious, healthful
Fruit handy. 'TavUI I
AV a- d off doctors' i
hill'- and put a !
healthy glow in the |
children's cheeks.
Fruit of CA'ery char- !
actcr is here in gor- [
gcous display.
Barana-Fruit Co. •
209-211 Chestnut St.