Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 16, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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Sir John Griffith Declares Po
litical Trickery Should
Be Banished
Dublin. Dec. 16.—Sir John Grif
fith, Irikh engineer, who recently re
.Clred from the service of the Dublin
Jort and Docks Board, In an ad
dress delivered in Dublin said that
Jf religious Intolerance and political
iftrlckery could be banished from Ire
land and the land handed over to
■the control of engineers there would
be prospects of industrial progress
And contentment.
The lessons of the war for Ire
■ land he considered to being isolation,
• the Importance of her strategical po
sition, and the deficiency of naval
j bases on her western coast. Another
• naval base should be formed in G&l
---way Bay and a thoroughly equipped
harbor built there. This harbor
would be available as a deep-sea
fishing station and as a terminal
i port for a high-speed passenger and
•mail service between America and
The only remedy for Industrial un
rest throughout the world, he be
lieved, to be the adoption of some
system of co-operation, copartner
ship or profit sharing.
Referring to the possibilities of
Irish peat, he pointed out that if
> otr-dried peat were used to replace
coal the Irish deposits would be
sufficient to retisfy the fuel and
power requirements of the country
' for 306 years.
Recounting the work of Irish en
pincers he said that Ireland has the
| largest telescope, the largest ships,
the largest sluices, the largest con--
i crete blocks for harbor work, the
most striking improvement of a
'harbor entrance (Dublin) by arti
r ficial scour and that in its industrial
' factories Ireland can claim the larg
' est brewery, the largest spinning and
i "weaving works and the largest rope
• works.
Industrial Course
in Schools Planned
at Williamsport
Wallace E. Hackett, State Super
visor of Industrial Education, has
just returned from Williamsport
where he has been working in con- |
junction with the school board.
Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club
end Manufacturers' Association on
plans for the inauguration of an all
day industrial course in the Wil
liamsport public schools. One of the
recommendations accepted by the
committee in charge is the employ
; ment of a man to be the director
of this new course. He also will '
1 have full charge of the vocational
l placement and guidance of all trie
I minors who leave the Williamsport
public schools to go to work.
James W. Gerard Signs
Nominating Petition as
Presidential Candidate
Pierre, S. D., Dec. 16.— James W.
i Gerard, of New York, has signed
n minority nominating petition as a .
candidate for President of the
United States at the State primaries
I in March, it was announced here.
' The petition also was signed by six
i delegates to the recent state pro
posal meeting here.
Principles accompanying the pe
tition are summarized as being to
"make and keep the country safe
for democracy." -/■
Detective Search
American Ships in
Ports of Ireland
Dublin, Dec. 10,—'The Dublin
papers report that the American
Lphips Fontana and Franconia, and
other American ships have been
t-se.arched by detectives. The quarters
icf the crew were visited, and sea
men questioned with a view to as
certaining whether they had any
rms or ammunition. In no case
-were any arms found.
Many Spanish Farmers
Will Come to America
Madrid, Dec. 16.—Barge numbers
of agricultural workers from all
parts of Spain are awaiting at Fer
'Tol and other ports for transporta
tion to America, both North and
Bouth. This is one of the results oft
• the new social conditions brought
About in Spain by the war, and in
creased wages.
For years the Spanish farmer had
ripaid his help about three pesetas
<normally 60 cents) daily during the
Ginrvest. As this was Just about suf
cflcient for the employe to subsist
pon t tho farmer also allowed his
*nen and women sufficient to buy
.food during the winter. This
amount was decided by the farmer
Jiimself and varied in proportion to
<*he generosity of the giver.
East year the farm hands, like
Almost every other class of labor in
Spain, organized a union, with the
result that wages during the harvest
Increased from the century-old three
pesetas daily to from 15 to 25 pese
tas daily. Therefore, when the win
ter came on and there was no work,
the farmer, instead of following tho
!d convention of handing out doles
to his employes, told them as they
sivere now earning good wages they
should save sufficient to keep them
selves during the winter.
Those who had saved, or at least
A proportion of them, decided to
move to some country where money
ould be earned the year round.
Mrs. Blake Continues to
Deny She Killed Son
Atlantic Wty, N. J., Dec. 16. —
Confined to the city hospital under
police guard where she is slowly
recovering from the effects of a
habit forming drug, according to!
attending physicians, Mrs. James M. I
Blake, charged with the murder of !
Jjer five-year-old mute son, James
"Bunny" Blake, still sobbingly de-
Pies that she tossed the curly-headed
boy into the ocean.
According to Dr. L. R. Souder,
Atlantic county physician, Mrs.'
JBlake is getting slowly away from J
the kidnaping story she has been
tolling since the child disappeared.
"Bhe started to recite the story of
the kidnaping," said Dr. Souder,
# *but I told her she was not telling
the truth, and asking her how she
accounted for her handbag being
found on tho Ventnor pier, she re
plied that the child usually carried
the bag. As she approached the
boardwalk from Cambridge avenue,
she said, the child ran ahead of her.
The boy headed for the boardwalk,
6he added, and must have gotten on
the Ventnor pier. I
I f Gifts That a Particular ~~j"ll || p I A Pair °f Gloves to ]
Housewife Will Appreciate fprj f|| j|j| qTI $g ? M a He Will Be j
in the Linen Section that the opportunity is quite un- _ ft\
Mightily Pleased \
usual for the selection of gifts for the housewife who No youngster, in the first place, looks to be comfortable on j|
delights in the beauty and quality of her bed coverings. I|- f*l {to 1 ' Win with cold, red hands—but most boys are too proud jj
r t n c ?3.00, $3.25 and $3.69 - - HHHBP j or boys are s hown in larger assortments than are to be found 1
Crochet Bed Spreads, scalloped and cut corners ...,$4.00 in any other shop. j§
' atm - Ullts ' £lx9o ,nches > The Furniture Section Mackinaw Gauntlet Gloves, Star, Scout and plain cuffs ...75< f
.* * ' $0.50, $6.00 and $7.00 // 71 yf" * /*# TT * J. J. HH 1 Khaki Gauntlet Gloves, in Tersev and wool armv cloth, a
£ Horned Sat,n Quite, 88x98 tab OfjCTS MaUy Gift HUItS tO ThOSe ' 39<, 59*. 75< and *1.25 3
r j . T T J „ , „ *7-00, $8.50 and $9.50 . * . . Leather Gauntlet Lined Gloves,
r Imported Hemmed £d BUy IRQ t amity Gift Lined Gauutlc, Gloves, guar™,eed „o. ,o harden it 1
\ . . SB.OO, $9.00, SIO.OO and $12.00 *> water $1.25 £
r. Satin Quilts, scalloped and cut corner, Furniture gifts are useful, enduring and, if properly selected, will - Knit Gloves, in navy, oxford and brown,
1 $4.50, $6.00, $7.00, $7.50, SB.OO and $9.00 do much to enhance the appearance of any home. There always seems, 59£,
Imported Satin Quilts, 81x98 inches, scalloped and cut too, a waiting place for such a gift with its permanent use and enjoyment Lined Tan Kid Gloves, sizes 3to 5 .' X>
y corner $12.00, $13.00 and $14.00 for all members of the home. Tan I ined Kid Gloves $1 00
{ ImPo " ed Sa,i " Qui " S ' SC 'iT adan V, U ' ZT"\ T " "t Library Table, Tan I.'iued Kid Gloved, sizes ,f
f e . * ' *-*■•*•"O and $15.00 Fiber Tea Wagons $19.50 Mahogany Library Tables, Unlined Tan Dress Kid Gloves $2.00 \
I] horo-\\ ear Spreads—blue and pink stripes, fast colors, Mahogany and Walnut Tea Wagons, $29.50 to $45.00 Grey Unlined Mocha Gloves $2.25
80x90 inches; a lightweight bed spread constructed of double $24.50 to $29.50 Card Tables £
cotton yarn $3.25 Pedestals Folding Card Tables $2.95 Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart, street Floor.
Mahogany Pedestals, $3.50 to $12.50 Mahogany Rockers 'i
Spreads Tables Mahoganv Rockers, wood seat ..$7.95
Spruudsn.ovuuspuciaUy.orlh.mUstebs- ? 4.95 Coideu dab Keaiber Sea, Q ift Hosiery l Men'S ttUd j
crochet Mahogany Fireside Chairs $29.00 Willow Chairs J V j
Satin Quilts $2.50 Fireside Chairs and Rockers in cane, solid Willow Chairs .....$5.95 11/omoM'n
Imported Dimity $1.79 to $2.89 mahogany frames $13.50 Willow Rockers ..$6.95 VV 0/776/7 S X
Ripple Spreads Toilet Tables *
Ripple Bed Spreads require no ironing-62x90, 72x90 and So,id Maho S an y Toilet Tables..s29.oo FlUe QUdUtieS FOT Winter Service J
80x90 inches. Venity Dresser I^'
Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart, First Floor Rear. , B ''ll'" Mahogany V anity
\ 11 R-pSte |j n Ivory Furniture j ( j J Cotton and Lisle .Hose, seam- Fine Mercerized Hose, fash
5 rifi C /nnoo \ XTnmnn MSy l cushions.. $10.95 Fine Mercerized Hose, seam- hee j, s ' white ' black *
yjljt Lr LOV6S rOr W 0/776/7 Chippendale Pieces ML less black and colors.. 50c .... .. ..SI.OO j
• Mahogany Chippendale Chairs and Rock- HjNL H ' r Wool Hose J l6 e "i eriz ® d Out-size
t* ® ers fanrv tinecirv nnlinktrrlna r.q no I M K:=: vr Heavy Grey Wool Hose, Hose, fashioned feet, white 5
1 Mocha Gloves in grey and beaver, spear back and fancy em- *' y,p p !?••••$ -OO I) jIT seamless 60c and black SI.OO :t
J broidery $2.75 and $4.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. u Extra Heavy Blue Wool Black Cotton Split Sole Hose, j
" French Kid Gloves in black, white, grey and brown, $3.50 Hose, seamless SI.OO seamless 50c
: Cape Skin Gloves in tan, grev and pearl, $2.50 and $2.75 Black Fine Cashmere Hose, Black Fine Cashmere Hose, J
► i i c u ni • ui i u-/ i i , seamless 59c fashioned feet SI.OO -I
ooubi, SA -—• ?200 Todet & Manicure Ivory Sets For Gifts
f Strap Wrist Leatherette Gloves in grey and mode . .$2.50 Divefli Pome roy & Stewart, street Floor. 2
! Children's Woolen Gloves and Mittens 59< to $1.50 MirTOTS Brushes Puff Boxes Jewel Cases |
Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart, First Floor. T , 'Jk
Ine most interesting bit of news of this showing of gift pieces in White Pyralin A T~\ I /~i 1 ' C l l~ 5
Ivory is that for only a small outlay one may select a gift that will be treasured by everv UT. l\ . JLICCU USIHOiI dUOC :1
'fi rt I rni j fir'll r> tt •i i tt • i woman into whose hands the gift goes. " j
Gift 800 <sT lal Will Be Highly Prized Toi|et Sets ? e.Dß,osie. 9 B Hai r K.iver S ..n.oo,?i.soio*a.so ForMenWhoWantComfort j
Belgium. 2 Vols, ikned. By Brand Whitioek. price $7..->o Manicure Sets $6.98 to $14.98 Puff Boxes ... .SI.OO, $1.50 to $2.50
Colorado—The Queen Jewel of the Rockies. By May Racy Baggs. Hand Mirrors $3.98 to $6.98 Travs to 54.50 v . . . t r n • i : 1
Price $3 5(1 Bonnet Mirror- T r i nn ai en ar oo An extra stretch ot walking or an unusual J
' ' Vw.66.50.0*10.00 ■cte ks ( . lscs .::::|3.2S;|il2;c{llS mm -1
l ! .^rr*..rf...T'kss * 8,¥3,50t0?8 ' 80 l-T" F rr- broad *i* ban. M, \
yt Mark Twain's Izetters. Arranged lritli comment. By Albert Bige- ' J oer qif srra , so rA Cl l Ume sl*2s, $1.4 sto s3.ao wide toe, he is assured the very best of foot fj J
?. low Paine. Price s4oo TT „ $1.25, $1.50 and $2.50 Buffers and Trays $1.25 to $1.98 comfort Price 811.00 F O TW, *
P- wX^^et 0 sl - 75 Hat Brushes $1.98 ands2.so Nail Files, Shoe Hooks and Shoe Horns, comtort. rice ; . ip
m Walking-Stick Papers. By Robert Cortes Holliday. Price. .$2.00 Clothes Brushes or- New Banister Shoes j£/&Sgjf* /ff \\ i
g: THE STORIES ABB CHIBDREN LOVE SERIES. o qe o EJ/I Iqtt qc T)r„==, - rT r„ m i,c Genuine Cordovan Bal Shoes, \
| A Child's Garden of Verses. Plnocchlo. $.1.59 and $4.98 Dressing Combs .... 98<S $1.25, $1.50 Carlton last SIB.OO %
5 o^rnc^ me I>rlnee and Dive8 ' Pomeroy * Stcwartl Strcet Floor - . Dark , Russia Bal Art M i
£; GulUver's Travels. Hans Andersen's lAiry 'Tales Gotham last $17.00 I
i The Water Babies. Price $1.50 NeU ' Black Gun Metal Calf Bal i
I Beautiful Pearl Beads Are Gifts That Dark Russia Calf English ij
Brogue Shoes SIB.OO |
| Give Joy of Possession myea> Fom * roy & stewa rt. Market street |
% i There is a joy of possession that every owner of §
k m&rf** rt pearls experiences, and to receive such a gift at Christ- GiftS Of UtiHtll in the |
1 inas is sure to evoke the keenest delight and apprecia- '\ J J tf 1
\ ; tion. Our Jewelry Section is aglow with fine sped- TL HOUSefUmisMnqS SeCtWU \
f. rri' ri -n jt xtt mens of Fearl Beads. f '3
Slippers FOr jS/Len y Xwomen Metal Bead Necklaces $2.50 to $15.00 l\ Dinner Ware J
\ and Children "Rival" $10.98 to $25.00 / S V 42-piece Blue Bird Dinner Sets, enough pieces to 4
% "La Tausca" $4.50 to $15.00 \ \ \ seat six people. Special $8.50 |
I A Gift Suggesting Warmth and Comfort other Pearl Bcad Necklaces, solid gold clasps, \ \ 50-piecc Dinner Sets, floral spray decoration, gold *
\ $2 98 to SIO.OO trimmed. Special $8.98 ?
I Thousands of P ai " of Comf 7 Slippers for every member of Wrist Watches> round and octagun shapes singlc Stone Diamond R . "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Wear jj
£ the family are ready in the rear Shoe Store Section in a variety —Elgin $18.50 to $25.00 $22.50 to $45.00 Demonstration sale of 5,000 pieces of "Wear-Ever" I
%of styles that will make selection a matter of great ease. at • •••$15.98 to $20.00 Rings with mountings of Amethysts Aluminum cooking utensils- j
w . Beautiful . terling Rhinestone Brooches, Rubies, I opaz, Opals, Garnets, and SI.OO Lip Sauce Pans, 2 quart size ,■
| , Slippers For Men $2.50 to $15.00 other stones $5.00 to $15.00 $2.40 Six-quart Preserving Kettle $1.69 £
t S sl .' C(^ nfy , Sl i?P ers $2.00 to $3.50 Kiveß - Pomeroy & stew,irt, street Floor. Perfection Oil Heaters, Japan finish $4.95 j
\ Hylon Comfy Suppers $3.50 U
| Oxford Grey Felt Romeos #2 25 m
v Oxford Grey Felt Moccasins $1.75t053.00 TJ? J.l /-•/•/ r J. f\ XX T1 rn 1 it /r i ,100 ° Trave,tnff Ba!f8 at $7 - 98 - Made of °° wh!de leatl,er ' box
i B~wj km ski„ $5.00 Ij the Gift Is to One Who T ravels M uch- - " nM wltß l
Ri r^X n ■_■_*•> - -w, _ . Cowhide Traveling Bags, five piece, linen lined, sewed on corners. : 3
\ Black and Brown Kid \\\ W/?{/ Not <Z TrOVCI Bag OT SuU Case """ rWa '""CrnT SPe,a " I
5. Tan Grain Leather Everetts $1.50 'Jf
r Leather Indian Moccasins 82.00 to 84 OO Black cowhide, walrus gra'.ir, Elve-piece smooth selected SUIT CASES Heavy Cut Glass, in- newest designs. Orange bowl, $7.00 to $10.00;
7 *P* five-piece bags, riveted frame, cowhide Bags in brown and Complete lines of suit cases flower vases, $8.50 to $12.50; sugar and creams, $1.50 to $8.00; footed
i : Slippers For Women [nrid f e T^ck^ n good 1 BU !u°. l<>C nn three I P 7 ° Ck . etS . in fabrikoid and cowhide In compotes, $1.98 to $-1.98; berry or fruit bowls. $1.50 to $8.50; handle *
ft r* i, r* r ci* „ , ' nehes 88 00 17 inche" S8 50 Idnen- lined, 17 inches, bonbons, $1.75 to $3.08; spoon trays, $1.98 to $3.75. |
I HvioSTlfv 'ST c rs In 12 ..CP |
f Fell Boudoir S,ip pers " ""■**> SSL."*#??. I
I Felt Ribbon Trimmed Slippers $2.50 Black cowhide walrus grain, Cases at 0 maile of weU Bea , M
r. Pelt Fur Trimmed Tuliets 82 Oft nnrl St 2 "2K three-piece Bags, han-d sewed Over-Night cases, 18 inches ii
■, reu mr juneis and frame, lift catches, linen lined, to inches, cretonne and silk soncd bass wood, canvas cov- £
% For Children inches only, SIO.OO. lined, some of black enamel; ered, fiber bound, good lock, jH
r. Heavy smooth selected cow- others of cowhide, $8.50 to $25 large deep tray inside. Choice : Jj
\ Felt Puss-in-Boots Bootee,, in red, pink and bltte. SS ' 3
r. $1.50 and $2.00 ered frame, brass lock and locks, all have trays iralde, 24 at SIO.OO. 'jl
C Leather Indian Moccasins 81.25 and 52.00 trimmings, full leather lined, Inches to 32 inches, $1.50 to lArgo varieties of Bags up <U33aaaßr (RA- pSxa&Mil #
aim sewed corners, 18 inches, sls. $22.50. to $15.00
f: Dlves ' Pomeroy & Stewart, First Floor Rear. Dlves> pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. ]
DECEMBER 16, 1919.