Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 16, 1919, Page 13, Image 13
'WETS'JOLTED BY COURTDECISION Came as Surprise to Those Who Predicted Booze For Christmas New York, Dec. 16.—The knock out delivered John Barleycorn yes terday by the United States Supreme Court In declaring war-time prohibi put £|W iBl-NESIAi E stars iNDKEfTiorr; ft Enjoy a hearty meal—eat what j ft you like -without fear of pain > Kor discomfort. Then take two \ ft or three Bi - nesia Tablets.' ft Money back if let satisfied.! bMttttWMUiUMif jj THE GLOBE THE GLOBE jjj iI For. the convenience of our patrons who cannot shop during jjj |j the day time THE GLOBE will be OPEN EVERY EVENING Ijj |[ . UNTIL CHRISTMAS. jjj A Great Sale I OF . || Women's Coats There's 110 use to make a long story, the truth of the matter is that ji jj weather conditions have seriously interfered with the sale of Women's jj ;! Wirtter Coats. , t Rainy days, mild days, high prices—everything had a tendency to jj jj cause milady to postpone buying her Coat until a better opportunity pre- ji jj sented itself. j| That Opportunity Is Presented Now ji We're going to sell every Coat by Christmas if it is possible and ji jj PRICE must do the trick. jj Every Coat in our store is GREATLY REDUCED in PRICE. ij <! Many of them with luxurious fur collars. ji jj Note these drastic reductions. | Lot No. 1, COATS Cft Lot No. 5, COATS $/i CA Worth to $35.00 * //L— Worth to $89.50 *f|4'- jj Reduced to Reduced to " * jj | Lot No. 2, COATS Cni C() Lot No. 6, COATS sl7 jCA Worth to $49.50 *{4=== Worth to $112.50 jj Reduced to v 4 Reduced to * 4 Lot No. 3, COATS (JI C A Lot No. 7, COATS $0 JSO H Worth to $59.50 *44= Worth to $139.50 *K4— Reduced to 44 Reduced to U 4 I Lot No. 4, COATS $1- MCa Lot No. 8, COATS (ni>C() Worth to $79.50 *S4—■ Worth to $165.00 *1 1 Reduced to v 4 Reduced to M Special French Model Coat, Aumore Sealette Coats, Regu- Regularly $250.00, Re- larly $149.50, Reduced jjj duced to $187.50 to $98.50 jjj An exquisite creation of Peach- Rich, hfstrous Coats in distinc bloom with gorgeous collar and tive styles, that appeal to any jj cuffs of Nutria. - woman. - ji All Girls and Children's Coats Reduced j j Women's Coat Salon, on Second Floor. THE GLOBE TUESDAY EVENING. tlon constitutional, came as a tre mendous Jolt to leadefs of the "wets," dispensers of liquors, the wiseacres who have been predicting a wet as well us a merry Christmas, and the average man with a thirst "We do not care to criticise the Supreme Court and have no com ment to make at this time," was the only statement forthcoming from A. W. Slaight, executive member of the Association Opposed to National Prohibitions. He added, however, byway of a "chaser," that his or ganization was concerned chiefly with combatting the eighteenth amendment and had "no drect inter est" in the war-time act. But the "wets" had not entirely lost their optimism. E. It. Huckner, of the firm of Itoot, Clark, Buckner and Howland, who have led the legal forces of the "antis," declared it all rested with the President and Sen ate whether Americans were once more to taste "red liquor." If the Senate ratifies the Peace Treaty be fore January 16, when the consti tutional amendment becomes effec tive, and the President immediately issues a proclamation declaring war and war-time prohibition at an end, then all will be well, according to Sir. Buckner. The blow fell hardest upon the thousands of saloonkeepers and their white-aproned assistants, who had SORE THROAT or Tonsilitis, gargle with warm salt water, then apply— VlCKs\^POßuii "YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30f. 60i<Tr20 been preparing to pass the Yuletide with sales unprecedented. Motor trucks were all tuned up awuiting the signal for a dash to the ware house and return; advertising post ers and had rolled from many a printing press. All that was lacking was inlmunity from the law. In this connection Assistant Fed eral District Attorney Matthews, in charge of prosecution of offenders against the law in this district, said there is likely to he an acceleration of the trials of some 300 offenders already nrested for Illegal sale of li quor and a decrease in the number of arrests of new offenders. Mr. Matthews said the Federal courts had been in no haste to pass upon the 300 cases, owing to the un certain constitutional status of the war-time prohibition act. ARMY STORKS WERE NEEDED BY PUBLIC The sale of surplus Army supplies from the opening of the government stores September 25, up to and in cluding Decesnber 66, amount to $15,713,572.15. according to a bul letin issued by the Director of Sales in defense of the policy pursued by the governmetn in disposing of its surplus. The report states that the retail store method was the only method found practicable, following attempts to put the food out through parcels post channels, and stores conducted by municipalities. LECTURE AT COLLEGE Olutmbersburg. Pa., Dec. 16.—The Rev. Dr. Isaac Taylor Headland, long a missionary of the Methodist Church in China, lectured at Wilson College last evening on "Child Life in China." Dr. Headland is widely known as an author of books on China and as a lecturer. HARRISBURG *&&& TELEGRAPH BAD CROSSING IS TO BE ABOLISHED Public Service Commission Makes Order in West Chillisquaque Twp. The State High- V\ \ If //J way Department A\\ in an opinion v\\\A handed down to o day by Coramis sioner John S. Rilling orders ™ JQQm.QSC® abolished the IJHhUVhS(VWV Rrade crossing on i the Northern mß° ' , Central Railroad -—MBE in West Chilli squaque township, Northumberland county, and appor tion costs, not including damages, which will aggregate over $146,000. Northumberland county also agreed to reconstruct a county bridge and to relocate a highway. This decision, which was given on a complaint by the State Highway Department, will make one of the largest improvement operations in that section of the State. The share of the railroad is fixed at $66,002; Northumberland county, $32,270; State Highway Department, $32,- 065.40; Public Service Commission, $15,000, and West Chillisquaque township: SI,OOO. The county Is to pay half of the damages and the railroad and the township to divide the rest. The State Highway Department to-day received bids for construction 'of the largest highway program it has ever submitted. Over 147 miles are included in the offer. There were numerous bids and elefiks will be busy most of the day tabulating them. State farmers' institutes, which entered upon their third week yes terday have been very satisfactorily attended, according to reports which have been reaching the State De partment of Agriculture and in a number of instances special sessions were held to discuss the lines of agricultural activity in which the residents are engaged. The coun ties where institutes are being held are Perry, Westmoreland, Tioga and Huntingdon. The Perry institutes are in Roseglen, Green Park, Ickes burg and Blain, Representative C. M. Bower presiding; Huntingdon having Warrior's Mark and Neff's Mills, G. G. Hutchinson presiding. The Public Service Commission has taken the Mount Holly water case under advisement. Argument wub heard yesterday. Allegheny county wiii receive more commissions for justices of the peace and other magistrates from the Gov ernor's office this month than any county in the State. Owing to the fact that it has more boroughs than any other county and a number of townships equal to some of the lar ger counties withal Allegheny has the largest list of justices and the bundle of commissions to be sent to the recorder will be impressive. Most of its county offices will also be com missioned by the Governor who is expected to sign the parchments next week. A count of notaries public made recently, showed that Philadel phia had over 3,000 in commission, but that Allegheny has over 1,600 who are now in office. Major General William G. "Price, commander of the National Guard, which Is now being organized, is planning another visit to Pittsburgh during the coming week. The Gen eral has been visiting communities in the eastern part of the State to assist In the organization of new units and this week after a visit to some of the middle sections will be in Pittsburgh to meet colonels and other officers in charge of National Guard affairs. Hie Eastern Pennsylvania Rail ways Company, operating in Schuyl kill and Carbon counties has been directed by the Public Service Com mission to within 10 dayß reduce the cost of miners' books from $3.50 to $3, to be at the rate of 6 cents a ticket, and to make a traffic cheek particularly in connection with the zones affecting Summit Hill, Coalport and Brockton and submit it to the Commission before February 1. The decision, written by Commissioners James S. Benn and Samuel M. Cle ment, Jr., says that since April last year there have been wage increases amounting to 65 per cent with cor responding increases in fares, which caused protests from miners' unions. The decision says that balance sheets of the company show that the sale of miners' tickets and operation of miners' cars is the most unprofitable item and a monthly deficit results from the operation of such cars, the Commission feeling that it should not order the business to he con ducted at a loss until next April when the wage scale of the miners may change, therefore makes the ticket rate at 6 cents, which would about cover the actual cost, effective until April 1. Tlie first 1920 automobile license tags were issued by the State Au tomobile Bureau last night. More than 100,000 applications have been filed for the new licellses and 4,000 tags were in the first shipment. The new tags are blue and white without the keystone. Office deliveries will start Wednesday. Several suggestions for radical changes in the State government to be considered by the State Constitu tional Revision Commission when it meets here on Wednesday afternoon have been received at the Capitol, and along with such others as may come will be sent to the prop r com mittees for consideration. Possible changes in the Constitution have oc cupied attention of a number of per sons who have been sending their views to various departments, the correspondence on the subject being decidedly varied. It is probable that when the Commission reconvenes this week that it may hear some remarks by the Governor, but it is understood that the position he takes is that the Commission should itself de termine what to do. Since the Com mission adjourned Thursday legisla tive power to name the present Com mission a constitutional convention has been the object of considerable study. Some very interesting political de velopments have been noted in Phil adelphia the last few days. Mayor- Elect J. H. Moore has let it be known that tho same independence which characterized the selection of his cabinet appointments will rule in other appointments. District At torney 8. P. Rotan, who has been at odds with the Smith administration Department of Public Safety for years, has announced that he will co-operate with the Moore adminis tration to the limit. The Moore councilmeu are getting ready to meet to outline their plans and the re formers are demanding that the old Blankenburg civil service commis sion be named again. Mayor Smith is signing numerous ordinances for >the closeup of the administration. Governor Snroul was the speaker last night at the annual meeting of the Berks County Historical So ciety. Commissioner of Banking John S. Fishor was in Philadelphia in con nection with the closing up of the North Penn Bank. State officials plan to make an insnectlon of the newly completed highway between Fayetteville and Chainbersbtirg. It is a part of the Lincoln Highway. Auditor General Charles A. Sny der and Librarian Thomas Lynch Montgomery were speakers at the Berks County Historical din ner* last night. Governor Sprout and Attorney General SchalTer have given orders, say Philadelphia newspapers, that the issuance of marriage licenses by brokers, and the no-publicity game must stop at once. The State may proceed if the practice goes on. State food agents have caused more arrests in Philadelphia for the sale of eggs that were anything but fresh. Stiff lines huve been im posed. Gabriel H. Moyer, of the Auditor General's Department, was the chief speaker at the Birdsboro patriotic meeting. _ Owing to the large list of cases for the meeting of the State Board of Pardons to-morrow the sessions have been ordered to begin at J o'clock, instead of 10, the usual hour. This rule will be followed where there are large calendars. This was municipal contract ua> before the Public Service Commis sion, a number-listed from Delaware, Lancaster, Cambria, Allegheny and other counties being heard. The commission was in executive session working on decisions the greater part of the day. Dr. Raymond M. Staley Heads Camp Hill Post An enthusiastic meeting of Post No. 43, American Legion, of Camp H '• was held in the Acacia Club room last evening, at which a good majority of the Post members were present, and Dr. Raymond M. Sialey was elected president and other officers chosen were: Vice-commander. Dr. George K. Strode: adjutant and treasurer, Paul Gilbert; post member of county committee, Robert L. Myers, Jr.; ex ecutive committee, Ralph K. Irwin, chairman; Lewis M. Munnell. Kugene W. Martin, Christian L. Seibert and Jrhn Draper Cooper. Dues for the current year were fixed a* $2, which takes care of National and State assessments. A name for the post was not selected. The entertainment committee. Lew is M. Munnell, chairman, presented plans for a post dance. The post ad- If Thin and Nervous Try Bitro-Phosphate While excessive thinness might be attributed to various and subtle causes in different individuals, it is a well-known fact that the lack of phosphorous in the human system is very largely responsible for this con dition. It seems to be well established that this deficiency in phosphorous may now be met by the use of Bitro- Phosphate, which can be obtained from any good druggist in convenient tablet form. In many instances the assimilation of this phosphate by the nerve tissue soon produces a welcome change— nerve tension disappears, vigor and strength replace weakness and lack of energy and the whole body loses its ugly hollows and abrupt angles, becoming enveloped in a glow of per fect health and beauty and the will and strength to be up and doing. CAUTION:—White Bitro-Phosphate is unsurpassed for the relief of nervousness, general debility, etc.. those taking it who do not desire to put on flesh should use extra care in avoiding fat-producing foods. I. When You Have Paid for Your Liberty Bonds B tatifelqpAlMt \ join the Dauphin Deposit Thrift Club and LL XHRIFTCI.UB keep up the habit of saving you have acquired. 1 m \ war tau y ou thrift; you considered saving money |ll\ \ and avoiding extravagance your patriotic duty. Thrift is I U tun lL,ni ,r ' \ just as important in this after-the-war period because JnA [i[[ -\ "Work and Save" will bring down the cost of living. 1 \ \ \ Thrift Club is a means of saving, not to spend, but to have. After you have received your check for fifty weeks savings you doubtless will want to deposit at least part of it in an interest-earning account in our savings department. TO JOIN OUR THRIFT CLUB you agree to deposit a definite sum of money each week in one or more of the three classes. The weekly payments, with the total amount, are: $ .50 a week for 50 weeks, gets you $ 25.00 1.00 a week for 50 weeks, gets you 50.00 * 2.00 a week for 50 weeks, gets you 100.00 Bring your first deposit to the bank today and receive your coupon book. It may start you on the road to success or give you a lift if you have already started. i liaiphii Deposit Irust Ctapajij' •MEMBER-FEDERAJL-RESERVESYSTEM* HaindßbwgJPlß. Seal your gifts with American Red Cross Christmas Seals, which are being sold here by the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. You may buy them from us. vised this committee to hold the dance sometime after the holidays. A committee was appointed to call on ex-service men living in Shlre nmiMtown and vicinity to have them jcir. with the Camp Hill Post. A committee was also appointed to draw up a resolution thanking the Acacia Club who have clvcn the post the use of its club room. HUGH M'CAFFREY DIMS Philadelphia, Dec. 16.—Hugh Mc- Caffrey, a prominent manufacturer of this city and widely known in Irish circles, died at his home yes terday. He was a former president of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and was prominently identified with the Irish home rule movement. For the Woman ' ./-a Who Works I > \ ur American women e / ' often prefer work in office or factory to housework. UL_ j jji work * s nerve speed. It racks i | of face and figure comes with perfect health and contentment. The young J girl should study how io make herself more attractive, how to overcome bodily ills and pains that pull her down. That's what j she'll find in Dr- Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It gives just the help she needs. It is a medicine that's made especially to build up j women's strength—an invigorating, restorative tonic and bracing ner j vine; purely vegetable, non-alcoholic, and perfectly harmless. Take i this woman's advice: i "When I was a girl my mother kept Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in the home for use as needed and when my sisters and I were growing into i womanhood and would become run-down or suffer from functional disturb- j ance, mother always gave us this medicine, and I never knew it to fail to give I good results, always building us up in health and strength in a very short ! time. I think 'Favorite Prescription' is one of the best medicines that can be given to young girls growing into womanhood or women who are in a run down, nervous condition. It is the best builder I have ever taken." MRS. FRANK ULTSH, 378 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Any medicine dealer will supply you with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion in either liquid or tablet form, or send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' ii Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package of tablets. i jj ij DECEMBER 16, 1919. Are You One of the Scores Who Have Taken Advantage of Wm. Strouse & Co's $lO Gift Sale "BETTER GET IN EARLY" 13