Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 15, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 BELL mm—233B I NITED Gift Suggestions For the Younger Folks Children's Rain Capes; tan ' ~ ~ BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. A Gift of a Napanee Kitehenet I a complete system of kitchen efficiency to the saved in the kitchen work with the use of a Napanee Kitehenet. It is a daily help that one can rely upon from month to month and year to year. \ ari ous sizes and styles. Drop in and see them. One dollar delivers one to your home, Bowman's Club Plan takes care of the balance. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. Desirable Gifts of Linens ?lIiPP Satin Bedspreads, Bath Mats arid Towels Scalloped and hemstitched cloths with napkins to match; made of pure Irish linen; $19.50 per set. Derrvvale Irish linen table cloths packed in a handsome Rift box with book, "How to Set the Table for Every Occa sion"; $12.50 complete. liPspy- Plain linen hemstitched lunch cloth with napkins to match; $6.50 per set. Pure linen table napkins, size 19p2xl9 1 /2; an admirable qual ity of, linen in attractive pat terns; SB.OO per dozen. Round scalloped mercerized *< cloths in a beautiful satin fin ished damask; $5.00 each. Mercerized damask pattern cloths; size 72x72; a useful and attractive gift; $4.50 each. Hemstitched linen huck towels; made of fine quality ; $1.89 each. Satin bedspreads in beauti- ful Marseilles effects; $6.50, $7.50 and SIO.OO each. wtS&Z' Bath mats in pink, blue, gold f aven( fer in the most de sirable designs; $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.75 each. Fancy Turkish towels in a wide variety of colors and de signs; 50c, 75c, SI.OO and $1.25 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. MONDAY EVENING, Not Open Any Evening Before Christmas Are You Still_ as to the Gift Selection Bowman s Basement Offers a Thousand and One Solutions to Your Gift Problems \ What shall I give is the Universal New Wood Craft Ware consist- ' t question just at this season. It's ing ot" jardinieres, vases, umbrellas. \ HNpfNTj answered in so many ways in our stands; $4.50 up. basement, that one is at a loss which ' Candy jars, of glass; $1.98 to to select of the many pretty and $2.50. W>CYa k. useful things on display. The kind F , mver haskets . 45c to $3.75. that is sure to please, too YOU , , . . , gwiJ'Sij /lWKvxr hadn't thought of it perhaps, but we Encrusted gold ware cons,stmg of know that women are always 25 l ° thankful for just such suggestions, ?! -? to u $1000: mayonnaise bow s, and the men also welcome it. cheese and cracker bowls. T , , , . , $5.50; sugar and cream sets. $3.90; It may be a casserole, which range , ruit bowls> $3 00 to 5 7.50. 4'SWIf^Y, in price from $2.25 to $3.00. . ... ... -UrnUaH Pmri Or a nut bowl of mahoganv; $1.25 , week, we all know, will to $6 50 be the busiest week in the year. [L chl 'TX , , , There are doubtless plans for every J5 AT jUft A,ld f? the , R re y mahogany minute and hour of thc week and Ff P \ trays with brass lmndlesn, oval and if one d()es not have his ur hcr plans WJ/ A v -r X>\ r °V nd Shapes: ?/ 0 °' 558 00 ai J d $8 ? ?' and list made up before starting to Japanese trays, square and round; sh inanv of these prec ious min- K $223, $3.30 and $4.25. utes F wi U be wasted. Let us just w China, glass and lamps are beau- mention ■ tiful for the home as well as prac- T . . eA*~ r?L v H> tical. Mother or wife will surely be . lh , e candles ,n our basement are 3VT\ pleased to have one for thev know simp } appeamg. ,ere are , // how essential they are to the happi- P' n white, pink, red. red with holly ZjU " css ot " thc other members of the sprays and bcrr.es in various sizes, family as well. A wonderful assort- to c eaCl- I ment of table lamps with antique Percolators, thermos bottles, *l. a brass bases and art glass shades; water sets and alcohol stoves .ue ft gaJj" Jr ■ ' ' SIO.OO up. always in demand. Dinner sets in a wonderful assort- An electric boudoir lamp appeals n n 7 V J ment consisting of English, French, to all young girls for their rooms; • —A/P Japan and the Famous Roval Doul- we have then, with different col- WiUfP'W tons. * • ored shades, from $2.98 to $4.50. \WII WW'ff Vases in various sizes with nu- And then the men must not be Jl l l llilltlllluJlL. merous different designs; 25c to forgotten—for then, we have the White Ivory Jardinieres; 98c to ing of cigar jar. matd, holder, ash Gift Furniture The sentiment which prompts a gift finds enduring expression in something of practical use. A piece of furniture is a "Gift of Gifts" —practical in use, artistic in design and of durable construction. Such articles are doubly appreciated. Many husbands who wish to give their wives somethhig especially nice; many wives who want to surprise their husbands with an article of home com fort, and families whose members combine to give one big present to the home, come to the Fifth Floor of Bowman's. Many a pretty and attractive piece is here—any thing from a smoking stand to a bedroom suite, diningroom suite, etc. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor, for Fine Furniture. Warm Coats ForWmtry Days Evening Frocks and Dresses For Afternoon and Street Wear H HARRISBURO TEIJEGIVAPH UABRISUI'RO. MONDAY'. UKCEMIIER 13, I,S A variety of pretty styles in street dresses of serge and velour, $19.75; Jersey or serge, $25.00. Attractive models in afternoon frocks, satin, georgette and tricotine; $45.00. An individual and unusual selection of evening and party dresses; $39.50 to $150.00. Sports and dress length coats in several excellent models at $39.50. Coats of Silvertone, Polo Cloth. Velours and Tweeds. Some are fur trimmed; $49.50. > Distinctive fur collared coats in newer models fashioned of Evora, Silvertone and Polo Cloth; $59.50. Luxurious fur trimmed coats in a number of handsome and original designs in Peach bloom. Bolivia, Silvertip, Laumette and Sue dine; $75.00. Large assortment of high class coats; $25.00 to $195.00. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Her With Ivory Of course, she would appreciate a set of ivory or a few pieces to start a set, for her gift. Why, what more appropriate gift could she want. And then the younger folks all like to have a set started for them, that is the very thing that makes them happy. Surprise them on Christmas morning with a set or a few pieces. Our assortment consists of rouge boxes, mirrors, trays, brushes, combs, files hooks, hair receivers, powder boxes, etc., 35c to $10.95. BOWMAN'S —Main Floor DECEMBER 15, 1919. Not Open Any Evening Before Christmas Cedar Chests Among the Gifts That Are Glassed as 'Distinctive cedar. A most satisfac- ( t in'}" gi it; $tS ,n AO. v - Make Her Happy With a Fireless Cooker For a Gift itvt getting 1 flavors mixed. Let us show you, so you can be convinced of their superiority as a Christmas gift. Sold on The Bowman Club Plan if desired. One dollar delivers one to your home. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. ' Christmas j||P Blouses gOjj Georgette Crepe • Blouses, Special at $5.00 Fine quality in an assort ment of colors and styles; some with net collars and cuffs; ; ,<& others with lace and beads; small collars and the youthful collarless effects; also a few crepe de chine in this lot. In colors of flesh, white, bisque and dark suit shades; special, lj Dainty voile blouses in the E§|^ very tinest sheer materials. A fine assortment with cluster of "^0! tucks; some with hand em- broidery and Val. lace trim- mings; all the little effects that make a voile blouse attractive; Extra size blouses for the stout women, in crepe dc chine tri and georgette; daintily em broidered and .tucked. Flat collars and collarless effects; iTjrii Cotton waists to sell for $1.50. Fine sheer material trimmed with embroidery and lace; others with pique cuffs BOWMAN'S-Third floor. f \ FOUNDED lan