Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 12, 1919, Image 5

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    Composers Try Ballet
For Rhythmic Music
OC late years many composers of
much merit, both in America anil
Kurope, have turned their attention
to dramatic forms of the ballot. Be
sides the Russians, who had shown
I A Continuatiinof the Big jjg J,** Again for Saturday 1 I
I Apron Sale ' 9 v nu >.. The Sale of Blouses j \ |
I M The following arc but a few examples that J [\l\ at I 1 V
Id fI R _ -4^r alHs. A g% <rjr _.% AT . are placed on sale for your approval— 1 Mlfl \
1 ! ~Fwnm IMO Turn jjjsfflTH I
||J *jr4j '4H | Fine quality Crepe ile Chine and Georgette Crepe \ m
Si X, - embroidered and beaded styles and each blouse is \
|W • lIF * packed in a pretty Christmas box and ready for ' _* J |g
Kfl Saturday will mark the last day of the big apron values; 11 )j giving; exceptional values every one of them, see **■•...
111 there still remains several hundreds of handsome TEA APRONS them. - S
1 iSSSHHs"" 1 ™ The Spirit of Christmas Reigns in Every ■£ "ST 1
ja NookandCorneroftheßigKaufmanStore j1,95 $4.95 |
® I Another Event Of Beautiful gift merchandise displayed on every counter and table, ' The lot consists ot crepe de wik georgette blouses m the |
M pleasant, cheerful sales people in attendance at every turn; pretty decor- fn hi a n n co B io°s e ind a J nd suies whueTnd^S e Vnsisung o"f b
lij J|MEp% llTipOl Ldnte lO ations that will please the eye, and last but not least, prices that shame s de 1 bea< rh i*_Tol
til *Ci yt • a-U „ rvr4i'nomi (,i n . p waist chosen from this assort- Includes values up to $7.95; |Y
|IJ C _ltr 6 " llie orainary stores. rncnt will be found selling at beauties at a ridiculously low .1
N ''yKßg f\ VJII.I VJI T V/A O __ _____ ___ __ __ _ less than the cost ot materials. price. S
§ |i|p A Sale of COME SATURDAY sayy * |
|j Boudoir TfAJjf, MEN'S <>u '" ,loor ' §
bl Men's felts in Roineos and Kveretts; they come in black and gray wfOllVft W $1.15 to $6.98 W
1 1 oK THK i)i'i>t.—Main i'iuor) * ~ m Men's Flannel Shirty M
S Men ' s Han,lliCTChief W. ssc §
LU r r~ " —mi IT 1 n 1 , • Initial Handkerchiefs, Jv
M ,"T~ 1,.,0k tn sums unusual Reductions on • 150 to [b
m Girb ,e swea"cra terS ... * 2 - 98 t0'55.98 Women's and Misses' Coats and moSs SSSSoI" j|
m Sweaters "! '• Is'-dl m S Suits Are Crowding the Big I
|| Men's and Women's Umbrellas $2.45 to $8.49 Wg tore MBg PUTSeS.POCketBOOKS g
li| Men's Boxed Hose, 3 pairs ;A"1 If tSL. Jm&L n . , . .... ~ } j p t> -
hi Men's Wool Hose • 59c to 98c. / Glance over the several specials advertised. Come s&£ HDfl I iHITIOTH II
(14 Wefl S nOOI in and investigate, buy, and own a eood Coat or Suit dUU GailluaHflgO
nl HOI I Y BOXES FREE WITH PURCHASES AS l] !§§! at a price less than after Christmas reduction prices. #r\l A Special Lot of Purses at 95c W
*T AV n . 11 ITT7>V 1 ACT WT I J ... • ■ \ AM\ Absolutely the very best values offered In Kl
Kl LOIN I* Ab 1 Hill I LAO 1 Women S and Misses trie city—all due to our early buying made H|
m Women's House Dresses $3.95 COATS ,4 A f o, 95 1
Children's Wash Dresses $L4d to $3.95 A&.\ $ H O .00. Beautiful Bags at $1.48, $2.95 |j
Women's Long Kimonos $1.90 to $12.9.) upccim at ■ ~r= P $9.95 W
n /ii .ij % ci*n i 1 Wncon- in <99 Qa Wl- /M\ v ' Velours, Cheviots, Silvertones. Polo gl 6J W %' tL .wi>\ N , Mammoth assortments unequaled in the city nil
'LJ ( nildren S Silk unci
HvacwSoivw .. . d9C lO Sl.2a xT-' . 1 &P'Xlfe&r ) Self collars, plush collars and fur \ 1 • 1 other store; all leather; different styles and
L 111 IMIII<I> DirtaJ QO/. ft * Xxtf r 7 collars; full and half lined, with plain and fancy Venetian; 1 I colors; beautiful fittings and styles.
Short Flannelette Kimonos \\'y belted and full-back models; colors ate l'ekin, M'aupe, . II
smfpeSi wob *IAS Camera Bags $1.95, $3.49 Up to $9.95 |
Cotton Petticoats $1.4.) to and Misses' They are In the newest creations and styles; long leather handles, overlapping D
, „ ~ ~ , 49 Q i fft SSB Q"v illirfftwTftf- T--. ■ \ ' frames and excellent fittings; specially priced.
Women's Bath Robes J® \ s~\ A rrN = ll
SATURDAY IN THE iwwtsillref vSsnuS^srKSSS-. m\J fibre SILK 7Q „ ffi
ti i'■ rfTOfrAyt; '*. rwffi'ftjv-t Pektn, Brown and Reindeer; big iwjor / ®y/* K|
T -w-fc a /NTm jfT-llkTm i-j*| \\ r\ \}H ..." ll , collars of seal or nutria; belted and swagger bucks: nil iHJoD * " <,'•* |vl
\ Drf 1 \ l\ K \Wh VI rl.lV I IfflEft- "AV'r. Ij - iftafcair lined throughout with fancy silk or Venetian; sizes for This is a seamless hose with double JBV* V<
r> A. luml ll A M \IS women anil misses. soles and heels and good garter tops; V\ Z&fk' |f|-
: s So£ comes in black, white, gray and chain- \ LU
Embroidered Pillow Cases 59c ml iMS M® Women's and Misses' FIBRE SILK g\r .rtl/ \ AM* M
Hemstitched and embroidered pillow cases, size 4ixSC inches. !#>3E i Ak/ /n /x a m unup ' HliC W
Scalloped Pillow Cases ti c !m |h , 1 l/f \ F! O A I SI a niouk-seam hose with double
Good quality; size 45x."6 inches. ■ j} 3 rt\ \ x iX. 8 k " C€% | kg ft f|fl soles and heels nnd garter tops; black. *SI a BHJI Kaj
BedSpreads .$2.48, $2.69 and $2.98 (jfflßds [ .7,: f(J v M|l vv white e„ r a o van. gray and icid mouse, ail J l7 | pn
Hemmed crocheted bed spreads In good patterns. -y jfcA/dSyttffl f \ ID
Satin Marseilles Bed Spreads $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 JScK &A %J FULL FASHIONED CI?C | S
Full size handsome patterns. In/ VLnut' y'lki. : • / collars, kit coney collars; come in HUSfci yf A Mt/ s" 3 IH
Hrpcf>r ( nVPTK 49c 98c $1 69 to $2.39 r Black, Navy. Brown. Taupe. I'ckln. Reindeer and Bur- A silk lisle hose with double soles Sss
DreSer and buVeau 'ail' prVtty lace-trimmed styles, very B)'W Ml "" C ° thr ° U6h ° Ut W,th V ' CnelU " ttnd " C arter ,6ps: ° n ' y |1
Cedar Chests 514.95 to $24.90 Women's and Misses' Full Fashioned Silk Hose $2.95 !fj
Good size, well made and linisheil. " 'HI/ifj y-v y-v a m Thread silk hose; reinforced heels and silk garter tops; comes in aS
KP |i | | A ■ black, cordovan, Russian calf and navy.
GIVE HER AN ELECTRIC IRON Wr ijj V;U AXi3 Thread Silk Hose $2.48 S
. . , Vmi! tzi U tIU- ..... *r W H •UU They have silk lisle garter tops and come in black, white, cordovan,
Hot Point Electric Irons, complete With mov- iff l*9W\ @5 nl I 2ft~* Special at H -—— field mouse, silver nn<! navy; line quality. |S
/Jmi - Ai I Broadcloths, Velours, Silverwncs, X a H ITouli Sfnm Hnp <CI Qft hi
able sockets. zf O m Z3Bt\ (*slm /JlVf. \ Sllvertips, Polo Cloth, Vienna Cloth: .Jin... ItlULiv cldlll XlUoc Jpl.l/O l[N
c7.Q lyW \\ Black. Navy, Dark Brown, Reindeer. Thread silk hose with double soles and high spliced heels; silk lisle
c • | t .IF j;\_% Burgundy, Olive, Taupe: With self, fur fabric or fur col- garter tops; white, black, cordovan, Russian calf, field mouse and hi]
special at .Jjp tjl lars; all are splendidly lined throughout; swagger backs, navy, HJ
*.. ) belted backs; sizes IB to 46. v ■ v s^.
U C Bu! l k < !! specii Poplin and Jersey Suits Poplin and Serge Suits Again, SantaClaus (Himself) will be here, Sat- |
® c ~ special at urday from 10.30 to 11.30 a. m. and 2.30 to 4.30 p. m- tl
f§ Glazed Leather Suitcases . $4.95 to $8.95 ' of'these Vuiiscouid $21.00 iAcYuTd 0 in o thi S b 7ot. BUl when s2fi Oft and will greet all the good little boys and girls who if
|IW Well lined and in extra good size. Special. be bought from the maker one or two of a stylo arc lett, W fnitlP Tfll it to lit Kflllfman'g Frnm Qon Ll
—— —r —~ today at the price we offer them to <ou; all are •we include them 'n the lower-priced assortments: CGIHC A \-ll ll 14 k" tl 111 tl ell IvqUllllall B. JT 11/11 l odll" g,
l|j Serving: Trays forGift Giving s^ii ß^ir o^;,^ii n^ c musei ln Uesl "" mns Bty, " s: sizes ufaii'slyies. 1111Bisß< "'' but ° r coursc ' not a " ta's work shop come these pretty Toys, all marked
j|| Stmare or Oval Travs. SI.SB. $2.19, $2.18 li Surprisingly low:
|U These trays have glass tops and removable bottoms. I of ITc Qiifr<ract o R'turLtif Fort Kaufman's Racer Sleds, Children's Blackboards, |U
1 Casseroles .. . .$1.29, $1.48, $1.69 Let LS hUggeSt a BOUdOlf Lap sll9 $1.95, $2.39 to $2.95 85c, 98c, $1.48 to $3.48 J|iS|
Is . . . . . v i)HC. inC to 3)1.93 lout sizes ' all well n 93118 - ste l run- Comes with easel or plain, to hang on W
f',l 7' Nickel finish, with brown or white fillers. . ov L" VJ-iclf nors; very strong. wa U Hp S
LM A >/ q „j iiw f lacc r co r n i oo cq a- Pretty silk caps trimmed with ribbons aqd laces „ . __ T \
hi siov tassercies, $3.9., i° in a large range 0 f pr e t ty s, y ierv s uc h C oio r s as pink. Coaster Wagons Teddy Bears, 75c, 98c to J „ S
p *■>■■>■>■ Old rose, light blue, lavender .nd dainty combina- $2 39 t2 95 tn sfi Ot ~',g ' \ H h
S *tl-"' " ifk " tions , p * tt „ y boxed , • $3 - 48 \ 1
B SMOKING STANDS AND SETS Plnah and Karami Scarfs °offir 1 " 1 " Bs *"' Do 1" """ c " ,; |
I 98c,51.48t053.95 $5.95t059.95 W„„.„P± Furnitur LKiddie Kars, 98c, $1.48,
hj They come In mahogany finish; all pretty. This makes an excellent present and acts as a won- White Doll Bassinets'.'°oHc to Sl'os $1.98 to $2.95 2jLL , hi
Si 8 ——— V derful substitute for furs; they *jme with plain and White Doll High Chat'ra".4Bc to {Hie a A , b j assortment of sizes and styles. Vwl NflH Is
ry Boxed Stationery Makes a Serviceable Gift fancy linings. white Dpu Rockers , osc pec a. ||
sj We Have Boxed Stationery at 25c, 39c, 48c to $1.98 Thp Npw Carp<s anH Tnatpps Automobiles, $7.95, $8.95, Wheelbarrows f 1 r
Plain white, buff, pink, lavender and blue linen papers with AI,C V>a|JCa rtUU VUfIICCiS Q / q>- Q ft ' c , fto _ . m t zq f C J HI
Is envelopes to match. <£l9/lfi tn $97 $9.y5 to $18.95 ... 4oC, 75c, 9oC to $1.48 I / / II
njl Nature Print Pictures, 59c to $1.39 pi2i.'lO 10 Rubber tires, all well made and 'n big A big line, made of steel, extra strong; J W /
Iftl Beautiful subject*, all hand cotced and framed with simple Pocket and belt stvles' sonic ff them plain* the assortments. Special. come in different sizes. Cy f J y |||l
3n| vet tanteful frflitics. ,
n— ——— J colors are black - brown and beaver Hundreds of Other Pretty Toys, Dolls, Etc. T /Cr
v j )c ' Mm,, Floori —>J t Ihirgaiii Ba-i'inont) / j
what could be accomplished in this
directions, musicians of genius in
France, Strauss in Germany, and at
least one American, Henry F. Gil
bert, who wrote music for the "Place
Congo," presented at the Metropoli
tan not long ago, had composed bal
lets, No one who has seen the
dances in the "Snegourotchka" of
Rimsky-Koraskov is likely to forget
the impression they produced—the
marvelous life and rythmic fury that
informed them. Debussy once con
tracted to compose music for what
was to be known as a "symphonic
drama, with dances, choruses, and
soli" to a scenario invented by the
man who writes these lines. The
composer of "Da Mer" and "Pelleas"
himself declared that ho loved bal-
let. He even said one day in Paris
that "if he were offered a commis
sion to devise a new 'Excelsior,' he
would accept the. offer."
The success of "Le Coq d'Or," at
the Metropolitan, was really a trl
-1 umph for the theory of a ballet In Its
modern transformation. The action
was reserved for mimes and dancers.
'The music was sung off the stage by
i a chorus and picked soloists seated
!as for an oratorio. No one was more
I surprised than Mr. Gatti-Casazza,
I the manager of the Metropolitan, by
the quick popularity nttained by "Le
Coq d'Or." It may—it must, indeed,
I have given htm food for thought!
It may have led liini to reflect on
what some writers and composers
' have said might be a future form
of opera—a return to stories told by
mimes by gesture, to an orchestral
accompani men t.
The idea is not so wild as it may
seem. Nor is it madness to foretell
that, fifty years from now, voices
may, in sonic kinds of lyric drama,
become part of the orchestra. There
might be some of this plan ut inter
DECEMBER 12, 1919.
1 , v 3{i'RlS^. r A' H D^2^i v^a^ wu, ' N
4 lia wiat/y lai 1 -DARLINC- MOLO.WCHT ROUGE, as. A o M
j \\ftl2rif J3JJ ADOLPH KLAR Ij
I 3vf/vPS!3fI>CS/7 Ul FOURTH AVINUC • mmmm HEW VO*