32 HEAR COLLEGE BOYS ON STYLE They Like a Girl to Look Nice; But Bobbed Hair? Never Groups of students from New York University, Columbia and the College of the City of New York were canvassed by a reporter for The World yesterday to get a "mas culine slant" on the vexed problem of women's dress. "I change with the seasons on this dress question," was the frank admission of Francis Edwards Far agoh, editor of Mercury and Micro cosm, publications of the Collego of the City of New York. "How am I to know what to-morrow's blonde will wear? "The so-called French heels, it seems to me( ought to be abolished. The skirt? I prefer them wide. Let my dancing be unconlined. The waist line should be narrow. My ideal girl is slender at the belt area. Besides, not all of us are blessed with long arms. "The neck should be exposed. It is bad enough for us men to wear starched smokestacks. Why burden our dear sisters with stiff necks? It is sufficiently sad if wo get stiff necks turning after them." Sylvester J. Shalvcy, vice-presi dent of the Newman Club and all around society man of City College, considered the matter more seri ously. "I do not think that the girl who ruins her feet and her health with injurious clothing is playing a man quite square," he said. "I hni against bobbed hair because It looks so masculine, and I' am against very sliort skirts nnd very thin waists. I might not critieise tliem in a girl I meet, but I wouldn't want my sister to wear them." . The group from Columbia Uni versity insisted on being represent ed by John E. Smith, of Salt Lake City. Smith is a member of the senior class and an aspirant for author of the Variety show. He ad mitted that he was optimistic re garding the modes. "If wo followed the suggestions of the various purity organizations as each new fad appeared," ho said, "men would be wearing blinders, and their offending sisters, sack cloth. A womanly woman can al ways be trusted to wear what is be coming to her. The peek-a-boo waist is all right as long as it keeps within the bounds of ttie 'peek' and avoids the naughty 'boo.' " Lawrence Fortig, graduate stu dent of New York University and winner of last year's Sandham oration contest, was strong in his expression of the common disgust which all men interviewed seemed to hold for "bobbed" hair. "It seems as if more crimes are committeed to-day in the name of art than have ever been perpetrat ed in the name of religion," he said. "And did you ever notice that short hair usually accompanies a shorter intellect?" Donald Brown, president of the newly-organized "Roosevelt Club," was even more outspoken. "This futuristic, bobbed-hair stylo is by all odds the ugliest thing I ever saw," he said. Theodore P. Bromley, president of the senior class, thinks that a good complexion should be attained at whatever cost. Jack J. Weinlieimer, captain of the football team, complained that the costumes of American girls seemed to him artificial after the simplicity of the girls in France and Italy. Arthur Schwartz, editor of the New Yorker, the weekly of Nevt York University, said: "Life would be pretty dull if man were deprived of liis enjoyment of the fair sex's pranks In dress. No young fellow would like to see every woman in the country with bobbed hair, loose waist and flat-footed shoos. Science seems to dictate moderation in dress, but modera tion does not exclude a bit of com plexion cream, a dash of powder, or on inch heel. "That does not mean that think ing college men do not admire in telligent. women. It is possible to preserve llio. charm and appeal and at the same time to cultivate the mind. The most sensible .type of woman seems to me the college woman of to-day." NEW X-RAY FIND is MARK < 11 ion go. The Western Roent gen Society announced an important medical discovery by a Chicago sur geon to-day. T>r. B. IT. Orndorff. X-ray specialist at the Francis Willard Hos pital, is the man. Surgeons probing the abdominal re gions wilh< the X-ray have up to now been baffled because they could not dis tinguish precisely the diseased organs. Dr. Orndorff, with the aid of Dr. I. S. Trostler, of St. Joseph's Hospital, has perfected n method to surmount the dif ficulty. They merely fill the abdomen with air or some other gas. and then the X-ray picks out unerringly the dis eased tissues. "It is the biggest discovery before the medical world to-day," said Dr. O. H. McCandless of Kansas City, president of the society. Public School Boys Are Best at Harvard Cambridge, Mass.—A greater pro portion of private school boys are suc cessful in entering Harvard University than are the graduates of piddic schools, but once in college the public school boy shows both a higher average of scholarship and a better disciplinary record. This was the report of a com mittee of the Harvard division of edu cation after a scries of statistical stud ies made from records of rpcent years. Among more tiian t.OOn who entered Harvard as freshmen in a period of ten years, 112 per cent, of the public school graduates won their degrees with lienors, as Compared with 1.1.1 per cenl. of the men from private schools. To Properly Treat Obstinate Wrinkles Particularly why re wrinkles are long and deep, the massage devotee is apt to rub too hard nnd too fre quently. This loosens the. skin, causes muscles to sag, aggravates the wrinkled condition —just the opposite result from that sought. Hotter than massage, or anything else, for tho most obstinate wrinkles, as well as the finest lines, is a re markable formula which you may readily avail yourself of, as you wiil have no difficulty in procuring lite constituents from your druggist, It is this: Otic ounce ot powdered Sux ollte, dissolved in one-half pint witch hazel. Ratlio face, neck and hands in this. Tlte effect is really marvelous, not only as to wrinkles, but also in eases of baggy checks and chin. The application is refreshing and sooth ing. tending to relieve fatigue. HotJi the tvllch hazel and the enxolltc are. of course, entirely harmless to the skin. FRIDAY EVENING, FigW biVES, POMEROY &7 STEWART " j f Crepe de Chine and Satin Lingerie A Velvet or Cordova Leather Bag- I Exqms qJlqSiorQpPlliQ Christmas Sbirilj If 7T G ! f \ lsto * w r an : ft enthusiastic admiration from all who V^/ C J / For those of velvct - metal or self " 'I * * '£■ _ see them. Fashioned along lines at covered frames, you may select one for as MI 1 njj . once charming and becoming, they • j J* il T~) J.X T7" * I little as $3.50, and the recipient would be g *| j JLy% offer their crepe de chine and satin JP IXF FlltUF P Ol tflP tjP.tt P.F L\*I.FLCL mightily pleased to have one of them and | | u mm AA \\ loveliness at prices that recommend ■> " tor shell covered French bead bags you can : XL IJ l\ > them to gift seekers • pay as much as $75.00. InSSTI Crepe de CWne ravelop s!' is |i 7 .so Always Welcome in Well Ordered Homes j t if ' Crepe de Chine camisoles, each piece has gone unrestrained quality. T jfc Crepe de chine eowns sl ' s ° to $5 ' 9S Every gift list may well carry the word • "Furniture," for B iack Envelope parses with • colored Fi„ t to P % M*i 's7 95 to sl7 50 t<>P &l>d back simps- handles and double flaps, ;j¥ C 'CritM'l J Satin bloomers, tilde IS liaidlv a nersoil wllOlll YOU 111 tend tO reilieillber wllO Black leather Hand Bngs Tapir Ijnmb Purses, In bine, A K I \hHffn It ' $3.95 to $5.00 with two-tone shell handle ami brown and grey. .SI.OO to $9.00 flp P t 1 i Ka y ser silk bloomers, would not be made especially happy upon receiving one of the and^irror 0 *! . wlu . > . SPS$ P S overnight and oriental j KIsEH^M $3.95 to $5.95 1 J IfJ r & Large Leather Hand Bogs, liAGy { Boudoir caps ' SI.OO to $5.95 hundreds of suggestions to be found on our great Furniture 1411 . g0 BhO p Plß /£l, t i£ 0 I SS3S SS TZSJZ f jk f! ItCM If ciinnnrc inch- to 12 Inch frames, and plain leathers, fitted with mm 8 sappers . . "FlnnP $2.25, $3.00, $4.00, $6.00, SIO.OO all necessaries. $12.00 to $20.00 tfl 111 I $1.95 to $5.95 ,X lUUI. Matinee Bags, in vechette and Velvet Hand Bags with metal ' 11 II I HQ. I Crepe de Chine kimonos. . .511.95 to s2..o<> grey leather $2.30 a „a self covered frames, SSK L 'j | I Corduroy robes $3.00 to $13.95 rn TI7 /"i 7 l ti i mil Leather Hand Bags, in black $ 3-50 t o $12.00 M' I Beacon blanket robes $5.00 to $12.50 / Pfl V/V (IdOllS ( jPfl (IT I jtIPW (,hf]irok- Tlic Ancient Marl- v \\ , . • Romeo & Juliet ing tilass ner 1, .i'"' Jr. , . -jaW, ■* ;t,' , . Linen handkerchiefs, embroidered corner 50<>. 75c to $2.00 if ; City of Dreadful Alice in Wonder- Entail Anion ■' ' '' , t- ' Appeniell embroidered handkerchiefs, 3 for $1.00; each 35c ft Night land Tales from the ' L'.J *i&., ,' ■*>. I. W fiP&yJ&t 'r 1■ 4 Embroidered Swiss handkerchiefs 50c A) A Doll's House Hiawatha Arabian Nights , V v'. A'* ? •V * ■ . IM A ;'.. I .-tncy Colored Handkerchiefs ... .25c and 35c S} Lady Wind mere's land of Heart's De- Ilfty Best l4is of f t ''' Handkerchiefs, 3in box, fancy embroidered box. U t.ho''" Rlp'van Winkle The Mho Was M f I. ' KW< b h !?! 8 . TT ft Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. A =aSggJST . . M jS. ,Fancy Folder Handkerchiefs for children !!!!!!!!.'!.'.'!!!!!!. . toe ; V it '7dre)! •'' *' / ftaSv',' ' ft IjV 1 V".;, <- )ur Varieties of the lesser expensive grades of sheer cotton Handker- jjf: L- ill. ■T'S.ara.'.'lU '•••vv K AC.'-yy.iC''" in M}:-. l '-' •• j. : ' ■ ■'! chiefs are practically unlimited 10c, 12c, 15c ami 170 A | x - !!/' 1 ()l / { f i ' IJ / Japanese Crepe de Chine Fancy Printed Border llandkerchiefs, \ljC .Plain Hemstitched Linen ilandkercliiefs at prices tliat prevailed two jft J Hy|. jjC oat sand Separate Pieces Gifts of Silverware S; u,WMsaM,,s ~f " ww,ns 1 jn,' Waft, From America's best and most sioHial at toe —2sc value. v )f/r * trustworthy furriers have come Their Useful and Ornamental Value Make Them s,, <' ut " c a>( A!U,,p - : VW I L|, oc . _• 1, _.i f n . r, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. *' !t,j> these rich peltries. Great Favorites \ ; The most pleasing gift can I , ' j| i be given to a woman, after all, is egetable Dishes $8.50 and $9.00 /x J in tt 7 l IWMMa* fu,s. Nt bowis $5.98 . Gloves ror Women 1 mW&SBBkt m Bread Trays $4.98 to $7.98 ft U'aTmit'VnT '•it'' Sandu'ich Frays $3.98 to $6.50 16 you have but a few moments time in which u : Bhek I vnv ' "7SOOtoII3S mv er Baskets $6.98 to $16.98 to buy a gift'for a woman, you can select glovts A Nihpriin "fios bcese and Cracker Dishes $5.50 and $6.50 -from our complete stocks with every assurance [j j®. e • j •••■$ Cream and Sugar . ets $8.98 t | ia t thev will please. Every pair is guaranteed is .icy Squirrel Water Pitchers $9.00 and $10.50 to be of finest aualitv / / /l\ • \\i Nutria 1 hrows $175 beaver and grey, _ / /fyXVS J \ ft \ V Kk Coney 8 Cott?. Pe . S . $55 . t0 slls Spoons, Forks, Flat Pieces B u ;ksk in Olovea. butternut and f* ' \ V Hudson Seal Coats, trimmed with Tea Spoons, ><• dozen, Sahul Forks, l'j dozen, Cape Skin Gloves in tan, grey and white. \ IMy \ .tt If V \\\ c „_i cknnL- cfinirrel nr nutria $3.50 and $4.00 $6.50 and $7.00 $2.50 and $2.75 \ \A{ \ H f i I \\\ seal, SkunK:, squirrel or nutria. Dessertspoons, Vi dozen. Butter Spreaders. % dozen, $6.00 Double Silk Gloves, white, black and colors _ XVu. I It' S it \ $225 to $750 $0.50 aiul $7.50 Knives and Forks, flat handles, L $1,50 and $1.75 "■■"rvJ ll' ft / \ y\ \fticlzmt nnrl Nutria t'oafg Table Spoons, % dozen, dozen, each, Leatherette Gloves in white and colors, /7fll Jl L'/ ; 3f C\ (A Muskrat and Nutria Co;ats $7.00 and SB.OO $6.98, $7.30. to $13.75 / ' 1.00 and $2.25 / 1 f V\ qioMJ and !>o/o Orange Spoons, y 3 dozen, Knives mul IVjrks, hollow handles, Children's Leatherette Gloves in white, beaver and grey M I ft * I ip* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart $1,50 and $5.00 dozen each, $17.00 to $20.00 85c to ."S W Second Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. lJlveß p omeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, I Silk Hosiery For Women: Welcome Gifts Handsome Dinner Setsof42to 100 Pieces% ff It's a recognized fact that no woman eve- has too many pair of stockings, so it is but |I Ml Dj r L T)p rnrn fj nn * j n Cobalt BIIIP FJnrnl S hi mil 9 l ft natural that either finely mercerized or full th ead silk hose is certain to be welcome. fi-l 11 JTilUl LJPLUI UIIUIIS 111 LjUUUU JDlilP, T ll)l til O/ )l UIJ S | Women's Fine Mercerized Seamless Hose, in Women's Thread Silk Hose with fashioned feet lIIIMmEa nnrl Rh„ RivH , 1 K lilack, white and cordovan 50c and SI.OO and high spliced heels $3.00 B-" M"8 'I SB? JJ It Ft x I Ltc-1 f fly o JWC Women's Black Alercerized Hose 65c Women's Fine Thread Silk Hose with fash- i 1 i igpaf" U>- ■ fc: Women's Fine Mercerized Out Size Hose, with ioned feet, high spliced heels and double soles, * j KSHHEBt 42-piecc Dinner Set, enough pieces to comfort- 50-pieee Dinner Sei. pink, floral decoration, * ft fashioned feet; In black and white SI.OO $5.00 J ably scat 6 persons; gold floral decoration. gold edges, very large pieces. Special price, $9.;0 j . ff Women's Thread Silk Hose with lisle tops and Women's Thread Silk Fancy Clocked Hose, in I ,|. Set $4.98 50-pieee D'niier Set. gold leaf bonier decora- 'i i ft : fashioned loot: in black ami colors $2.25 'vk with white or white with hlaok cha ks 6 JcWEgV t2-piac Dinner Sets, three dtaorations; pink ~on' ,tol<, tr,MoU I,aiU " OS S!) 9H sot * jL Wonien's Black Thread Silk Hose with lislr • aiM ' ' '' flora] spray, (c<>Ul linetl ami gold traces on ham!- 70-plecc Dinner Set, pieces to .seat 8 persons, .] . R tops ami fashioned feet $2.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. , les: gold lata; lairder: or gold hand with full gold pink decoration, golcl lined, gold traced handles, £ : \ n . 100-piece Dinner Sets, choice of two decora- ,f I ft T ~i j-, j t- 11 T L TJ • 42-plcce Ihnncr Set. tohall blue decoration Hons, lined edges, gold traced handles, $19.30 'JF i : T nr Pad OF Brother' Luncheon Pieces handles $,..,9 Open Stock Dinner Ware, gold border decora- 5 I A Half Dozen Pair of Socks —• **"* j r , tleira Luncheon Napkins, dozen ff: t' Men's Fine Mercerized Seamless Socks, in black, Men's liber and Thread Silk Seamless Socks, $9.00 to $18.75 _ _ jA * grey, navy and cordovan 50c lit black, grey, cordovan und navy 75c Luncheon sets .. SB.OO to $125.00 Tlnm t hinmoi V nil T* Wfn nlc T? rl r>s\s*rtr>isir> : ,l • 9 Week-hnd Groceries | I f< Vi .le^^a ,^und,^, nerl!" ,1,,0,, dT iilii ii i i 7.V '.'. *.'. *. *. *.Y V.". 3e f i ,u "> an '?® < ' ' , V ' H,MI P " lpl ° 81 36 inch sizes ..,...SIO.OO to $15.00 Ox-am Nuts. Ih ;5c Sunshine Fruit Cake, 2L lb. la.xes .... $1.73 ft Ime llladi t aslimcie Seamless Socks >.)<• Thread Silk Fashioned Feet Socks, in lilack, 15 inch sizes $12.00 to $16.00 Stewing Figs, natural color and sweet, fli., 35c Pint Bottle Vanilla Flavoring 19c : 3F l ine ( ashmcrc Sport Seamless Socks $1.50 navy, cordovan, grey and smoke $1.50 54 incli sizes $12.75 to $30.00 California sawyer Jigs, Ih 19c Powdered Sweet Cocoa 11.. can '. 35c *T ff. ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ' ' ft K* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street lloor. Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. -y I Our Christmas Stocks Hold Many Gift Things of Superlative Quality and Style For Particular Men I ft We cater to men throughout the year and arc pretty well acquainted with the styles they prefer, and which are foremost in favor in the wide realm of : 5 ft eU S d WCan a^ I ' s cx P cr i en ce enables us to gather Christmas stocks of paranioupt quality and character eminently fitted to be chosen for pfit'ts of ft E: Shirts Pongee Silk Shirts ...$0.85 and $7.50 Children's Windsor Ties in solid col- Men's and Boys' Sweaters * jJ, Silkloth Shirts, SI.OO, s!,!!.*> ami $7.51! ors at k'x*, and beautiful plaids at sth* : $ Corded Madras and fine Percale Shirts, Madras Shirts, Mens Sweaters, mmkSfr* ' th ft Wlr soft and laundered cuffa, $1.50 and $2.00 s :i . U o. $3.50, $4.50 and $5.-00 Fine Gloves *•. *?•#- *-*►. -"•<>, $10.95. $12.50 JIC :* Woven Colored Stripe Madras, Rep ... , „ K .. nnd $13.50. MRS) ! - _ jo- K / \ and Near Silk Shirts, in plain and nov- eicale ► liirts $1.50 and $ , -. oil qv dn Gloves, Boys' Sweaters. Rff/mn 7!J ft ft 7 elty patterns $2.50 and $3.00 $1.50, $2.00. $2.50, $2.95 and $3.50 *3.50. $3.05, $1.50, $3.30, $0.95 ami 87,95 €> ;* % A ' '<\^tS/ c 'WL * i,k strlpe Madraa S ! l ' pta wltl solt bllk Neckwear Mh G1 veg wlth black ein . R , , 74 rt „ v p. OT . ?A a SOT/ I/Wp cutis $3.50 and $1.50 , .„ ~ , , , e ..... Batn Kobes and House Coats lagans / a ¥ tl~y \ AviXJ Ktigle "Silkloth" and Fiber Silk Shirts. Kuh durable brocades n neat and Hk- Jtoidcred backs 95.1H1 , 4 . . f|Bk/ M £ i* _ V SthSP,! . - SI.OO, $1.50, $0.50 ami $7.50 tired and floral designs, Grey Suede Gloves, with black em- Mouse (oats n fine wool fabrics, two- VOA &: f: r__ •' m wmf PoWeßh 'rt ßw: (, $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 broldercd backs 52.50 ion 40.50 ft I Wfrrmmr 'i/ / silk CM-epe de C'hino nnd Silk Shirts, Al-o a magnificent assortment in rich. Automobile Gloves Bath robes In a. great variety of put- . I P. WT^^lljf I[ l ift in plain- white and satin colored stripes. "trlpcd and figured silks at L.'nx 'm-?, i'L - Paiama<: and Nip"ht ft [' liv $0.85 and $10.30 65c. 75c, SI.OO, $1.23 and $1.50 Black automobile gloves, cuff style. "'' ' ' ' ''• " ' ,o ' 8, -' 3W ' *'•'"• Pajamas and Nlgllt bhirtS ft ** J fV. q-it en- Knlt l'"OUr-ln-lfand Tic,s in crocheted $2.93. $3.93, $3.00, $5.50 and $6.50 Handkerchiefs Dutlng Flannel Pajamas, • # b 0 onirts and accordion weave, Short Driving Gloves, ~ ... ft | A V 7-,.. si oo 8150 sis*, aiul -• on ■ a- u- mi - in, Plain Lir.-on Handkerchiefs. $1.93, $_.0.,, and $.1..0 .V /\ \ I it'' Silk and I-ruiidvl'ttli Silk Shirts, ' s'->"• $1.8. and $4.00 $2.83, $3.8., $ 1.50 airtl $3.00 ... . if. dA-Cj $10.50 I toys', Four-'n-liand Ties in plaids, Women's Automobile Gloves. initial Handkerchiefs ' Night Shirts. ~ .$1.35, $1.50 and $1.9.i I "I *' 'hine Shirts $10.30 stripes and figures 30c and 65c *3.23, $1.50 to $10.50 I He, 25 c anil 35c Dives, Pomeroy A- Stewart. Men's Store. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPIf I DECEMBER 12, 19' *9...