I Addit'"! Cfass'fied Ads on Opposite Page FINANCIAL HIGH GRADE STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD J. K. GREENAWALT. JR. 130 Walnut Street, Bell phone 518-J Harrisburg, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN SMALL LOANS AT LEGAL RATES IIS TO S3OO On furniture, real estate or guar&n teed notes. Convenient monthly pay ments. Interest charges based on the actual time the money is In your pos session. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., 304 Chestnut Street. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu als In need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lpwest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loun Society, Room 206 Bergncr Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." HAULING AND MOVING BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery. 20 years' experience. Bell 2418. Dial 3283. AUTO, hauling, local or long dis tance, furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital St. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbln, Calder street. Both phones. Bell 5636-J. Dial 3638. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 1214 Wallace St. Bell phone 1050 M. WE Move Anything, Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third Street. HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Caraful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. K. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst, Manager. Hershey, Pa. Beil phone 16R6. PAUL BECK, general hauling, local and long distance, making a specially of furniture, piano and safe moving. Call at 1617 Nauduln St., or Bell 5235 J. MUSICAL HARRISBURG TALKING MACHINE HOSPITAL, 1303 North Sixth Street. Talking machines repaired and supplies a specialty. Call Bell phone 2184 J. FOR SALE—Fine mahogany up right piano, slightly used and bench lor sale, very cheap. Owner leaving city and wants to sell. For informa tion. write Box 73. Gettysburg, Pa. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repaii td. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE Player piano for 1450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Bpangler Music House, 2112 N. Sixth street. STORAGE STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in lireproof ware house, $3 per month and up. lower storage rates in nun-lireproof ware house. llarrisbutg Storage Co., 437- 446 South Second street. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market, llouseholu goods in clean, privuto looms. Reasonable rates. P G. Diener, 408 Market Street. STORAGE LOW PRICES HIGHSPJRE DISTILLERY CO.. LTD. HIGHSPIRE. PA. Both phones. Bell Steelton 109Y UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLEK, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St, BELL 1956 DIAL 2198 RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Ernbalmer 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 G. E. BRESTLE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1745 N. 6th St. ALSO MIDDLETOWN OFFICE BELL 2423 DIAL 8295 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY— Beautifully situated on Murkut street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The price of lots are moder ate. Miller Broa. & Co., Agents. CLEAN KRS AND DVEILS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver. All kinds of repairing. Both phones. H. Goodman, 1306% North Sixth Street. WHI.lt 1. TO DINK ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OP' SATISFACTION. POULTRY AND SUPL'LIKS FOR SALE —30 R. I. reds, pullets, at $1.75 each; 15 buff rock pullets, at *1 50 each. All thoroughbred stock. Call Bell phone A. B. Davis, Pen brook, Pa. ~ AUTOMOBILES ~ WANTED —Road and house auto mobile accessory salesman; salary and commission; llberul proposition, and a live house. Correspondence confi dential. THE JOHNSTOWN AUTOMOBILE CO. 101 Main St., Johnstown, Pa. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts oi auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 South Cameron street ~ SECOND-HAND motor trucks for sale cheap—Fords, Kohler, Chalmers and Internationals; three-quarter to two-ton capacities; 8209 and up, INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER MOTOR TRUCK DEPARTMENT •19-21 Walnut Street FOR SALE 1919 Bulck roadster, In A 1 condition. Apply Black's Gar age, 205 S. 17th St WANTED Contracts for motor truck hauling, can furnish any price body, or size truck to meet your particular require ments. Address Box G-9028 care Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) FRIDAY EVENING, AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT This is YOUR/OPPORTUNITY to buy a good car at a saving- December prices, to move our stock before the close of our fiscal year, are remarkably low. BUY NOW AND—SAVE. Buick 5-passenger touring, good mechanically, all tires good, paint fair. Overland Country Club, al most new. Unusually fine tire equipment Mechanically guaranteed. Cadillac, 8-cyllnder roadster. Splendid new leather top. paint like new. All cord tires, one extra. Chalmers sedan. 6-oylinder, re finished llko new. A beau tiful Fisher body, seating seven comfortably. Marked at less than half present new price. Time payments. Opening evenings. THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO. 212-214 North Second St. Both phones. BARGAINS VIM —One-half ton. good condition, cheap. ONE-TON truck, express body with top. olectric start.r.g and lighting. COEY—Roadster, good condition. TWO-TON TORBENSON rear axle, complete. CADILLAC motor, 1914. fine condition. ONE DOCO automobile lighting sys tem. , ~, DENBY—Stake body; like new. CADILLAC Unit, with two-wheel trailer. SEVERAL BODIES FOR SALE . DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1705 Capital Street. J! FOR SALE—A good 1917 model Chalmer's. The price will appeal to any one desiring such a car. The rea son for selling is I have no use for it. Bell phone 2422 M. FOR SALE—I9I7 model N. 5-passen ger Hopmobile touring car, in first class shape mechanically, new tires, shock absorbers, very speedy and powerful. At a bargain. Call Bell 3351 M for demonstration. PROSPECTIVE TRUCK BUYERS TAKE NOTICE We are offering a proposition whereby you can earn a large salary besides an Independent living. We have recently signed contracts with several large construction firms to supply them with trucks the com ing year, which will number 100 mark. We are therefore in a position to serve you in several different ways principally as follows: With inbuilt quality Selden trucks unlimited service and guaranteed po sition that will enable you to carry for your trucks from its earnings six to eight minutes time, our 1919 rec ords show that during the first year Selden trucks were placed in the hands of 63 satislled owners the ma jority of whom paid for their trucks in a like manner. Do not fail to take advantage of this splendid oppor tunity. Place your order now that you may DO assured of early delivery and be one of the first on the job when spring makes its appearance. Seldens can be delivered in the following ca pacities, 1%, 2, 2%, 3% and 5 tons. ■ Phone Bell 4849 or Dial 6909 for appointments or address SELDEN TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS. 1017-25 Market Street, Harrisburg. Pa. 1917 Chandler, club roadster, s9ofc. 117 Mercer touring, 7-passenger very snappy, two spare tires. A rca good bargain. . , . 1914 Overland roadster, electric equipment. Sacrifice 1318 Chalmers touring. 7 passenger lust been will sacrilice. 1917 Mitchell, touring, real bargain. 1914 Ford touring. The above cars will appeal to the ftver&se buyer in tbe market for o. good used car. Demonstration given. CHELSEA ALTO CO.. A. Schtffman. Manager. FOR SALE —Seven passenger, eight cylinder Cole car, good tires, two ex tra, spot light, self starting, tire oump. first class running order. Bar gam to quick buyer. Call Bell 341K-2. FOR SALE— Dodge touring car with winter top. good condition, cheap. Camp Hill Garage. Camp Hill. REAL BARGAINS OVERLAND —4-cyllnder, 5-passengei FORD— Touring Car. KEYSTONE SALES, 108 Market St. STUDEBAKER— Light 8; suitable , livery* elieap to quick buyei. Reo roadster; 'A-1 condition. Bible's Ga rage, Third and Cumberland St. Overland, model 90, touring, Chevrolet, Bab} Grand. Studebaker Six, 5-paasenger. Velle. light six. Studebaker Four, 5-passenger. Willys-Knight, model 84. overland, model b5-4. Time payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE & SUPPLY CO. 1917 North Third St. FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights runs and puns like new. Price 4UU cash. Dial 36-C. S. It. Horst. ileal)) Harrisburg. WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and iiight. Bell •••4. FORD OWNERS We have received a large shipment of front springs for Ford cars and arc sacrificing them tor 82.76 apiece. Chel sea Auto Co.. 22 N. Cameron St. MAGNETOS All types. 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, EDnaan, Dixie, Srlltdorf. Mea. Rerny and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Schtffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldttmers. In any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Aulo wrecking. A. Schiffman 22 24 26 N. Cameron Street. Bell 3633. Garages, Accessories and Repairs YOUR DODGE PLUS A RAYFIELD CARBURETOR —That's a great combi nation. A Rayfleld equipped Dodge; the special Dodge model Is inexpen sive and the saving In gasoline bills Is from 15 to 30 per cent, will pay for It In a short time; a Ravfleld on any car Increases its efficiency all around. My how she pulis the hills. Agency, Federicks' Garage, 443 South Cameron Street, Harrisburg. 30x3% Goodyear or any -other standard make of tire, 911.70, othor sizes just as cheap. Write Buch, 811 Cumberland St., Harrisburg. or call after 6 p. m. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING '* BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1607 NORTH THIRD STREET. NOTICE I PHOENIX LODGE NO 59, ~ Third and Broad Sts. On Thursday evening Mr. Peters will give an Interesting talk to the members of Phoenix Lodge, No. 59, at their hall. A number of candidates will be Initiated In the second degree, and nomination of officers will bo held. Ail members are requested to be present. LEGAL NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. BUREAU OF WATER AND LIGHT. COURTHOUSE. Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 3, 1919. Notice 1s hereby given that the as sessment against the abutting prop erty owners for the cost of laying i water pipe in Berkeley Place from ; Taylor Boulevard about 260 feet west, lin Bellevue Road from 18th to 19th streets, and in Rolleston street from Sycamore to Pemberton streets, will be made and levied at the office of 'the Commissioners of Public Safety, ! Room 10, Courthouse, In the City of I Harrisburg, on the 13th day of Do- Icomber, at 11 o'clock a. m., when and I where all parties in interest may al- I tend. S. F. HASSLER. Superintendent. NOTICE is hereby given that the i regular annual meeting of the stock- I holders, of the Penbrook National I Rank will be held at the principal of | flee of the said bank. No. 2551 Main street, Penbrook, Pennsylvania, on I Tuesday, the thirteenth day of Janu !ary, 1920, at 10 o'clock a, in., for the II lection of directors and such other business as may be transacted. I. L. UNGER. Cashier. I NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING j Tile aniiuul meeting of the stock holder's of the First National Bank of Harrisburg, Pa., will be held in tiio banking rovm of the First National Bank on Tuesday. January 13. 1920. between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock for the election of directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may prop erly come before the meeting. E. J. GLANCEY. Cashier. A special meeting of the stockhold ers of the Allison Hill Trust Com pany will be held at the office of the company in the City of Harrisburg at ten o'clock, A. M. on February 11,- 1920, to vote for or against a pro posed increase in the capital stock of the company, from $125,000.00 to $150,000.00. By order of the Board of Directors. Arthur W. Loser, Secretary. NOTlCE—Letters of administration on the estate of Harry M. Hoffmann, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in said city, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. and those having claims will present them for settlement. ISABEL W. HOFFMANN. and COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO.. , Administrators. NOTICE Letters of Administration have been duly granted by the Register of Wills of Dauphin County, upon the estate of Mary Fisher, late of Harrisburg, Pa., deceased, to the undersigned to whom all persons who are Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and all persons having any legal claim against said estate shall make the same known without delay. CLARA FOSTER. 1223 N. Seventh St., Administratrix. ELECTION OF IMRKOTOKS The annual election for nine direc tors of the Merchants National Bank of Harrisburg, Pa., will be held at the banking house. 1228 North Third Street, Tuesday. January 13, 1920, be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. H. O. MILLER, Cashier. MARKETS] NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS Chandler Brothers and Company, of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrlsburg;l33B Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations: Open Close Amer. T. and T 99y t 99 >4 Allis Chalmers 45% 45 Amer. Beet Sugar 91% 92 American Can 52 51% Am. Car and Fndry C 0... 135% 135% Amer. Loco 91% 91 Amer. Smelting 64% 64% Anaconda 56 55% Atchison . 82% 80% .Baldwin Loco 103 103% IB and 0 31% 31 Bethlehem Steel, B 90% 90% Butte Copper 25% 25% Cal. Petro 42 43% Canadian Pacific 127% 130 Central Leather 91% 91% C and 0 62% 52% Chi., Mil. and St. Paul ... 35 35 Chi., R. I. and Pacific ... 24 24% Chino Con, Copper 33% 33% Col. Fuel and Iron 39%, 39 Corn Products 84% 83% Crucible Steel 200% 198 Erie 13 12% General Electric 166 166 General Motors 322 322 Goodrich, B. F 80 80 Great North, pfd 77 76% Great North. Ore. subs .. 38 37% Inspiration opper 50 49% Interboro Met 3% 3% Int. Nickel 22% 22% Int. Paper 71 72 Kenecott 28% 28% Lackawanna Steel 83% 82 Lehigh Valley 41% 41% Maxwell Motors 37% 37 Merc. Mar Ctfs 47% 46 Merc. Mar. Ctfs.. pf(k ..104% 104% Ilex. Petro 187% 187% Midvale Steel 49 48% Missouri Pacific 24 23% N. Y. Central 68 67% N. Y. N. H. and H 26% 26% North. Pacific 78% 77% Pittsburgh Coal 62 62 I'enna. R. R 40 40% Ray Con. Copper 20 20 Reading 75 74% Rep. Iron and Steel ....103% 103% Southern Pacific 100 100% Southern Ry 21 20% Sinclair Oil and R 44% 43% Studebaker ...102% 103% Union Pacific 122% 122 U. S. I. Alcohol 102% 103 17 8. Rubber 121 121% U. S. Steel 102 101% Utah Copper 70 70% Va.-Caro. Chem 65 % 65 Westinghouse Mfg .63% 63 ' Willys-Overland 29% 29% Hide and Leather 27 27% Pierce Arrow 76% 75% PIIIf.ADKLSHIIA PRODUCE l'hllmlrlpliin, Dec. 12.—Bran, high er; soft winter bran western in 100 pound sacks. $49.50©550: spring bran in 100 pound sacks. 948.50ap 49. Live Poultry—Firm; chickens and fowls higher; fowls, 24@34c; chick ens, 23# 30c. Potatoes—Higher: Penna. per 100 pounds, $3 ©3.50; New York ar.d Maryland, $2.50©3.25. Butter—Lower; western creamery, extra, 73% c; nearby prints, fancy, 81 ® 83c. Eggs—Lower; nearby firsts, $25.80 per case; current recoipte, $25.20; western extra firsts, $25.80; western firsts. $24.30 ©25.20; fancy selected packed. 96©98 c per dozen. Cheese—Steady; New York and Wisconsin, full milk, 32@33%c. Dressed Poultry—Firm; turkevs higher, turkeys, nearby fancy, 48© 49c; fair to good. 44@46c; western fancy, 47®40c; fair to good, 40®43c; fowls, fresh killed, choice to fancy, 33 ©36 c; small sizes. 24®30c; roosters, 24c; broilers; Jersey. 43©48 c; other nearby. 35®42e; choice western. 38© 40c; roasting chickens, western. 27© 34c: western chickens, corn fed, as to size and quality. 32©45 c; spring ducks nearby, 40®41o: western, 36®380; geese western. 28®30c. Flour—Firm, fair demand; soft winter straight western. $1010.60; nearby, $9.65@10; hard wlntor HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH WILSON GIVES UNREST CURE In Article Declares "Fuller Knowledge of American Institutions" Needed By Associated Press New York, Dec. 12.—The cure for social unrest in this country is a > | "fuller knowledge of American in- ' i stltutlons" declared President Wil :son v -in an article written for the current number of The Indepen-: l dent. j "Men to-day are blessed with a ' ' new curiosity about their govern ments," says the President. "Every where they are demanding that the] doors behind which secret policies I have been Incubated be thrown open|i and kept open henceforth. The , doors that do not respond to the keys the people hold will be bat-1 tered down and free passageways erected in their stead. L4ve by Understanding "Autocratic governments of the past have lived by concealment; free governments must live by under standing. In the new day that is dawning only those governments that-have no secrets from their peo ples can long, endure. I do not say that such a government will make no mistakes, but I do say mistakes will be fewer and more easily cor rected when all goyernments are guided by well-informed public opin ion. Throughout World "Unrest is evident everywhere throughout the world. It Is not of itself a disease, but a symptom of disease. In our own country the disease Ms principally outside the government. Those who think other wise are mostly the newcomers and the men they have influenced. The cure for their disquiet is a fuller knowledge of American institutions. In this nation the people have in their ballots the instruments of peaceful change. "We can know if change is desir able only by knowing all the facts about the things we wish to alter. The journals that give the facts about government, its policies and activities, set down by the men prin cipally responsible for them, will perform a public service. They will afford a medium through which the government can report continuously to the people." Y. M. c. A. nouns MEETING The executive committee of the Y. M. C. A. met this morning in the Penn-Harris and discussed plans for the coming year. Chairman W. D. B. Ainey, of the Public Service Com mission presided. MARRIAGE LICENSES Clarence A. Houdeshcll. Wormleys burg, and Helen DittenliolTer. Harris burg. Ira Mauser. Lykens township, and Florence M. Welker, Gratz. Holland A. Bostley and Theresa M. Drumm. South Williamsport. Harry H. Geesey. Middletown, and Eva M. Keiffer, Royalton. 5,000 Vote For Landru, Held For Disappearance of Thirteen Women Paris, Dec. 12.—Nearly 5,000 voters in and near Paris cast their ballots in the recent election for Henri Landru, for member of the Chamber of Dep uties landru has long been held by the police and accused of being re srortsible for the disappearance of 13 women to whom he is alleged to have promised marriage. His witticisms have made him very popular with the Parisian pub lic and this accounts for the fact that 5,000 persons erased the names of candidates registered at the Ministry of the Interior and wrote Landru's name on the ballot. Landru was called before Judge Bonin on election day for examina tion as to the whereabouts of the Widow Collomb, who was registered on the ballot list as his fiancee num ber 7 Landru paid little attention to the judge's questions, glancing pensive ly oift of the window at the heavy | snowfall. When the judge remon strated with him he said: 'I am greatly concerned about the outcome of the elections. These pro ceedings here do not interest me. but 1 fear for the future of my country. What a calamity should Bolshevism rule in this landl" Korean Students Refuse to Sing Jap Anthem Tokio, Dec. 12. —Advices from Seoul say that the Korean students of the primary commercial school in that city have refused to Join in the singing of the Japanese na tional anthem. The faculty of the school had instructed the students to practice the anthem in prepara- ■ tion for the observance of the an niversary of the birthday of the Emperor. 344 "Red" Papers in U. S.; 144 of Them Are Printed Abroad Washington, Dec. 12.—Mgre than 200 seditious newspapers are pub lished in the United States and 144 others published in foreign countries are being circulated here, according to the Department of Justice. The figures were submitted to the House Judiciary Committee by Rep resentative Byrnes, Democrat. of South Carolina, at a hearing on a bill to prohibit and punish seditious acts and to close the mail to those pro moting such nets. The bill provides penalties of $5,000 and imprisonment for five years. ' ~ 1 short patent, sl3 ©l3 50; spring first clear. $9.75® i',i ri short patent, $14.75®15; fancy spring and city mills patent, family brand, $14.90® 15.35. Hay—hirm; fair demand. Timothy. No. 1 $33: No. 2, $30®31; No. 3. s27® ? V. f nlxed hay ' u Sht mixed $30@31; No. 1 mixed, $27@28, Tallow—Quiet; prime city loose, ""t special loose. 16c; prime coun try edible in tierces. lSftc. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET nc t „si cnKO • Uec - 12.—Hogs Receipts 25,000, steady. Hulk, 212.86® 13.26; top, 213 40. Heavy, 212.85® 13.25; me ?1 U T- *12.90® 13.30; light, 212.85® 13.25; light light, 212.75® 13.10; heavy packing sows, smooth, $12.25® 12.75; packing sows, rough, 211.75® 12.25; pigs, 212® 13. | Cattle—Receipts 10,000, slow. Beet steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. 218.75®21.25: me dium and good, $11.25® 18.75; common $5 @ll-25; light, good and choice, 113.75® 20.50; common and medium 28®13.i5; butcher cattle, heifers, 20.50 ® 12.50; cows. 20. 35® 14; canners and cutters. $5.25®6.25; veal calves, 216.75 .*@17.75; feeder steers, 27@12.50, stocker steers, 26@10.75; western range steers. $7.50@15; cows and heifers, 26.50@12.50. Bheep—Receipts 12,000, unsettled. , 211 (n 14.60; ewes, medium, good and ■ choice, 28@10; culls and common, 1 24.50@7.75 POLICE MASCOT IS RETURNED Missing since Harrisburg wel comed home her soldiers during early October, Buster, the bulldog mascot }f Harrisburg police, made his re rppcarance at police headquarters yesterday. Buster, long mourned as lost by the Harrisburg coppers, was found wandering about in Second street, by "Sammy" Klompus, who conducts i newspaper stand at Second and Walnut streets. Klompus recognized the dag, and although he bore the tag of another jwner, he took Buster to police head tuarters yesterday afternoon. Buster was originally presented to the police department during the late summer by Frank Oenslager, of Riverside. STATE BUDGET SYSTEM GAINING MANY FRIENDS Constitutional Com m i ssion May Find For Complete Re vision of Basic Law Belief that the State Constitu tional Revision Commission will ultimately find for the "complete revision" whicW it Is authorized to "~ 1 "" 1 ' 1 " ~ ' 1 4 Help Wanted Press Feeders at Once The Telegraph Printing Co., Cameron and State Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. dragged across the stage by thi weight of Resista. Tech was beatei and by a ninety-eight-pound girl How does she do It?. That is lt secret. CRUSHED BY ENGINE Caught between an engine and shop tank at Pennsylvania round house No. 2 early to-day, Charles t Wlngard, 46 years old, Is In a crlt leal condition In the Harrlabun Hospital. Wingard is employed a a gang leader in* the roundhouse. s APPRAISAL BUREAU ! " Task J |JU ICALV IITKNOIuFC rl HARfUtIV ITDtOIL WORKS %] I IttILBCUtT FOR RENT From April lgt, 1920 STOREROOM 502 Market Street CHAS. ADLER Real Estate & Insurance 1002 N. Third Street Menbcr Harrl.barg Heal Batata Hoard We Have A Large and Complete Stock of Army Clothing Excellent For Work and Outdoor Wear Breeches Rubber Boots Blankets Shirts Overcoats and Mackinaws Raincoats Army Shoes Heavy and Light Underwear Gaps Sheepskin Vests Sweaters E. ALPER 425 BROAD STREET NOTICE Automobile License APPLICATIONS IRWIN M. CASSELL Notary Public Will be located at 211 N. SECOND ST. Formerly with the State Auto mobile Division for two years. "Tlic Man Who Knows How" Additional reasons why ARGONAUT OIL is a good investment. —Treasury Stock 1500,000. —Has proven oil grounds In j Texas and Oklahoma ap- i praised at over 11,000,000. —Paying dividends at the rate i of 24% per annum to stock- I holders of record Dec. SI. j —Officers and directors are among the best and ablest oil men and bankers in thO mid-continent field. ' —Prior to trading on the Ne# York Curb, shares are of* fered at $1.50. In Juatlre to yourself, why not write tor full laforaiatlou t No obligation. J. Myron Murphy ' Underwriter 56 Pine St., New York City I V- . H. I / ia i-i" -n i Market Situation of the Oils We have ready a Special Oil Resume, giving some interest ing facts and figures regard-* ing the established oil stocks. These securities have shown an advancing price range of from 25c to $23 a share since November 12. Copy free open reguestt HOW TO OPEN AM ACCOUNT Mi METHODS OP TRADING Booklet free upon rcgueot McCall & Riley Co. Inc., INVESTMENT SECURITIES - an N. Third St., Harrlnburg, Pa, Bell S4S, Dial SSII Philadelphia New York DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES . - . 31