Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 12, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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    "When a Girl "
v A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problem of a Girl Wife
(Copyright, 1919, King Features
Syndicate, Inc.)
Sunday morning, the day after the
accident that had coa^ r Sheldon
Blake's life and had sent Val for an
enforced visit to Dreamworld, I hur
ried around to the sick-room. The
nurse came to the door in response to
my knock and stepped out into the
hall In evident distress.
"Mrs. Cosby"s very restless ana Ir
ritable. I think she'd better not see
anyone," she stammered.
"Will you ask her if there s any
thing X can do for her?" I replied,
with the stiffness people have a way
of showing when shut out of sick
rooms to which they flatter them
selves they could bring cheer if only
officious nurses didn't forbid them.
Then X saw that Miss McNeil was
far from officious. Instead, that she
■was a sweet girl charged with a. re
sponsibility which made her miser
able. In that second I surmised that
Val had refused to see me and that
the nurse was trying to spare my
feelings. But still I gave no more
than a passing thought to Val s abuse
of me the day before.
Later Miss McNeil came down to
the breakfast room with another
message I could see she was loath to
deliver. , .
"My patient is very tired. The re
action." she explained, smiling apolo
getically. "She thinks shed best lie
t uiet alt dav and see no one. I agree
with her. so if you'll ail forgive me,
I'm going to forbid her having any
visitors. . ... |
Every one seemed to accept this as
the natural reaction from all % al had
gone through the day before. But I
saw that there was more to it than
that Val really wanted to keep me
out of her room, and in order to
avoid comment and surmise she was
denying herself to everyone. What I
couldn't fathom was the motive that
made Val wish to avoid me. Was
that motive dislike or fear?
The events of the afternoon deep
ened this mystery which piqued and
troubled me.
Jim and I walked over to Mason
Towers. We took the short cut —the
little green path. But when Jim no
ticed how I trembled and shook be
yond all my efforts at self-control, he
"I'm sorry, dear, that I brought you
this way. It's too near the awful
scene you witnessed yesterday. We'll
go back by the high road."
"A gain of 8 pounds, a keen appe
tite. sturdy nerves, relief from rheu
matism and a well stomach were the
benefits I received from Tanlac,"
said Mrs. J. Boyd, 217 S. 63d St.,
Philadelphia. "Oh„ how much
brighter and vigorous I feel. House
work never tires me. Both my
mother and husband are taking
Ihnlac now."
Persons suffering poor digestion,
dull memory, dizzy spells, weak
back, throbbing headaches, sleepless
ness, constipation and lack energy
need something to restore their de
bilitated organs to normal. That
something is Tanlac, the new tonic,
appetizer and invigorant. Get the
genuine J. I. Gore Tanlac at all lead
ing druggists.
filar ■ Bfl SiZCS.
95 gg
Attention Please To Gift Givers
Never was there a time when one wished to spend their money more wisely than now.
Everything, it seems, is high and everyone is anxious to save and one can hardly blame them
for it.
It's pleasing to us to be able to offer you values th.'t could not be duplicated if we were to
go into the open market today—and if you are in nrtd of a Suit, Coat, Dress or Skirt, come
here and we know the price will surely appeal to you—the values are truly wonderful.
Silk p.ic„ a ,s I COATS AT JANUARY PRICES I Silt Waists
|K i ari Beautiful Winter Coats can now be hafl at January d* O Af -
JA 1% prices—so why not get the benefit of a heavy Winter Coat %Ml
d/Aid* at a big concession in price. Vf%3*%J%3
Pretty Silk Prpttv jf 9 *' Fine silk Eeor
* gette waists and
flounces; heavy j J blouses; colors
cotton fitted tops. Winter Coats - whitc and flc3h - I
"E&r $19.50 Jfflm/pn s " k pe,,icoa,s
d>i oo M\ $3.45
<PAOO Of fine materials, IV \ x . . , ,
Y newest styles and col- ~\\<\ sh a dTs P S
Of heavy fast- ors. Alterations Free. \ changeable
color sateen; fit- —. msEIISHSmSu L&fj i Tj shades; fitted
ted tops. _ ... MIHWSIW* > s l 11 I *iA to P s -
Beautiful ||W|
Neck Pieces Wi " ter C ° aU (H |''' j Drl'^in.
sl7 75 $24.50 W Al dr QC
Handsome materials fj JI |7>W
Fine animal " f a Collection of beau- V ( l/\l Of all-wool ma
scarfs, silk lined; tlful styles and colors. * /! )\ terials; colors:
colors; black and All sizes. Alterations /T J black, navy and
taupe. Free novelty checks,
___________ • ire pretty styles.
Alterations free.
Cloth Dresses Newest Cloth Suits
r~; $14.30 $24.30 7,7
w pretty styles to choose from; "1 * he beginning of the season.
all regular sizes. Alterations Styles will be worn in the spring. Satin and taf-
Extra large an- free. Regular and extra sizes. feta silk dresses;
imal scarfs; In . pretty styles and
black, taupe and We Will Gladly Cash Your Christmas Check colors; in regular
brown. L—Sizes.
It seems queer now to realize how
much difference his consideration and
decision made.
When we got to Mason Towers
Evvy s colorless little mother re
ceived us. She had the look of a
startled rabbit that would love to go
back to nibbling its greens if only
some one would call off the disturb
ers who are making its hutch un
happy. But she tried to assume an
air of importance and sympathy in
keeping with the events about her.
"My poor Evvy can't see you." she
said mournfully. "The poor child is
keeping to her room. She is so
sensitivo and this—this has complete
ly upset her."
Her words seemed inadequate for
the large affairs she was trying to
suggest. And she went on with her
repetitions and from bad to worse.
"Do you want to see poor Sheldon?
The poor boy looks so natural."
It was true. He did. There was
a look of arrested motion about
Sheldon even in death. He seemed
still radiant, compelling and full of
unfulfilled desires and magnetism
and the wish to live fully and ex
pansively no matter what the cost.
Tears came to my eyes as I realized
that the price of life as he had wanted
to live it. was death. After a minute
I went out of the still room where he
lay in even greater stillness. 1
wanted Jim to be alone to pay his
tribute to the friend of his boyhood.
And the chattering little woman who
kept hitching her gray-knitted scarf
up on her shoulders and twiching
words from her mumbling mouth,
took all the sacredness from death.
When Jim rejoined us Mrs. Mason
began explaining and apologizing
"Evvy can't see you. She's lying
down to get strength for the Joruney
Oh, didn't you know? She's going
south with all that is mortal of the
poor boy. Yes, they're taking the
pooc_boy home. Oh, didn't you know?
Her cousin. Tom, is going with her.
We wouldn't consider the poor girls
making the trip alone."
Jim and I exchanged glances. I
knew he shared my wonder as to
how this inadequate little mother
could ever have stopped Evvy from
anything the wilful girl wanted to
do. _
Finally we got away. Dusk was
falling. As Jim had promised, we
went round the long way by the
high-road. As we were nearing the
front porch, Jim seized my arm and
jerked me around to face the bushes
that were between us and the spot
where the green path dipped away
from our ground toward Mason
Terrace. , . .
"Did you see some one dodge be
hind those bushes just as we came
around the curve?" he demanded.
"No. dear. Who could be hiding
"Evvy!" said Jim curtly.
"But whv?" I asked nervously. Her
mother said she was lying down.
"Her mother!" repeated Jim scorn
lU"And that train she's taking starts
in less than an hour. What would
she be doing here?" t ,
"That's just what I want to know,
said Jim, starting toward the little
path with a certain stealthiness.
(To lie Continued.)
Madrid, Dec. 12. —King Alfonso
has asked Maneul Allendesalazar,
the former foreign minister, to form
a cabinet. Senor Allendesalazar
has agreed to try to organize a
coalition ministry, comprising rep
i resentatlves of all groups and de
void of party spirit.
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1919, International News Service By McManm
LOOK.-004AN I to\o°HOMP^\HAT^A^ 0 ' 0 ' VANT ' * ( i IT* HARD TO TELL • L || WELLM'OHATETO I
THERE'S AN 1 -HOME "THAT FAST". 4 HE N HOT e>E <ON* | . PSF* HPTHERF* / —' *ll-
j FROM ) 111
[Oontlnncd from First Page.]
made after Dr. Garfield had left the
conference, officials explained.
Increased Production of
Coal Is Indicated by
Report From Many Fields
By Associated Press
Chicago, Dec. 12. General in
crease in production of bituminous
coal to-day was indicated by reports
from nearly all coal fields. In a few
sections, principally Illinois, how
ever, some of the workers were In
rebellion against terms of Presi
dent Wilson's proposal, acceptance
of which halted the strike, and in
Montana, Washington and Wyom
ing the miners indicated they desir
ed a more thorough understanding
of the plans. Other instances of de
ferred resumption of production
were expected in the Pittsburgh dis
trict, where union leaders continued
officially to notify miners to return
to work and in West Virginia, where
new trouble was encountered be
cause of the old question of the
"rheck off" system, but the situa
tion generally was regarded with
optimism. There were many pre
dictions of return to normal output
by early next week.
Severe Weather Passes
In addition to permission to retail
stores to operate nine hours Satur
days no further immediate relaxa
tion of the strict fuel conservation
orders was in prospect to-day. That
modification was made because of
the near approach of the holiday
Except in the Pacific Northwest
most ot' the country to-day was re
lieved of the seveie weather that
grasped it for two days. Coupled
with a coal shcztage, almost unpre
cedented snows and unseasonably
low temperatures still caused suf
fering and disruption of train and
wire service in Washington, Oregon,
Northern California, Northern Idaho
and Montana.
Another Cold Wave Forming
Another cold wave was reported
forming.in the northwest and mov
ing eastward. Most sections would
be fortified against it by renewal of
coal supplies, it was believed, how
In the great central competitive
field, where there was little or no
output yesterday, an overwhelming
sentiment in favor of a quick return
to work was indicated Jn reports
and statements of union leaders und
virtually all mines except in Illinois
were expected to be operated to-day
or at the latest by Monday.
Nearly normal production by the
end of the week was predicted for
southern mines, lteports were that
by that time mines in Kentucky,
Tennessee and Alabama generally
would be in operation.
In the southwest Kansas was the
only state where it seemed doubt
ful when operations would begin.
The miners in Missouri, Oklahoma,
Arkansas and Texas were reported
ready to return to work to-day.
The Kansas situation depended
upon the outcome of a conference
at Pittsburgh to-day between the
Governor and Alexander M. Ilowat,
president of the Kansas miners,
concerning withdrawal of volunteer
diggers and troops. It was under
stood an agreement was reached
yesterday to withdraw the men com
plained of by the miners as soon as
the latter had re-entered the mines.
To Force Recalcitrants
In Illinois a number of the locals
voted not to accept the terms of the
strike settlement and to remain
away from the mines. Frank Far
rington, state president of the min
ers, expressed confidence that the
men would resume production end
said that the state organization
would use every means to force re- j
calcitrant locals to abide by the set-!
tlement. He and some of the oper
ators also expressed belief that by l
the first of next week the output
would be normal for this time of the
Majority of Miners in
Pennsylvania Signify
Willingness to Go Back
Pittsburgh, Dec. 12.—-Ever# effort
to expedite the return to work of
the 42,000 coal miners in the Pitts
burgh district is being made by of
ficials of district No. 0, United Mine
Workers of America. Union leaders
expected some of the men would re
sume work to-day and that produc
tion would be heavy by Monday.
Many union locals of the district
held meetings last night to decide
the question of returning to work,
and mine workers' officials here were
instructing other locals to hold such
sessions immediately. In some in
stances officers of locals notified
headquarters that there was no ne
cessity for a vote of the member
ship, as the men had already signi
fied their willingness to enter the
mines at once.
Stores Closed
The rigid fuel conservation or
ders of the Federal Fuel Adminis
tration went Into effect here to-day
with the result that department
I stores and other establishments not
1 exempted remained closed until the
noon hour. Under the regulations
the business houses affected will
cease doing business at 6 p. m.
Few of Pittsburgh's many indus
trial plants felt the effects of the
coal conservation measures, for
practically all steel mills and other
industries have reserve supplies on
hand which will last for several
weeks, according to reports.
Indiana Mines Working
but Not at Full Capacity
By Associated Press
Indianapolis, Dec. 12.—Indiana's
coal mines were in operation to-day
with a very few exceptions, al
though reports indicated that not
all of them were working at full
Reports from Evansvillo stated
that five mines began operation yes
terday and that preparations had
been completed last night for re
suming work at all the others. Ad
vices from Bicknell stated that
fourteen mines in that section of
the State were hoisting coal to-day.
Sullivan and Vincennes also report
ed reopening of the mines in their
districts and Terre Haute reported
that with many men already back
at work all the miners will be in
their places by early next week.
Circulars supplementary to tele
grams sent out from headquarters
of the United Mine Workers Wed
nesday night, were • mailed this
morning to four thousand local
unions. They explain the action of
the general committee of the organ
ization in accepting the President's
proposal as basis for settlement of
the strike and urge return to. the
mines with the least possible delay
in order that the public's coal needs
may be filled speedily.
By Associated Press
Washington, Dec. 12.—Operators
to-day were awaiting the official an
nouncement of the settlement of
the strike controversy before for
mulating plans for meeting the re-
I quirements of the government's pro
i posnl. Their representatives have
| been in Washington since the ne
j gotiat'ons started, and the majority
of them are said to be willing to
fall in line with the government's
officials in bringing the strike to a
sure and final end.
Check-Off System Causing
Many to Remain on Strike
01/arleston, W. Va., Dec. 12. —The
"check-off" system whereby coal
companies collected union dues
from the wages of miners, and
which was a section of the wage
contract existing iff West Virginia
priod to November 1 last, is the
question which has caused many
union miners to remain on strike,
according to statements issued to
I SIR,; PI A QTF R'9 R — ■ WH "" I
Checks." JL JLLS JL\ U* until Christmas ft
: Si ji "■ ■* 'fif:
j e^® ome Delightfully SILVERWARE
[ Diamond Jewehy $
■ of Exquisite Beauty GUARANTEED Go,d F " ,ed wTiVfc. •.. =. T irt . e ft
moWVf' Centraf d Penns>d: WRIS T WATCHES B^celets"!!!! I!!! iRS T " Chocdate Sets |
vania. Here you will see the same TTI\IUI IfAlUitd SuIP frPam and
large assortments and the same M ~~~ ~ HUgar, vream ana M
• magnificent new creations that you gi.ao. i_.oo Solid "ownQoe* - Q . Jf*
would see if you were to walk into anil up, \ilJ ODOOIier ijfilS TL
, the big stores in New York, Phila- Gold /£%\
delphia and other metropolitan IKAA ~ 1®
• -.cities. The new artistic models—square, T „, ro ii: Ar „ c \siag Large assortments in Sterling JK
Our expenses are much less, ai amom i Kavailiereb, jsr and plate. The newest designs 2
however, than those of stores in • ° lon ® heart, octagon from lea{ j ing manufacturers ft
. such places and our prices are an d hectagon shapes in Gold, Green qw.OU up 4
: corr espondingly lower. . Qold £
K A mm 910.73 up to 973.00 t Av ! SSSSSftftSESDESSft rv ..
; DIAMONDS L s TooT' A 1111111™' Dish "i
Diamonds for yourself, your *ISOOO nn c-AAAA rrnT TlTniTnnnTrßM Butter A
: sweethearts your father, mother, 9100.00 up to 9000.00 jj j| j|j " Dishes M
See our special Diamond Rings „ _ , , , . y, r r,V. 'M
with extra large beautiful Dia- Here you will find an immense stock, unrivalled anywhere in V-akC
. monds in stylish Tiffany mount- magnitude, newness, magnificence and variety. Stands S
• jngs Here you will find assortments that will meet the require- beMMjiMJ Oianus
ments of Everybody and of Everybody's purse. .... I RpHHBPHHHH Meat 'M
ft** HAA At 'his store you will see the lines described In the catalogues ■!•> ._,< s Ol —). ~ X"
' St I fill ot 'he big metropolitan firms and more, too. fif-Qtlßl t llllfiY it Hi Flatter -A
D It/.UU " wi " pay you to m ake a trip to Harrisburg, especially to Etc
• select your Christmas gifts from our new exclusive lines. ' Jm
\^AAA AA We rnost cordially invite you to come and examine every M"
' n /11 1111 article critically that you are interested in. See what you are ,
(jwi—yMV.vv buying. Let us tell you ali about it. You can't go wrong if you Knives Forks Spoons I®
• come here. We guarantee every article to be just as we represent JBi
(rOC nn "• Should a purchase prove unsatisfactory, your money will be Sets and Individual Pieces
| 111 cheerfully returned. In fact we will thank you to tell us about it.
. Ys4Wtw v Come—Bring your friends—Make yourself at home. Sets and special combinations In 1R
A _ We Welcome Vou beautiful velvet liped mahogany jf*
QA J1 A A L I chests. Sets, combinations and in- M
.null 111 I —— dividual pieces in elegant gift X.
IViW Tpnpn leatherette cases and artistic '
fIJCA nn - WATCHES Chime boxcs
, Yt/v*v v FOP I.nilica and Gentlemen HsJl " y,
UP Hamilton
They are wonderful values. ff[*lo Illinois dOCKS tgk
l Come in and let us show them to 03ft Howard a wonderful stock and £
Diamond Diamond Vt B \ n tTay n n 1
Lavallieres Scarf Pins <= d watches. mahogany and Uecorated £
' . . Elgin and Waltham "WHITE IVORY" 1
'\ I atr-e . Hamilton, ' Clastcr's White Ivory combines ft
V/ ' Watches, and up Beautiful SlieiSSlfv-VT-'i"
Y P iAi.UI/ | bility. Never before have we -Ik
js e> , rer qn { ftIJIBBEj,;. f> shown such a remarkable variety A
_a'vGk_ V !■"" J, , , JsyßSl Cameo Of pieces and sets—plain, artistic- "if;
lL 22 SO fl Secret Society - aEsMMW/ ally curved, daintily inlaid, or ex-
V U) jg Jj quisltely decorated. -B
cgQ qq Buttons, Pins Military Sets—Manicure Sets
ean nn $7.50 imP and Rings Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets ft
rffcj SO.OU Wonderfully large assortments. ■
<&, $120.00 SitS * 3 "' "" And ° th " Tbat win Make M
mSZ ~~ the Nicest Kind of Presents £:
jm and up ? 37.00 BABY RINGS STONE SET RINGS
fI IF and up Ruby, tTour
! For Indies and Gentlemen, in Solid Gold Baby Rings, plain Bloodstone, Onyx ft
• all the fashionable styles. and with sets 75c and other set- Li., v Jn .b
sm AA nr. tn Stlifi on Solid Gold Baby Rings, set with tings. Solid Gold. \SL V 1 *
t up to ?OWI.UU diamonds $.5.50 up $3.50 up ft
Platinum Diamond Rings yi &
[ $50.00 up 1 # * m. Comb> Brush and Mirror j
to $1,200.00 Gems ■■■ Jewelrv ■■■ Silverware Mnmeormg m.d Military et ft
Diamond Bar Pins 302 Market St. 1 North Third St. good^—beautft uify bed h £
' Beautifully mounted in gold, vw - a f r.aT,.^ e oi n l^ (l r ßt rr,S?i' I '' i nea i a ? d ft
SilSurt 5?..,iKdS Harrisburg, Pa. 1
r signs an ele K an t enough to satisfy tha Ws
day by leaders of the men. A num
ber of operators, union officials say,
have announced that they had
abolished the "check-off" because
miners violated their contract by
going on strike.
John Gatherun, secretary of Dis
trict No. 29, United Mine Workers,
declared to-day that operators of
that region had refused to deal
with miners' representatives on the
"check-off" question. He said the
workers would meet to-day and
that if employers are willing to re
sume operations under the contract
I existing prior to November 1, the
| miners would vote to go to work
immediately. Instances where oper
ators refused to comply with the
r DECEMBER 12, 1919.
old contract, which included the
"check-off" the men will remain
idle, he added.
District union officials continued
to-day to urge the men to return
to work, but latest reports fropi the
New River and Kanawha fields
were to the effect that the situation
was not improved.
Springfield, 111., Dec. 12.—Illinois
mines idle since November 1, when
the bituminous coal miners of the
country went on strike, were re
opened this morning. Miners gen
erally throughout the Slate return
ed to work and State officials of
the uniop made preparations to bring
into line some locals that had In
dicated dissatisfaction with the In
dianapolis agreement. State Presi
dent Farrington had before him tel
egrams from various locals express
ing resentment against the set
tlement made at Indianapolis and
indicating they would refuse to re
turn to work.
Cuticura Soap
■ -The Healthy*
Shaving Soap
Cat!carBopgtmTM without ma*. Biajshwgc.