Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 12, 1919, Image 1

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    Greatly Increased Production of Coal Is Reported From All Fields as Miners Go Back Into Pits
LXXXY 111 Xo. 294 32 PAGES. l>n "waiter p 't S t'HE D POST o'tn ce°a tTi a^-ri sbu r s la>H HARRISBURG, PA. 1- RI DA'S' E\ ENIXG, DECEMBER 12. 1919. '' v '\V: \v sl- \ pi/it l\ s N 11 {SN t 1 1! < •' S * SI T\VU : OKNTS es HOME EDITION
James M. Hickson to Meet Pas
tors at St. Stephen's Church
on Sunday Evening
Inquiries Concerning Services
Come From Towns 50 Miles
From Harrisburg
James Moore Hickson. famous for
his healing by faith, will have the
support of the Harrisburg Ministe
rial Association when he meets the
sick, the halt and the blind, in St.
Stephen's Episcopal Church here on
Monday and Tuesday.
This fact developed to-day when
r.cv. Dr. William N. Yates, president,
and Itev. A. N. Sayres, secretary, of
the association, issued an invitation
extended by Bishop James 11. Dar
lington, to meet the noted layman.
Mr. I-licUson will arrive in Har
risburg Sunday afternoon and will
meet the ministers in St. Stephen s
Church Sunday evening at 9.30
o'clock, after the regular services.
He will explain his methods ol us
ing faith and prayer for mending
bodilv as well as spiritual ills.
Two Days of Services
According to present plans Mr.
Hickson will meet all comers at 10
o'clock Monday and Tuesday morn
ings. He will remain in the church
auditorium until 12.30, with a pos
sibility of returning for afternoon
Mr. Hickson's fame has spread
throughout the country even more
rapidly than it did in England. Since
the first announcement that he would
visit Harrisburg the church and
newspapers have received numerous
queries from points as far as fifty
miles away, asking how the famous
man may be met. It is Mr. Hick
son's rule not to promise cures, but
marvelous stories have been told in
other cities by the hopelessly sick
who have benefited by the man's re
ligious advice. No church affiliation
is required to confer with Mr. Hick
More Pittsburgh
Papers Cut Size
Pittsburgh. Pa., Dee. 11. Reduc
tion in size by elimination of display
advertising and reduction of news
space is being practiced by Pitts
burgh publishers to conserve the rap
idly diminishing supply of newsprint
A morning paper, the Post, appear
ed again without any display adver
tising due to the nonarrival of news
print paper. The Leader, afternoon,
has decreased its advertising by from
15 to 35 columns daily. The Press,
afternoon, lias been rationing for
pome time, omitting 150 columns of
advertising weekly, and is cosidering
otber cuts. Although the condition is
serious, publishers feel there is no
Immediate danger of suspension pro
vided all publishers co-operate it al
leviating the shortage.
l.oudoii. Thursday. Dec. 11.—Bolshe
vik attacks continue along the Ks
thonian front south of the gulf of
Finland, and east of Narva, according
to an official Esthonian statement is
sued Wednesday night. Bitter fight
ing has been going on along the Kor
optcll-Feodorovka-Yam burg sector,
but all attacks have been repulsed by
the. Esthonians. it is said. An official
statement issued at Bolshevik head
quarters in Moscow confirms reports
that severe fighting has taken place
in the Narva region. Claims are made
that a large number of prisoners had
been captured.
Washington. Dec. 12.—Nine of
the sixty-eight "aces" develope'd by
the United States air service during
the war, still are connected with the
service an official report to-day
showed. These expert flyers, all of
whom had five or more air battle
victories to their credit, include
Captain Clayton L. Bissell, of Kane,
ATTENTION of the Telegraph
has been called to the fact ;
that Telegraph subscribers
are being approached by boys,
who are not employed by this
newspaper, with the request that
the subscriber purchase a calen- I
dar which the boy is said to ex- '
plain is the Christmas greeting
l'rom the Telegraph carrier.
Subscribers are requested to '
refrain from purchasing any cal- '
ondars or other articles so offered !
and to at once inform the Tele
graph of the circumstances along '
with the boy's name if possible, j
Telegraph carriers are suitably !
rewarded by the Telegraph each
year at Christmas for good service
and the old practice of the boys
selling calendars was discontinu
ed by the Telegraph two years
ago, when the present substation
plan of distribution was estab
Hnrrinbnra nn<l Vicinity! Un
settled, probnhly ruin thin aft
ernoon. to-night nnil Saturday.
Wnrra.r to-night with Intrant
temperature nhout 42 degree*.
Enntern Pennnylvunlni Knln prob
nhly to-night and Snturdnv.
Warmer to-night. Fresh south
*t litda.
It iver I The Susquehanna river
nnd all Its hranehrs trill prnlt
iihly fall slowly or remain near
ly stationary tonight. Some
streams of the system mar rise
Saturday as a result of ruin. A
stage of about 5.7 feet Is Indi
cated for Uarrlsburg Sulurdny
ABOUT $110,000,000
i Washington, Dec. • 12. Esti
- males made by coal operators in
; dicate the coal strike lias cost
' approximately $110,000,000.
I The loss of wages to the min
! ers is estimated at $00,000,000,
! which they expect to make up
j from increased pay.
The loss to the operators is esti
mated at more than $100,000.-
! 000. which they expect to make up
1 from increased production and
possible increased prices.
The loss to the public is in
' creased cost of coal due to the
1 emergency method of handling it
and generul demoralization of
i business, is estimated at $40,000,-
000, which probably never can be
made up.
Washington Awaits Official
Text Before Commenting
on Situation
Claims Wallace Ignored Chal
lenge of Sentry and
Was Shot
By Associated Press
Washington, Dec. 12. —Officials at
the State Department withheld com
ment to-day on the last note from
the Carranza government in Mexico
placing blame on the death of James
Wallace, an American citizen, on
Wallace himself, until the official
text had arrived. This was expected
The note was handed to the
American embassy in • Mexico City
yesterday and was summarized in a
dispatch received from the embassy
at the State Department.
Intoxicated Is Charge
The note, the summary indicates,
amounts to a charge that Wallace
while intoxicated passed a sentry,
stationed at what is characterized as
a "dangerous spot," and the Amer
ican failing to halt was shot and
killed. The note adds that the kill
ing was made a matter of official
record and that the arrest of the
soldier and an investigation of the
incident were ordered immediately
by the Mexican authorities.
Wallace was killed near the Mex
ican Federal camp at Potrero Del
Aano, being shot through the back
of the head. He was an employe
of the Aguila Oil Company near
Tamplco. The State Department's
information is that the mule which |
he was riding shied at a machine j
and overturned it.
White House Silent
After waiting: expectantly for the j
i reply to the late note in the case of |
I William O. Jenkins, the American;
consular agent, recently arrested and
' held in jail at Puebla. officials ex-1
pressed considerable interest in an |
1 Associated Press dispatch from Mex
ico City saying that semiofficial in
formation there was that the Mex- (
ican government would await decis
ion of the Supreme Court in the case
before framing its reply.
While President Wilson had be
fore him to-day the memorandum
from Chairman Payne, of the Ship- j
ping Board, detailing the situation ■
resulting from the interference by;
the Carranza government in the op- ;
eration of American owned oil prop-1
erties in the Tampico district, there j
was nothing forthcoming from the j
White House as to whether further |
action was planned by this govern
ment in addition to the three notes i
already dispatched but unanswered, j
Mexican Minister
Denies Accusations
of Fall on Seizures
By Associated Press
Mexico City, Thursday, Dec. 11.—*
Mexico has never contemplated or
considered the adoption of the "plan
of San Diego" for the purpose of se
curing portions of the southwestern
territory of the United States, de
clared Manuel Aguirre Berlanga,
minister of interior to-day. This
statement was made when the min
ister's attention was called to charges
recently n .ule by U. S. Senator Fall,
of New Mexico.
Senator's Fall's charges were con
tained in a memorandum submitted
to President Wilson recently. Among
other things the Senator alluded to
a plot said to have originated at a
small town, San Diego, Texas, and
made public at Monterey, Mexico,
early in 1915. It was declared that
on February 20, 1915, there should
arise a revolution against the gov
ernment of the United States, that
the independence of Texas, New
Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Up
per California would be proclaimed
and that these states after being
declared an Independent republic
would later request annexation to
In conclusion Senator Full's report
said: "At the very 'moment of clos
ing this investigation of the acts of
Carranza in favoring and attempting
to carry out the plan of San Diego,
evidence was brought to the com
mittee not only of the propaganda
efforts of the Carranza government
but further evidence showing that
Carranza himself directly was. now
"ngaged in assisting in the formu
lation or at least with the knowl
edge that plans were being formed
similar to those in the plan of San
Diego iu some respects."
! J. 1
Fuel Administration to Con-!
tiniip to Function Through
R. R. Official
Increased Production From j
All Fields Reported as
Miners Go Back
I fiasliiiijdon, Dec. 12.—-The resig- j
! nation of Dr. H. A. Garfield, as fuel I
! administrator, tendered last night, j
; was forwarded to President Wilson j
| this morning by Secretary Tumulty. I
I "Of course it will be accepted," it I
| was said at the White House. , j
Functions of the fuel adminis- I
| trator, handled recently through the
\ railroad administration tinder Dtj. j
j Garfield's authority, will be eontin- I
i ued under Director General Hines, |
it was said. This does not neces- j
I sarily mean that Mr. Ilines will be I
1 made fuel administrator in Dr. Gar- |
' field's place, it was said.
Objects to Surrender
1 "We are all sorry that Dr. Garfield I
; feels as he does—he's done a fine j
1 job"—said Secretary Tumulty.
The view at the White House is ;
: that Dr. Garfield was not ignored 1
'in the settlement of the strike. Dr.
! Garfield's friends say he does not
[ hold that he was; that his position is
that the government should not |
■ have been put in the attitude of hav- |
I ing surrendered to the miners. j
Differed on Statement
It developed to-day that there was |
a difference of opinion as to wheth-j
I or the President's statement to the j
public on the coal Strike should ;
have.been made public last Saturday i
j night, before it was carried to In
' dianapolis.
The President, White House offi
j cials said, directed that the state
ment he made public Saturday night..
I Dr. Garfield understood this would
i be done and on Sunday he told Sec
■ rotary Tumulty he believed the state
! ment should be given out immedi
ately. The President's secretary
disagree and. it was said, assumed
the responsibility.
"The miners' union officials were
said to have told Attorney General
Palmer and Mr. Tumulty that publi
cation of the .statement before the
Indianapolis conference would em
barrass them in their efforts to have
the miners accept the President's
proposal. The miners' request was
[Continued on Page 11.]
City Budget Will Be
Discussed This Evening
City Councilmen will meet again to- I
night in an effort to begin considering j
of the department budgets for 1920. At |
a meeting earlier in the week some of I
the appropriation estimates had not j
been completed, so the commissioners
postponed any consideration until .to
night. It is believed that each council
man will submit a budget and that j
these will be read over and totaled. No |
other action may be taken this even- i
100 Aliens Want to
Be American Citizens
More than 100 foreign-born residents
of the city and vicinity who have made
applications for naturalization will be
examined in court Monday when a spe
cial naturalization session will be held.
This is the largest number of appli
cants to be listed in recent years accord
ing to Elmer E. Erb. deputy naturaliza
tion clerk. All applicants who are ap
proved by the court and the government
examiner will be admitted to citizenship
and the oath of allegiance to the United
States will be administered.
lly Associated Press
Mexico City, Dec. 12. The Su
preme Court has received the com
plete records in the case of William
(J. Jenkins, the American consular
agent who recently was arrested in
Puebla, and shortly will render a
decision as to whether the Puebla
Circuit Court or district court shall
continue an investigation into the
charges against Mr. Jenkins with a
view to his eventual trial. Jenkins
is now on bail.
It is said semiofficially that the
Mexican government is awaiting the
decision of the Supreme Court be
fore dispatching an answer to the
latest American note, as this court
will rule whether or not Federal
judges have jurisdiction in the case.
Mr. Jenkins has returned to Pue
bla. It is declared that he has not
conferred with President Carranza.
Reval, Esthonia, Monday,
Dec. 8. —"I have not given up
my intentions to capture Petro
grad," said General Yudeniteh,
commander of the Russian
northwest army, to the Asso
ciated Press correspondent to
"Despite reports to the con
trary, the bulk of my army still
is intact on Russian soil. Only
a fifth part of it has b.ccn dis
armed by the Esthonians. My
troops are well supplied with
food and other equipment, ex
cept clothes, the lack of which
was one of the most severe
handicaps in our recent cam*
palgn. If we had had more
cloth with which to make uni
forms. we would have had moro
soldiers, and the story mignt
have been different."
Some Farmer Will Come Along With a Pitchfork Some Day
and Call That Bluff
y ~ 7
By Associated Press
Washington," Dec. 12.—While accepting the govern
ment's proposal for the settlement of the bituminous coal
strike, mine operators of the Central Pennsylvania district
declared in a statement to-day that the settlement is no set
tlement at all of the principles at stake in the controversy,"
and that "it is mercl ya postponement of a showdown which
in our opinion is bound to come."
The method proposed for settling the strike by Fuel Ad
ministrator Garfield, the statement said, "was interfered
with by government officials who knew little of the situa
tion," with the result that the "operators and public have
been delivered into the hands of the United Mine Workers
of America."
Supreme Court May Act on
Legality of Beer Contents
With War-Time Verdict
Washington, Deo. 12. —The 'Su
preme Court tnay decide whether the
wor-time prohibition act makes ille
gal the manufacture of all beer or
only that of more than 2.75 per cent
alcoholic content at the same time
it hands down an opinion on the con
stitutionality of the war-time act and
the Volstead law for the measure's
While there was no official an
nouncement to such effect, it was the
opinion of court officials at the con
clusion of arguments late yesterday
on the question of the manufacture
of beer that decisions in both in
stances would be given at the same
time. The court's next decision day
is Monday.
The appeals heard yesterday te
sulted from the dismissal of Federal
indictments returned against the
American Brewing Company, in New
Orleans, and the Standard Brewery,
in Baltimore, Md., resulting from
their manufacture of beer contain
ing 2.70 per cent alcohol.
Elihu Root and William I* Mar
bury, appearing for the brewers,
argued that the "war beer" was not
intoxicating and for that reason did
not come under the provision of that
act. If the status is construed as to
include it, Mr. Marbury said, very
grave doubt as to its constitution
ality would result.
I'coria, Ills., Dec. 12. —Miners of
Peoria, subdistrict No. 2, repudiated
the Indianupolis agreement for set
tling the Nation-wide strike of min
ers. at a meeting held last night, ac
cording to a statement made by W.
E. Sherwood, member of the Illinois
State Board of United Mine Workers
of America. Eight thousand men are
affected. * ,
Warning Is Sounded Against
Compromise Which Would
Kill Popular Measure
The countless supporters of day
light saving In Harrisburg and vicin
ity who have called on City Council
by numerous petitions to turn the
clock an hour ahead next summer,
to-day were Immensely pleased at the
reception given in municipal circles
t) the ordinance introduced in City
Council by Mayor Keisler.
Partial publication of the petitions
asking Harrisburg to follow the lead
ox' New York, Philadelphia and other
big cities has done considerable to
crystalize public opinion for the
measure. The entire list of petitions
will be presented to Council next
Tuesday when the ordinance will be
culled up for final passage.
Every class of men and women are
included among the- singers. The
city's leading bankers me much In
favor of the measure. Other busi
ness men support the measure be
cause it will keep the city's banking
hours the same as those observed in
New Y'ork. The biggest employers of
labor including Frank J. Bobbins. Jr.,
general manager of the Steelton plant
of the Bethlehem Steel Company, Wil
liam Elmer, superintendent of the
Philadelphia Division of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad. Robert H. Irons, pres
ident of the Central Iron and Steel
Company, and many others are ar-,
dent supporters of the measure.
A- warning was sounded against
a compromise suggested as a subtle
means of killing the ordinance for
the benefit of a small minority. Sup
porters of the ordinance do not want
to follow the plan of letting the
clock be, and attempt to gain the
same end by urging everyone to go
to work ahead of time and quit an
hour earlier.
The Idea was suggested by persons
who believe clock time almost sacred.
Business men generally agree that
tho confusion would be so great un
der this method that It would have to
be abandoned within a week.
Renews Disclaimer of Re
| sponsibility For Scapa
Flow Sinkings
i Berlin. Dec. 12.—Germany's reply
[ to the last notes from the Supreme
| Council of the Peace Conference has
been sent to Versailles. Nothing
has been given out relative to its
contents, aside from a hint that its
general tenor reciprocates the con
ciliatory tone of the last communi
cation from the Entente.
Reports state that the reply re
news the government's disclaimer
of responsibility for the sinking of
interned German warships at Scapa
Flow and sets forth exceptions to
the Supreme Council's insistence
upon compensation for the scuttled
vessels. It is said to claim that the
objectionable passage from the let
ter from Admiral Von Trotha, head
of the German admiralty, to Admiral
Von Reuter, commander of the Ger
man ships, was not translated prop
erly and that it was "out of context
with the rest of the letter."
On the proposition that Germany
sign the protopol to the Peaee Treaty
| and permit the issue involving the
selection of Indemnity tonnage to be
adjusted later, it is reported that the
note proposes that the latter he
forthwith submitted to a body of
experts. This stand is taken because
of the importance o!' the matter to
German hurbor facilities. It is hop
ed ito obtain a concession in the
Scapa Flow issue and- it is believed
the note indicates a measure of
obstinacy over yielding on this point.
Points Out Internal Aspects
Reports declare that there ure no
intimations in fthe German reply
that the Berlin government has taken
a position that failure to ratify the
Treaty by the Uuited States has cre
ated an altered situation and it is
hinted, it is said, that the Treaty
action by the Uuited States Senate
is a purely internal American affair
that does not absolve the other pow
ers from the obligation of exchang
ing ratifications.
Belief is expressed hera that the
reply attempts to temporize in an
effort to obtain a modification of the
demand for Indemnity for vessels
sunk at Scapa Flow. It is said,
also, that the reply seeks to persuade
the Entente that demands for the
extradition of German officers and
men accused of violations of the
laws of war are fraught with serious
internal aspects.
Charles E. Covert has been re
elected potentate of Zembo Temple.
Other officers elected Include Mer
cer B. Tate, chief rabban; H. W.
Gough, high priest; E. W. Schroe
der, Oriental guide; Fred J. Smith,
recorder; Howard Rutherford,
treasurer. Delegates to the national '
•convention at Portland, Oregon, on
June 20, were named: Charles E.
Covert, Fred J. Smith, Charles H.
Smith and Elmer W. Ehler.
Harrisburg May Profit by Experience
Gained in Sister City Where All
Trouble Has Been Eliminated
i Allentown has solved the public*
; comfort station problem of thai city!
•in u practical way and the City Conn-'
ill of Harrisburg was so much inter-!
isted in the solution of the matter in
lhe metropolis of Lehigh county that!
i Mayor Krister and others recently!
, went tto Allentown to learn how it
; was done
I The Telegraph requested City Kn- !
gineer Hascon to give this newspaper i
some information regarding the Al-I
Jlentown plan and a letter received,
] from him is of unusual interest at;
jlhls time, lie writes:
J "This subject has been given pretty!
thorough study and as we proceed;
i with our investigation we surely fin.l
lliat the word "comfort" is a great j
deal broader in meaning than our I
original thought in the matter. We
have, aecordlngl.v. made several
ehatiges in our layout as originnally!
started and guess that before we tin- i
ish the job there will be several more
I changes and all for improvement." |
In Heart of City
Mr. Gascon says the comfort station
is located at Center Square, the heart
of the city and center of the greatest
traffic. The station is entirely below
the street, divided into two separate
rooms, no communication between
I the two." in the men's department i
! there are twelve urinal stalls and
'twelve toilets (four free, four with a
I five cent charge and four With a tell
; ei'nt charge) which includes lavatory |
'service. |n one of these will lie In- |
j stalled ft shower bath which is to
have a lock service at 25 cents. There
Will also lie installed in one of the
toilet looms a juvenile toilet. In ad
dition there will be provided two
drinking fountains, two air-dry elec
tric towels, doing away with paper
or cloth, a telephone booth and shoe
shining and newspaper stands.
In the womens quarters are six
lavatories with hot and void water, I
one air-dry electric towel, two drink
ing fountains, three free toilets, three
paid toilets, with five cent service,
and one juvenile toilet. There will
also be three rest rooms with toilet,
lavatory, lounge, table, mirror, etc.
These three rooms can lie used for 1
-$ *~
V\?ashintgon. Villastas have captured the towns
4* of Musquiz apd Sabinas, advices to-day to the State ®£~
Department said. t
4* $
-j* London. Premiers Lloyd-George and Clemenceau f
X resumed their conferences on war problems. John W. X
jr Davis, the American ambassador, and the represents-
tives of Italy, now in London, joined the conference
* "t
4* later.
-L 4
4 Washington. The McNary bill, under which
if* government control of sugar would be continued an- Jv
4* , other year, was passed to-day by the Senate and sent
§ to the House.
Eagle Pas. Five hundred Mexican Federal
1* troops sent by special train, encountered the Villastas £,
4* force that raided Musquiz, and fighting was reported in
4* progress late yesterday, according to information re- *|®
ceived here. The Vila force comprised nearly 400 men- £>
Washington. Advocates of freedom for Ireland,
4* headed by Justice Cohalan, of the New York Supreme X
Court, appeared before the House Foreign Affairs Com- J|*
mittee to-day to urge pasage of a bill by Representative |*
Mason, Republican, Illinois, to authorize appointment of X
. diplomatic and consular representatives to the republic X
X of Ireland. In the delegation were Frank P. Walsh, •f'
X of Kansas City; Bourke Cockran, of New York, and £*
X others, who have been active in seekin gdiplomatic rec-
X ognition for the provisional government, headed by
Eamon De Valera, who arrived here yesterday to con-
X fer with Irish leaders from al over the country. Ar-
X going in support of his measure, Representative Mason Jp
4 said it wbuld not constitute a complete recognition, but £
X simply would show the willingnes of Congres to do its L
T part to that end. He also contended that pasage of tha T:
4 bill would not be a cause for war with Great Britain
> Truly MoK. Cooke. Strrllon. and Grace A. Whllr, I'hlladetyMat JL
L nolland A. Bontley nad Thcrexa M. Drnnin, South WlllluuMrtlT
C Hurry 11. Ueracy, Middletovra, anal Era M. Kclffcr, Koyalton.
'i"l ■' 1 m i l
•emergency hospital purposes. There
| will he in addition in the women's
division a shoe-shining stand, tele
phone booth, newspapers, toilet arti
. eles, etc.
Men's <lnnrtcrs
! in the men's quarters will be lo
cated the attendant's room in which
.there will be a gas heater for hot
I water, the steam heating equipment,
connected with a city service and also
an electrlculijAdriven ventilating fun.
This fan is of sufficient capacity to
i change the uir in both rooms once
j every five minute s.
! On the s'de reserved for womcrt
will he ail attendant's room also. All
i the interior finish will bo of white
j enamel brick, tcrrazo floors and the
(Continued on Page 31.)
Would Aid Young Men to
Marry So That Girls Are
Not Bartered Like Cattle
By Associated Press
Dublin, Dec. 12. —Proposals that
l the Dail Eirennn, Or Irish Parlia
ment, set aside a sum equivalent
to $1,500,000 as a state subsidy to
enable young men to marry, has
| been made here. The idea wqs sug
j gested by Frank H. O'Donnell to
•he Irish Women's Franchise
Mr. O'Donnell criticised what he
called "barter marriages" in Ireland
He said he knew of girls of 19
| years who were brought into the
I nearest town on a fair day and
| taken to a public bouse to meet men
whom they had never seen
before, but who were to be their
husbands. The girls, he declared,
were bartered likt cattle at the fair
while their fathers and friends were