Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 11, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS OF INTENSE INTEREST Dr. Raiguel in Third Lecture of Series Today Dr. George Earle Raiguel gave the third in a series of Current Event lectures this morning at 11.30 o'clock in the Civic Club house, before a ca pacity audience. These lectures, which have created much favorable criticism, are given under the direc tion of the College Club. A few course tickets remain un sold and may be obtained at a re duced rate. Single lecture tickets are also sold. RETURNS TO NASHVILLE Mrs. Harry Ilollinger. who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Arnold, of 1509 Mar ket street, returned to her home in Nashville ,Tenn.. accompanied by Mr. Hollinger of Greencastle, her husband's father, who will spe"d a month at their southern home. > / 1 What Are Your Eyes Worth--? !!} Our Christmas Offer For Ten Days Only j During tills time we will examine your eyes by u f J. entitle method tno drops " and tit you With Perfect fit ting spherical lenses wltu guaranteed Alumlnlco complete with cuse for If you NUffer from hmdncnen i nnd nervousness, cnll and have your eyco examined. Special prices on prescrip- j tlou lenses nnd Inrgc shell frnmes. Kling & Heverling, Eye Specialists 302 Market St. j (Over Clyster Jewelry Store) Hours —i) A. M. to 5.30 P. M. 7 P. M. to S P. M. We Will Cash Your CHRISTMAS CHECK I --just the Gifts you've been looking for! Grills Cleaners Make this an Electrical Christ- Irons mas and give gifts that will bring Toasters cheer and comfort throughout not Waffle Irons only the holiday season, but the Anything weeks and months following. Electrical Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co. JOHN S. MUSSER, PRESIDENT 436 Market Street "Buy From the Makers of Fashionable Furs" The Ideal Gift This year give "Her" something that she can put to practical use; something to be of com fort to her; something that she can cherish for years and years. A Fur Coat of soft textured Hudson Seal, Electric Seal, Beaver. Nutria, Australian Opossum or Skunk is the gift to gladden the heart of her. The fact that we are makers of Fashionable Furs is but one of the reasons why you can buy better at Goodman's, for here, any altera tions will be made properly and quickly. Or, if it's Scarfs, 'Neck Pieces, Muffs or Coatees, you can "Buy Best From the Makers of Fashionable Furs." And being makers, you are required to pay no middleman's profit. Prices are always lower in buying from the Maker. Wo also maintain a Repair Department, where your old fur pieces may be re-made Into new shapes at low cost. £"2 od3jrhan' Coats PURS Scarfs w 440 MARKET STREET THURSDAY EVENING, D. S. Society in Meeting at Home of Miss Marks An important meeting of the D. S. Society was held at the home of Miss Ruth Marks, of the Commer cial apartments, Third and Verbeke streets. Plans for the big D. S. dance to be given January 23 were discussed. After the business ses sion, refreshments were served by the hostess and her mother. The society will meet next week at the home of Miss Cordelia Morgan, 1608 Berryhtll street. The club members are the Misses Winifred Tripner, Eva Irving, Syl via Gingrich, Mary Bevard, Beatrice Bogar, Helen Notestine, Anna Por ter, Mildred Rowe, Adele Smyser, Margaret Schwab, Mildred Kreider, Dora Billett, Margaret Spencer, Mary Rodney, Cordelia Morgan, Frances Caton and Ruth Marks. To Hold New Year's Mask in Hanshaw's Hall, Dec. 31 The H. P. B. Club will entertain at a private New Year's mask on December 31, from 8.30 to 12.30 o'clock, in Hanshaw's Hall, when they will dance the old year out and the new year in. There will be prizes for the best costume and the most I comical one. Refreshments will be j served. The committee comprises Millard I L. Hess, Ross R. Potts, Robert Buck, 1 Jr., Addison Hambright and Wil-1 liam Foulk. !" WEDDING FLOWERS I and for every occasion where the freshest flowers and most pleasing arrangement Is a consideration. HELL, 37SSM Thoberryliill LOCUST ST. AT SECOND GRACE M.E. CHOIR TO GIVE CONCERT Event of Interest in Musical World Tomorrow Night at 1 Church Among the many interesting fea tures of the reopening week at Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, State near Third street, will be the con cert to-morrow evening by the new vested choir under the leadership of Bernard R. Mausert, organist and choirmaster of the church. This choir, although recently or ganized, has already done excellent work, winning much favorable com ment at the dedication services last Sunday. The event to-morrow eve ning will be its first formal appear ance In concert and a rare treat is undoubtedly in store for the music lovers of the city- In addition to the i large chorus there is a quartet com- I prising Mrs. Arthur H. Hull, so- I prano; Mrs. Robert Reeves, contral ; to; W. Ray Chapman, tenor, and j William Boyer, baritone, j A novel feature of the concert | will be several numbers for piano and organ played by Mr. Mausert, I assisted by two of his pupils, Miss Jeanette Hoffman, of New Cumber land, and Barton Botts. There will be no admission charged and no tickets Issued. Everyone interested has been invited to attend: The program will be as follows: Processional, Church Hymnal, No. 35; (a) Prelude, (b) "Medltation- Elegie," Borowskl, organ; anthem, 'Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord," Garrett, chorus, by request; "Last Hope," piano and organ, Gottschalk, Arr. B. R. Mausert, Miss Jeanette Hoffman, at the piano; solo, "The Prodigal Son," Parker, W. Ray prnan: ( a ) Grand Choeur, Op. (b) "In Summer," Stebbins, organ; anthem, "O Little Mother of Mine," Nevin, chorus; solo, "Dost Thou Know That Sweet "h al ?, d '" Thomas, Miss Arthur H. Hull; Fantasie for organ and piano, Demarest, Barton Botts, at the piano; anthem, "Rest Ye In Peace, Ye Flanders Dead," Nevln, chorus; ] Recessional, Church Hymnal. No. 610; Postlude, Op. 68, Dr. Volck man. Banquet To-night Another event of importance will bo the banquet at 6 o'clock this eve n, , rV nder tbe direction of the So cial Lnion of the Church, when the remodeled social room and new do mestic science kitchen win be used l°,T v the , flrst tlme - This modern kitchen is complete in every detail with warming tables and every con venience that goes towards aiding in successfully serving a large group of people. William S. Snyder, a trustee of the church and a prominent local attor ney, will act as toastniaster and will call upon a number of well-known Methodist laymen for addresses, in cluding E. Z. Wallower, J. Harvey Patton, Edwin S. Herman, Arthur rni. on a "d J- Horace McFarland. The Rev Dr. Robert Bagnell will also speak and a prominent Metho dist layman. 2 rlsbin ' wbo came here from Wilkes-Barre within the last few weeks, will respond to the toast. First Impressions of Harrisburg." ?£ r f bi " , ls division manager of the Bell Telephone Company, suc ceeding George S. Reinoehl. ' About two hundred reservations have been made for the event. Meade Union to Give Christmas Cantata ChHytma" a wMf n K tUlp , d " BiU Bender's toriifm ?.f' dTI M i£?. the audi lonum of the Edi.son Junior Hiirh Tu sday, December 30, at 8 ®*- lock under the direction of tho W C. T. U. The proceeds win uplift work. t0 mperance or social: The best talent obtainable will be' e .hA nn< ? un< i?, m f nt of the members; \ vvill be made later. Mrs. I Anthony Merkle, assisted by several i members of the Union, will direct the aetata which Is brlmfull ofhumor I with here and there a touch of pathos, i nA aS .y'tten by the well-known I song writer, J. Austin Miles, and is l especially appropriate for the Christ- I maa season. Tech Social Dance Club Meets at Aldinger Home The Social Dance Club of Tech nical High School held a weekly business meeting at the home of Bernard Aldinger, Twenty-first and Bellevue Road, when a New Year's dance was planned. An interesting musical program was given with Reed Shuey giving several piano numbers and Bernard Aldinger singing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Aldinger, Mr. and Mrs. T. Reed Shuey, Bernard Aldinger, Calvin I 4 rank, Milo Motter, Robert Lutz Edward Craig, John Huston, Fred Morgan, Edward Fair. Paul Shank Rus Snyder, Ross McCord. NEWPORT IIOUSEPARTY Douglas E. Dismukes, Jr., will en tertain a group of Harrisburg Acad emy boys at a Christmas week house party at the Naval Training School, Newport. R. I. The party will include Robert Smith, Ted Faxon. Charles Fox, Jack Jessup and Bailey Brandt. DANCE AT UNIVERSITY CLUB At informal dance was held last eve ning at the University Club rooms when about 25 of the members and their guests enjoyed one of the most attractive little events given by the club this season. LAn announcement under the heading must be accompanied, bp name to assure accuracy.] Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Dennis, 132 Locust street, announce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Jane Dennis Monday, December 8, 1919, at the Keystone Hospital. Mrs. Dennis was formerly Miss Mary Fissil, of Car lisle. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hoover, of Penbrook, announce the birth of a son, Bruce Arthur Hoover, Thurs day, December 4. 1919. Mrs. Hoover was formerly Miss Bessie Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Ertter. 2013 Wallace Street, announce the birth of a son. Henry Felix Ertter, Jr., on Wednesday, December 10. 1919. at the Harrisburg Hospital. Mrs. Ertter was formerly Miss May Hartzell, of this city. DR. C. J. B. FLOWERS Dr. C. J. B. Flowers will resume practice on the 15th of December with temporary offices in the Esther ton Apartments, Riverside Drive. — Adv. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Vaudeville at Bazar Now Open in St. Paul's The vaudeville program, a special feature of the evenings at the bazar now going on, in St. Paul's gymna sium, Second and Emerald streets, is hi charge of Mrs. Sanford D. Coe, as sisted by Mrs. Florence Acklcy Ley and Miss Naomi Ackley. Miss Pauline Long will sing and the Boy Scouts and choir will take an active part in the program. Miss ! Marion Strouse will also appear in a j number entitled "Songs," while Mrs. i Kathryn Seward and Miss Margaret j Farmer, both Moorehead employes, j will give a vaudeville stunt, "The Darktown Gossips." I Saturday evening there will be a supper supervised by Mrs. A. H. Arm strong. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bottgenbaeh are general chairmen of tlie entire bazar. The opening this morning was most attractive with a wide variety of ar ticles for holiday gifts—fancy work, aprons, toys. Good things to eat, in cluding candy, cake, ice cream, pies, breads, groceries, delicatessen beside a grab bag with gifts for every one, and a booth with articles that men prefer in their Christmas stockings. Keagle-Stark Wedding Just Announced Today Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stark, of 2012 Manada street, announce the mar- I riage of their daughter, Miss Ger trude Stark, to Raymond Keagle, of Woodbine street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Edwin A. Pyles, pastor of the Fifth Street Methodist Church. Tuesday evening, December 2, in the presence of the Immediate families. 1 The bride wore a street suit of dark blue cloth with hat to match. They will make their home with the | bride's parents for the present. Mrs. ' Keagle has been for some time em- 1 ployed in the hosiery department of i the Kaufman stores, and Mr. Keagle I is connected with the Overland Au- i tomobile Co. R. Q. M. Club Plants Holiday Dance at Hanshaw's Hall Plans for a holiday dance to be giv- ! rP il y " le Club at Hanshaw's I Hall, Monday evening, December 29. ; were made at a business meeting of ; the club held at the home of Miss j Ruth Arment, 1520>£ North Fourth I street. The committee for the event com- j prises Miss Kitty Spangler, Miss Mar guerite Yoder, Miss Kathryn Huzen, and Miss Ruth Arment. PEANUTS EATEN AS FOOD Medical authorities now state that fresh roasted peanuts are beneficial to health. You can get the real i Jumbo kind of peanuts for 25c per I pound at the Imperial Tea Co., 205 Chestnut street.—Adv. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT BLACK'S ART STORE 117 MAR. ST STREET We have Just displayed a large number of new pictures, all Amerl- ' can as there are no new pictures ! com.ng from abroad. The largest I assortment in the city and our many j years of experience and thorough ! knowledge of pictures are a guaran- j tee of satisfaction not equalled any | place in the city. Our framing de- I partment is fully stocked and the work is unequalled in Central Pa. ! We will guarantee to finish all or ders up to Christmas. If you have i never had a picture framed here try just on-e and we will accept your • verdict.—Advertisement. 1 APEX J. fat ELECTRIC %gg, WASHER Discount for Cash, or Easy Monthly The copper Apex will last a lifetime and ' s l*®-®® ' eBS than anry other copper ■ Telephone fell 4.154 nt Once for Detail. or Deft Devices Co., Inc. 28 South Fourth Street p Open Monday mid Siiturilay EveniiiKx D At Mulberry Street lirhlKC Approach Sporting Goods j Make Ideal Gifts Our Toy Store Offers Toys Books and Games of the BETTER QUALITY | Geo. W. Bogar ON THE SQUARE Open Evenings—Dec. 22, 23 and 24 MAY WE SERVE YOU i I COSM'AnE OUR PRICES AND QUALITY I Handkerchiefs 25c up I Union Suits SI.OO up I ■ Silk Hose SI.OO up Wool Suits $3.00 up I n Kid Gloves $2.00 up I Siik and Wool SI.OO up ■ !■ Silk Gloves 75c up | Bloomers SI.OO up ■ Ch&moisettes SI.OO up Brassieres 75c up B B Silk Camisoles $1.05 up Corsets $1.25 up I Silk Vests $2.75 up Nisht Gowns $1.50 up I B Silk Bloomers $3.50 up Chemise $1.50 up ■ ■ Silk Pettlbockers $8.50 Kimonos $2.50 up I ■ Silk Skirts $2.75 up Oulins Flannel Gowns, ■ Silk Gowns $5.05 up $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 ■ I Wolfe Corset & Lingerie Shop I 22-1 X. SECOND STREET ■ VETERANS' BALL GREAT SUCCESS Several Hundred Dance to In spiring Music of Miss Burd's Orchestra One of the largest balls of the kind ever held in Winterdale was that of Calder Tost, No. 31, Veter ans of Foreign Wars, last evening. Over four hundred couples attended, most of them enjoying dancing to the music of Miss Burd's orchestra. The program was varied and the nondancers had a delightful time in chat, and meeting old and new ac quaintances. The proceeds will go toward the new clubhouse. Another of these dances will be held next month, in the same place, and with the same orchestra. The date will be announced aler. The executive committee includ ed: H. D. Myers, chairman; Charles F. Raffensberger, Jacob Wolfe, Cap tain James T. Long. Charles H. Burg and Jonas K. Iteist. IVEW YEAR'S DANCE The Misses Elizabeth and Dorothy Hurlock have issued Invitations for a dance to be held at the Civic Club House, New Year's Eve. NI TS FOR CHRISTMAS The wise shopper buys her Holi day Nuts now, when selections are best. Our stocks are all guaranteed fresh and of the 1919 crop. Real Jumbo Peanuts, roasted fresh daily, at 25c per lb. IMPERIAL TEA CO., , 205 Chestnut St. 1 H. Oscar Ulrich Pliila. Eyesight Specialist $1.50 Glasses Dec. 12 &J3 Harrisburg, Pa. The above offer includes a guaranteed 1-10 12K gold-filled frame, first quality clear-sight lenses, elegant case. Including our scientific eye examination, | all for $1.50 Complete Special ground lenses and shell goods at special low prices. If you need glasses or are In doubt about your eyes, call this visit. Expert work, modern methods, at low prices. Careful attention to children's eyes. Broken lenses promptly duplicated. H. Oscar Ulrich MAIN OFFICEi 827 Perry Building, Philadelphia, Pa. DECEMBER 11, 1919. , WITMER, BAIR & V V ~. recommend 7 usual Petti- Z7,l WITMER \ top and Satin Xmas Seals WALNUT NEAR SECOND flounce ' $7 - 95 • Special Holiday Offerings For Economical Shoppers 100 Tailored Blouses in white voile, colored collars and cuffs, all sizes, $2.50 values $1.59 Hand Made Blouses of fine Batiste and Voile, with touches of real filet or plain, $4.95, $6.95, $7.50, $12.75 Our stock of 250 Gowns and Dresses includes Velvet, Satin, Georgette, Wool Jersey, Serge, Tricotine, Tricolette and combina tions of Georgette and Crepe Meteor. 100 of our regular stock Dresses have been materially reduced for quick selling. Satjns. $15.75 to $25.00. Small size Serge Dresses, special at $25.00. A number of afternoon gowns reduced one-fourth to one-third. Evening Gowns of wonderful silks, airy tulle and fine nets. Black and colors $42.50 to $75.00 $89.50 Silvertip Bolivia Coats, in small sizes—large dyed Opos sum collar and fancy linings. Special $60.00 Every Suit in the House 33 x / 3% less than regular and reduced prices actual saving from 33 1-3 to 50% hand tailored models in large sizes a few fur trim med suits all good adaptable styles, $28.75 to $155.00 Less 33%% Now $19.25 to $102.50 WITMER, BAIR & WITMER t f The Worlds best *| are here for you to select I I 1) v 3±,!i r \,o. r\i 11 C* 1 I 9 t. M. aigler, Inc. I 30 North Second Street TjSa Mi' -oa jk" ■! TMrW. irn. f ————lll MW"T 50 Georgette Blouses in Flesh and White, beaded or plain, $7.95 values $5.95 New Silk Crepe de Chine Blouse, with frill, in Flesh and White. Special $5.50 $85.00 Illuminated Velour, Sil vertone and "Tip Bolivia Coats, with fancy silk linings and large natural raccoon collar. Special, $68.00