22 COAL SHORTAGE BECOMES CRITICAL Iron Trade Faces Serious Sit uation, the Iron Age Says Today New York, Dec. 11. The iron trade is face to face with a much more serious shortage than that which has been a matter of concern for weeks, says the Iron Age to-day. Even though work be resumed promptly at bituminous coal mines as the result of the Indianapolis con ference, restrictions on the distribu tion and use of such fuel are likely to continue for weeks and their re moval will be only by degrees. Under the latest restrice order of the Fuel Administration, effective Wednesday, December 10, beehive coke ovens are limited to 50 per cent of the coal charged into them in November, and by-product ovens are put on 30 hours' coking time, practically cutting their output by 50 per cent. Ten days' enforcement of this order would cause nearly half the blast furnaces of the country to bank or blow out. With the added possibility of snow blockades, the outlook for iron and steel production in the next two months is thus more serious than at any time, not excepting the shut down period covered by the famous Garfield order of January 7, 1918. It took a sharp flurry in the coke market last week to bring into play an order from Washington restoring war-time prices, which were 86 at oven for blast furnace coke and $7 for foundry coke. When the 25 per cent reduction in coal supply for bee hive ovens was made, effective De cember 1, there was a scramble to get blast furnace and foundry coke. While very little could be had, the price for spot furnace coke rapidly advanced and as high as sl2 was done, while foundry coke sold up to sls. Thus far, iron and steel producing plants seem to have been hurt more than those of consumers. At Gary, lnd., eight blast furnaces are active and four are out. At South Chicago five are in and six idle. A Canton, Ohio, furnace has stopped and two more in eastern Pennsylvania. Some open-hearth plants are turning to oil to help out. In the Pittsburgh district sheet and tin plate operations are much re stricted. The American Sheet & Tin Plate Company, which has closed 70 hot sheet and tin mills in Indiana, has 46 hot mills idle in western Pennsylvania. An independent plant at Canonsburg, Pa„ is shut down. At Youngstown the week opened with a very sharp curtailment at the plants of four independent steel companies. In all iron and steel operations the using up of reserve coal means a constant liability to shutdowns through the winter. Serbia Still in Need of Relief, He Says Yurk, Dec. 11. —Allan M. Gale o." the Serbian Relief Committee, com menting on a recent dispatch from Hi ltrade, stating that Serbia was on her feet again, having recovered from me immediate effect of the war, said: "The Serbian Relief Committee of America and all who are giving their lives and strength to the work, know vi.at great as the results accomplished appear in the aggregate, they are, in comparison to the need, pitifully small. Much ia made of the fact that this year's harvest gives the new kingdom a surplus in cereals above Its needs, that the food situation is under control, and that actual star vation no longer menaces the people. But these facts have been long known by the relief agencies and all inter ested in Serbia, and have been very widely published by them. And it should be equally well-known that the harvest includes the crops of Bos nia and Herzegovina, which, as Aus trian territory during the war, suf fered very little real damage. "There will, perhaps, be no genuine starvation in Serbia through .the win ter, though the food supply, neither in quality nor quantity, is suitable or sufficient for the restoration of health and strength of young chil dren. One slight indication of this is to be seen in the recent shipment by Mr. Hoover's administration of re lief of four large cargoes of powder ed milk for use in central and south eastern Europe, including Serbia." German Prize Pistol Wounds Phila. Girl at Mother's Burial Philadelphia. Dec. 11. —Miss Dor othy Logan was accidentally shot by "her cousin, Daniel Morse, 10 years old, at Federalsburg, Md., Tuesday, where she had gone to at tend her mother's funeral. She was at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Gootee Neal. William H. Morse, a cousin, was exhibiting a revolver which he had taken from a German soldier during the war. After show ing how the weapon is loaded, he placed it upon a table. Daniel Morse picked up the weapon, swung it about his head and it was discharged. The bullet went through Miss Logan's legs and into the wall. Neckwear From our large stocks you will be able > to select the tie that i will suit him. Plain colors and stripes, checks, plaids and a host of designs. 75c to $2.50 Suits and Overcoats $25.00 to $45.00 Holm AN/"* AESELERL 0 - 228 Market St. THURSDAY EVENING, Gift Books For Men and Women Attractively Boxed, Bound in Cloth, Board, Imitation Leather and Leather The Ardsley Series; Boxed, 35£ Each The Path of Prosperity. Sell-Reliance. Friendship and Love. ' VOL T V> W r Full Limp I/cathcr, $1.25 As a Man Thinketh. Vicar of Wakefield. Out From the Heart. of the Lake. The Raven. Best Poems of Christmas. Rhymes of the Ancient Golden Treasury. Mariner. Prose Tales. Old Christmas. Hiawatha. Gray's Elegy. Best Hundred American Courtship of Miles Stan- Poems, dish Golden Treasure. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. The Magic of Oz; $1.50 The Last Oz Book by L. Frank Baum Children require no persuasion to read the Oz Books, for no more delightful tales of little folk have ever been written. The last Oz Book is one of the best the late L. Frank Baum ever wrote. It is brimful of the quaint adventures that chil dren love. | • J ' " - . " lfir mi In tills illustration Kiki Aru the Hy-up boy is shown plot ting with Ruggcdo, the Nome King, to overthrow Ozma and conquer the land of Oz. Twelve Big Oz Books For the Juvenile World: The Land of Oz. Tik-Tilt of Oz. . Ozma of Oz. The Scarecrow of Oz. Dorothy and the Wizard _. , . .. , . _ of 0z • Rinkmtink in Oz. The Road to Oz. The Lost Princess f Oz. The Emerald City of Oz. The Tin Woodman of Oz. The Patchwork Girl of Oz.. The Magic of Oz. Gifts For Little Girlhood A Dainty Frock For a Dainty Miss Prices Ranging From a $1.75 to S2O The holiday season presents many delightful occasions that make a lovely, dainty frock necessary in the wardrobe of the little miss—and such a frock, chosen from this com plete showing, is bound to make the heart of the little recipient jump with happiness. For demure maids of 6 to 14 years there are the smartest dresses imaginable at prices ranging from $1.50 to $8.50. , These pretty frocks are made of fine quality ginghams, and iheir styles seem to be full of laughter. For school and dress occasions are delightful frocks of ■ heavy serge, beautifully trimmed, at $6.50 to $20.00. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart One of these odd figures is Kiki Aru, after he has changed himself into a Li-Mon-Eag a curious beast with the head of a lion, the liody of a monkey and the wings of an eagle. , ■ • - HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Storo Spirilo Books of Great Interest to Boys and Girls The Kind That Please at Christmas Time The books here, gathered together for presentation to boys and girls, go to make up the most complete lists we've ever shown at Christmas time. The bindings are all artistic, mak ing each book especially appropriate for gifts. The Boy Allies With the Navy. Each 50^ By Ensign Robert L. Drake The Boy Allies on the North Sea Patrol. The Boy Allies Under Two Flags. The Boy Allies With the Flying Squadron. The Boy Allies with the Terror of the Seas. The Boy Allies Under the Sea. The Boy Allies in the Baltic. The Boy Allies at Jutland. The Boy Allies with Uncle Sam's Cruisers. The Boy Allies with the Submarine ,l>-;s2. Sleepy-Time Tales, By Arthur Scott Bailey. The Tale of OnfTy Bear. The Tale of Frisky Squirrel. The Tale of Tommy Fox. The Tale of Fatty Coon. The Tale of Billy Woodchuck. The Tale of Jimmy Rabbit. The Tale of Peter Mink. The Tale of Sandy Chipmunk. The Tale of Brownie Beaver. The Tale of Paddy Muskrat. The Bluebird Books For Girls and the Aunt Jane's Nieces Series By Edith Van Dyne, Price 75 cents Mary Louise. Mary Louise Solves a Mystery. Mary Louise and the Liberty Mary Louise in the Country. Mary Louise Adopts a Soldier. Girls. Aunt Jarre's Nieces. Aunt Jane's Nieces in Society. Aunt Jane's Nieces on the Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad. Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle Nieces Out West. Aunt Jane's Nieces at Miliville. John. T on' o vu $ ♦$ u> . , . „ Aunt Jane s Nieces in the Red Aunt Jane s Nieces at Work. Aunt Jane s Nieces on Vacation Cross. The Better Books For Girls Lady Teddy Comes to Town. By Mary D. Donahey. Price $1.25 Girls of the Morning-Glory Camp-Fire. By Isabel Hornibrook. Price $1.50 Rosemary Greenaway. By Joslyn Gray. Price $1.50 Jane Allen of the Sub-Team. By Edith Bancroft. Price $1.25 Blue Bonnet of the Seven Stars. By Be la Horn Richards. Price $1.50 Babs at Birchwood. By Alice Ross Colver. Price $1.50 Patsy Carroll at Wilderness Lodge. By Grace Gordon. Price $1.25 The Polly Page Series. By Izola L. Forrester. Price $1.25 The Four Corners Series. By Amy E. Blanchard. Price $1.50 Five Little Pepper Series. By Margaret Sidney. Price $1.50 The Little Colonel Series. By Annie Fellows Johnston. Price $1.50 The Tom Swift Series, By Victor Appleton. Tom Swift and His Motorcycle. Tom Swift and His Motor Boat. Tom Swift and His Airship. Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat. Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout. Tom Swift and His Wireless Message. Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers. Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice. Tom Swift and His Sky Racer. Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle. Tom Swift in the City of Gold. Tom Swift and His Air Glider. Tom Swift in Captivity. Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera. Tom Swift and His Great Searchlight. Tom Swift and His Giant Cannon. y Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone. Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship. Tom Swift and His Big Turmel. Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders. Tom Swift and His War Tank. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Gift Things That Are Practical in the Shoe Section Storm King Boots Arctics Christmas is a good time to outfit the members of the family for the stormy days of Winter —and boots take first place in such gift things. Merr's Rubbers $1.25 Women's Boots $2.75 Women's Rubbers )<• Misses' Boots $2.50 Misses' Rubbers 75c Children's Boots $2.00 Children's Rubbers 65c Men's Four-buckle ArcUcs SI.OO Men's High Boots $7.00 Women's Four-buckle Arctics $3.25 Men's Storm King Boots SO.OO Misses' Four-buckle Arctics $2.75 Men's Sport Boots SI.OO Children's Four-buckle Arctics $2.25 Boys' Storm King Boots $1.50 Men's heavy single buckle arctics, Boys' Short Boots $8.25 $1.50 to $3.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store, Rear. Women's and Misses' Suits Reduced Economies Thai Are Worth Looking Into $55 to $75 Styles Going at $45 to $62.50 The most practical gift that can be given to a woman at Christmas time is a handsome suit to wear beneath the top coat in cold weather. Timely reductions in our large stocks make easy the choice of a good suit at a con siderable saving. Complete sizes for Misses and Women. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Women's Neckwear, Dainty and Exquisite All are fine, much finer than the prices usually would command and they are ideal for gifts for even the most discriminating friends. Round collars, also Tuxedo and Square Styles Filet Collars and Sets, $3.75 to $8.50. lor the smart round necked dark frocks—made Jabots with stock or flat collars attached, of fine net, lace edged and dot embroidered or $1.50 to $6 50 of very flue laces, organdie and georgette, ~, . ... , , 50c to ss.3o Guinips of fine net with low or high necks, Vcstees—of fine net. cross ruffled with lace, SI.OO to $2.<5 also of organdy and other novelty materials, lan Dyke Points of flat vcnlse imitation Irish SI.OO to $0.50 luce, oriental and filet lace $1.25 to $3.50 Dives, Pomeroy 1 & Stewart, Street Floor. The Boy Allies With the Army, By Clair W. Hayes The Boy Allies at Liege. The Buy Allies on the Firing Line. The Boy Allies with the Cossacks. The Boy Allies in the Trenches. Hie Boy Allies in Great Peril. The Boy Allies in the Balkan Campaign. The Boy Allies on the Sonnne. The Boy Allies at Verdun. The Boy Allies Under the Stars and Stripes. The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders. The Camp Fire Girl Series, G. Frey. The Camp Fire Girls in the Maine Woods. The Camp Fire Girls at School. The Camp Fire Girls at Onoway House. The Camp Fire Girls go Motoring. The Camp Fire Girls' Larks and I'ranks. The Camp Fire Girls on Ellen's Lsle. The Camp Fire Girls on the Road. The Camp Fire Girls l)o Their Bit. The Better Books For Boys The Sun of Quebec. By Joseph A. Altsheler. Price ~...51.50 A Peep at the Front. By Inez N. McFee. Price $1.25 The Wonder of the War in the Air. By Francis Rolt-Wheeler. Price $1.35 Guarding His Goal. By Ralph Henry Barbour. Price $1.50 The Great Sioux Trail. By Joseph A. Altsheler. Price $1.50 Heroes of Progress in America. • By Charles Morris. Price...., $1.50 The Silver Cache of the Pawnee. By D. Lange. Price $135 The Boys of the Otter Patrol. By E. Le Breton Martin. Price $1 25 The Play That Won. By Ralph Henry Barbour. Price $1.50 Connie Morgan in the Lumber Camp. By James B. Hendryx. Price $1.50 Northward—Ho—A Last Voyage of the Karluk. By Bartlett & Hale. Price s•> QII The Boys with the U. S. Indians. The Boys with the U. S. Naturalists The Forresters. Fisheries. L T . S. Mail. Weather-Men. Census. By Francis Rolt-Wheeler. Price $1.50 The Bobbsey Twins Books, By Laura Lee Hope. • The Bobbsey Twins. The Bobbsey Twins in the Country. The Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore. The Bobbsey Twins at School. The Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge. The Bobbsey Twins on a Houseboat. The Bobbsey Twins at Meadow Brook. The Bobbsey Twins at Home. The Bobbsey Twins in a Great City. The Bobbsey Twins on Blueberry Island. The Bobbsey Twins on the Deep Blue Sea. Price, 00c each. DECEMBER 11, 1919. Gift Books For Grownups Poems, Letters, Biographies & Autobiographies For readers of books of the worth-while type this list offers a wealth of selections that is at once vital and appealing: Joyce Kilmer —Poems, Essays ami Letters —in two volumes. By Kobert Cortes Holllday. Price $5.00 per set. Theodore Hoosevclt—An Intimate Biography. By William Roscoc Thayer. Price $5.00 The Education of Henry Adams—An Autobiography. Price $5.00 The Abolishing of Death. By Basil Kln-g. Price $1.25 The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France. By Henry Van Dyke. Price $1.25 A Lubrador Doctor. By Wilfred Thomason Grenfell. Price SI.OO The Boys' Life of Theodore Roosevelt. By Hermann Hagedorn. Price .'51.50 The Twentieth Plane—A Psychic Revelation. By Albert Durrant Watson. Price $2.00 History of Zionism —1600-1918. By Nalium Sokolow. Price $7.50 Picture Analyses of Golf Strokes. By James M. Barnes. Price $6.50 Seeing Pennsylvania. By John T. Faris. Price $5.00 Impressions of Theodore Roosevelt. By Lawrence F. Abbott. Price $5.00 Moths of the Limberlost. By Gene Stratton Porter. Price $3 00 The Life of John Marshall. Vols. S and 4 just published this year, $10.00; price of complete set, 4 vols $20.00 The "Red Cross Girls" Series Price, 50£ Each ... The Ito<l Cross Girls in the \ British Trenches. 3 The Red Cross Girls on the Mfll Crouch Firing; I,inc. E5 Majobw\ j The Red Cross Girls In Bel- 1 The Red Cross Girls with the ! THESF Russian Army. f The Red Cross Girls with the 'CSLI . Italian Army. j Jy IjKyd, ' ' The Red Cross (.iris Vndor gjfllfln the Stars and Stripes. I .fPrrtf^T i The Red Cross Girls Afloat N laSSSIi te fcRS&SKK with the nag. rajtoT?] The Red Cross Girls With the L^* IT. S. Murines. The Red Cross Girls With Pershing to Victory. Books of Adventure For Boys The Tom Slade Series. By Percy K. Fitzhugh Price, each Tom Slade, Boy Scout. Tom Sladc at Temple Camp. Tom Sladc on the River. Tom Slade with the Colors. (A War-Time Boy Scout Story) Tom Slade on a Transport. Tom Sladc with the Boys Over There. Torn Slade, Motorcycle TDls patch Bearer. Tom Sladc with the Flying Corps. The "Bell Haven" Series, By George Barton The Bell Haven Nine. The Bell Haven Fight. The Bell Huvcn live. The Bell Haven Eleven. The Berkshire Poets Bound in ooze limp leather. Price, $2.00 I.owell. Whitticr. Milton. Burns. Kipling. Hubaiyat. Scott. Beaver Velour Special For Friday $7.50 Beaver Velour for coats and collars, 52 inches wide. Friday only, yard, $5.00 Street Floor Gift Specials For Friday—Furniture Mahogany Stands. Fri day only 95^ Mahogany Fireside Chair. Friday only, $25.00 $39.50 Tapestry Wing Chairs. Friday only, $25.00 $125.00 Living Room Suite. Friday only, ' $95.00 $17.50 Fiber Chairs. Fri day only $9.75 $25.00 Fiber Chairs. Fri day only $19.50 Silk Floss Mattresses. Friday only $19.50 Fourth Floor Women's Gloves Special For Friday Tan and Grey Cape Skin Gloves; $2.00 value. Fri day only . .$1.75 Street Floor Corduroy Reduced For Friday $2.00 Corduroy for coats, dresses and separate skirts; white and two shades of brown; 30 inches. Friday only, yard SI.OO Street Floor Thin Paper Poets, $2.50 Red Morocco, grain leather, red under gilt edges Henry W. Longfellow. Walt Whitman. Oscar Wilde. Robert Browning. James Russell Lowell. James G. Whitticr. Cambridge Book of Poetry. Poetical Quotations. Thin Paper Classics, $1.50 Pocket library edition, bound in black seal leather. Vlcomte de Bragcloune. Henry Esmond. Phonton Rickshaw, lonia Boone. Tales of Two Cities. John Halifax, Marguerite de Valois. The Three Muskateers. Man in the Iron Mask. Ivanhoc. Louise de la ValUere. The Little Minister, Sketch Book. The Marjorie Books, 50^ By Carolyn Wells. Marjorie's Vacation. Marjoric's Busy Bays. Marjorie's New Friend. Marjorie in Command. Marjorie's Maytimo. Marjorie at Seacote. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Women's Lace Shoes For Friday Grey Kid Cloth Top Lace Shoes with Cuban and Louis heels. Friday only $6.45 Black Kid Lace Shoes with French heels. Friday only $5.95 Two boxes of Shinola Polish. Friday only, 16C Street Floor, Rear Men's Work Trousers Special For Friday Worsteds, Cassi meres and Cheviots; $3.75 and $3.95 values. Friday only, $2.98 Light and Dark Grey Worsted Trousers; $3.00 and $3.50 values. Friday only $2.48 Second Floor, Rear Grocery Specials For Friday Royal Scarlet Plum Pud ding, can 13£ Minerva Fruit Cake, 30 ounces $1.25 Pure Maple Sugar, lb., 451 Vanilla Flavoring, pint, 47< Stewing Figs, fancy, lb., 29C Monarch Mince Meat, glass 45^ Dates, 2 packs 35^ Cream Nuts, lb. .. 33C Royal Scarlet Mince Meat, pack 12 l / 2$ Basement
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