- on Opposite Pago MUSICAL FOR SALE Player piano for 5451). A big bargain to quick buyer. Bpangler Music House, 2112 h'. Sixth street. STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broud street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rales. Also haul tug of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house, 33 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 446 South Second street. —ln brick building, rear 4\>s Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener, 408 Market Street. STORAGE LOW PRICES kHIGHSPJRE DISTILLERY CO.. LTD.. liIGHSPIKE, PA. Both phones. Bell Steeltou 169Y UNDIKTAIv PUS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. r FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL 2)88 RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Emoalmar bll North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 G. E. BRESTLE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1745 N. 6th St. ALSO MIDDLETOWN OFFICE BELL 2423 DIAL 5295 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE * PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY— Beautifully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way The price of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fail and win- ! ter clothes look new. We call and de livet. All kinds of repairing. Boih phones. H. Goodman. 13U6% North Sixth Street. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. S'tlß HOME OF SATISFACTION. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE —SO It. I. reds, pullets. 1 Ht $1 75 each; 15 buff rock puheis, at SI.SU each. All thoroughbred stock. Call Bell phone A. B. Davis, Pen brook. Pa. AUTOMOBILES . -| I I OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT This is YOUR OPPORTUNITY lu buy a good car at a saving. December prices, to move our slock before the close of our fiscal year, are remarkably N low. BUY NOW AND—SAVE. Buick 5-passenger touring, good mechanically, all tires good, paint fair. Overland Country most new. Unusually tine lire equipment. Mechanically guaranteed. Cadillac. 8-cylinder roadster. Splendid new leather top. paint like new. All cord tires, one extra. Chalmers sedan. 6-cylinder. l-efinlshed like new. A beau liful Haher body. seven comfortably. Marked at less than half present new price. Time payments. Opening evenings. THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO. 212-214 North Second St. Both phones. CHEVROLET— Roadster, good shape. • 8250. r , „ hnr-rains in used cars and trucks, US. We guarantee any thing we sell. MILLER AUTO CO.. 68 South Cameron Street. Bell phone 4119 Tv wtfd Road and house auto accessory salesman; salary and mobile accessory proportion, and a"U™ l'iu-l. Correspondence con.i- Oentiul. THE JOHNSTOWN AUTOMOBILE CO. ► ' 101 Main St.. Johnstown, la. BARGAINS VIM—Ou-i.alt von. good condition. truck, express body with UNt, ' K , , . ai1...; and ngnting. Roadster, noou condition. VWO-7o£ .ear axle. complete. IDI4, tine condition Sne'doCO automobile Rghtina ays .. lo ' r *\_staKe body; like new. i uiu cit U"it- w.tn ewo-wheel nailer. I" SEVERAL. BULiiES FOR SALE DLNBY SALES CORPORATION. \ia capital Street. KEYSTONE AUTO TOf CO. asorts i. auto tops and cushion u rtoiie by expertßi also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-76 Bbutu Cameron tstrceu a upon l- II AN l> motor trucks for „fc cheap-Voids. Kohler. Chalmers luteruationals; three-quai ter to f"o-i". eapaeities. s and up. \\TLUN \'l iONAL* llAlkV Ea iLu MOTOR TRUCK DEPARTMENT 519-21 Walnut Street. FOR SALE lull Buick roadster. In A 1 cor iltion. Apply Biac-K's Uar age. 205 S. litn St. Overland, model SO, touring. Chevrolet, Baby Grand. Studebaker Six, 5-passenger. /Weiie. light six. "THudebaker Four, 5-passenger. Willys-Knight, model 04. Overland, model 65-4. Tune payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE & SUPPLY CO. 1917 North Third St. FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights, runs and pulls like new. Price |4UO cash. Dial 36-C. S. R. Horst, LJngleatown. near Harrlsburg. ' WIL PENN GARAGE 194-9 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4694. " FORD OWNERS We have received a largo chlpment of front springs for Ford cars and are ► acriflcing them lor 92.75 apiece. Ohui bcu Auto Co.. 22 N. Cameron St. (Continued In Next Column! . • \ \ . ' ' . ' tW'' •• - . ' THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 11, 1919. AUTOMOBILES I PROSPECTIVE TRUCK BUYERS TAKE NOTICE We are offering a proposition - whereby you can earn a large salary r besides an independent living. We have recently signed contracts i with several large construction firms to supply them with trucks the eom _ ing year. which will number 100 mark. We arc therefore in a position to serve you in several different ways - principals as follows: 5 With inbuilt quality Seidell trucks - unlimited service and guaranteed po sition that will enable you to carry for your trucks front its earnings six - to eight minutes time, our 1919 rec r olds show that during the first year - Seidell trucks were placed in the r hands of 63 satisfied o# ners the iiir - jority of whom paid for their trucks ■ in a like manner. Do not fail to take advantage of this splendid oppoi - tunity. Place your order now that you r mav be assured of early delivery and , be one of the first on the Job when . spring makes its appearance. Seldens can he delivered in the following ea • parities. 1%. 2, 2%. 3% and 5 tons. I Phone 801 l 4549 or Dial 6909 for I appointments or address '! SELDEX TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS.' 1017-25 Alarket Street. Harrisburg, Pa. I j MAGNETOS All types, 4 unit 6 Bosch high tension. Eisman, Dixie, > Splitdorf, Mea. Remy and different ■ makes of cotls, carburetors, etc. A Schlitmau, 22-24-26 North Cam-iron street. Beil 3633. i STL'DEBAKER —Light 6; suitable ' for livery; ciicap to quick buyer. Reo roadster; A-l condition. Sible's Ga rage, Third ana Cumberland St. USED CAR BARGAINS > All In First Class Ccndition ■ Willys-Knight, 5- pass SS3U Liberty. 5-pass 1139U Dixie, new, been used only as dem onstrator 11200 1 Two All-American trucks, never used, ime equipped with pneumatic cord tires and one with solid tires on rear and pneumatic on front; one is xpre3s body, the other stake body. Exceptional value. HBG. AUTO AND TIRE REPAIR CO.. | ; 131 South Third Street. Both pnoncs. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto wrecking. A. Schilfman 22 2 4 2 6 N. Cameron Street. Bell 3633. 1917 Chandler, club roadster. J9OC. 1917 Mercer touring. 7-passenger very snappy, two spare tires. A rea goo'd bargain. 1914 Overland roadster, electric equipment. Sacrifice 8286. 101S Chalmers touring. 7 passenger fust been overhauled, will sacrifice. 1917 Mitchell, touring, real bargain. ! The above cars wilt appeal to the average buyer in the market for a I good used car. Demonstration given. CHELSEA AUTO CO.. A. Schiflmsn. Manager. ! i ' REAL BARGAINS OVERLAND—4-cylinder. 5-passengct FORD—Touring Car. KEYSTONE SALES, ICS Market St. i Garages, Accessories ami Repairs ' i 30x3V4 Goodyear or any other I standard make of tire, $11.70. other I sizes just as cheap. Write Buch, 31 1 Cumberland St., Harrisburg. or call after 5 p. m. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT i ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! DORY SHANEK WITH ANDREW REDMOND, ICC7 NORTH THIRD "STREET. NOTICE PHOENIX LODGE NO 59. 1 Third and Broad Sts. On Thursday evening Mr. Peteisi will give an interesting talk to the, members of Phoenix Lodge, No. 59, at: their hall. A number of candidates! will be initiated in the second degree.! and nomination of officers will be; held. All members are requested to' be present. AUCTION" SA'LE — ' ■ : I i I 1 IMPORTANT SALE OK HOUSEHOLD "GOODS LSY AUCTION Under instructions from B. D. VAN I ITT A. who is Moving to Colorado. AUCTIONEER HITE M ill sell at 1958 BKLLKVUK ROAD FRIDAY AFTERNOON DECEMBER 12, 1919. AT 1 O'CLOCK SIIARI' The following goods: 3-9x12 rugs, 1 Merrill piano. t 2 Turkish rockers. 1 Mission parlor suit-, 1 Set dining chairs. 1 Couch, D. R. tabic. 1 Refrigerator. Morris chair, gas stove. 1 Princess dr # ser, 2 Iron beds witn springs. 1-seven piece bedroom suit. Hall and rag carpets. Lawn mower, child's crib. [, Step ladder, tubs, dishes. Cooking utensils and many other articles too numerous to mention here. The goods offered are nearly new and well preserved, anil the place of sale is convenient for those who wish to secure extra furniture at bargain prices. Goods now on view Thursday afternoon and evening. Remember the date. Friday, December 12. 1919. The place, : 1958 Bclevue Road. , The time. 1 o'clock sharp. TERMS CASH. MAXWELL 11. JUTE AUCTIONEER. ' Take Reservoir Park car. get off at 20th and Market Sts., and Walk two blocks south. jj \\ b b t i < j t , * i * c t 1 LEGAL NOTICES _ t NOTICE is hereby given that an an- ! plication will be made to the Court of ! Quarter Sessions of Dauphin Countv, on Monday, December 22, 1919, at iu o'clock a. m.. for the transfer of the retail liquor license now held by Horting & Xngle. at 1415 North Third street In the Sixth Wurd of the City iof Harrisburg. to the undersigned CARL KEITH. j MARKETS \KH YORK STOCK MARKETS | Chandler Brothers anil Company. I members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square. Hurrtsburg;l33B Chestnut street. Philadelphia: 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations: Open Close Amer. Tel. and Tel 99% 99% Ailis Chalmers 43 46 % Amer. Beet Sugar 95% 95% American Can 5496 54% Am. Car and Fndry G0...139% 138% Amer. Smelting 65% 64'6 i American Sugar 139 139 I Anaconda 58% 57 ; Atchison 85% 83% | Baldwin Loco 107% 105% B. and 0 31 % 31% I Bethlehem Steel, B 94 93 I Butte Copper 37% 37% ICal. Petro 44 44 [Canadian Pacific ..135% 141% Central Leather 94 94 C. and 0 56% 56% Chi., Mil and St. Paul ... 36% 45% Chi.. It. J. and Pacific ... 35% 34', Cbino Con 36% 35% Col. Fuel and Iron 40 39% Corn Products 88 86% Crucible Steel 211% 207 Erie 13% 13% General Motors 333% 332 Great North, pfd 79% 78% Inspiration Copper 51 50% Int. Nickel 22% 22% Int. Paper 74% 73% lvennecott 28% 28% Hans. City So 15% 15% Lackawanna Steel 85 84 Lehigh Valley 42% 42'% Maxwell Motors 37', 37 7, Merc. Mar Ctfs 49% 45% Merc. Alar Ctfs., pfd 105 7, 104 % Alex. Petro 197 194 Alidvale Steel 50 49% Alisouri Pacific 25 24% X Y. Central 69% , 69% X Y„ X. H. and H 28% 28% Nevada Copper 15'% 15% Northern Pacific 80% 80% Pittsburgh Coal 64% 64 Penna. R. R 41 40% Ray Con. Copper 21 21% Reading 77% 76 Rep. Iron and Steel ....106% 104% Southern Pacific 103", 102% Southern Ry -2% 22% Sinclair Oil and R 46% 45% Studebnker 108% 106% Union Pacific 123% 123% U. S. I. Alcohol 104% 103% U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel 104% 103% Utah Copper 73 72% AVostinghouse Mfg 53", 53% Willys-Overland 30% 29 74 Hide and Leather 29 28% Pierce Arrow 79% 7874 Philadelphia proihte Philadelphia. Dec. 11.—Bran, high er; soft winter bran western in 100 pound sacks. $49.50® SSO: spring bran in 100 pound sacks, $18.50® 19. Live Poultry—Firm; chickens and] fowls higher; fowls, 24®34c; chick ens. 23® 80c, Potatoes—Higher; Penna. per 100 pounds, $30,3.59; New York ar.d I.Maryland. $2.500 3.25. | Putter —Lower; western creamery, extra. 73'sc; nearby prints, fancy, 81 ; ® 83c. Kggs—Lower: nearby firsts, $25.80 i Per case; current receipts. $25.20; western extra llrsts, $25.80; western Hirsts, $21.20® 25.20; fancy selected I packed. 96@9Sc per dozen. Cheese—Steady ; New York and: j Wisconsin, full milk, :i2®33', a c. Dressed Poultry—Firm; turkeys! ; higher, turkeys, nearby luncy, 48® , | i9c; fair to good, 44®,46c; western! I fancy, 17 u 49c; fair to good, 40® 43c: | [fowls, fresh killed, choice to fancy, 33 | i ® 36c: small sizes. 24@30c: roosters,| 134 c; broilers: Jersey, t4te: other 'nearby. 35® 12c; choice western, 38® 140 c; roasting cliickens, western, 27® | 31c; western chickens, corn fed. as to size and quality. 32® 15c; spring ducks J nearby, 40® lie; western, 36® 38c; j geese western, 28® 30c. Flour—Firm, fair demand; soft winter straight western. $1010.50; nearby. $9.65® 10; hard winter straight, $12.50® 13; short patent. sl3 I ■i 13.50; spring first clear. $9.75® 1 10.25; patent, sl3® 14; short patent, t $14.75® IB; fancy sirring and city mills • patent, family brand. $14.90®15.35. Hay—Firm; fair demand. Timothy. I No. 1. $32; No. 2. s3o® 31; No. 3. s27® i 128; cloved mixed hay, light mixed I light. s3o® 31: No. 1 mixed, s27® 2s. j Tallow—Quiet; prime city loose, l.'ibsi., special loose. 16c; prime coun juv, ll®litac; edible in tierces, | CHICAGO ttATTI.E MARKET ChicaKo. Dec. 11. —Hogs Receipts, ::6,000: liigher. Bulk. $12.85® 12.25: top. I 1.813.30: heavy. $12.85® 13.30; medium. I $12.90® 13.30; light, $12.85® 13.25; (light light, $12.50 0 13: heavy packing | sows, smooth. $12.25® 12.76; packing 'sows, rough, $11.75® 12.25; pigs. $11.75 l ® 12.75. ) Cattle—Beceipts 20,000, weak. Beef; ; steers, medium and heavy weight, j choice and prime. sl9® 21.50; medium, and good, $11.500 19; common. s9® | • 11.50; light, good and choice, $14.25® 120.75; common and medium. $8.25® ! 14.25; butcher cattle, heifers. $6.75® j • 15.50: cows. $6.50®14.25; canners and i cutters, $5.50® 6.50; veal calves. $16.75' I® 17.75; feeder steers. s7® 12.50; | stocker steers. $6 0 10.75; western, lange steers. $7.50@15; cows and i heifers, $6.500 12.50. Sheep P.eceipts 21.000. strong., Umba. $14.75® 16.85: culls and com-I moll, $11011.50: ewes, medium, good' and choice. SBO 10; culls and common. I $4.50017.75. New. German Army Goes in For Athletics I Cologne. Dec. 11.—More Interest is j | being shown in athletics in Germany's j j new national army than was ever j known before, according to infonna- i tion reaching the British army of' occupation. Tournaments to which ( ! the public Is Invited are of frequent j occurrence and are occasions of un-' uiuul interest In various parts of | Germany where members of the new ] uimy are stationed. All ranks participate in the vari-j ous events, quite contrary to the prac- I tieex of Germany's army before the j beginning of the war. At a recent! inarching meet, contests were won by | I commissioned officers who contested i I against the enlisted men. In a prelim inary event in Dresden, an enlisted I man won first place in a mounted I event with a regimental commander] second and a second lieutenant of ar- | I tillery third. Nothing of this kind | was ever heard of during the regime ) of the old Germany army. LEGAL NOTICES PROCLAMATION ~~" 1 Whereas, tlie Hon. George h'unk >l ! President, and the Hon. K. j. JJ \i.-'i t'arrell. Additional Law Judge of Oyer and Terminer Quarter Sessions! of the Peace. Of the Twelfth Judicial! District, composed of the Countv of! Dauphin, having issued their pre- i cepts bearing date, the 9th day of l December. A. D.. 1919. to nie directed I for holding a Court of Oyer and Ter-' miner and General Jail Delivery and! Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg. for the County of bau-l phin, and to commence on the second 1 Monday of January. 1920, being the I I2th day of January. 1920, and to continue two weeks. I Notice is therefore hereby given! to the Corner. Justices of the Peace 1 Aldermen and Constables of said I Pounty of Dauphin, that they b then and there in their proper per-! sons at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. with their records in quisitions, examinations and their ' own remembrances, to do those things which to their ofTlce apper tain to be done, and those who are bound in recognisances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be In the Jail of Dauphin Coun ty be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be Just. Given under my hand at Harrisburg the 9th day of December. A. D.. t 1919, being the one hundred and forty-fourth year of the indepen dence of the United States. W. \V. CAIJJWELL Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Harrisburg, Pa. Dacambar 10. 1919. GERMAN MILLS ARE BUSY AGAIN Doing Greatest Business iu More Than Five Years, Reports Say t'obloili. Dec. 11.—German in dustries generally this fall have been doing the greatest business in more [than five years, according to German i newspaper accounts. Foreign ord ers have been coming in for months, various industrial centers have re ported. Many factories are said to have on hand more orders than they will be able to fill in six months or more. On all sides employes are demanding increased wages, and many labor difficulties have arisen with indications of unrest among the German workmen for at least some months. No extensive sales of German goods to foreign buyers are recorded in the German newspapers but American army officers who keep ac count of the industrial and economic situation assert that it is an estab lished fact that foreign buyers aro taking advantage of the low value of the mark to purchase German products wherever possible. In Coblenz, Belgian buyers decently have been purchasing chinaware, kitchen utensils, aluminum ware, furs and other articles of general use. The situation has reached such proportions that the Ministries of Economics and Finance have been discussing the advisability of estab lishing a duty on exports on the ground that "a large part of the German exports is being sold at sacrificial prices." The Cologne Chamber of Com merce, in calling attention to the large purchases of goods by foreign ers, says that in view of the low value of the mark, these foreign purchases constitute nothing more than a "commercial plundering of Germany." The chamber, as well as others in Frankfurt and else where, have advised German mer chants when selling to foreign buy ers, to charge prices somewhat in proportion to the actual vale of the goods in the markets of the world. / T Market Situation of the Oils We have ready a Special Oil Resume, giving some interest ing facts and figures regard ing the established oil stocks. These securities have shown an advancing price range of from 25c to $23 a share since November 12. Copy free upon request! HOW TO OPEN AS ACCOUNT null METHODS OK TRADING Booklet free upon request McCall & Riley Co. Inc., INVESTMENT SECURITIES 21- S. Third St., Hnrrisburg, I*n. Bell 3495, Dial 2239 Philadelphia New York DIItECT PRIVATE WIKICS k... „r C*| A Guide to the Right Investments For those who have not had extensive experience \ in selecting investments we shall be glad to explain the facts regarding some of the securities experenced in vestors are now buying for either conservative or semi speculative purposes. Correspondence invited. Ask for Circular R-MG9 A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Investment Securities 115 S. 4tli St., Philadelphia New York, Chicago. Boston 1 Baltimore, Buffalo, Seranton LEE A. I.ACBENSTEIN Representative 2208 N. 3rd St.. Ifnrrlwburir Phone 477U-U j 1 - 1 H. C. L. I The High Cost of Living lias so filled your thoughts tliat you have probably overlooked about the only necessity that has not ad- ! vanced in price—lnsurance. ! ] Accident and Health In i su ranee, Fire Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Bur glary Insurance—all are ' vitally necessary to your I continued good fortune and peace of mind. Let us se- | ; cure policies for you in the i Hartford Accident Indem- ' | nity Company. It sas good I ' as gold. Pennsylvania Insurance 45-46 UNION TKUST BLDG. [MAIN \ COMPANY I [CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS] I 606-608 KunkelßTd<s ] ► —— o 1 | Service j t Systematizing Etc. a South America Needs i Merchant Ships. Says Chilian Mission Head London, Dee. 11.—One of the greatest needs of the South Amer ican republics to-day is an immense increase of mere-hunt shipping, says Sir Isinael Tocot-nnl. head of the Chilian Mission, which has just been entertained in England. "We lack ships for the trade of Europe," Senor Tocornal as serted. "We need ships in abund ance if we are to reach the full power. We are anxious to expand our trade with England and with Europe in general. With Amer ica we have had important com mercial associations and much ma chinery in Chile is of American or German manufacture. To turn to political matters, the recent references to the Re public of Peru in connection with Chile in the European press have perhaps left unexplained the ac tual state of affairs, or, rather, the 510,000 Shares Montgomery Ward & Co. Incorporated (Illinois Corporation) Common Stock (Having no Par Value) Dividends Exempt from Federal Normal Income Tax. Exempt from Personal Property Tax When Held by Residents of Illinois. f 1,000,000 shares Common Stock authorized. Of this amount 150,000 shares are reserved for employes of the Company; 340,000 shares are held by new interests in the Company; and 510,000 shares are already applied for or are to be sold to the public. Transfer A*enl, Keni.trar. I ontinental and Commercial Trnat and Saving" Bank Klrat Trnat and Savinga Bank Chicago Chicago Banker's Trnat Company. Xen York City Klrnt National Bank of the City of New York l.isted on the Chicago • Stock Exchange Application will be made to list on New York Stock Exchange BUSINESS. Montgomery Ward & Company was established in 1872 as the Jirst cata logue and mad order house in the United States. It was incorporated in Illinois in 1889 and reincorporated in New York in 1913. Because of the passage of the new Illinois Corporation Law, the company has been reincorporated in Illinois, thus making all of its stock exempt from personal property taxes when held by residents of Illinois. SALES TERRITORY. Since the organization of the company its volume of business and sales territory have constantly increased until now orders are received from cverv state and outside territory of the United States, as well as foreign countries, the sale's to date for 1919 being approximately $90,000,000. Salient Features l'rom the letter of Mr. Robert J. Thorne, President of the Company, and the report of Messrs. Arthur \ oung & Co., Certified Public Accountants, we summarize as follows: 98% OF THE COMPANY'S ORDERS are accompanied by cash in advance. MERCHANDISE IS BOUGHT directly from manufacturers and sold by mail directly to consumers, largely eliminating all intermediate profits. The company itself operates factories and is interested in many others. t IN VIEW OF THE FACT that company has been in business nearly 50 years and that millions of dollars have been expended in advertising and distributing catalogues, and that hundreds of thousands of customers have dealt with it continuously, it is clear that the Good Will, catalogues and lists are of immense value. It is believed that the Good W ill is equal to entire net assets of company, although neither these nor other intangible values are carried on its books as assets. SALES FOR 1918 were over $76,000,000, an increase of over 100% in the past six years; and the estimated sales for 1919 show an increase of almost 150%, during that period. NET PROFITS have shown an increase from $1,653,481 in 1913 to $6,390,181, before taxes, in 1918. THE ASSOCIATION with men who have recently become large hold ers of this new stock will greatly benefit the company in broadening its merchandising field, and the companv, continuing under the same management, will be greatly strengthened. \ J HE COMPAN\ has specific plans for large developments, which will balance its facilities for new ware houses and distribution covering the entire United States in the most economical and efficient man ner. THIS FINANCING of the company is ample to carry out these projects and to maintain a generous cash reserve, the balance sheets show ing cash on hand, $29,701,495.16; Liberty Bonds, $1,609,443.25. The legality of this issue has been approved by Messrs Winston Strawn & Shaw of Chicago; Messrs. White & Case of New York City, and Mr. Henrv L. Moses, of New York City. For subscription, subject to allotment, we offer this stock At $45.00 per Share When, as and if issued and received by us. Tlx- nIMiM- alack all bavlaic been sold, thin uilvr rli.rmrnl nnacnra • . . . . , "■ ■ er of record oalr. I John Burnham & Co. H. B. Goldschmidt & Co. 41 %. I.a Salle Street, Chicago s7 Slr „ tf Wew y#rk The statements in this advertisement, while not guaranteed, are based upon information and advice which we believe to be accurate and reliable. origin of the question. There is a i treaty which must be fulfilled, and ■ the Chilian government Is ready to meet all Its obligations. "We are on very good terms with j the other two A. B. C. Powers; ; Argentine have been satisfactorily settled of course. Chile was the, first South American nation to j submit to arbitration. In 1903, j when we accepted King Edward's; solution of the difficulties with the i United States. "The Monroe Doctrine, of which the world hears so much from ( time to time, means a Continen-! tal policy, for America. North and South. It originated, it is said, in the brain of the English states man, George Canning. At the time of the Holy Alliance in Europe he instructed the British Minister at Washington to suggest it to the American government. An ex-1 change of letters followed between j niIBBER STAMpn L U SEALS arreNOiurlJ. I HARRIBBBITEHOIL WORKI |l I . 130 LOCUST IL HARRIS Efß. PA. U Madison in 1823. Monroe Doctrine wus the. outcome." Help Wanted Press Feeders at Once The Telegraph Printing Co. Cameron and State Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. L Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv, H. E. SCHRIVER AUDITS SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE Union Trust Bids., Hnrrlsbnrg, Pn. Established ISM FOR RENT From April Ist, 1920 STOREROOM 502 Market Street CHAS. ADLER Real Estate & Insurance 1002 N. Third Street Member Hurrl.bnrK Heal Bitata .' Board V. i ii J 21
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers