Settlement of Coal Strike to Be Followed by Quick Return to Normal Production H HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH H fcljc otAc-3to&cpcn&ent. LXXXVIII No. 293 22 PAGES r ' ail Ma l ucr P at S the d Po a t offlcc C at'narr'isburg la 5 HARRISBURG, PA. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11, 1919. ° V W 1 PAP*H IJT H A\l IUSBITH t? S " SI TWO E CENTS :s HOME EDITION TOTAL REVISION OF CONSTITUTION A POSSIBILITY Multiplicity of Amendments May Create This Neces sity; Decision Soon ADJOURN UNTIL DEC. J7 Many Changes in Legislative Practice Urged in Alter's Report The Stute Constitutional Kevision Commission to-day uutiiorized com mittees having charge of studies of subjects which might be related to hold joint sessions and then ad journed until next Wednesday, De cember 37, at noon. During the ses sion to-day ex-Speaker George E. Alter reported on the constitutional articles relative to the executive and legislative brunches of the govern ment, over a score of amendments being proposed and this report will be the calendar for the first gen eral discussion by the Commission next Wednesday afternoon. The Alter report covered various changes in legislative practice, the succession in the Governor's office. Senatorial confirmation of appoint ments, proposal that the State may do its own printing, classification of cities, .appropriations and kindred topics. Gifford Pincho t reported tentative approvals of some sections relative to taxation, but that the main features were to be exhaus tively studied. Francis Newton Thorpe presented several sections which he said other committees might desire to study and authority lor such joint conferences as might lie necessary was granted after a statement by Charles H. English. To Study Changes The changes suggested by com mittees, almost all of which have made some reports, will be forward lo members for study before the reconvening of the Commission. It is probable that when the Commis sion meets again that some ques tions regarding future course may lie asked as the number of amend ments have caused the possibility of recommendation of a complete revision to be seriously discussed. It will probably develop very soon whether the State Constitu tional Kevision Commission will not lie required through very multi plicity of amendments to work j toward a complete revision of the ' '•enstitution. The fact that in the i neighborhood of thirty amendments j appeared yesterday purely as cor rective of various provisions of the document and that many of the new subjects have not even been discussed is causing some of the members of the Commission to get around to the belief that a recom mendation for a revision might as well be made to the next Legis lature. There are other members •who are opposed to such a course until the whole proposition has been gone into. Attorney General William I. Sehaffer says frankly that the future course is contingent upon 1 he findings of the commission and that if there, are many amendments the proposition of a recommenda tion for a complete revision will be seriously considered. Should this be decided upon there will also be the question whether the Commis sion should draft a new constitu tion and make it part of its report. Want Complete Revision The manner in which some of the committees have been operating shows a determination to go right through the document, while others have not reported anything and say that they want to make complete studies and to get all of the Infor mation possible and the aid that can bo obtained from the State officials and other states and then to give the fullest hearings to sug gestions. One of the things tliat is operat ing toward a complete revision is t lie fact that when eleven amend ments were submitted in 1909 there [Continued oil Page Is.] TOYS FOR THE TOYLESS Unless Christmas is to be a "least of aching hearts" for nu merous boys and girls of Har risburg donations for the Toy Mission must materially increase during the next week. There are stacks of toys, it is true —but there are a great many more children than the Toy Mission workers imagined, who may be forgotten by Santa Claus unless the Toy Mission conies to the rescue. Toy Mission headquarters are at 1,19 Soulh Front. The workers ask for toys and candies now—and fruits during the last week before Christmas. "Toys For the Toyless." 1 THE WEATHER] HnrrUburg and Vicinity; General ly cloudy and warmer to-niftht and Friday. I.owcnf tcmpcra lare to-night about 2.* degree*. I.onext temperature la*t night 18 degree*. Eastern l*rnnaylrnnfn: Cloud r and warmer to-night and Frl dny followed by *now Frldnr In extreme north portion. Moder ate *ontb wind*. Illxeri The lower portion of the North hroneh will rl*e Mlowly 10-nluht and fall olowly Friday. Nll other Ktrenmn of the nyntem will fall slowly except t|; r low er portion of flie main river which will rlxr *ligh|lyr to night. \ Nlage of about fert I* Indicated tor llnrrlnhurg Friday morning. Some Ghosts Don't Need Any Mediums to Come Back 4 1 , - a i ■* . i*. ■■ i GREET SPROUL AS CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENCY Governor After Day of Ora tory Guest of Honor at Penn Delegation Dinner AA u.shiiigtoii, Dec. 11 Governor Sproul's successful day, beginning with his notable American speech that aroused Republican men and women at the National Committee meeting, ended in a family reunion last night. As the guest at an in formal dinner given in his honor by the Republican delegation from Pennsylvania in the House, at the Hotel Raleigh, Mr. Sproul, fitter his triumphs as a planner of national policies and the mouthpiece of the thought of the Greatest Republican Stute in the Union, was just plain "Bill" Sproul to the delegation, sev eral of whom had served with him ir. the State Assembly. State's Choice While there was only quiet but earnest talk by the national leaders of the Governor as the Republican Presidential possibility there was no such retraint upon the Pennsylvania boys to-night. All of them whole heartedly acclaimed Mr. Sproul the State's choice for President and as sured him that they would be back home in time to help elect delegates favorable to his nomination. Occa sionally Mr. Sproul, one of the mod est group of politicians, blushed scar let at the complimentary things said [Continued on Page I".] City Gets $11.50 For Stall Rent in Old Market Square Market More than thirty years after the market houses in Market Square were razed $11.30 for stall rent, paid in 1888 by John Casey, was collected by the city. Casey paid the rent to the Com monwealth Trust Company for the city. Recently the bunking institu tion published a list of funds which, if not claimed, would be paid over to the State. The Item of $11.50 was included, and when Commissioner C. W. Burtnett saw it, he made in quiries and to-day collected the money from the bank and deposited it in the city treasury. Warmer Weather Is Forecast For Tonight Skating is not for Harrisburg in the immediate future, according to Weather Forecaster E. R. Demain. The temperature will not go as low to-night as it dropped to-day. The extreme to-night is not expect ed to be lower than 25, according to the forecast. Eighteen was reach ed early this morning. REMOVING POLKN Poles are disappearing rapidly In Harrisburg. To-day the line or poles stretching along Court street rrom l.oeust to Pine were removed. AVork will start soon south of Market street it was said to-day. TELEGRAPH FIRST WITH characteristic enter prise the Harrisburg Telegraph was first to give to the people of Harrisburg last evening news or the official ending of the coal strike. No other Harrisburg newspaper con tained this importa: t item. This news was forecast the night previous in a prematurely published telegram from Attor ney General Palmer, given to the Associated Press at Washington, and later recalled when it became evident that while the strike was practically over the miners were not yet ready to announce their decision. Yesterday when the news actually did break the Associated Press was the only ne' s gather ing organization to send the item over the wires in time for after noon editions, and as the Tele graph is the only afternoon Asso ciated Press newspapers in Har risburg the Telegraph alone pub lished the news. SHOPPERS ASKED TO CEASE BUYING AND SING SONGS Hall Hour Is Taken From Regular Business For Mu sical Exercises A new wrinkle in retail merchan dising methods developed at the S. S. Kresgr store this morning when the clerks took a half hour's va cation in the midst of store hours for a community sing. The cus tomers who came into the store at that time to do Christmas shopping were treated instead to a short mu sicale, and invited to participate in the program. The impromptu concert was a part of the activities of the Com munity Service Bureau of the Har risburg Chamber of Commerce, which is fostering community sings, [Continued on Page 7.] SANTA CLAUS IS ASKED TO STOP USE OF GOLD COINS Uncle Sum Needs Bullion to Bolster Foreign Credits So Pa per Money Will Be Used in Stockings Gold coins will play an unimport ant part as Christmas gifts this year, if the wishes of bank officials have any weight. New crisp bank notes are being urged by the same officials, partly as a sanitary measure, but primarily to discourage the use of gold. Requests for bright new gold coins are already been received by the hankers from persons who plan to place them in the Christmas stock- 3 SAVED FROM GOING OFF BRIDGE BY SMALL LEDGE Automobile Hangs Over Via duct When Caught by Flywheel Crashing against the railing on the Mulberry street bridge and snapping off the post and guard rails, a tour ing automobile was prevented from dashing over the edge with three passengers, only when the fly wheel caught on a slight elevation on the edge of the bridge. When brought to a standstill, the fore part of the automobile was hanging perilously over the edge, more than fifty feet from the ground below. The automobile is owned and was driven by W. E. Dougherty, of New Kingston. Hiding with him were two other men from New Kingston. Strikes Second Machine Moving toward the Allison Hill district of the city, the automobile struck the rear end of an automo bile owned by the Scandalis and Federick Motor Car Co., which had just come up the incline and was traveling toward Market street. The two partners were riding in the au tomobile. Dougherty lost control of his ma chine after the collision. Striking a second machine on his left side, the New Kingston man's automobile swerved to the left and headed straight for the side of the bridge, immediately opposite the incline. The concrete pole was snapped off and the heavy iron guard rails on both sides fell with it to the ground below. The automobile was slowed up by the impact and after the wheels had gone over the side, drop pod low enough for the rty wheel to catch on the two-inch ledge. This alone prevented the automobile from following the concrete posts and railing to the ground. The Dough erty automobile is badly damaged. POSTPONE IRISH QUESTION* lly Associated Press London. Dee. ll.—The Introduc tion of the Irish bill in the House of Commons was again postpone i'to day. ins. But the bankers arc doing all they can to discourage the requests, and break up this wide-spread cus tom of former years. While there Is no scarcity of gold, Uncle Sam wants to conserve the coin and use It In its primary purpose, that of security behind gold certifi cates or for foreign exchange pur poses. Besld js. they say, much hand ling of gold coin by the public leads to abrasion of the coin, with deteri oration in value. WORK ON BRIDGE WILL BE STARTED IN EARLY SPRING First Task Will Be to Lay Two 36-inch Water Mains PLANS ARE EXPLAINED City Officials Learn Details For Proposed War Memorial < Construction of the proposed Sol - i diers' nnd Sailors' Memoriul Bridge | in State street will not be started i before next spring, and the first | work whioli will likely be under ; taken will be the laying of the thirty j six-inch water mains to replace the I present thirty-inch ones in State , street. H. G. Perring. of J. 10. Greln jer and Company, consulting ongi j neers, made this statement at an in | formal meeting of City Council tills j morning. The Commissioners, City Solicitor John 10. Fox, Assistant E. Bruce Taylor and City Engineer M. B. Cowden met with Mr. Perring this morning to discuss what the city is to pay as its share of the cost of lay ing the new water pipe. William M. Uargest, Deputy Attorney Gen eral. was engaged in court all morn ing and could not attend the confer ence, so the meeting was adjourned until next Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Pipe Laying Costly The whole cost of laying the water pipe, according to the bid of the Central Construction Corpora tion, is $132,265.91. Because the city wants the State to use thirty six-inch pipe instead of thirty-inch pipe J. W. Ledoux, consulting engi neer of Philadelphia, who has been retained by the city from time to time, and who devised tlie city's present system of charging for water, thinks Harrisburg ought to pay about twenty-seven per cent, of the cost of laying the new mains. Mr. Ledoux once told the city that it would tost $145,000 to lay the water pipe, but bis estimate contain ed an item of $13,000 for engineer ing fees. If that amount were add ed to the contractor's bid it would make just a little more than $145,- 000. Members of Council said this morning that they probably will rci tain Mr. Ledoux to supervise the laying of the new water mains in so far as looking after the city's in terests are concerned. Mr. Perring told Solicitor Fox that the State will look after the payments to the contractor, that the city can reimburse the State later, and that it will be early enough for the city to pay its share in 1921. Therefore, Council will not have to bother with this project while fram ing the 1920 budget. The State's engineer also snid that the work on the water pipe won't be started before early spring, accord ing to the present outlook, and that the whole job cannot be completed in less time than four months. Crbrera Blames Press of U. S. For Strained Relations With Mexico Washington. Dec. It. Louis Ca brera, secretary of the treasury in Carrunza's cabinet, and said to be the moving spirit in the anti-American propaganda in Mexican official cir cles, puts the blame on the Ameri can press for the strained relations between his country and the United States, according to the Universal, of Docember 4, copies of which reach ed Washington to-day. Cabrera's hostility toward the United States, manifested during the A. B. C. conferences at Niagara Falls, New London and Atlantic City, is credited by many Mexicans and Americans alike for the failure of those conferences to accomplish any amicable results, and little in terest lias been showij in this coun try in the suggestion from Mexico City that a commission of news papermen, officials and businessmen attempt now to settle the United States-Mexican differences. Mayor Hears City Is Not Likely to Get More Food From Government According to information furnish ed Mayor Daniel L. lveister to-day ttiere will not be any more govern ment food offered for sale in liar risburg. A committee from this city visited Philadelphia Saturday to in spect supplies reported in storage at warehouses there. Inquiries were made at other government distribut ing depots. It was said on return of the com mittee to this city that there was nothing on hand. Food supplies havo been cleared out. Commits Suicide by Shooting Self in Head; Leaves Big Family William F. Ruder, aged 00, com mitted suicide last night at his home. ! 2120 Greenwood street, by shooting; himself in the head. He is survived [ by a wife and live ch'ldren. Author- I ities are unable to learn the cause J of the suicide, as Mr. Ruder, it is i suid, returned home lust evening from work and went upstuirs a few , minutes later. .Soon ufter the shot j was hoard and his body was found i in a bedroom. 1 SPKNDS HOUR IN ( OH) Washington. Dec. 11.—Despite a' below freezing temperature President Wilson spent an hour to-day on (lie south portico of lhe White House. He v us wi npped In the big fur coat he wore while uttendtng flic Peace Conference lust winter. There was s bright sun and comparatively lit-! tic wind. MINERS RETURN AS THEY HEAR OF COAL STRIKE'S END General Operation of Pits Is Pr For Tomorrow BOTH SIDES IN CONTROVERSY ARE HIGHLY SATISFIED By Associated Press Indianapolis, Dec. 11.—Gene, mines of the country which ha\ a result of the strike of miners morrow. Coal will he moving . in the opinion of operators here. Officials ol' the United Mine Work-' era of America last night sent tele grams to the 4,000 locals of the or ganization telling of the action of the miners' general committee here yesterday in accepting President Wilson's proposal and instructing the men to return to the mines im mediately. These were supplement ed to-day by circulars prepared by International officials of the union explaining in detail the action of the general committee yesterday, the basis on which the strike was settled and reiterating the instruc tions to resume work at once. Already Hcturning Reports reaching here this morn ing told of the return as early as last night of some of the miners in nearby fields and in other in stances of some of the men report ing tor work to-duy. It was pointed out, however, that in most case:, the telegrams directing an end of the strike were not received by lo cals until this morning, and that the locals in turn must notify their members before the majority will again enter the mines. The mine operators on their part promise to bend all their energies toward resumption of normal opera tions and promise that if the miners report promptly movement of coal from the mines will become general within a very few days. All Sides Satisfied All sides in the controversy just ended were highly sutislled to-day with the agreement reached by the general committee of the miners in their session here yesterday. The miners were especially pleased with the idea of the appointment of a commission composed of one miner, one operator and a third member not affiliated with either side to in vestigate wages und coul prices and fix both at figures which they deem reasonable. This commission, under the plan, will bo appointed by the President, the miners in the mean time to receive an advance of four teen per cent, in wages over the scale paid prior to the strike. One feature with which the miners are highly satisfied provides for settlement by the commission of international questions peculiar to each district. This, the coal workers believe, will go far toward eliminn [ tion of differentials in wages which [Continued on I'age 7.] No Immediate Relation in Enforcement of Rigid Consumption Restrictions Washington, Dec. 11.—There will be no immediate relaxation in the enforcement of the rigid restrictions on coal consumption, notwithstand ing the settlement of the soft coal strike. Fuel Administrator Garfield announced as soon as he had heard of the miners' agreement to accept President Wilson's proposal. Director General Hines, of the Itailroad Administration, through which the fuel regulations are en forced, formally stated that the dis location which the strike has creat ed in the production, transportation and distribution of coal cannot be instantly remedied and pending re adjustment "it is highly important for the public to continue to ex ercise great caution in the con sumption of coal and it is hoped there, will be a due appreciation of the difficulties which cannot be im mediately overcome." As soon as practicable, Mr. Hines added. regulations in connection with the use of bituminous coal for power, light and heat will be re scinded or modified. Under the terms of the President's proposal a commission of three will be appointed to investigate wages and working conditions in the bi tuminous fields and it was under stood the President was awaiting the return of Attorney General Pal mer from Indianapolis before mak ing the anouneement of the mem bers of the commission. Not a Union Mine in Pittsburgh District Resumes Operations tiy Associated Press ■ Pittsburgh. Pa., Dee. ll.—Mot a I union mine in the Pittsburgh district j resumed operations to-day as a result ,of the action taken by the United Mine Workers of America in Tndian ' spoils yesterday, but it was confident ly expected the men would be back to .work not later than Monday. | Txical headquarters of the Union .were without official Information that J the strike had been called oft and one of the office force volunteered cihe information that nothing could be done until this information had hern received. I Mine owners hud (heir properties ready for quick resumption as soon ns th" men reported and from other sources canic reports that, many mi ners were anxiously awailinng the .required order. ; At heat. It was said, the men could little before Monday. Friday is tion of bituminous coal • for nearly six weeks as r 31, is predicted for to ■>v the lirst of next week, WILSON VOICES APPRECIATION OF PATRIOTIC ACTION Hy Associated Press Washington, Dec. 11. Presi dent Wilson to-day telegraphed Acting President Lewis of the eoul miners' union his appreciation of the "patriotic action" taken by the miners' representatives yes terday at Indianapolis. The telegram follows: "May I not express to yon, and through you to the other officers of your organization my apprecia tion of the patriotic action which you took at Indianapolis to-day. Now we must all work together to see to it that a settlement just and fair to every one is reached without delay. (Signed) "Woodrow Wilson." generally looked upoh as a "bad luck" day. and so is the 13th of the month, which falls on Saturday. On neither of these days, the operators said would many men feel like re suming work after the suspension. e ft i t i I FOURTEEN ARE DEAD IN FLOODS * * t It > " * Atlanta. Floods resulting from heavy rains gen- • * erally were receding. throughout Mississippi. Alabama * | e * to-day, but Anxiety w;s felt as to the fate of * * * * hundreds of persons caught by the waters. Fourteen < known dead have been reported and property damage is * j. estimated to amount to several millions doll; * * < DISCUSSING VITAL QUESTIONS I I 4 • London—Andrew Bonar Law, the government leader J ' : answering several questions in the House of Commons * S 1 ■ * • i to-day hinted that" the Adnatic trouble was a subject oi . 4 ~ i 1 discussion between Premier Clemenceau, of France •. . • t Foreign Minister Scialoia, of Italy, and Premier Lloyd * ■ 4 t George as was also the Russian and Turkey situation; ■ T TELLING LOCALS OF STRIKE'S END J j •, Charleston, W. Va., District officials of the I J ! * : .ne Workers in West Virginia were busy early to ** • day, notifying the various locals of the e the co;i e " n ' , i miners strike and union leaders predicted reports for the • g " * y would show that many cf the men returned to work * * 4 , „ *• v o H G. O. P. PLANS FOR HARMONY J ' * Washington. Organization and co-ordination meth- A 4 , ids for the' coming campaign were d | , ** tional chairman, and other officials of the national or- * I * ganization participated in the consideration of measures * * •U to insure harmony among the various state organize f \ * tions, * I * WOULD CHECK IMMIGRATION • ■' ■ • Washington—A House resolution authorizing expendi- | H c i 'n S 4 tui eof an unused balance of the passport bureau's S6OO, ' * 000 fund to check immigration of radicals was passed by * ■ tat Senate. ' ! \ REPRISAL RAID MADE BY VILLA J * X Eagle Pass. —ln reprisal for the recent execution of * k ! • ■ General Felipe Angeles, 400 Villistas early Tuesday at- If ft tacked the town of Musquiz, looting the stores and seiz- % Jf * * ng c.eral prominent citizens for hostage, according * * X to information, received here to-day. * * i MARRIAGE LICENSES • • ± • IT • Wlddletowo, nod Kv„ M. KArr, # , MfHMMII 111 IM t Ml M fHHHo CAPITULATE ON SHIP SINKINGS INSCAPAFLOW ] German Itcply to Note De j mantling Signing of Proto col Is Received | NOW BEING TRANSLATED Propose to Discuss the Other Points, According to Paris Newspaper By Associated Press Paris, Dec. 11. —The German re ply to the Supreme Council's note demanding the signing of the peace protocol has been received In I'aris and this afternoon was undergoing translation by the German delega tion, according to the Intransigeant. The newspaper declares that tlve reply is substantially a capitulation on the Scapa Plow question and a proposal to discuss other points. High Cost of Liquor Closes Bunkhouse | By Associated Press j tlorrlnionn, N. J., Dec. 11. —Largely | on account of the high cost of liquor I followed by prohibition the bunk j house for prisoners at the county farm will be closed January 1. An ! n'Uiicement to that effect was made j this morning by Sheriff Edwin W. )Otr. At present there are four men [there with a day and night keeper to | look alter them, costing for salaries about $l5O a month. The prisoners I do their own cooking and care for the house, but there are so few on ' hand that little can be done on the | farm. Miner Crushed to Death in Deepest Lykens Mine lj.vkcns. Pa., Dec. 11.—John M. 1 Williams, of Wiconisco, was killed in ! the mines yesterday in No. 8 slope, the deepest place In the coal mines of Lykens. He was crushed by a fall of rock. Williams was 40 years old, a son of Matthew Williams. He leaves a wife and two daughters, Millie and Beatrice Williams.