14 IHARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AjKEWS PAPER FOR THE UQME Founded 18SI 'Published evenings except Sunday by THE TEI,EGItAf*II PRINTING CO. |TflfHph Building, Federal Sqinre E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief s*. R. OYSTER, Business Manager GUS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor Jl. R. MICHEXER, Circulation Manager Executive Board 'J.IP. McCULLOUGU. " BOYD M. OGLES BY, P. It. OYSTER, GL'& M. STEINMETZ. " Members of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en „, titled to the use for republication . of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the locai news pub lished herein. *" All rights of republication of special * dispatches herein are also reserved. •> —————— A Member American In Newspaper Pub " IbiHb —— as Eastern office I justs trn >Mi M Story, Brooks & PS&SitaSra Kin ley. Fifth 'jSSLg B&B S Avenue Building. tV,-stern office! ~ Chicago, Ilk E Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class mailer. By carrier, ten cents a <"*{• ° week: by mail. $3.00 a year in advance. WEDNESDAY DEC. 111. 1919 - / .4n aim in life is the only fortune worth the fouling: unit it is not to !>c found I'M foreign Innds. hut in 'hi heart itself. —-Koui ui J.oris STEV ENSON. . DAYLIGHT SAYING MAYOR KEIBTEIT has done it popular thing in presenting a daylight-saving ordinance in City Council. There are. in the office of this newspaper petitions i ~, containing the names of thousands , y upon thousands of Harrisburg men ind women who want the extra hour : of daylight during the warm months. It would appear that ninety-nine ' per cent, of the population, at least, is in favor of daylight-saving for the city and surrounding towns. Wherever a blank petition has been presented it has been tilled almost as quitkly as the names could be signed. The fact that New York, Phiia- j . delphia and other large cities have adopted similar ordinances gives rise to the belief that in one form or another Harrisburg will be able . to "save daylight" as usual next 'summer, which, to use a time-worn - phrase, is a "consummation devout ly to be wished." And now wo begin to appreciate our liver coal more than ever. THE TOY MISSION HAVE you ever wished you could be a Santa Glaus to the little folks the good old saint is apt to miss on his yearly rounds? Wouldn't you like to put tt big pack of toys on your back and go down into the highways and byways of the city, stopping at the doors of the little houses where the gaunt shadow of want hangs over the thresholds and ( where joy is a stranger? Wouldn't It be a fine way of spend ing Christmas eve. by scattering your bounty far and wide in the homes of little folks where the treasures of childhood are few and the toys they have are crude, hand-made things conjured front the brooding imagi nation of boys and girls yearning for those things that are so plenti ful in more prosperous households? Well, the Red Cross is willing to do that thing for you. Tea. anxious to do it, but you must do your share in filling the pack the Red Cross Santa will carry into the homes of the needy on Christmas Eve. If you have whole, second-hand or new toys take them to the Red Cross Toy Mission. If jon have none, send your check or a bill to Miss Margaret Ringland, cure of the Red Cross. Harrisburg, for more than toys will be needed. All man ner of cheer, coal. foul, clothing, will be necessary if Christmas is to be made a real holiday in the homes of many little people who arc look ing forward with faith unshaken to the visit towu'd extravagance and. luxury, resulted in an increase in consumption of gold in the arts from $15,000,000 before the war to 000.000 in 1910. In other words. Instead of a surplus of gold lo the; amount of $45.000.rtn0, as iu 1914. ■ we have a deficit of STu.UOo,OOO in' 1919. That is to say, in 1919 the arts used $10,000,000 more gold than the country produced in that year. I Most of it. of course, went itiio, jewelry. i That does not mean, however, that' there is less total gold in the country ! available for monetary uses. During the early years of the war. before the United States became a partici-; pant, we were shipping war supplies to the belligerents and getting much ' gold in return. A large part of our; exports of supplies was covered by credits, but shipments of gold to this ■ country gave lis a net increase •if over a billion dollars in tl.at nit la! before tlie United States entered the |conflict. Since our entry into the war we have been buying heavily abroad and have been reducing ou" net bulunce of gold unt'i now it amounts to about $800,000,000 and is steadily and rapidly falling. As a means of increasing domestic production of sold and making a larger proportion available for mone tary usrs. the American Mining Con gress recently suggested a novel plan of taxat on upon commercial ties .and tt bonus for the producer. The ischeme contemplates a tax of $lO per ounce upon all gold used :o • i manufacturing purposes, this tax to go into a fund to lie paid at the liate of $lO per ounce to the pro iducer of new gold. This would mean an increase of approximately 50 per cent, in the cost of goltl going into Jewelry, etc., and ! would gibe the gold miner an in crease of about 50 per cent, in the value of h's output. The Muting Congress justifies its scheme upon the ground that since its use hi money lixes lite price of gold, the gold miner was not able to increase Hie value of his output along Willi the increases in value of other prod ucts nor in proportion to the Increase in his cost of production. His cost [of production went up more than 50 1 per cent., hut he sold his gold for practically the same old price. The plan of the American Mining ■Congress will probably be submitted Ito the United States Congress by some Senator or Congressman from a gold-mining stale, but it will be [opposed by the Jewelry interests. BUSINESSLIKE BODY THE Constitutional Convention, which held its first session here yesterday, gives every indica tion of being a businesslike body. It wasted no time in lonrr-winded oru tory, buf got down to solid work in less than an hour after it met. It has divided its work along lines that will make for both speed and prog ress. Systematic procedure and prompt decision marked every move. ' The Commissioners show evidence of having given careful thought to ; their duties before they arrived here, I with the result thai they lost no i time in unnecessary preliminaries. ""Po&ttco Ik By the Ex-Committeeman Governor William C. Sproul's ap pearance before the HepuliHcun Na tional Committee at Washington to day will put Pennsylvania on the political map as far as the .Republi cans go than at any time in twenty years. The Pennsylvania Governor is attracting much attention at the National Capital and is mentioned in most of the newspaper articles on the meeting of the committee. The fact that ho did not go to Washing ton days in advance of the assem bling of the committee and circulate among the members lias been favor ably commented upon. in opinion of sonic of the older political observers. Hie Pennsyl vunian occupies a bigger place us a possibility than some of the men who have been in the limelight for months and as a receptive candidate he stands right at the top. In fact, lie is regarded as in a more lu\ar able position in the Republican party than A. Mitchell Palmer is in the Democratic ranks, because Palmer has lots of enemies and has to light in is own State, while Sprout has many admirers all over the country who wish hi in well and are frankly lavoruble io him after their favorite sons, and Tie can lie assured of a solid home State delegation, if lie says the word. It will be very interesting to note the effect of his appearance and the comments. The Washington corre spondents of the Philadelphia Press and Evening Lodger say that Sproul is much in the talk and that he is a tigure in the meetings. \\ hile a great deal is being writ ten and said about the possibility of the Constitutional Revision Commis sion ultimately deciding upon a con stitutional convention as the best way to got a now organic law. State officials say frankly that tliey do not know what will come out of the de liberations and many of them are against a convention, holding that when the Commission gets through with its work the number of vital amendments that it will suggest will not be too great to embody in a series of amendments to go to a ref erent! um. A constitutional convention would not lie popular with leaders of either of the big political parties. 1 hey believe that the Commission can do its work in the form of amendments and this view is taken by a number of pi opie at the Capitol. However. the Commission has a.utlioritj to recommend a general revision and its course, which no one can foretell now, is contingent upon the number of amendments thai it deems essential. The drift of sentiment, say some of the Phila delphia newspapers, is toward a con stitutional convention, but most of the people would rather avoid tun ing in mind what happened in New- York state where u million dollars was spent on a constitution thai was rejected by the people, i>n the other band, t xpcrieiice in various western states has been that when many amendments are presented voters will not lake, the trouble to CXpt'e.-e their desires on ell of tlient.. This has be< n true, in a more limited sense, in this Slate ill the last dozen yea ra. Relief of men connected with the Commission is that it will be in session a long timi. The open dis cussions nf proposed changes in tile constitution will start in January and in March the hearings will be. gin. The commissioners want to let everyone be heart) antl it" lite sug gestions for new constitutions', amendments and conventions that have poured in on the Legislature in the last ten years ate anything to go by then will be plenty of folks wan fa ins to be heard. A couple of nit who have thoughtfully prepared whole new constitutions have been heard of. Recommendations that will ma terially affect legislation and the State's printing, as well us forbid any person elected to the Legislature to hold a place of profit under the State during his teim.were virtually agreed upon l>y the committee on the Legis lature and the executive. Tn's com mittee will later on draft a very deiinite amendment which would prevent the appointment during a legislative recess of any man whose appointment by the Governor failed of con lit mation by the Senate. The committee approved the bill of tights and a large number of tile sec tions relative to lite General Assem bly and the Governor, indicating that there will not be many changes along that line. —The prohibition of any legisla tor holding an office of profit will be made \er.v explicit. in recent years a number of legislators have held places on the State pay roll, not by appointment by the Governor, but as employes of departments. This change would end any possibility of it in tears to conic. —ln regard to appropriation bills, the committee favors authority for such grants to be made in one Gill instead of several hundred and in legislative practice it will recommend doing away with the requirement that bills lie reatl at length three times on three days, which is not done anyway, although a provision that it be done on demand of mem bers was discussed. The Governor would also be empowered to include legislative subjects in a message to a special session as Well as in the call. --Philadelphia newspapers appear to think that James T. Cortelyou will be chosen as the director of safety in lite .Moore cabinet. —Charles 11. Rowland, former Congressman from the Clearliehl district, is being mentioned as a pos sible < andidntc for Congress at large. —The Philadelphia Inquirer says that Walter T. Merrick, of Tioga, may be a candidate for t'ongress in the Wllliamsport district. In re gard to Congressman -at - large, George J. Breunun writes: "Con gressman Crugo, who lias a line war record, seems to stand a good chance of being renominated, and friends of Editor Walters, of the Johnstown Tribune, who was originally elected as a progres.-ivc, expect him to pull through again. Col. il. W. Shoe maker, of Altoonu, editor and his torian; former Congressman Charles H. Rowland, of Phillipsburg: for mer State Senator Prank P. Croft, of Montgomery, antl former t'ou gressman-at-large Joseph McLaugh lin and former Coroner John W. Pord, of Philadelphia, are among others mentioned for nomination fur Congressmun-al-large." ftARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ►- I WONDER WHAT THE TWO BROTHERS THINK ABOOVT ..... .... .... By BRIGGS * Trade " I wonder mark-"GooO TRaoe- "i ll pretend paark-" i know WHAT DAARK vs TRADE. WELL You I DON'T HEAR. WHAT'S Th£ jinking about don t have to He made a lot matter with he stares at' Speak to me if of dough- why o' m * Hes >SoRt me constantly Vou don't vnamt Should he WORRY Because i have. MaYSE he is To WHEN ARE ME ALL MY LIFE LONGt-R WHISKERS Thinking ABOUT You GOING TC ABOUT THAT WELL I CAM T THAT TEN SPOT., SLIP ME That Ten Dollars 7 Blame. _h im for I Borrowed op him ten spot ?" being envious TFJ.ADE • DO-N T SET- - " WHY MARK LET THEM GROW) MUCH MARK WOULD GO H6 S A^BROTHER His WHISKERS LONGER BUT, IT TO A BARBer PS^DDCTTV GROW SO LONJG. WOULD ONLY AG- AND GET THAT A PRETTY CRAVATS BROTHSR. BUSH OP-HtS ?S BEciU?e Besides they trimmed i d a prop together:' HE SN T SO GOOD WOULDN'T SHOUJ COUGH UP THAT SI AM ONJ "THE. BOX "TBM BUCKS ' I£ 6 1 ('.arpenlier-licckell [From the New York Herald.] King history was made in tlie | last night when, in the presence of | our tellow New Yorker the Prince 01 Wales, the nobility and gentry jol Great Britain, the spirting men jof London and a representative | group of Americans, Georges t'ar pe 11 tier- a French soldier, lately |with the colors—won the hont'y | weight championship of Europe by i knocking out the champion of Kng j land in the lirst round. Britannia shrieked as Joe Beck | etl fell and was counted out. There was a time when persons jof the English speaking race ! though—bless their simple hearts— I that whereas a Frenchman might I be superb with a dueling sword or (pistol in his burnt, wheh it came to : the manly art of John L. Sullivan •and Bob Fitzsim molis lie simply I was not in it. At any rate, every I schoolboy knew that a son of France could not do anything unless, in I rough and tumble fashion, he was j allowed to use his feet as well as his ! lists. Thus are delusions destroyed! | our greatest men. from Lord I Byron, with his limp, to Theodore •Koosevelt. loved the excitement of jtite roped arena. In literature writ-' .ten in English alone has boxing been gloritied. George Meredith, no less, | gave ihe finest description of a bare ! fist tight in the open air in one of his novels. George Borrow, author .of "The Bible In Spain," was j responsible for an account of a road- : 'side set-fo. ■ without intermissions,; ' that would stir the hlooil of an an j elioi ile, while in "Torn Brown At • Rugby," is the classical battle of the; (school playground. j But the glory Is departed, and an i I exclusive Anglo-Saxon, American < land Irish occupation has become' jthnt of Gaul as well. ! Mr. Dempsey, holder of the world's' : championship, now has come to re-! j fleet on the benetit that may be de-' • rived by a professional pugilist from! 'active service at the battlefront. Vive C'arpentler! ; Order Down Political Signs ! 1 (From the American Motorist.] i i Political advertisements must dis-| (appear from the slate highways of; j New York and Pennsylvania. Can- ; ' didates for office there have been ill' the habit of posting the highways ' wiih political advertisements. The 1 ; state highway commissioners of i 'those two States have recently is-; (sued instructions to division - ongi- j neers and road superintendents to re- • • move all such signs from the state: ! highways. 1 In his letter to division engineers, I the State Highway Commissioner of 1 New York says: "I have noticed that political I posters have recently appeared ( 00 telcgrenh poles and t > ees within the right of way of State highways. As no eandidate could i wish to t.eg'n bis appeal to voters j by a violation of the law. 1 feel that these posters have been ' plaeed through ignorance of the 1 statute prohibiting the display ' of advertising signs along liigli , ways. You will immediately have all uch poster- rent-veil nd • notify the candidate by letter I that he has mc.de an improper use id highways. As previously instructed you will remove all ! v'-ps except those of county ' fni'-s and ehnutnqup from the ! tights of way along State roads." ! Even where the laws do not speci fically provide against advertising I si::i s on the highways, the county road authorities, who have jurisdic tion over local roads, can in most ! cases order such signs removed. 1 The only signs which should be pi llowed on the rights of way of public i roads are those which should inform jthe traveler of direction or distance or warn h'm of danger to himself or j others. Ilrolf's Thrall, His Song j There lie five things to a man's de sii e: Kine flesh, roof tree. It is own lire; ' (.'lean em) of sweet wine from goat's hide. i And through dark night one to lie beside. ■ ! Four things poor and homely be: J lleurth fire, white cheese, own roof tree. j True mead slow brewed with brown mult: j But a good woman is savor and salt. Plow. above deep through gray loam: Hack, sword, buck for straw-thatch home; Guard, buckler, guard both tieast and human — God. semi true man Ills true woman: —Willanl-.Wct ie in Jessie 11. Ku tonhouso's "Book of Modern Verse." (Houghton Mifflin Co.) ALL IN THE CLUTCHES OF "THE JUMPS" I From Everybody's Magazine] WE AUK in the clutches of an I epidemic, "the Jumps." See how plain folk come' together of an evening anil spend it; harassing one another to exhaustion I over the high cost of living. See 1 how the conventional "laboring map" | hustles down to his shop to get an other raise from the boss; how the! boss hustles down to the accounting department to see how much he has got to put up prices to meet the 1 raise. Then that lap of the circle huv- J ing been completed 011 Tuesduy, all concerned, of course, have to start off around a slightly elevated, but otherwise identical', circle on Weil nes'duy. High or low, no one is spared by this dread epidemic. Sir George Paish, best known of English -finan cial experts, succumbs, predicting a collapse of world credit as not only possible but imminent, and Mr. Wil son is likewise overcome, announcing his willingness to die for the sake of securing his League of Nations. Well, lets' forget it all for a mo ment anyway, and ponder this little, sermon from an estepmed contem porary in the advertising world, Batten's Wedge: "There has been a war. The ef- , fort put forth by our people has been greater than any single word can describe. "The country has borrowed sev-' eral times as much money as there! is in the country. There is not an office, shop, factory or store that has not been pulled and hauled about. 1 Men have gone from their desks and other men have taken their places, i The personnel of customers has. changed. Old standards are shot to 1 pieces. Prices have gone every-! where. Costs, policies, methods, have been changed and rechangcd, j and with all this we have bravely! kept up a pretense that nothing! much has really happened. Getting Quick Action Not so many years ago a Ha waiian house conceived the idea of canning pineapples on the plan tation and of sending the fruits in that shape into this market. But people here were in the habit of buying pineapples whole and raw, when they wanted them at all; and so vast quantities of'the can ned goods were glutting the store houses .with no takers. In desper ation the canners began an extensive advertising campaign. They not only moved the stock in the store houses, but. created a great demand for pineapple in cans, which has grown steadily ever since. Perhaps the government -Jtnows something about the advertising that started the rush in Allentown re cently for grape fruit jam, which was the only preserve among the army stores offered there that wasn't selling well. Somebody— we wonder who?—spread the story that the stuff was easily convert ible into excellent wine. Presto! It's all gone. Everybody reads the newspapers, and through their advertising col umns can be marketed quickly any commodity that has enough merit to satisfy public demand. Armistice Dai) Visions During fhut brief but solemn "Memory- Moment" of Armistice Day, what visions must have conic to those youths of all lands, safely returned from "over there!" Visions of sorrow and suffering, of silence and desolation, of painful waiting and of struggles to the death! Here is what came to one former British soldier, as he related it to the Man chester Guardian: "For two brief minutes I saw again the distorted horizon of North ern France, and the last resting place of so many of my gallant com rades. One by one the dearest of them were visualized during those brief two minutes. It was a som ber and suered moment." Too Much to Hope For [From the Kansas City Times.] If Congress wants to regain its popularity it need only pass a bill giving housewives mandates for their cooks. Light Reading (From the Dallas News. | our. idea of light reading matter is what a mind reader read*. ( "But we are nervous. We are j still worked up. The national pulse 'is higher. A scientist has said that the very secretions of our bodies are ; different, when we are at war. I "For four years the music we j have heard has been war music. The j talk we have heard has been war . talk. The. news wo have read has , been battle news. "Go to the library anil get a news paper or a magazine of litis anil 1 try to read it and you can't. Its I tempo is too slow. ; "A manufacturer oversold a few months ago is piling stock to-day. Another who could not produce dur ing the fighting days finds the bars down 011 raw materials, and he is j running his factory night and day. "Is it any wonder people tire Jumpy and irritable? Since the day last November when the armistice ; was signed, it is safe to say that ; more petulant letters have been i written, more impatient telegrams tiled than in the entire decade front 1904 to 1914. Names for men anil things are stronger and harsher. We have grown accustomed to calling .men slackers, pro-Germans, Bolshe vists. profiteers. A cold in the head ;is "influenza." A sneeze is a crime. "There are such things as wounds that do not bleed, scars that do.not show. There are cases of fever in the trenches of business, and shell , shock where no real shells have burst. ! "Let us try to calm our own nerves us much as we can and remember that the nerves of the other fellow 1 have been against the emery wheel. : Let's get back into the amiable habit !of tearing up the impulsive letter ■ and rewriting the brusque telegram. I Let's call things by gentler names. "A little less haste in our decision, , a little less of the court-martial in j our judgments, a little less do-or- I die, a little more do-and-live. The j world has been made a safe place to I live in. Let's act as if we felt safe." I A Mountain Colleen | [Paul Henry in the Irish Edition of the Eondon Times.] From the summit of one of C'on i nemara's mountains the eye travels : over the peerless country of west Ireland, dotted with innumerable j little loughs beloved of the lisher , men, over (he gracious lines of her 'cloud dappled hills,-and the valleys j where the purple shadows linger; j over the scattered "clachans"—little 1 handfuls of whitewashed toy houses ! —tucked away in the sheltered folds | of the hills, to tM coastline, bitten into with sandy bays guarded by is , lets of porphyry pet -in tin opal and azure sea. Hut of the sou'west a i wisp of mist —a gray veil trailing I from a gray cloud floating in the ! blue—passes over the hills. Where ! it catches on a. height it breaks in j showers on the toy houses, and I passes on. leaving the wet, sparkling ! eyes of the cottages, laughing back | to the sun. | At a turn of n lonely road among jthe mountains—fur from village or i house—a woman comes down a j rough track from the higher hills. Urpsscd in geranium-red hpmespun and with an orange headshawl —the turbulence of 'her color flaming 1 against the encircling mountains— | her bare feet are iirmly planted as she walks among the stones. She hangs on her foot for a second as I she returns your salute. A wild grace is in the carriage of her head. The beautiful softness of her voice, ; soft as the rains of her native hills, , wraps you round like a caress. Her ; gray eyes, soft and kindly, hold yet la smoldering fire, the brooding mys | tery of her race is round her like an I aura. .She passes by, coming from j the mountain solitudes and going ap parently into them again, a rare, aloof, dignilied figure. The Lord Gives Moses the Law And the laird said tmtp Moses, t'onte up to me into the mount, and be there; and I .will Rive thee tables of stone, and a law, and command ments which J. have written; that thou mayest teach them. And Moses went up into the mount. And the Rlory of the f.ord abode upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days; and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud*. And Moses went into tle midst of the cloud, and Rat him up into the mount: anil Mosos was In the'mount forty days and .forty nißhts,— Exodus xxiv, 12 to 18. DECEMBER 10. 1910 The Bugle's Dream ; There were tented men on the bivouac line, And tented men on flie cross-sown plain, 1 But that seems ages ago, and to night • The stars of peace in a blue sky 1 shine, I And the world goes on with its work j again! • in the little closet his bugle lies, That called so often the men to light. And it dreams —if bugles have dreaming eyes— "Of warm iips touching its lips once | more j In those Christmas days of the awful I* war. It sees him then in the vision rise, A hero, knowing nor doubt nor fear, Over the top 'mid the motley cries Of the bursting bombs and the shell fire near; Over the top, and afar in the snow A little home 'neutb tho Christmas stars. And his heart so lonesome and hungry to know— And dealt so strict with its jolts and jars - lie shall be numbered 'neatli crosses, too. And only the bugle in dreams behold The lad so ruddy and strong and true, With lion heart serving as straight as gold. in Flanders fields, in the poppled hind In the potted plains where the shells were worst, It is Christmas time where the crosses stand. And Christmas time where tl.e star fires burst— But the bugle there in its closet sees Its loved one come, and it only l'eels llis lips on its own, while the melo dies Awake once more where the drennt ist steals. And the heart of the bugle is glad, so glad. That lie cotnes again, its gallant lad. That lie takes it up, and for reveille. Blows "Holy Niglit" in the old, sweet way! —F. McIC, in the Baltimore Sun. The Wicked Monsoon [From the Springfield Republican.] Australia has evidently suffered a great disaster in what is called the most devastating drouth in the history of the country. Destruc tion seems to have been greatest in the northwestern part of New South Wales, presumably the re gion beyond the Darling river. This region depends for its meager enough water supply upon those curious seasonal winds called the monsoons, which are set up by tiie difference in the temperatures be twen the ocean and the vast table land of Asia which the Himalayas hound. Normally the monsoons im pinge upon the northwest, coast bringing moist air which tills tlie sources of tlie Darling. Rut the monsoons are subject to consider able fluctuations, which skippers in the days of sail power used to study Carefully, and the occasion al drouths, worse than those of what used to be called "the great American desert," which afflict re gions usually habitable, are prob ably to he ascribed to abnormal weather conditions many months'be fore ahd thousands of miles away. Coming on top of the burdens due to the war this new disaster will cause much distress. So Sunday Gasoline l Prom the Washington Star.] Washington motorists have been warned lo avoid Baltimore on Sun day if their gasoline tanks are not full. The ancient blue laws of Mary land have been applied to the salo of gasoline there, and service sta tions in Baltimore are thereby pro hibited from selling or delivering gasoline on Sunday. The chief of po lice, who issued the order, stated that cars may be operated on Sunday, whether privately owned or owned by taxicab companies, providing they have gasoline. The law as ap plied in Baltimore is not yOt of state-wide application. Elusive Where is the profiteer'.' Not here. I've looked around. He can't be found, That's clear. He's always somewhere else It's queer. ' He's over there, He's anywhcie Hut here. —Louisville Courier-Journal. lEupittng QUjat The poor children of Harrlsburs will be well rated for during t!i<: i coming holiday season. In the llrst Place the Rotury <'lub will give its I annual Big lb-other dinner during | < bristmas week. Mori- than -HP .children will be entertained i-1 i hestnut street hull. Mho large attdi toiiuiu of which has been engaged !° r A"° P v, ;t- A commlltee headed ,I>> 1 rank Duvenport. the restuurant ' '\ aVe charge of the aiTutr, I with the dinner arranged by s. S . Rutherford, another expert in tl ! food line. J. William Bowman will ihe chairman of the presents com-i i 0.l He 'man of the hull" ommittee. \. Grant Porter of the tabic committee, Rudolph K. Spire- I muster of ceremonies, l-'lovd I 100. kins head of the entertainment com . mittee, Arthur 11. Holnutn of the i decorations committee, John S , M.tsser of the funds committee.' ! ? 8s - I-ongttker of the list com mittee. with nearly every member or the club acting in some caia- I c 'V,- I Hoturians and their wives I Mil serve the dinner and a Christ mas program will t„. rendered. j< tippled children will he taken t ; , i'!u 1 '"! 1 ! tlle llal ' I" automobiles j lho children will be admitted l,v tnket and by ticket only. the mittee so arranging in order that , Places Which should go to ,-eallv needy persons may not be taken Iw p.vs and girls whose parenls are able to care for them. Another dinner—or rather three ?[, * hen ' J V|ll be served through the lomt efforts of the Rotary Club, ■bo hnmbor of Commerce, the Ki wanisClub. the Motor Club „mi „„.l to h ,°ir, tW ° ° ,h, r to tlu- little inmates or the ('hihlrep's Industrial Home, the Sylvan Heights < rpbnnage and the |> ; ,y N „ rs ;. v • lenibeis or the organizations and , tin ir wives will visit the IMIIIIPH AT 1. noon the day before Christinas | here real old-fashion hrist.nas feasts will lie served with all Ilia tilmming* and where Mrs. Lan of •he Chamber of Commerce, will ar j ran Re for Christmas programs dci- Ing the serving of the meal. Alter • that the hoys and girls will he taken •I" the Majestic theater, where a special Christmas show will lie ar ranged for (hem and after the per. torniance there will he a Christmas tree oil the stage with a distrilm . Hon of presents for everybody 'ih jyes. and there will be lee cream'! j too. and a package of eandv, after | which the little ones will he hm j 11 el home in style in big motor ears [waiting for them. It's going to he : some party. Warren Jackson, of ■ the Chain her of Commerce, who is i chairman and treasurer of the com | mil toe says. An effort will he made |lo make 11, is a permanent feature I of the holiday season in Ilarrisblirg. The third Christmas celebration especially designed for poor liitle folks will be conducted by the Hod Cross, the Toy M'ssion of which will not alone routine itself to the giving of toys bill will endeavor to bring Christmas cheer and comfort to every little hoy and girl in the city, and to older folks as well. Al ready there has been a generous response, but money In particular is now HIP need. "Oh. if you could only know what we workers know of tl.e situation in I incision a." sail Miss Margaret Hingland. of the Bel Toss, to whom money or toys may be sent, "you would give up some thing for yourself or your own loved ones, who will have plenty anyway, in order to bring Christmas to the hundreds of folks who have not the means to observe the holiday." Ono or the problems which men connected with the State Depart - iiiont of Agriculture lire studying ami which tlio State Chamber of Commerce plans to help handle is that tlio total acreage () f cultivated land in Pennsylvania is loss than an acre per person. It is estimated that the population of tlio Keystone State is now between 5,000,000 and 9,000,- 000 persons and constantly increas ing. The total land on farms has been estimated at about 1 .',000.000 by some people, but there is a consider able area in woodlands, as many farmers are careful to keep some trees and especially to have them in vicinity of springs and water supply. Pennsylvania, according to Governor William < Sproul, is more self sup porting than some of t lie other States that make more fuss about what they produce and it is liis aim to increase the cultivated area. Ten million acres under cultivation will likely be the goal. Attorney General William 1. Scliaf fer, in his scholarly address at. the opening of the sessions of tlio Con stitutional Revision Commission, re ferred to the interesting fact that Theodore Cuyler, father of T. De- Witt Cuyler, one of the members of the CommissioQ, had been an hon ored member of the Constitutional convention of 1879. The elder Cuy ler was as prominent in tiis day at. the bar of Philadelphia as is his sou to-day. The convention of 187.!, which held a few sessions in llarrishurg, had as its member from Dauphin county the late Hamilton Alricks, of this eily. Mr. Alricks was for many years one of the prominent attor neys of Central Pennsylvania and was one of the Democratic members of the body. | WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —A. E. Slsson, former auditor BOU eral, was among the visitors to the j city yesterday and remarked that l the next census was going to show Erie to be some miles ahead of Har risburg in population. —Thomas W. Templeton, superin tendent of public grounds and build ings, used to be in Congress, but says that he likes Harrisburg real well. —W. S. Ellis, the traveler, is mak ing some addresses on Asiatic mat- < tors that are attracting some criti cism in Philadelphia. —Chester W. Sutherland, prom inent in affairs of Washington county, was among visitors to Harrisburg yesterday. —William Conner, register of wills of Allegheny county, used to be a member of the Legislature. * | DO YOU KNOW —That Harrisburg pretzels arc shipped into half it dozen counties? HISTORIC HARRlsntitd. —This city had an artillery com pany back in the thirties. Letters There are letters of accent and let ters of tone, Hut the best of all letters Is to Ict'er alone.