Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 06, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Special Program Arranged
For Presentation During
Week; Visitors Here
Grace Methodist Episcopal
Church will be tip.- scene this week
of the re-opening and dedication
services, held In connection with the
improvements and the gift of the
magnificent organ and bronze mem
orial tablet to the chur?h, by William
P. Starkey, trustee oMJrace Church,
and prominent Harrisburg business
The first of these services will be
held Sunday morning, December 7,
at 10.30 o'clock, with the following
program; Prelude in E Major,
Verdi; processional hymn. No. 32;
The Apostles' Creed; prayer, the
Rev. George Preston Mains, D. D.,
L.L. D.; anthem; "Prepare Ye the
Way of the Lord," Garrett, chorus;
responsive reading,
day. Psalter, page 71; Gloria Patri;
scripture lesson; offertory:
op. 94, Guilmant; anthem: "Draw
Me to Thee," quartet," Nevin; hymn
No. 661; sermon, Bishop Joseph F.
Berry, D.D.", L. L. D.; prayerffl: bene
diction; recessional hymn, No. 210;
postlude, "Festal March," Calkin.
This morning service will inaugu
rate not only the use of the new
organ, but also the first appearance
of the new vested choir, under the
leadership of Bernard R. Mausert,
organist and choir master of Grace
Church, with a formal processional
and recessional.
Immediately after church, the
Sunday school will hold its An
nual Rally Day Service, following
an intensive canvass of all the mem
bers of the church during the Past
week. It is anticipated that the
program will not only be extraor
dinarily fine, with Bishop Berry
making the principal address, but
that the attendance at this Rally
Day service will break all previous
records. ,
In the evening at 7.30 o clock.
Bishop Joseph F. Berry will preach
the sermon, and Dr. George Edward
Reed, S.T.D., L.L. D., will offer the j
prayer, with the chorus choir sing
ing the anthem, "O Lord, Our Lord,
How Excellent Is Thy Name, by
Rogers, and the quartet, consisting
of Mrs. Arthur H. Hull, soprano;
Mrs. Carl Cross, Wm.
Rav Chapman, tenor; William
Bover, baritone; will sing the an
them, "The Shadows of the Evening
Hours." by Nichol, and the organist
will plav Prelude in F Major, by
Lefebure-Wely, and the Postlmle,
"Grand Choeur," Op. 68, by Salome.
On Monday evening at 8 o clock,
Mr. William P. Starkey will present
the organ to tfie church, which will
be accepted by Harry C. Ross, presi
dent of the board of trustees, and
also the memorial tablet, which will
be unveiled by Samuel Starkey,
■vnunirest son of the donor. The
Service Flag will also be demobilized
at this special service by a squad
of Grace Church service men com
n[anded by Major L. V. Rausch, and
the guest of honor and speaker of
the evening will be Hon. Josephus
Daniels. Secretary of the Navy, and
prominent Methodi -
Tj fl rrv C Ross, president ot tne
board of trustees of Grace Chdrch.
will preside at this meeting, and
Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of the
church, will introduce Secretary
Da On Wednesday evening thermal
h a special service of Congrega
t! °Tliursday^even'ingl 6° o'clock
as social
T nion which will be the most lm-
E'c>Sc°r a rag
pickets at one dollar and l i w ®„
rents a piece are on sale and ma>
be obtained from E. Fred a
O. Shaffner. Charles W. 8011, ana
Wm. Ray Chapman, nnd
limited number can be taken care
ofT reservations will not be made
aft T e iie M o°r n ga.r WU
conceimed,' but* win*be far^enough
"race 1 -uK^
okeir under the leadership of
Bernard R. Mausert, will be able to
render a concert program. A de
nite date for the organ recital can
not be announced at this time, but
iust as soon as Mr. Frank Steere,
expert voicer of the Austin < cgan
Company of Hartford, Connecticut
pronounces the organ complete in
every detail, the announcement of
the date of this much looked for
ward to recital will be announced.
Sunday, December 4, will close
up the big week with R' ish °P
William F. McDowell, preaching at
the morning service, and dedicating
the organ at the afternoon service,
which will be held at 3.30 o'clock
and Dr. Edgar R. Heckman, district
superintendent of the Harrisburg
district, preaching at the evening
service There will be special fea
tures the week of the fifteenth,
which will be announced at a later
' A cordial invitation is extended
to anv who desire to attend these
meetings, and especially the services
of Sunday 7th and 14th, add the
most unusual meeting of Monday,
December 8.
Tomorrow to Mark End ,
of Series of Sermons
in Messiah Lutheran
The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson
of Messiah Lutheran Church, will
to-morrow night preach the last of
a series of sermons applied to the
life and needs of the young man
of this age. The sermon subject for
to-morrow night in Messiah Luth
eran Church will be CA Young Man
Who Was Faithful Even Unto
Death." Each Sunday evening has
been an Increase In the size of the
congregation who have come to hear
this series.
A follow-up program in the for
ward movement work of the Men's
Bible class of Christ Lutheran
Church will be carried out Sunday
at 2 p. m. L. L. Ferree is responsible i
for the special music at to-morrow's
session of the class and promises
several numtrrs by a selected male
quartet. Dr. Reisch, teacher of
the class, will conduct the lesson
•tudy on the subject: "Asleep In
jtti* Midst of Momentuous Events."
Bethlehem —The Rev. Frank E.
Jensen, 10.30, -"The Message of
H0pe;"7.30, "Go Forward."
Trinity, Lemoyne —The Rev. L. A.
Bush. 9.30, Sunday school; 10.45,
"Christ Is Comihg;" 7.30, "Follow
Me;" 6.30, C. E. Society.
St. Mark's —The Rev. IL M. Feg-v
ley, D. D. 9, Sunday school; 10.30,"
"The Abundant Entrance Into the
Everlasting Kingdom of Our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ;" 6.45,
League; 7.30.
St. Paul's, Riverside —The Rev. E.
E. Snyder will preach at 3. Sunday
school at 2.
I St. Matthew's —-The Rev. E. E.
Snyder. 11, "Our Best for God;"
6.30, "Sleeping Sentinels;" 9.45;
Sunday school; 6.30, C. E. Society.
Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A.
Hanson, D. D. 10.30, "The Call
iof the Advent Season;" 2, Sunday
school; 6.45, Christian Endeavor
'meeting'; 7.30, "A Young Man Was
(Faithful —Even Unto Death," clos-
I ing sermon in a series on "Three
Young Men of the Bible."
• Augsburg—The A. M. Stamets, D. D.
I 10.30, "Surety of Christ's Coming
I to Judgment;" 7.30, "A Life With a
Purpose;" 2, Sunday school; 6.30,
Intermediate and Senior Christian
Endeavor Society.
Trinity—The R. W. Meisenhel
der. 10.30, "The Armour of the
Christian;" 7.30, "The Incarnation;"
2, Sunday school.
Christ—The Rev. Thomas Reisch,
D. D. 10.30, "Looking From the
First to the Second Advent;" 7.30,
"The Invisible Temple;" 2, Sunday
school; 6.30, C. E.
Redeemer—The Rev. M. E. Sha
fer. 10.30, "Food for the Soul;
7.30, welcome home to our soldiers.
All soldiers of congregation will at
tend in a body.
Trinity, Camp Hill—The Dr. E. D.
Feigle. 9.30, Sunday school; 10.45,
"Christ's Second Coming;" 7.30,
"Son, Remember." The second of a
brief series to the young; 6.30,
Ltither League.
Memorial—The Rev. L. C. Manges,
P. D. 2, Sunday school; 10.30, "The
Eternal Promise of Peace and Sal
vation;" 7.30, "The Need of Intelli
gent Conviction Concerning God;"
10, men's prayer meeting; 5:30,
Junior Luther League; 6.3 0, Senior
Luther League.
Covenant The Rev. Harvey
Kiaer. 10.30, "The Mandatories of
our Church;" 7.30, "Dreams and
Visions;" 2, Sunday School; 6.30, Y.
P. S. C. E.
Calvary—The Rev. J. L. Gehman.
10.15, "The Book of Books;" 7.30,
"The Sons of Zebedee;" 9, Sunday
School; 6.30. C..E.
Olivet —The - ttev. S. A. Bower.
11, Communion Services; 7.30, "Is
the World Growing Worse or Bet
ter?"; 10, Sunday School; 6.30, C.
rmmanuel —The Rev. H. Everett
Hallman. 10, morning service; 7.30,
evening service; 11.15, Sunday-
School; 6.30, Senior C. E.
Pine Street—The Rev. L. S.
Mudge. 10.30, Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper—"The Changeless
Christ;" 7.30, "Samson."
Bethany—The Rev. John Martin
Warden. 7.30, "Christ A Refiner;"
9, Sunday school; 6.30. C. E.
Paxton —The Rev. Harry B. King
will preach at 11 and f.30.
Market Square—The Rev. Dr.
George Edward Hawes, the Rev.
Howard Rodgcrs, assistant. At 11,
the Rev. Dr. Frederick G. Coan of
Persia. Election of Elders. Even
ing sermon by pastor at 7.30, "The
Viney-ard Girl Misses a Great Op
Green Street—The Rev. 11. S.
Hershey. 10.30, "Assurance in j
God;" 7.30. Miss Leah Becker, a
returned missionary from India will j
give an Illustrated lecture; 2, Sun
day School; 3, Junior C. E.; 6.40,
Senior C. E.
Linglestown—The Rev. J. M.
Waggoner. 7.30, "Preparation for
Service;" 9.30, Sunday School; 6.30,
Jr. C. E.
Progress—The Rev. J. M. Wag
goner. 10.30, "Holding Fast to
What We Have;" 9.30, Sunday
School; 2.30, Jr. C. E.; 6.30, Sr.
C. E.
Maclay Street—The Rev. Wm. S.
Houck, M.D., will preach at 11 and !
7.30. Sunday School 9.45; Jr. C. E I
6; Sr. C. E„ 6.4 5. Miss Leah Beck
er. one of India missionaries, will
address the Sunday School at 9.45.
Penbroolc—The Rev. S. N. Good.
10.30, "The Good Samaritan;" 7.30,
"The Sufferings of Christ;" 9.30,
Sunday School; 6.40. C. E.
Nagle Street —The Rev. Elmer E.
Knuffman. 10.45, "The Effect of
Gospel Preaching: 7.30, "The af
fected Woman's Faith; 1.30. Sunday !
School; 9.45, Junior C. E.; 5.45, I
Senior, C. E.
Tabernacle—9.4s. Sunday School;;
11, communion. "The Gospel for 1
To-day," the Rev. Samuel Welsh, of i
Philadelphia; 6.4 5, B. Y. P. U.; 7.30
"Christian Enlistment."
St. Paul—The Rev. E. Luther
Cunningham. 10.30, "The Christian
—His Duty;" 7.30, covenant meeting I
and. communion; 12.30, Sunday
Schbol 6.30, B. Y. P. U.
Second —The Rev. Albert Josiah I
Greene. 10.30, prayer and praise I
meeting; 7.30, preaching and Lord's!
Supper: 12, Sunday School: 630 !
B. Y. P. U.
First—The Rev. William. J. Lock
hart. 10.30, communion service;
7.30, "Why the Modern Appeal to
Make a Profession of Religion is
Not in the Bible;" 11.45, Sunday-
Fourth —The Rev. Homer Skyles
May. 10.45, "The People Who Re
mind the World of God;" 7.30, "The
Messengers of the Lord;" 9.30, Sun
day School; 6.30, Young People's
St John's —The Rev. Clayton H
Ranck. 11, "Will Christ Come
Again?" 7.30, "God's Attitude to the
Sinner;" 9.45. Sunday School; 6.30,
Christian Endeavor.
Second—The Rev. Alfred Nevin
Sayrd&. 11.15, "Serving the Serv
ant;" 7.30, "A Hero in Hiding;" 10
Sunday School; 6.30, Christian En
Salem —The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer
will preach at 11 and 7.30; Sunday
School at 9.45.
A. M. E,
Mechanicsburg—The Rev. J.
Julian Robinson. 10.45, "Send Me;"
7.45, "The Coming of Shlloh;" 2,
Sunday School.
Wesley Union-—The Rev. Stephen
A. McNeill. 10.45, General Class
and Monthly Communion; 7.45, "The
Gospel As the Power of God; 1,
Sunday School. Prof. R. S. Loving
good, B. Mug. of Philadelphia will
be present all day and sing several
selections. '
Ridgev Avenue—The Rev. H. R.
Bender. Morning, "The Co-work
ers;" evening, "Going Astray;" 10,
Sunday School; 6.30, Epworth
Camp Curtin—The Rev. John H.
Mortimer. 9.45, praise meeting;
10.30 and 7.30, communion service;
2, Sunday School; 6.30, Epworth
Dauphin—The Rev. George 1,.
Schaffer. 10.30, preaching; 2, Sunday
School. Heckton, 2, Sunday School;
7.30, evangelistic service and recep
tion of members.
Fifth—The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles.
10.30, "The Mystery of Godliness;"
i.30, "The Wise and the Unwise;" 2,
Sunday School.
St. Paul's—The Rev: William
I Moses will preach at 10.30 and 7.30.
] Sunday School at 2.
Marysville—The Rev. J. p. Glass.
9.30, Sunday School; 10.30, preach
ing by the pastor; 3.15, the Rev.
i Homer C. Knox, of Epworth Church,
! Harrisburg, will speak at the com
munity mass meeting on "Lost in
Sight of Home;" 0.30, Epworth
League;— 7.30, preaching by the
Grace —The Rev. Dr. Robert Bag
nell; 10.30 and 7.30, preaching by
Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D. D.,
L. 1,. D.; 12.10; Sunday School; 6.36|
Epwortli League.
_ Epworth—The Rev. Homer C.
! Knox; 11, Hply Communion; 7.30,
I short address and communion; 10,
I Sunday School.
| Enola—The Rev. J. Stewart Glen,
1 10.30, "The Power of a Name;" 7.30,
"Hidden Sources of Strength."
Neidig, Oberlin—The Rev. H. S.
Kiefer. 10.30, "True Greatness;"
i 7.30, Bishop G. M. Matthews will
preach; 9.20, Sunday School; 6.30,
Senior Christian Endeavor.
State Street—The Rev. H. F.
Rhoad. 10.45 and 7.30, communion
services; 9.30, Sunday School; 6.30,
Y. P. S. C. E.
Otterbein—The Rev. S. Edwin
Rupp. 10.30, "We Are Witnesses;"
7.30, "The Last Chance;" 2, Sunday
School; 6.30, Christian Endeavor.
St. NPaul's, Wormleysburg. The
Rev. A. B. Motfer. 10.45, "Evan
gelism;" 7.30, the Rev. A. R. Cllp
pingor, D. D., superintendent of
Miama Conference, Dayton, Ohio,
will preach.
First—The Rev. W. E. Dauglierty,
D. D. 10.30, "The Passion of Re
demption;" 7.30, Mrs. L. A. Har
ford, of Omaha, Neb., general presi
dent of W, M„ will speak; 1.45, Sun
day School; 6.45, Christian Endeavor.
Sixth—The Rev. J. Owen Jones.
10.30 and 7.30, Holy Communion
service; 1.45, Sunday School; 6.20,
Christian Endeavor; 9.45, praise
Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Lyter.
10.30, Bishop Matthews will bo the
speaker; 7.30, Mrs. J. Hal Smith will
be the speaker; 2, Sunday School.
Lemoyne—The Rev. E. Crumbling.
10.45 ."Missionary Work in China;"
7.30, "Be Filled With the Spirit;"
9.30, Sunday School; ; 6.30, Christian
Endeavor; the Rev. C. Newton Dubs,
of China, will speak at 10.45.
Enola—The Rev. H. M. Buck.
10.45, "The Unspeakable Gift;" 7.30,
"Jesus a Man of Sorrows;" 9.30,
Sunday School; 2.30, Mission Band.
Harris Street—The Rev. A. G.
Flexer; 9.30, Sunday School; 10.30,
preaching; 6.40, K. L. C. E. meeting;
7.30, preaching. " .
Park Street —The Revs. A. E.
Hangen and S. A. Millef - . 9.30, Sun
day School; 10.45, preaching; 5.45,
Junior Christian EndeavorT 6.30,
Senior Christian Endeavor; 7.30,
Sixth—The Rev. W. E. Pottieger.
11, sermon by assistant pastor, the
Rev. W. S. Harris; 10, Sunday
Penbrook —The Rev. W. E. Pot
tieger. 9.30, Sunday Schbol; 10.SO,
preaching; 6.45, Keystone League; 2,
Mission Band.
St. Andrew's —The Rev. Henry A.
Posit. 8, Holy Communion; 9.45,
church social; 11, Holy Communion
and sermon, "Our First or Last Re
sort?" 4. evening prayer; 8, "The
Creed in Daily Life."
Church of The Holy Cross—The
Rev. Willoughby M. Parchment.
11, matins, sermon and Holy com
munion; church school after ser
vice; 8, evensong and sermon.
St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A.
Sawyer. 8, Holy Communion; 10,
Sunday school; 11, Holy Communion
and sermon by The Rev. J. F. Vir
gin on "Christian Stewardship;"
7.30, Children's Nation-wide Cam
paign service with addresses by Miss
Anna Watts and the Rev. J. F. Vir
St. Paul's —8, communion and in
tercessions; 11, communion, service
and sermon, "Summons to Big
Things;" 2, nation-wide every mem
ber canvass; 2.30, school; 8, popular
Enhaut—The Rev. H. F. Hoover.
10.30', "Our Heavenly Father;" 7.30,
"Jesus Weeping at the Grave of
Lazarus;" 9.15 Sunday School; 4,
Junior C. E.; 6, Senior C. E.
Enola —The Rev. H. F. Hoover.
Mr. Edgar Hoover, of Enhaut, will
spgak at 7.3*0 p. m. Sunday School,
2 p. m.; senior C. E., 6.45 p. m.
/First Church of God —The Rev.
William N. Yates, D. D. 10.30,
"Spiritual Baptism;" 7.30, "The Lost
Chord;" 1.40 Sunday School; 6.30,
C. PI. A Sunday School Prayer
Service next Wednesday evening.
First Church —The Rev. Ira Boyd
Wenger. 11, "Caleb's Character;"
7.30, "The Cross an Offense;" 9.45,
Sunday School.
Lemoyne—The Rev. Ira P. Har
baugh. 9.30, Bible School; 10.30,
"The ,Price of True Discipleship;"
7.30, "The Abundant Life;" 6.30,
Christian Endeavor..
First Church —At 11 and 7.30,
"God, the Only Cause and Creator;"
Sunday School at 11; testimonial
meeting Wednesday at 8. Free
Reading Room, Kunkel Building,
11.30 to 5 daily.
Christian and Missionary Alli
ance.—The Rev. W. H. Worrall will
preach at 10.30 and 7.30. Sunday
School at 9.30.
AT P. 11. It. Y. M. C. A. ;
On Sunday afternoon at 3.30, 1
George Rost will speak at the local ■
P. 11. It. Y. M. C. A. Mr. Rost is i
well known in railroad circles. He
recently returned from the Interna
tional convention of the Y. M. C. A.
i in Detroit
Novel Scheme Introduced at
Olivet Presbyterian Church
by Rev. S. A. Bower
Communnion service will be held in
Olivet Presbyterian Church on Sunday
morning. At this service new mem
bers will be received into church fe
lowship. The evening sermon sub
ject is: "Is the World Growing Worse,
or Better?"
Rev. S. A. Bower, the pastor, will
ask the members of tho congregation
tion to suggest topics for the ser
mons on Sunday evenings. Any one
wishing to have a certain topic dis
cussed will hand the subject to the
minister on Sunday, and on the fol
lowing Sunday evening the 'minister
will preach on that topic.
The only condition asked is th'at
the topics shall be timely and of a
religious nature.
New Musical Club Will Make
Initial Appearance in Ste
vens Methodist Church
i The Harrisburg Apollo Club of
male will sing to-morrow
evening at 7.30 o'clock, in the
Stevens. Memorial Methodist Epis
copal Church. This new organiza
tion is to make its first appearance
iin the city at this time. In connec
tion with the servicd. Dr. Clayton
Albert Smucker will preach on
"The Portrait of a Young Man."
This sermon is addressed to young
Following the Sunday School
gathering at 10 a. m„ Dr. Smucker
will be in charge of the preaching
service at 11 a. m. There will be
a mass meeting for children at 3
p. m. The Epworth League will
meet at 6.30 p. m.
The Handel Choral Society will
sing Handel's Messiah on Tuesday
evening, December 23 at 8 o'clock
in Stevens Memorial Church. More
than fifty voices are to participate
in this Pre-Christmas event.
m Plan Conference
What is expected to be one of the
most interesting Bible Conferences
held in Harrisburg, will convene in
Stevens Church December 28, and
will be continued every day at 7.45
p. m., from Monday to Friday In
clusive. It will close with three
lectures in the course, Sunday, Jan
uary 4. The sessions will be open
to both men and women, with the
exception of the Sunday afternoon
gatherings for men only. The chief
teacher is to bo Prof. T. Watson
Hannon. of iJrcw Theological Semi
nary, Madison, N. J., who is at the
head of the Department of Biblical
Theology in that school. The gen
eral program of tlio conference is
to be given out in a very few days
by Dr. Smucker. The following
young men of Harrisburg represent
the Conference Executive Commit
tee: J. Robert Storey, president:
Charles A. Hiller, vice president;
Charles B. Snyder, secretary: Harold
F. Cobaugh, treasurer; Walter S.
Scliell, John W?"Applebv, Howard S.
Seidel, Harry D. Whilhelm.
C. E. .Notes
"Truths That Jesus Taught," will be
the subject for discussion in Endeav
or societies' to-morrow evening. Miss
Catharine Wagner will conduct the
service at the Calvary Presbyterian
society. Miss Romaine Tippett will
have charge in the St. Matthew's
Lutheran Church to-morrow evening
Another important event in Chris
tian Endeavor development is the an
nouncement the Evangelical Al
liance, the Young People's organiza
tion of the Evangelical Association,
has voted to ally itself with Chris
tian Endeavor and has taken the
name of the Evangelical Alliance
Christian Endeavor. This means that
the young people's organization of a
great demonstration has joined the
Christian fellowship, adding more
than 50,000 young people to the Chris
tian Endeavor ranks.
A. Luther Buck, will conduct the C.
E. service at the State Street United
Brethren Church on Sunday evening.
At Westminster Presbyterian society
Miss Anna Hammelbaugh, will be the
leader and speaker.
The Senior Society of the First
Church of God program will be in
charge of Mrs. Ed. Richardson. Mrs.
Harold Towsen and William Musser.
Miss Susan Reigle, of the Lookout
Committee, and Miss Elizebeth Pretz
an active Endeavor worker, will
make the program interesting at the
St John's Lutheran Society, Steelton,
to-morrow evening. The program of
Second Reformed Endeavorers will
be in charge of Prof. John F. Kob
Miss Beatrice Bogar will have charge
d? the service at Harris Street United
Evangelical Church.
The Women's Missionary Society
of Lemoyne Evangelical Church on
Sunday morning will be addressed
by the Superintendent of missions,
the Rev. C. Newton Dubs.
Bethel Church, Briggs Street
Sunday, December 7, 3.00 P. M.
Madam Florence Talbert
The race's foremost soprano soloist, Philadelphia.
'Professor William King
Noted Pianist of Philadelphia
Speaker of the afternoon will be the new Y. M. C. A. Secretury.
A Young Man's Most Valuable
Subject of Address to Men
Dr. George Edward Reed
Former President of Dickinson College;
Fahnestock Hall, Y. M. C. A. kK(:<)N STIS ,O(;ist
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 3.30 P. M.
The Rev. F. E. Jensen to Fill
Bethlehem Lutheran Pulpit
Vacated by Dr. Markward
The Rev. Frank E. Jensen, of
Washington, Pa., recently elected to
succeed Dr. J. Bindley Markward,
as pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran
Church, will preach his initial ser
mon to-morrow morning. Ho will
also preach in the evening.
The morning subject of the new
pastor will be "The Message of
Hope." In the evening he will speak
on "Go Forward."
The Rev. Mr. Jensen started his
ministry in the Middle West, going
from thqye to Buffalo, N. Y., and
from there to Washington, Pa. He
is secretary of the Immigrant Board
of the United Lutheran Church of
Robert C. Smith, baritone soloist!
at Zion Lutheran Church, is to sing j
at a vesper service in Market Square :
Zion Church, Lebarion, to-morrow |
evening. Mr. Smith is on the pro- I
gram or two solos atad will sing in '
a duet with Mrs. Cowan. At a re- [
cent concert ut Lebanon Mr. Smith's j
singing of- "O Trusting Eyes" and |
"Love Is Mine" received such favor- j
able .mention as to result in his en- j
gagement lor to-morrow evening's I
special service.
Following a business session of the
Harrisburg Association of Organists
in Pine Street Presbyterian Church
on Thursday evening Joseph I D.
Brodeur read an interesting paper
on Gregorian chant and Mis. John
R. Henry and Alfred C. Kuschwu |
played organ numbers, Mrs. Henry's j
number being Bonnet's "Elfes," and
Christmas variations founded on an
ancient Polish Noel by Alendre
Guilmant, and Mr. Kuseiiwa's Wal
ter Edward Howe's "Hommage a'
Bonnet" and Buxtehude's "Fugue in
C Major." Frank A. McCarrell, or
ganist and choirmaster at Pine
Street Church, is president of the
Ralph Manley, who had been con
ducting the choir at Olivet Pres
byterian Church for several months,
has been engaged as bass soloist ut
•Second Reformed Church, succeed
ing Henry Stewart, who bus joined
the First Church of God choir.
Mrs. C. W N Myers, soprano, and
Miss Cassel, contralto, will sing |
Shelly's "Hark, Hark, My Soul," ut
Reformed Salem Church to-morrow.
Manney's "Manger Throne," a
Christmas cantata, is to be sung by
Messiah Lutheran Church choir un
der the direction of Abner W. Hart
man, at Christmas time.
One of the features of the Elks
memorial service to be held in the
Majestic theater to-morrow after
noon will be the singing of the vest
ed choir of St. Stephen's Episcopal
Church. The choir will sing Parker's
"In Heavenly Love Abiding," Mrs.
Lee'S. Izer singing the obligato solo. |
The Christmas music at Calvary
Presbyterian Church is to include
Watson's "Come Near, Ye Nations,"
and Saint Saens' "Praise Ye the
Lord,", together with arrangements
of "O Come All Ye Faithful" and
"Oh, Holy Night."
The numbers to be sung by I
Horatio Connell at the Elks me
morial service in Majestic theater
to-morrow afternoon will be "How
Deep the Slumber of the Floods," by
Carl Loewe and F. Warrington's
"Guard While I Sleep."
Recently Miss Bertha Idoine, con
tralto soloist in Boulevard Presby
terian Church, Cleveland, 0., visited
friends at Newville and sang in the
Big Spring Presbyterian Church
there, her numbers being Rogers'
"Hear My Cry. Oh God," Carl
Pfluger's "Thy Will Be Done" and
Biedermann's "Abide With Me." She
had been the gufst of Mrs. William [
Among the Christmas numbers to
be sung by the Pine Street Presby
terian quartet choir will be Tours'
"Sing, Oh Heavens," one of the most
beautiful and effective of nil the mu
sic written for the Christmas fes
Messiah Lutheran Church choir j
has taken up the reading fof Dudley i
Buck's "Te Deum in B Minor," one j
of the most elaborate and melodi- I
ous of the Buck compositions.
At the service last Sunday Cal- 1
vnry Presbyterian Church choir sang
Sir John Goss' "O Saviour of the '
Word," and shortly will sing the j
same composer's beautiful setting of j
"O Taste and Sec How Gracious the ■
Lord Is."
The music at Grace Methodist
Church to-morrow is to be one of !
the features of the reopening serv- \
ice. Bernard R. Mausert has pre- J
Pared a good program for the people j
who are certain -to throng the State r
street edifice to-morrow.
Event Will Be Held on De
cember 9; Dr. M. E. Swartz
to Have Charge;
A conference on evangelism
.under the auspices of the Church
Federation of Harrisburg and vi
cinity will be held Tuesday, Decem
ber 9, with Dr. Morris E. Swartz,
Executive of the Federa
tion presiding, and Dr. • Lewis S.
Mudge, Chairman of Community
Evangelism in charge of the ar
The morning session will begin
promptly at 10.30 o'clock in the
assembly room, on the second floor
of the Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation, at which time what might
be called the "Mechanics of an
Evangelistic Campaign" will be dis
cussed, and all the pastors and of
ficial members of the churches of
the city and vicinity are most cor
dially invited and urged to be pres
ent at this vital Important morning
| In the afternoon the session will
j begin promptly at two o'clock and
i Dr. Charles L. Goodell, Executive
j Secretary of the commission on
I Evangelism of the Federal Council
of the churches of Christ in Amer
ica. will be present and conduct this
I afternoon conference; this meeting
| will also be for pastors and official
members of the various churches of
j the city and vicinity.
The closing meeting of this con
ference will l.e held at 7.45 o'clock
; in the auditorium of the Pine Streeet
i Presbyterian Church, Third and
Pine Streets, and the public is cor
dially invited to attend this meet
ing. Dr. Chas. L. Goodell will make
the address of the evening on
"Evangelism," a topic of most vital
importance to the entire member
ship of every church.
This Church Federation of Har
risburg and vicinity has opened
their offices at 202 N. Third Street,
with Dr. Morris E. Swartz, as Execu
tive Secretary in charge and the fol
lowing are the officers of the Fed
eration :
President, J. William Bowman;
recording secretary, Rev. Alford
Kiaer; treasurer, A. P. Beclcley;
commissions and chairmen: Dr.
Louis S. Mudge, community evan
gelism; Charles W. Barker, social
service; Prof. J. J. Brehm, comity;
Rev. S. W. Herman, religious edu
cationist; Charles W. 8011, publicity
and W. T. Hildrup, Jr., finances.
Executive committee consists of
the officers, chairman of commis
sions and Rev. A. E. Hangen and
Clayton G. Miller.
Lehigh C. E. Workers
in Annual Convention
Lehigh county Endeavorers are
holding a two-day i conventlon in St.
Paul's Reformed Church, Allentown.
The session opened yesterday, and
will elose this evening. State Sec
retary Haines A. Reichel and wife, of
state headquarters, Harrisburg, are
on the program.
The men's organized Bible class,
Zion Lutheran Church wijl meet In
regular session, in its class room,
Sunday afternoon, at 1.50 o'clock.
The lesson subject is "Peter and
John Asleep in Getbsemane," and
will be taught by Prof. Walter C.
Heiges. Victor B. Hausknecht will
play a violin solo. A meeting of tho
executive committee will be held im
mediately afterward.
(Other Church News on Page 12.)
What Happens
When Men Sleep?
Every Man Should Hear Ir. W. N.
Yeats Speak On Tills Subject at the
Men's Bible Class
First Church of God
Special Music By the Bible Class
Orchestra. '
Grace Church Commemorative Organ
J his magnificent instrument, one of the largest in the country, which has been
presented to the Church and congregation, is to be heard for the first time on
i Sunday, December 7th
at the morning service at 10.30 o'clock and again at the evening service at
7.30 o'clock. At both services Special Music will be sung by the vested choir,
under the direction of Mr. Bernard R. Mausert, organist and choirmaster.
Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D.D., LL.D.
will preach at the morning ami evening services, and also speak at the Sunday
School Rally Service at 12.10 o'clock.
Monday Evening, December Bth
The Commemorative Organ is to be formally presented to the Church by
the donor. Tho Service Flag, raised in honor of the service men from Grace
Church, will be demobilized, and a memorial tablet unveiled at thaißame service.
The address of the evening will be made by *
Hon. Josephus Daniels
Secretary of the Navy
The formal dedication services, for the Commemorative Organ will be held
on Sunday afternoon, December 14th. Bishop William F. McDowell, D. D.,
LL. D., will preach at the morning service, and also make the dedicatory
address at 3.30 o'clock. At the evening service the Rev. Edgar R. Heckman,
D. D., will deliver the sermon.
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church
State Street Near Third Street >
Rev. Robert Bagnell, D.D.,- Ph.D., Minister
W. Ray Chapman, M. B. A., Educational Director
A :
Men in Charge at Morning
Services and Women in live
ning in Methodist Church
The following program will be
given in the Coxestown Methodist
Episcopal Church to-morrow. The
men of the church will have charge
of the morning service. Stephen
Gruber will take charge, asisted by
Michael Houser, Frank Bowman
and Elmer Moyer. The male quar
tet will give several selecUons un
der the leadership of Elmer Moyer.
The evening service will be taken
care of by the ladies of the church.
Part of the program includes:
Prayer, Mrs. Dunkle; scripture read
ing, Miss Wright; song by quartet,
Mildred Dunkle, Margaret Hepford,
Dorothy Bowman and Helen Houser;
address, Mrs. William Turns; ad
dress, Mrs. Fasolt; song, ladies
choir, Mrs. Moyer, Mrs. Margaret
Turns, Mrs. Lewis Sturdevant, and
Miss Anna Lupfer; address, Mrs. J.
G. Davis; Reading, Mrs. D. G. Hep
"Shining Lights" Class
to Give Play on Tuesday
- A play, "The Top of the World,"
will be given at St. John' 3 Reformed
Church on Tuesday evening by the
"Shining Lights" Sunday school
class assisted by a few of their
The members who will conduct
the annual every-member canvass of
the congregation during the last
week of the year will meet at a
luncheon on Thursday evening when
the budget for 1920 will be dis
The Rev. James B. MacClure, of
Pnxtang, will have charge of the
Christian Endeavorers of the Olivets
Presbyterian Church Sunday even
iM/ Third and Pine Streets T||| ! f
11 REV. L S. Mt'DGE, D. D., PASTOR |j|
HI The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper |j|
A Cordial Invitation to nil Who Do Not Regularly £■ !S|
'£ \gi Commune Elsewhere. & J f !g
§l| 7.30 P.M. |||
"SAMSON" |||
The Hercules of Hebrew History
j} > '{■ The Secret of His Strength You May Know vsj
■ iii The Wreck of I.ife He Made You May Escape * j
Quartet —"O For A Closer Walk With God" Foster '
j■j I :.•• .ni'l < >'iarti t- • • i:\iii .M. . . .Warr.-a .
1 St. Steph en's Church |
I'. 1 ! Rev. Rollin Alger Sawyer, Rector.
11l Nation-Wide Campaign, Sunday, Dec. 7 |
11.00 A. M. —Holy Communion and Sermon by the Rev. X
[' J. F. Virgin, on "Christian Stewardship."
7.30 P. M. —Children's Nation-Wide Campaign service. X
v Addresses by Miss Anna Watts and the Rev.
J. F. Virgin. ft
ft Parents and friends of the children are urged
to attend this service |
Dr. F. G. Coan to Speak To
morning in Market Square
Church; Will Name Elders
Dr. Haws resumes a study of th
Hon? of Songs to-morrow night In
Market Square Presbyterian Church,
This series was interrupted by the
musical service of last Sunday night.
To-morrow morning the sermon
will be preached by the Rev. Dr.
Frederick G. Coan. of Persia. Dr.
Coan's daughter, Mrs. Edward C.
Richards, is the missionary of Mar
ket Square Church at Urumta, Per
sia. Dr. Coan has spoken in Har
risburg before. He has a large
number of friends who will be
anxious to hear him.
In connection with the morning
service the members of the church
will ballot for five elders. Ten men
have been selected by a referendum
vote of the congregation. A ballot
containing these names will be
placed In the hand of each member
,as lie enters the church to-morrow.
Up until that time it is understood
that no person but the session's
members know the names of the
nominees. Only members present at
the service can vote. After the ser
vice the votes will be counted by
the session. The result of the bal
loting will bo made known at the
evening service. It is an interesting
fact that this congregation has 117
different men whom some persons
believed to have the qualifications
necessary for this office.
The mid-week meeting next Wed
nesday will be in charge of the
Senior Department of the Sunday
school, John DeGray superintend
A missionary service will be held
in Green Street Church of God on
Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Miss
Leah Becker, for a number of years
a missionary in Bogra District. In
dia, will speak. The lecture will be
illustrated by a number of lantern