Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 05, 1919, Page 22, Image 22
22 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LA._XEWSPA.PER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by 'THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Sqaare E. J. STACK POLE President and Editor-in-Chief F.'R. OYSTER. Business Manager GUa M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board 'J.'P. McCULLOUGH, " BOYD M. OGLESBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this f>aper and also the local news pub ished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. A Member American r\ Newspaper Pub- Ilishers' Associa tion. the Audit Bureau of Circu lation and Penn sylvania Associa ated Dallies. Eastern office. Story, Avenue Building. New York City; Western office, Story, Brooks & Finley, People's Gas Building, t Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a 4mßifcySgo week; by mail, $3.00 a x year in advance. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1919 1 am not bound to make the world j go right; Hut only to discover and to do, With cheerful heart, the work that Cod appoints. JK.VN IXGELOW. OTHER TREATIES THE country would be happy have the Peace Treaty done with and out of the way, but not at the expense of public safety or the best interests of the Nation. Presi dent Wilson's message on this sub ject will be awaited with the greatest interest. It is to be hoped that it will be conciliatory rather than die-: tutorial; that it will b so worded as to leave the way open for a states manlike compromise. Unless he taites a step toward accepting reservations the treaty unquestionably will fall, which is not to be desired. Even that fundamental document of the Amer ican Government, the Federal Con stitution, was the result of a compro mise, or series of them, so the Pre sident need feel no hesitancy on that score. Beside, all but one of the important treaties made with j other countries Since the Govern- i ment came into being were adopted | with amendments or reservations, so why not this? Go down the long list of great treaties, from first to last, and the only one to escape change at the hands of the Senate was the Clay- j ton-Bulwer treaty of ISSO, which was rushed through, as the Presi dent would have done with this, and as everybody knows its hidden dan gers have brought us on several oc casions to the brink ot war —need- lessly—with Great Britain. John Jay's treaty with England— the first under the constitution—did not escape a very important amend ment, but that eminent statesman did not sulk in a corner on that account. Nor did 'President Wash- ' Ington, who supported the treaty, work himself to the point of a nerv ous breakdown trying to over-ride the will of the Senate. He simply bowed to the vote of the majority. Then came John Adams and his treaty with France in 1800, adopted | with a very radical reservation; j President Polk's Oregon treaty in i 1846, which was approved with j changes, and the Hay-Pauncefote j treaty in 1900, which was amend- j ed in the Senate and is now in force, j And. finally, the President him- j self has expressed himself in his i work, "Congressional Government," j making the following remarks on the powers of the executive and the Senate: The greatest consultative pri vilege of the Senate—the great est in dignity, at least, if not in effect upon the interests of the country—is its right to a ruling voice in the ratification of treat ies with foreign Powers. • • • The President really has no voice at all in the conclusions of the Senate with reference to his diplo matic transactions, or with refer ence to any of the matters upon which he consults it. • • • He is made to approach that bodv as a servant conferring with lii's master, and of course deferring to that master. • • • To be sure, this was written in 1885, but certainly the situation has not changed since then. The Presi dent must recognize the rights of the Senate now as he did then. If he does, the Republicans no doubt will meet him half way. If he does not, and insists on the treaty as it stands, with all its perils to Amer ican peace. prosperity and inde pendence, the treaty will be killed, and its blood will be on the Presi dent 's hands. Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkmann are leaving us to-day for the land whence they came and which will not be enriched in any manner by their return. These radical nui sances have done nothing to Justify their residence in the United States, and their kind should be deported as rapidly as ships can be found to con vey them to the other side of the ocean. Uncle Sam has been most hos pitable, but his patience is about ex hausted. Guests who will do nothing FRIDAY EVENING, H-AJtRiSBURG TELEGKXPR DECEMBER 5, 1919. | but break up the furniture and de stroy the peace and comfort of their j hosts deserve no consideration what l ever, and the Uoldmans and Berk tranns should crowd the outgoing steamers until the country has been rid of their undesirable activities. With eggs at present prices we would like to know if 16 is the hens [or the farmers who have refused to arbitrate. The Erie Record. Erie. Kan., says that the "Republican Senators Ameri canized the League and then the Democratic Senators killed it." Noth ing more remains to be said. From the increased number of low neck dresses we see on the cars wo jare inclined to think that winter has :ut last arrived. Save your fuel and gas and light and thereby help prevent a coal short age. The miner who won't take a 14 per cent, advance in salary might be given a taste of his own medicine, which is "let the country freeze and starve for all I care." Here's hoping the Tech team does what all its supporters believe it will. EXECUTION OF ANGELES THE death of General Felipe Angeles before a firing squad at Chihuahua City clearly dem onstrates the general attitude of the Carrhnza regime toward the United States. General Angeles was ex ecuted on the charge of traitor; trai tor to an administration that he felt did not represent his people. All through the great war he was a devout friend of the United States and the Allies. His work with the French government inspecting mu nitions and his spectacular feat of ' perfecting the French "75." which proved the most efficient weapon of the war, brought to him the title of military genius. The great respect held for him by the French govern ment was shown when he was made a chevalier of the French Legion of Honor. When the great war came to a close he went back to his native country with one thought uppermost in his mind. That thought was to help lift his country out of the depths of outlawry or die in the at tempt. In that he has kept his word. Joining Villa upon'his return, he, of course, brought upon himself the immediate enmity of Carranza. Whether we may believe him right in casting his lot with the bandit, it is said that Villa promised to stop all attacks on foreigners if the mili tary genius would join hands with him. The sincerity of Angeles can not be doubted. He knew the weak ness and the strength of Carranza. He felt that the Carranza govern ment did not represent his people and he was determined to give his life if necessary to place his country on an honorable basis in the eyes of the rest of the world. And through it all he has been the friend of this country, and it is daily growing more and more ap parent that the same cannot be said of Carranza. Even at his trial, when further words of praise and com mendation for the United States meant less chance for a lenient sen tence, he continued to speak in none but terms of respect for this country and to condemn the Mexican gov ernment for its attitude toward the States on the North. In fact, the 1 execution in Mexico of none other than an American could bring such a blow to this country at this par ticular moment. Carranza knew that Angeles was a friend of the United States. Car ranza filso knew that if Angeles kept on living he would no doubt bring about a change of affairs in that lawless land which would mean the unseating of Carranza. And Car ranza could also have prevented the execution. The death of this man will not only prevent other men from making similar at tempts to straighten out the Mexi can tangle, but it will act as a boomerang which will come back ten-fold upon the heads of those responsible. From the attitude taken by Carranza in the Jenkins case, it is safe to believe that the trial of Angeles was as much a farce as the Hun trials of Belgian prisoners of war. There was a time when Harrisburg 'looked with disdain upon its "river" j coal fleet, but now they look better to us than all the battleships in the world. The colored people of Harrisburg have shown their wisdom by uniting the new Y. M. C. A. with the popular People's Forum. The Forum has done much for public education in Harris burg and has been a useful force in uniting the colored people for all manner of community work and serv ice. The first meeting of the organi zations together on Sunday in Wesley Church should be largely attended. It is a fine thing to have the war service men get together as they did at Chestnut street hall. The Ameri can Legion is destined to be one of the most powerful and useful organ izations in the country. It will keep alive the spirit of patriotism that prompted its members to risk their lives for the old flag and "red" radicals will find in it a fighting force as vig orous and up-standing as those other Huns, the Germans, found it in France. Philadelphia has gone on record heartily in favor of "daylight" sav ing by city ordinance. New York and other big cities having gotten into line there can be no doubt that Har risburg will step forward at the prop er time. Alexander Berkmann, about to be deported to that "splendid Russia." of which he has been speaking re cently. is first laying in a large sup ply of all kinds of clothing made by those "industrial slaves of America" he has been so much Interested In giving "the freedom their Russian I brothers and sisters have achieved." ] It is to laugh. fditico iK *P e-ivh4^tcanXa By the Ex-Committeeman With the reopening ot Congress there has been a revival ot discus ,on °/ ,he Possibilities of changes in the Keystone State delegation and it seems to be agreed at Washing ton that some of the present mem bers are going to have rough travel ing in the coming primary. The nominations are six months off. but congressional campaigns start early. In the central districts it is ex pected that the big lights will be in the Northumberland-Columbia and Jefferson-Clarion sections. In the former the Republicans will endeavor to send Congressman John V. Leshcr to the list of former statesman and in the latter Democrats are hoping that they can win in event of dis sension among the Republicans. The Eackawanna and Luzerne districts, now held by Democrats, will be given special attention by the Republicans. Congressman A. S. Kreider, of this district; B. K. Focht, of the "Shoe string" district; John Reber, of Schuylkill, and W. W. Griest, of Dan caster. will be candidates for re election and there will be a battle royal over the York-Adams district, where Congressman E. S. Brooks. 1 the Republican who upset Demo cratic plans, will run again. —Senator Edwin H. Vare's speech yesterday to the Republican city committee of Philadelphia, in which he served notice that as the charter would keep the city officeholders out of politics the organization would have to depend upon county office holders, is being variously interpret ed in Philadelphia. The evening newspapers say that it is "a chal lenge" to Mayor-elect J. Hampton Moore as leader. The Inquirer suys it was the opening gun in the light for control of the Republican city committee against Moore, while the Record intimntes that Vare realizes that he must fight for his life. The Public I.edger says that Vare opened a tight with defiance of Moore as its keynote. The Press sees a battle for control of the organization. —Some people think it is a Vare bid for recognition in city appoint ments. I —Philadelphia newspapers are giving much attention to the succes sion to Mayor-elect J. Hampton Moore, and there seems to be a re vival of factionalism planned. Con gressman H. W. Watson, of Bucks- Montgomery, would like to succeed to Mr. Moore's committee place, one of the most influential in the House. —Mayor E. V. Babcock. of Pitts burgh, is plannig to start a cam paign for all Republican councilmen from his city. Guy E. Campbell, a Democrat, now represents one dis trict and wants to run again. —Norval H. Daugherty, of Pitts burgh, who was a candidate for common pleas court in Allegheny, is an aspirant for appointment to the county court bench which Judge James B. Drew will leave for the common pleas bench in January. The Governor will have two judges to name before the first Monday of January, the other being a West moreland orphans' court judge. -—James Scarlet yesterday entered suit in the Columbia county court to upset the election of a Democrat as register of wills of that county. He is acting for friends of A. H. Gennaria, a Republican, who came very close to winning, and it is be lieved that an inquiry can overturn the election. —Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. is improving very rapidly and was able to sit up two days this week. It will be well on in Janu ary before he will be able to resume his work. —The Easton school board is get ting ready to ask a special election on $1,200,000 loans for school build ings. —An ordinance just presented in the Chester city council would fix the salary of the city treasurer at $5,000. —A shake-up in the Lackawanna county prison management is being hinted at in newspapers published in that section. —Reading city authorities are con sidering how far the civil service provisions of the third-class city law go in that municipality. There are some who would like to make changes in the police force. —John V. Barbour, prominent in Pittsburgh financial affairs, would like to be a member of the city council as successor to Enoch Rauh, who died a few days ago. —Two interesting school board presidency elections have just been completed. In Reading, C. N. Rhodes won the place, and in Bethlehem, H. W. Lewis, who made a tie by voting for himself. Mrs. Edward Gearhart, one of the women school directors in Scranton, was elected vice president of that city's board. The Butter worth election in Chester gives the Republican League control of that city's board. —Wilkes-Barre is said to be look ing for a State police official to have charge of its force, which needs re organization, from what some news papers have intimated. —The Philadelphia Inquirer prints this survey of conditions in an up- State congressional district; "Word comes from the Twenty-seventh Con gressional district that Representa tive Nathan L. Strong is not going to have smooth sailing to return to Washington next year. He is serv ing his second term in the House. His home address in Brookville, Jeffer son county, where he has pra'cticed law and been for years engaged in development of mineral lands. In addition to Jefferson, the district in cludes Armstrong. Clarion and In diana counties. Vernon Taylor, of Indiana, and formerly of who is interested in soft coal min ing and who lias been eminently suc cessful in Oklahoma oil develop ments, is prominently mentioned for the Republican nomination for Con gress in this district. Another who has been proposed for the same honor is Harry P. Hileman, of Kit tanning, a leading trial lawyer of that section, who has a wide per sonal acquaintanceship throughout the district. He is a son-in-law of Brigadier General Willis J. Hulings, member of Congress from the Twenty-eighth district, embracing Elk, Forest, Mercer, Venango and Warren counties." —The Philadelphia Evening Led ger, which editorially raps men who supported Congressman Moore for their "growling" over spoils, also presents this new annoyance: "A battle Impends over the finance clause of the new city charter, on the outcome of which the financial well-being of the city will depend for a long time to come. That is the sit uation to-day as viewed by support ers of Philadelphia's new fundamen tal law who are aroused over City Solicitor Connelley's ruling on the sinking funds. The law officer's opinion virtually swept away the charter provision for the retirement of city debts through moneys in the sinking fund. Legal action, which may be carried to the State Supreme Court, is expected to develop." —The Philadelphia Bulletin inti mates that the new tax rate advance will not bo well received. MOVIE OF A MAN TAKING A PRIVATE NIP IN A RESTAURANT By BRIGGS SITS AT TABLE LOOKS 1 FURTIVELY LOQKS FURTIVELY NERVOUSLY POURS AND PRETENDS TO AROOMD TO RIGHT TO LEFT AS HE "SOMETHING" INTO BE. ABSORBED AND REACHES FOR HIDES "SoMGTHIMS" GLASS CONTAINING INi_PAPER SOMETHING IN UNDER JTABLGCLOTH ice AND A LITTLS^- I INS ID E POCKET V WATER • / ONE MORSI * TAKES "SOMETHIH6" THE ACT IS —AND SHOWS IFURTIVE.GLAMCE IN GREAT HASTE CONSUMMATED EXAGGERATED ;V ' E " USING PAPER AS AND HE FEIGNS INTEREST.. IN R J, SHIELD ATTITUDE OF PAPER^ i'^^^ ' ■ Scientific Discussions by Garrett P. Serviss Every little while I receive a letter about the movement of the sun. an astronomical fact which seem to cause much surprise and misunderstanding. Some think it means that the sun is revolving around the earth, as the an cients supposed that it did; others in quire how it is possible that the sun j can move without leaving the planets, j or, if they go along, how it happens | that they all have exactly the samel speed and do not lag behind, and fall] into disorder; and still others ask whether the motion is circular around a distant center somewhere among the stars, or is in a straight or a zig- j zag line. And a few think it is im possible that the sun can move at all. J The facts are these: The sun is' moving at a speed of about 12 miles per second, which carries it about] one million miles per day, in a north erly direction toward a point in the 1 sky which is not very fur from one of the most beautiful stars in the vis ible universe, the brilliant Vega, sit uated in the constellation known I from ancient times as The Lyre. But the motion is not directly toward that great star, and it is not to be suppos ed that the attraction of the star has any perceptible influence on the di- j rection, or speed, of the sun's move ments. In truth, owing to the extreme dif ficulty of determining with exactness \ either the speed or the direction, dif- ; ferent investigators have fixed upon ! somewhat different locations for the; 'apex" of the sun's "way," i. e.. the, precise point toward which its motion, is carrying it. The difficulty arises: from the fact that not only the sun but all the other stars, its brother] suns, are in motion, each with a ve- j locitv, and in a direction, of Us own. Thus it appears that Hying through space, one way or another, and often i with astonishing velocity, amounting in some cases to several hundred; miles per second, is as natural and as j universal an attribute of suns as is their radiation of light. Not one of them stands fast, or could stand fast, any more than the particles constl- j tuting a mass of gas could remain fixed in position. I This indicates the ground on which 1 it has been assumed that the universe j of stars tsuns) resembles a widely expanded gas, the stars repre senting the vibrating gaseous mole-1 cules. This imaginary resemblance may at least be used to illustrate the unquestionable fact that the motion of our sun is not something peculiar I to it. but something shared in differ- , ing degrees, by every shining particle of the vast organism called the uni- j verse. If we regard the sun as simply ; one of the flying molecules or atoms of the starry universe, then, as far as ! magnitude is concerned, we may con- | sider the earth and the other members of the solar system to be the corpu scles or electrons revolving around the nucleus of that atom and sharing; its movement as it swings to and fro, or around and about among its hun dreds of millions of fellow atoms. The illustration must not. however, be pushed too far. The stars are not I arranged as regularly as are the par ticles of a mass of gas. They are. re latively speaking, packed in some j places and along some planes and thinly scattered elsewhere. The plane of the Milky Way is occupied by enor- 1 mous clouds of stars, while the hemi spheres on either side of it are com- , parativelv barren. But in those hemi spheres are compact star clusters, i denser than any part of the Milky Way, and these "globular clusters"; seem to be drawing in toward the Milky Way. where apparently, they arc destined to undergo a scattering process which will break up their present compact organization. This is inferred from the present appearance of certain diffuse assem blages of stars in and near the plane of the Milky Way whose motions sug gest that they came from outside of it and have undergone a scattering since they entered or passed through it Our sun is involved in one of these scattered clusters or .in the re gion of space occupied by it. That the planets accompany the sun in its movement among its fel low suns is an inevitable result of their connection with it in a gravita tional system. Their individual mo., tions among themselves and around the' sun are not affected by the com mon movement any more than are the motions of the passengers inside a railway car. As to the actual shape of the sun's path through space noth ing certain is known. As far as obser- ! vations go it seems to be straight.; but in fact it is undoubtedly an Im mense curve, which may be more or less Irregular and may or may not return into itself. Knew the Place too Well [From Punch, London.] A city gentleman had a most ex traordinary experience In a fash ionable restaurant the other evening. It appears that, in order to make sure of proper attention, he gave the waiter a very liberal tip before ordering his meal and then asked him what he could recammend. Whereupon the waiter recortimended another restaurant. Good Advice The crimson leaves are drifting wide. Now autumn's almost done. And chilly wyndes are whispering, "Go put your thick ones on!" '—Tennyson J, Daft. BOOST MALT SUGAR SYRUP Government Exports Find It a Real Sugar Substitute; Breweries Can B>c Utilized for Its Manufacture MALT sugar syrup is a brand new sweet which has ar rived on a commercial scale at the psychological moment to relieve the sugar shortage, say the specialists of the bureau of chemistry, United States Depart ment of Agriculture, at Washing ton, who have investigated va- rious substitutes for sugar. Long known to chemists, its production on a commercial scale is only begin ning. It can be used for every pur pose for which sugar is used. The shortage of sugar has developed a market for it, and the recent Pro hibition Law has made available both the raw material and the ma chinery needed for its manufacture. Malt sugar syrup is made from the same grains as beer, and may be made from corn or potatoes or any plant containing starch. Barley, which was used until recently in the manufacture of beer, can now be used to produce malt sugar syrup. Business for Breweries. Breweries, with very little change, can be and are now being used tor its manufacture. Up to a certain point the process for making malt sugar syrup is the same as the pro cess for making beer. Evaporating pans are the principal additional To Safeguard Marriage In the 30,000 or more marriages which have been consummated in England between Australian, New Zealand and Canadian soldiers and English and Scotch women, it ap pears that some thousands of them, number not approximated, were big amous alliances, in which married soldiers re-entered the marital re lation under the representation that they were bachelors. Under the cir cumstances England is deeply stirred, and there is talk of amend ing the current custom by installing a court of inquiry which shall de termine an applicant's status before issuing a license to wed. 1' ra "® e protects the woman ly by requiring every, man to reg i nd individual records aie Io h u e btltro^son r f US ex country the fact that French laws Ur ßut t C he aC facf'is our own laws and social customs arc extremely lax In the matter of marriages. No ade quate individual records are mVned here. If a man marries, the record of course, goes into the en?,ntv archives, but there is no sys tem by which the status of an in tending groom may be officialb de termined should he have reason to conceal it. In the United States, as in England, the young man who ad dresses his attention to a young woman is presumed to be single, wo P,,„ , lou bt arises it is the doubt er who must prove the opposite -totus The sanctity and sufficiency of the marriage ceremony rest upon f£J assurance of the groom that there Is no legal impediments to his m France assumes, and, in the light of the English experience, with some propriety, that a citizen has no right to wed unless he can prove such tight. U Places the burden of proof the intending groom and with holds official sanction of the wed ding until such right has been made Briwrfs ln vrr i r/win He be a ne?^ary n for th hT. one * . To cover this hazard, the harden of proof of eligibility to marriage should be placed on the applicant for a license. No Honor in His Own Country Mow after two days he departed thencet and went into Galilee. For Jesus himself testified that a prophet hath no honor in his own country.— John iv, 43 and 44. Fall Slippers [From Blighty, London.] Many skins are used for shoes. We I hear, however, that banana skins [ are reserved for slippers. equipment required by breweries to become malt sugar syrup factories. Malt sugar syrup looks very much like maple syrup and has a de licious llavor somewhat resembling honey. It can be used for everything cane sugar is used for. For table use it not onl v provides sweetness, but is equal to sugar in food value. For cooking and baking purposes and for making candy it is not on equal to sugar In convenience and food value, but is superior for some uses because it will not so readily crystalize. On the Market Now. Malt sugar syrup is now being sold in large quantities to commercial bakeries and candy and soft drink manufacturers. The wholesale price as quoted in recent advertise ments in trade papers and else where is from seven to nine cents a pound in barrel lots. Grocers can now obtain it. Housewives can well conserve their dwindling supply of sugar by using it in cooking, baking and homemade confections, and even on the table for sweetening cof fee, oatmeal and desserts. Although malt sugar syrup is be ing called on, so far as household use is concerned, merely to meet the present emergency, the specialists expect it will hereafter hate a reg ular place in the kitchen. Marshal Foch's Warning [From the New York Times.] Read in the light of Germany's refusal to dign the protocol putting the Peace Treaty into effect until the protocol is changed to suit her, Marshal Foch's note to the Supreme Council reporting that an army of 1,000,000 men would be available if the Germans decided to defy the Allies is disquieting. At least it portends delay in the consummation of peace us a basis for reconstruc tion, if it signifies nothing worse. Of late there has been rising in Ger many a spirit of resistance to sonic of the terms of the protocol, notably to the demand of an indemnity for the sinking of the fleet at Scapa Flow. On Ilis Way, Perhaps [From Blighty, London.] She was a professor's wife, and she was awfully proud of her hubby. One day when the plebian Smith- Joneses came along to eat, she told them all about him. "He's a won der, is my husband," she said. "Just at this minute he is in the labora tory conducting some experiments. The professor expects to go down to posterity " B-r-r-r! Crash! Rattle! An other B-r-r-r! from the direction of the laboratory. "I hope he hasn't gone," sajd one of the plebians, anxiously. True if Old [From Red Diamond.] In the confusion of the advance the chaplain was separated from his outfit. Night found him in No Man's Land without his bearings and aim lessly seeking his own lines. He stumbled into a broken trench and flopped when voices reached him. Friends or enemies? Had he blun dered into the Hunj lines? Uttering a prayer, he made ready to do or die, when a sharp voice cut the death-like silence: "Who In hell led that last ace?" '"Thank God, I'm among Chris tians," the padre murmured as he reached for his plug of Granger Twist. No Passion Play in 1920 [From the Boston Transcript.] Thomas Cook & Son has received a letter from F. Bauer, of Oberam mergau, Bayaria, the Pilate of the Passion Play in 1910, in which he states that the Passion Play will not be performed next year, but that Its presentation in 1921 is expected. Of those who took part in the play in 1910 the wife of Anton Lang, who represented Jesus Christ, is dead, also three of his daughters, one of whom represented Martha. Seventy of the performers and nine teen members of the orchestra died during the war. In Hopeless Mood [From the Washington Star.] "Is your family trying to econ omize on clothes?" Growcher. "The less material they put in gowns the more they ap pear to cost." Foch on France's Future [From the Bache Review] The New York World has done n great service in obtaining from Gen eral Foch his views as to the needs of France at this time, when straight, hard-headed conclusions are of special value. We can quote only paits of his statement, but it should be read in full by every American. "France," he says, "is entitled to find in the peace real guarantees of its security, insured by the line of the Rhine, instead of having only the protection of theories or leagues of an improbable stability." Barriers cannot be dispensed with. The French have only one barrier— the Rhine —and where the Rhine is, there is the guarantee. "I consider that only the possession of this line is able to assure the safety of my country." Americans would understand, he, says, if they had seen the devastat ed regions of France. What they mean, these ravaged departments of France, is abominable, awful. "France has been terribly rav aged, several of her departments have beefi thoroughly devastated. For a long time she will be unable to produce, unable to export. On the contrary, she will be obliged to effect purchases in foreign markets. She will be compelled to import goods and raw materials. Not only the complete destruction of her north and east regions, but also the demolition of her factories and in dustrial stocks will prevent her manufacturing for some time to come. "In addition to this, her financial will hamper the revival of her imp'etus to work. The heavy taxes which will burden her future budgets will hinder her from taking up her activities for a long time to come. To get through the crisis of peace, France requires the assist ance of her allies and friends. This help should be secured to her. "It is of the greatest concern to the United States to prevent Ger many from again getting the con trol over French markets. It is to its interest to prevent us being obliged to buy even our clothes in Germany." Woman Suffrage Song Our triumphal march is onward, And our banners face the sun Hill and valley ever ringing, With the sound of battle won. We are marching on to Victory, With Justice in the lead, Her sword shall clear the parkway, For our soul's eternal need. Soon our shackles will be riven, And our song shall reach the skies. "Till the glory of our Freedom, On the winds of Heaven rise." Chorus We are marching on to Victory, Our feet are winged with light, As we hail the glorious coming, Of the morning fair and bright. —lda Mae Reynolds. What's Coming Off? [From American Legion Weekly.] The policeman knocked loudly at the door from which came screams of mortal anguish. Neighbors stuck forth their heads from win dows and wondered audibly who was being murdered. Others, less curious but sleepier, knocked irrita bly on partitions and cried for the police. So the policeman bravely knocked again. "What's all the racket? What arc you pulling off in here?" he shouted through the key-hole. Back came the tired voice of the wife, while the husband continued his protests: "A porous plaster, If you must know." A Just Grievance [From Birmingham Age-Herald] "Somebody elsl has got to wait on that guy in the green suit," said Maggie, the belle qf the beanery. "What's the matter, Mag?" asked her—for that day—dearest friend. "He said, 'Pull yourself together, my girl, and rush that 'order of ham and eggs.' Any guy that talks like that to a lady like she's scattered herself all over the place ain't no gentleman. That's what I say!" Jesus Preaches in Galilee Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God, and, saying, the time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye, and believe the gospel.— Mark 1, 14 and 15. Itimttng Glljat There's little prohahility that much will bo done in thq way of building by the State in this city be fore spring. Plans for starting the Memorial bridge before new year's day have been abandoned, the final 3i ( ii'L ali , on l for the new ° m <* building to be erected In the Park extension to the east of the lower animvcH the P\ I ? ,tol have not been approved and the studies for the new barracks at the State Arsenal s£te nC w, l !, nl l he<l - , F,rßt and j have between $3,000,000 a J *<.000,000 of building in this city and the indications are that it will wait until spring before break er ITT,?,' 1 on any of l hem. A num ber of things have operated to pre tho early start. In regard to the bridge, a hitch on the final form r of the contract and the big bond re quired developed. There* are m bmidln, L? ', n rpgrar(l to the Office lone™*' Whieh wiU have almost 100 000 square feet, to lay before the Stto n"" a r , hls collea Sues on the n^ ll H.?° ard °f P " bl,c Gronnds and Buildings, and these disappointing Thi" Ht* f n r f tard askin f f or bids. The State Police barracks at the Arsenal can scarcely be built within the appropriation, but it is Intended whi"? ! e \ start Another thing with st t 8 dpvel °P ed in connection with State offices is the remodeling be old Board of Trade building, met IZK ready before sum- t, by P°P>e at the Capi ta ♦ * lowever . indications now are that the year 1920 will be a hummer rtsburg l ° State buildinß in Har • * • n For the present the State Is con 2?ndfn , the mlin * i" 'and grading of the Capitol Park exten -I°"' w here huge embankments are rising on (he south side of old State grade' o? th"* an . idea of what the hi lit park and the Mall will I L. / neets of trucks which tin hi j V l6 north of tbe Bt reet *L!L b ®, no v ed to the five sheds being lif tbe State Arsenal prop and' wdn eS I Uild ' ng:a wi " be steel and will house 600 trucks. The !1 are owned by the army and mtel £h stat e for highway pur hlr e altha " Bh they have been held i T litar y or any other emer gencies which might arise. They at- much attention in Capitol Park extension, but do not prevent the vt n n, ro 'j S ., football Barnes which the youth of that section of the city an pear to delight in and for which they thank the State every afternoon * * * qt.-Ifl't/' T ; 'totlirook, the veteran State horest Commissioner, is 81, but that does not seem to matter when it comes down to hunting. Dr. Roth rock is the man wlip discovered Mont Alto, for State purposes, and he has been up deer hunting in that section the last few days and covering more ground than men half his age * Some of the deer hunters coming to Harrisburg tell stories that were related to them by farmers and won der what has happened to the ani mals. There have been reports from time to time of the damage done to orchards and gardens by deer and in some parts of Cumberland and J? ranklin counties the animals have even gotten Into barnyards. It is not uncommon for farmers In the Juniata valley counties to have to chase deer from their fields. But what hunters do not understand, and the farmers admit, is where the deer go when hunting season opens and why do they seek the woods. Two weeks ago deer were seen close to Llizabethville and other upper end towns, but they have gone into the woods that fringe the mountains in the Lykens valley region and on over into Lebanon county. • • • Speaking of game, there have been some pretty tall stories told about pheasants in Perry county. They were not pheasants, but grouse and they seemed to be in touch with civilization. One man told of seeing birds perched on telephone poles and another said that he saw 10 just inside the game preserves in the vicinity of New Germantown and that they just looked at him. One farmer said that a month ago he counted four grouse right near his barn. • • • In line with the plan of having a series of addresses during the winter on Harrisburg as it used to be, Presi dent B. M. Nead, of the Dauphin County Historical Society, has ar ranged for an address at the Decem ber meeting of the society by J. Cal- • vin Rawn on "Old Market Square." Mr. Rawn was born on Market Square and his recollections will be interesting. The society launched its new program last month when Spen cer C. Gilbert spoke on merchants of 50 years ago and A. Carson Stamm spoke on the school system of 30 years ago and to-day. • • * Dr. C. J. Marshall, former State Veterinarian and now devoting him self to scientific work at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, has been decorated with the British Distin guished Service Medal. He had charge of the organization of the veterinary service of the army. The Prince of Wales conferred the deco ration which was in recognition of the former Harrisburger's splendid work for animals. • * * "More oysters are being eaten this week than in the whole of last month," declared a man who handles a big food business to-day. "The reason is the cold weather. There are many oyster lovers in Harris burg and they have reason to be, for Harrisburg gets some of the finest oysters in the land direct from the i Chesapeake Inlets. However, while there are some people who will eat oysters in October and more in No vember, the real oyster lover waits until we have some spanking cold weather, such as lias come this week. And then he turns In. Just look around and see the number of peo ple eating tliem." 1 WELL KNOWN PEOPLE 1 —D. I. McCahlll, prominent Pitts burgh attorney, was here on Public Service business. —Justice John Stewart, of the , Supreme Court, is one of the few survivors of the Constitutional con vention of 1873. —Commissioner of Labor C. B. Connelley is to speak at conferences in Washington. —Public Service Commissioner John S. Rilling has returned from visits to Western Pennsylvania cities. —S. A. Barnes,, the new mayor of New Castle, Is a railroad engineer, and proud of It. I DO YOU KNOW 1 —That Harrisburg is selling more manufactured goods than at any time since the war closed? HISTORIC HARRISBURG —The first steamboat landing in Harrisburg was used some 96 years ago and was near Mulberry street.