Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 05, 1919, Page 21, Image 21

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    Thousands Are Idle as
Result of Mill Shutdown
Detroit, Mich., l>ec. s.—Ten or;
twelve thousand men are out of •
work in Michigan factories and cop
per mines to-day by the fuel short- .
age which promises to cause further j
stoppage of industry by the end of,
the week. j
All factories at Lansing were j
closed for an indefinite period last ;
night although it was said the local ,
fuel committee might allow some of;
them to reopen next week for inter- ;
mittent days.
Word came from the copper;
country that the railroad adminis- I
(ration's order prohibiting shipment
of coal for the mines, except for use.
in the pumps, had forced suspension
of work in all the Calumet and
Hecla subsidiaries and that nearly
all other mines would be forced to '
close within a few days.
Asks Fast to Share
Washington. Dec. s.—The country
as a whole now is involved in coal ]
rationing measures which have been j
proposed to eke out supplies short- ;
ened by the nation-wide strike of 1
bituminous mine workers.
The flow of appeals to the re- j
established fuel administration j
showed general alarm o"r the situ- i
Middle western territory where,
the shortage has become acute, j
through representatives in Congress ;
demanded that the eastern seaboard j
and Xew England be compelled to
share surplus supplies and live up to .
restrictions on power and light eom- '
panics as drastic as those effective j
in the west.
By Associated Press. j
Columbus, Ohio, Dec. f>.—Coal op
erators' and miners' officials were j
closeted behind locked doors with
Governor Cox to-day itr an effort to
bring about a settlement of the coal
strike so far as Ohio miners are con
cerned. While results of the nego
tiations were not made public. Gov
ernor Cox is believed to have sub
mitted a proposition to the dispu- ;
tants. 'file conference was called .
yesterday by the Governor following
a meeting between the State exeou- ,
five and miners' officials.
Milwaukee. Wis.. Dec. —Donald
G. Keister. University of Wisconsin
extension professor, who disappeared ,
mysterious! Yin Indiana while en
route to Pennsylvania on an auto - .
mobile trip, was at Lome hero to
day with his memory clouded, the
result of scr oti.-. Miners, according '.o
a statement by his brother-bdaw,
the Rev. John W. isc'lv. of Pitts
burgh, who tame to take th< pro- :
fessor back 10 his Pennsy' 'unia j
By Associated Frees.
Jefferson City, Mo.. Dec. s.—Mis
souri will be in the coal-mining
business late to-day, according to
State officials, if the coal miners of
Hart on county fall to hee the "ul
timatum" of Governor Frederick D.
Gardner to return to work at noon.
It was announced that everything
was ready for operating with vol
unteers the Barton county mines,
tifteen in numljer, which were seized
by tlie State last night. It was also
announced that for the present the
State will limit its operations to the
Barton county fields, which have a
daily output of about 1,000 tons. ;
lly Associated Press.
Charleston, W. Va., Dec. s.—Leon
11. Kelley, United States District At
torivey for the Southern district of 1
West Virginia, announced to-day ;
that a special Grand Jury had been )
called for next week to investigate
charges growing out of the coal 1
I.■>■)<>. Dec. ft.—Karl Radek. a
Russian Bolshevik, who was one of
t lie leaders In Hie Spai tacan uprising
in Germany and who lias been con
lined to Moublt | lison in Berlin for!
some time, was released on Thurs
day so that lie might be able to at-
• *
„ s7he
j&Qautifiil (jif?
And why Jewelry? 1 hat's a fair question.
Now for the answer. _. TI
y\ here
The ideal gift, with that close personal • •
touch, is that article which the recipient most VjlialltV
keenly desires to possess, yet that which one
is least likely to buy for one's own use. Jg
•jeweloT' does ,hat lead esce P' to Higher |
To'givc Jewelry, however, does not mean Tlltlll
a huge outlay, for we've charming gift things IX • 9 9
—in Jewelry—priced as low as $1.00; as high X I*loo
as $1,500.
Jewelry, in all its many motifs is here,
waiting to fill the heart of some loved one
with the true spirit of Christmas. 1
Don't wait this year until the last few days
—then, as heretofore, go hurrying, scurrying,
madly, to fill eleventh-hour needs.
, Come in early; choose leisurely. Make a
small deposit if you wish, and the gift of your
choosing will be laid asic!e for you until Christ
\ I
Jacob Tausig Sons
Diamond Merchants and Jewelers
420 Market Street Opposite Station Entrance
\ ■ ' 4 ' '
| tend the Dorpat conference between j
i Bolshevik delegate? and represent#- I
| tives of the Balkan states. Me will j
appear as a Soviet delegate, accord
| ing to a wireless dispatch received I
j here from Berlin.
Harrisburg Lodge of
Masons Elect Officers
\ #
I The service flag; was demobilized
j and officers for tho ensuing; year i
. elected, ut last evening's meeting of j
\ Harrisburg Lodge, No. 629, Free and
Accepted Masons.
1 The service flag, including 34 ,
! stars, was demobilised with impres
slve ceremonies. The address was
• delivered by Pat Master J. E. B.
' Punningham. Francis H. Hay was
master of ceremonies. The stars in
• the flag included two for active mas*
i ters of the lodge.
Officers elected for the year were:
Worshipful master, Frederick M.
Tritle: senior warden. Howard C.
Irwin: junior warden. S. Scholl Ruth
erford: treasurer, Charles K. Covert;
secretary. Benjamin \V. Hemming:
trustees, William S. Hurlock. Howard
A. Rutherford and Benjamin M.
; Nead: representative in grand lodge,
j Frederick J. Smith.
Camp Hill Men Will
Meet Friday Evening
i The Men's eclass of the Camp Mill
| Presbyterian 'Church will meet Fri
, dav evening of next week at the
j home of O. M. Steinmetz. Washington
: Heights. The meeting scheduled for
. to-morrow evening has been post
! poned-
W. Monroe Trotter, of Boston,
J president of the Equal Eights Reague
of America, will speak at the St.
Paul's Baptist Church this evening
| rvt S o'clock. Mr. Trotter is the editor
I of the Boston GuaNUn and graduate
■of Harvard University, lie was also
the delegate to the International coti
j ference of the colored people of the
world, held in Paris during the sign
; ing of the Peace Treaty.
An enthusiastic business meeting
of the Men's Bible class of the First
Church of Hod was held lust evening
at which lime 'he teacher and offi
cers were* elected for the coming
I year: Teacher. Hr. W. X. Yates:
president, Robert K. Mathias; vice
president, A. E. I&nderfe: secretary.
Howard Shelley: treasurer, W. H.
Shetter and chorister. Irvin M. Cas
By Associated Press.
Parii*. Dec. 5. The Supreme Coun
cil. in agreement with the Jugo-Slav
delegation, lias conceded certain mod
ifications in the peace terms with Aus
tria. affecting Jugoslavia, notably the
advancing of the date for payments
to the Jugo-Slav state on rep rat ions
due it. These modifications have j
been embodied in a declaration to be
signed by the principal Allied and 1
associated powers and by Jugo-Slavia.
§ Absolutely No Pain I
My lntft Improve*! appll-
1 nnom. including; an oirffu- •
I -I ,xr<l nlr nppnmtua, makes w\ T
I mO. fcj extracting? and all dmtal JV
a*ork positively painless
I and 1r perfectly harm-^F
less ( Ace no objection)
■®k-A*S Fn ■■• '
t' .CJold erowit* nnd
fcrlder work, 2ZK
*old prona , (.'.OO
R-al.tcrcd to .""m T ' ?' 3 °
<.rnHnntf a a w J° " r. M,| Monday,
Aaalalaala Jr Wedmdty nnd Sat
•' '"" " V' urday. till • P. ,t.
jr a o payments of Mmmmk
/V Market
harrFSBURG/PA. „ dldn . t hurt . blt
[Continued IToiu First Page.} i
I spund for the Legion, but in his place
Captain John B. Gredler accepted in
' till name of the Legion the greetings
jof Mr. Staokpole. Lieutenant Gover
! nor E. K. Beidleman made a short ud
j diess, urging the Legion to steer a
j course free from politics of the
; wrong sort, and congratulating them
for their united stand against the Red
forces in the country.
I Colonel J. B. Kemper closed the
I speaking for the evening and then
i the tlrst reel of action moving pic
tures was run off. The movies were
taken by the Signal Corps, and made
some of the service men feel right
back home again: the pictures of the
destruction of one of our balloons by
a Boche plane were particularly good.
Vaudeville stunts concluded the
I program. It was announced that a
j meeting of Post 27 will be held at the
i courthouse Monday evening to nomi
! null- officers for the coming year. A
! name for the post, the amount of the
j annual dues, pluns for the organiza
■ tion or the band, discussion of a per
! manent headquarters..are some of the
, I .subjects to be considered at that time.
! The Boy Scouts and members of the
canteen service volunteered their ser
! vices last night in distributing pro
: grams and the 4000 pipes and 10.000
1 cigarettes which the "Y" presented to
i ; the Legion.
The entertainment committee de
served a great deal of credit for the
! way in which they managed the af
fair. Invitations were accepted by
! the Civil War Veterans, Spanish
-1 American War Veterans, and Veter
; ; ans of Foreign Wars, who attended
iI in a body. The committee included
, ; James Fitzpatrick, chairman, Ira
| Kindler and Leon I.owengard,
Toledo, Ohio, Dec. s.—After waik
; ing and riding in buses for 27 days
at ten cents or more per ride, Toledo
will get back to-day to the old sys
tem of using street cars as a means
'of transportation. Resumption of
! service will begin at 3.00 p. m., it was
announced this morning by Henry
i L. Doherty, who stored his vehicles
in Michigan when the people 'sua
i mined a council ouster ordinance at
:he lust election. lnterurbans will
< begin using the streets at 6 p. m.
The fare is to be the same as when
the curs were taken away—six cents
and two cents for transfer.
[Continued from First Pane.]
'.Council of the Evangelical Lutheran
t'hurch, to which the Holy L'otn-
I niuinon Church was attached prior
j to the merger.
I One of the principal differences in
the constitutions of the General
j Council and the United Lutheran or
! gunization is the absence of a clause
■ in the rules of the latter prohibiting
, I Lutheran ministers from joining se
; iret organizations. The General
I "The Live Store"
"Be Sure of Your "
Doutrichs Shirt Festival
This unique and attractive display of high grade
Silk, Madras, Percale and Mercerized Shirts is an annual event of this "Live
Store" at which time you and your friends have the pleasure of seeing a magnificent collec
tion of handsome shirts. We have been receiving case after case of these beautiful shirts,
until we have our warerooms jammed to the very ceiling with thousands of striking, as well
as modest and conservative patterns ranging in price from
ill I Gift Boxes Free d1 Cn • di c Aft Gift Boxes Free
1 I With Your Purchase J q>l.3U tO q>I3.UU j With Your Purchase j I
I Silk Shirts have been especially scarce and hard to
get, that is, good colors and guaranteed fabrics, but we managed to get our
big share for this occasion by taking them in and paying for them months ago. We have been
preparing for this "Shirt Festival" for many weeks, but we are ready now to serve you with
the choicest quality and most beautiful blends of colorings for your holiday purchases.
Can you think anything more acceptable than a gift of shirts? I
It would be hard to find the equal in value of the shirts we have this year. There will be more
"Shirts" presented as gifts this Christmas than any past season —they are becoming more popular each year I
because they are so useful and practical.
"The Store Everybody is Talking " j
a -asM—ai I—IIHHI H
' As a suggestion let us mention .
[ f ** OO * SB The one ptft a woman can give a man with the absolute I
a pair of Kum-a-part Cuff Links to add to ttssuraw *^ *beatable-the
| your Shirt gift. We have them to match every shirt 111 DADT j
in the store. The easiest operated and fastest sell- 1§
ing cuff link ever offered to the public, | - a , n P to b tton w
I Makes a double appeal of style distinction and a coo- P
jg ' . I venience that soon becomes iaiiisoensable.
50c to $6.00 pair ji
BJIiilhiihtlllliliiniililllllllilHIitllllUlilllilllililllilllllllilliWhlidiimilllinilHIIH'iShlliUillililllil'llitill!!!"!!!!! :' • fHftt •; ;• S . Mite' at "■■■''■■ v • u1 HM Ti mm W : 1 I a "•
I The Necktie Party
Is well patronized by the women and girls who know where to
select the kind of Neckwear "He" likes. You ought to see them buying ties at the "Necktie
Party." We have oceans of them in the richest and most tastefully designed four-in-hand and bat wing styles
—you couldn't pick an undesirable one in the entire lot. Gift boxes free with your purchase.
Goods Exchanged. Money Refunded Either Before or After Christmas
Council did not permit this, accord- !
ing to the Rev. Mr. Schmidt, but
United Lutheran Church constitu- .
lion does not mention it at all.
When asked whether he eonsider
i id this difference as a serious one,
j the Rev. Mr. Schmidt made the pre
diction that quite a few Lutheran
churches formerly of the General
! Council will likely demand the ad
dition of the clause to the United i
j Luthc .'an constitution, and if it is ;
i i.ot passed and included then these j
chinches will withdraw.
The Rev. Mr. Schmidt was called j
j by the defense to testify in support
I of the Itev. Jonn Henry Miller, pus
i tor of tho Holy Communion Lu
theran Church. The Kev. Mr. Miller
| M f.tercay made a number of expla
' nations of the differences in the con-
I stitut'ons of the United Lutheran
Church and the General Council.
.According to prominent Lutheran!
cii rgymen from Pennsylvania theo- j
■ logical seminaries the Holy Com
j munion Church is the only one in |
I t'.e lountry which refused to be- I
come affiliated with the United Lu
theran Church when it was formed
merging the General Council,
General Synod and United Synod in
| tic South. They mude no comment
ion 1h prediction made by the Rev.
| Mr. Schmidt, but it is anticipated •
('•at they may be called to the wlt
i cess stand again to answer some of
1 the city pastor's statements.