Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 05, 1919, Page 20, Image 20
20 More Life Insurance Written This Year, Equitable Head Says Now York, Doc. 5. —Reduction of the high cost of living seems only a "remote possibility" to William j ["GOLDSTEIN'S ' GOLDSTEIN'S GOLDSTEIN S ~ ""LDSTELYS II !21st ANNIVERSARY SALE! H i | BEGINS TOMORROW, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th |! MARK DOWNS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT II i same policy adhere dto in the past will be fol- ; II lowed in the future, that of selling standard mer- J? cn s u^\ or8 1 TYonsere Men's Canvas Gloves— Boys' Sturdy Taped Men's Heavy Roll Collar] [Men's Overcoats All K chand.se only, a, , small margin of French back w.th cuffs . Kmt Wristlets sizes Sweaters-Blue, grey, wool hand tailored II will find profiteering everything thiFen: 83.91 ters this store is marked to be sold at a small mar- „. , ■ v tSA*tJJL XtUU gin of profit, and the price remains unchanged Men's Blue Serge Trou- J Men's Suits—A Specially until the article is sold. Such standard makers as tailored ... ... , , J—J* selected lot including A Special Lot of Boys'l ' Buy Your Christmas 1 II Goldwin Clothes, Signal Shirts, Monito Hose, $4.95 Wnds tisf a ? d almost all sizes Suits-Sizes 16 to 18 Neckwear now-75c SB Magnate Trousers, Freeland, Signal, Lee, Car- AQ <RI ft ffO ftS eft™ liu J hartt, Osh Kosh Overalls, Hanover Gloves, tUXV. Itf 80tfl {jSJC 1 i r~rVv/ .. . .j! , c . . , Men's Flannel Shirts, - V ' J Douglass, Just Wright Kiddy s Shoes featuring grey, blue, brown N 23 | online. Everything that we sejlwestand back Q| Men's GenuineVelour Dress Shirts - Detach- Boys' Suits - Snappy] I Men's Wool Army Shirts 1 H . of. Our purchasing power is enormous. We have dX.JFX a at a three dollar able collars A variety Wool Suits at in Khaki—Special \ ts I storesTn Lebanon.Sunbury. Berwick. Bloom*. ' ©COff $7 21 <IhA OS VAHffidFl I i| burg, Danville and Hazelton. Men's Heavy Wool Hose OW■ (/D 5h.21 * * \V,' k —oil T —— Wpll Mario v .. . / Vw* w i ek Shop uptown and save money on every pur- 1 .wuiue v v , | GOLDSTEIN'S 49C f lotT 1 Union ) S I || GOLDSTEINS ' ment-A special lot of Stats-All sizes in blue, green and brown. PWI-„ "(SIM < gT\ W ° m p"'L V rw e i ™ ,aiStS l DreS^'J >re il y^ laidS " 8C They are $2.25 values 827.00 , V*W r^ r { r jT~* rkO 8J..49 \ Men's Wool Union Suits // J/, Wi 98c S^fi__°SJ.:i?et^! l ? ble Men's Ribbed 2-Piece Men's Heavy Corduroy 1 83*98 ll ' r __ Collar Shirts—Blue L T nderwear—Fleeced Coats Rlankpf UnpH // ft --3$ ( Heavy Cotton Work or polka dot and well made ' lil , flf PWWMk Women's Percale and Hose for Men Q1 Qjn 99.95 'Men's 2-Piece Woo) UnA / H II Mm&WW Ginghmn Housedresses JOg ••'lt 1 derwear // ! S( WSm .1 1 , ... -! I Men's Cotton Worsted) j 1 8191 | / || j| \l Men's Fleece Lrncd Un-1 "'to leached" ' or Wthout Earlaps j II IMf! .On Surts-heavy CoUar 82 41 1 ' 91.21 Sweaters-ail colon. /rSTX VTf 79C |1 11 2 pairs for 35c $5.21 || _"l I —' . „ —— 7"\ r- ——■— n Men's Corduroy Trou- M Kaf U. 9 P O I. A Tremendous \ ulue in Puns Gurters—Thev ure sers—Heuvv IHHTOW ___| j| §1.21 98c J 51.21 II 52.49 || 21c 53.91 512.21 gff || teRAF DDirrC THAT ARE ONLY MADE POSSIBLE by} ri\iV/L/o OUR EIGHT BIG CUT-RATE SHOE STORES h ! "SSSSTOfiE®|| fan mm MM 777. BOYS' TAN ENGLISH SHOES like 1 1 ' |S Si Wl $6 91 rc; n WORK SHOES.. ——r r $42 l fj II \ soles * derful values {7 Of S MEN'S SOLID LEATHER llflL i|| JJ ( * at W TAN WORK C? 91 BMBS.B The same in {9 Of 1 H If I WOMEN'S TAN VICI MHI- MH SHOES.... SMALL BOYS' il! Bmm^ EELSHO f^ he , d BLACK KID LACE IHk MEN'S HEAVY TAN 'mjk TLUCHEI 8 ' IHOES ' 1 11 II V IreHMk SHOES, high heels 2 \ O ARMY $4 21 WtojUL j 'sf 61 j{ ( WOMEN'S FELT m/mt MEN'S GOOD- JUKiMBOYS'TANARMY cfo Of 1 SLIPPERS —fur mm RITT rnnnm vnm H&i} YEAR WELT TAKMRyw 5H0E5.,,,,,, I " tops, in this special DARK RMWN Kin entire Br!& WORK "HOT'"' BOYS' TAN HICUT SHOES Of II sale ff-f of DARK BROWN KID SHOES tp, " Kll SHUEo.Wi I|| |||HIP , strongest wearing shoe made JS at 51.21 " o ts 56.91 £jf we U ar leSh . aak,^aranteedt ° $5.21 in SMALL $3.21 \ i ~ L 'l ______ JJ ) w 2?JS i I .?.V ACK GU i METAL High Grade Children's Shoes 1 MEN S TONY RED ENGLISH SHOES—) „ ~ ~ " 1 1 , SHOES $3.91 At Cut Rate Prices Goodyear welt—Rubber $6.21 e C° m Pl e te Line 'J WOMEN'S COMFORT SHOFS— WtESSk Chfldrat's BlkJi Butt Shoes w! L. DOUGLAS SHOES for men tn button [Bfl Ot Rubber Footwear. j Wim Rubber heels, tip and oor ly\l n""""' li'll blucher and English lasts, black or tQQQ ffjKjP. In the Qty \ plain toe * mm m-t ZZZ'.Z $2.41 JUST WEIGHT SHOES FOR " en "f •••••••••••••••••••••• I i.i'lmk WOMEN'S $5 COMFORT SHOES BSSaW - MEN at tnli ?®: rs Rubbers ~...,,81* ( I Turn soles—Cushion inner soles A speclriot of Button snd Lace TOP GRADE CALF SKIN SHOES— MiW Rubber 1 j JHSk 1 *l9B , X;:SJ I \ It 1 A Cbm'ORT D SHOES L I B Children's Tan high jkh- $6 per pair, I I Womerr's Qoth Rubbe g ."...... fII HI women Gfi 91 cut Lace Shoes: ffi MEN BLACK VICI Mens Cloth Rubbers sl2l 1 1 *°*^ i || i WOMEN'S WARM LINED SHOES (O 71 * Ve r y ¥4-71 M ( | Plain toe or tip 1 T*n Latns Stltchdown Lace Shoes, sy 2 to 11 $2.41 ijV l! .I C Men's 2-buckle Felt Boots S2.SH \ [|-"'^ar , lOOLDSTEIN , Sl^^^plJ FRIDA\ EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 5, 1919. A. Day, President of the Kquitable Life Assurance Society of New York. Mr. Duy describes tho pres ent situation as betraying "a pas ! sion for expenditure In tlio pursuit of pleasure and costly nonessen tials which has no parallel in his tory." These assertions were made by Mr. Day in the course of an address he delivered here before tho 'recon struction conference of the Associa tion of Life Insurance Presidents. "The war." said Mr. Day. "thrust upon us an unnatural and unbal anced prosperity and has left us a legacy of Inflation, speculation and •xeesslve improvidence. A largo volume of easy money has found Its way into the pockets of many people to whom a substantial cash surplus was a new and tempting pos session." This, he added, hud been followed by a great passion for ex penditure and pursuit of pleasure by those of Improvident and self-ln- Rulgent tendencies. Despite what Mr. Duy character ized as "the present unparalleled passion for needless s"entiing." he said there had been an unprece dented Increase In the amount of life insurance written In tho United States In the present year. Statis tics gathered for tho Association of 'l.lfo Insurnnee Presidents placed the totat volume of new Insurance for the year at $7,712,000,000. cont oured with $4,600,000,000 for the 1 heaviest previous year. 1918. Tills amount, Mr. Day said, would ex ceed all tho Insurance outstanding In ull tho compunles 20 years ago. RECORD COTTON MARKET SEAT New York, Dee. E>.—J. F. Clark paid $26,000, a record price for a seat on the Cotton Exchange. The last seat was sold for $23,750. First German Ship at Vera Cruz Since Armistice Was Signed Vera Craz, Mexico, Dec. s.—The flrst German vessel to arrive here since tho beginning of the war has reached this port with a mixed cargo of hardware and drugs from Ger many. The captain announced that several other vessels soon will leave Hamburg for Mexican ports He conformed previous announcements that Germany Is planning an ag gressive campaign for Latln-Amcrt can trade.