Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 05, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 mi |g I 1111111111111 IIH I I Emphasizing the Importance to [ | 6M - | ' 1 Men who care to dress well—of 111 1 11 The Christmas Store of Useful Gifts i I Schleisner Suits Bj l jg. is a gift that every woman appreciates—something to wear. It is 1; • ■■ p W woman's part to dress well and therefore, whatever is given to wear only tends to emphasize p 1 X~"\ I H M Ia P rero g at * ve * The gift of apparel is all the more appreciated when the gift of attiring /| I ■"% J T" C onefeelf is accentuated. Coming from Sdileisner'& adds the mark of distinction. And £IJL lv 4 V C/l ==! H Schleisner gifts are exclusive with economy. I jfP ill What More Luxurious Gift Than Furs? | of cloillin s lll3 strict h ll P to | | TV/I" ANY women look forward to Christmas as the time when they will receive Furs—the gift Y every man to procure the Hj = ATX luxurious. We have anticipated this. Our present collection of Fur Scarfs and Fur Coats is very extensive and est can or P r * ce HI e| has been selected with the view of filling Christmas gift requirements. The newest and most fashionable Fur garments / \ pays. This is an old story, 1 I M are here in those most sought furs. We beg to emphasize the fact that all Schleisner Furs are of selected pelts —the Hi / \ y. •ee ]? X / /tffy but never more important = ! = r r M to insure' himself against un- ee j p Nutria Muskrat M | 11 A\A | | Fur Coats $145 to $565 j I \i /a y/ I I Fur Neck Pieces and Scarfs $39.75 to $l5O I = fj /J \ V Then you say, "What is M\M H f the right store?" Easily H H , ee 7 answered. It is the store that pI p GoatS - PrCSSCS 1 IM? |j| Reduced 20 tO 30 Pef Ceilt. Reductions 2 6( tZ ed o I M than of anything else. But it ||| made . 0/? Qw Entire Remaining Line of <£'JtZJT, f JWIEVW is also the store that is sat- == j== tions on many "of ———————————————dresses and have se /1 I . MI M the present mo- Women's and Misses' Suits ular lines a number % JS, have ,hat km<l of a doth " ,f; (j I ™= nt . the coat Of smart dresses in store. Men can put them- =s ||| weather, this news Hpo fully realize what this means you must know how really superior various materials i _ Ao , ..i H] i M he of especial li n every way Schleisner Suits are. In selecting suits every care whirh WP haw r P . =3 /fcJ h ' 1; = interest to most has been exercised to obtain for our clients the most exclusive models . . rmwiHwaW safety. It's a thing we're |1 JIM women. Consider- —correct in detail, artistic in tailoring and above all dignified of line. r _ , . I| , g; || ing that these coats for Saturday. This |g pr ° tt(l I 1 are all taken from JSJ QW These Sltits Are All Reduced brings to you a rare 1 H g our regular stock opportunity at a i and reduced at the And they comprise our choicest suits, the simple plain tailored t jme when you are 3 -\T P TT TTT* j PI *j very height of coat and the more elaborate fur trimmed models. The new materials and . Now tor Your Winter Suit il t(?e r stdesirabltTh e•* . c , rJi 1 g • = g tunity should be None reserved. All transactions final. ® aress. g -i , = g quickly taken ad- Navy and other = and Overcoat I | vantage of. shades. Schleisner Suits and Overcoats are long service clothing, be- = M . C ' 7 cause you can wear them with the knowledge that they will be in || Special Special Special Sp€ClQ.l Spedttl style for several seasons. They are conservative and becoming. | | Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday made to make a man look well dressed without any freakish ideas = B v T * • -c n ,_ ~ __ , T ~ Women's Pure c-,, T r,. . EEi . . =B Kayser s Italian Silk Kayser's Italian Silk Kayser's Italian Silk _, w , s „ r H re Silk Jersey Top Pet- = about them that go out of date in a short time. Worth thinking = 3 Vests, embroidered. A Envelope Chemise, em- Bloomers, very daintily Thread Hosiery, ticoats with satin H ' B chaTm in g, yet inex- broidered and lace embroidered. A gift beautifully embroi- flounce. A practical, = abOUt * = M pensive gift, trimmed, " unusual, ded : ver y B P ecial a beautiful gift, = M = 3 P air = | Suits in double breasted and | | 39 79 19 $2' 95 | 1 single breasted models--- I ■ ' ' I ° molt-- ani j j Schleisner's Holiday Blouse Festival | r\ | I I More Than 1000 New Crisp Voile and Shimmering Geor- Sv -si I I I Qdte an( l Crepe de Chine Blouses Await Gift Seekers Here * tt M H The Blouse Shop has outdone itself this season. Indications point toward more useful gifts each year. And H * || * . , p ! blouses are certainly practical as well as attractive. The exclusiveness of these styles make a special appeal. M an WOr I . i\t Georgette Blouses Hand Made Voile Crepe de Chine Lace Trimmed Voile , | Exclusive ScflWl/WIY Quality at I I at $ Z. 49 Blouses B J 0 o ™ eS r r Blouses ' I iofmrn, ill 5 $5.00t0512.90 jtL 7 JL.~ % =\ = . Many stunning models in Scores from which anA a stitching; flesh and white. Round and square necks, and most • ff . = j = flesh, white, maize and gray. Very unusual and most ac- effective in their trimmings of dainty tLXpenSWe ~ in Lverything P! EE A gift worth while. variety that fairly fascinates. ceptable. lace. 28-30-32 N. Third St. | | * ffiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiuihiiiiiiMmiiiiiiiiMiliiiiJillllliiilliiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinTnmiiiiinTniinnriili liiHioiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiwiMEiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiMmiiiiTiiiiM imiiiiiiiiiiiiil FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 5, 1919.