Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 05, 1919, Image 16
-J- I- 7 . _ U I ! " I;' v x FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 5, 1919. _ T, T TTT- 1 ■ r If I Nation-Wide Campaign of j | [ the Protestant Episcopal Church | for Worship—Service—Support J ' I help this Nation of ours to- To advance the cause of Missions — \ JL live by the principles for which hitherto inadequately supported. Kour men died To promote Religious Education. 0 To hasten the Americanization of \ our entire population. To answer urgent calls for Chris } rry - r-. • tian Social Service. 0 To increase true Religion as the only effective solution of our problems,— To enable the Church to fulfill her V political, industrial, social, oersonal. divinely appointed duty. | The Call Comes to Us ? From our national perils From the need of hu -1 manity—From immortal heroes who gave their all— \ From CHRIST our Leader who asks us to enlist J . under his banner in the fight for righteousness. m ffctor §?our JJame Calieb Wit jWobtlhe iSext 8 CpiScopalCtjurcli