Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 04, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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American, French and British
Peace Delegates Prepare
Agreement *
By Associated Press.
London* Dec. 4. An agreement
it is hoped will solve the Adri
atic question has been prepared in
Paris by the American, French and
British peace representatives for sub
mission to It&ly, according to private
dispatches to-day. Frank E. Polk,
under secretary of state, and Pre
k mier Clemenceau are declared
already to have signed the agree
ment, and it is understood Great 1
Britain is prepared to sign, upoi*
which the agreement will be handed I
over to the Italian plenipotentiary in i
Paris. „ j
The nature of the proposals is not i
stated, but they are said to have
Pj ETS 1
figure-outlines: Fashion's latest
decree. JL'
A model for every figurer W' 1
(each exclusive for its pur- I fj/ J A
Grace and Suppleness, with j^^^B
Corsets provide "Much Corset |||||
Lew lla.t '*
(See left-hang 1 111 111 I
illustration) RMffl i Jjl'lM
While W. B. Nuform Corsets are popular
priced corsets, they are not In any sense
cheap corsets, but combine In Fit, Style, 1
Material, Workmanship and Trimming, all
qualities of much higher priced corsets.
For Sale by BOWMAN & CO,
Hm. #tawa? & Cn.
"The Real Xmas Store"
Our Clothing jk
Sales for December
Always show a big increase— ' : fs.
For many, many gifts of Bathrobes,. W q o o||
Housecoats--Vests and even Suits
and Overcoats come from Harris
burg's Dependable Store as gifts— Af, l) mf
We are showing, as usual, a com- f// C /T f ||.
plete Selection of Bathrobes and /> 0 r nfH
Housecoats. LO -y id®"
The bathrobes are beautifully L° n 0 OjW
colored and moderately priced at / 0 cMC
$6.50t0 $16.50
Housecoats are flSt V
SIO.OO to $15.00 fii
Overcoats and Suits
Overcoats and Suits of high Quality and at fair prices are
what the average man wants—and that's exactly what he'll
. get when he buys at Wm. Strouse & Co.—Belters, and double
breasted coats of eveiy popular fabric and tone are found here.
Remember that it's to please you that strive—for it
has been by this policy that an unbroken chain of friends of
'Harrisburg's Dependable Store has been built up"—Service,
of course—But with us it's a v part of our system-?-as natural
as snow in winter.
Suits and Overcoats
to $35-S4O-$45 ;
Dependable, Store"
310 Market Street
been framed with a view to satis
fying the Italian people.
Regulars to Occupy Finnic
Italian regulars will occupy Fiume
and the territory included in the
treaty of London, signed in 1915 by
representatives of Italy, France.
Great Britain and Russia, accord
ing to a Rome dispatch to the Ex
change Telegraph Company. Cup
tain Gabriele D'Annunzio's volun
teers will withdraw from Fiume, it
is said, under the terms of an agree
ment reached as a result of nego
tiations between London and I^arls.
Salesforce Entertained at
Penn-Harris Last Evening
Dave Friedman, manager of the
Rainbow Waist Sh'op, 219 Market
street, entertained the sales force of
the store at the Penn-Harris Hotel
last evening. Dinner was served in
the main dining room at 7.30, fol
lowing which the clerks and their
friends were entertained at dancing
and with luncheon in the grill. The
occasion was so enjoyable that Man
ager Friedman has decided to make
them a monthly event. Those pres
ent were.Anne Selfon. Mary Yingst.
Katherine Parrctt. Mary Sease, Vio
let Forsythe, Norma Kunselnmn,
Dave Friedman, Donald Moyer,
Jerald Moyer and J. T. Griggs.
St. Paul s I nited Brethren Congregation of Wornileysburg
Plans Building to Cost $30,000 and to Be Com
pleted by October of Next Year
Wormlcysburg, Pa., Dec. 4.—The
borough is to have a $30,000 church
at Front and Locust street by Oc
tober, 1920, according to plans being
outlined by officials of the St. Paul's
United Brethren Church. Although
no definite plans have been outlined
as to how the edifice will be erected,
it has been decided to break ground
about April 1 and have the building
completed in time to report its erec
tion at the annual conference of the
United Brethren denomination in Oc
The church, which is to be a brick
structure with limestone trimmings
50x75 feet, will be erected on a plot
of ground 85x105 feet at Front and
Locust streets where the parsonage
now stands. The parsonage prob
ably will be razed or moved to Sec
ond and Locusts streets where the
church now stands. The present
building was erected in 1872 and an
annex erected in 1878. In 1901 the
edifice was remodeled and since that
time nothing has been done to the
The present building is inadequate
and in such shape that repairs are
out of the question. The board of
trustees of the church and a build
ing committee composed of members
of the church are working iri con
junction on plans. More than half
the money has been subscribed. 20
members collectively subscribing
St. Paul's congregation is 109
years old, having been organized
when the borough numbered less
than a score of religious workers.
The first preacher arived in 1810, the
little borough at that time being one
of the first preaching stations be
tween Hagerstown, Frederick and
Lancaster. A year later the first
appointment was ma'de by the con
ference and services were held in
the home of members in the town
until 1840, when a permanent or
ganization was made. Later services
were held in a small brick dwelling
where the Church of God now stands
and which was used by the Metho
dists for several years.
When this edifice was torn down
services were held in an old brick
school house on the opposite side of
the street. In 1871 plans were
drawn and in the following year the
building was erected. Five years
later an addition was made and the
church was rededicated in 1878. The
Rev. A. B. Mower is now pastor.
[Continued from F[rst Page.]
was termed the energetic campaign
against Villa that has been waged
against the Insurgents in the north
by General Manuel M. Dieguez, fed
eral commander ,of military opera
tions in the north.
It was also argued that the re
ward of 50,000 pesos recently offered
by the state of Chihuahua would be
likely to act as an incentive to some
of his followers to surrender their
Mexicans on the border expressed
the strong belief to-night that the
capture of Villa, If confirmed, will
do much toward relieving the situa
tion that now exists between the
American and Mexican governments.
Villa Will Execute
All Carranza Officers i
EI Paso, Tex., Dec. 4.—Orders
have been issued by Francisco Villa
| for the execution of all Carranza
j officers and men that are captured
Iby his forces. This action has been |
taken as a reprisal tor the recent
execution of Vijla's chief ally, Gen
eral Felipe Angeles, it was said.
The first important federal officer
to suffer this fate was Major Leon
Castro,- who was operating in the
state of Durango under orders of
i General Gabriel Gavira, formerly |
commander at Juarez. The Villa |
officer immediately responsible for '
! the execution of Castro was Salvador I
| Quevedo.
Villa is planning a new Campaign i
in Chihuahua and Durango shortly
j and accordingly the federal garrl
j sons in these two states have been !
1 reinforced, according to reports.
Mexican Cavalrymen
Are Pursuing Villa;
Galveston, Texas, Dec. 4. Five j
I thousand picked Mexican cavalry- |
i men in five divisions, are in hot pur
suit of Francisco Villa, according to
a statement by Mexican Consul Fi
, erro, who said he received this in
' formation to-day.
j The men are under command of |
General Dieguez and have orders to j
apprehend him dead or alive,
j The massacre of a regiment of !
federal troops by Villistas recently |
j reported from El Paso, was declared !
: false by the consul.
Would Have Light on
Print Paper Famine
Washington, Dec. 4.—The news- 1
| print famine will be made the sub- j
I .iect of investigation by a special '
i committee of five members of the '
House if the resolution introduced .
by Representative Ricketts, of Ohio. I
i is passed.
Every matter touching the high
! cost of print paper to publishers is ;
to be investigated under the terms ;
| of the resolution.
St. Louis Republic
Suspends After 111 Years !
I St. Louis, Mo., Deo. 4.—The St. 1
Louis Republic, which was founded
in 1808, suspends publication with,
the issue of to-day. All of its prop- i
erty, including the daily-, Sunday and !
semiweekly editions, has been sold i
to the Globe Publishing Company, '
publishers of The Globe-Democrat.!
the only other morning newspaper :
in St. Louis. All subscriptions will'
be fulfilled by The Globe-Democrat.'
The Republic has always been |
in politics.
Hy Associated Press. I
l-ondoii, Dec 4. Via Montreal.— ;
The Rritlsh cabinet, according to the
Daily News to-day, has decided to
suspend triul by jury for crimes of i
violence tn Ireland and to subtrlal
by a commission of three judges.
0. 0. Club of Tech High
in Dance Last Evening
The O. O. Club, a newly-organized
[junior society of Technlcnl High
i school, entertained nt a mnrshmnl
! low toast and dunce last evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George B.
■ Hess, 2209 Walnut street. Among
i those present were Miss Elizabeth
Dick, of Dillsburg; Mrs. H. S. Rex,
Miss Sara Cuton, Miss Prances Caton,
Miss Ethel Guistwhite, Miss ,Grace
Nye. Miss Rulh McCaulley, Miss Es
ther Wheeler, Puul Ray, Robert
Stuckenruth. Charles Boone, George
Rex, Walter hlgget and John Hupp,
This club was formed about a
month ago with eight charter mem
bers. The officers are as follows:
Robert Stuckenrath. president; Paul
Ray, vice-president; Charles Boone,
treasurer, and George Rex, secretary.
By Associated Press.
Paris. Dec. 4—(Haras)—Terms of
the tripartite Treaty guaranteeing
France against unprovoked attack b\-
Germany will be carried out by Great
~ regardless „f whether the
raHfW th<> ° thf>r P r ticipant.
ratifies th 0 pact, according to news
papers here, which state that negoti
ations to this end have been almost
completed between the French and
Biitlsh governments. Cnder the
terms of the Treaty, it would become
operative when both Great Britain
and the United States ratified if The
former has already acted favorably
on the convention but It has never
been submitted to the United States
street w°hl c h U 11 ' 1 d 1 n "n ° r t"' TM r d
street, vi hlch was yesterday sold to
| Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices 4re Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better |
1919 Shop Now! Don't Wait! 1920
y r - , • •
This Big Store is Fairly Bubbling Over With Wonderful
Gifts—For Every Member of the Family—
at Remarkable Savings
* . ' '
Christmas—Gift tjme—has come around once more.
What a wonderful time of the year it is for every one of us,
the ONE big time of the season. In the exchange of gifts,
we look forward to giving each one of our family, every
one of our friends, something that not only expresses Aur
greetings of the Yuletide season, but also something that
will be at the fame time serviceable and useful.
The Following Suggestions Are Only a Few of the Many Useful Gifts to be Found Here
Cuff Links.
Scarf Pins
Brooches '
Beauty Pins
Ash Trays
Tie Clasps
Match Safes
Hat Pins
Fancy Vests
Combination Suits
Union Suits
Two-piece Suits
Infants' Wear
Children's Suits
Men's Cnion Suits
Satin and Talteta Ribbons
Fancy Ribbons
Moire Ribbons
Baby Rlbltons
Wash Ribbons
Plnid Ribbons
ifacqnard Ribbons
Ladies' Gloves
Misses' Gloves
Men's Gloves
Boys' Gloves
Kid Gloves
Wool Gloves
Washable Gloves
All Silk Handkerchief*
Linen Handkerchiefs
Ijidies' I laud kerchiefs
Men's Handkerchiefs
Box Handkerchiefs
Work Handkerchief* fur Men
B 2®)] 25 Cent Department Store
TrftTyr * W/iere Every Day /s Bargain Day
215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse
DECEMBER 4, 1919.
Isadora Goodman, will be-entirely re
modeled and ready for occupation by
April t. when Mr. Goodman will move
from his present store at 4 10 Market
Street. r
An arcade front with deep display
windows on each- side, will be in
cluded in the remodeling, the first'
lloor devoted to cloaks and suits,
second to furs, and the third to stock
rooms and workrooms. Harry C.
Rosa, merchant tailor, who has oc
cupied the first floor of the building
for more than twenty-five years, will
London, Dec. 4. —Sir W. M. Ram
say, lecturing in London last night
on "Some results of the exrnvutlons
at Pisidian Antioch," said that sonte
of the historical tablets recently-dis
covered closely corroborated facts
set worth In the Acts of the Apos
To Ward Off Winter
Complexion Ills
To keep the face smooth, white and
beautiful all winter, there's nothing
dutte so good as ordinary mercollzed
wax. Rough, chapped or discolored
skin, inevitable in this weather, is
gently absorbed by the wax and re
placed by the newer, fresher skin
beneath. The face exhibits no trace
of the wax, the latter being applied
at bedtime and washed off mornings.
Creams, powders and rouges, on the
other hand, ere apt to appear con
spicuous at this season, because of
alternating expa,nupn and con
traction of thp sk^n,"flue to changing
temperatures. You are advised to try
this simple treatment. Get an ounce
of mercolized wax at any drugstore
and use like cold cream. This will
help any complexion at once, and
in a week or so the skin will look
remarkably youthful and healthy.
Household Goods
j Glassware
Roasting Pans
j Bread Boxes
i Silverplatcd Ware
| Jardinieres
The newest shapes and best
qualities in women's, misses'
and children's trimmed and un
trtnimcd hats in a wide assort
ment and at very attractive
As you know, the policy of this store is to sell articles
"at lower-than-elsewhere prices." You can rest assured
that every item mentioned in this list of suggestions are of
the best quality and at the lowest possible price.
| Lad'es' Hose
| Boys' Hose
j Girls' Hose
j Men's Hose
! Silk Hose
| Lisle Hose
Hose for every occasion.
I)ry Goods
l Silk Poplin
| Silk Mcssalinc
Crepe de Chine
Georgette Crepe
•t was there to wake a sketch or dren's Hour like a fen sr. For the
lier. Luncheon was just over, mud tiny toddlers there is varied
she was talking to a little knot of menu, sometimes Uneeda Biscuit
women. The first words 1 heard, o&jtnd milk, sometimes Graham Crack-
I slid quietly into a nearby seat, werßers Oatmeal Crackers or Lunch Bis
"Nat tonal Biscuit," recalling pleasßeult. This is changed on special
antly my own tasty L'uecdn Lunchjoccasions to Old Time Sugar Cook
con. I liked her, and and, rarest of
fortahl.v as he spoke a days when we had
nud ears busy. Bee cream and those
things, I've given that hi ggs£|^^fcg^^gp!|^|jPypl* Ff ifc
m Uneeda Biscuit
?■ is due to the superior materials and methods B*
tS employed in the baking. The everlasting table- K
S( m goodness of Uneeda Biscuit is due to security mt
A of the In-er-seal trade mark package. mXi
Hour COMPANY enou ßh
went on, "are National
mats. They are most lovable ana Biscuit Products can be.' During the 1
most tractable after they've had years when my babies were growing
something to eat National Biscuit pp we never missed the Chll
dalntios always begin our Chll- dren's Hour with its tasty feast.
Giving a gift that is sure to be appreciated is an easy
matter when chosen at this big store. Here you will find
- an abundance of every practical gift for brother, sister,
father, mother, sweetheart and friend—the very thing you
want. Every department here is ready for Christmas with
the very biggest and best assortment of wonderful things—
at remarkable savings—that we have ever shown.
War Books
Fairy Tales
Roys' Rooks
Girls' Books
Nursery Books
Paint Books
Toys-Dolls- Games
Santa Clans lias brought Ills
workshop right to this store—
toys, dolls, games for .ill the
children. It is an easy mutter
i to choose just what jdu want
I for the kiddies here.
Pla'n White Box Stationery
Fancy Stationery
Children's Stntioiiery
Cliristiiuis Seals
Christmas Cards
A rt Needlework
f Sweet Grass Baskets
Turkish Towels
j I.aee Trimmings
j Dollies %
laundry Bags
Noy cities
Cushion Tops
lamp Shades
Conib ami Brush Sots
Pocket hooks
Music Rolls
] Novelties and Mirrors
SI IOC Trees
Xmas Candies
There will he lots of candy for
Christmas. This is one of our
largest departments and we
have candy of every description
anil of the very best quality.
Holiday Neckwear In nil the
j latest styles for boys and men.
A largo and up-to-date assort
ment from which to choose.
Toilet Articles
Bu Iters
Sonps mid Toilet Waters
Manicure Sets
Brushes , v
Powder Boxes
Mens Furnishings
Arm Bands
House Dresses
Middy Blouses