Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 04, 1919, Image 1
End of Coal Miners' Strike h Believed Near as Operators Show Disposition to liaise Wages LXXXVIII— No. 288 20 PAGES Da Xtte c r ep at o&TSt a Sa S rr?.°?£r ,aM HARRISBURG, PA. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4, 1919. on V b^p "SSfcfcSSf* HOME EDITION CALLS LANSING TO STAND BEFORE MEXICAN ACTION Senate Committee Wants Him to Appear; Will Act on Resolution WHOLE QUESTION IS TO BE. GONE OVER WITH SECRETARY By Assnf iutcd Press Washington, Dec. 4.—Secretary Lansing will be called before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee before action is taken on the resolution of Senator Fall, Republican, New Mexico, re questing President Wilson to sever diplomatic relations with Mexico. The committee hopes to have the Secretary before itj later to-day. Decision to call Mr. Lansing for a discussion of tße.Mexican j question was reached by the committee after a two hours' ses-j >ion behind closed doors. Henry P. Fletcher, American am bassador to Mexico, was before the committee to-day to give his views on the Mexican situation. The dis cussion was said to have revealed considerable difference of opinion among committee members regard ing the best method of protecting American interests in the southern republic. When the committee recessed, Senators said the whole situation was in an uncertain state. Senator Hitchcock. of Nebraska, aeting Democratic leader, said the admin istration Senators had not taken any definite stand against the resolu tion but wanted the committee to be fully advised before a course Was decided upon. Want All Facts Republican members of the com mittee were understood to have fa vored the resolution, but then join ed with the Democrats in preparing to get all the facts from Secretary Ranging before reporting to the Sen ate. Support of Congress Senator Hitchcock introduced a substitute resolution in the commit tee which besides authorizing the ; President to break diplomatic rela- ] tions with Mexico, would pledge sup port of Congress to him in any sub sequent action he might decide upon. Senators said much of the committee's time was taken up with a discussion of the phraseology of the resolutions. The chief reason for summoning Secretary Lansing, it was said, was to place the two pro posals before him. Answers Questions Ambassador Fletcher, it was un derstood. did not directly endorse either the Fall resolution or the Hitchcock substitute. He answered many questions about the State De partment's course in recent negotia tions with Mexico in which he has had an active part. Virtually all of these questions had to do with the case of William O. Jenkins, the American consular agent under arrest at Puebla. He went l'nto this subject fully and it was said that many of the questions [Continued on Page Hi ] Ash Collections to Be . Improved With Arrival of Five New Wagons Although city ash collections have not been made on regular schedule for the last two months, city officials to-day expressed the hope that with the arrival of addi tional wagons in the near future and the purchase of other necessary equipment to operate them, much can be done by the bureau of ash and garbage inspection to prevent an accumulation of .refuse similar to the conditiohs in the city in the winter of 1917. ■ Five large wagons have been or dered and when they are received additional men will be hired and put to work with the result that collec tions can be made on a ten-day schedule, officials of the ash inspec tion bureau believe. At present, a shortage of equip ment and lack of fuuds until re cently, when c<A7ucil provided an ad ditional $3,500, are blamed as the causes for existing conditions which caused councilmen to make a com plaint to Commissioner S. F. Ilass ler. While collections for this year will not cost within thousands of dollars of the estimate made by a private contractor in bidding fot* the work, commissioners declared they are anxious to have a regular sched ule issued and maintained so that residents of the city can not com plain about municipal collection service. HURT BY AUTO Injured in an automobile collision, Ellsworth Thompson, 1312 North Sixth street, a painter, is in the Har risburg Hospital in a serious condi tion. He is suffering with a frac tured skull, a fractured right shoul der, contusions of the right eye and other injuries. ITHE WEATHER! Hurrlxhurg and Vicinityi Fnlr and slightly nnrmrr to-night with lowest temperature niton! 20 de grees. Friday warmer and prob ably fair. Eastern I'enasyl vnnia: Fair to night and probably Friday, nix ing trinperatnrc. Moderate west and southwest winds." Itlvrri The Siixfiiirluiiimi river and all Its branches will cnntl tic to full. A stage of almut feet Is Indicated for llurrixburg, Frl eMv morning. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 01c Fearless Bill? By Associated Press. London, Dec. 4.—Former Em peror William of Oermany does not"believe lie will be brought to trial by the Allies or, if tried, that his future will be affected in any way, says the Berlin corre spondent of the Daily Mail. Vari ous friendly sources have recent ly suggested that he surrender to the Allies, offering to give the rourt all information in his power, the correspondent says, but he appears too lethargic to take any steps, or even concentrate his mind upon the preparation of notes. Next to sawing wood, the erst while monarch's ' main interest seems to be the various cam paigns waged in Russia, which he follows with the aid of large maps and he eagerly reads all the news from that country. VILLA CAPTURE IS DOUBTED IN BORDER TOWNS Not Believed He Would Allow Himself to Be Trapped So Easily El Paso, Tex., Dec. 4—Reports of the capture of Francisco Villa, Mexi can rebel leader, near Parral, were received in certain quarters here with some degree of doubt. It was pointed out that the in surgent chieftain is too wily, and has his men under too great control to permit any of them to desert un der the circumstances given in the earlier reports. It was not believed that he would allow himself to be trapped in so simple a way. Carranza officials on both sides of the river, however, took a more hopeful view. They asserted that the recent elimination of General Felipe Angeles, Villa's right hand man. would be likely to convince the rebel followers of the utter hope lessness of their cause. Great stress was laid in these circles on what [Continued on Page ll.] Kiwanis Club Endorses Harrisburg Hospital Plan to Raise Building Fund Endorsement of the plan of the Jlarrisburg Hospital to campaign .for funds to enlarge the present build ing, was given at the weekly li.nch eon of the Kiwanis Club held at the Penn-Harris ballroom ,to-day. Col. E. J. Stackpole, Jr.. and the Rev. Harvey Klaer were the principal speakers. Colonel Stackpole. spoke or the recruiting pf the new National Guard units which the State will lo cate in Harrisburg and urged the co operation of the members of the Ki wanis Club in seeing that the spirit of the old guard was kept up in the younger organization. The Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church, gave one of the best talks ever heard be fore the club on "One Hundred Per Cent. Americanism." The Rev. Mr. Kluer wus not sparing in his lan guage of the alien enemies, the Bol sheviki who are uttempting to dis rupt our country, and usked that everyone unite in the effort of the true Americans to oust these un desirable Reds from the country. Dr. W. A. Everhart won the at tendance prize, which was presented by Irving Robinson, who refused to disclose the: nature of the package. PERMITS ISSUED FOR FOUR NEW HOUSES M. G. Sollenberger to-day secured permits for the erection of two two und-one-half-story brick houses at 2 336-38 North Fourth street, for Da vid Bair and Edward Shreiner. Each will cost $3,500. M. L. Grossman se cured a permit to build two two story brick houses in Green street, near Woodbine, at a cost of SIO,OOO. Edwin D. Cramer, with E. M. Wag ner as contractor, will build n one story brick garage at the rear of 1001 Berryhill street, to cost S4BO. (ioiri.n I.OSF.S IMiilnilrlplila. I ice. 4. —Waller Kin wella. professional court tennis cham pion. sprang a surprise by defeating Jav Onuld. former world's tltleholdor. In the second scries of matches here to-day. 0-8, 6-3. 6-5. 6-1. The Trouble With Just Pinning Things Up RECRUITING FOR NEW GUARD TO BEGIN AT ONCE Company Commanders Seek Veterans and Youths For Reorganized Guard Active recruiting of men to form Harrisburg's units in the reorganiz ed Eighth Infantry Regiment, Pennt sylvania'National Guard, will be un dertaken at once by company com manders. The recent announcement from Washington that a full division has been authorized for Pennsylva nia, that it will be designated the 28th Division, and that all officers and men in the new division be en titled to wear as a distinguishing feature the red keystone on the left shoulder, Indicating full recognition of the valor displayed by Pennsyl vania's sons in the war with Ger many. This city will be .represented by Eighth Regiment Headquarters anil staff. Headquarters Compafiy, Sup ply Company and one or two letter companies, depending on the re sponse shown by the ex-service men and new recruits who have since the [Continued on Page 12.] Tax Rate Probably Will Be Increased to Eleven Mills For Coming Year Because of the constantly increas ing costs it was reported in city of ficial circles to-day that Council may find it necessary to increase the pres ent tax rate of 10 mills one-half or one mill to provide for the city's needs in 1920. While no budget estimates have been completed yet by any of the city bureaus officials in charge are work ing on them and will have them ready for eouneilmanic consideration next Tuesday night when the first budget session will be held. It was said to-day that probably the only salary increases which are contemplated now will bp to patrol men. as others in the city's employ have been given substantial advances during the last two years. Whether any other department except the bu reau of police wMI request pay ad vances has not been announced yet by any members of Council. In addition to the usual mainten ance budget for the various depart ments, it is believed councilmen will consider making appropriations to furnish fire apparatus for the Four teenth ward, and for the erection of the Donato fountain. "Dance of Eter nal Spring." Public Is Invited to the Opening Session No tickets of admission will be is sued to those who will attend the ceremonies incident to the opening session of the State Constitutional Commission next Tuesday at the Cap itol. Attorney General Schaffer has. made clear that the public will be welcome, no personal Invitations hav ing been issued. * ' Many prominent persons have In dicated' a desire to witness the Initial procedings of this important body. Stye otar-3nfcp(nftcnt FLOUR GOES UP; THEY TELL PALMER By Associated Press Johnstown, Pa., Dec. 4.—Nanty- Glo union miners last night sent the following message to Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, at Washington: "Flour went up $1 a barrel to day to $lB. What do you know about that?" DOLLAR AN HOUR AVERAGE INCOME OF W.VA. MINERS More Than Half Month's Pay Left After Living Ex penses Are Paid Special to the Telegraph Washington, Dec. 4.—lt is begin ning to dawn upon the minds of many sympathizers with the so-call ed "serfs" among the coal miners that these diggers of the "dusky dia- are rapidly degenerating into "labor profiteers" at the expense of millions of working people who are shivering to-day by reason of the obstinate stand of the coal min ers in the wage dispute. Ex-Secretary of the Treasury Mc- Adoo is being sharply criticised for taking the part of the 4 00,000 strik ing miners against the rest of the American people without finding out that the miners are already getting better pay than almost pnyone else for the same quality of work and that at the end of each month they have left—after paying all their liv ing expenses—more than half the [Continued on Page. 4.] Fever Infested Ship Tossing on Atlantic Ocean Far From Shore Boston. Dec. 4. The British schooner St. Clair Theriault is toss ing in the Atlantic several hundred miles Ironi shore, short of provis ions, with fever raging on bourd and two of the men down with broken legs. Assistance is wanted imme diately, according to wireless mes sages received here to-day. The messages, which were inter cepted by shore stations, .were sent out by an unidentified steamer. They gave the position of th<; schooner as I.at, 42.10, Lon. 54.40, which is about midway between the two principal steamer lanes, bat in a track followed by many tramp ships. She is a schooner of 346 tons, owned at Weymouth. N. S., and was last reported at St. Vin cent, _Cape Verde Islands, on Sep tember 18, bound for Maio. ItIMNF.SS SUCTION TURK Vl'UMvll Newark, Ohio, Dec. 4.—Fire, which for a time threatened the. rnlire bus iness section destroyed two buildings here to-day with a loss estimated at from 150.000 to $200,000. Ten fam ilies, living in second floor apart ments narrowly escaped. MINE OFFICERS SURRENDER AND FURNISH BONDS Headed by Lewis, They Ap pear in Court; to Answer Charges of Contempt By Associated Press. Indianapolis, Dec. I.—Judge A. It. Anderson, of the United States District Court, has sum moned tle Federal Grand Jury to ap|H<nr here next Monday morning at 10 o'clock, to take up the Investigation of alleged violations of the Lever Act and tile criminal provisions of the nnti-trost acts by the coal op erators. This information was given out to-day in a statement by IJ. Ert Stack. U. S. District At torney, and Daniel W. Simms, special assistant nttorncy gen eral In charge* of the proceed ings in the coal strike. fudinnnpolis, Ind., Dec. 4.—Head ed by Acting President John L. Lewis, six general and district offi cials of the United Mine Workers of America appeared at the Federal building shortly before noon to-day and surrendered to U. S. Marshal Mark Storen, who held capiases for their arrest on information Hied yes terday charging 8 4 officers of the organization with contempt of court. Besides Acting President Lewis those who appeared to-day ure Wil liam Green, secretary-treasurer of the international organization; Ellis Zearle, secretary of the Mine Work ers' Journal, the official publication of the union; Percy Tetlow, statisti cian; Edward Stewart, president of district No. 11 and William Mitch, secretary of district No. 11. The men provided bonds of SIO,OOO each, whicli were furnished by a [Continued oil Page 19.] SHOOTS OFE FOOT Hunting yesterday near Middle t-own. Walter Taylor, a steel worker, of 909 Capital street, shot his right foot so badly that the fore part of the foot had to be amputated at the Harrisburg Hospital, to whieh lie was admitted. Taylor was resting his gun on his foot when it was accidentally discharged. Agree on Raise Washington, Dec. 4. — Ati in crease in miners' wages described is greater than the 14 per cent, suggested by Dr. Garfield was agreed upon to-day by the scale committee of ilie operators in the central competitive Held. The committee's announcement said it had been decided to advance tbe rates per ton for mining coal to pick and machine millers *ll cents, in tbe "tlitn vein" district. This, it was said, would result in giving the machine miners a rate or around SI cents per ton. and the pick miners n lute of around 97.64 cents, thpugh it necessarily would vary In all lields. POLICE BLOTTER FREE OF DRUNKS FOR FIRST TIME j i I First Timr in History of De partment Has Such Rec ord Been Made | 'ARRESTS Cl'T IN HALF 'Less Property Stolen Than When Booze Was Stimu lating Thieves Not a single person arrested by Harrisburg police during November was under the influence of intoxl ! cants and but one man had been | drinking, according to records filed 'at police headquarters. This is the I Jirst time such a record was made 'in the history of the police depart ment. This record is in sharp contrast .. to that of November of last year, when forty-three persons were drunk when arrested, while twenty six are reported to have imbibed too • l'reely in intoxicants just before ar rest. Records show that there were ! ninety arrests during November, | 1919, as compared with 187 during ■ the same month lust year. Twelve Traflic Violators Of the arrests this year, 55 were for disorderly practice, which in dudes a variety of misdemeanors; 1 ,"i for miscellaneous felonies; eight ; for miscellaneous misdemeanors. and' 12 for violations of traflic ordi" j na noes. ! Value <>f property stolen in the ; city during the month, too, is less i than one-seventh of the amount stolen during the same month lust, j year. The number of complaints of larcenies ami robberies, how-, ever, were greater this year than last.' Mncli Property Recovered I During tlie past month propeity 'worth SI, 19;; was stolen and $2,146 ! worth was recovered. The record <" ! November, 1918, shows property, I stolen worth $14,004. and property j 'recovered worth $12,295. Total reports for the year show that more property was both stolen land recovered in November ot last I year. This year there be * n ! property stolen worth $54,824. tn i eluding forty-seven automobiles and I $39,257 worth of property recover ed. including twenty-nine automo i biles. The record of lust year was I $60,737 worth of property stolen and $55,520.50 recovered. There were llfty-threo automobiles stolen and forty-seven rpcovered last j ear. The total number of complaints this year is 366, as compared with -o last year. City Seeks Title to Lower End of Island Park For Erection of Bathhouses With the consideration of P r °P°®* cd plans for the construction of bath houses at the southern endof 1 lar gest Island officials of the Park De partment arc working now to make arrangements for the city to either purchase or secure a long term lease for the part of the island south of Walnut street. . The city now owns the pa it ot the island north of Walnut street, on which is locuted the athletic grounds and" City Jllter plant, but the ground below Walnut street is owned by the Harrisburg Bridge Company and leased from it. Park Commissioner I'-. A. Gross said to-day that Warren H. Manning, the expert secured by the city to make plans for the bathhouses, can have complete plans and specinca- I tions ready in the near future. At present Mr. Gross is endeavor ing to reach an agreement with the bridge company which can be sub mitted to Council for consideration and approval. Commissioner Gross also said that in case the city did not purchase the southern part of the island or se cure a long lease, the park depart l ment would go ahead with the com -1 pletion of plans for bathing faclli | ties and would locate them else -1 where It is planned by the de partment to have the bathhouses ready for use by the middle of next , summer. Minister Takes Stand to Explain Church Split Differences said to exist between the constitutions of the United Lu theran Church in America' and the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church were explained in court to-day by the Rev. John Henry Miller, pastor of the lloly Commun ion Lutheran Church, and a defen dant in an action brought by some of his congregation to secure the church property. The latter organization was merg ed with two other large Lutheran bodies into the United Lutheran Church. The Itev. Mr. Miller de clared that he and a majority of his congregation decided not to merge and come under the control of the united bodies because of alleged changes in the method of governing the churches. Charges were made by the Rev. Mr. Miller while on the stand that a number of the provisions in the constitution of the General Council which merged into the new organiza tion are changed by the rules of the United Lutherun Church. Yes terday afternoon and this morning the minister was on the witness stand for hours being examined about his opinions concerning the constitutions of the various Luth eran bodies. GIVKX MORK'T'O.VI, Bp Associated Pi Washington. Dee. 4.—After u con ference with Fuel Administrator Garfield Senator Cummins, of lowa, i announced to-day that the fuel ad -1 nilnistrator had agreed tot Increase i by fifty per cent, the coal allotment | lor lowu, Missouri, Nebraska, Kan [BUS and South Dakota. JOHN SMITH, STEP FORWARD John Smith, of ilurrisburg, has a letter waiting for him in the Hurrisburg post ollice. It was mailed at "Bethlehem. Pennsyl vania, on December 2, and ar rived the next day at the local office. Now, John, if you will please step forward and receive your missive, you will do the post of fice a great favor, lor Postmaster Frank <\ Sites reports that there are just t went.y-seven John Smiths listed in the Harrisburg directory. The department will puss the letter around to the various Johns until it reaches someone who appreciates the contents. BURNED BOY WAS SECOND OF FAMILY TO BE KILLED Younger Brother Was Fatally Injured by tin Automobile Two Years Ago CAUSE OF FIRE UNKNOWN Mother Not Told of Loss Be cause of Her Physical Condition in his room ready to go to bed, Henry Belty, 0-year-old son of Jesse Belty, was suffocated when fire de stroyed his father's home -and Elite shoe repair shop, i 4 South Dewberry street, late last night. Death was due to suffocation, but the body Was badly burned. The building, a two-and-one-hulf story structure. was completely gutted. All machinery, shops and other material on the first fl.oor and furniture on the second and third floors were completely destroyed. The loss will be between $7,000 and SB,OOO, it was believed to-day. In surance will only partially cover the loss. Just how the fire originated has not been definitely determined. It [Continued on Page 19.] 4* T 4* efa *f 4 *£* 4 *r f .^ 'j* i: <| ' . • * * At * * At ♦' * ■•* * during the afternoon from Southampton ( t /.he • At j* -Ji * * <A * 4* * * *s* ii Starimore by motor *® * 4* condition. * ft* * Jl • || J | 4* * * <4* - 4 t * '• -j* * * 4* • * ' 4 ■ *s 1* C. ! * X JP I t. * V i ' LAST DAY TO FIVE •* 4 * X "j, <f ■ ! * * A' * ' 4 \* • a' ; X (• ► •' * > f< * - * " It strles C. Cumbler. $433. : * * 2 *s* J 10,000 CIGARETS FOR VETERANS * i [ *3* * ' An ' ' < hi 1 • '" I '* fc ► , r * At * ' X I;; !! ' ■ *• , * • |4 *• * MARRIAGE LICENSES jjT • John A. Wallt iiiiil Itucli A. Itnnrinll. Baltimore. >l*i.| lid nurd V.* ? *T OrnlnKrr nntl I nrrlc >l. Storm. Ilorrlnliurit( Snni IIrI H, Smith and* * Uora U. Stnpr, lVnbrouh. GOVERNMENT DROPS SUGAR CONTROL TRY Announces Abandonment of Attempts to Supervise Dis tribution and Sale DISSOLVES BOARD DEC. 11l Palmer Declares Efforts Will Me Devoted to Prosecu tion of Profiteers Washington. Dec. 4.—Aban donment of governmental at tempts to control the distribu tion and sale of sugar was an nounced to-day" by Attorney General Palmer. After the sugar equalization board is dissolved December 31, the government will confine its efforts to prosecution of profi teering in sugar, Mr. Palmer said. State Sounds Warning Against Use of Certain Brand of Ripe Olives A warning against the use of ripe olives of u certain brand was sound ed to-day by the State Food Bureau when a special agent was named to inspect the supply held by whole sale and retail grocers. James Foust, dairy and food com missioner for Pennsylvania, in nam ing Charles C. Linton for the task of investigating in Harrisliurg, Lan caster and York, called attention to twelve deaths, caused by botulism poison caused in ripe olives. Ripe olives contaminated by the fatal poison look and taste the same as wholesome ones. I)r. Edward Martin, State Commissioner of Health, is co-operating with -Mr. Foust and his agents. APARTMENTS NOT SOLD Recent announcements that the River Drive Apartments in North Front street have been sold to the Commonwealth Trust Cftmpany i were not correct. The mistake was made when a mortgage was given.