Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 03, 1919, Page 22, Image 22

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Their Bonded Indebtedness
Was Increased Only by
One New Loan
Constantinople, I>ec. 3.—The war
debt of the Ottoman Empire is said
by experts to have increased less
than that of any other nation. Her
bonded indebtedness was increased
by only one new loan of about SBO,-
000,000, and, adding to this other
increases in obligations such as
home military requisitions and ad
vances from Austria and Germany,
her war expenses ran to only $600,-
000,000. Consequently, allowing for
various offsets, her postwar indebt
edness amounts to about $1,000,300-
°°Thls would make it appear that
Turkey "ran the war on a
shoe string," financially, as com
pared to Great Britain with her $40,-
000,000,000 war debt, or France
with $25,000,000,000 and Italy with
possibly $15,000,000,000. It_wiU be
recalled that on paper the Ottoman
Empire mobilized nearly 4.000,000
men, yet she escaped with some
thing like the war expenses of a
country like little Rumania or Bui
Record Is Unique.
The record of the Turkish wai
indebtedness is unique. The Em
pire met war costs by requisitions
and by printing in Germany 150,-
000,000 Turkish paper pounds, or,
normally about $680.00 C,OOO but
this, according to the experts, can
not be considered a government lia- i
It is not a financial burden as it (
bears no interest, and also the pro- •
per administrative body of the
Peace Conference can at will have it,
cancelled. . '
Turkey's papcr money, it is claim- |
ed has not depreciated as much as (
that of her Allies. Counterfeiters
do not seem to have operated here j
extensively due, to the lack of Bol
shevism and good printing presses.]
In Mesopotamia Turkish P"-P e l r ,
money is refused since the British
occupation, which the* Turks do not
consider fair since the paper money
was issued for the whole of the Ot
toman Empire which made war as
a whole.
The amount of Turkey s war re
paration is yet to be determined.
Jews Celebrate For
the British Attitude
Toward Palestine j
TiOiidon, Dec. 3.—Two years ago
the British government issued a
declaration of policy in favor of the
establishment of a Jewish national
home in Palestine, and a Zionist
meeting has just been held- tocele
brate the anniversary. Baron
Rothschild presided and read a
letter from Eord Curzon, the For
eign Minister, giving assurance
that there had been no change in
the government's policy.
Lord Rothschild said that they
were much nearer their goal than
before, and he felt sure that they
would yet see the establishment of
their desired home, because it was
the will of an overwhelming num
ber of their Jewish brethren and
was also the desire of the rest of
the world. *
The meeting adopted a resolution,
moved by Herbert Samuel, member
of Parliament, reaffirming "the un
shakable will of the Jewish people
to re-establish their national home
in Palestine."
American Red Cross
Workers in England
to Return to U. S.
"London. Dec. 3.—The American
Commission for Great Britain and
Ireland, which has carried on the
American Red Cross work in Eng
land during the war, is finishing its
labors and planning to return to
In future the organization's inter
ests in this country will be looked
after by the London Chapter of the
society of which the American Am
bassador, John W. Davis is honorary
president, Vicountess Harcourt,
chairman, and lAwrence L. Tweedy
honorary secretary.
The London Chapter is trying to
enroll every American in England.
Would Exchange German
Potash For American CoaL
Berlin, Dec. 3..—The German
Potash Syndicate is negotiating with
America again, says the North Ger
man Gazette which believes it will
be able to reach an agreement in
regard to the exchange of potash for
American coal.
Negotiations took place between
the Germans and Americans last
spring but failed, says the paper,
because America still thought it
could rely on its own substitute for
potash and refused the German of
fers, whereupon Germany sold her
output, which was intended for the
United States, to Sweden.
Negotiations, says the Berlin pa
per, have now been resumed to
enable the German potash mines, of
which 120 are crippled through
lack of coal while others have only
25 per cent enough fuel, to buy
American coal with dollars and re
coup by selling potash to America at
dollar rates.
Other negotiations are also under
way between Germany and Holland
for milk and dairy products in ex
change for potash.
Many German Officers
in Ukranian Army
London, Dec. 3.—A Denikine wire
less message received here states
that Increasing numbers of German
officers are being enrolled in the Uk
ranian army. It gives an extract
from General Petlura's newspaper
which states that owing to the scar
city of officers the Petlura (Ukrain
ian) government has been obliged to
hand over the command to German
officers. "This will immediately pro
vide us," says Petlura's journal,
"with excellent specialists of ail
kinds, and a magnificent cadre for
the Ukranian army consisting of 2,-
000 German officers. Only this meas
ure can defend the Ukraine against
their Polish and Russian enemies."
Soldiers and ex-soldiers whose
families are still in Russia and
whose desiro it is to bring them to
thsl country, can secure definite in
formation of the necessary proce
dure hy applying to the Home Ser
vice Section of the American Red
'rons at 119 H. Front St. Miss Ring
land, Home Service executive has re
cently received detelled information
on this subject.
The Wirthmor Waists at $1.50
The Welworth Waists at $2.50
These are new waists sold at the same saving
price throughout the country and to be found here
exclusively in Harrisburg.
This week we show four styles of the Wirthmor
at $1.50, and two styles of the Welworth at $2.50.
There will always be found new styles in tai
lored and trimmed models in these waists, for we
have beenassured fresh shipments each week.
Particularly appropriate for gift giving.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
' • i ■<m \ I IS IIM>WIWi/'A : '
Handsome Dark Russia Calf Shoes
for Men Are Here
This is a new line of C. S. Marshall Shoes and embodies
all those points that particular men look for in high-grade
footwear—character, quality and fit.
Heavy brown Cresco blucher, full double wet proof
soles .' ! $14.00
Dark Russia calf blucher shoes, full double soles, flange
heels $13.00 '
Dark Russia bal shoes, rubber heels $14.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Street.
Gift Blouses of Georgette Crepe
and Rich Qualities of Crepe de chine
No woman who receives one of these handsome blouses
will .have .occasion .to .feel .slighted—for .every .woman
cherishes new blouses, and no woman ever possessed too
many of them.
The most exquisite styles imaginable are shown in the
complete display on the second floor.
Crepe de Chine and Crepe Georgette in every conceivable
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Tan Calf Oxfords for Women to
Wear With Woolen Stockings
These new footwear arrivals are as sturdy looking as
one would expect them to be and yet there is no suggestion
of clumsiness not bulkiness about them. Some are made
with flat heels, others of the. half military type. All are good
looking. Pair $9.00 to $12.00
Women's Black Satin Pumps with long vamps and Louis
heels, or in patent leather with Louis heels. Pair. .$10.50
Dr. Reed Cushion Sole Lace Shoes with military heels,
for women. Pair $16.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Street Section.
Maribou and Cloth Stoles; Many
A Special Gift Showing This Week
Of pleasing design is the new Kerami Cloth Cape with
its deep back effect, featured in front with a large crochet
button $12.00 to $20.00
Maribou in many styles of Capes and Stoles,
$6.95 to $30.00
Hudson Seal, Plush, Beaver and Varimole Neck
pieces $6.95 to $16.50
Boxed Veilirigs for gift giving include hemstitched
chiffon, fancy meshes, embroidered motifs and velvet ribbon
collar Veils of handsome designs. Prices range from
' SI.OO to $2.50
Camisole Yokes, ready for the ribbon, are prettily boxed
for gift giving—Developed of imitation tatting, burnt out
filet, real Irish art, Italian imitation crochet and Venise,
69£ to $15.00 .
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Gift Books for Children That Are
Instructive and Entertaining
Washington Glad Hour Series for
Square Classics lvanhoe Children
. . Illustrated by Milo Winter.
A Series of Cl&ssics for Younjj Vanßlcwood Tales I louse ot Play.
People. Illustrated by Milo Winter. World of Fun and Stories.
A Wonder Book A Wonder Book Once Upon a Time.
and Illustrated by Milo Winter. r-ma H „„ r ,
Tanglewood Tales Gulliver's Travels wlaQ " ours -
Treasure Island Illustrated by Milo Winter. Price, 50c per volume.
„ The Arabian- Night Robert Louis Stevenson's
... C . illustrated by Milo Winter. Reader, illustrated lir colors, 75c
Alices Adventures in Wonder- Robinson Crusoe _ . ... .1
land and Through the Looking- Illustrated by Milo Winter. 1 " e Wolf
Glass. Treasure Island By Frances Hodgson Burnett.
Robinson Crusoe Illustrated by Milo Winter. Price, $1.50.
The Swiss Family Robinson. mi^ o wmfe.- Thc Prince ' Without a Country
Kidnanped Illustrated by Milo Wlnte.. B Mary Dlckerson Donahey.
Grfmms'tairy n -°° PW Vo,Ume " ™ec- **c. , v „
Tales. x The Marjotie Books uy Stevenson'.
Happy Books for Happy Girls Price, 75c.
The Windermere seriec By Carolyn Wells Baby Birds and Beasts
ine Windermere beries Author of The Patty Books. Price, $1.50.
of Books for Children Marjorie's Vacation. The Journey to the Garden Gate
Marjorie's Busy Days. By Ralph M. Townsend.
.Alice in Wonderlartd and Marjorie's. New Friend. Price, $2.00.
Through the Looking-Giass Marjorie in Command. This Tear's Book for Children.
Illustrated by Milo Winter. Marjorie's Maytime. Price, $1.50.
Andersen's Fairy Tales Marjorie at Seacote. The Most Popular Mother Goose
Illustrated by Milo Winter. ' Price, 50c per volume. Songs
• *
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Four Hundred Dress Goods Remnants
Reduced A Thursday Remnant Dqy Sale of Special Importance
• ••
There are many lengths from which one may choose a pattern for skirt, suit, dress or
coat and every one of the materials is of the most dependable character.
Genuine savings may be effected tomorrow. •
i yards blue serge, 42 inches wide. Timrs- Black Dress Goods in a Sale
day $5.09
•154 yards Burgundy poplin. 42 inches wide. ** nrds IYcnth sor,rc ' 54 incl,es wldc '
lliuisday $9.09 yards wool poplin, 39 inches wide. Thurs
- 5>4 yards navy serge,- 43 inches wide. Thnrs- j ay $7.90
day $14.25 5 yards costume serge, 38 inches wide. Tliurs
•i'/it yards navy French serge, 34 inches wide. f i ay $7.45
Thursday $13.95 4 % yards fancy suiUng, 42 inches wide. Tlnirs
-3y 2 yards green French serge, 42 inches wide. a ay $9.95
Thursday $7.75 3% yards costume serge, 41 inches wide. Thurs
3V\ yards navy men's serge, 54 inches wide. a a y $0.95
Thursday ~ $11.50 3 yards wool poplin, 39 inches wide. Tliurs
-Vz yards plaid shirting, 36 inches wide. Tliurs- day $5.85
day $2.45 4 yards tricotine, 54 inches wide. Thursday $16.50
3 yards French serge, navy. Thursday .. $7.69 4J4 yards storm serge, 51 inches wide. Tliurs
-4 yards navy serge, 30 inches wide. Thurs- j ay $7.90
day $4.95 3 yards storm serge, 54 Inches widev Thurs
-I'4 yards blue skirting, 54 inches wide. Thurs- day $7.50
d ;, y- $0.19 s'/j) yards wool poplin, 54 inches wide. Tliurs
-1 l-t yards grey stripe skirting, 54 Inches wide. day $9.50
Thursday $3.05 2 yards French serge, 50 inches wide. Thurs
-4 yards grey suiting, 54 inches wide. Thurs- day $5.00
day $11.50 3 yards tricotine, 54 inches wide. Thursday sls.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Rubber Boots Will Make A Happy
Christmas for Any Boy
The average boy's idea of a perfect Christmas is plenty of snow on the
ground and a new pair of rubber boots to enable him to wade through it.
B:- ij4 O ur holiday stock of Rubber Boots for Boys is now at
its best—permitting you to get just the style of boots your
"T-; zfj boy wants for Christmas.
MEI Storm King Boots, above Three and four-buckle
knee, sizes 11 to 2, $3.00 to School Gaiters, sizes 6 to 10'/,,
YjSigi £ \ $3.50; sizes 3to 6, SI.OO to $2.25 to $2.75; sizes 11 to 2,
AMi? MB Short Boots, to knee, sizes Two-buckle School Gaiters,
*.. gg 11 2 > $3.50; sizes*3 to 6, sizes II to 2, $1.75.
jt) IPS R ed Top Boots, sizes 6to for children, sizes 6to l^SSc;
<\ 10 Vi. $1.75. sizes 11 to 2, $1.25; sizes 3 to
ao>/ iO'/i, $1.30 to $2.00; sizes 11 Children's Jersey Par/ts Leg
joY / to 2, $1.85 to $2.50. gings. in white, grey, brown
Bright Storm King Boots, and black, $1.50 to $2.00.
BBu yv°*. sizP3 11 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart.
GONE is the Yuletide when trivial things sufficed. Ours is a hap
pier, more permanently joyful Christmas, when true affection
takes form in lasting comfort and enduring service. For "Her" a
spinet desk for Him a fireside chair—-for homekeeping friends
a mahogany hall clock—for your own home—a handsome tapestry
upholstered suite. *
Why not select such gifts this year? Why not see the many fine gift
tilings we are showing in suites and individual pieces?
Mahogany Wing Chairs, tapestry up- Cedar Chests, plain and copper bound, 24
bolstered $29.00 styles .$18.50 to $35.00
Mahogany Wing Chairs and Rockers in Golden oak, fumed oak, brown fibre, Amer
cane $13.50 ican walnut and mahogany Tea Wagons,
Tapestry Fireside Chairs and Rockers, $12.95 to $29.50
$45.00 M&hogany Smoking Stands,
Three-piece Cane Living Room Suites, v $1.25 to $12.95
tapestry spring seat $94.00 Brown Fibre Chairs and Rockers,
Three-piece Living Room Suite, fancy $14.50, $17.50, $18.50 to $27.50
tapestry spring seat, solid mahogany frames, Willow Chairs and Rockers, '
$129.50 $5.95 to $13.50
Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor.
A Pleasing Variety of Styles in Gift
Gloves for Boys and Youths
A section of our Men's Wear Store is devoted to the
showing of fine dress and school gloves for boys and youths
from which gift selections may be made with every assurance
.of quality and correct style at moderate prices.
Mackinaw gauntlet gloves. Star, Scout ar.d plain cuffs, 75c.
Khaki gauntlet gloves, in Jersey and wool army cloth,
:><•, 50c. 75c and $1.55
1-iather gauntlet lined gloves, Vov, 85c, !>se and $1.15.
Duckskin lined gauntlet gloves, guaranteed not to harden
if water soaked $1.25
Knit gloves, In navy, oxford and brown-, 50c, 75c, 85c, SI.OO
Dined tan kid gloves, sizes 3 to 5 $1.25
Tun lined kid gloves SI.OO
Tan lined kid gloves, sizes 1 and 2 sl.lO
Unlined tan dress kid gloves $2.00
Urey unlined Mocha gloves , , $2.25
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
New Silk Pillows in the Popular
Round Shapes
Artistic pillows that at once suggest their suit
. ability for gift giving, shirred effects with large tas
sel in center in rose, gold, blue, brown and
green $7.00
Round velour pillows with center, of fancy tap
estry, in blue, gold, green, brown and rose, $7.00
Tapestry table runners, plain or trimmed edge,
some are combined with velour, $3.50 to $7.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
A Half Price Sale of Hats
Shown in Display Cases
sls to $35 Models—s7.so to $17.50
This reduction to half former prices af
fects more than a hundred of our finest
dress models that have been in stock a
month or longer.
With so many women needing new
hats for the holidays .these unusual values
should prove irresistible.
Dives, Porneroy & Stewart, Second Floor Front.
Women's House Robes, Kimonos
and Breakfast Coats
Crepe de Chine Negligees in pink, Copenhagen, orchid,
rose and wistaria; dainty self trimmings, or trimmed with
chiffon, fringe and hand embroidery,
$7.95, $11.95, $12.95 to $15.00
Crepe de Chine Negligees in coatee effect, lace trim
ming $18.50, $25.00 and $35.00
Satin Breakfast Coat; neck, sleeves, pocket and skjrt
trimmed with quilting, finished with picot edge; Copen
hagen, rose, light blue, pink and orchid $15.00
Japanese Quilted Robes in rose, navy, Copenhagen and
black; turn-over collar; self trimmed cuffs on sleeves,
$12.50 and $15.00
Japanese Quilted Robes, hand embroidered,
$13.50 to $22.50
Japanese Silk Kimonos, hand embroidered; rose, Japanese
blue, Royal blue and light blue,
$17.50, $25.00, $37.50 and $55.00
Corduroy Robes with collar or* collarless; corduroy
girdle ... $5.00, $5.95, $7.95 to $13.50
Beacon Blanket Robes, new colorings,
$5.00, $5.95, $6.50 to $ll.OO
Flannelette Kimonos $2.50 to $2.95
Extra size Flannelette Kimonos $2.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Many Nutting Pictures Being
Selected for Gifts
the choice of titles at 94.00. Es P cciall >
Davidson Pictures in many beautiful and favored sub*
jects 75* to 97.50
Appropriately framed pictures for the living room in
handsome burnished gilt and rich mahogany frames,
95.00 to 918.00
Famous Gutntann Child Studies 92.75 to 93.00
Picture Top Mirrors, mahogany, burnished gilt and hand
carved frames 91*38 to 98.50
Dies, Pomcroy & Stewart, Third Floor.