~ Additional Class'fiod Ads on Opposite Page MUSICAL HARRISBURG TALKING MACHINE HOSPITAL. 1303 North Sixth Street. Talking machines repaired and supplies a specialty. Call Bell phone 2184 J. % WANTED—To buy Bb low pitch Boehm & Albert system clarinets. State full particulars and price. A. Mercado, Farmers' Bank Building, Ty rone, Pa. tr VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLEIUS, 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE Player piano for 1450. A big bargain to quick buyer, gpangler Music House. 2112 N. Sixth street. STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house, 33 per month and up. Lower storage raies in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 40S Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener, 408 Market Street. STORAGE LOW PRICES HIGHSPJRE DISTILLERY CO.. LTD.. HIGHSPIRE, PA Both phones. Bell Steelton 169Y WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. ; UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL 21SS RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Embalmer 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 G. E. BRESTLE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1745 N. 6th St. ALSO MIDDLETOWN OFFICE BELL 2423 DIAL 329 c CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY— Beautifully situated on Market street, east, of Twenty-sixth, and on the | north and east faces the new park way. The price of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver. All kinds of repairing. Bosh phones. H. Goodman. 1306% North Sixth Street. AUTOMOBILES IF vou are looking for a bargain here is a big one for a quick buyer, cash $450. New Ford touring 19J9 model, used only four months, fully equipped, tires all new. Owner is leav ing town. Phone Bell 1321 W. BARGAINS VlM—One-half ton. good condition, cheap. . , ONE-TON truck, express body with top, electric starting end lighting. COEY—Roadster, good condition. TWO-TON TORBENSON rear axle, complete. CADILLAC motor, 1914. fine condition. ONE. DOCO automobile lighting sys tem. DENBY—Stake body; like new. , CADILLAC Unit, with two-wheel trailer. SEVERAL BODIES FOR SALE DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1205 Capital Street. FOB SALE FORD touring, good condition, 30x 314 inch wheels, winter and folding tops, used tires, used parts Last End Auto Exchange, 236 L. Main Street, Middletown, Pa. STUDEBAKER- Light 6; suitable for livery; cheap to quick buyer. Reo roadster; A-l condition. Sible s Oa rage. Third and Cumberland St. WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and .balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. . Overland, touring, six good tires. Overland, model 854, in fine shape. Chevrolet, model 1918. five passen ger, excellent condition. Studebaker. five passenger, re painted and in fine shape. Overland, model 90. Velie light six. A bargain. Studebaker Six, in fine shape. Willys-Knight, model 84. Overland, model 85-4. Time payments can be arranged. HEX GARAGE AND SUPPLY CO. 1917 North Third St. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Keasonable rates, 72-78 South Cameron street. FOR SALE —Cadillac touring car In excellent condition, must be seen to be appreciated, price very reasonable. Bell phone 326J or 2266 J. SECOND-HAND motor trucks for sale cheap—Fords, Kohler, Chalmers and Internationuls; three-quarter to two-ton capacities; S2OO und up. INTERNATIONAL HA KVESTER MOTOR TRUCK DEPARTMENT 619-21 Walnut Street. FOR SALE—Ford touring ear 111 good condition, cheap. Penbrook Gar uge. Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE—I9IS Buick, in good condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St. For Sale, 1918, 5 passenger Buick six, looks like new. Price. SI,OOO. Also several two-ton trucks, in good condition. Will sell at a sacrifice. SELDON TRUCK CO., 1021 Market SL USED CAR BARGAINS • All In First Class Condition Willys-Knight. 5- pass $630 Liberty. 5-pass SI3OO Overland, 5-pass ssoo Dixie, new, been used only as dem onstrator SI3OO Two AU-American trucks, never used, one equipped with pneumatic cord tires una one with solid tires on rear and pneumatic on front; ono is express body, the other stake body. Exceptional value. HBG. AUTO AND TIRE REPAIR CO.. ISI South Third Street. Both phones. FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights, runs and pulls like new. Price $375 cash. Dial 36-C. S. R. Hurst. Linglestown, near Harrisburg. MAGNETOS All types, 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eisman. Dixie, splitdorl'. Mea. Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A -Schtffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron Retreat. Beil 3633. (Continued in Next Column) TUESDAY EVENING, | AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE—Chalmers Sedan, 1917; new upholstering; Chandler, 1919, 4- passenger, spurt model; wire wheels, bumper, spot light, five new tires; 'Overland, 1918, 90 delivery car. In quire Penn-llarris Taxicab office, cure Penu-Harris Hotel. 1 FOR SALE —Imperial touring ear in good condition, cheap if soid this year. Call after 5.30 p. m., 2724 Baas St., Penbrook. 1917 Chandler, club roadster, S9OO. i 1917 Mercer touriug, 7-passenger. ■ I very snappy, two spare tires. A real 'good bargain. ■j 1914 Overland roadster, electric equipment. Sacrifice $285. ■( 1918 Chalmers touring, 7 passenger, . i just been overhauled, will sacrifice, •i 1917 Mitchell, touring, real bargain. I The above cars will appeal to the ' i average buyer in the market for a good used car. Demonstration given. CHELSEA ALTO CO.. A. Schifl'man, Manager. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers. in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto wrecking. A. SchilTman, 22 24 26 U. Cameron Street. Bell 3633. FORD Sedan. 1918 model; good run ning order. $695. Horst, Linglestown FORD OWNERS We have received a large shipment of front springs for Ford cars and arc sacrificing them for $2.75 apiece. Choi sea Auto Co.. 22 N. Cameron St. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES j BTCYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET. Garages, Accessories and Repairs FOR RENT—Garage near North Front street, room for three ma chines, heat and light. Address giving' {telephone number. Address Ilox A. B. i . 0., care Telegraph. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE —Letters testamentary on the estate of George Marzolf late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county. Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the undersigneu. ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im , mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment to CENTRAL TRUST CO.. Executor, Harrisburg, Pa. Or Harvey E. Knupp, Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that letters, testamentary on the estate of Eliza beth Strieker, lute of the Borough of I Penbrook. Dauphin county, Pennsyl-j vania. having been granted to the un jdersigned, all persons indebted to, said estate are requested to make im-l mediate payment and those having I claims will present them for settle ment to JAMES T. WALTERS, Executor. 591 S. Front St., Harrisburg. BIDS will be received by the Pax tang School Board for paving ap proximately 249 feet of 4-ft. walk along Montour street, and approxi mately 8u feet of 274-ft. along alley on south side of school building. Bids will be opened Monday evening, De cember 8, at 8 o'clock at the school building. W. C. SOURBER. Secretary. \MARKETS\ NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New Y'ork and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg;l33B Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New Y'ork furnish the following quotations: Open Noon Amer. T. and T 9914 99 3s Amer. Beet Sugar 9174 91 ■ American Can 60% 50% I Am. Car and Fndry Co. ..132% 132 >4 Amer. Loot 92 93% Amer. Smelting 61% 62 American Sugar 131% 131% Anaconda 56% 56% Atchison 84% 85% Baldwin Loco 106% 108% | Baltimore and Ohio 33% 33% Bethlehem Steel B 90 91% Butte Copper . v 20 20 Cal. Petro '. 41% 4474 Can. Pacific 138% 140 I Central Leather 92% 9474 Chi., Mil. and St. Paul... 38 37% Chi., R. 1. and Pacific.. 25 25 Cliino Con. Copper 33 74 33% Col. Fuel and Iron 39 74 39% Corn Products 78 74 SO Crucible Steel 190 202 Erie 1374 1374 General Motors 329 334 Goodrich, B. F 79 74 79 74 Great North, pfd 79 7974 Great North. Ore, subs .. 38% 39 Inspiration Copper 48 47% lnterboro Met 374 374 Int. Nickel 2274 22% Int. Paper 66 68 74 Kenneeott 28 74 28% Kans. City So 15 15 Lackawanna Steel 8274 84% IX'high Valley 42 7s 4274 Maxwell Motors 3614 36% •Merc. Mar Ctfs 4574 4674 Merc. Mar. Ctfs., pfd 101% 10174 Mex. Petro 19274 193% Mldvale Steel 49% 4974 .Missouri Pacific 24 25 N. Y. Central 69 74 ' 71 N. Y., N. H. and H. ... 28 2974 Nevada Copper 14 74 14 74 North Pacific 81 82% Pittsburgh Coal 60 74 60 74 Penna. R. R 42 4174 Railway Steel Spg. 94 74 94 74 Ray Con. Copper 19% 19% Reading 74% 76% Rep. iron and Steel ....101% 103% Southern Pacific 2274 23% Sinclair Oil and R 44% 4474 Studebaker 106 7* 109 Union Pacific 124 125 1". S. I. Alcohol 98 74 100% U. S. Rubber 119 74 1 21% U S. Steel 101% 102% Utah Copper 70 6974 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philndclphi.l, Dec. 2. —Corn, higher; old No. 2 yellow on spot. $1.70®1.72: new No. 3 yellow on spot, $1.60 per bushel. Oats—Higher; No. 1 white. 87® 87% c; No. 2 white, 8674®87c; No. 3 white. 85®86c. Butter—Lower; western creamery, extra 7374 c; nearby prints, fancv. 81 • ® BSc. Cheese—Lower; New York aigj Wis consin. full milk; 31 % ® 33c. Dressed Poultry—Easier; old roost ers 24c; western spring ducks, 36 @3 Bc. EKgs—Higher: nearbv firsts. $21.60 per case; current, $24; western, extra firsts. $24.60; firsts. $23.10@2t; fancy selected packed, 86®88c per dozen. Live Poultry—-I.ower; fowls, as to quality. 24® 32c; chickens as to qual ity. 23 ® 2 7c: roosters, 2J®2Uc; ducks. Pekln. 32®>34c; Indian runners. 28® 30c; Muscovy, 24®26c; turkeys. 3as ■ c •" n c wo K'-c Ilarold Astrich to Robert O. H arm an 83 N. Eighteenth 3-s. Ink. 4iv. SI.OO SI.OO Lstella 11. Sohlund to Geyer Eden Lnfayetle I'lncc Vacant LUO 5.00 William J. Sohland to A. N. O Madscn N. 11. our. 2Sth and Derry ....Vacant Loo 2.00 William J. Sohland to A. S. C. M.'tilseu N. \V. cor. 2SIU and Deny .... Vacant 100 Sadio Wagner to Charles S Witmver 1837 Spencer 2-s. l>rk rtw 1.00 W. Lynch lo Lewis Stlbci • 0 and 8 Argyle Two 3-s. lirk. dws... 1.00 5.00 Warren Frasier to Lewis Nathan 711 N. Seventeenth 3-s. brk. w 33.00 3.50 Merle Halter to Wasii. M. Wolf 339 Peffor 3-s. brk rlt. dw 1.00 5.50 Ludwig Kricg to Curolinc Krieg 1710',& Wood 2-s. ITnitie Will Lnber Kslienoiir to Sarali A Mc.Mauus 1313 Park 3-s. Ink. dw l"0.0o 4.50 •Jesse LyhargCr lo Joseph Revic 1403 Liberty 3-s. frame dw LOO 2.50 Lewis Silhert to Louis c. Goldman 1410 N. SiNtli 3-s. frame dw 1.00 .50 J. B. Gipple to Carl A. K. Andersen ..02 N. Twelfth 2'cj-s. brk. ilw 100.00 3.00 J. 15. Gipple to Carl A. L. Andersen 60 N. Twelfth 2 1 ,i-s. hrlc. dw lUO.OO 3.00 Samuel Gerson to Joseph Silherman et al 331 S Fourteenth 2Vi s. fjtitno dw .... 1.00 3.00 William HelTellinger to Josephine Linear 41S S. Thirteenth 3-s. lirk. dw 10.00 4.50 j J. David p.ruhaker to .(. L. llrubakcr 72 N. Sixteenth 3-s. frame dw 10.00 .30 A. 11. Spolz to James K. IClpp 5-7 N. Thirteentli Two 3-s. brk hldgs.. 100.00 13.50 James K. Kipp to Alien U. a'potz 1931-1939 Fulton Five q-s. brk dws. .. 10.00 . 6.09 George Frost lo ICinnia Drobst 560 Ilace 8-s. brk dw 3,700.00 4.00 . R. Ross Hhoads to Harry M. Snnsom 2023 l'enn 3-s. btk dw 3,000.00 3.00 I KmII Lggert to Nathaniel Miller 1630 Catherine 2-s. iirk dw 2,500.00 2.50 Marion V. Rudy to AlacLoy Stine 1701 Derry 3-s. brk. . Irwin Bentty to William E. Vallerchamp ....303 N. Second 3-s brk dw ... 100 450 John Pendorgast to Alargaret AI. O'Sullivan 1641 Market 2U-s. frame 10100 5 00 Annie Ai. Orth to Fred M. Keen 1720 N. Sixth 3-S. brk. dw 10.00 3.00 L.vdia Gettys to t.lemenceau A. Riegel 1523 Susquehanna 3-s. lirk. dw too. Oft 3.50 Wngert & Beliney to Robert L. Adams 35# S. Fourteenth 3-s. brk. dw 100.00 3.50 Benfer & Walker to Charles R. Willitts 28 N. Eighteenth 3-s. brk. dw LOO 1.00 P. H. Caplan to Parker E. Hciges 1433 BorryliUl Vacant 500.00 .50 Margaret J. Krb to Ed. C. Sturtevant L. S. Fourth 3-s. brk. dw 5,000.0" 5.00 Elizabeth Harner Est to Hyman Schampan 1417 N. Third 3-s. brk. dw 1.0" 5.00 .•,! a l ,d . pair to H. J. Kirby 21 IS N. Sixth 2-s. brk. dw. 1.00 2.50 Mildred Astrich to Harry I. Cohen 1423 Hunter 3-s. frame bldg 6,00."" 6.00 bulrner J. Reif to Jacob E. Arch 5Gt Woodbine 3-s. brk. dw *. . 1.00 6.00 Jacob Schnader to William H. Collicott 1161 Derry 3-s. brk. dw 1.00 5.00 Mary Hellicr to Ilarry C Pierce 1617 Green 2-s. brk. dw 2,500.00 2.50 Mary B. 801 l to Albert L. Allen 239 Woodbine 3-s. brk. dw. 1.00 Emma D. HofTman to Benjamin F. Hoffman 65ft Emerald 3-s. brk. dw 1.00 2 00 Robert Rosenberg to H. & C. Kunkel 1417 Alnrket 2'Vi-s. brk. dw 1 "0 3 50 A. C. Stamni to John M. Reighter 1300 Berryhill 2-s. frame dw 1.00 .50 Samuel Silver to George Aladdox 1707 N. Fourth 2'i-s. stucco dw 100.00 4.00 .Sarali Ellis to R. C. laul 904 N. Sixteenth 3-s. frame dw 1.00 1.00 Mary Owens to James 11. Lynch 1619 N. Sixth .3-s. brk. dw 4.C00.D0 5.00 Silas Webb to Ida Keller 1823 Ucgina Vacant 1.00 4.50 Miller & Long to Charles Barnhart N. E. Eighteenth 2-s. frame .lw 1.00 1.50 Charles S. Cooper to Edith R. AtcUonald 1903 Manada 3-s. lirk. dw 1 00 200 vT n t to . M 'L ton B - Kretger 1432 Walnut 2-s. lirk. dw 10.0" 5>.0 iii S. v' iV Charles L Toor 2425 N. Fifth 3-s. frame dw lUO 1 Oft Bickcrt AT routman to Ernest Biekert 1712 Fulton 2-s. brk. dw 1.0" 400 Byron Behney to Is dor Llpman 333 Emerald 2-s. brk. dw 1 00 4 00 iH yr 'm r\u hn ? y 1° L il >m , nn "37 Emerald 3-s. brk. dw lUO.OU 5 50 R' \ r r. to . * Samuel c - Snyder 173 Market Vacant 100 150 State Real Estate Co. to Thomas 11. Roger W. S. Sixth 3-s. brk. dw 1 00 500 Katherinc 1 leam to John C. Kmmert ct al 191S Chestnut Two 3-s. brk. dws. .. 1.00 12.00 Lewis Silbert to State Real Estate Co 90S-910 N. Third Three 3-s. brk dws Lewis Silbert to State Real Estate Co 913-5-7 Eusquelianna 3-s. frame dw I 00 9 00 Harper Black to Eleanor Iv. Thompson 125 Verbeke 3-s brk dv i an i'nn Alary Loveland to Jacob S. Baum 115 Rcilv ..!! !! 'Vacant --a i'Sn " H V' Pcnna N ' E ' Harri " and State. 2-s. frame 'dw.'loioo 150 H. A. Hippie to Esther M. Booda 1939 Lenox 2U-s frame dw in" inn Maggie Ludwlck to Frank H. Downey lOftl! Hemlock 3-s. brk dw ' • tuft Knight to P. H. Caplan 1436 Naudain ! ... Six 2-s brk dwV " ' 100 4 -.ft P. H. Caplan to Capital City Junk Co 1.102 to 1.312 N T . Second . 3-s frame tlv " i rnnnn r's^n Charles Conover to Jacob C. Holbert 425 S Fou.-teenth . ,!!! !! Vacant . .' 4 * 6 ?g So "'so John Elder to Joseph Cuiara W. S. Piatt Two 8-s 'frame dw- i Minnie E. Wagner Est. to Frederick Kuhn 1141 Derrv "a- s f, a 'n,e dw ,- n M. S. Plough to George At. IVallacc 427 S Fourteenth !!!!! 2-S' brk ' rtw . irn Aug. Wildman Est. to John A. IClucher 2339 Green !. .Vacant ...! Imi j'-n Roy D. Beman to George W. Batten W. S Green !!:;-s hrk ilw 1 „,i ~ Bessie Eightner to Jennie Shapiro 629 Reily 3-s' frame dw I'S^ Elizabeth Frank to Alary Al. Powers 1400U ltcgina 3-" !l" i,,Vn S John Swomley to Monne A. Morrison 226 !!!! ii "tt 10 ? n ?n Mary A. Walker to Wm. 11. Adley isu p e „ n .!..! ! S-! 1 ™ " if® Kllen Zimmorinan to John M. Swomley U2U North iri- "• ! X ,; '° B. C. Brcnneman to Max Keitor ..:... 224 Renica ....!. .'.'i.'! ! 11! Vacant „ ,'I 7 Tliomas A. Woods Est. to John B. T. Wilver ....731 Girnnl i. r L- 'h-V ?!!*s? Eulu R. George to Ilea J. Dintiman 1918 Park i'-'-s frame dw \nnn I'2® Clnra Willis to May AlcQueney 919 N. Eighteenth V.Vn, 1 . 0 00 300 F. G. Fahnestock to St. Dai-id Bair W. S. Fourth [I!! 8-v„ rK - dw \Z 100 James Roney to J. Harris Bell 1920 Chestnut %'-s frame dw inJ'SS H2° E. N. Eebo to Lulu R. George 1929 Srntar;i Va'cant lOO.O" 2.0b Commonwealth Trust Co. to William S. Harris. .N. W. Ninetcentli ' 30.00 Olive E. Evans to John S. Harris 2345 Derry .... . i r k ?i w n ° r '°° WilJiam H. Hctfelfinger to Alice M. Forbes ...1617 Alarket Ill" I*3-2" brk dw M' 00 Sno Elizabeth Tack to Richard Yoffc 1704 Green ' Five rt. ,7',''' i" ' ,0 ° 430 A. C. Staram to Harry R. Given 1321 to 1329 Thompson Five 8 s' frnlll 7 - 00 Ilarry Given to James K. Kipp 1321 to 1329 Thonfpson '! II II Vacant dWS , ,0 ® Harrisburg Realty Co. to Charles W. Fraim ...55 Wiconisco 2- s . brk 'dw fe'a '■•'<) John L. I J. Kuhn to W. Glenn Alycrs 50-58 N. Twelfth Tw„ -m- i,' .j 000 U '"° John 1\ Gipple to John It. Wolf 2423 N. Tifth " imT, 7, -* s ,' l> rk -, dws - 100.00 n.ftft Percy Balshaugh lo Walten R. Solin 40$ to 410 Mtiench .... 111111-•- r, r,m„ dws - - I,o° 2.5 ft David Challenger to John I'. Afalcy 62 X, Fourteenth '< =' i Ji. i 1,00 3.50 I). A. Hippie to Gerhard E. Stevens 730 S. Twenty-seventh !'HiV , v 10.00 s.fto John C. Uiode to Braddock Jii Sohn 252 Verbeke d ,' L 2.00 11. D. Boas Est to Gerber & Goldman 334 to 346 Boyd * . ; ~' a ' ''' nn, o dws. 10.ft" 11.00 Louis Turasi to John W. Sloathour .... 593 S. Front '. I nif' ll ' at " p '' , v 2,2"o.ftft 2.50 Louisa Kelker to Cal. Federlco 211 Blackberry . "11 -,a-s. brk. rtw lft.OO 3.511 Thomas Bogar to Robert D. ICenkins 3225 N Sixth .... !. ! --s. stucco dw 1.00 ] 50 Willis Smith to Andrew Schmidt .....1621 X. Sixth L" s ' , me dw 1.00 6.00 Willis Smith to Andrew Schmidt 1627-29 N. Fifth I " n 0 . 2 : 8 ' dws. Katliarino Smith to Wnltcr E. Stiank 2051 Tonn '.T 8 - " r 'L W 1.00 3.00 Henry Quier to Louis C. Goldman W. S. Nineteenth'.. 11.11111.'1,/J up s ' dws. 1.00 4.00 Secured Investment Inc. to Louis C. Goldman ..807 S. Twenty-seventh .. I!! I „ " 8- stuoo4 dw. ... 1.00 2.00 Lstella A 4. Sohland to Louis C. Goldman IC3S Catherine 11.11'. 2* s ' l,rk - dw Lstella Al. Sohland to Ismis C. Goldman 617 Aluonch U" 8, dw Lstella AI. Sohland to Louis C. Goldman 355 S. Eighteenth ....!. I!! 11 ?" 8- d w Lstella AI. Sohland to Louis C. Goldman 2624 Derry I. ! 8 - dw 1.00 10.00 Lstella AI. Soliland to Louis C. Goldman 53 S. Seventeenth I. .i I! " ! " 8 ' dw Lstella At. Sohland to Louts C. Goldman 125 S. Cameron garage Lstella M. Sohland to Louis C. Goldman 2341 Dorry -li-s. lirk. dw Secured Investment Inc. to Louis C. Goldman ..804 S. Twenty-seventh ... I. fri t m e dw 1.00 2.00 I Jones Kessler to Rntbsto Peluso 1203 Swatnra -ts-s. brk. dw 1,00 4.50! Harry Kavlor to J. William Bayles 315 Chestnut ?" 8 - brlc - '"'dg 1.00 21.00 City Transfer Co. to State Real Estate Co 443 8. Cameron ! ! 2 - H - hrk - bldg 1.00 10100 , John W. Bowman to Owen Brady Jr 2318 Jefferson 3-s. brk. dw 1,00 Loo' William H. Spooner Kst. to Miller & l\ndes ...9 N. Second 4-s. lirk. bldg 1.00 95100 I William A. Wengert to William M. Shipley ... 1809 Bellevtio 3- s - brk. dw 3,500.00 7h50 ! Kate McDonald to Commonwealth of Penn 502 N. Thirteentli '..3-s. frame dw 2.800.00 3 00 1 Charles Barnhart to Allriam W. Madenford... . 822 N. Sixteentli 3-s. hrlc. dw 10.00 | John Caton to Sarah Moyer 82 N. Seventeenth 3-s. hrk. dw 100.00 Thomas Hamilton to William J. Lyme 314 S. Seventeenth 3-s. brk. Apts 1.00 Margaret J. Sefton to William A Kreedman.... 405-407 Verbeke Two 2%-s. frame dws. LOO siding, to-day refused the Jugo slav request, for the coal mines of I Pecs, Hungary, leaving their dispo sition to the reparations commts- ! ston. MRS, I.TCV DEATH Mrs. Lucy I