"The Live Store" Doutrichs Insurance Policy A Guarantee 1 !N CLOTHES J VFORBOYS^f Above All, You must , be Satisfied with any purchase made at this "Live Store" That's the kind of policy we issue to our customers. DOUTRICHQ ***" "Always Reliable" Doutrichs Is The Harrisburg Home Of Wearpledge Insured Clothes For Boys i "Be Sure of Your Store" Herewith we show the famous ORIGINAL INSUR ANCE POLICY guaranteeing Boys' Clothes, and which accom panies every Wearpledge garment. We knew that the moment Wearpledge advertisements appeared in the leading magazines, retail ers everywhere would try to "cash in" on the unique Wearpledge in surance idea. However, there is but One Original Line that bears the Wearpledge label, and in the pocket of every garment is the insur ance policy that protects you. This "Live Store" is headquarters for Wearpledge In sured Clothes for Boys. They cannot be found elsewhere in Harris burg, so, be sure of your store. When the greatest boys' clothing man ufacturing institution in the world sought a Harrisburg outlet for Wear pledge Insured Clothes for Boys, it selected Doutrichs—because—it de sired a store, which in ideals, quality and service was worthy of the famous Wearpledge line. Every mother in Harrisburg, and nearby towns, who has a boy to clothe, knows the questions that come to her mind when she has purchased her son's suit or overcoat. Try The Dependable Doutrich Service That Everybody Is Talking About 304 MARKET STREET iXUOSEQ/VYl^WiSmffKi, J Ij^outricngl HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH c Ji / Sa7jdeda<2 Suits for Boys SSBSBOBH& llTeiapTedge 8 INSURANCE! POLICY I fSSUEO BY I MAKERS OF I gj CLOTHES I TO THE PURCHASEROF &| B Will it wear? Will it retain its shape? Is the fabric sturdy? Will its seams hold fast? Are the buttons on securely? Will the lining sag? Will the edges pucker? Will the collar hug the neck closely? Are the wear-points reinforced? But now comes Wearpledge Insured Clothes for Boys, Insured by a policy which reads: "If during the life of this garment, it fails to give complete satisfaction from the stand point of wear and workmanship, return it, and a new suit or overcoat will be given in exchange." A policy which says, "set aside your fears —Wearpledge makes good or I will." / No other boys' suit is insured so satisfactorily by its makers, possibly because no other offers so safe a risk. Every suit has a real "Live Leather Belt that S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-S, attached to it, you'll find Wearpledge clothes at Doutrichs and"Nowhere else" in Harrisburg. Patrons have always identified this "Live Store" with the new and de pendable merchandise, plus our unequalled service. It's not surprising that the greatest clothing manufacturers in the world select this store to market their product. Try The Dependable Service \ That Everybody Is Talking About DECEMBER 2, 1919. "Always Reliable * "Be Sure of Your " When you buy at Dout richs, we want you to ex pect more than you can get anywhere else, in Service, Courtesy and Satisfaction. Service has been the key note of our remarkable success. That's why we insist on giving as much of it as we possibly can. You determine what You call satisfaction, on every purchase made at this "Live Store," any time you don't think you get complete and lasting satis faction, we stand ready to make good you are pro tected with a guarantee that means all it says. Try this dependable Doutrich Service every body is talking about. HARRISBURG PENNA. 17