Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 28, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    City Council Likely
to Grant Increase of
Salaries to Patrolmen
Making up the oity budget for
the ooming year 00-.motlnieu and the
mayor are ootrstderlng an advance
In pay for the policemen of Harris*
The policemen have not made any
organized plea for higher waged but
many of them have shown to friends
their living expenses as compared
•with their salaries and the council
men have been requested by inter
ested citizens to give the men 1118
a month.
It has been pointed out that the
officers pay for the greater part of
their own equipment, that their pay
has not kept pace with living costs,
that their hours of duty are longer
than in most lines of employment
and that their salaries have by no
means kept pace with the advance
in living costs.
There is a general disposition on
the part of councllmen to grant the
increase sought, and there has been
no objection raised either within or
without city goernment circles. It
it believed that the new basis of pay
will be granted, effective the first
of the new fiscal year.
Italy Promises to Obey
Peace Conference on
Dalmatian Question
Basic, Nov. 28. —A dispatch from
Belgrade dated November 25 has
been received by the Eaibach Aus
trian correspondence bureau, stating
that the Italian government has in
formed the government of Jugo
slavia that Italy would observe the
decision reached by the Paris Peace
Conference with regard to the Dal
matian question and would Itself
prevent any attempt in the direc
tion of Spalato by Gabriele D'Annun
[Continued from First Page.]
conference. So did William Green,
secretary of the mine workers.
Operators, though accepting the j
government proposal definitely, in a
letter of explanation to Dr. Garfield
which they made public, intimated
that the government refusal to allow
price increases would bear recon
Session Became Warm
It was behind closed doors that
the coal situation reached its cli- j
max. There was much heated ora- i
tory, but T. W. Guthrie, of Pitts
burgh, acting chairman of the op
erators' committee, described the
parliamentary procedure succinctly
as he came out. The operators, by
a prearranged plan, notified the min
ers' committee for the Central Com
petitive field of their acceptance of
Dr. Garfield's plan.
This the mine workers promptly
voted down. In turn, the miners
put forward a counter proposal, that
Secretary "Wilson's suggestion for a
51.66 per cent, wage increase be
granted, and this the operators flat
ly refused. For the third time, the
operators renewed their formal of
fer of arbitration, and this the min
ers voted down. Unanimously an
adjournment was voted.
Scores Operators. Too
"The operators are pretending to
accept Dr. Garfield's proposal," Mr.
Lewis said, manifesting acorn and
indignation as he called the news
papermen around him in the littered
and noisy hall that was the scene
of the all-day gatherings.
"But as they do it they state they
are unable to operate many of their i
mines under it. It would be foolish |
for us to attempt to make an agree- |
merit unless miners are to be given j
"Our position is unchanged. "We
hold the United States government !
cannot break Its word. The pledge of
Secretary Wilson to grant us a 31
per cent, increase must be redeem
ed. In my judgment Dr. Garfield
and the cabinet have committed the
most colossal blunder in the history
of our nation. They are blindly fol
lowing an academic theory, without
regard to Justice to the mine work
ers or effects on the people of the
United States."
Cleanse the Blood Now and
Banish Rheumatism—Tells
How Bad Blood Causes
This Painful Suffering.
Slight cases of Rheumatism show
signs of seriousness when cold,
damp weather sets in. Vet real,
honest, chronic Rheumatism is had
any time. If you are a sufferer from
either, the first thing for you to do
now is to cleanse your blood of uric
Uric acid is poisonous to the
blood. It lodges in the joirrts and
muscles and is the cause of those
sharp, aching pains that you call at
tacks of neuritis, or a neuralgia
condition that comes in damp weath
er. Ail this is Rheumatism and, if
not checked while slight, it takes
you Into the suffering of dangerous
chronic Rheumatism—an ail-year
Uric acid gets worse in your blood,
unless your kidneys ore active
enough to illter it out. and still your
kidneys can't do their work if your
h'ood doeemt keep them well nour
ahed. Your only hope of relief then
is to strengthen and purify your
uric aeid-iiuJen blood.
You probably tried linimonta and
lotions but received only temporary
relief from pain, but this time, go
right to the seat of the cause and
drive the uric acid out of your sys
tem by nourishing your blood with
the blood building elements of Kovo-
Novo-San means new blood. It
givea new life to the corpuscles and
enables them to carry more nourish
ment and light off foreign elements
like uric acid. It revitalizes the
blood mo it can circulate more ac
tively and stimulates the kidneys to
Alter out the waste matter and uric
add. By such a sensible treatment
yon should easily avoid the pains
and anguish of Rheumatism and In
12 days' time begin to have the
blood and feelings of a new person.
Novo-San should cleanse your
blood of uric acid if you'll use it as
directed. It Is a powerful blood
food, recommended highly by doc
tors and Is perfectly safe and effi
cient. It can be obtained from drug
gists like George A. Gorgas, H. C.
Kennedy or any other good drug
Gown of Black Velvet
ill- wmm HHim.
Fashion Caraora Photo.
As usual, the mode for dinner and
evening gowns and dance frocks
covers a wide range of fancy, as
well as fabrics and trimmings.
From simple net, besprinkled with
sequins, beads and dangling with
glass pendants, to the more 'elegant
ly simple velvet creations, they are
to be seen in the exclusive shops.
Here is a black velvet gown that is
a marvel of simplicity and which
will appeal to the debutante for a
dance frock or a dinner gown. It
is a one-piece creation, sleeveless,
full of skirt and pointed of bodice;
it harks back to the days of our
grunftmafhers and greut uutrls, Mo
hitallbi and Murtlm. The w.i&c,
of Holiday
Colors and
Toilet Powders
Djer-Klss Face Powder 49e
Mary Garden Face Powder - 75c
Lady Mary Face Powder . 39c
La-Meda Cold Creamed Powder 53fc
La Blache Face Powder 43c
Pussy Willow Face Powder 38c
Carmen Face Powder . .... SBc
Waltz Dream Face Powder 39c
Flora Sweet Face Powder . . 58c
Jess Face Powder 19c
L'Ame Face Powder 39c
Solmio Face Powder 79c
Sanitol Face Powder : 24c
Woodbury's Face Powder .. 17c
Elmo Face Powder .... 39c
Java Riz Face Powder ... S7c
Mennen Talcum .... 19c
As-The-Petals Talcum 19c
Corylopsis Talcum 15c
Butterfly Talcum 18c
Garden of Allah Talcum 21c
Lady Mary Talcum 39c
Kellogg's -Hbrl After-Thanksgiving Specials Kellogg's "ZHSLr
Toilet Creams
Elcaya Cream 45c
Mercolized Wax 69c
Howard's Buttermilk Cream 45c
Lady Betty Cream 45c
Pond's Cold Cream .................... 33c
Pond's Vanishing; Cream ............... 34c
ream De Meridnr .........i........... 35c
Woodbury's Facia] Cream Bfc
D. & R. Cold Cream .................... -24 c
Ken-Klay Freckle Cream 79e
Othine Freckle Crawm 73c
Oriental Cream $1.09
Hind's Honey and Ahwmrt rww ... 38c
Rose and Almond Cream ....... 49c
Quince Cucumber Cream .... 19t
Ben-Hazel Cream ... 69c
Mavis Cold Cream 39c
Ara Mara Cream - 42c
Mom 19c
Pahnolive Cold Cream .................. 39c
Elmo Cncumber Cream 39c
Jergen's Almond Lotion 29c
Anbury Sisters Cold Cream 24c
shirred band round the bottom in its
Sole brnament, A white satin,
■tucker" in front relieves the hard I
lin-e above the bust and Boftuna the \
facet feilvei' roses feive (he one die
tinetlve touch to the frock. The lat- I
lei 1 hiay be developed in dreg* of
for tt young girl, with a pale j
frinii tucliei' and pais pink satin
loses for ornamentation,
[Continue*! from First Page.]
lent writes. "Great Britain alone Is
considered to be preventing pence
between the Soviet government nnd
the Baltic states as well as Fin
land, whose independence the Bol
shevik! are prepared to recognise,"
Hy .iisocialeA I'retf
Constantinople. Nov. 88.—Appeals
that early arrangements bo made for
negotiating a peace treaty, sent by
Sublime Porte to the Peace Con
ference In Paris, are said to have
been Inspired by the fear that Turkey
may bo plunged Into anarchy, with
no responsible government left to
treat With the Allies, At the same
time, the grand vlser in urging coun
try districts to hurry arrangements
for elections so that a parliament
may meet here and be ready to dis
cuss the terms of peaca.
At prosent the interior of ll'.o
country is not controlled by the gov
ernment, which ennnot collect taxes
and has no funds. This financial
situation, it Is pointed out. Is liable
to throw the country into the hands
of any other which mny make it a
loan. Nobody In this city, Allied or
otherwise,l appears to havo any in
formation as to how mnttors are to
be settled, although the French,
Italians, Greeks and British aro oc
cupying sonos agreed upon among
themselves. The Turks aro prepar
ing to try to excite Interest In Amer
ica for a mandate over this country,
and plans to Bend publicists to Amer
ica for that purpose.
[Continued from First Page.] |
mar school track meets. School ]
spirit was strong. Each school was i
represented by .a large student body
and cheer choruses. There was!
nothing lacking in the way of songs i
and cheers. While it was cool and j
cloudy, indications pointed to an |
ideal football day. The field was I
still soft but in better condition than i
yesterday. Due to the fact that all I
schools are closed there was a largo
turnout of students from other
buildings. Steelton was also in evi
Two Parades i
The big foathall event- startot
with two parados. The Camp Cur
tin students formed at 1,30 this
afternoon and marched down Sixth
| street to Market, and out Market
, street to the river bridge. Edison
1 came over the Mulberry street
1 bridge. Each school was well repre
; sented with colors and flags. The
singing and cheoring along the
route of tho parade was ah lntorest
, Ing feature.
On reaching the Island each
I school paraded over tho field. Edl
! son occupied the right field bleach
ers and Camp Curtln tho left field
seats. After the schools wore seat
ied the spectators were taken care
of, and by 2.3 0 when the game start
ed there was not a vacant seat on
any stand.
Baud In Lino
Camp Curtln had tho Municipal
Band to help them out. Baok of
the band marched the cheer leaders,
Helen Qraeff, Virginia "VVorta, Mar
garet Kathfon, Astrtch Krebs, Mc-
Camant, Winters, Yongst and Klpp,
who did splendid team work.
Ituhs and applause resounded as
the names of Captain Brlcker,
Shocker, Wllsbach, Crownshleld, Afl
per, Wlssler, LeShong, Lytle, Boyer,
Hummel, Bashore, Lantz, Greena
wait, 'Liggett, Burd, Stroup, WU
! llams, Shroudor, D&loy and of
course, Brehm, Gelsel and PeliTer,
were'ishouted by the cheer leaders
and repeated with tremendous en
thusiasm by the audience, showing
that Camp Curtln is going over the
top In school spirit.
Edison's Big Crowd
The Edison parude was in charge
of the chief traffic officer, Percy
Dr. King's New Discovery
Will Do That Very Thing,
Easily and Quickly
DON'T say, "Poor little young
ster —I wish I knew what to
do for you!" Just give a little
Dr. King's New Discovery as direct
ed and the croupy-cough won't
A cold is not to be fooled with.
Get after It at once. Loosen the con
gestion, the phlegm-stuffiness, and
the throat-torture.
A family remedy for colds, coughs,
grippe and kindred attacks. Fifty
years a friend to cold-sufferers.
Fifty years of highest quality. 60c
and $1.20 a bottle—all druggists.
Bowels on Schedule Time
—the bile flowing freely, the fer
menting body poisons eliminated.
Dr. King's New Life Pills make the
i bowels function- regularly and keep
3 the system cleansed of gaseous im
purities. 25c a bottle, all druggists.
Packer's Tar lO^
Soap ioC
OriniriiM i n
9h lUC
Colgate's AXkAramd or
Soap, 3 for ZDC
Lifebuoy Soap or"
3 ft* ZDC
Colgate's Natural 1A
Soaps, 2 for 4dC
PahnoDve Soap or
3 for ZDC
Rafael a a
Sow 19c
Jergen's Glycerine Q r
Soap, 3 for £dC
Gillette An *7C
Razor D
grw,. 40c 79c
Ever-Ready 7Q
Razor / C
a, 83c
Mfgmm'g Shaving on
Cream OOC
Jntmana's Shaving f n
Cream lUC
WBBam'a Shaving a a
Cream Z4C
Mode Shaving f a
CW lyc
Em ii iiwij 28 c
Jones, DHI, and his aids, Adam
Hutta, BU8; George Bennett, 8B3;
Arthur Hpangler, 789; George Mcs
slriger, BA3; Martin Bender, BA3,
who are members of the staff. The
rest of tho traffic officers were along
the line as the chief marshal di
Heading tho line with the chief
marshall were the Edison commun
ity officers and the Edison cheer
leaders, who are: Chief cheer lead-'
er, Harold Frack; assistants, Miss
Helen Forsyth, Miss Dorothy Long,
Miss Mary Collins, Miss Ethel Fitch,
John Carl and Louis Himes. They,
have been working hard for the past I
week and have a good list of cheers ]
and songs prepared for the game. i
The silver cup, offered by Shenk
and Tittle, to the winning team, has
greatly Increased the rivalry between
the teams.
But be careful in making your I
purchase. Every showy case does .
not envelop a perfect Instrument, i
The case counts for something, but j
the Interior, where the tone is e re- |
ated, Is of greater Importance. You i
naturally expect a piano to iast u j
lifetime. You want the assurance
that It will look as well, be as tune- 1
ful, years after, as the day you 1
bought it. Buy THE HARDMAN J
PIANO. Yohn Bros., 13 North 4lh
street, opposite Dives, Pomeroy & '
s.ooo,ooopeople use
it as a Tome . Strength
\ and Blood -Bu I! aer.
Cigars Cigarettes
6c 10c Straight
-44" ADLON
Camels 17c
Lucky Strike 17c
Piedmont 17c
Chesterfield 17c
Fatima 21c
_ , Chocolate Almonds
Assorted Chocolates Half Pound)
98c 49c
Dental Preparations
Pebeeo Tooth Paste 34c
Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c
Pyrodent Tooth Paste 24c
S. S. White Tooth Paste 18c
Albodon Tooth Paste 17c
Zylano Tooth Paste 45c
Forham Tooth Paste 39c
Mennen's Tooth Paste 23c
Perfecto Tooth Paste 19c
Sanitol Tooth Paste 22c
Kal Pheno Tooth Paste 19c
Pond's Tooth Paste 23c
EnthymoJ Tooth Paste 17c
Kal Pheno Tooth Powder lQc
Lyon's Tooth Powder 18c
Sanitol Tooth Powder 21c
Rnbifoam 19c
Sozodont Tooth Paste '. 19c
Do Your Christmas
Shopping Early
zim Come to ilßjo
Xli ff
j \\ \\ Se y° ur cre dit for the entire j >
/ \ V\\ family. Come to Collin's, choose |' 1
I IVj \ from hundreds of the season's ►
As-w| most favored models, be sure of d
K quality, fit and service, and best fP
B of all, your credit is good.
a if ladies'
■K Don't wait until you have saved "■ .
9 up enough money to buy clothing. Winter
qLj Select the garment you want, the Apparel
c . . _ first payment gets the clothes,
buits and Overcoats then pay the balance by weekly, The season's best
■,*%£? X °.': i "mi-wrckly or monthly pay- £££, l " 0o^
overcoats at popular ments to suit your convenience. Blouses, Millinery!
prices. Etc.
N mated 70 -
Iron / OC
Doan's Kidney iO
Pills 4Zc
Dewitt's Kidney QH ~
Pills 0 / C
Williams' Pink O >
Pills J4C
Bliss Native Herb /jn .
Tablets 0%/ C
Phosphate 79c
SSU 32c
mils iq
Quinine A JL
Miles' Pain 7/) _
Pills / "C
Mellin's CC „
Food OOC
Borden's Malted 40 7Q
Milk, 75c and .... $6.4 V
Horlick's Malted AO 7 C
Milk; 75c and .. ..$6.40
Nestles AO /A
Food; 48e and
Eskay's Food; AO AO
69c and $6.0
Merck Milk AO
Sugar OOC
Imperial or
Granum OOC
Denno'a Af op
Food; 63c and .... $1 >/0
Robinson's PO
Barley, lJh. OOC
Fine s
Assortment $
Toilet Waters, /
Perfumes, Toilet
Sets at Cut
Prices r
Holiday Numbers
Standard Patents
Bromo Seltzer fsc
Mayr's Stomach Remedy 79c
Angier's Emulsion 83c
Russell's Emulsion 96c
Gray's Glycerine Tonic 98c
S. S. S. Blood Medicine $1.13
Father John's Medicine 77c
Lavoris 79c
Vinol 79c
Nnjol Mineral Oil 79c
HostettePs Bitters 89c
Fellow's Hypophosphites SLOS
Eckman's Alterative SL29
Peruna 79c
Varnesis (green label) 88c
Miles' Nervine 79c
Miles' Heart Remedy 79c
Philips Milk of Magnesia 38c
Wheeler's Nerve Vitalizer 79c
Squibb's Mineral Oil 75c
Sal Hepatica 75c
Lysol 78c
Pierce's Prescription 79c
Swamp-root 75c
Standard Patents
Pisos Cough Remedy 19c
Goffs Cough Syrup 39c
Walnutta 39c
Hay's Hair Health 67e
Nelson's Hair Dressing 21e
Wyeth's Sage & Sulphur 69c
Petussin 35LQ5
Juniper Tar 19c
Stearn's Wine of Cod Liver 79e
Parker's Hair Balsam *. 38c, 75c
Q-Ban Hair Restorer 49c
Sago Sage and Sulphur 45c
Hagee's Cordial 81c
Power's Asthma Remedy 89c
Merk's Phosphate of Soda 17c
Thomas' Electric Ofl 23c, 43c
St. Jacob's Oil 23c, 43c
Herpidde 73c
Packer's Liquid Tar Shampoo 39c
AyWs Hair Vigor 83c
Yeageris Liniment 25c
Wampole's Cod Liver Extract 65c