W jf KlDAif EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 28, 1919. 30 Real Estate Investments, Judiciously Made, Are Safe and Sound and Profitable. Study the Classified Deaths WlMO.Y—Joseph I*. Wilcox, formerly of 1853 Berry hill Street, died "Wed nesday afternoon at his home in Washington, D. C. Body will bo brought to Harrlsburg this evening. Funeral services at Fackler's funeral chapel. 1314 Dcrry street, 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Body may be viewed this evening between I' and 9 o'clock. Interment i'axtang cemetery, Relatives and friends invited to attend without further notice. IX MEHOniAM In loving remembrance of our fath er and grandfather, Joseph Benner, who departed this life thirteen years ago yesterday, November 27, 1906. A precious one from us has gone. A voice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. Duughter and Grandchildren. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Frank Berry wishes to thank her friends and neighbors for their floral tributes for her father. RETTBERG. We wish to thank our many kind friends, neighbors and relatives" for their kindness and sym pathy during the illness and death ol our mother, Mrs. Lsouisa Rettbers, and also for the floral tributes. Sons. Philip. Harry, Charles and Daughter Edith. Airs. Carrie Flynn, 625 Keily Street, desires to thank the many friends and relatives for their kindness and sym pathy during the illness and death of her daughtgi, Lillian Pauline also for the beautiful floral tributes, LOST AND FOUND [,OST—Black, white and tan Eng lish beagle female dog on Derry St. Reward at lU2I Gerard St. STOLEN —Party who stole English hull dog on Maclay street, is known, to avoid trouble return dog at once to 320 Maelay Street. 1/OST —Collie dog. S months old. an swering to name of "Bobby,' wearing collar with license No. 119. Kindly return to 1729 N. Third street and re ceive reward. LOST—Pair l.lack kid cape gloves. Colonial theater. Saturday night. }'le&Bc return to Telegraph onice. FOUND —A pair of keys on Mar ket Street. Owner may have same b> identifying and paying for this ad. INSTRUCTIONS ""INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Greeg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic.. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any tune. BECKLE'Y S 4 BUSINESS COLLEGE,, 121 Market St. Clias. R. Berkley PRIVATE or class teaching in Castilian Spanish. Seventeen years experience in Puerto Rico. Diploma from New York Women s High School. Apply Mrs. Manuel Andujar, 333 Aleelay Street. Bell phone 2004\\. NOTICE WE play for parties, banquets ana all private occasions. Zenibra Mando lin Club. P. O. Box 625. ___ HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED FIRE BRICKLAYERS PIPE FITTERS " OPEN HEARTH FURNACE MEN Apply EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. MIDVALE STEEL AND ORDNANCE COMPAN Y, COATESVILLE WORKS. COATESVILLE, PA WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT WORK APPLY AT EMPLOY MENT OFFICE BETHLEHEAt STEEL CO.. STEELTON, PA WANTED Roys over 16 years for work In finishing room. Apply DEVINE & YUNUEL fi'HOi: MFG. CO.. Sixteenth and State Sts. " FREIGHT TRUCKERS AND FREIGHT HANDLERS WANTED AT THE P. It. R. DIVISION ST. TRANSFER. HBG., PA. APPLY TO AGENT AT DIVISION ST. FREIGHT TRANSFER. 7TII AND DIVISION STS. OR AT P. R. R. EMPLOYMENT BU REAU. NO. 5 GRACE AVENUE, HARRISBURG. PA. WITMER. BAIR & WITMER re quires the immediate services of a de livery boy over 16 years of age. Must come well recommended. WANTED—Man for janitor and watchman services all night. Steady employment. Office building. Reply by mail, giving age. nationality, where and by whom last employed. P. O. Box No. 394. WANTED —Two young men over 22 years, desiring to learn salesmanship. Will you be satisfied with S2O per week while learning? Call 410 Patriot llldg. LAYEROUT wanted. First class man who can layout tanks, breech ings, hoppers and structural work. State experience and wages wanted. Address New York Central Iron Works Co.. Inc., liagerstown, Md. (Continued In Next Column / N FOR SALE Immediate Possession Modem, 2 '/j Story Crick Dwelling on Derry Street Contains B rooms, bath and nttle) combination coal nnd gas range; hardwood ff.oors first floor; front and bark porches; gas nnd rlertrlc lights; furnace heat; lot ISil.tO fret; 20-foot wide alley. Attractive prR-i to quick buyer. m iiier brothers & to. I.Ot'llST COliliT *VH. . I< i:.\L LMTAI'U lASHIAAC E MKLIV HO AUN ■ Mvmhrrn iiuit. Ileal ttatute Hoaril HELP WANTED-*—MALE IF YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO AN OTHER. LOSING TIME AND AIONEY GOODYEAR OFFERS YOU PERMANENT WORK THE YEAR 'ROUND. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITION'S AND A CHANCE TO EARN RATE 3 IN AC CORDANCE WITH YOUR ABILITY. ALL AROUND MACHINISTS BORING MILL BENCH AND FLOOR LARGE LATHE GENERAL REPAIRMAN BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKER!) Apply in person or write at once to FACTORY EMPLOY MENT OFFICE. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON, OHIO. WANTED Grey iron moulders on heavy green sand work. Coremakers on medium and heavy work. Machinists on boring mill, planer and floor work. One designer and two draughts men. experienced on all kinds of mill machinery. NO LABOR TROUBLE Come and work in a first-elass shop under the best conditions and in a live town Address, READING IRON COMPANY. SCOTT FOUNDRY. READING. PA. WANTED CAR REPAIRMEN At the P. R. K. Shops. Har rlsburg. Pa. Inquire at Master Mechanics' Office, 11a rrlsburg. General Foreman's Office, Lucknow. General Foreman's Office, Enoia. Or at P. R. R. Employment Bureau, No. 5 Grace Avenue. Harrisburg, Pa. GOOD PAYING POSITIONS Highes salaries and added earning power representing 25 to 60u pel cent. increase have been reported by thousands of La Salle members. ACCOUNTANCY BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS LETTER-WRITING LAW BANKING TRAFFIC Complete information on request or telephone 3299 for office appointment. Local instruction. I.A SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 511 Kunkel Building. WANTED I Seventy-five to one hundred „ , white laborers, 15 to .20 Eng- < lish speaking and 60 foreign speaking men. Exceptionally high rate of wages paid and good camp accommodations, transportation Monday morn ing. Meet representative State Employment Bureau, Third and North Streets. LABORERS Wanted for general work on plant. Permanent employ ment. Chances for promotion in accordance with your ability. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU CENTRAL IRON & STEEL CO. WANTED Platen pressmen; good wages; j steady employment. Apply at once. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. State and Cameron Sts. WANTED Several first class toolmakers experience on jig, dye and gage work. Apply ELLIOTT-FISHER CO., Factory Empl<)uient Bureau .j WANTED Men and boys for machine hands and general work. Apply ELLIOTT-FISHER CO., Factory Employment Bureau WANTED —Experienced loom fixer on box and plain looms; one accustom ed to crepes and plaids preferred; permanent position for man of steafly habits, who can obtain results and handle help successfully; state age. ex perience and wages expected. Man hattan Silk Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. LEARN a trade and earn while you learn. Some of our students are mak ing $l2O a month while learning. We can place you. We teach aeroplane operating, piloting and construction, automobile meehunism, wireless .elo graphy or radio telephone. Write for particulars. Auto and Aeroplane Me chanical School. Harrisburg. Aero drome Office. 25 North Cameron St., j Harrisburg. Bell 1710. Dial 5065. | FOUR men with newspaper or mag ■ azine experience; guaranteed salary I and commission, good chance for ad vancement. See Mr. Datesman, 410 j Patriot Bidg. i i MAN wanted for lito Insurance so iliciting and collecting. Bell phones 11054 and 1946 J. ! WANTED —Laborers and contrac tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax tang. WANTED —Boy over 16 for outside 1 workeight hours daily. Inquire after 10 a. in.. 529 Market Street, second | iii.or front. I (Continued In Next Columni HELP WANTED—MALE " CENSUS clerks, (men, women). 4.000 needed. $95 month. Age, 18-60. Experi ence unnecessary. Examinations Har risburg. December 10, January 7. For fxee particulars write Raymond Terry (former government examiner), 51S Continental Bldg.. Washington. HELP WANTED— FEMALE A CHANCE TO SEE WASHINGTON, D. C. ALL EXPENSES PAID The Bell Telephone Company in that city is offering BOARD, LODG ING, LAUNDRY. TRANSPORTATION and LIBERAL SALARY to girls who have had telephone operating experi ence, if not engaged in that occupa tion now. For particulars write, giving age. experience, present employment, if any, and salary to G. B. WEST 725 13th Street, N. W, Washington, D. C. SILK. SILK. SILK Silk Operators Good Learners If steady work is what you want and short day and best pay. Apply SILK MILL. Cor. Second and North Sts. , JOIN THE BELL FAMILY Several young women are need ed t.o fill vacancies in our oper ating force. WE OFFER THESE' ADVANTAGES Good salary—periodic increases Permanent employment Opportunity for promotion Carefully chosen associates Meals served at cost Comfortable rest rooms Sickness benefits Apply to Miss Kline. Operators' Employment Department, 208 Walnut Street. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. WANTED—Chorus girls for slock engagement, amateurs considered if they can dance, salary S2O per week. Apply in letter or person-to Mae Sher wood. Alhambra Theater, York. Pa. WANTED—Young girl to assist in houstwoi'k, to go home at night. Ap ply ISO I Green St. WANTED—Colored girl to do clean ing. Apply Mrs. S. Fein, 1103 North Sixth St., Apt. 5. ART NEEDLEWORK DEMONSTRATOR WANTED Harrisburg store requires the services of an experienced demonstrator, capable of teaching all the new stitches in crocheting and knitting. Permanent position and good salary to right party. Address r - - in confidence, for interview. Box K-8133 care of Tele graph. WANTED —Good, reliable cook; no washing, good wages, white, woman preferred. Inquire 2133 North Second street or Bell phone IX37M. . \ WANTED Reliable woman for general housework. Must sleep at home. Reference required. Call 227 Pino St. WANTED Girls to work In book-bind ing department, experience unnecessary. Apply Mr. Bern helsei, THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY, I Cameron and State Sts. MAID wanted for general house work. three in family, no washing. Call Bell 5090R or apply 1002 North 16th Street. WHITE girl wanted from 2 p. m. to 5.30 p. m. Bell phone 3523J or call 243 Woodbine St. WANTED An experienced and rapid stenographer, only those who have had experience need apply to Gannett, Seelye & Fleming, 204 Lo cust St. WANTED —Six women for clean ing floors. Apply Mrs. McGrail, State Street, Grace M. E. Church. — . ■ , WANTED Several first class typists, those with High school edu cation preferred. Apply ELLIOTT-FISHER CO., Factory Employment Bureau EXPERIENCED loopers and finish ers wanted. Apply Harris Hosiery Co., cor. Calder and Marion Sts. WANTED —Girls to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED Experienced girls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St HKI.l* WANTED—Maio ami Female WANTED Press feeders at once, experi ence preferred, but nbt neces sary. The Telegraph Print ing Company, Cameron and State Streets. Harrisburg, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN —Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 >to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. National Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n., Dept. 603, Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE YOUNG man, 21, wishes position as salesman in clothing store or collect ing for an installment house. Phone 1473 R. COIJOIIED boy wishes position five hours per day and all day Saturday. Can drive auto. Address Box C-82G2 care Telegraph. WHITE man wishes work as butler or porter in private family. No bad habits. Address Box S-7956 care Tcle grapli. WANTED —First class barber wish es position. Address Box J-7759 care i Jolt-graph. ffl m IF YOU HAVE AN EXTRA ffi ROOM in your house or apartment |f| you have a potential source of income, ffl Advertise for a desirable tenant, and |E M subtract a substantial amount from _ ffl the rent you are paying. It is simply |p a common-sense matter —a thrift pol -1 Cy i i i 0 . 9 b■ , a SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE A THOROUGHLY competent and re liable seamstress who is partially an invalid, desires work, such as alter ing from stores or assist a busy dress maker, or do unykind of sewing, either fancy or plain at her home. 1252 Derry St. Bell 2338 R. A colored girl desires work, general house work or dishwashing, no wash ing or work of any other kiud. Apply 1 444 Derry St. A THOROUGHLY competent and re liable seamstress who is partially an invalid, desires work, such as alter ing' from stores or assist a busy dress maker, or do anykind of sewing, either fancy or plain at her home. 1232 Derry St. Bell 2338 R. EXPERIENCED telephone operator desires position on a private branch i xchange or cashier's desk. Address S. O. S., 8133 care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—One. large furnished room third floor, use of phone and bath, gentlemen preferred. Apply 121 south St. FOR RENT—Two or three unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping with pritate family at 2521 N. Sixtli Street. Rent reasonable to right party with out children. FOR RENT —Furnished suite rooms adjoining bath, for gentlemen, refer ences. Apply 210 Pine St. NICELY furnished, clean, warm rooms, $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third Street. NEWLY furnished room with pri vate entrance, all conveniences, cen trally located, gentlemen only. Bell 4620 K. SELECT accommodations for one or two, in private family, references. Bell phone 624. Dial 4957. WILL rent two or three furnished cr unfurnished rooms with hot and cold water in kitchen, gas stove, fur nace heat, use of phone, half square to street car .line, references required. Apply 1436 Naudain St ROOMS to rent for family of two or three. In large and well built home in country, ten miles west of Harris burg. Address 408 North Street. Wm. J. Meily, Jr. — 1 i -TWO furnished rooms and use of bath, electric light and gas. Can be fixed for light housekeeping, if desir ed. No children. 214 N. 15th. St. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms with use of bath, light and heat furnished, second floor, very de sirable location on Hill, couple pre ferred. no children, reference requir ed. Address Box X-7934 care Tele graph. ENTIRE third floor, two furnished rooms and private bath, suitable for llgiit housekeeping or otherwise; re flned neighborhood; all modern con veniences; use of phone. 815 North 17th Street. FOR KENT—Two furnished rooms, twj young women preferred, all con veniences, use of phone. Apply 1610 Derry St. Bell phone 2568 J. FOR RENT—At 116 Locust St., fur nished rooms, electric light and city steam heat, centrally located. Apply at 9 N. Front St. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in private family, use of bath and phone. Call Bell 1609 R. BOOMS WANTED OFFICE man would like room with private family, west of Third street. Address Box A-7937 eare Telegraph. HOME WANTED AN elderly lady would lllte a home with either protestant elderly couple or with a widow who has an established home. Will pay liberally for desirable, homelike, accommoda tions. Address Box S-7935 care Tele graph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS for rent at 1101 N. Sixth St.. all modern conveniences, 4 rooms and bath, second floor front. Apply Louis, 414 N. Third St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j . HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US - BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. s3l MARKET STREET FOR SALE North Second Street. 214-story brick. Can be bought singly or entire row of six. BAUM & ROBESON. Room 3 Russ Building. Bell phone 353.1 /- a Cl| for property. No commission^. Quick settlements. Sec Clias. Adler, 1002 N. Third street. |' " FOR SALE i Calder St.; frame; 7 rooms. ~ .$1,500 I Balm St.; frame; 6 rooms 2,200 i Muench St., all improvements .. 2,500 Boyd St.; brick: all imp 2,500 Currant St.; brick; 8 rooms.. 1,500 i Currant St.; frame; 6 rooms i,ooo I Williams St.; frame 1,000 | LINCOLN REALTY CO. 1129 N. Seventh SL FOR SALE | Immediate possession, house 2427 North Sixth Street, porches, eteam 'heat, side and rear entrances, uli I modern improvements, favorable ' terms. C. H. KINTER. 300 Common wealth Trust Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. 1 1 (Continued In Next Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | i Front St., 14 rooms, bath, water® : '"""dwood finish, garage, lot 50x -vu leet. 3023 and 3025 Second St.. 8 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood flnisn. sloping porch, lot 26x150 feet. -300 Penn block, near Seneca St.. 7 rooms, bath, steam heat. , 2409 and 2411 Penn St. 7 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood tlnish, sun parlor, garage. 2144 Susquehanna St.. 7 rooms, batn, steain heat, hardwood finish. 2044 Susquehanna St., 8 looms, bath, furnace heat. 3200 Third St., 10 rooms, bath, steam beat, hardwood finish. 2427-29-31 Sixth St.. 9 rooms, steam heal. bath, hardwood finish. 3227-29 Sixth Street. 6 rooms, bath, steam heat, vacant. 2130 Seventh St., 8 rooms, bath, fur-! nace heat. 316-18-20-22 Lewis St.. 6 rooms, bath, furnace heat. 326 Maclay St.. 9 rooms, bath, steain heat, hardwood tlnish. 511-13 Curtin St., 8 rooms, bath, furnace heat. 1423 Hunter St.. 6 rooms, bath, fur nace heat. 620 Mucnch St.. 9 rooms, brick, bath, gas. furnace, vacant. Attractive price lor a quick sale. 339 Emort>d St.. 6 rooms, bath, steam heat, possession Dec. 1. North St.. facing Capital Park. 3- story brick, excellent location, would make a tine apartment if desired. Ft. Washington. 215-story detached house. 8 rooms and bath, hardwood finish, large porches, large lot, unob structed view in every direction. If the home you are looking for does not appeal in this list, call or phor-e and tell your wants. 1 have many other homes not listed herein. D. E. LUCAS, 303 St. Ileal Estate, Insurance Bell 5065K FOR SA*LE—Single property corn er 27th and Greenwood Sts.. 2% -story brick. S rooms and bath, gas. electric light, hot water heat, lot 80x90, gar age, possession on short notice. For Sale —Locust Street. Camp Hill, exceptionally attractive single property, 8 rooms and bath, all im provements. hot water heat, hardwood floors, lire place, lot 75x145. For Sale 3G-acre Cumberland county larm, 2% miles from Enoia, good buildings, abundance of fruit, elegant soil. A first class small farm. For Sale—Attractive single prop ery in Market street. Camp Hill, 9 rooms and bath, all improvements, large lot, garage, immediate posses sion. BUINTON-PACKER CO., Agents. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE Eight-room new frame house, lot 60x150. porches, drive al lev, Penbrook, 28th and Bank Sts. Price S2OOO. CHAS. DAVIES. Real Estate and Fire Insurance. 1549 State Street. Bell 4162R Eial 493 C BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE SITUATE ON MARKET ST. Three-story brick containing eight rooms and storeroom; all improve ments; house in first class condi tion throughout, now rented for $660 annual; possession can be had in 30 days' owner must sell on account of sickness; act quick if you don't want to loose this opportunity. For quick sale $6,800. Address Box D-i919 care Telegraph or call Bell phone 4593. SHIREMANSTOWN FOR SALE —Large frame house can be made for two lamilies. Price low; easv payments, situated on Alain St. Address .408 North st. Wm. J. Melly, Jr. FOR SALE —A line three-story brick house in 1500 block of Berryhill street, drive alley in rear. Apply A. W. Swengel, 3131 North Second street. Bell 2575 J. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental navmcnt plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent.' We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply Jy. p. Doranz. 122s North Sixth street. FOR SALE— Brick house, 403 Hum mel avenue, Lemoyne; all improve ments; line large porch; price s4,oj. Inquire 300 Hummel ave„ Lemoyne. FOR SALE or will exchange for ether property, one 3-story brick, 9 rooms, all conveniences. Room for garage in rear, located on Sixth Sa, between Better and Maclay. Call Bell 4067. HOUSES in all sections of city sold on easy paY' n n'- P ln - / an Bl"K from SI,OOO to $6,000. D. A. Caiey, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. HOFFER ST., 2307—N0W for sale; brick and stucco semi-bungu low; seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; other improvements. Bel Reuity Co.. Bergner Bldg. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE—No 68 N. 12th street, 3-story dwelling exterior and interior recently paint ed; all rooms papered and equipment in good order; extra lot at side of house. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. NEW HOUSES ON DERRY ST.—Al most complete; open for inspection; 2419 Derry; brick construction, open fireplace, steam heal, gas and electro light; price and particulars from Bell Realty Co.. Beigner Bldg. Both phones. NOW VACANT —Several desiruble properties for sale; do not postpone inspecting these houses; well located, modernly equipped and prices right. Bell Realty Co.. Beigner Bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION—Of a brick house with seven rooms and bath, and all other improvements; lot 21x150. and price only S4OOO. Bell Realty Co-. Bergner Bldg. $4500 WILL PURCHASE a briclt property on Park street; all improve ments; drive alley in rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. PAXTANU Several desirable properties for sale; three corner prop erties; good locations and prices rea sonable; all Improvements; one now | vacant. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg, (Continued in Next Column! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "'OR SALE 14. .Sylvan Terrace. 3-story brick, all imp SIOOO 131 Park St.. 2 ts-story, bk., all imp. $3500 I*oo block Ilcrr St., 2-story brick, -ill imp., vacant S3OOO Xfitli St. north, 1214, cor. Broad. 3- story trick, all Imp. $5600 32 S. 2Sth St.. 2Vi-story trame. Imp..] large lot and garage $2450 j 22S anil 230 s. 29tli St.. large lot, 2%- story frames, iin...p $2330 each | See my lisis. CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 tale St.. t-or 10th St. Real K.s.ate and Fire Insurance Bell 4162 R. Dial 4930 Vacant—Two 3-story brick houses uptown. Vacant—2-story brick on Hill. Vacant—3-story brick on Park St. ' Thiee-story bricks on Market St. ! Tbrtc-stoiy brick corner house on; Hill. Three-story brick on Berryhill St. Several large single houses. These : house* have improvements in. Some j for S2OO down. Pay as rent. In good condition. Newly papered. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell phone SCOJ. . PAYS iT-i PER CENT, j The moat attractive investment In an apartment house ever offered in | the history of the real estate world. Situated in the most desirable and selective district on Front street, (facing the river). Lot 60x200. Rental income S7SOO per annum. Completed November 1919. Address all inquires to Rnx No. R-8621 care Telegraph. " ! TWO 2i/y and 3-story brick houses, all improvements, on Hill and up town, some vacant; possession at once; S2OO to SSOO down; pay as rent. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. FOR SALE—A good investment I two 3-slciy frame houses near 13lli |and Market St.. SISOO each. A. \V. ! Swengel. 2131 North Second St. | REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, RAUM & ROBESON, j Phone 353J Room 3 Russ Bldg. j i FOR SALE —$1700 will purchase | house, f.13 Hamilton street. A splen did investment. Write 11. L. Stroll, j Bureau Engraving and Printing. I Washington. U. C. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER HOME with large lawn and shrubbery. Also about 7 acres of land suitable for farming or building plots. Will be sold in lots or as a whole. Also one row of five frame houses. All located with in six miles of Harrlshuig. Excellent car service. Call Steelton Exchange, 106.1 on Bell phone. FOR SALE —Brick dwelling, 1611 Green street, 8 rooms and bath. Chaa. Adler, 1002 N. Third St. BELLA VISTA—An elegant pair of houses standing alone on a lot 50x145, 9 rooms and bath, gas and electric lightli, pipeless furnace, large front and tear porches, garage on rear for three ears, large lawn and fruit trees, taxes low. GEORGE E. K LING EM AN. Bell phone 3782 202 Walnut St. FOR SALE —A very attractive Camp Hill home. South Bowman ave.. lot br.x2oo; hardwood floors, steam heat. Inquire U. Vanderloo & Son. 230 N. Second St. Bell 4886. FOR SALE —Three tine up-to-date i residences with all modern improve- I ments, in the best residential block of North Third street, with garages in! the rear. Possession of one can be I given when title to property is taken I Terms to suit buyer. j Eleven properties which yield a : good income with 203 feel of ground on the cast side of Seventh street, with I'. R. R- in rear, suitable for a large manufacturing plant which needs railroad facilities. The well known Fritehey farm near Llnglestewn, with tifteen buildings; cost owner $60,000 to develop, for sale at r great bargain. The Haldernan Island, located be tween the picturesque Juniata and Susquehanna rivers, SOO acres in size with four sets of farm buildings and a large apple orchard, suitable for a | stock farm of large dimensions. Terms to suit buyer.^ S. FRIEDMAN, Real Estate and Insurance, I 222 Market St. | I ELEGANT 3-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE KOIt SALE 2128 NORTH THIRD ST (.Near Woodbine St.) Located in one of Harris- ] burg's mqst beautiful resi- i dcntial sections. The front is 40 feet on Third street, run- | ning back about 165 feet to i Susquehanna street, witli 2- etory brick garage in rear. If | interested, apply to Samuel Friedman, agent, care Har- , gest & Hurgcst Law Office, I C( nun on wealth Trust Build ing. Harrisburg. 1 FOR SALE 1918 Penn St., brick $3600 1943 N. 4th St., brick S3OOO 1918 Park St.. brick SSOOO 2427 N. Sixth St., brick S6OOO | 1820 Fulton St., frame SI9OO Easy payments. * D. A. CALEY. 707 Kunkcl Bldg. Bell 589 j REAL ESTATE FOR RENT __ . t I BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR RENT: Located at the east end of Mulberry Street Bridge. No. 1. Possession December 1. prop- ] erty now occupied by Swain, Hick-! man Company, consisting of One office. Two basements. One storage room. One concrete gurage 15x155 ft. Suitable for auto accessory or sim-i liar business, requiring space (or storage. No. 2. Possession January 1, prop-! erty now occupied by C. A. Fair, con sisting of , | Two-story frame building, 88x1551 6 L-shapo building adjoining, 38x001 feet. i Suitable for auto repair and paint shop, or manufacturing business. For further particulars apply at 126 South Second Street. * [ ■ • FOR RENT—I 922 Boas St.. 7 rooms.! frame house, no improvements, except j gas and electricity, v lot 96x110, rent) $lB. BACRIfINSTOSS REALTY CO.. | (Hbg's. Real Estate Bureau), I 331 Market St. I (Oaittaui la Next Calßmn) j REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I - : I FOR RENT—Small ten mile*'. I west of Harrisburg, large room down stairs, also kitchen. 3 rooms on sec ond floor, rent $3.50 per month. Ad dress 408 North St., Wm. J. Mcily. Jr. REAL ESTATE WANTED Will buy any number of dwellings and make imme diate settlement if sold at verv reasonable terms. Ad dress Box C-9016 care Tele- i graplw ! WANTED —To rent a stocked farm! with between 60 and 75 acres of ground. Write or address Charles IS. ■ l-letx. It. F. D. No. 2. Mtddletown, Pa. j WE will save you time and annc.y- ! anee from agents and advertising, by j buying your real estate direct. Send us full particulars in your letter and I we will buy your property if the price! is right. Address P. O. Box 625. I tea I Estate For Sale or Exchange ; FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE | On town property. 4*acre farm and 30-acre farm. 6 to S miles from Harrisburg; pos session ut once; clear title; SSOO down; pay as rent. I C. H. CORDER. 172- Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. i OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT —Office space, fully equipped with two large communicat ing rooms which can be used for stor age or supplies. Inquire 429 Broad St. WANTED—Room large enough to j I hold o*ie or two cars to be painted. I Apply at 251 Liberty St. , I FARMS I | 1-aere farm. S miles south Hbg., Hi miles K. 1 isburn. on State Highway, 7 room frame house, large chicken house, stable, etc.. land level, young orchard, spring and cistern, also creek water, close to school on cross roads, good j place for country store, pos session at once, now vacant, easy terms, SSOO down, pay as rent. Price sl7ou. Will take I i city property in exchange, (clear title), full particulars by calling at 1722 Green St.. Hbg. Will take parties to see these farms on appointment. 30-acre farm for sale or ex change on town property, 10- aeres woodland. 9 room frame j house, outbuildings, etc.. or chard, lund mostly level, pos session at once, house now vacant. I miles to city limits. I 15 minutes' walk to trolley line and railroad station, can j go to and from work in city. I Price S3OOO. Will take light I auto or roadster in trade. easy terms. SSOO down, (clear I title), pay as rent. This is one of the best places to raise chickens, southern exposure. | Will take parties to see this larm by calling ut 1722 Green j St., Harrisburg. I FOR SALE—An A 1 stock or grain farm and would make an A 1 fruit farm, 187 acres, large bank barn. 8- room stone house and outbuildings, best of water supply, 7 miles from city: possession at once. Price SBSOO. S4OOO can remain at 6 per cent. 135 acres cultivated land. 52 acres in woods and pasture. FOR SALE—IIS acres farm, best of soil for trucking, 8-room frame house, large bank barn and all necessary I outbuildings. Possession April 1, 11920, located 10 minutes' walk from ; trolley. Cumberland county. Price 1 slls per acre. | CHAS DA VIES. ! Real Estate, and Fire Insurance, 1549 State Street. I Bell 4162 R. Dial 4930 FARM FOR SALE—3B acres in Lower Paxton township, 1% miles from Weaver's schoolhouse, Brick house, 12 rooms und bath. Tenant house, tennis court, large barn, wagon shed, pig stable, large chicken house, over 100 truit trees, beautiful hedge fence and shrubbery around house. Excellent place for summer home, t rice *7.00u if sold this fall. GEORGE IS. K LINGEMAN. Real Estate and Insurance Bell phone 3782 302 Walnut St. TRUCK FARM. 9 acres, 9 room house, near school and trolley. Price, $1,300. Stock farm, 127 acres. 8 room house, large bank barn, good outbuildings, land in excellent condition. Price, $5,700. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut St. near Front FOR SALE —Sunset Farm. 30 acres at Paxtcnia, Ph.. rolling land, seven fields, water in six,'now buildings, two deep wells, ten minutes walk frjni Llnglcstown trolley, church, school and mill. Price $6,000. Stock and im plements complete at inventory. Ap nly Mrs. Ava Williamsr 26 S. Third St.. Harrisburg. of an acre, 6 room dwelling house, stable, chicken, house, lots if fruit trees, aside of car line, two tares. Price $2300. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut near Front Street TRUCK farm. 24 acres. 8 room house, lank barn and outbuildings, good fruit, rich land. Price $2,00u. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut St. near Front FOIt SALE—MISCELLANICOUS FOR SALE Mahogany Victrola with gold plated matting. One oak stand, 24x36. Oak rocker. All in At condition, at a bargain. Inquire 2216 North Fourth St. FOR SALE—One oak bed with springs, almost,new; also one dress ing tabh, two wash howls and pitch ers. Apply 7 N. 18th st. CENTRAL Furniture Store, dealer in new and second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves. Try us before buying or selling. Great bargains in new mattresses. sl2 and sls for $8.50 anu 86.25. A trial will convince you. Closed Saturday. 321 Reily St. Bell phone 1061 M. FOR SALE—Brunswick demoun table billiard and pocket billiard table size 3 ft 2 in. by 5 ft. 10 in. Practically new. All complete at a bargain. Can be seen at room 205 Franklin build ing. Bell phone 5306. FOR SALE—Heavy all wool army overcoat excellent material, can be dyed and made over. Size about 36. Also inedlumwelght black thibit clotli overcoat, satin lined, with twilled silk lapels, size 37. Worn very little. Ai dless Box F-G927 caro Telegraph. Slate coat in which you are interested. FOR SALE —.256 Newton rifle, new equipped with peep sigh, checkered butt plate and sling swivels. Price with ammunition S6O. 11. E. Kirk, 1902 North Street. Harrisburg. l'a. FOR SALE Gasoline hoisting en gine. 10 H. P. International gasoline engine, machine tools, electric motors, various sizes, large stone crushing plant complete. F. R. Laverty, 186 i Bell phone. i (Continued In Next Column) FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Overstuffed tapefetry, 3-plcca parlor suite, valued |2OO. Sale price SIBS. FORNWALT. 1321 North Sixth Street. , I FOR SALE—Two girl's Dayton bi cycles. also one large folding berl with Incased mirror, cheap. Inquiro 429 Broad St. FOR SALE—Small double room heater. Address Box C-8132 care Tele graph. FOK SALE Superior Oxy-acety lene generators, cutting and "welding torches, carbon burning outfit. Dem onstration by appointment. F. K. Laverty. 1857 Bell phone. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 new, old, rare, in stock. Aurand'a. [925 North Third. Circulars free. ! TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR I CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON, I 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER [ BOTH PHONES MORRIS SAYS save money buying I now and second-hand furniture here High prices paid for furniture. MorrU Schniertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. WANT!. I>—MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and •sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call | or drop a postal to Max Smoltz, 1020 .Market Street. Will call, city or coun j try. Bell phone 5321 J. OLD FALSE TEETH Samuel Corb, general buyer of false teeth, gold, silver and silverware relics and antiques of all description-, also men's clothes and shoes and furniture. Highest prices paid. Send postal to 1109 Cotvden St.. Harrisburg and I will call. Keep this ad. WANTED—Second-handed bureau suitable for maid's room. For par ticulars call 5090 R. WE are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. Colicn & Co., York and Ash Ave. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AN D SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID, i 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. I j BUSINESS OPPORCNITIES YEARS' of experience in working with, for. and in the interest of inven tors has shown the wisdom of accept ing only commissions wherein I can tender adequate service and produce I results. The pleasure of success is ! mutual. Hamilton Practical Drafts | man. 125 S. 11th St. ! FOR SALE —A well established and profitable implement and hardware business in Carlisle. Pa. The decision |to dispose of this business results | from the death of one partner and the necessity of settling the estate. I For particulars and terms address | Mrs. Ida