Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 28, 1919, Page 22, Image 22

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Ask That 50,000
Share Their Income
Fifty thousand members pledged
to give one-tenth of their income to
furthering Christianity is the goal
set by United Presbyterians in their
New World Movement campaign,
which is now under way in all con
gregations of the denomination in
America. By sermons and lectures,
special publications and church or
gans and by personal appeul the
membership will be asked to give
support to the principles of Christian
Under the direction of Dr. John
H. White, executive secretary of the
If a woman is borne Jki sw
down by pain and suffer- /M
ings at intervals, by I
nervousness or dizzy JL mil .J
spells, by headache or M \w
backache, "Favorite w 1 \
Prescription" should be V
taken. A woman's \
temperance tonic and nervine that was discovered
by Dr. Pierce over fifty years ago. "Favorite
Prescription" can now be had in tablet form as
well as liquid, at most drug stores. Send Doctor Pierce's Invalids' HoteL
Buffalo, N. Y n ten cents for a trial package of tablets. Here is what one
woman says of it:
" I can highly recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to women
who are going thru middle life. At that time my health failed. I was
extremly nervous and suffered with pains in the back of my neck and head.
I was very miserable until I began taking the ' Prescription,' but at once
commenced to mend and I was very soon strong and healthy."— MßS. SUSAN
FULLER, NO. 19 Van Cleve Street, DAYTON, OHIO.
"A Different Kind of a Jewelry Store''—The Only Difference Is The Price
those whom you hold in special
It not only signifies generosity in expenditure but it carries with
it an intrinsic value that endures and increases in worth as the years roll on.
Every diamond we sell, whether set in rings, bracelets, pendants, brooches,
lavalliers, charms or pins, are of guaranteed worth.
Plus the actual value of the stone, the taste and refinement of our
designing gives additional attraction and elegance to the gift.
You buy here safely, satisfyingly—and
with certified value and for less money.
Bear in mind too, that when you purchase a diamond here you
can always get full value credit for it when buying a larger diamond.
A small deposit will reserve any diamond or other article in our
big jewelry stocks until Christmas. Make your selections now when stocks
are at their best.
(fcrb laziCo.
missionary and efficiency committee
of the denomination, headquarters
have been established in Pittsburgh,
Pa., the stronghold of Presbyterian
ism, for the stewardship drive and
an intensive educational campaign
is now under way.
That the church is prepared to go
forward in this drive in a business
like manner is evidenced by the
care with which information about
the membership is being collected.
Under direction of the Rev. C. C.
French, secretary of the department
of survey of the New World Move
ment, blanks will be sent to the
pastor of every congregation on
which wil be listed number of mcm
be-rs who now,, tiChe their income.
Sunday Gasoline Sale
Stopped in Baltimore
Baltimore, Md.. Nov. 28.—Auto
m obi lifts were warned yesterday,
through an order issued by Police
Marshal Carter for enforcement of
the Sunday selling and work laws,
to supply themselves with enough
gasoline to carry them over Sunday,
since he regards its sale on that day
is an act neither of charity nor ne
cessity, which the laws exempt.
The sale of gasoline is specifically
forbidden and automobile tourists
who might run short of fuel within
the city limits would be unable to
replenish their suppty-
Diplomats Believe Investiga
tion of Kind of Prosecu
tion Is Necessary
Washington, Nov. 28.—Diplomats
are of the opinion that in framing
its further action in the William O.
Jenkins case the government here
will have to determine whether the
civil prosecution of Jenkins is a
civil prosecution in good faith in
which the consular agent is receiv
ing speedy and fair trial with all
' preservation of his rights, or whether
he is being "molested" by the Car
ranza government while legal and
technical arguments, are being ad
vanced to justify the procedure.
Mexico replied with an argumenta
tive diplomatic refusal to the Amer
ican demand for the immediate re
lease of the consular agent impris
oned at Puebla.
The official note was delivered
here but not made public. There is
no reason to doubt that it agrees
with the copy given out last night
by the Mexican consul general at El
No Official Comment
No comment was forthcoming to
indicate how the State Department
regards the answer to what was con
sidered one of the sharpest warnings
yet sent to Mexico and neither was
there any indicaUon of what the
government's next step would be.
The Mexican reply, which accord
ing to its text, was prepared at the
direction of President Carranza,
argues In the main that the Mexican
government cannot order the re
lease of a prisoner while his case is
under adjudication in the civil courts
of one of its states and contends
that the American government's de
mand for the consular agent's re
lease had no foundation or prece
dent in International law.
Borne new angles of the Mexican
viewpoint on the Jenkins case, hith
erto unpublished in the United
States, are revealed. The tendency
of the Mexican argument is to sep
arate the Jenkins case into two
phases: First, the situation in which
the consular agent was kidnaped
by bandits and held for ransom, and
last, his subsequent arrest and im
prisonment by the civil authorities
of Puebla on a charge of having
"connived" with the bandits. The
note at hand deals with the latter
phase exclusively.
It points out that Jenkins was first
held under what is known to the
Mexican penal code as "preventive
imprisonment." This provision cov
ers a situation in which a person
is suspected of complicity in a crim
inal act. He subsequently was held
under a provision covering "formal"
imprisonment, which, under the
Mexican penal code, applies when a
magistrate believes there is sufficient
evidence to establish that a crime
has been committed.
The allegation against Jenkins is
that he signed conflicting state
ments regarding his kidnaping and
therefore was "guilty of falsifying
judicial declaration."
Can Be Released on Rail
The note says Jenkins has oppor
tunity to be released on bail in the
sum of one thousand pesos, the
equivalent to five hundred dollars in
American money if reckoned in coin
rather than Mexican bank notes, and
that Jenkins has refused to avail
himself of it although he has been
requested to do so.
Recalling that Mexican consuls in
the United States have been impris
oned and that Mexico has never
asked the United States to waive lo
cal law in their cases, the note re
marks that "the Mexican govern
ment cannot concede to American
citizens more rights than Mexicans
enjoy In the United States."
The Mexican note opens with the
observation that the foundation for
the American government's demand
probably "can only be the power of
the country that makes it" and as
the conclusion of a lengthy legal
argument expresses its hope that the
State Department will withhold its
judgment on the Jenkins case until
the civil courts in Puebla have
passed on it.
In the note to Mexico the State
Department not only demanded the
immediate release of Jenkins but
warned Carranza that further moles
tation of the consular agent would
bring the relations between the two
countries to a precarious point. As
the sequel to one lnaping close
after another, Jen w .* arrest and
imprisonment by 10c..i Carranza au
thorities "incensed this government,
as Secretary Lansing's not expressed
Hindman Naming
a Harmony Move
Endorsement of Ex-Senator W. XV. I
Hindman, of the Clarion-Elk-Forest-i
Cameron-Clinton district, to be the
prohibition enforcer for Pennsyl
vania by Attorney General A. Mitchell
Palmer, is one of the most significant
political moves made by the Demo
cratic leader. Ever since Palmer
became the sole chieftain of the party
In this State he has been endeavor
ing to harmonize lnscad of penalizing
the men who had fought him. Hind
man was aligned with a group that
had made trouble for Palmer, but
who of late has not been on the war
It Is possible that Hindman, who
will accept the place, will have his
headquarters here. He Is a young
banker and lumberman, capable,
likable and energ'etlc with many
friends at the Capitol. The appoint
ment will be made in a few days and
it is rumored that Palmer did not
consult certain men in the party who
used to hate Hindman and his
Dr. Thomas E. Finegan. State Su
perintendent of Public Instruction,
continues to Improve.
The Miners' State Dank, of Potts
ville, has filed notice of Increase of
capital from $50,000 to SIOO,OOO.
Colonel W. J. Crookston, of the
State Department of Health, was at
Reading to organize the health com
mittee work among civic organiza
Hanover people look for the State
to ratify the agreement with York
county authorities for purchase of
toil roads by the end of the year,
which will free all roads entering
that town.
Maltonoy City district Is just now
suffering from an outbreak of diph-
therla of rather serious character.
The Philadelphia Inquirer of to
day prints a story about the activity
of York County Republican leaders
in behalf of the boom for auditor
general of Samuel S. Lewis, who
made York Republican last year. It
speaks of his work in behalf of
Congressman E. S. Brooks. Repre
sentative Hugh A. Dawson, of Lacka
wanna, says that Charles A. Snyder
M'| You Pay Less For Better Quality At Miller & Kades ff-^
Buy Useful Articles For
The Columbia f famous sellers j
Crafnnnla I Kitchen Cabinet j
vXA d-LUllUld j. Make Acceptable Christmas Gifts *
For Christmas
I lIIV I KJ X Organize your kitchen like a modern business office! SaveS f
Y x food! Save an hour a day. | Ijj
No single enterprise has done more to elevate an American in- SELLERS Kitchen Cabinets I
f now be bought on easy payments. Every housewife c.n|
in any field than the position of the Columbia Grafonolo as an in- OWn One On Such liberal terms. i
strument of sound reproduction. •*. Don't miss this chance of your life to purchase one of the£ I
Its tone volume and tone quality may bo adapted to the utmost $ f mous "Sellers Special." Don't let your kitchen duties
precision to the acoustic needs of every room and the artistic de- £ take Up all your time. | [,
mands of every taste, by means of many styles of needles and the -j- Come in today— iy [j
exclusive system of tone control found in no other Instrument. £ g ee thjs won derful Kitchen Cabinet with ONLY
X the 15 star features that women have always !*' |.
Ir Our Record Department You Will Find | W, B TL of thr .hous.nds or women who $1 BRnres 1 !
the Latest Production ? lighten their housework by using the "Sel- JL IT A
lers." $ I I
In the Heart of a Fool $ Ask for a demonstration today. $
I've Lived, I've Loved, I'm Satisfied ,
,nMiami 1 27g5 SUPERFINE Good Qulity, Pair
lmy j Table Cloths 39c
Breeze (Blow My Baby Back to Me) ") c; 7e 70 T nr het
J.rk Kaoffman and Arthur Fields I OUC, IU IIUHCS
j Take Me to the Land of Jazz f /+* -4 J Extra Large, Pair j 1
Princes Dance Orchestra I 0770 _
1 Karavan. Fox Trot 4 [ I
The Happy J ———— ,
Longing. ' " Willow Clothes Basket
Mammy's Lullaby, Waltz . , |
The Red Lantern. Fox TTot' ' 2747 good size, Saturday only, IL I Lllirr -
Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra J ww ew 11 /
Sweet Siamese, Fox Trot ] * if *"*>
Earl Pollers Hector Novelty Orchestra 2712
Ruspana, One Step
Earl Fallera nector Novelty Oreheatra d AAA Th •
1000 i Rll* A handy and useful ar-
A Good Man is Hard to Find, Fox Trot ) AUVV A a ' lL
Sweetman's Original Jazs Band ~ , , „ .
That's Got'Em, Fox Trot '• 2721 D1 n „1, 0 i„ tide for the home. Satur
o... ..s j DianKers day .
Lives of Faith
peerless ...rtette 2731 1 Pair to a Customer
Heart of Humanity Saturday . _
Charles Harrison ' ||
All Above Records 85<J $3.48 Pair 1"C
(Other recordings will be found in the Columbia Catalogue) — J
Furniture Department 7 N. Market^Squ^eJ^*
will not be seriously opposed for
Stute treasurer.
County Commissioners from ten
counties of Northwestern Pennsyl
vania met here yesterday to consider
the erection of n workhouse and the
establishment of an industrial farm
to cost about $250,000. Three s'tos
were submitted I'or consideration,
but no definite action was taken, the
Commissioners being unable to ugrce
NOVEMBER 28, 1919.
on a site. The counties Interested In
the movement are Mercer, Crawford,
Erie, Venango, Jefferson, McKean,
W'nrren, Elk, Forest, and Clarion.
Pennsylvania's record breaking
revenue for the flseal year which
will close with the month has been
made up of checks ranging ail the
way from one dollar to $1,200,000
and by numerous payments by
money order. Loss cash has been
received this year than usual, even
the automobile division of the Stat*
Highway Department, the greatest'
producer of small accounts, having '
comparatively little. If the $12,-
423,000 realized from the first sale
of road bonds could bo included the
total receipts of the State for the
year would run over $63,000,000, it
is believed. As it is, they will go
over $50,000,000 for the first time.