Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 26, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 Middletown ■ ■ ■ TO HOLD MARKET IN BAND'S HOME Constable Houser Arrests John Noon, Deserter From Camp Dix, at Middletown Sergeant Clyde Spangler, who Bpent two weeks in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Spong ier, Pike street, returned to Camp Mills, New York. Mrs. Spangler left for Boston, Mass. Sergeant Spangler, recently returned from a two years' service overseas. Mrs. Martin Snyder, who has re sided at the Farmers Hotel for the past twenty-six years, and who sold the hotel last week to Kleinfelter SALUTE THE HAM AND - {Think of All the Misguided Dys peptics Who Refuse the Hood Tilings to Eat For Fear of Indi gestion. No Trouble Tliut If You Follow Meals With Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets Lay a slice of broiled ham on a (White plate with a couple of nicely dfriod eggs and there you have a (picture. Sr.lute the autocrat of the breakfast table. But, you say, T can't eat ham and. —they don't ngree. This is the sort of prejudice a host of people have against many of the most tempting dishes, people who have just as much trouble with a glass of milk or oatmeal as they do with fried onions. Try eating what you like and follow your meal with a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet to relieve possible gassiness. rumblings, drow siness, sour risings, heartburn, water brash, and tl.e "stuffy" feeling after eating. These Tablets contain harm less ingredients that act with an al kaline effect just as the stomach does when it is perfectly normal. Many physicians prescribe them for indigestion, dyspepsia and other digestive disorders, as they are sold In all drug stores everywhere in the TJnited States and Canada. The druggist recommends them as among his steady staples for they really give relief and are highly ap preciated. * Sunday Excursion TO PHILADELPHIA November 30 Special Excursion Train From Fnrf Lv.A.N. llurrKhurg Ss'J.so 0.25 (ItuniiielMtown 2.50 ((.to Uwaturu 2.50 0.45 Ilcrshey 2.50 0. IS I'ulmv ra 2.50 tt.34 \ II ii viiif 2.50 7.0:1 ricomi 2.50. * 7.05 Lebanon -.50 7.12 ItendinK Term. nr. 10.05 (War Tax S per ecu! additional RETURNING—SpeciaI Train will leave Philadelphia, Reading Term . fnal, at T.Ou I'. M., same dute, for above stations. Invite your Philadelphia rela tives and friends to visit you on SUNDAY, DE CEMBER 14th On llil* date special excursion ticket* will be *ol| from I'lilliidel pblit, Iteuriiiia Terminal, Columbia \\rnur. Huntingdon Street, Mamii } link, CoiiNltolioeken and Norrl*- towii tllelinlk Street! to l.cbnuon, Her.dhe> or tliirrtsburg at rouml trip fare 92.50 (du* -O rent* *>nr tax, cooil only on *peeial train Philadelphia & Reading R. R. t WEDNESDAY EVENING, Bros., will move to Hershey with her daughter. Mrs. Zentmeyer, Stanley Boughner is spending sev eval days at Pottstown and Ephrata. Claude Laubenstein is at Sha mokin with his family. ] Harry Leggore, of Royalton in -1 jured her right arm while cranking j his automobile. Klein Co., manufacturers of uni forms, leceived the contract to furnish forty uniforms for the Lib erty band. | The farmers who have been hold ing curb market in Emaus street ; since the Luna rink was destroyed ,by lire, have rented the Liberty I Baud Hall and expect to hold j Market there for the lirst time on i Saturday, and will be about twenty, j John Noon was arrested by High j Constable Charles Houser, charged ! with being a deserter at Camp Dix, N. J. He was taken back to Camp | Dix. The Woman's Club met at the | home of Mrs. J. B. Landis in North Spring street this afternoon and the following program rendered: Re sponses. Quotations ojv War and Peace; music, "Tipperary;" "Eng land's Part m the World War," Mrs. M. Metzgur: "Her Army and Navy," Mrs. S. C. Young; music: "The Mid shipmate," Kipling, Mrs. Fuller Kergstresser; three minute sketches. King George, Mrs. J. W. Few: Lord Kitchener. Mrs. B. E. Longenecker; Lloyd George, Mrs. B. F. Aumiller; reading from "A Minstrel in France;" Lauder, Mrs. George Mish; music. Some Jxiuder songs by club. Mrs. Ira Springer has returned from a week's visit to Swarthmore. The Central Grammar school elected these officers at a special meeting yesterday afternoon: Presi dent, Laurman Deckard; vice- presi dent, Elsie Rider; secretary, Hilda Buckman; treasurer. Elenora King; corresponding secretary, Katherine Bossier. The judges were: Charles Weidner, Helen Baumbach nnd Bar bara Inley. | Charles Bert, and two sons, Fred and Frank Bert, who were em ployed at the local car plant, left to-duy for Allentown, where they have secured positions. Fredrick Bert, of Berwick, and Miss Annie Naglo. of Allentown, were married at Hagerstown, Md.. and left for Allentown, where they will reside. Boxing Association Has Big Card For Next Show; Tim Droney in Windup The next show of the Harrisburg Boxing Association will be held in Chestnut street auditorium. Friday evening, December 5. The ten round windup will be between Tim Droney, of Lancaster, and Johnny Herman, of Northampton. Droney made quite a hit with the fans here at the last show by substituting for Charlie "Kid" Thomas on a 15- minute notice. Thomas was matched to fight "Al lentown" Dundee but many of the fans said that Thomas could not have put up the fight that Droney did. Herman last week fought Dun dee and received the newspaper de cisions over him. Owing to the fact that these boys are evenly matched it should make a hair-raising bout. Oppie White, of Lancaster, is : slated to mix things with the clever Mickey Devers, of Allentown. in the six-round semifinal. The rest of the bouts will be announced later. The fans appreciate a good show and a a large crowd is looked for. I)r. Howard ulwaya rr commended Oxidaze for Coughs Colds, Br. Asthma Year* of Kludy and observation con vinced him it would wifely, quickly and surely stop a bad cough and Klvc Instant relief In Ilroneliinl A *th nin. Money hack If it fail*. Guaranteed harmless. At all drug gists. (i. A. Gorgas can supply you, NO MORE CATARRH This Simple Home Treatment Has Stood the Test of Time Every fall and winter, for more than twenty years, thousands of peo ple have made it a daily practice to breathe the air of Hyomei and so keep themselves free from Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Sore Throat and Iniluenza. This is certain and you should try it. If you will breathe Hyomei daily, as directed, it will free you and keep you free from all these troubles or it won't cost you a cent. 11. C. Kennedy or any reliable drug gist can supply you with the Com plete Hyomei Outfit, including a hard rubber pocket inhaler. The inhaler will last a life time and extra bot tles of the liquid Hyomei cost but a few cents. A few drops of oil in the inhaler will last for days and its pure, soothing, antiseptic, healing air, breathed deep in the air passages of your nose and throat, should keep you free from coughs, colds, influ enza and catarrh all winter long. Pleasant to use, takes but a few min utes daily and is guaranteed to satis fy or money back. MI-ONA Ends indigestion It relieves stomach misery, sour stomach, belching and all stomach dis ease or money brtrk. Large box of tab lets 60 cents. Druggists in afl towns. 1 SpES2SSSESESESH-SHSSSZSSS2SESaSrIJ [3 Try Making Your Own K 0 Cough Remedy Cj [3 S 4J You ran gave About $2. And have Ln ./l a better remedy than the ready- nJ made kind. Easily done. JQ 'iZSHSZScSESHSES ,^SZSESSSHSSSHSSi}O If you combined the curative proper ties of every known "ready-made" eough remedy, you probably could not get as much real curative power as there is in this simple home-made cough syrup, which is easily prepared in a few minutes. Get from any druggist 2 % / ounces of Pinex, pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with syrup, using either plaiu granulated sugar syrup, clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, as de sired. The result is a full pint of reallv better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for three times the money. Tastes pleasant and never spoils. This Pinex and Syrup preparation gets right at the cause of a cough and gives almost immediate relief. It loos ens the phlegm, stops the nasty throat tickle and heals the sore, irritated membranes so gently and easily that it is really astonishing. A day's use will usually overcome the ordinary cough nnd ior bronchitis, croup, hoarseness and bronchial asthma, there is nothing better. Pinex is a most valuable concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, and has been used for generations to break tip severe coughs. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2y s ounces of Pinex" with full directions, nnd don't accept irvthing eisc. Guaranteed to give al>- | io;ute satisfaction or monev promptly 1 efunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, 'I nd. [_ NEWSY PARAGRAPHS OF THE THEATER AND MOTION PICTURES Merle Maddern, Who Takes Stellar Role in "Cariosity" "Curiosity," which opens at the Or- , pheum Theater on Friday and Sat urday. will introduce to patrons of the theater a new name to conjure with among producers. J. S. Teppcr, Inc.. make their bow, with "Curi osity" as the first of a series of first I class productions which this firm! contemplates launching this season. | H. Austin Adams, who wrote that! startling play "Option Shea." which | caused a sensation when played by Nazimova, two seasons ago. "is its 1 author. . | It is a three-act farce comedy. I which abounds in witty dialogue and 1 interest-compelling situations. It lias I ORPHEUM To-day and to-morrow, matinee both days—A. 11. Woods presents his laugh rollicking: farce which set New York on a pajama jag entitled - "T'p in Mabel's Room." Friday and Saturday, November 2S j and 2!>—J. S. Topper presents "Cu-| riosity," an inquisitive comedy, featuring an all star cast. Monday night only, December I—'The ' peer of all cartoon plays. "The] Captain and the kids." Tuesday, matinee and evening. De-! comber 2—The De Feo Grand Opera Company present Donizetti's mas terpiece, "Lucia." at the matinee, and Verdi's greatest composition, "Rigoletto," at night. MAJESTIC High grade vaudeville —"His Taking Way," a travesty of the movies: four other Keith acts and another| episode of "The Fatal Fortune." New show starts to-morrow, featur ing "Tom Moore and Girls," "Col onel Jack George," "$5,000 a year" and two other headliner acts, also the last episode of "The Great Gamble," the thrilling stunt serial. Coming soon—"Who's Who in Harris burg." Starting December 4—The latest Pearl White serial entitled "The Black Secret." VICTORIA To-dav—Lost chance to see Olive Thomas in "The Spite Bride"; also| a laugh rollicking comedy. To-morrow, Friday and Saturday— Theda Bara in "The Lure of Ambi tion"; also a comedy. All next week—Double attraction;! "The Mvstery of the Yellow Room,": the greatest mystery story ever; screened; also the first $100,900 { two-reel comedy featuring Harold Lloyd entitled "Bumping into Broadway." one of the funniest pic tures ever made. COLONIAL To-dav —T-nst opportunity to see Marv Miles Minter in "Anne of Green Gables"; also a Larry Semon comedy. To-morrow. Friday and Saturday— Harrisburg's popular favorite Norma Talmadge. in "The Isle of Conquest." Natilie Talmadge co stars in this production. Mondav, Tuesday and Wednesday of next' week—-"The Vengeance of Durand." featuring Alice Joyce. REGENT Last times to-dav —Elsie Ferguson in i "The Witness for the Defense." I To-mcrrow. Friday and Saturday—j Marguerite Clark in the Para mornt-Artcraft picture, "Widow by I Proxy." i Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of; next week —Maurice Tourneurs "I'he Life Line," a super-special. "THE CAPTAIN AND THE KIDS" The musical comedy hit of the sea- | son is promised in "The Captain and the Kids." from the famous cartoon now < urrent in the principal news papers throughout the country by R. Dirks, which comes to the Orpheum December 1. , „ , "The Captain and the Kids is a health v. amusing piece of hilarity which'earned and held its long public endorsement by its incessantly swift moving action, its sparkling fresh lines and its skillfully drawn charac ters all of them more amusing than thev are true. All these merits will he enhanced in the local presentation bv a finely balanced company of far ceurs and a singing and dancing chorus of twenty-five and an elab orate production and effects. "I I IN MABEL'S ROOM" At the Orpheum Theater to-day and to-morrow, matinees both days, A. H. Woods will present the brilliant New York farce success. "Op in Mabel's Room," which was one of the con spicuous metropolitan successes of last season. , "Op in Mabels Room" has been de scribed as a farce de luxe and "de looks" It consists of three acts and is the work of Wilson Collison and Otto Hurbach. It may be-briefly de scribed as a series of romantic and farcical complications caused by no less innocent an object than a beau-j tiful hide 's delicate pink chemise, i Garry gave the chemise to Mabel as a I gift, in a moment of sentimental aberration, and foolishly had it in scribed in bold, big letters "Mabel trom Garry." Then Garry -fell in love with and married a sweet but painfully unso phisticated little girl and went to spend his honeymoon at the country i home of a friend. Who should turn up as cne of the guests but Mabel? It must be confessed that Mabel was a wee bit jealous and perhaps some of the other ladies present were a wee bit cattv. At any rate. Mabel let Garrv 'know that she had the chemise and that she intended to dis plhv It in ways that might pro\o di t'rimental to Garry's welfare. Of course, she didn't really mean it, but, Garry thought she did, so he tried to, steal Hie chemise. It was not; "chrm-easv." and the fun that ensued kept New York roaring with laughter; for months. Not the least of the charms of "Up in Mabel s Room is its elaborate and beautiful display of lingerit. The company is one of the best. GRANII OPERA COMPANY COMING The De Feo Grand Opera Company, which is scheduled to appear at 'lie Orpheum Theater next Tuesday. De cember 2, has the record of being one of the 1m st grand opera companies on tour thin reason. This company has hern well receiver! .throughout the great majority of towns in Pennsyl v:xiiiu and their engagement at tno HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I been Mr. Adams' intent to inform the public that not women alone are he set with the sin of being curious. The sterner members of the universal I family are addicted to it.' too. It is an iiVeresting aggregation of | players that J. S. Topper. Inc.. have I assembled for the production of "Cu riosity." Cyril Keightley. an actor | who pleases in whatever role he I chanoea to he. lias the leading part. Playing opposite hint, is clever Ivatii | Kne MacDonell. Merle Maddern. niece of Mrs. Fiske, has an important role, as has Ramsey | Wallace, who never misses on oppor [ tunity for good acting. The cast is 'completed by Arvid Paulson. j Orpheum Theater is looked forward 'to with great interest. At the matinee they will render Donizetti's famous symphony. "Lucia." and at the evening per formance they will present Verdi's greatest composition. "Rigoletto." These selections are always bound to be popu'ar with any one who cares for music at all. Beside the com pany of- fifty talented artists which I will come here, is a fifteen-piece sym phony orchestra. The adyance seat I sale for this attraction, will open to i morrow. AT THE COLONIAL To-day is the last opportunity Har lisburgers have of seeing Mary Miles Minter in "Anne of Green Gables" at the Colonial Theater. A laugh rol licking Larry Semon comedy is also being shown. To-morrw, Friday and Saturday Norma Talmadge will be offered in her latest picture. "The Isle of Con quest." This is hailed as the greatest picture Miss Talmadge has ever pre sented to the public. Natilie, her youngest sister, takes an important role in this photeplay. . Betty Blythe, the film beauty who has been engaged to star in a Brent wood special production under the direction of Henry Kolker, insists that all her gowns be put to a film | test the same as employed to gauge I the ability and screen uppearance of 1 a player. She spent three days at the | Brentwood studios testing gowns for her role of society leader in the new picture. Of thirty-five costumes 1 "tried out." sixteen were selected as I suitable for the various situations in ; which they are worn. While waiting to take up his work directing Mary -Miles Minter in her second stellar production, William Desmond Taylor has been filling in the "idle" moments by cutting and assembling the picture of Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn." which was made under his guiding hand some time ago. The assembling of the film was stopped by imperative duties that called Mr. Taylor away, and he lias only now been able to do the work. . , . Miss Keefe has already had quite some success on the screen, and mo tion picture fans*will await with in terest the result of Selznlck's attempt to make a star of her. | ORPHEUM Monday Evening Only December 1 Tin- Peer of All' Cartoon Plays j A Gallopade of Mirth anil Music Taken From That Famous Cartoon The Captain and the Kids I / • ' Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO i f n^ct y, a i I Put it in the Cup— a f you do Su B ar —: Absolutely Pure—Delicious Coffee 'THEN pour on boiling hot water and A the coffee is ready. Dissolves instantly. /?. . /? X/ Strength regulated to suit taste by the quan- ir / 9 // tity used. Pure coffee—absolutely soluble— (Zfj YA fg /i ffStit \\ retaining all the delicious flavor and quality. MI m m w j No coffee-pot needed ~ i G. Washington Sales Co., Inc., 'COFFEE J 334 Fifth Ave., New York . . ~ - __ . /V ==^=sa^ssa=a= TO SEE HIS FIRST MOVIE David Finfrock, of Paxtonia. who has never seen a movie and has only been to one circus in his life accord ing to the story carried in this paper yesterday, will in all probability see his first motion picture next Monday morning. An invitation was extend ed to Mr. Finfrock this morning by !'. Floyd Hopkins, general manager of the Wilnier and Vincent theater interests in Harrisburg. In cuse Mr. Finfrock accepts an automobile will be sent to hit: home in I'axtoniu Monday morning and be will be taken to the Victoria Theater to see "The Mystery of the Yellow Room." Mr. Finfrock will riiso have the opportunity of earning some money while there if lie can guess the ending of the picture after seeing live reels of it. Mr. Hopkins said this morning h>- will give Mr. Finfrock o. any other l larrlsburger if they can guess the t nding of the picture at the end of the fifth reel. Mr. Finfrock | will be given first chance at the prizoj money, however, Mr. Hopkins stated.! Sir Gilbert Parker's story. "The | Right of Way." is to have an elab-; orate screening under Metro auspices, with Bert Lvtell in the leading part. | it is sain that the story , as obtained, onlv under the condition thut it I should he worthily translated into picture drama. One of the Important characters lias been entrusted to that' sterling young actor. Jack Gilbert, j who has recently completed engage- | ■ ileitis in pictures with Mary Pick-; ford and George Loane Tucker. Family of Four Burned; 4 Other Families Homeless By Associated Press• StrouilMburg, Pa.. Nov. 26. —An en- j I tire family of four was burned to ' ; death and four other families made ; ! homeless in a fire which destroyed j five dwelling houses here yesterday. J The dead are Mrs. Phillip F.psirao, a j widow and her three sons, Austin.! I Phillip and Charles, aged 12. 16 and | ! 16 years. | The fire, which started in the Ep j sirao home, was caused by celluloid | I cl ips use by Mrs. Epsirao to kindle | i a tire in the cook stove, the explosion j which followed spreading flumes all j I over the structure. The bodies of the ' woman and her two older sons were j burned to a crisp, while Austin, the , | younger son, who gave his life trying | to save hfs mother, lingered for sev i eral hours after the blaze. ¥ Mayor of Canton, 0., Permanently Removed By Associated Press. Columbus, 0., Nov. 26. Mayor j i Charles E. Poorman, of Canton, sus- j j pended by Governor Cox a month ago i j for failure to preserve order during j 1 the steel strike in that city, was per- I ! manently removed from office by the i j Governor yesterday, following a for- j I mal hearing before the chief execu f tive. Henry A. Schrantz, who has been I I ac ting Mayor since Pool-man's suspen- ! sion now becomes Mayor. He will I ! serve until .January 1, when he will j ; be succeeded by Henry Ritter, Mayor- i elect. I ORPHEUM || Coming December 2nd Engagement Extraordinary j a— ggEgg— i I lOF THE SEASONI j SELECTED ARTISTS SPECIAL ORCHESTRA 50—Talented Artists—so j 15 Piece Symphony Orchestra i At matinee they will oiler ' Donizetti's Masterpiece "LUCIA"! NIGHT—PRESENTING Verdi's Greatest Composition J 'RIGOLETTO' Seats 50c to $2.00 i I ~ ORPHEUM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY—NOV. 28 and 29 J. S. TEPPER, Inc. I PRESENTS "C U R 1 O S 1 TV" an inquisitive comedy By H. Austin Adams s (Author of "Oeption Slioals") Willi a distinguished east including Cyril Keightley Kathleen MacDowell ] Merle Maddern Arvid Paulson Ramsey Wallace i Nights 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50 I Saturday Matinee—Best Seats—sl.oo Til \\KX;I\ i\(; DAY lill.l* I IT THK liKGKXT THKATUH | An I'.mmunl double attraction is of- i fc rod by the Kegent Theater for Thanksgiving: Day. Friday and Satur day. Dainty Marguerite Clark, who long since proved her popularity 'n this city will appear in her newest, I'aranu unt-Artcrnft picture, "Widow I by Proxy." and as an added feature] Hilly West will be seen in ids newest j corned* It is a hill which is destined to produce plent> o! merriment for Iho audiences the last three days o the week. Marguerite Clark will be seen in a picturization of the noted Broadway i success. "Widow by Proxy" was a I popular stage comedy and with the wider latitude of the screen, tlicj vharmlng star was provided many txcelbni opportunities. It is claimed I jto be the best light comedy ever j screened ! I I Myron Selznick has purchased the. | screen rights to "Out of the Night," lty Josephine Miller, the well known short htory writer. "Out of the [Night" appeared in one. of the popu lar magazines and Mr. Selznick in tends to use it as a future vehicle for Olive Thomas. Miss Thomas is now I working on the motion picture ver sion ot tin- famous play. "The Girl jlrom Out Yonder'.'under the direction |t Uulrh Inee. which will be released ; us her fourth Selznick production. t } "Out of the Night" is particularly .appropriate for Olive Thomas, as it concerns a girl who is a member of . the famous Follies, from which Miss j Thomas graduated to the screen. ORPHEUM TODAY AND TOMORROW ! Miltim-os Roth Days A.H.WCODS presents ! UP IN i MABELS ROOM | The Play that started NY on a Paiama Ja& Popular $1 mntiiicc today I j Thanksgiving Matinee ami Niglit Pi'ices s<>o to SI.OO i i CHOICE SEATS STII.L ON SALE | MAJESTIC! j! IjAST chance to see j( !i| HIS | TAKING WAY I <[A travesty ol' the motion pictures ! | j <[4 —Other Keith Acts—4 i |'[NEW SHOW TOMORROwI ' •> featuring S ! | "5000 A YEAR") ;! ► A live offering with plenty of j i ;! laughs )! [STARTING DECEMBER 4tlli j liPEARL WHITE >!: ,N I , |;THE BLACK SECRET j i [[ Her Greatest Serial t i i[COMING SOON —WATCH THE • I '<[ DATES OF SHOWINGS | j lii "WHO'S WHO IN | II HARRISBURG" | I ijTlie picture of Harrisburg's mostl { ' !> prominent businessmen. 5 j NOVEMBER 26, 1919. AT THK VICTOR I V I To-day closes the three day run of Olive Thomas, the Victoria's new ! star, in "The. Spite Bride," the un- | usual production that has pleased so i many of the Victoria's patrons this: week. To-morrow Theda Bara. the i | William Fox star, will start a three j day showing in her latest screen sue- j I cosh, "The Dure of Ambition." Com- ! plod with this attraction an ex- , trrmely lunny comedy will be shown. All next week a double attraction 1 will be featured at the VictoHa. "The I Mystery of the Yellow Room." the greatest mystery story ever screened, l will be shown in conjunction with the l I lust i wo-reel SIOO,OOO comedy ever! I made by Harold Floyd, the versatile; comedian, entitled "Dumping into! I Broadway." This is absolutely the] | funniest comedy shown in il'arris- I burg in many weeks. IREOENTI ,A r; , ;.; , ;Vv !S ELSIE FERGUSON in licr best photoplay "THE WITNESS FOR THE DEFENSE" A powerful story witli intense liramatie moments anil a strong appeal TOMOROW, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DAY BILL-DOUBLE ATTRACTION MARGUERITE CLARK In lier new l'aramotint-Artcraft picture "WIDOW BY PROXY" The brightest light comedy ever screened. Come prepared to laugh through the whole show. The added feature will lie another laugh producer BILLY WEST in Ids newest comedy COMING NEXT WEEK"THE LIFE LINE" Admission, 10<- and and War Tax , wwwwwwwmnytywviwtwvvwwwMs,vaMwwiwyvwwwMo pa? COLONIAL T fir I MARY MILES MINTER !• IX HKR LATEST CUIJSURATKD St CC'ESS ]| ANNE OF GREEN GABLES I TOMORROW, FRIDAY AMI SATURDAY ONLY NORMA j TALMADGE |! I Iter latest photoplay presentation '! THE ISLE OF CONQUEST j[ Co-starring Iter youngest sister, Xntilie j I MON. —TI ES. WEDNESDAY j COMING SOON i i J "THE*'VENGEANCE ALICEBRADY S OF DURAND" , | IN | ALICE JOYCE |"SINNERS" ii J WWAWWWVWVWV .WiWUWWVWWH wtwvwwwvivwwwywviw I! (VICTORIA THEATER j !► _____ <1 j[ TODAY Id AST OPPORTUNITY TO SEE j! OLIVE THOMAS J k lite most lieaiitifiil woman of the screen in | "THE SPITE BRIDE" i; TOMORROW, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY |! |i William Pox presents his celebrated shir < > JTHEDA BAR AI I IN { "THE LURE OF AMBITION" I j | A picture that shows what a Riii will go through to realize her !' i ]! am hit ions \\ ill ALL NEXT WEEK ALL NEXT WEEK ji (THE MYSTERY OF THE I YELLOW ROOM I The greatest mystery story ever screened '! THRILLS! SUSPENSE! HEART-THROBS! j! Special showing to IK- held Saturday afternoon. Audience is ![ requested to remain and see four reels of this intensely absorbing <i mystery story. If you can guess the ending after seeing four reels j! Saturday afternoon, two tickets for the sliow will be mailed to you. |[ Cards will Ik- distributed for tlie answers and same will lie left at <} box office. (! I | AT TUB MA.IKSTIC I Majestic patrons have to-day only | to see the unique hill that is being j presented there the iirst halt of thla ! week Every act on the bill has | scored heavily with the enormous au diences that have thronged the Ma jjestie for the past two days, j To-morrow a new show starts fea- I till ing three strict Keith headliner I acts. Ss.OOU u. year. "Tom Moore and I Girls," "Colonel Jack George Hara | ley and Burks," and "Menson and j Hillett.' The last episode of "The j Great Gamble" will also be shown. ! "Who's Who in Harrisburg" will j also start soon. This is the film made jof local businessmen. On December •I a new serial will start featuring I Boar! White. The serial is called "The Black Secret."