Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 24, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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27,467 MARINES
Major Barnett Recommends
the Permanent Strength
Double Pre-War Force
Washington, Nov. 24. —A perma
nent enlisted strength of 27,467 men
tor the Marine Corps, approximately
double the pre-war force, Is recom
mended by Major General Barnett,
commandant, in his annual report.
Early action of Congress is urged,
as delay would mean loss of rank for
temporary officers who will be re
Attributing much of the success
of the Marine Corps in the war to
the system of drawing its commis
sioned personnel from the ranks, the
commandant said the "highest effi
ciency" would be served by adher
ence to this policy which attracts
the highest class of recruits.
General Barnett recommended I
that the present two, three and four ,
year enlistment terms be made per- i
manent as being more attractive '
than the rigid pre-war term of four j
years, and asked increased pay for J
both enlisted men and officers.
Great difficulty is being experi- ]
onced in replacing the temporary |
enlrsted personnel of the aviation
section of the corps, now completely
demobilized. General Barnett rec
ommended special grades be pro- j
vided in order to place the three
aviation services on a parity and j
asked for 60 additional officers for I
Telling of the Marines' war serv- j
Ice, the report says four members;
of the corps received the medal of j
honor, four the distinguished serv-1
ice medal and 349 the distinguished
serviea cross, 1,237 were awarded
the French Croix de Guerre and 15
the French Legion of Honor. Total
Marine Corps casualties in France,
the report showed, were 1 1,968.
with 1,514 killed.
Smith—Who are you working for
Jones—Same people—wife and five
children.—The Passing Show.
No Inconvenience Whatever! No Shock to the Liver,
No Griping of the Bowels—ldeal Physic!
Coated Tongue, Bad Taste, Indi
gestion, Sallow Skin, and Miserable
Headaches come from a torpid liver
and sluggish bowels, which cause
Ithe stomach to become filled with
■indigested food, which sours and
■erments, forming acids, gases, and
poisons. Cascarets tonight will give
4% and Figures
Less than 4% of the aggregate
annual income of the people of
the United States is invested in
Life Insurance premiums.
And yet 87J4% of all estates
left for administration consists
of Life Insurance policies.
More than 80% of people who die leave
IcSL /)Vj nothing at all; 95% leave less than
vqby $l,OOO.
Thin emblem ldentlflea
These figures are worth thinking
Life I'ldernrltcra nho
'O'I about. They show why you should
Life Inauramee prac
,,ce - have Life Insurance.
COMPANY John Heathrote, Superintendent.
J. D. Reckord. General A sent. Chnrlea C. Getter, Deputy Superintendent.
U. J. Anderaon. • > W. Wm. D. Bottgenbnch, Deputy Superintendent.
Perry L. Beek, Deputy Superintendent.
V. W. Kenney, General Agent. COMPANY
A. R. Lang. A. A, Wert, Manager.
M. 11. King. C. L. Shepley.
OF lOWA E. 11. ECkenrode, General Agent.
P. B. Rice nnd J. A. Tyaon, General Agenta. R. T, Kckenrode.
E. J. Baum. L. E. Guarln.
C. L. Robeaon. H. I. Whltealde,
Jeaae Garverleb. lauuc Miller,
NEW lORK itnipfc Morrlaon, General Agent.
E. K, Eapenabade, Acting Supervlaer.
E. H. SlinefTrr, General Agent. 11. E. King,
H. E. Kough, R. L. Crowaableld,
Win. S. Eaalck, Manager, S. H. Lang, Superintendent.
A. A, Yaat Aaalatant Superintendent.
MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE H. M. Clark. Aaalatant Superintendent.
COMPANY j, if. Vance, Aaalatunt Superintendent,
W, H, Cerdry, General Ageat.
Waltea E. Dietrich. COMPANY
W. P. Hay. H. P. Michael, Ueaeral Agent.
Berger Scores House
in His New Campaign
Milwaukee, Nov. 24.—Victor Ber
ger, Socialist candidate for Congress
in the Fifth district, announces in
his platform that he is "for repre
sentative government and against
the impertinent presumption of any
clique or party of the House of Rep
resentatives to dictate whom the dis
trict is to elect as the Representa
He also favors free speech, free
press and free assemblage. He
would compel profiteers to pay for
the war; is for public ownership of
all utilities and demands the right
to use any language in churches and
He is against government by in
junction, prohibition, the espionage
act and interference in foreign af
fairs. He is for "an early, lasting
and democratic peace and against
President Wilson's alliance of inter
national capitalists to guarantee
I each other loot."
Glass Predicts New
Deficit in Treasury
Washington, Nov. 24.—Secretary
Glass forecast a further reduction in
' monthly deficits of the Treasury over |
I the October record and announced
j that, on December 1, the semi-
I monthly issues of Treasury certifi
| cates of indebtedness aud tax certtfl
| cates would be resumed.
While rates on call money have
'been soaring, und the situation in
I financial centers has been the occa-
I sion of some concern, Treasury offi
cials point with satisfaction to the
reduction of Government securities j
held by banking institutions during]
the last five months. In that period, ,
Mr. Glass' figures showed, war bonds '
and indebtedness cerificates held by,
financial houses dropped $825,406,-
000. Meanwhile, also, the Nation's
debt fell to $26,210,905,000, or a net
reduction of $385,000,000 from Its
highest mark at the end of August.
Marietta, Pa., Nov. 24.—A service
was held yesterday in the Mount
Pleasant Church, which was filled
with relatives and friends of sol
diers who gave their lives overseas.
The demobilization of the service flag
took place, and the cfioir rendered
special music, and Harvey J. Gross,
of York, delivered a eulogy.
your bilious liver and constipated
bowels a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. Cas
carets never sicken, cramp or in
convenience you all the next day like
nasty Calomel, Salts, Oil, or griping
Pills. Cascarets work while you
Many More Names Are
Covered in War Fund
One of the results of the high
winds of the last couple days was
the dislodging of the flag from the
replica of the war memorial on the
Duuphin building, which is a model
of the memorial to be erected at
Thirteenth and State streets in honor
of the city's soldiers and sailors of
the world war. The cardboard flag
is the "pointer" on the barometer
flagpole which marks the progress
of the campaign for $70,000, which
is the amount needed to provide the
The flag will be replaced, and will
continue to mark the steady progress
of the memorial fund toward its
goal of $70,000, commiteemen say.
In the meantime, subscriptions will
be registered on the books in the
Chamber offices headquarters of the
drive by Treasurer Stanley G. Jean,
to whom subscriptions and pledges
are payable.
The Y. M. C. A. has just paid ts
large subscripton, covering every
service man with $2O, making a
total of $1,200. Those whose names
have been covered the last few days
in the memorial campaign arc the.
Donald W. Anderson. Robert M.
I Andrews, G. M. Appleby, Wilbur S.
Barker, Charles Barnhart, Charles
E. Beck, Harry L. Bricker, Howard
W. Brown, William B. Bryner, R. P.
Brown, Walter Hobart Compton,
hiynn P. Cook, A. D. Donovan, Robert
Ellenberger, H. W. Ewing, Roy H.
Fasnaeht, Charles S. Gerberch, Dana
F. Griffin, Earle Vernon Glace, Lewis
R. Hohn, L/Ouis G. Hosfleld, Harry
W. Houck, Merle E. Kelirner, Wil
liam Glenn Killinger, Benjamin G.
Kline, Hess Kline, Ernest C. Lehmcr,
William J. Leibert, John H. Lynch,
.Frederick O. Lyter. Floyd T. Marcus,
JH. H. McLees, Charles R. Miles,
'Frank Alan Nonemaker, John D.
Paul, Samuel Ellenberger Phillips,
John W. Poffenberger, Charles M.
Pollock, Robert Raymond Rom,
berger, Arthur B. Russell, Robert
Lincoln Simmers, Tra Louis Schiff
man, Charles L. Shields, James A.
Shope, J. Robert Storey, Joseph D.
Smith, Ray D. Snow, Charles A.
Sproh. George G. Swllkey, Charles
W. Thomas, Israel Veaner, Murray
M. Washburn, Howard Daniel Wag
ner, William E. Wilson. George R.
Windsor, Clarence W. Wolfe, D. B.
Y. M. C. A. Gets Promise
of Support in Plans
For Thrift Week
New York, Nov. 24. —More than
300 city associations have sent word
to the campaign committee of the
Y. M. C. A.'s National Thrift Week
to be launched next January, that
the drive against the hight cost of
living will have their hearty co
operation. Evidence of a rapid
growth of sentiment in favor of the
observance of National Thrift Week
is pouring into the international
headquarters. Those in charge of
these campaigns, begun in 1914, feel
that the 1920 thrift week is to he one
of the most successful since the work
was started.
The railroad associations have def
initely included the Y. M. C. A.
Thrift Week as a part of their an
nual program. There are more than
300 of these associations in the
United States. In more than 500 in
dustrial plants where *le Y. M. C.
A. has been established there will
be co-operation on the Dart of the
Rxbiubburo TELEGR^PS
Labor Convention
Looks Favorable Upon
Plumb's Railroad Plan
Cliicaso, Nov. 24. Glenn E.
Plumb was enthusiastically received
to-day by the National Labor Party
convention when he presented his
j plan for the nationalization of the
railroads of the country.
The first step in the adoption of
his plan, he declared, was "to change
the faces of our representatives in
Congress." His method of control,
he said, would reduce freight rates
40 per cent and thereby would help
to reduce the high cost of living.
The system wns defined by him as a
prolit-saving rather than a profit
sharing plan. Increased wages, he
added, did not beneiit the wage
earner if every raise resulted in
higher prices for the necessities of
He said that his plan was appli
cable to every public utility and to
every other industry in the coun
try, and that the states could apply
it to the public utilities. I* is ex
pected that the convention will for
mally endorse the plan.
Sees "Moral Victory"
in Senate Rejection
of Peace Treaty
Berlin, Saturday. Nov. 2 2.—Rejec
tion by the United of the
Treaty of Versailles would be a "tre
mendous moral victory for the cause
of universal peace," in the opinion
of Herr Schuecking, German pacifist
leader and a member of the German
peace delegation. Speaking to the
Associated Press to r day, Herr
Schuecking expressed the belief that
delay in ratification would "give
Americans a further opportunity to
study the document," adding that he
"trusted they would avail themselves
of it."
Governor to Speak
at the Carnegie
Memorial Exercises
Pittsburgh. Nov. 24. —The faculty
and students of the Carnegie In
stitute of Technology will take part
in the memorial exercises which will
be held in memory of the Founder on
Tuesday, November 25, in the Car
negie Music Hull. The principal
speakers will be Charles M. Schwab,
Governor Sproul and Mayor Babcock,
of Pittsburgh. Music will be under
the direction of Charles Heinrotli, di
rector of music at the Carnegie Insti
First Ambassador
From Peru Arrives
New York, Nov. 24.—One hundred
passengers from South and Central
American ports arrived here on the
steamship Santa Luisa. Alfonso D'e
Pazette, who comes here as the first
Ambassador to the United States from
Peru, was among those on board.
With him were his wife and three
nieces. When Peru was represented
by a Minister in the United States
Senor De Pazette held the post for
four years before 1916.
Spread of Typhus
in Europe Feared
Washington, Nov. 24.—Sir David
Henderson, director general of the
League of Red Cross Societies,
whose headquarters are at Geneva,
Switzerland, fn a statement issued
here, declares that there is grave
danger that the scourge of typhus,
which the American Red Cross is
now engaged in fighting in Poland,
may extend westward in Europe.
Mother Brings Suit For
$15,000 For Son's Death
Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 24.—Claiming
that the death of her seven-year-old
son, William Roy, was caused by
the negligence of an employe of the
Edison Electric Company in not prop
erly guarding a broken electric wire,
Gertrude I Flnefrock, of this city,
through her attorneys, John A. Coyle
and Howard J. Lowell, has entered
suit in Common Pleas Court against
that company for $15,000 damages.
Liverpool, Pa., Nov. 24.—The
churches of this place will unite in
Thanksgiving service in the Metho
dist Episcopal church at 10 o'clock
on Thanksgiving morning. The Rev.
M. W. Dayton will preach tlje ser-'
mon. The music will be in charge
of a union choir. The offering will
be given to the needy of town and
Liverpool, Pa., Nov. 24.—Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Wilt, of Market street,
entertained at their home Saturday
evening in honor of their son, Nor
man Wilt's birthday. The young
man is employed in Washington, D.
C as telegraph inspector for the
Western Union Telegraph Company.
Marietta, Pa., Nov. 24.—1n the will
of the late Mrs. Margaret A. Mc-
Laughlin, of Drumore township, Lan
caster county, she bequeaths a sum
of money to the Bethsead Methodist
Church. She also gave a sum for
the keeping of the cemetery lot in
order In the adjoining graveyard of
the church.
Lewlatovrn, Pa., Nov. 24.—While
| Harry Neely, of Allegheny county,
was riding through the country near
Belleville his motorcycle skidded,
throwing him against a fence. A
gash was cut in one arm and Neely
was badly bruised about the head
and ankle.
Lniitonn, Pa., Nov .24.—Farmers
ar e asking 45 cents a pound for tur
key ih the county. Butter is selling
at 75 cents a pound, eggs at 70 cents
a dozen, potatoes at $1.50 a bushel,
apples at $1.50 a bushel, chickens at
30 cents a pound and cabbage 25
pounds for 70 cents.
York, Pa., Nov. 24. —An automo
bile driven by Theodore Baker ac
cidentally struck and killed Gordon
Brenner, 4 years old. The child ran
from behind a street car in front of
the auto and the driver was unable
to apply his brakes to prevent the
accident. The boy was thrown
against the curb,
Enolu, Pa., Nov. 24. —Washington
Camp. No. 680. Patriotlo Order Sons
of America, will hold a business
meeting In their rooms In Bltners'
Hal lon Summit street, to-morrow
evening, A class of 3 Onew mem
bers will be initiated,
Tyrone, Pa., Nov, 24.—Fire de
stroyed the lurge barn on William
W, Stewarts farm, near here, to
gether with all his crops and some
farming implements, causing a loss
of $lO,OOO, partially insured. Origin
of blaze Is unknown,
[ MOTHERS ski ll fractured
, Altoonn. Pa., Nov. 24. —Stepping
off the sidewalk in front of her
I home, Mrs. W. S. Wharton, wife' of
Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better
15c value ——————39 c value
Separate Cuffs Whisk Brooms
3 1 airs for
Tuesday Hi 1 M £■
7T T ■n m SBBB ESBtir value
Nain V soo U k gM Hair Nets
50c value I j New Veils
Collars jwith
Tuesday Tuesday
50c value 9R9f Jf 'Wmm 39c value
Sacques Cluny
Tuesday BB *3®HW|' U ,-.
25c Jap Silk
69c value Mercerized
Silk and Satin A W-* rpi j • • r* -, . Crochet Cotton
~n; ^?i';!i:, ns A rre-1 hanksgivmg iwenty-Five
25c Cent Sale of Rare Values
39c value * n which will be offered odd lots of miscellaneous seasonable merchandise of all kinds
Fancy Ribbon from which you may choose at the one price—2s cents. In these days an event of such "VurldaV 03^
Y 1 *25 magnitude is, indeed, worth more than passing consideration. f° r 25c
„ vMllg Come Tomorrow, Tuesday and Get Your Share 33c value
50c value ' * Longcloth
Caps Tuesday
counter soiled 35c value 39c value 23c vallue 39c value 39c value
Tuesday Blue and White Made Up Stamped Side Combs Chiffon Silks
9ftr Pitchers Stamped Made Up Tuesday Nile Green, ;
ZDC Corset Covers Boudoir Caps p ™ 25c l* 1 " "'"! Cotton Crohet
39cand 50c value 25c QC „ , T """' S ' h "£ r .Z°"' y Lace
Bibs 25f* 5c value Tuesday
counter soiled 29c value Glass Tumblers 9ftj-
Tuesday Unbleached 39c value 50c value Tacd.y
25C Muslin Corsets Short Ends of ft 2.5 C * sc ™ lue 8c value
36 inches wide small sizes Venise lace „ wvv Cut Glass 8-inch Tin
39c value T""— Z^ y 39c value Sherberts Pie P]atcs
Patriotic 9 ftp 2 25r 25f* White Nets ( Tnen *" y . Tuesday
Stationery Tuesday 9 for 9ft,o 4. for 9ft^
35c value 19c value 35c value 9ft r * *UC
ZDC 12-inch Hand Ladies' Children's 18-inch 19c value
Crocheted Gauze Vests Stamped 39c value Scalloped Stamped
50c and 69c value Doilies slightly soiled Turkish Bibs Bread Slicers Center Pieces Aprons
Ruffling Tuesday V Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Yd! 2sc 25c 2 °25C 25C 25C 25C 2 tor 2sc
. 39c value
35c value , ww HPI 1 • • ¥ * • AX. Plain and
E ™Lf s Huy Your lnanksgiving Hat in Our Fi^iy°iles
25c Great Sale of Millinery ard ' 25c
39c value f f 33c value
Hand Mirrors WO/Itm S, MISSeS 000. Children S Hats Crash Toweling
Tu.iy _ ' . light and dark
9ftp > n every conceivable style in large, medium, small, dress and tailored models, in Tuesday
black and colored silk velvets, hatters' plush, velours, beavers, etc. 2 C
39c value
sheii Hair pins Untrimmed, Trimmed and Misses f and Children s 33c value
80x 25C Walking Hats Trimmed Hats ouiJig fimmi
™ Tuesday
Shirt Wafst $2-00 and $2 50 QO. $2.50 Actual <RT4 OC
Shields Actual values I7OC values 9 1 33c value
s 3va° lu tUal $l.BB value, $1.98 Bleached Muslin
Zbc " aIU " epi.oo $6OO Actual V 36,nchesw.de
55.00 Actual QO values $3.48 OC
39c value va ] ues tpZ.i7o $7.00 Actual £ O Q 25C
Children s Hose $6.00 Actual dQ A Q values $3 8
Tuesday rS Values 3>3.48 $lO.OO Actual A£ AQ 33C , ValU .
Pair, 25 C Actual U4Q value, $0.48
values P*T. fc XO CHILDREN'S TAMS Tuesday
50c value $B.OO Actual QQ $1.50 Actual ©Q ft *° r 95f*
Gold Beads values VTi7O values 000
Tuesday $lO.OO Actual dft $2.00 Actual (hi i A 7c value
25C VaIUM VV.TtO values tpl.li7 Ends of
Special values in Trimmings at lower-than-elsewhere prices. lIUC T„esday linS
' ulanipCU . f . -
Huck Guest ~J ft 111 25C
Towels 35c value 50c value 39c value 69c value 17c value
Glass Assorted Rings One-half Inch * Colored Men's Cotton 33c value
95c Berry Bowls all sizes Kid Belts Cotton Poplins Work Hose Extra Size
Tuesday Tuesday all sizes and 27 inches wide black and colors Mercerized
50c value 2ftr 9ft4- colors - #/ ~ Napkins
'=™ T'lr- 25c ft" 25c 2 25c gg"
/hP Black and Fancy Round : 50c value 39c value
Colored Belts Garters value White Stone Men's Heavy 17c value
8c value Tuesday Tuesday , Men's Bar Pins Wool Finish Curtain Scrims
Sunny Monday 2ftf* Pair OC Suspenders Tuesday Hose white and ecru
Soap ' ZOC leather ends 9ftr black only Tuesday
, fn 7'"- 19c value rr Tu--y £OC Tues,iay' 9 25C
4 25c COLO L 4F^ EPE BUS.N3S 25C ASSO^FNTOF 25c. AV -
15c value Handkerchiefs assorted c o lors 25c value Stamped 39c value Large Granite
Gas Mantles Tuesday and eng s Linen Lace Novelties Corset Covers Milk Pans
Tuesday tor Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
2°25c 25c 25c 2 d 25c 25c 25c 25c
I 25 Cent Department Store
Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse
Doctor Wharton, was struck by an
automobile. Her skull was frac
tured. Her baby was hurled 15 feet
to a terrace but was not injured.
NOVEMBER 24, 1919
Marietta, Pa., Nov. 24.—Mrs. Sue
Jackson, of Eden township, Lan
caster county, In a nest of chicles
found a well-developed chick with
four legs and feet. When it walks
it uses the four, just as naturally as
its companions use two.