Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 24, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 Croll-Catherman Bridal Is Announced Today Announcement was made to-day Of the marriage of Miss Charlotte B. Catherman, daughter of Gustarus Catherman, manager of the local Western Union Telegraph office, to E. Hollis Croll, of Middletown, at Chambersburg, October 14, 1919. The bride was in charge of the telephone btireau at the Western Union main office for several years. The bridegroom is a dealer in horses at Middletown, where they ■will reside in their newly-furnislied borne at 215 West Main street. Entertain at Dinner on Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Shank, Jr., entertained at dinner in celebration of their wedding anniversary. The house was beautifully decorated with autumn foliage and yellow chrysan themums and the hostess received many attractive gifts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seiders and children, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Morris and children; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Shank, Sr., and daughters, Miss Dorothy Shank and Miss Lewna Shank, Mrs. Anna Beatty, Mrs. T. C. Shank, of Summerdale, Leonard Bria, Israel Veaner and "Billy" Shank, 111. Mrs. George Butterworth has re turned to her home in Minotola, K. J., after visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Smyser Ktnzer, 2127 North Second street. Baron and Baroness Besteckl spent the weekend at the Marlbor ough-Blenheim, Atlantic City. Miss Nell Hepford and Miss Vin arda Hepford are home after spend ing several days in New York City. Mrs. Harry Ancker, of Jefferson ■treet, and 'ner niece, Miss Alma Brlghtbill, of Duncannon, visited Philadelphia relatives over Sunday. WEDDING i FLOWERS] and for every occasion where a the freshest flowers and I most pleasing arrangement is ■ a consideration. BELL 3799 M Thoiterryliill LOCUST ST. AT SECOND fl ■■BBunaami Dinner, Monday Eve., Nov. -3 Stauffer's Restaurant 4 X. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50? Hire Tomato Soup Creamrri Chicken llnmburK Steak (Tomatoed) Mnulled or Home Fried I'otatocm Dreaded Veal Cutler*—-Itoimt Beef Stewed Corn. Holled Rice* Entree I lee ("renin, Pie or Pudding Coffee. Ten or Coeott i. L Electric Washers FREE TRIAL r, t;. In Your Own Home Only $7.50 j| Down if you decide to buy—the f Jl balance in 10 Monthly payments. ; I ■'J 'I iWmAI I Pbone Bell 4564 for full informa- Jx II ° r Ca " personally at our six Different Makes to Select ® eV ' CeS 28 South Fourth St. At Mulberry St. Bridge Approach \(y?sUing fa'fSkbas*. . ■SOMETIMES it seems almost foolish to talk about the French Shop handkerchiefs, for everyone knows just how lovely they are. But, B"' because they are so exquisite, I can't keep away from the subject. I pave a friend who each year purchases at least a dozen of them and, tucking them into envelopes, sends them as little Christmas remem brances to her far-away friends. Isn't that a pleasant custom? This year she will have a larger assortment to choose from than ever before. No matter what kind of handkerchiefs you desire—whether they be for men, women or children—you will find the most attractive ones at the French Shop. Some have colored borders, others are daintily embroidered In colors, and still others, selling for just 35 cents, are of pure white linen initialed or embroidered by hand. And, while we are speaking of Christ mas handkerchiefs, let me urge you to visit the annex gift room at Miss Swope's shop. HAVE you walked up Second street within the last few days? If you have, you un doubtedly paused to admire the won derful display of ,pictures In the Saltzgiver Art and Antique Store window. The most beautiful ones to be procured, of foreign or Amer ican artists, are to be found at this art store. Not only do they spe cialize in pictures, but framing is their hobby. Machlnemade frames are like machinemade music, more accurate, but lacking the human touch and feeling—quite a differ ence when you have to live with them. So, why not buy your pic tures where you not only procure the best, but where you can also re ceive assistance in selecting a frame with which it will be a pleasure to live? In other words-—why not go to Saltsgi ver'R? a letter from Edward the other day," remarked a middle-aged woman of my acquaintance. "And. would you bel'eve It, that little . . ras< ' al writes that his main reason for wanting to come home at Christmas time is to buy a new suit at McFall's." Now, that "little rascal" happens to be a strapping big college athlete, and in another portion of his letter he said this: Beheve me. Mother, McFall's must be selling some wonderful suits. Several of the fellows have written me about them and. knowing the quality of their furnishings and hats, I have some idea mean ttTLm7thTng. °" en Satd ' >•* Quality A FRIEND of mine came to me the other day wearing a dis tressed expression and an un ■ becoming suit. "Did you ever be fore see such a fright?" she fairly wailed. "And to think that I spent a small fortune on this awful thing." I asked her what had ever induced her to buy a garment so utterly un suited to her type and figure. "Oh, the clerks!" she explained. "They almost forced It on me. I knew it wasn't becoming, but three of them sii iply insisted that I looked 'per fectly stunning* In it and—well, you know how it goes. Before I knew What was happening, they had per suaded me to take It, against my better judgment." Yes, I know Just exactly how such things occur. That's why I recommend the Cioos Shop, where great care is exercised in fitting you to suit ybur type. MONDAY EVENING. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS D. A. R. TO HEAR TWO SPEAKERS Addresses on Americanization by Miss Rosa Santee and Clarence H. Zorger Harrisburg Chapter Daughters of the American Devolution will meet in the Civic Club house, Thursday afternoon, December 4, at 3 o'clock, the Kegent, Miss Cora Lee Snyder, presiding. The general subject for discussion will be "Americanization," with Miss Rosa Santee, a deaconess, who has had a wide experience among the foreign born of this city; and Clar ence H. Zorger, supervisor of spe cial activities for the City School Board, as speakers. Delegates from the chapter to the State conference in Pittsburgh will give two-minute reports of what impressed them most and there will be some good music arranged by the Music committee under Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton. The chapter will plans for the celebration of its twenty-fifth anniversary to be held after Christ mas. Members at large and members of other chapters now in the city, are invited to attend this meeting. Dauphin County Club in Thanksgiving Dance Men of the Dauphin County Re publican Club, of which I J. Bren ner is president, are holding a Thanksgiving dance this evening at Winterdale. The Sourbeer-Myers or chestra will play. This is the first of a series of winter events with Charles Brenner, Julius Yoffe and Herman Dietz on the committee of arrangements. The club is composed of well known young men of the city and a large attendance of their friends is anticipated this evening. STOKY TELLERS MEET The Story Tellers League will hold a regular meeting in the direc tors' room of the Public Library to morrow night, when an evening of Hawthorne will be enjoyed. The story tellers will be Miss Lois Booker, Miss Grace Witmer, Miss Rhedna Mayer, Miss Alice Cusack and Miss Emily Lockard. Suggestions are to be given by Mrs. Harry G. Keller. W. Stephen Hiester, of Front and Herr streets, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Chauncey C. Baldwin, in Perth Am boy, N. J. Miss Ella Walmer Reed, of Hum melstown, is spending several days with Miss Cora Lee Snyder, 1008 North Second street. Mrs. Arthur H. Bailey, of Pax tang, entertained informally to-day at luncheon and bridge. T-U-R-K-E-Y spells Thanksgiv ing, doesn't it? Yes, and I can tell those of you who are far uway from home where you can treat yourself to a real, old-fash ioned Thanksgiving dinner for just a dollar and fifty cents. That in cludes honcst-to-goodness turkey, mince pie and cranberry sauce, to say nothing of a variety of other de licious things—all cooked in the good, old "that's-how-mother-used to-mnke-it" way! Can you imagine It? Don't try! Just go to the Lor raine Tea Room, in Walnut street, and enjoy it. On Thursday, from 12.30 to 3 o'clock, a turkey dinner will be served to those who still love to celebrate the day by partaking of a Thanksgiving feast. And, may I suggest that it isn't a bad plan to reserve a table now? is the song that Is sun-g by the victims of cramped, aching feet. For nothing can lee more distressing than a pair of ill-fitting shoes. And yet hundreds of people suffer daily just because something is wrong with their footwear. Many working men who stand constantly develop chronic ailments of the feet. Such a condition should not exist, and at the Army and Navy Shoe .Store, Court street, every effort Is made to correct It. Army and Navy shoes, fitted with care, make sore feet a thing of the past. Built by experts, the shoes purchased there insure comfort and ease. A word to . the* wise is sufficient! CENTRAL ALUMNI PRIZE CONTEST Award to Be Made at Thanks giving Hop, Friday Night Announcement of a 39-hour prize] contest in the interest of the welfare of Harrisburg was made this morn ing by W. Lowrie Kay, chairman of the entertainment committee of the. Harrisburg High School Alumni As sociation. The contest is open to any man, woman or child over twelve years of age, who is a resident of the city and consists of originating the best slogan for Harrisburg's cam paign for "the perfect city." The contest opened officially o.t 9 o'clock this morning and will close at midnight to-morrow. Slogans are to be placed in envelopes and ad dressed Contest Editor, Box 652, Har risburg. Only those postmarked be tween 9 this morning and 12 o'clock to-morrow night will be considered. Rules of the contest are as fol lows: All slogans must be original and not over fifteen words in length; i no more than three slogans may be submitted by one contestant; slogans must be clearly written and signed with the name and address of the originator; no quotations will be con sidered; no person who is a member of any committee or officer of the Alumni Association will be allowed to compete. The prize, ten dollars In gold, will be the gift of the entertainment com mittee of the Harrisburg High School Alumni and will be presented at the Thanksgiving hop In Chestnut street auditorium on Friday evening. Due notice will be given to tlie winner of the contest who will be re quested to appear at the hop In or der that the presentation may be made and proper recognition ac corded, It is expected that hundreds of persons will attend the hop, many for the purpose of watching the dancers, playing cards, witnessing the special entertainment or the pre sentation of the prize. Tickets for the event may be obtained at the Sigler music store or the Dlener jew elry store. The Banjo-Saxo Orches tra will play for the dancing. , Chairman Kay, in speaking of tlio contest this morning, said "We wish to do -everything we can for Harris burg and to asstst In Its municipal progress. The campaign is being held to stimulate interest In such growth. It is up to the people now to think up some slogan that is ap propriate and that can be used ex tensively." Tea Saturday Honoring Y. W. C. A. Secretary An Interesting committee meeting of the Industrial Department of the Y. W. C. A. was held Saturday after noon, at 3 o'clock when the members had the pleasure of meeting Miss Grace Doyle, a National Field Secre tary of the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Mabel Cro nlse Jones presided and those present were Mrs. Henry Gross, II; Mrs. John W. Riley, Miss Frances Acuff, Mrs. John W. German, Jr., Mrs. Douglas Royal. Miss Ella M. Stltt, Miss Satda L Hartman. Miss Katherine Andrews. Mrs. J. W. Happer, and Miss Eliza beth Allison. Preseding rhis meeting was an ear lier one at which reports of the sev eral Industrial clubs were read by Miss Frances Acuff, Miss Katherine Andrews, and Mrs. John W. German, Jr., Miss Coyle made a brief address. At 4 o'clock there was a tea in compliment to Miss Coyle with Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones pouring, assist ed by Miss Ruth Arnold. Miss Irma Sterritt, Miss Florence Brown, and Miss Helen Rickert. Directors and Employes of Bank Are Dinner Guests Tli,e directors and employes of thb Citizens' Bank were honor guests at a dinner given Saturday afternoon, at Grantville, by the cashier, C. G. Miller. The party motored to Grant ville returning by the way of Leb anon. Mr. Miller's guests were Mrs. C. G. Miller, Miss Ruth M. Ker stetter, C. H. Hoffman, D. M. Ricker, j S. F. Barber. J. Newton Herb, John F. Feeser, J. C. Eshleman, Edwin C. Thompson, C., G. Miller, Harold F. Cobaugh, Jacob G. Garman, R. Lee Willis and Chester Staulfer, of Dillsburg. Miss Morsch Is Hostess to Embroidery Club Miss Helen C. Morsch was hostess to the F. E. Embroidery Club, Fri day evening at her home, 609 Fors ter street. An enjoyable time was spent and a buffet supper served to the following members: Mrs. Warren McCurdy, Mrs. Harry Hagy, Mrs. M. Rohrer, Mrs. Leo Krlner, Mrs. Arthur Gensler, Mrs. John Gaff, Mrs. Harry Ritter, Mrs. Harry E. Page, Miss Ethel Hendricks, Miss Naomi Winger, Miss Katherine Gaff, Miss Helen Morsch. I > < Treat Your Eyes Carefully The best you can give your I eyes is only what they deserve. Present-day conditions cause unusually severe strain upon the eyes, and the least indica tion of trouble should be im mediately attended to. Rubin & Rubin have been | conducting their offices in this | city for fifteen years—their reputation for the best of pro fessional services is attested to by thousands of our patients. EYKS EXAMINED FREE NO DROPS USED When Your Eyes Trouble You Consult Rubin & Rubin 320 Market St., Over The Hab Established 13 Years, i Open Wed. nul Sat. Evenings Dell 426-J • HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SEVEN-YEAR-OLD GIVEN A PARTY Little Miss Cecelia Goldstein Celebrates With Some of Her Young Friends The seventh birthday of little Miss Cecelia Goldstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Goldstein, 1934 North Third street, was happily celebrated with a party yesterday at their home. The house was elaborately deco rated with chrysanthemums and many gifts were presented to the young hostess by her guests. There were games and music directed by Miss Rose Gross to amuse the chil dren and a special feature of the birthday supper was, a big cake with seven tall pink candles which mer rily burned throughout the feast. There were some grown folks present and among the children were Mildred and Dorothy Stouffer, Betty Orth, Gertrude Cooper, Mary and Julia Jacobs, Sylvia Krass, Mil ford Kay, Miriam Cohen, Beatrice Cohen, William Goldstein, Eleanor O'Brian, Billy Lelpsig, Joseph Kap lan, Ruth and Jack Gross, Hilda Seligman, Sol Jacobson and Gladys Garonzik. Dinner at Penn-Harris Honoring Miss Astrich Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Claster 'Will entertain at dinner this evening in Parlor C. of the Penn-Harris in com pliment to Miss Mildred Astrich, whose marriage to Paul G. Porter will be solemnized Thanksgiving Day. The decorations will be sug gestive of a bridal fete and the guests will be Miss Astrich, Mrs. Herman Astrich, Mrs. L. V. Porter, of Phoenixville; Mr. and Mrs. N. Moss bacher, ok New York; Mrs. K. Spencer, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Claster, Miss Clarissa Clas ter, Miss Jeanette Claster, Miss Adele Claster, Paul Porter, Harold Astrich, and Joseph Claster. Other Personal News on Page 12 Daniels Defends War Work oi the Y. M. C. A. Detroit, Nov. 24. —The millions of young Americans in uniform served and influenced by the Y. M. C. A. during the war will mold the future of the nation, and the "organization which affords the best welcome and best aid to these coming arbiters of national .destiny in peace will not only be serving the men but will also be serving mankind," Josephus Dan iels, Secretary of the Navy, told the fortieth International convention of the association here to-night. Mr. Daniels expressed appreciation of the association's work with the Army and Navy during the war. Two criticisms aimed at the association's work, he declared, should be matters of pride. The first was as to Its canteen work, he said, adding: It is a record that will live—that when the hour struck the association was ready, equipped, and gave proof that It had practical faith in preparedness. "With Army help It undertook the job, and, through it sold at less than cost, the prices charged were neces sarily higher than at home, and some of the soldiers made complaint." The second criticism, Mr. Daniels declared, was that the Y. M. C. A. placed religion to the fore in all its activities with the armed service. "That criticism is the crowning glory of the association," maintained the Secretary, "and when it does not merit this criticism It will lose dyanmic force which justifies its ex istence. It is the power of Christian faith and Christian service which has made the Young Men's Christian As sociation the greatest organized agency for young men in the world to-day. I ACQUIT MINE OFFICIAL OF MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE By Associated Ptess. Soranton. Pa., Nov 24. A verdict of not guilty was rendered to-day in the case again W. W. Inglis. general i superintendent of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coal Com pany, and D. B. Dlmmick, his assist ! ant. They were charged with in voluntary manslaughter in connec tion with the death of Robert War- I burton, twelve years old. who was killed when the company's mine caved In. It was alleged that these officials had been criminally careless In their operation of the mine. BANKERS TO MEET A special meeting of the Harris burg Chapter of the American Insti tute of Banking will be held In Tech High School building Friday even ing. Flavel L. Wright will speak jon "Service and Responsibility of j Banks and Life Insurance Com i panies" and E. J. McQuade. treas- I urer of the Liberty Savings Bank, of Washington, D. C., will also speak. Courthouse Notes Change Support Order. —Clarence S Hays who secured a divorce de cree from his wife a few days ago, was relieved to-day from paying maintenance to her. Then the court ccnflned an order by which Hays agreed to pay $4 a week toward the support of ills child. To Lay Out New Kond. —ln approv ing a report of a board of viewers, Judge S. J. M. McCarrell to-day di rected that a new road should be laid out in Lower, Taxton township, ex tending from Linglestown to the east ern city limits. The new road is to take the place of an existing hlghway of which a part Is to be straightened and the rest to be abandoned. Holateln Spent 91100. Howard O. Holstein spent more than 91100 to win the minority County Commisslon ership, according to his expense ac count filed to-day. He certified that ho spent $250 in the primary cam paign and at the general election he paid out $867.92. Refuse to Order Release. Judge McCarrell refused to-day to order the discharge of Vida Mosorinski, who is a patient in the State Lunatic Hospital here. At the same time the court dismissed habeas corpus pro ceedings by which the girl's mother had tried to have her released. Adopt Ornndehllil. William and Amelia Critchley, of Steelton. were granted the permission to-day by the court to adopt their grandchild. Vir ginia Critchley. as their heir. The youngster's father. Mr\rk Critchley is dead. ATTRACTIVE HAXDMADKS A parlor sale of Children's Rompers and Animal Aprons. Also a full line of Gifts for infants and grownups. November 25 and 26. 3311 Brisbane St., Paxtun*. Pa. —Adv. I CITY NEEDS NEW ! HAZARDS NOW! State Fire Marshal Will Co operate in Getting Uni form Ordinances As a result of an Inquiry made at the State Bureau of Fire Protection to-duy by City Commissioner E. Z. Gross and Fire Chief John C. Kln dler, to Inquire about the power of the city to order abatement of u big collection of empty oil barrels in the upper end of the city, which con stitutes a tire hazard in the opinion or city officials, ordinances giving full authority will be presented soon. The State Bureau has prepured a series of such ord.nances for third - cluss cities and Harrisburg may be made a place for a test. The Harrisburg tire control ordi nance dates from 1902 and is not be lieved to be adequate and pending the enactment of the proposed uni form ordinances the c.ty authorities will make formal complaint to the State author.ties against the barrel hazard. Lieutenant Colonel John Prtee Jackson, former Commissioner of Lubor and Industry, who was with the Harbord mission to Armenia after service in France, was here to day to call at the Governor's office. Colonel Jackson was on his way to Toronto, where he will visit his daughter and intends to then engage in the practice of his profession as an electrical engineer. An investigation into the reports of discovery of oil at Leaman Place, Lancaster county, will be made by Dr. George H. Ashley, the state ge ologist, who has just returned from a visit to the new discoveries near McKeesport. The State revenue to-day was Jumped by payments of state tax of $279,000 from the Bell Telephone Company and $204 from the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The State Department of Health has been assigned half the base ment and three upper floors of the new otfiee building to be erected in the Capitol Park and the Depart ment of Agriculture has been given half the basement and two lower floors. The plan is to let a contract for the building this winter. A complete model of the whole Capitol Park improvement is now being made by Arnold W. Brunner, the architect, in New York. It will show the whole layout with build ings and the bridge and formal en trance 100 feet wide where future ceremonies will take place. The model is twenty feet square and will be finished during the winter and hrought here for dlsplny in the Cap itol. Tlie Atlantic Refining Co., of Phil adelphia, filed notice of an increase of capital from $5,000,000 to $25,- 000,000, and paid the State a bonus of $66,666.67. The Tiona Refining Co., of Philadelphia, filed an in crease of $50,000 to $375,000 ana the York Body Corporation, of York, from $200,000 to $500,000. The Aniivillc ami Palmyra Elec tric Light" Company, operating in Lebanon county, filed notice of an increase of power rates with the Public Service Commission. Other notices of increases or changes filed were Home Electric Light and Steam Heating Company, Tyrone, Blair and Huntingdon counties; Osceola Water Supply Company and Bern ville Light, HCat and Power Com pany, the latter of Berks county. The City of Erie filed complaint against fares of the Buffalo and Lake Erie Traction Co., alleging them to be unjust. The Ihilillc Service Commission to-day heard arguments hi com plaints against the new fares of the Wilkes-Rnrre Railways Co., and the proposed continuation of the rates of the Bell Telephone Co. They con tinued until late in the day. Philadelphia lalior journals coil tain a boom for Harry S. McDevett, the Governor's secretary, for Audi tor General. He is praised, for his grasp of the State government. Audi tor General Snyder is boomed for State Treasurer. ASKS RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH I Governor Sproul of Pennsylvania was urged yesterday by the Church and ; Social Service Commission of the Fed- i erated Council of Churches of Christ in ; America to secure to the people of his | State the right of assemblage and free 1 speech. This action was taken, it was said, after the commission had care fully considered evidence gathered by its investigators In various steel towns In Pennsylvania. &&& & YCUR EYES IEXJI FITTED WITH GLASSES ,'TWI HARRISBURG It's convenient to have your eyes examined and fitted in Harrisburg, which is easily reached from points in all direc tions by railroads, trolley lines and by automobile.' You will save time, also expense, and find our service equal to the j best anywhere. We have our own factory and etnploy the methods and instruments rec- I omntended by leading colleges and used by the most successful specialists. R. D. PRATT Eyesight Specialist 26 N. Third St. < , Selileisncr Building @1 ©Ti© /*\ ADV ELIZABETH SHOP Exclusively/" (3 irks Dresses a 7/i I Tf 4 ) | f 2to6 • 6 LIT \y i N. fidnd. SL 28 LOSE LIVES IN DANCE HALL FIRE; MANY HURT Stairway Collapses, Cutting Off Escape From Sec ond Floor Villa Platte, La., Nov. 24. —The complete list of those who lost their lives in the dance hall tire here Sat urday night was announced to-day as twenty-eight. About 300 persons were guests at a dance on the second floor of the two-story frame building and in ad dition to the heavy death toll scores were badly burned or seriously hurt In the mad rush to escape through the one narrow exit. Of the dead fourteen were crush- | ed when the. terror-stricken crowd i rushed for the stairway leading to the street and which collapsed, cut ting off the escape of others. The remaining fourteen were caught on the second floor and many of their bodies, were so badly charred as to make identification difficult. The survivors escaped through windows by Jumping to the streets or an adjoining roof. The fire was said to have stnrted from the explosion of an oil stove on which a twelve-year-old boy was making coffee in the storeroom be neath the dancers. Judge Johnson Will Not Continue Leib's Trial By Associated Press, Philadelphia. Nov. 24. Judge Johnson, of Union county, presiding at the trial of William S. Leib, to day refused a motion for a continu ance until the next term of court. He fixed Friday next for trial. Leib, a political leader of Schuyl kill county, and a former State offi cial, has been indicted on seventeen counts, charging forgery. There is also a charge of conspiracy to de fraud. The amount alleged to be involved is $16,500 belonging to, the Schuyl kill Electric Railway Company. It is alleged that Leib forced a name of an attorney for the company to a number of checks. ~m & O WPFR lor VAN RAALTE 2<rl<£ cSillc Under -wtear KBEFE CORSET and Hosiery .Shop 107 A yV 2nd St m r ® . Decorated Baskets A new decoration in : basketry is the flower j design applied on a black background, the whole I design edged with a j broad edge of gold. These Baskets of split and ! reed are to be had in a variety | of shapes. Especially large is j the variety for work and knit i ting baskets. There are fruit 1 baskets, too. i On display in our window A "different" gift remembrance The Art & Gift Shop M. F.mma Kunkci 105 N. Second St. , ~~ ~ NOVEMBER 24, 1919. Wilson Must Accept Reservations if Treaty Is to Be Approved Washington, Nov. 24. Only through a complete backdown by the President and his supporters and the acceptance by them for the majority program of reservations to the Peace Treaty will it be possible to obtain a ratification of the Treaty at the next session of Congress. Senator MeCumber, who was the most consistent advocate of the Treaty on the Republican side and the nuthor of most o„f the compro mise proposals which were given I consideration by that side, said that I there, was almost no prospect of compromise between the majority and the administration. ARREST FOUR RADICALS liy Associated I'ress. Akron, Ohio, Nov. 24. —Four more alleged radtcnls for whom Federal authorities have been searching were Witmer, Bair and Witmer Walnut Near Second Pre-Thanksgiving Day Sale; Radical Reduction on Quality Clothes Every Cloth Coat over $lOO.OO less 1-3, Every Suit in the house less 1-3. ICO choice Dresses of all kinds at a sav- - ing from 25% to 50%. 100 Choice Dresses —Satins, Crepe Meteors, Georgette, Taffeta. Tricolette, Tricotine; Duvetyne, etc. — $15.75 to $125.00. Prices were $26.75 to $155.00. Taken from our regular stocks. Fur Coats, Sets and Neck Pieces—One extra fine all-Hudson Seal Coat Size 42 inches long—extra full in the sweep — $650.00, now $475.00. Hudson Seal Coat, Beaver Collar and Cuff —Best quali ties—s49s.oo for $395.00. i Any Suit in the House 33 1-3 Per Cent, or 1-3 Off This includes our entire stock of pop ular-priced. hand-tailored, and fur trim med models —Regular prices $27.50 to $155.00 Less 1-3 Special $19.00 to $103.34 33 1-3 Per Cent, or 1-3 Off Any high-class Cloth Coat over $lOO.OO Handsome fur collared coats in the fin est quality materials $125.00 to v 6269.50— Le5s 1-3 Special $83.34 to $179.66 75 Georgette, Crepe de Chine and French Voile Blouses; Flesh, Sea, Rose, Bisque and Navy Blue; beaded or plain; values to $7.95. Special, $4.95 and $5.50. Witmer, Bair and Witmer I Smoke and water slightly soiled a few of our shoes from the fire of the Busy Bee restaurant, next door. The insurance company has paid us, and we are putting these shoes on sale while they last. 240 pairs women's high-grade welt lace, high Louis and Cuban heels; $12.00 Shoes; d* Q Aft sale price tPO.UU $lO.OO champagne lace; high heel; £+ A A sale price m)UUU Large lot of button shoes; small sizes; sale price, J $4.00 and $5.00 5 dozen Women's Bathing Shoes; Cft $1.00; sale price OLIO Lot of $2.00 Women's Over Gaiters; d O C sale price q) 1 ZD 60 pairs Men's Russian Calf Lace; English toe; welts; $lO.OO shoes; q A A sale price tpOiUU Paul's Shoe Store 11N. Fourth St. hhhhhbbhhhhhhhhhhhbhhi under arrest here to-day. They are Joseph Jaksites. Alexander Torek and wife, and Anna Nemeth. Mrs. Torek, police say, volunteered to lead a mob to tear'dosvn a prison last May day to effect release of radical leaders. FUNERAL TRIBUTES Handsome Wreath $2.50 Beautiful Spray $1.25 Keeney's, 814 N. 3rd St. Home Ilon*tel Coffee 40<\ 45c, 00c per lb. tteul Jumbo Peanuts S3c Per I.b. IMPEHIAI. TEA CO. 213 Chestnut St. p. s.—The new Holiday nuts are In.