REM. IHI—2SM UNITED The American Legion Should Appeal to All Service Men and Women Like the Grand Army of the Republic that linked together the service men after the Civil War, so the American Legion today offers an or ganization in which all men and women who served in this great World War for democracy may keep united. Everyone who is eligible should feel proud of the distinction of having the privilege of being a member. The first annual smoker will be held at Chest nut Street Hall, December 4th at 8.00 P. M. and admission is free to all ex-service men of Harris burg, and also the women who served in Army and Navy welfare work. v ■ V •"• . Dinner Sets For Thanksgiving and Other Occasions Our variety of neAv shapes and decorations are not excelled in Central Pennsylvania. Below we quote a few prices to give you an idea of our vast variety. 32-piece Dinner Set, decorated porcelain; 3 deco rations to choose from. This is a good composition for small families. The set consists of 6 cups and saucers, 6 bread and butter plates, 6 dinner plates, 6 dessert saucers, 1 each small and large meat platter; $5.25. 40-piece Composition same as above with the fol lowing added pieces; 6 soup plates, 1 salad, 1 un covered vegetable dish; $6.75. 100-piece Decorated Porcelain with three meat platters and bread and butter plates; neat rose dec oration ; $19.00. 100-piecc Decorated Porcelain with 3 meat plat ters and bread and butter plates, rich pink floral spray; each piece gilt edged; $23.50. 100-piecc Decorated Porcelain with exquisite border decoration, composition also has 3 meat plat ters, bread and butter plates; $25.00. 100-piece Porcelain; plain neat rich gold band on a new squat shape. The handle pieces have full gilt decoration; $30.00. 100-piece Porcelain with 3 platters, and bread and butter plates. The decoration is a rich band in blue, green or black with a stripe of gold on each side of the of the hand, making a very rich appearance; $36.00. 100-piece Theodore Haviland French China Set, with neat floral spray decoration; all the handles are stippled with gold; $57.50. 100-piece Jap Nippon China, with wide gold band and gilt handles; $75.00, 100-piece Jap Nippon China, with rich pink floral border decoration; $BO.OO. 100-piece Royal Doulton, in the well-known Man darin decoration. This is one of Doulton's best and most successful efforts; $lOO,OO, IOQ-piece Theodore Haviland, rich border decora tion in garland of roses, the handled pieces are full gilt; $150.00. BOWMAN'S—Basement. Mercerized Damask Table Cloths for Thanksgiving Housekeepers who have gotten along with the old supplies, during the "famine" years, will en joy the opportunity to select fine Table Cloths front such a collection as we are now showing. Hemmed Pattern Cloth, 64x70; $2.25 each, tern Cloth; 64x70; $2.25 each. Hemstitched Cloths; $1.50, $2.25 and $3.00 each. Scalloped Cloths; $1.50, $2.25, $3.00 and $5.00 each. Hemstitched Damask Sets, comprising one cloth, 58x70; and one-half dozen Hemstitched Napkins to match; $3.75 per set. BOWMAN'S—Second Clout MONDAY EVENING. STORE CLOSES SATURDAY AT SIX Blouses For TKanksgivmg and tke Gift Season Full line of smart Georgette Blouses in the dainty shades such as flesh, white, peach, League blue and suit shades; navy, brown, taupe, all beautifully beaded, embroidered in silk and wool tucks and frills; $8.95. Tailored and Fancy Embroidered Blouse, in heavy crepe de chine. Square neck, V shape with Tuxedo collar, also collarless. Other models in high low collar with cluster of pleats in flesh, white, bisque; $8.95. Smart Georgette Blouses, Very Special at $9.45 One line of Blouses taken out of stock reduced to $9.45, made of the best Georgette in white and flesh with real filet and dainty Val. lace. Dainty pleats, P frills, small smart collar, and collarless. This is a lot that is worth purchasing now for gifts for Christmas. Best bargains, put out in Bowman's Blouse Depart- White and Flesh Heavy Crepe de Chine Blouses; Jtmfk satin vest and small round satin collar; turn back The Sweater Is a New Garment This Refinements of style and the latest of link and link sweater with angora wool trimming. A Full and half Tuxedo front roll collar and angora jf^tl cuffs. Narrow belt of self material; one large crochet 111? WA button. Newest models in sport sweater coats in || [ llMf buff, navy, peacock and American Beauty; full line of sizes; $15.50 and $17.95. Scarfs in wide and narrow styles, finished with fringe. All smart shades in dark and heather shades; $1.75 to $17.95. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. The Shades You Want— When You Want Them The unique equipment of our Yarn Department enables us to supply you with just the shades you de sire with exceptional promptness. Thru co-operation with the Minerva Knitting Mills we are constantly supplied with a splendid va riety of newest and most popular shades in the famous MINERVA YARNS In addition to our expert aid in matching, our Knitting Instructor offers you her service, without charge. You will find the Minerva Knitting Manual and the Minerva Style Bulletins —the latter free with ev ery yarn purchase—very helpful indeed. BOw'MAN'S—Second Floor. Men's and Boys' Sweaters One-Fourth Off Regular Prices Just the kind that Bobbie, Paul, Frank or John likes! Sure, that is the very thing he wants for the exercise and sport wear. Every boy delights to indulge in sports. Give them sweaters for Christmas and they'll be overjoyed. A splendid selection at this very low price. One-Fourth Off Regular Price BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. & Just the Rugs You've Been Waiting For Of course, the house is to be spick-and-span for the house-warming when the folks come home for the Thanksgiving feast. Nothing is moie important than the floor coverings. A bright pew rug makes the whole room new. Here are the most favored domestic Rugs, and a fine assemblage of Oriental Rugs, at these moderate prices: Axminster Rugs I Oriential Beautiful floral all-over and Oriental patterns, in j Axminster Rugs: I RllffS 7-6x9 ft. j $30.00. 8-3xlo-6 ft.j $35.00, $39.00, $45.00 to $52.50. A , \. £ . t „ , 9x12 ft. j $40.00, $45.00, $52.50, $55.00. A beautlful assortment of Mossoul and Cabistan 11-3xlB ft.; $50.00 to $70.00. ' I- Rugs. Average size 4x6 ft.; $30.00, $50.00, $60.00 11-3x15 ft.; $115.00. , and $75.00. Ho WMAN'S—Fourth Floor. • HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JSawmartX HARHISBIJRG, FRIDAY, NIIVKMBF.It 21. 1010. New Skirts For Every Occasion The separate skirt will always be a valuable addi tion to the wardrobe, but the vogue for the sports ard Bobby coats make a stylish skirt an important asset. In the checks, plaids and heather mixtures it's style is most distinctive in the new cordian and box pleated 1 models. In gay or subdued plaids to harmonize with or match your new sport coat. Dressy models in dark colors of georgette or fa'lle | may be charmingly combined in a complete costume with the new long blouse. Numerous different styles to choose from; all at- I tractive and desirable; all waist bands; $10.95 to | $29.50. Also a full range of skirts in extra size waist bands; from $10.95 up. Sport Coats In Polo Cloth, Tweed Checks, Suede, Leather, Leatherette and Plush The problem of selecting your new sports coat is I solved by our pretentious line of snappy models in Polo Cloth, Tweed, Checks, Suede, Leather, Leather ette and Plush : 30 or 36-inch lengths in plain tailored or flare models with convertible collar or fur trim -1 med;' to $79.50. I BOWMAN'S—-Third Floor. NOVEMBER 24, 1919. STORE CLOSES SATURDAY AT SIX Drummer's Samples Of Daniel Green's First Quality Felt Slippers Women's Felt Slippers; sizes 4, 4*4 and 5. Children's Felt Slippers; sizes 10, and 11. Men's sizes, 7, 7}4 and 8. Women's $1.55 and $1.95. Children's $1.45 Men's $1.95. These samples were bought months ago and you can buy two pairs for the price of ode were we to buy these slippers today. There are several styles and colors; high or low models. We advise an early selection. An ideal gift for Christmas. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Yes, Ivory Makes Splendid Gifts You hadn't thought of it perhaps, but we know that women come into this department from time to time, and select pieces to start the younger folks, and then from time to time add to it. Or perhaps, you have a friend who has a set started, please them by adding more to it. We have on display for your approval: —combs, brushes, mirrors, trays, files, hooks, hair receivers, powder boxes, rouge boxes, etc.; from 75c to $8.95. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. | , Special Sale Of Shirting Percales 35c Yd. 1800 yards of the best quality Percale, in light shirting patterns; 36 inches wide. This i'sfc one of the best qualities of percale and the pat-M terns are all good style in remnant lengths. Weß are ofifering this to you at less than wholesale ■ price today, and would advise buying liberally of these; 35c yard. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Women's Silk Hosiery Two Day Specials Tuesday and Wednesday A two-dav special sale of Women's Superior Quality Pure Thread Silk Hosiery. An excep tional opportunity to supply your wants for the holidays. Good silk hosiery makes an appropri ate gift and one that is always acceptable. Full fashioned pure thread silk stockings, elastic lisle tops and lisle feet; brown and black; $2.19. Full fashioned pure thread Silk Stockings, lisle tops and feet, first quality in black and white, $1.79. Full fashioned pure thread Silk Stockings; lisle tops and lisle feet, black and colors; first quality stockings; $1.49. Pure Thread Silk Stockings with mock seams, • isle tops and feet; black and colors; $1.19. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Even Length Hair A switch that has no short ends. It is mounted almost stemless. Made in three sections of fine, 'light weight convent hair; every shade; $4.45 BOWMAN"#—Third F"k>or. 3 FOUNDED 1871